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12 hours ago
Bisexual Male, 154
0 miles · Denver


UPDATED: 1-25-24

Well, let's see. I grew up in a medium-sized oil refining town in Texas. Went to college there and moved to the big city after graduation. In our town after HS or college graduation, you had two choices :1) go to work for one of the oil companies or 2) move to the big city. I moved.

Winning the draft lottery, I had to join the military. My choice was the National Guard, which, like thousands of other college grads at the time, was the best option. At least, I didn't go to Canada. While in the Army, I experienced my first sexual exploit with females. They opened my eyes.

I lived on my own and worked. I found a very sexy HS grad and we began a torrid relationship. She was beautiful, smart (National Merit Finalist), and her sexual appetite matched my own. We planned to get married. She got a scholarship to a bigtime University. It was a hard choice, but I knew that she had to accept it.

To make a long, hard story, short, we broke up. I must 've gotten depressed because I began fucking every girl I could find - tall ones, black ones, fat ones, ugly ones, any one. When my ex returned for the summer , she found out and began fucking my ex-boss out of spite. He was a dick with a wife and a new baby.

That's when I began hooking up with my neighbor, Gary. It was just physical - sucking and fucking. That's when I became bisexual. Even after I got married, Gary and I would hook up for some action a few times a year for the first ten years of my marriage. My wife wasn't into sucking cock, so a guy has to do what he has to do.

I never thought it was cheating because it was just sex and with a guy fulfilling our needs. If it was sex with a woman, was a full-fledged sexual and emotional affair, it would be cheating. If it's just sex, that's another story.

Don't get me wrong, I love women. They are the most beautiful creatures around. I love the smoothness of their skin, their delicate curves, their thought patterns (?), their complexity. They intrigue and amaze me to no end.

Raised a family, had a career, sent two productive and successful kids out into the world, suffered through years of less sex than my libido required.

Foolishly, I thought retirement might open up a few more sexual gateways at home. Unfortunately, menopause and a hysterotomy put a stop to that and sex, all together.

So how do I get sexual gratification one might ask? Writing erotic stories and receiving your comments and likes.

I write about my sexual experiences, my fantasies and maybe some of yours. Sometimes, I will write a story for one of my Lush Friends. It helps me enjoy their fantasy and brings them some satisfaction, too.

Looking forward to corresponding with others that might want to exchange a few words on occasion.

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Trans Female
Age: 25 - 75
Distance: 500 miles