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Author's Notes

"I recognize that there may be a paucity of eroticism in this chapter. Because this is a series, it's necessary in order to develop the characters."

After an exhilarating weekend, my life unfortunately returned to normalcy. Bob went back to work. We came home, had dinner, and watched TV. I realized Joann was processing. Duh. I just told her I wanted to dress and act like a woman. I didn’t want to press my luck. By Thursday, Joann seemed to have made a decision.

“I know you want to dress, so take Friday off and do it.” She smiled.

Joann kissed me goodbye as she left, saying, “Enjoy yourself. I’ll call Elizabeth later.”

Because it was a weekday, I would dress as any suburban woman might. I put on a nice bra and panties. Of course, I needed my shapewear. Then only a pair of pantyhose. I put on a pair of the pink slacks I hadn’t worn yet, couples with a white blouse. I did my makeup and put on my wig. No fancy shoes. Just a pair of flats.

I looked in the mirror. I was proud of myself. I did look like any suburban housewife. Well, I did think I was prettier than most.

Joann called at about one. “Hi Elizabeth,” she said. “How’s my new girlfriend?”

I said I was having a good day. Had she fully accepted Elizabeth?

“Can I ask what you are wearing sweetie?”

I described my outfit as well as why I chose it.

“That’s perfect. I have a favor to ask.”

“Anything for you hon.”

“I need you to go to Walgreens. Go as you are. Pick up a package of Tampons Regular for me, please. I just got my period.”

“Seriously?” I responded.

“Yes, of course. You’ll love getting out. And you won’t be embarrassed like you have been in the past. They’ll think they’re for you.”

“Okay hon. I’ll do it.”

“Good girl,” she said.

I did as instructed. I browsed and bought some makeup. I grabbed the tampons and checked out. Clearly, no one suspected.

Joann got home late. I went to the door. “Well, don’t you look nice,” she said.

“Sorry, I’m so late, dear. I’ve been real busy at work. Do you want to go out to dinner?” Joann asked.

“Sure, if you want. Let me go change,” I replied.

“No, I want to go out with my new girlfriend,” she said.

“Really?” I was surprised.

“Yes. It’ll be fun.”

Jo was wearing a tight black pencil skirt and a beige, satin blouse with a bow. She looked hot.

“You should change into something a little more fancy. She asked. “Go put on a nice dress.”

I smiled and turned to go to the bedroom. I slipped on a fitted dark blue sweater dress. I changed my shoes to the black two-and-a-half-inch pumps. I walked back to the living room.

“That’s better,” Jo complimented. “I’m excited,” Joann said.

“Wait. You need a couple of things. First, let's do your nails.”

We did. I loved having bright red nails.

“Here’s some matching lipstick. Put that on,” Joann instructed. “And here’s a necklace and bracelet. One more thing,” Jo said.

She went to the bedroom. I hear her rummaging through a jewelry box.

“I thought I had some. I found a pair of dangly clip-on earrings. Put them on. We’ll have to think about getting your ears pierced.”

I felt wonderful. Jo had thought of details I hadn’t thought about.

“I think you’re ready. Let’s go.”

We drove to our favorite restaurant - Al’s Supper Club. It was a popular place. Just a touch upscale.. A table wasn’t available and the host asked if we wanted to wait at the bar. We walked into the bar and seated ourselves.

Joann looked around. “It just occurred to me that some men may approach us, How do we handle that?” Joann whispered. As she finished saying that, two nicely dressed men walked up and sat next to us.

“Good evening, ladies,” one said. “Mind if we join you?”

We just looked at each other.

The other one said, “Ladies, we’re just looking for a little conversation after a long day. Can we buy you girls a drink?”

Joann smiled. “Sure, why not?” Followed by, “I’m Joann and this is Elizabeth.”

“I’m Larry and this is my colleague, Jim.”

Larry told the bartender to bring us another round. Larry assured us that they were only looking for company. “Please let us treat you two lovely ladies to dinner.”

