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Honor left the elevator at a fast walk, pulling her impulsively bright red suitcase behind her into the hotel lobby, wincing as she glanced at her watch again. She had just over an hour to get to the airport before the baggage drop-off for her flight closed. She would have jogged if she wasn't so well aware of her lack of a bra under her top.

The tightness in her nipples told her without looking that the less attention drawn to her breasts, the better. As she walked, she mentally prepared a quick to-do list for the airport; find a bathroom, clean off the fresh layer of semen Marq Haydn had just left between her thighs, and then find and put on a bra and panties. In that order.

"So you really are leaving today?"

Honor came to a startled halt and turned to see a smiling Chailai walking up from the concierge's desk.

Genuinely surprised and happy to see her, Honor smiled back and reciprocated as the younger Thai woman wrapped her in a quick hug.

"You're really leaving today?" Chailai repeated.

Honor nodded, self-consciously wondering if the other woman had noticed her unconfined breasts - and worse yet, if she was wondering how come she wasn't wearing a bra. "Yes." She looked at her watch again. "And I'm very late."

Chailai made a moue of disappointment before she nodded her head. "Mongkhut will take you to the airport."

Honor looked at her. "But I called for a cab."

Chailai smiled and gestured at the liveried concierge, who was bowing as she greeted another guest. "I asked Phara to cancel it." She raised her hands at Honor's look of annoyance. "Trust me. No one can get you to the airport faster than Mongkhut."

"Fine," Honor breathed, thinking of the clock and deciding that she didn't have the time to make a bigger deal out of her plans being rearranged without her knowledge. "Where is he?"

"He's outside. Waiting for you," Chailai said. "I'll take you."

The two women began to walk to the exit.

"Marq wants you to stay," Chailai said, almost casually.

Honor almost missed her step, but she quickly recovered. "I have to go," Honor said after a moment, realizing from her expectant expression that Chailai was waiting for a response. And that was that, she thought.

They went through the automated sliding doors and Chailai raised a hand, waving at an immensely large silver and black Mercedes waiting down the hotel's long convoluted driveway. Its headlights flashed twice in response.

"How do you know he wants me to stay?" Honor asked, unable to resist and castigating herself for it.

Chailai grinned minutely. "It's very obvious."

"I'm sure he'll find another woman ..." Honor faltered to a stop, but her traitorous inner voice had no problem completing her sentence; 'to make his whore.' The sudden upsurge of emotion at the thought of another woman in Suite 1615 made her stiffen, and it took her a moment to realize it was pure, unreasoning, utterly feminine jealousy.

"I don't think so," Chailai said.

"Why?" Honor asked, watching the car approach.

Chailai shook her head. "He's ..." She visibly searched for the word, "'intense' about you."

Honor looked at the other woman. "Intense?"

"That's the best word, I think." Chailai gave her a searching look. "He's very 'intense' about you. And I've never seen him with a woman here before."

Honor looked away and said nothing as the car pulled up beside them, the trunk popping open as it came to a halt.

The rear door was swung open with a quiet electronic whine as Mongkhut dashed out and took her suitcase from her to place in the trunk, smiling and nodding in greeting. Honor returned his greeting in the same smiling mien and entered the car, settling herself in the plush leather seat and looking up with a smile of farewell at Chailai.

"You should stay," Chailai said quietly.

Honor licked her lips and was silent for another moment. "I have to go home, Chailai."

Mongkhut slid into the driver's seat and looked back at her. "We go?"

Honor looked at him, relieved for the interruption, and nodded. "Yes." She looked up at Chailai again. "Bye."

Chailai smiled and gracefully brought her palms together, bowing her head in a shallow Buddhist nod. "Bye."

Mongkhut pressed a button and the door swung shut and clicked into place. Chailai waved, and Honor waved back as he smoothly pulled out of the parking slot and glided them down the Grand Imperial's driveway.

