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Search and Seizure

"A young detention officer gets some hands-on training."

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“Jacobs, you’re gonna be with the bitches today.”

That was Sergeant Fox, my supervisor, a man so fat that his girth threatened to shear off the armrests on either side of the spindly office chair that was currently groaning underneath his immense bulk.

“We had two call out,” he continued, “so Troyer’s on her own over there. Get over to Women’s Holding and help her out.”

At this news I visibly brightened. Working an entire shift with Amy Troyer wasn’t such a terrible prospect.

Out of the thirty-three other detention officers that worked here at the Blaine County jail, Amy was my favorite. She was short, skinny and blonde; a five-foot fireball who had no trouble dropping an inmate twice her size. She was also kind to me, and intelligent. She had a great smile. Truth be told, I was smitten.

“What will I be doing over there?” I asked.

“You’re running the search window,” he said.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“No, I’m not fucking kidding you. We’re short-handed on a Friday night, and this weekend’s a holiday weekend. It’s gonna be fucking crazy around here, and Troyer’s the only female I’ve got on staff tonight. You’ll do the inmate pat downs, and she’ll handle the showering and change-out. It’s not ideal, but you can pat search females, it’s not illegal.”

“It may not be illegal, but it won’t stop one of them from filing a fucking lawsuit on me!” I said. He ignored me and turned back to his computer, his beleaguered chair protesting every movement.

“Just don’t finger fuck ‘em and you’ll be fine.”

“Gross,” I said, and I meant it. My excitement of spending time with Amy was now tempered by the prospect of getting much too close and personal to a bunch of inmates.

I realize that, to your average guy, the idea of rubbing your hands over a bunch of women might seem appealing, but the reality is anything but. Almost all the women that came into the jail every day were far from what you’d call attractive. Most of them were fat, or old, or skinny and strung out on meth. They rarely bathed or maintained good hygiene. And almost all of them were cranky or bitchy. Talk about a turn off.

I made sure to grab some extra latex gloves in my size and was almost out the door when Sergeant Fox stopped me.

“Jacobs, look,” he said, “lawsuit or no, make sure you search those females thoroughly. I don’t care if it’s politically correct or not, you blade ‘em from clit to asshole. Do it twice if you have to. We don’t want a repeat of last week.”

I nodded. He was right. The week prior a female had somehow made it through intake and then all the way up to her cell with a .38 derringer pistol inserted up her vagina. She had nearly shot an officer with it before they found it and took it away. The officer responsible for searching her had been fired. I didn’t want the same thing happening to me.

I made my way down the long hallway connecting the male and female wings, and keyed open the two reinforced sliding doors that led into Women’s Holding. Inside, it was a mad house. The single holding tank was nearly full of women waiting to be processed. As soon as they saw me, they all jumped up and started yelling and pounding on the plexiglass windows. The cacophony was tremendous. I ignored them; most of them probably wanted phone calls, or some other minor favor that I had no interest in facilitating at the moment. 

At the medical desk, a tired-looking nurse sat taking the vitals of an inmate. She appeared to be nearly finished, which was a good sign. If most of the inmates had already been booked in and cleared by the nurse, then all Amy and I had to do was get them showered and changed out. Then we could send them all upstairs to their cells, and I could enjoy a little peace and quiet with Amy before the next group came in. I looked around for her, finally spotting her at the property window, frantically organizing the contents of a woman’s purse into clear plastic ziplock bags. I tried to hide my smile.

Even frazzled, Amy was stunning. Deliciously petite, with perky c-cup breasts that added just the right amount of curve to her figure. She had a long graceful neck, and a delicate jaw line that was accentuated by the pull of her platinum blonde hair, which she wore up in an adorably high ponytail. Beneath her dark lashes and smoky eye shadow, her eyes sparkled like pale chips of sapphire. Her uniform blouse was two sizes two small, and she wore it with the buttons undone, offering a tantalizing view of her cleavage. When she saw me, a wide, dimpled grin split her almond-shaped face, revealing tiny pearl teeth framed by lips the color of bubblegum. I was enamored.

“Brandon!” she squealed, crushing me in a quick hug. “Oh thank god! I’m so glad you’re here! Are you here to help me?”

“All night long, apparently,” I said, smiling. She pressed her hands to her chest as a look of relief flooded her features.

“Oh my god, if I wasn’t so swamped right now I would fucking kiss you! Thank you! It’s been fucking crazy over here!”

“I see that,“ I said, looking around. “Why are there so many tonight? I mean I know it’s Friday night, but you’re packed to the gills in here!”

“Prostitution sweep,” she said. “Apparently there was some sort of sidewalk sale or something going on down around Harper Park. Five dollar fucks. PD’s been bringing them in all night.”

“Damn, and here I am without any cash!” I said. She grinned and punched me in the arm.

“You’re a sick bastard, Brandon, you know that?”

“Takes one to know one.”