Surprisingly, Joann looked at me and said, “That would be nice. Thank you.”

A waitress informed the men that their table was ready.

“Elizabeth, why don’t we go to the ladies’ room before dinner?”

I followed her to the ladies' room. She locked the door.

“Isn’t this exciting?” she asked.

“Are you crazy? I appreciate your enthusiasm, but maybe we need to slow down,” I responded.

Joann just giggled. “Oh don't be a party-pooper. Look, we wouldn’t be here if you didn’t want to look and act like a woman. So do it, silly. You’re lucky to have a wife who’s into it. When you are Elizabeth, I don't think of you as my husband. So let's be girls, okay? You look great. Now freshen your lipstick.” Joanne laughed.

I smiled and freshened my lipstick.

We had a nice dinner. The wine was flowing. Joann was having a good time. I realized she was enjoying the attention of, well, a man. I relaxed. I was too.

After dinner, we got up to leave. Larry took Joann’s hand as they walked to the exit. Jim took mine. Just as we were about to exit, I realized that one of my earrings must have fallen off. I told Jim, and we went back to the table. Joann and Larry were already out the door. It took a few minutes of searching but Jim came up with it. We headed to the car.

As we approached the car, I saw that Larry had Joann pressed up against our car. She had her arms around his waist and was kissing him.

We walked slowly to the passenger side. Larry and Jo were oblivious as he ground his torso into hers. Suddenly, Jim stopped, grabbed me, and started kissing me. Kissing him felt surprisingly natural. My thoughts were all mixed. My wife was passionately kissing a man we had just met. While she was doing that, I was willingly kissing another man.

I heard Joann. “Hey girl, I think we should get going.” All I could say was, “Thank you for the drinks and for dinner.” Larry handed Joann his card and told her they were in town almost every week and if we wanted to go out to dinner, just message him. We got in the car and drove off.

Joann was smiling. “Well Elizabeth, that was fun wasn’t it? Did you enjoy being kissed? I have to say, when I saw you being kisses, I found it erotic.”

“Well, you looked like you were enjoying kissing Larry. But to be honest, it made me feel very feminine.”

“That’s what you want, right? Did you enjoy being treated like a woman and being kissed by a man?”

“I have to admit I did,” I responded. “Did you like being kissed my another man?” I asked.

“What do you mean by another man? I don't see a man here,” she giggled. “Don’t take this wrong, but it was nice. Sometimes a woman needs to be with a man. Seems like us girls both like being treated nice by men.”

We both laughed. I thought to myself, “I asked for this, I could hardly argue that I was a man, sitting there in a dress. I wanted this and I realized this was a price I must pay. If Jo needed male attention, I had to accept that.

Joann said “I think I prepared myself for this over the past eight years. I’m surprised how easy this has been for me. And I’m even more surprised how much I like it.”

“I like having a new girlfriend. It gives us a new dynamic. I’m not sure this is what you want to hear, but it’s become difficult thinking of you as my husband. You’re becoming my dear friend Elizabeth. And you should think of me as your friend Joann. Okay?”

“I understand. I'm glad we can be girlfriends.”

“I don't love you any less. I accept your desire to be feminine. Dress whenever you want. I don’t want to hold you back. Obviously you can’t go to work dressed, but that leaves the weekends, and evenings. Whatever you want.”

“I really appreciate that you accept my femininity. I guess we both need to make some adjustments.”

Joann went on. “I want you to be happy. And I want to help as well. I was thinking that you should probably start shaving your legs, and perhaps most of your body as well. You’re not very hairy anyway. And I think we can pluck your eyebrows a little to give you a more feminine look, without going overboard.”

“Wow, Joann. Thank you.”

We woke up Saturday, and Jo said, “Why don’t we go shopping today? You need more clothes. It’ll be fun and you can try things on.”

“Sounds fun to me.”

“I’m a little concerned about your one male part showing, You don’t want a bulge down there, should we call it your clit?” Joann giggled.