Honor let out a breath, looking around her, for the first time and taking in the luxuriousness of her surroundings. The seats were a combination of soft suede and leather, trimmed and lined in genuine ash wood and chrome. The large screen in front of her, one of many in the cavernous rear cabin, displayed options to let her know that she was facing a full-fledged entertainment and communications system. Control panels surrounded her, with buttons to control the air conditioning, ambient lighting, recline the seats, and even dispense water from the mini-fridge in the center console.

They got on the road, and a small ping drew her attention to the small navigation screen in the door side-panel helpfully informing her that they were forty-seven minutes from their destination, Suvarnabhumi Airport. Honor winced again, lifting her wrist up to look at her watch—sixty-two minutes before check-in closed.

She had never cut it so close for a flight before; sensible, disciplined Honor Banet would have departed the Grand Imperial at least an hour—maybe two—earlier.

She was also quite certain that sensible, disciplined and decent Honor Banet would never have ever found herself on her way to the airport wearing no bra under her loose gypsy top and no panties under her long flamenco skirt.

She leaned back into her seat, mentally taking stock. Her hair was still damp, she realized, her breathing and heartbeat still elevated, her lips still swollen. She didn't need to look down at herself to see the still hardened points of her nipples pushing against the white of her top, or feel herself between her legs to feel the warmth of male cum coating her inner thighs.

She was already late, but that hadn't stopped him from taking her again.

For the third time that morning.

Heat flooded her cheeks, and she squirmed in her seat; she had made no effort to stop him from lifting her top up over her breasts and taking off her bra, and she'd not stopped him when he'd lifted her skirt up and yanked off her panties, tearing them off her. Instead, she had opened her legs for his questing fingers as he cornered her against the suite wall, incoherently whimpering something about how late she was, and then falling helplessly silent with a loud keen of pleasure as his mouth closed over one nipple then the other.

She didn't resist when he turned her around afterward, bending her forward against the wall, breasts out, nipples hard and rudely pointing at the carpeted floor, her long skirt bunched up around her waist. He'd explored her pussy again, spreading her, making her cry out, all thoughts of her flight fleeing her head as she writhed and coated his fingers with her liquid. Her squeal of delight when he pushed himself inside her had been one of welcome, time and place ceasing to be a factor as his cock began to slide in and out of her body, his hands grasping her hips, fondling her belly, molesting her dangling breasts as she moved with him. She opened her mouth in a choked scream of pleasure when his fingers found her nipples, clutching hard at the wall, her high-pitched gasps matching his harsh breathing and the rhythmic slapping of their bodies as he rode her.

He finally let out a loud gasp of his own, grasping her waist and pulling her fully unto his member, making her throw her head back and cry out as he unloaded his cum inside her.

His hands had moved to her breasts after his breathing calmed, cupping them gently, his cock still embedded in her pussy, making her shudder as he leaned forward.

"Stay," he'd said in her ear.

It was how much she wanted to say 'yes' in that moment, how desperately she wanted to remain in Suite 1615 with him, that had made her decision for her. She had taken a deep breath and determinedly stepped away from him, only allowing herself a quiet intake of breath as his penis slid out of her vagina, and then she'd turned sharply and gone to her waiting suitcase and handbag where they stood by the door, her skirt falling back down to her ankles as she yanked her top down over her bare breasts. Not once looking at him, she had opened the door and walked out with her one bright red piece of luggage.

She made it halfway along the corridor before she stopped and sagged down against the wall, her breathing coming out in quiet gasps, mind reeling as it struggled to come to terms with recent events. It had taken every ounce of willpower she had, and she'd had to abandon a perfectly good brassiere and a ruined pair of panties, but she had done it—she had escaped Marq Haydn.

Stopping to find her bra or even clean herself had not been an option; allowing 'anything' to keep her in the suite with him any longer would have made her leaving an impossibility. She turned to look back down the corridor, toward Suite 1615, unable to quell the mixture of fear and hope that the door would open and he would come after her. The thought made her weak - longing and apprehension warring with each other for primacy.