We laughed and chatted while I helped her seal up the rest of the property. Once that was done, I sent the inmates back to the shower room in groups of six, where Amy had them strip down and shower before handing them their orange, county-issued jumpsuit.

“I’ll be sure to let you know if there are any tits worth seeing,” she said jokingly as she led the first group away. I decided to press my luck.

“Well unless they’re yours, I’m not interested,” I said. I had to gulp down the lump in my throat as she stopped mid-step and slowly turned to face me. This was new and dangerous territory, and I didn’t know if I had just crossed a line. Time seemed to stretch on for painfully long moments before she finally responded.

“It’s gonna be a long night. Who knows? Perhaps I might need a shower,” she said, flashing me a devilish grin before turning and walking away. My mouth went dry. Her words instantly had me hard.

Holy shit, if I play my cards right I might actually be able to fuck Amy tonight! Or at least see her naked! My head swam with images of Amy in the shower; steam surrounding her, water beading and cascading down her smooth porcelain skin, running between her legs.

One of the prostitutes sitting in the tank loudly cleared her throat, breaking me out of my reverie.

“Uh, honey,” she said pointedly, inclining her head toward my crotch, “you might want to fix yourself. Your enthusiasm is showing.” The other girls in the tank sniggered, and I glanced down to see what she was talking about. My stiff cock was positioned awkwardly, straining against my zipper and creating a huge, obvious bulge in my pants. I quickly turned away and adjusted, my cheeks burning.

“No need to be embarrassed, honey,” she said. “Ain’t no shame in that game! If you need someone to take care of that monster for you, sweetie, you just let me know, okay?” She flashed me a huge smile, complete with a gold front tooth. I was mortified.

“Err, no. I, uh, I’m… I’m fine,” I mumbled as I quickly stepped out of the tank and locked the door behind me.

The laughter of the girls inside was still ringing in my ears. How embarrassing! I ducked inside the men’s room and splashed some cold water on my face, waiting for my erection to die down, and for my dignity to come crawling back. Thankfully, within an hour we had all the remaining inmates changed out and sent upstairs.

Eventually the nurse left as well, leaving just Amy and I. I found her in the office, watching the weather on a small TV mounted in the corner. I collapsed into the empty chair next to her.

“Brandon, have you seen this?” she asked, indicating the TV. I watched as the weatherman on the screen gestured maniacally towards a huge storm system that was apparently headed straight for the jail. He was warning people to seek shelter and stay indoors. A red banner flashed across the screen announcing that we were currently under a severe thunderstorm warning.

“Shit,” I said. “That looks pretty bad. That’s probably why PD hasn’t brought in any more new intakes in a while.”

“Should we take shelter or something?”

“Amy, we are in a shelter. This entire jail is made of nothing but steel and reinforced concrete. We’ll be fine.”

“Yeah, but we could lose power or something, right?”

“It’s possible, but the jail was built with backup generators that should kick in when the power fails. So we’re good no matter what happens,” I said. She still didn’t seem convinced.

“But what if—“

“Amy, I’ve seen you flip shit on inmates the size of a fucking gorilla, and now you’re telling me you’re scared of a little rain?”

That got her smiling, as did my offering to let her hold my hand if the lights went out.

“But how do I know you won’t just use that as an opportunity to take advantage of me?” she asked, her blue eyes glimmering mischievously. I grinned.

“No promises,” I said.

At that moment, both our radios squawked in unison.

{Sergeant Fox to Women’s Holding… come in, Women’s Holding.} I keyed up my mic and replied.

“Go ahead, Sarge,” I said.

{Women’s Holding, be advised: We are initiating a full lockdown immediately due to inclement weather. Do you still have inmates in your holding area?}

“Negative, sir. They’ve all been cleared and taken upstairs.”

{Copy. That’s good. Looks like PD’s bringing you one more. They are currently en route. ETA five mikes. Don’t process her, just search her and lock her down in one of your holding tanks. Then you and Troyer sit tight until this storm blows over, Got it?}

“I copy,” I replied, holstering my radio. I glanced over at Amy. “Looks like we caught our lucky break. We’ll only have one inmate to deal with for the rest of the night, once this mystery girl arrives.”

“And you still get a chance to search a female. How exciting!”

“Hardly,” I said, groaning. “I’m not really looking forward to searching some stinky, coked-out hood rat, especially now that it’s raining out. They always smell worse when they’re wet.”

“Ugh, don’t remind me,” she said. “But still, not all of them are gross. We’ve had some hotties come in before. Hell, there was this one tattooed girl who was so fucking sexy she nearly made me cum when I frisked her.”

My jaw dropped. I must have had a stupefied look on my face because Amy chuckled at my reaction.

“What?” she asked. “You thought I only liked boys?”

“I had no, er, idea…”

“Oh, don’t get me wrong, Brandon, I’m a dick lover first and foremost. I just like to mix in a little tits and ass every once in a while, especially if the girl’s hot.”