I told her about the gaff and she told me to put it on. I did as told.

“That’s darling. It even has a slit in the front. You look like you have a vagina.”

I put on a white lace bra and slipped in my forms. I put on the girdle so I’d have feminine hips. I did my makeup and put on the skirt and blouse. Joann wore a shirt dress.

Before we left, Joann said I needed a purse. “I have one. I’ll get it.”

“Of course you do,” she said.

We went to a number of stores. We bought bras and panties that we thought would look good on each other. Joann thought I should get a slip. She also decided that I should get some slacks. I told her I preferred skirts and dresses.

“Women don’t wear skirts and dresses all the time. You want to look like a normal woman, don’t you?

“I do,” I said.

We picked out some nice feminine pants, and I tried them on. They certainly didn’t look like men’s pants, especially the pink pair. I was fine with them.

After trying on some tops, we bought two sweaters and two blouses.

We hit the shoe department as well. Once again Joann insisted on practicality. I got a pair of pink gym shoes, a pair of ballet flats, some low heels, and a pair of boots. Joann did let me get a pretty pair of dark burgundy patent leather pumps with three-inch heels.

We went to the food court to get something to drink. “I have to say that shopping with you is much more fun than shopping with Bob,” Joann remarked. We both laughed.

Joann asked if there was anything else I needed. “I can’t think of anything,” I answered.

“Oh I know,” Joann said. “You need a robe, and how about a nightie? I don’t think I’d mind you wearing a nightie or negligee to bed.”

We picked out a pretty satin robe with a matching nightie. Joan saw a short pink retro baby-doll negligee. “Oh Elizabeth, you’ll be so cute in this.”

“The only other thing I can think of is jewelry, but I have plenty and you can wear mine,” Joann remarked. “But you need to get your ears pierced if you are going to wear mine.”

I told her that perhaps I should stick to clip-ons for now. We purchased three pair and headed home.

We had a nice dinner that night and Joann told me that she was glad she had a new girlfriend. “I’m surprised how easy this has been,” she said. “You’re not the same person when you’re dressed. You really are a sweet girl. And for some reason, this girl turns me on.”

“Thanks, hon, this girl really appreciates your support.”

I was dressing every weekend. We had always gone out to dinner on Friday night and now it was two girls going out.. I started wearing a nightie or negligee to bed. We found it very erotic to fuck while I was wearing it. After a few nights in a negligee, she told me I should wear a bra under it if I wanted. She smartly suggested I get a couple of simple ones without an underwire.

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As time passed, I simply became Elizabeth. Other than at work, I was always dressed as a woman. Joann didn't give it a second thought and began referring to me as Elizabeth even if I wasn’t dressed. It was as if Bob ceased to exist. One evening, Joann asked me if I was thinking of myself as a woman.

I thought for a minute and said, “I think I do. Does that sound crazy?”

Joann responded. “No. But maybe it’s crazy that I’m starting to prefer you as a woman. We do have so much fun. I just want you to be happy, and it’s obvious you are very happy and content being a girl. So be Elizabeth as much, and as often as you want.”

“Thanks, sweetie. I really appreciate that. The thing I miss is getting together with friends. Do you think any of our friends would understand?”

Joann smiled. “I hope you’re not upset, but I recently told Patty and Susie about Elizabeth.”


“It turns out they saw us leaving the mall on one of our shopping trips. When I had lunch with Patty and Susie last week, Susie asked who the woman I was with was. I said she is just a friend. Susie asked her name and where she lived. “You know how Susie is.”

I was flustered and said her name is Elizabeth and she lives here in town. Susie kept pushing, saying “Let’s get together. If she’s your friend, I’m sure we’ll like her.”

I kept stalling, saying it’s complicated. Patty asked, “What does that mean?”

I thought, ”These are my dearest and trusted friends.” So I simply said, “It was actually Bob.”