She had no illusions that she would be able to resist him if he came after her, or that she'd have any control over when she would be able to go home afterward if that happened.

She needed to get away.

She hurriedly stood up then, suffering a long moment of indecision before sensible, disciplined Honor Banet reasserted herself, and then she determinedly continued on to the elevators, her unbound breasts moving freely under her top as she pulled it further down to her stomach. The confusing mixture of relief and disappointment that he had not come after her was something she decided to ignore until she was safely on the aircraft and it was in the air, taking her home.

Mongkhut turned the car onto another road as Honor squirmed again, glancing down to see her traitorous nipples still at full attention through her top. She looked at the navigation screen again and pursed her lips at its estimate of the time it would take to get to the airport. Too close.

The truth was, she had woken up sensibly early. Early enough to take a shower, get dressed and head for the airport in plenty of time.

Early enough to do ... other things.

She had reached for two 'Fresh Morning' mints from the bowl on the bedside table and put one in her mouth. And then, after the mint had crumbled into powder and dissolved, she'd kissed him awake, laving her tongue over his lips until his eyes flickered open and focused on her.

"Open up," she'd said, and she'd placed the other 'Fresh Morning' disc into his mouth.


While the mint crumbled in his mouth, she had matter-of-factly climbed on top of him, the amount of full body contact as she did so not quite an accident. She scissored her legs around him as she comfortably settled herself on his body.

"Good morning, Miss Banet," he said.

She smiled down at him as his arms went around her, her rapidly hardening nipples pressing into the muscles of his chest.

"Good morning," she said.

She lowered her head and kissed him again, slow and luxurious, one questing hand feeling its way down his body. He stiffened as her fingers wrapped possessively around him. She grinned at that, enjoying his reaction to her touch, her control of him, warmth flooding through her body as she felt him thickening and lengthening in her hand. She stroked him, answering his rumble of pleasure by deepening the kiss, tongue flicking out, her own purr of enjoyment coming from the back of her throat as his hand stroked its way down her spine.

She broke the kiss, gasping, getting some air, staring down at him and meeting his eyes before bringing her lips back down to his mouth again. He jerked once, his hands going tight on her skin and she felt the thick and sticky warmth of his liquid on her hand as it traveled over his glans.

The explosion of need as she felt his cum on her fingers was instant, and she couldn't have stopped herself even if she had wanted to. She abruptly left his lips and lifted herself over his body, her movements feverish and quick. She held him in her hand as she positioned herself, accepting his help as his hands went to her hips, guiding her over him. Raw feminine instinct came to the fore again as she felt him touch her, the tip of his cock roughly parting her netherlips, and she let out a quiet hiss through clenched teeth as she sank down and sheathed him inside her body, eyes closing as she felt him fill her up, his hands tightening on her waist.

She put her hands down on his chest, bracing herself, quivering as she took a moment to acclimate herself to his presence, before she started to move, rolling her lower body forward and backward, sliding him in and out of her pussy. He let out a pleasured grunt, his hands exploring her belly and hips, stroking and caressing her as she arched to his touch. She met his eyes again, watched them as they traveled from her face to her breasts, the brown points of her nipples goosepimpled and pointing, down past her belly to the low strip of hair between her legs, feeling heat blossom all through her body as she felt his hunger for her. She lowered herself down to kiss him, his arms encircling her as their lips met, his body thrusting up to meet her.

Then she began to ride him in earnest, lifting herself until he was nearly exiting from her body before taking him inside her again. Her gasps turned to sharp little squeals as his hands cupped her breasts, squeezing, his fingers closing around her painfully erect nipples so her every movement sent a shock of sensation through her body. She collapsed on top of him when he released her, her breasts and belly melding against his body as she abandoned any semblance of control, all thought receding, her squeals becoming louder and more frequent, his answering thrusts driving her to the edge. He suddenly lifted his head and captured one painfully swollen nipple in his mouth, sucking hard.