“Well, that’s just the problem; there’s no way this inmate’s gonna be hot. Not if she’s so desperate for cash that she’s sucking dick down at Harper Park. With my luck it’ll be some hairy old sasquatch who’s missing half her teeth.”

“Still,” Amy said, “Sarge said you’re running the search window, so you have to search her. And make sure you don’t miss anything! You know what happened to Taylor after she missed that little pistol that one girl had shoved up her twat.”

“I remember, but you see, that’s the type of shit that I’m afraid of. I don’t even really remember how to search a female properly, and I'm afraid I'm gonna fuck it up. I know it’s a little different than searching a male, but I haven’t done it since we came through the academy, and that was years ago.”

Amy looked as if she was contemplating something, then she stood suddenly and walked around the desk until she was standing directly in front of me.

“Here,” she said, “you can practice on me.”

I froze and stared up at her. “Uh, Amy, I don’t-“

“Oh, come on, Brandon! I don’t bite. And you really do need the practice. This stuff is important.”

“Okay,” I said. “But don’t hold it against me if I screw up.”

Amy gave a little squeal of laughter and clapped her hands, and I couldn't help but smile. She grabbed my hand and walked me over to the wall, where she spun around and put her back against it.

“Now, first things first. You always need to conduct a visual inspection of the inmate before you ever initiate contact,” she said.

“So I get to stand here and check you out before I feel you up?”

“Of course! A little foreplay never hurt anyone,“ she said, flirting. “You better enjoy it while you can, too, because not all of our inmates are this sexy.” She put her hands on her hips and gave a quick seductive pose.

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I chuckled.

“No, seriously, Ms. Victoria’s Secret, why am I conducting this ‘visual inspection’?” I asked.

“It’s so you can check for anything unsafe on the inmate. They might have blood or other bioharzardous stuff on them. They might be hiding something in their mouth, like a razor blade or a handcuff key. You should also look at their hands, as well as their overall posture and demeanor. A lot of times you can tell an inmate is hiding something just by watching how they act.”

“Good point, “ I said. “I’ll try to keep that in mind.”

I took a step back and made a show of looking her up and down. God, she is beautiful. I noticed her nipples were stiffening and clearly pressing against the black fabric of her snug polo shirt. The effect was decidedly erotic.

“Well, at first glance the suspect seems harmless enough,” I said in a mock serious tone. “However, a much more thorough examination is required, just to be sure.” My innuendo caused Amy to grin.

“Very well, Officer Jacobs, please continue.”

“Ok… uh, please turn around, ma’am.” She turned and faced the wall. “Okay, now please bend over and spread your legs.”

She gave a short, stifled laugh, almost like a snort.

“Jesus, Brandon, are you about to search me or fuck me?”

“What!? No! I, uh.. I mean I was only trying-”

“Relax, relax, I’m only fucking with you. But seriously you can’t use those kinds of words with females. That’s got sexual harassment written all over it.”

“Then what the fuck am I supposed to say?" I sputtered, exasperated. "I need them to bend over and spread their legs to conduct the search properly!”

“I know, I know. You’re just saying it wrong. Try telling them to ‘spread their feet apart’ and ‘lean over at the waist’, it’s much more politically correct, and won’t make you sound like a pervert."

“Okay, fine. Well then, Ms. Troyer, if it’s not too offensive to your delicate feminine sensibilities, would you kindly spread your feet apart, and lean forward at the waist.”

“Well of course, Officer Jacobs, anything for you,” she teased, her voice breathy and seductive.

She slowly spread her legs, planting her hands on the wall in front of her, while simultaneously bending low at the waist and keeping her back arched like a yoga practitioner. The effect caused her hips to swivel upward, presenting me with her gorgeous ass. The crotch gusset of her trousers was high and hugged the contours of her pussy, putting it on lewd display. I felt myself growing hard.

“Is that good for you, Officer?” she asked.

“Er, yes. That’s, uh, very good.”

“Good. Now start from the top and work your way down. Be very thorough. Check in the hair, behind the ears, under the collar of the shirt, and under the arms. You also have to check inside the bra and underneath each breast.” She sensed my hesitation. “Are you okay with that?”

“Uh, yeah, sure.”

“Okay. Go ahead, I’m ready. Make sure you step in really close so that you’re not off balance while you’re searching them.”

Swallowing nervously, I positioned myself directly behind her. She was bending over so far that I had to press right up against her to reach properly. My hardening shaft nestled itself between her spread ass cheeks. The heat coming from her crotch was tremendous.

I leaned over her prostrate form and gently probed her hair with my fingertips. I traced my fingers along the backside curve of her ear to her earlobes. She gave the tiniest shudder at my touch. I gingerly folded up her collar and checked underneath, then ran my hands down her shoulders and along her arms. As I came up under her armpits, I hesitated. My fingers could feel the soft flesh of her side boob underneath the thin shirt.

“It’s okay,” she said. “Keep going.”


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Written by zerocharisma
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