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She was silent as he drove, just looking at him, her eyes undressing him to see the broad shoulders and muscle underneath his jacket and shirt, remembering the taste of his skin, the scent of his body, the feel of him around her, inside her, the taste of his semen as he erupted in her mouth. The hard nubs of her nipples were pointing at him through her top, aching and sensitive as she squirmed in her seat, but she was calm, the moist wet heat in her abdomen at a manageable simmer.

Marq, on the other hand, barely looked at her; he kept his eyes on the road, his expression neutral in a way she had started to find frustratingly familiar. Except for the fact that he had sent her a gaze so laden with promise and heat that goosebumps had pimpled her skin in the fleeting second it had taken for their eyes to meet and break away. It was just the one time, but it was enough. If he could control himself, she told herself, so could she.

They stopped at a junction. A long minute passed as they waited, increasingly surrounded by other motorists waiting for the red light to turn green. The tension in the car made every second seem to take the time usually occupied by five.

"Take off your bra," Marq said, quietly but clearly enough to be heard in the confines of the car. It was the same tone he had used when he had carried her out of the shower ... and proceeded to ravish her into utter submission. It was the tone of the male to the female at its most primal. "I like seeing your breasts. Take it off now."

Obedience was a foregone conclusion.

Honor licked her lips, nervous as she looked around her, at the cars and busses surrounding them, and the people inside them. Until her eyes met his, saw the challenge in them, and then everything faded into insignificance. She reached behind her to undo the tie of the bikini behind her neck. Her shirt's buttons only went to her stomach, so she had to put her hands under the hem, revealing the soft skin of her stomach as she lifted the shirt to reach the tie between her breasts. She removed the bikini top with a shiver as her breasts, freed from their red meshy confines, bounded free under the white cotton. She opened her bag to stuff the sheer red tangle of triangular strips and ribbon inside and sat back in her seat, looking at him, shocked at herself as she responded to the approval in his eyes.

That anyone could have seen her was only a minor concern, and that alone had her long-dominant sensible side screaming that something was wrong, terribly wrong ... but sensible Honor was also distant - unimportant. With nothing restraining them, her nipples stood out rudely to their full inch length points on her breasts, their engorged outlines faintly visible beneath the white of her top, hard brown cones of excited sensitive flesh. It wasn't so far from the hotel, Honor noticed rather absently, recognizing landmarks from the outward journey with Jao.

The texture of the material and the air conditioning against her nipples meant she was squirming even more in her seat, her pussy alive with warmth as her body prepared itself for a lover's fevered touch, soaking what was left of the bikini in warm lubrication.

The lights turned green.

"Your buttons," he said, as he took his foot off the brake. "Open them."

She unhooked the first button just below her collarbone, then the next, just above her breasts, then the one between them, feeling her breasts begin to spill, liberated. She bit her lip and opened the button beneath her breasts, at her sternum.

"That's enough," he said.

She breathed a sigh of relief, little though it was - she was barely decent. If her breasts were any smaller the opening in her shirt would barely have covered her nipples. As it was, an alarming amount of flesh was exposed for the world to see.

He slid the car to a stop at another junction, obeying another red traffic light.

"Take off your pants." His tone again brooked no dissent. "And your panties."

Honor sought his eyes again, and to her shock, found herself moving to obey, her former self reduced to a mortified spectator. She first undid the ties at her calves and kicked off her shoes. Then, wetting her lips, she hooked her thumbs under the waistband of her panties. She met his eyes again, almost pleading for him to rescind his order and at the same time excitedly hoping he wouldn't.

He didn't.

Honor bit her lip, and closed her eyes. And in one swift graceful motion, she lowered both pants and panties off her body, lifting her butt off the seat to slide everything down. She bent over to extract her feet from the puddle of clothing, denim and red mesh. She did not look at him as she fastidiously rolled everything up into a tight bundle and put it in her bag, which now bulged with its contents.