They were stunned, and confused. There was silence for a while. I decided to tell them about how you had cross-dressed as a teenager. I explained that in the last year, you developed a strong desire to do it again. I also told them that you were obviously very passable and that we both liked it.

“I’m obviously curious how they reacted.”

“It took some explaining, but they both were very understanding. They were so impressed with how you looked. After a little more discussion, they both said they want to meet you. And by you, I mean Elizabeth.”

“Wow,” I exclaimed. “That’s amazing. I don’t know. I’d be so nervous.”

“I think it would be fine. They told me they both have read about cross-dressing. I think they understand. They don’t want you to be embarrassed and they wanted you to know that they support you. Patty suggested we meet them for dinner Friday evening?”

I was excited. “Oh my. Are you sure you are okay with your husband meeting our friends dressed as a woman?”

“I am. It's good for both of us.”

“Okay, let’s do it,” I exclaimed.

Joann grabbed her cell and called Patty. “Hi, Patty. How would you like to have dinner at Al’s Friday night with us?”And by us, I mean me and Elizabeth. Great. I’m asking Susie too. It’ll be fun. See you there, about seven?”

“Patty is so excited to meet you,” Joann exclaimed. “This is going to be fun. And I think it’ll be great for you that some friends know.”

Friday arrived and I got home early from work to get ready. I took a bath and shaved my legs. I did my makeup and decided to wear a new purple sweater dress. It wasn’t too tight, but did show my figure. I was all dressed by the time Joann got home.

“You look great Elizabeth,” Joann told me when she saw me. “I love that dress.”

Joann changed into a tan tweed pencil skirt and a beige turtleneck sweater.

“You look fabulous Jo,” I complimented.

Joann got a necklace for me to wear, and I put on a pair of the new earrings.

“Are you ready girl?” she asked.

“As ready as I will ever be. Let’s go.”

We arrived at the restaurant a little early and decided to wait at the bar. We ordered a glasses of wine. I quickly downed mine to calm my nerves. We chatted a bit about making sure I maintained my feminine voice. “You do sound like a woman. Just don’t get excited and fall into a male tone,” she whispered. “But I will say, your mannerisms are becoming very feminine. Good girl.”

“Thanks, honey. You’re wonderful.”

“Elizabeth,” she said sternly. “You can’t call me honey. Remember, we’re just girlfriends.”

“You’re right Joann. I’m still learning.” We both giggled. I had developed a very feminine giggle.

Just then, I heard Patty’s voice behind us. “Hi girls!”

We turned and Susie and Patty stared for a brief moment. They were obviously processing my look. But then Susie said, “Hi Elizabeth, it’s so nice to finally meet you.” She smiled broadly.

Patty added, “Joann has told us so much about you, and I must say, she didn’t tell us how pretty you are. I love that dress.”

It was clear they were trying to put me at ease. I thanked them for the compliments and told them that I was very happy to finally meet them. Even though Bob had known them for years.

We got to our table and as dinner went on, I became more relaxed. They treated me as one of the girls. At one point after dinner, I said I needed to go to the Ladies' Room. Susie said she needed to go as well.

After we both did our business, I went to the mirror and took my lipstick from my purse and applied it. Susie did the same and said, “Elizabeth, I’m so impressed. You are really a lovely woman. And I can’t get over how feminine you are. Then she whispered, “I think I already like you better than Bob.” We both giggled.

“Thanks Susie. I really appreciate it.”

“Patty and I both want to be your girlfriends. If there is anything I can do for you, just let me know.”

I later told Joann that I was so happy that Patty and Susie were so nice and accepting.

“Yes, they are wonderful friends. While you were in the bathroom, Patty told me she was amazed how passable you are. She was really impressed not only how you looked, but how feminine you are. She also thought it was good for you to get out. She wants to have a little gathering next weekend so you can meet more people as Elizabeth. It’ll be her husband, of course, Susie and her husband, their neighbors Mark and Julie, maybe a few others, and her brother, who will be in town. It will be an outdoor thing. She said I could just make up an excuse that Bob couldn’t make it. What do you think?”

