bardot1990 21 Jan 2024 Jules And Delphia Get It On Youthful Lust In response to the vision of his girlfriend Delphia’s impending late night visit, Jules Kittridge’s penis ballooned into a steely arc. If he touched himself now he would bust a nut and, in so doing, waste the better part of their first embrace in his fist. Jules much preferred the luxuriant clasp of Delphia’s thrusting vagina and the exhilarating shriek of their youthful conjoinment. It had taken him a while to gain the n...
Johnnycumlately 18 Jan 2024 The Wife Part Six When all else fails, tell the truth Saturday night, they had a threesome with Tom. In a fit of jealousy, John accused Blanche of cheating on him. She justified her actions as kindness to their mutual friend. Her explanation calmed him down and they went to bed. Sunday morning, he woke to the smell of bacon cooking. Blanche was plating a full breakfast for him when he reached the kitchen. They ate in relative silence. Afterward, she dressed for church and wa...
Johnnycumlately 26 Dec 2023 Musings Of An Old Man She needs more than he has to give. By the time one has reached my ripe old age (mid-eighties), it seems as if you go from one problem to another without much fun time in between. Mostly, the bad news comes from one of the several medical experts that you are required to visit regularly. Or maybe another of one’s friends or relatives “shuffles off this mortal coil” ahead of you. Or perhaps your financial advisor reminds you of a special tax that is owed imm...
RachelTG 13 Dec 2023 Bob Returns To Crossdressing With Unexpected Results - Chapter Four Joann becomes comfortable with Elizabeth. Friends find out. Elizabeth gets asked out on a date. After an exhilarating weekend, my life unfortunately returned to normalcy. Bob went back to work. We came home, had dinner, and watched TV. I realized Joann was processing. Duh. I just told her I wanted to dress and act like a woman. I didn’t want to press my luck. By Thursday, Joann seemed to have made a decision. “I know you want to dress, so take Friday off and do it.” She smiled. Joann kissed me goodbye as she left, s...
RachelTG 24 Nov 2023 Bob Returns To Crossdressing With Unexpected Results - Chapter One After An Extended Dormancy, The Desire To Crossdress Returns I was in a great marriage. We got along, did fun things, and had a great sex life. My wife, Joann, or “Jo”, knew that I had cross-dressed when I was a teenager. I had told her how my sister, Maggie, had dressed me as a girl for a Halloween party when I was sixteen. I told Jo that she had done such a good job that almost everyone at the party thought I was a girl! One guy had even asked me why I hadn’t worn a costume. I en...
EmmaMoon 13 Nov 2023 Triangle's Edge - Part 1 My boyfriend and I have a threesome with the woman with whom he has cheated on me and who is also my ex-girlfriend. The morning after I found out my fiancé had cheated on me with my ex, I woke up with a painful knot in my stomach and a heavy feeling in my chest. Every little thing he did that day just made the hurt worse. The decision to have a threesome with them tonight was impulsive, but when my emotions are in the driver's seat, the rational part of my brain shuts down. On his way out, I could tell he hesitated, his gaze searching...
Darlene69 23 Oct 2023 Saturday Night One-night stand It’s 6:30 Sunday morning. I can’t sleep and a man is sleeping in my bed. I have no idea what his name is. I am such a slut. I went out last night with my friend Katy. We went to dinner at a nice restaurant. When we were finished, it was early and neither one of us wanted to go home. She suggested that we go out and have a drink. That sounded fine to me and we wound up at a little beach bar in St. Petersburg. It’s a nice p...
Essebar 3 Oct 2023 The Life Of A Spirited, Disciplined And Unusual Middle Eastern Young Lady Chapter 3. Salma and I cane each other. Mother gives me a dose of carpet beater. More trust is placed in me. We caught up with Mother early on Thursday afternoon. Salma and I were in our sitting room looking at one of the latest videos when she came in. Mother said, “Are you busy now? I’ve got some time free.” Salma and I looked at each other, nodded, and smiled; I took the lead and said, “Mother, Salma and I would very much like to talk to you if you are free, please.” Mother replied, “Yes, this is a good time. Father is out fo...
MC1982 29 Sep 2023 One Night In Paris After her dalliance with Isobela, Marga goes back to her old ways Marga looked out of the bus at the loveliest sunrise she could remember seeing. The star was rising, a deep, bloody red and around it the sky was every shade of orange, blue and white. ‘Like a burst hymen,’ she thought to herself, then thought, ‘Eewww! Gross!” with a giggle. Marga was back on the market, having decided that her recent lesbian affair with Isobela, while enjoyable, was not something she could commit to long...
Johnnycumlately 11 Sep 2023 Kim and John - Chapter 13 The end of innocence Kim was beside herself with joy; her husband was back home with her, and their make-up sex was wonderful, including the new experience of a squirting orgasm. And in addition, it appeared that John was going to allow her to continue seeing Greg, and may even join them. Life was good. But she had one more task to complete. After another fun romp in bed, Kim snuggled up to John and said, “While we were separated, I had a cou...
JeremyDCP 28 Aug 2023 The Girlfriend Experience Ch. 28 Lindsay embraces her role as a submissive prostitute for hire. Topic: Kaylee GFE 8/14 From: JustinFightsFire Gender: M #Posts: 4 Kaylee GFE 8/14 Posted: August 15, 2019, 2:09pm PST I kind of stumbled across Kaylee last summer while visiting the ranch with a few friends of mine. Things aren’t great with my wife and I’ve always been hesitant to look for professional help, but at certain times I’ve had no choice but to go that route. At first, I never thought I could or would cheat on m...