The lights turned green, and they began to move again.

Marq neither looked nor spoke to her for the rest of the journey. Honor squirmed in her seat, feeling more exposed than she'd ever felt in her life, wondering how she was going to make it through the lobby of the hotel with any semblance of dignity - if some stray gust of wind was going to blow and scatter what was left of it before she got to the elevators. But as she looked at him, she knew she would do it, shame be damned - it felt like she was in a dream and not responsible for her actions, like she was just a spectator. Her nipples tingled sharply, sore on her breasts as the soft material of her top stroked against them.

The Grand Imperial's sub-basement level garage was built for a much smaller number of cars than its number of rooms suggested, largely because the bulk of its guest clientele - foreigners mostly - were unlikely to come with their own cars, and rarely rented for the short time they would spend in Bangkok. So it was built mostly for the cars chauffering conference attendees and all other sorts of guests to events being held in the hotel's myriad of conference rooms and cavernous event halls on the ground and first floors. Apart from weddings and birthdays of the rich and famous, the Grand Imperial had played host to events honoring various and sundry dignitaries, including ambassadors, visiting heads of state, and even royalty.

Marq swiped his card key through a reader at the garage's entrance, and the metal arm blocking the way in lifted up - parking was free for higher-paying guests. Marq drove in. Despite the fluorescent lights, the garage was still dark in some fundamental way, destined as it was by its builders never to see the light of the sun. He drove to the far end of the garage, where it was even darker, many of the fluorescent tubes long dead in their fixtures in the ceiling. He carefully backed into a parking space beside a van with the hotel logo on its doors and a thick coating of dust. The end wall was only about two or three parking spaces from them, the nearest cars many yards away.

It was silent, private.

He looked at her then. Her eyes traveled in little sharp movements all over his face. Her breasts rose and fell on her chest with her breathing, jiggling ever so slightly with the movement. Then his hand was going in between her legs, and she shuddered as he gently felt her, parting her thighs without thought, her eyes still on his face. She was wet, flooded, the skin of her inner thighs coated with her liquid.

Again, the heat of his gaze was too much and she looked away, face burning, biting her lip as a fingertip traced the moistened petals of her slit, dipping gently into her. And then his hand left her pussy to go under her top, traveling up over her belly and up to her breasts. Then he leaned toward her and she closed her eyes as he kissed her, shuddering as he teased her nipple erect with his fingers while he teased her lips with his tongue. It felt good, better than good; Honor sighed in pleasure against his mouth, arching and leaning forward into him, parting her lips.

And then he stopped. She took a moment to regain her equilibrium before she looked up at him again, seeing the subtle softening in the sharp predatory gray of his eyes as they met hers.

And then he abruptly opened his door and went out. She watched him circle around and she slipped her shoes on and put her bag on her shoulder as he opened her door for her. She looked at his face, and then she took a deep breath and stepped out of the car, aware of how thin and short the only thing that was covering her modesty was - it could pass for a sundress, but only just, she thought. She had one or two minidresses in her closet back home - one that she'd only worn on a dare with Sarah back in University, the other for David that he had bought for her - they 'might' have been shorter, but not by much.

She shook with something between fear and excited anticipation, heart beating hard beneath her breasts as he pushed the door closed and turned to her.

He cornered her against the body of the car as he kissed her, gently at first as his hands closed on her waist. She kissed him back, moaning softly at the electricity of his touch as he deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue past her lips to play with hers. She put her arms around him, bracing herself on his shoulders as she went up on her tip-toes, opening her mouth for him to taste even more of her.

He broke the kiss, both of them breathing a little harder.

"Someone might see us ..." she whispered.

"So?" he answered as his hands went to the bottom of her shirt and began to lift it off her. "I'm all you need to worry about ... Look at me, Honor."

