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Car park sex Stories

car park sex

The Odalisque Ch. 09

Honor goes for a drive ...

She was silent as he drove, just looking at him, her eyes undressing him to see the broad shoulders and muscle underneath his jacket and shirt, remembering the taste of his skin, the scent of his body, the feel of him around her, inside her, the taste of...

Housewife Blacked: Part 1

The school run goes in an unexpected direction for Clara.

“Come on, you two, we are going to be late for school,” I called upstairs as they brushed their teeth. Normal school day morning: running late; house in chaos; children can’t find their homework; husband focused on getting himself to the train on time. Fi...

Sugar Daddy

He is rich, she is young, and they both get what they need.

“What is that?” Mark asks looking down at a peculiar long mane of hair in the passenger footwell. “It’s Suzie’s ponytail hair extension,” Rita confirms, taking a quick look from the driver’s side. “You remember, she borrowed the car last week,” Rita conti...