“I guess if she thinks I pass, I’m okay with it. But do you think their husbands might recognize me?”

“Patty assured me that they wouldn’t. Don’t worry.”

“Okay, let’s go then. I’ll wear that pretty flower print dress you bought me. It’s perfect for a barbecue.”

“You’re right. You look darling in it.”

The week went by fast. I was now dressing every evening. Nothing fancy. I was adjusting to being a suburban housewife.

We got ready for the party on Saturday. I shaved my whole body and put on the flower print dress.

“Well, once again, you look prettier than me,” Joann joked.

Jo checked me out and suggested appropriate jewelry. We had also done my nails.

We arrived fashionably late. Patty introduced me to everyone. The women all complimented me on the dress. Joann and I drifted apart, chatting with different people. I was confident that everyone thought I was a woman. Patty came up and said, “Elizabeth, this is my brother Bill. He’s in town for a week on business and he wanted me to introduce you. I’ve got to go check on some food, so why don’t you two chat.”

Bill was very nice, tall and very attractive. He complimented me on my dress. I told him I was new in town and was staying with my friend Joann until I could find a place of my own. Because Bill was about 6-5, I felt petite in his presence. I liked that. He told stories about him and Patty growing up. I was enjoying his company.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Joann. “Hey Elizabeth, who’s your new friend?” she said, smiling.

I introduced Bill and we all chatted for a while. Patty brought the food out and we all moved towards the various tables. Bill made sure to sit next to me. After the meal, Bill asked if I wanted to take a walk. I agreed and we exited the yard to walk down the street.

We got to a park, and sat on a bench. “Elizabeth, you are such a charming woman. I am really enjoying your company. I wonder if I could take you out to dinner next Friday before I leave for home.”

I stammered a bit. “I don’t know Bill. Umm, let me see if Joann has made any plans.”

“That’s fine. We should probably get back to the party. There was a mutual hesitation. Suddenly Bill put his hand on the back of my neck and gently pulled me towards him. Our lips met. I opened my mouth and our tongues played. The kiss seemed to last forever. I pulled away.

“I think we better get back,” I whispered.

“I hope I wasn’t too forward,” Bill said.

“No, it was fine, but you better wipe the lipstick off,” I said and giggled.

We returned to the party. Joann came over. “I see you and Bill went for a walk. Did he kiss you? Your lipstick is a little smudged.” She smiled.

“Yes Joann, he did,” I whispered, “He asked me to dinner next Friday. I was flustered and told him I had to see if you had any plans.”

“He clearly likes you. Maybe it’s time for Elizabeth’s first date,” Joann replied with a very mischievous grin.

“Oh come on Joann. Are you serious?”

“I am. You’re a very attractive woman and what better step in your feminization than to go out with a very attractive man? I’m fine with it. I think you should go.” She smiled.

“Honestly, part of me says yes. But I’m your husband.”

“No, you’re not. Bob is. And Bob isn’t around much. It’s Elizabeth, a woman, that would be going out with him. Go tell him you’d be happy to go to dinner.”

I turned and walked over to Bill. “Joann has no plans, so yes, I’d love to go to dinner with you.”

”That’s great Elizabeth. I’ll get her address from my sister. So 7 pm Friday?”

“Sounds good Bill.”

I walked back over to Joann, who was talking to Patty and Susie.

Patty smiled and said “I hear you have a date with my brother. Don’t worry, he’s a gentleman.”

“I’m sure he is, Patty. But just between us, this is my first date”

They both said simultaneously, “We know. Isn’t it exciting?!”

It occurred to me that I was just one of the girls. Isn’t this what I longed for? I decided to relish the moment.

“It is exciting. I’m just a little nervous,” I replied.

“We’re all behind you girl. Just have fun,” said Susie.

I just smiled and thanked them for their support.

Written by RachelTG
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