She heard cars entering the garage, the sounds of doors opening and closing as passengers were discharged, even the low buzz of the conversation from far away - but she didn't stop him, and her eyes never left his as the white cloth went up above her hips, her belly, her breasts until the only parts of her body that were still clothed were her shoulders and arms in their sleeves and her feet in her shoes.

Honor's mind whirled at the sheer madness of what she was letting him do - shocked that the thought of stopping him was not even a serious consideration. It was as if it was happening to someone else and she was a voyeur, watching the scene from some hidden place. He was going to fuck her in a hotel parking lot - and she was going to let him.

She did her best to keep her moaning to a minimum as he sucked and licked at her breasts, teasing her erect nipples with his tongue before taking them into his mouth, making her jerk, gasping as her bag dropped and was promptly forgotten on the garage floor. She actually came from that, a miniature orgasm that foretold of more profound ones to come. He kissed the sensitive expanse of soft skin between her breasts as she arched and leaned back against the side of the car, moaning, mind gone, breathing harsh and labored.

He licked down her stomach and around her belly button, going down on his knees before her as he held her waist, the cloth of her top falling and getting bunched up around his hands. He bit her on her belly, a light closure of teeth, sucking the skin into his mouth, drawing a moan out of her as he left his mark on her body before going further south, down to the black thatch of pubic hair over her mound, planting kisses that elicited little involuntary coos of pleasure from the delirious woman he had in front of him.

His hands were at her hips now and one of them began to travel round to her too-generous - she'd always thought - butt, caressing her soft flesh and then down the back of her thigh. Honor instinctively spread her arms wide against the car for balance as he lifted her leg up, palms flat on the windows, her breaths coming out in choked wheezes of anticipation as he opened her, revealing the gleaming wet lips of her vagina.

Honor nearly screamed when his tongue touched her, a slow rasping lick up her slit. She bit her lip as she threw her head back, shuddering, one leg suspended on his shoulder and arm as he kissed and licked her, lapping up her liquid before plunging into her center to draw more of it out of her. He began to tongue her clit, teasing her, torturing her, her entire body shaking, tiny helpless cries coming out of her parted lips as she grinded herself against his mouth. Cum began to flow out of her in a steady scented flow and he growled as he hungrily lapped it up as it came out of her pussy, feeding on her.

She began to writhe desperately, whimpering, unable to keep completely silent anymore, struggling to keep her balance and keep herself open for him as her orgasm approached - the sheer wickedness and depravity of what she was doing, what she was letting this virtual stranger do to her in a hotel parking lot where anybody could see them, the need to let no sound escape her open mouth magnifying every single flicker and movement of his tongue and mouth on her weeping pussy.

She came with a sharp choked cry she couldn't stifle before it left her mouth, spasming against the car, arching as every muscle flexed, her orgasm coming at her in wave after wave of ecstasy.

Marq somehow managed to get his lips to hers, standing up and cornering her again against the car, using his weight and body to keep her from falling as her knees threatened to buckle and collapse. She kissed him back hungrily, clutching at him, using the opportunity to voice out her pleasure against his mouth, tasting herself on his lips and chin as she licked and kissed around his lips. Her desperation to feel him inside her made her recovery fast, her hands reaching for his pants, feverishly working his zipper as he swiftly unclasped his belt, pure need driving everything else - propriety, modesty, decency, any semblance of reasonable limits - from her mind as she freed his penis from its confines, helping him yank his boxers down.

Marq's pants and underwear fell to a puddle around his ankles and he moved to her, his hand going between her legs to plunge his fingers in, to feel how ready she was for him as he took her lips with his again - she soaked his fingers in seconds, grunting at the suddenness of his invasion, lifting her leg to give him more access. She nipped on his lower lip, mewling, desperate.

Marq heard her, and he obeyed.

