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Talk Dirty To Me

I love it when he talks dirty to me.

He had two fingers inside my hot pussy and his thumb on my clit when he started talking dirty to me. He knows what it does to me. “You like this, don’t you?” He said as he pressed the flat of his thumb on my clit and curled his fingers inside my pussy. “O...

Texas Tornado

How swift a tornado can take your heart.

The sky grew black; the winds swirled around me. Alone in this life. Was I to die this way? Amidst the darkness, a sudden glimmer, your eyes appeared. Your lips are shown through the clouds, moist and wet. Your gentle grasp showed me the way to safety. Yo...

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134 words 134 words

Good Head

Is Sir bicurious?

My phone buzzed with a message from Sir. "Where's the blowjob spray?" Why would he need my throat numbing spray? A million questions raced through my mind. He wasn't bisexual. Was he experimenting? "Pink box, in my closet. Why?" "I need to numb my throat....

Night Desk - The First Time - Pt. 1

An otherwise boring night at the hotel front desk turns exciting when a late arrival gives her something unexpected.

It had been a very long day, made longer by a client who took advantage of the business he did with Jim to drink into the early morning hours. Drinking to forget an unpleasant marriage, he was in no rush to get home. Making him even later, Jim insisted on...

Waiting For Penny - Part 1

Nerdy seventeen-year-olds Keisha and Jenifer take solace in each other's company as their private, Friday night pool party plans are disrupted by Keisha's twin sister.

Aaliyah was the popular one. She hung out with all the cool kids, she was good at sports, and her teachers adored her—some of them too much. It was her personality that did it, that separated her from her shy, introverted nerd of a sister. There was no ot...

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Her Son's Roommate

A mother's surprise visit to her son's dorm room takes a lustful turn

Miriam's son had been away from home for two years, but she visited him at least once a month at the university dorms. It was a three-hour drive, which she enjoyed making to get away from the routine. However, this time, she hadn't told him about her visi...

The Sting Of Passion

A true story about having sex with Sara in the same bed that I share with my boyfriend, who was away on business.

My heart pounded as I waited for Sara to come over to our home—the home I shared with my boyfriend. My phone pinged with a message from him: "Have fun tonight. It's fine with me if Sara sleeps over." "Thank you, love. Maybe some other time. I will call yo...

Messing With His Mind

I knew the juicy idea would work on his mind in the same way that the sensation of him leaking out of me was working on mine...

At our friends' home, before going in to the party, I grabbed his hand, pressing it to the crotch of my panties. "Wow, babe, you're soaked! How are you that horny when we just..." "That's mostly you, silly." "But you went in to clean up." "I decided I lik...

Salute to Service

Doing my best to support the troops

This happened a long time ago when I was in my early twenties. I had to travel for work and ended up staying at a hotel for a week. I won't say where it was but a popular spot for travel. After a long day of work, I headed straight to the bar for a drink....

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Winner $150, Second Place $100, Third Place $50

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My Girlfriend's Sister

Joann stayed out past her curfew because her parents were out of town.

Lisa and I had been dating for just a couple of months.  She was a really cute girl, but also a serious student.  We had gone to a few movies and out to dinner, but she was always concerned about the curfew her parents had.  I knew right away that pleasin...

Be Still

This is a short poem, intentionally so, and is my very first submission on Lush.

Be still, Whilst my tender tongue tastes, In silken kisses divine and chaste. Be still, Whilst you languish in lust’s lair, Our bodies flushed and fevered and bare. Be still, Whilst I dream in delighted debauchery, Ecstatically wanton in our dark revelry....

Talking Dirty Pt. 2: Anal

Gwen turns up the heat with her boyfriend Max

Two days after the Night (or, as Max calls it, “the night I sexually blossomed.” Ugh.), Max left town for the week to visit an old friend of his from college all the way over in Chicago. I won’t lie; it sucked. That Night (yes, we gave it a capital N) wit...

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