Both of her legs went off the ground as he lifted her up, her thighs spread open across his arms. She spread her arms on top of the car roof for balance, almost all of her weight shared between his arms and the solid bulk of the car against her back. Her breaths were coming out in sharp desperate gasps as he aligned his cock to her pussy, the tip of his shaft touching her wet folds, nosing at her spread open entrance. Honor arched at the touch, anticipation making her breath catch in her throat, and on pure instinct she flexed her hips forward, taking the head of his cock inside her with a small grunt of effort. Marq made a rough sound in his throat himself as he felt her close around him, and then, with a loud groan of pleasure he brought her down on his shaft.

Honor's eyes rolled back into her head, spasming uncontrollably as she opened her mouth in a silent scream, her palms slapping hard and pressing on the car roof as she threw her head back, bracing herself as her walls parted for the thick rod of warm, turgid flesh sliding up into her body. She was tight, she felt him stretch her, but she was wet enough that he slid all the way into her pussy with gratifying ease.

"Open your eyes, Honor," Marq said. His voice shook, rough with savagely restrained desire, but the command in it never wavered.

Honor opened her eyes and met his gaze, her mind churning in confusion and bewilderment at what was happening to her.

She could hear the cars coming and going, the faint buzzing of people talking as the exited and entered their vehicles. Her white cotton top, the only item of clothing she had on minus her shoes was up and bunched around her waist, her thoroughly engorged nipples poking sharply through the material on her chest ... and there was a man inside her, holding her open with her legs obscenely spread on his arms. She couldn't help it; she looked down at where she and her lover were joined, fascinated, aroused beyond reason, the black curls of her pubic hair and his appearing to be one and the same, feeling her pussy gently contracting around the intruder in her body.

She almost laughed at the absurdity of what her mind was choosing to focus on - matching pubic hair.

He began to fuck her, steady, long and deep strokes into her opening, her body shuddering as she accepted each thrust, gritting her teeth to keep from crying out as his thickness repeatedly split her open, shocks of delight arching up to the base of her skull with each slam of his cock into her pussy.

She came ridiculously quickly, throwing her head back, squealing and sharply choking it off as she arched against the car. She jerked hard in his arms, going stiff as she struggled to hold in her cries. Marq only spread her wider, bracing her harder up against the car as he continued to plunge his cock in and out of her pulsing sheath, gasping quietly in pleasure as her pussy began to contract around him.

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Her second orgasm came ridiculously quickly as well, within a minute of the first. She squealed, unable to help herself, just as an exiting car sounded its horn, loud in the underground cavern, masking her cry quite coincidentally. Marq did not so much as pause as she stiffened again, hands clenched into fits as his shaft continued its assault on her pussy. Her nipples were at full aroused attention, her clit erect out of its hood, every inch of her skin tingling as she went into a fugue state, everything, her surroundings, her self, pushed aside so she could concentrate on the presence inside her.

Her third orgasm, when it came, felt different. She couldn't have stopped herself from crying out even if she had wanted to - it was all she could do to just brace herself. She began to keen as it came over her, struggling to keep the scream at the back of her throat from erupting out of her, stiffening in his arms again. Marq, quite unconcerned, stroked into her again and again as she spasmed and convulsed, shredding apart her last vestiges of control, and then she screamed, and let go.

She found Marq's eyes with her own as she dazedly fluttered them open a full minute later, and froze. His gaze, quite apart from the intensity of a rather momentous orgasm made her quiver around him, her nipples standing even more painfully erect and sensitive under her top. She mewled in between labored gasps, just as much from her come as from the raw hunger in his eyes.

And then Marq kissed her, a savage growl at the back of his throat, making her squeal at the heated frenzy with which he assaulted her body. In a sudden blur of movement, she felt herself being lifted up and off the rock-hard shaft impaling her and on her own feet. She mewled at the sudden absence of him and before she even had time to complete her protest, she was being turned around, her front pressed against the car as he positioned himself behind her. He entered her with a loud groan, gasping out loud as she moaned in welcome and tightened around his cock, lifting herself up on her tiptoes as she spasmed against him.

"@#&%! ... oh my @#&% ...!" she gasped, voice soft and weak, clenching her fists and gritting her teeth as he began to fuck her, pushing all of himself into her opening.


Her top was unceremoniously raised up to her neck again and his hands grasped her bare breasts and belly as he rode her. He pistoned into her hard and fast as she writhed and arched against him and the car. She jerked as his mouth closed on her earlobe and sucked, crying out now from pleasure and delight, both of them gloriously unconcerned about being caught.

Honor felt him stiffen once, his grip on her breast tightening, again to just shy of causing pain, and through her delirium knew that he was about to unload inside her. She braced herself, gritting her teeth as yet another of her own began to gather itself.

Marq thrusted into her one more time, growling savagely as his pelvis slapped hard against her butt, forcing a loud squeal out of her as all of him entered her, and then he groaned as he began to spurt his seed into her pussy, her pussy grasping his cock as she stiffened for him. Her orgasm came seconds later, while he was still ejaculating, another strange clamping in her abdomen accompanying it and she threw her head back in a silent scream of ecstasy, her pussy gushing its own liquid out as he emptied himself inside her. Seconds later, he was turning her around and she threw her arms around his neck as his lips descended hungrily on hers. She mewled against his lips as she pressed herself against him, as much to keep herself from falling as mindlessly wanting him to feel every part of her.

The sound of a very close car horn as a car turned into the parking space on the other side of the van flanking their Mercedes was what pulled them both back to reality. But it still took a while before they parted, risking the eyes of strangers falling upon the lewd ravenous meetings of lips and bared skin, the open caressing of exposed private parts, the man with his pants and boxers still around his ankles and the woman with her scandalously short 'dress' somehow suspended up around her breasts to reveal that she was scandalously naked under it.

It took her a moment to regain herself when he stepped away from her, and another moment to realize that she was practically nude, everything up to her breasts exposed for all to see, and she quickly pulled her top - now essentially a minidress - down from over her breasts with shaking hands. The full reality of what had just happened, what she had allowed to happen, dawned on her as she stood there and she shivered as everything came into sharp relief; the stale air and smell of exhaust fumes of the five-star hotel's underground garage, the liquid warmth of him inside her, the sheen of sweat that covered her skin, her nudity under the little she was wearing, the trembling of her body still recovering from the effects of frenzied copulation with a man she barely knew.

She had just been fucked in a hotel parking lot halfway across the world like some cheap back alley whore.

'Ten thousand dollars for a night is not cheap,' an inner voice that was certainly 'not' sensible and decent Honor Banet objected.

Her bag lay undisturbed on the floor where it had fallen, and she turned to bend down and pick it up, face burning as she felt the top ride up her hips, exposing her bare butt and ... more, feeling his eyes on her. And liking it.

She needed to get away from him, Honor thought desperately, almost moaning out loud as the familiar warmth rose up again between her legs, her nipples already hardening into all-too-familiar sharp sensitive points on her breasts. Something not so far removed from panic ran through her; she needed to get as far away from him as she could before she lost all semblance of her sanity.

'Too late for that,' an inner voice snorted.

Marq's trousers were already up and belted by the time she hung the bag on her shoulder and screwed up her courage to face him, seeing his face once again adopt that inscrutable neutral mask. But this time she could see the hint of smugness in his eyes, the slight upturning of one corner of his mouth.

"That ... what just happened is never going to happen again," she said quietly, hugging herself.

He smiled. "And whyever not? I enjoyed it. Are you saying you did not?"

She didn't bother to deny it - it would have been too much and too transparent of a lie. She had actually ejaculated; something she'd only heard about, twice ...! "That's not the point!" she said, shock and frustration making her voice high and sharp. "You just ... fucked me in a hotel parking lot! Anybody could have seen ...!"

She never got a chance to finish. He suddenly moved toward her, from standing motionless in one place one moment and in the next, swiftly closing the distance between them and cornering her again. She took a small, startled step back, gasping as he pressed her back against the car, heartbeat surging. He smiled, allowing her just a moment to catch her breath before he kissed her, leaning forward to possessively take her lips. Whatever plans she had to resist melted away with a moan of protest before they could fully form as he put his hands on her hips and pulled her up tight against him.

He broke the kiss sharply, leaving her breathless. "Do you know how amazingly beautiful you are..." he said, his lips brushing hers. His hands went under her 'minidress', raising it over her hips as his hands went over her bare bottom. "It's like you're some impossible erotic fantasy ..."

The warmth between her legs went up several notches, his hands, his mouth, his voice, what he was saying, her treasonously responding body all conspiring against her. She knew she should stop him from raising the white cotton again but her brain simply refused to even consider exerting itself in that direction. He fondled and gently spread her open, fingers exploring, making her mewl helplessly against his mouth.

He was going to fuck her again, she knew. In the parking lot. Again.

"@#&% ... please ..." she whimpered when he finally broke the kiss and he began to kiss along her jawline. "... please ..." She shuddered violently as his lips followed the sensitive arch of her neck. "@#&%! ... please ... stop ... please ...!"

Marq stopped.

She swallowed, pushing herself to look up at him. "This isn't me ..." she whispered, eyes confused. "This isn't me ..." She licked her lips. "I'm a pastry chef back home ... I'm saving to open my own place ..." She realized she was babbling and tried to bring herself back to what she was trying to say.

"This is not me ..." she repeated, trying to make him understand.

He looked into her eyes and said nothing.

"I am not a whore ..." she whispered.

Marq kissed her again, gently this time, and she found herself returning it, moaning in equal parts despair and hot shameful desire. "Look," he said, and then he gently turned her around to face the car while she was still trying to catch her breath. He held her from behind, arms going under the white material and around her stomach. "Look."

Her eyes fell on her reflection in the car's windows, seeing her bared stomach and the dark thatch of her pubic hair beneath the band of his arm under her breasts - the semi-darkness of the garage and the car's silver tints combined to turn the windows into reasonable facsimiles of mirrors. Her handbag was still on her shoulder, she noted distantly.

"You're not a whore," he whispered in her ear, rough, commanding, his mildly European, Germanic accent heavier as his lips brushed against her ear. Their eyes met in the mirrored windows. "Don't ever use that word again."

Honor could feel the already increasing rigid length of his cock pressing against her bare butt as he spoke to her, their eyes locked on each other, and she trembled as heat exploded in between her legs. That her near-naked body was exposed for all to see, including herself in the tinted glass, only made it all the more acute.

"Yes?" he asked.

She nodded.

"Say it," he ordered. "Say you're not a whore."

"I am not a whore," she whispered.

He spread the hand across her belly down to cover the smooth skin, going over the small vertical slit of her belly button. "You're so beautiful, Honor Banet ..." he whispered. His other hand proceeded to raise the top over her breasts, exposing her fully as he held her. "I want you to know it. I want you to know what an incredibly beautiful woman you are."

Honor stared, transfixed by her naked body being displayed for her own eyes, the full roundness her breasts, the smooth skin of her flat soft belly, her wide hips, the dark V-shaped fuzz of her pubic hair. He began to plant kisses on her neck, fondling her nakedness with one hand and holding her with the other. She shuddered, pleasure arching through her body as she watched herself being pleasured, mesmerized.

"All I could think about all day was you ..." he murmured, voice low and gravelly "... touching you, kissing you, being inside you." The hand at her belly dipped lower and fingers went through the thatch at the apex of her thighs, and she bit her lip as two of them slipped into her core, still sticky and messy with his cum and hers. She soaked them thoroughly within seconds, shaking and moaning in her throat as they exited her.

He brought them up to her lush kiss-swollen lips, his other hand cupping and caressing her breasts, teasing one hard, swollen brown nipple.

Honor could smell herself on his hand as he began to trace her lower lip with his wet fingers - she could smell him. She let out a tiny moan as he ran them over her lips again, feeling something inside her break and knowing that it was the last vestiges of her resolve.

He made a rough sound of satisfaction in his throat as she sniffed and then abruptly sucked his fingers into her mouth. The hairs at the back of her neck rose and goosebumps pebbled her skin as she cleaned his fingers, unashamedly savoring the taste and smell of them. He fed her again, repeatedly, making her throw her head back as she helplessly keened and covered his fingers with her liquid before he took them up to her mouth again, watching her avidly in the car's windows. She licked and sucked his fingers clean each time, following his fingers with her mouth when he teased her lips, and each time even more of that something inside her broke until it was completely gone.

She whimpered, writhing and weak as he began to lay a trail of kisses on her throat, fingers plunged deep inside her pussy, a heavy, swollen breast cupped in his hand, teasing her erect nipple as he held her against him.

"You're not a whore, Honor Banet," Marq said quietly against her arched neck as he took his cum covered fingers to her lips again. "You're mine."

Honor heard him as she sucked his fingers into her mouth again, hungrily tasting herself and him on her tongue. Her eyes were closed and she only heard him distantly through the fog of desire clouding her mind. Need, unconcerned with propriety or modesty coursed through her body like a living thing, raising the hairs on her skin, her nipples hard and pointing to their full inch-long lengths. She trembled, moaning, her labored breathing making her swollen breasts rise and fall rapidly on her chest as she licked the last traces of cum off his fingers.

It disturbed her; how easily he could just banish sensible, disciplined and decent Honor Banet, reduce her to a creature of just her needs, bring her completely under his control. If he wanted to take her right then and there, there was nothing she could do about it. Nothing she would 'want' to do about it. She whimpered as she licked after a cum covered finger as it traced the line of her lips. She arched as he squeezed her nipple and his other hand went between her legs again. "Yes ... yes ...!" she gasped.

When he finally turned her around again, she answered his hungry growl with one of her own, ravenously kissing him back, her top up over her heavy heaving breasts in a steadily filling hotel parking lot. She could feel him through his pants, pressing against her bared belly as she melded her body against him, mind blank, wetness rapidly spreading across her inner thighs.

He growled again against her open mouth, jerking fitfully at her touch when she reached down to his crotch and began to stroke him. His hand swiftly went down to wrap around her wrist as if to guide her, and for a long moment, it seemed like it, until he abruptly broke the kiss and stepped back, breaking away from her, breathing harsh, eyeing her body like a starving animal. And then without so much as a word he turned and started walking across the parking lot with her wrist entrapped in his hand. For one disconnected moment, Honor was oblivious that she was thoroughly nude from her breasts down to her feet as she followed him. She gasped in realization and quickly pulled her impromptu dress down to cover herself just as they stepped out from behind the pillar, barely in the nick of time as a car drove past.

He walked on, giving her no choice but to follow behind him, her fingers automatically interlocking with his when he released her wrist and reached for her hand - distantly noting as they went across the parking lot that it was a lot more full of cars than it had been - and joined the small crowd going into the basement entrance of the Grand Imperial, aware of the tiny rivulets of wetness still gleaming on her bare legs. That she was a hair's breadth from naked barely registered as she adjusted her very full handbag on her shoulder.

A car horn sounded just before they entered the basement level lobby, and she looked back just in time to see a car being reversed into the spot they had just left - the garage had become a lot fuller since they came in, she noticed. Her mind flashed on what the occupants of the car would have seen if they had just been a few minutes earlier. The only reason they had not been caught was that where Marq had parked was one of the natural last places a driver would pick if there was any chance to park closer to the hotel's basement-level entrance.

But what if ...? she wondered.

And for some reason, she found herself smiling.

Written by thehotknight
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