Her orgasm hit then, a gush of lubrication flooding out of her vagina, and Honor screamed, her body stiffening on top of him as she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him to her breasts, crying out again as his mouth swallowed in her other nipple.

She recovered to the happy reality that he was still hard, still wonderfully present inside her. She cupped his face in her hands, and kissed him, slowly, teasing him with her tongue as she continued to move on top of him, smiling as his hands clutched at her. She rode him determinedly, unhurried, the full length of her body moving on top of his, watching for the telltale signs that he was about to reach his own peak, her own coos and gasps of pleasure encouraging him to let go.

She felt it—the sudden tensing of his body, the way the hands on her breast and hip suddenly went tight, and in the next moment, she lifted herself off him.

Honor ignored his growl of protest, ignored the sudden ache of emptiness between her legs as she hurriedly scrambled down his body to take his liquid coated erection in her hand. She could smell herself on him, the heady combination of her cum and the starchy scent of his own as she lowered her head to take him into her mouth. His loud gasp and the utterly gratifying way his body jerked as her lips closed around his cock told her all she needed to know.

That she was just in time. Her mouth was barely on him before he let out a loud gasp, his body stiffening under her. Honor braced herself as she felt him grasp her head, his fingers getting entangled in her hair, crying out, his entire body lifting off the bed as she firmly locked her lips around him, stroking herself, fingering her clit to carry her over the edge with him.

It was a mouthful and then some - he'd had time to recover as they slept - and she took in and swallowed as much as she could, but she was still unable to prevent some from escaping her lips. And then, just as abruptly, he was done, his body relaxing, his hands loosening on her head.

She stayed to 'clean' him up, carefully lapping up what had escaped and sucking to remove what was left, before proceeding to bathe his member with her tongue, halting its wilting in its tracks. She heard his sharp intake of breath as her tongue made its journey to his balls, her hand wrapping around and stroking his member as she opened her mouth to swallow each one in turn. He growled, writhing fitfully under her as she took him back into her mouth minutes later, her head bobbing up and down, her lips tight around him as he rapidly returned to full mast.

His hands suddenly grasped her head again as he cried out her name. She gasped at the sudden surge of need and heat between her legs as her body responded to the starchy taste and scent of his precum on her tongue, lips locking tight as she automatically swallowed. She continued to suck him, careful and meticulous, allowing his body's reaction to her ministrations to guide her until he released another small load of liquid for her to swallow away. She took her mouth off him at last, breathing hard as she rapidly crawled up over his body. Her movements were feverish as she straddled him and set him at her entrance before sinking down on him again with a breathless sob of pleasure.

She began to ride him immediately, bouncing him in and out of her pussy, hands on braced on his chest for balance. His eyes were open and locked on hers as his hands went to her waist, her breasts, her neck, caressing, fondling, grasping, his body rising up to meet her. Then his hands spread around her back and he brought her down to capture her mouth. Honor grunted against his lips as his hands grasped and molested her butt, their bodies melding together, her hips still rolling him in and out of her body. Then she gasped again, startled as Marq's arms suddenly wrapped tighter around her, his body lifting and flipping them both in a casual display of strength. Then her back was on the bed and he was on top of her, his sudden move almost taking him out of her body before he thrust himself back inside her, a growl of pleasure in his throat.

She came, taken over the edge as much by the force of his re-entry as she was by the sudden surge of arousal at the ease with which he had manhandled her body into position. She clutched at him, crying out and arching against him before he roughly captured her lips again, silencing her as warm liquid flooded out of her pussy ...

Mongkhut made another turn, pressing on the horn as he overtook a slow-moving bus, and Honor found herself sharply returned to the present. A glance at the clock on the navigation screen in the door panel showed that Chailai had been making no idle boast about Mongkhut's abilities - somehow, he had shaved over ten minutes off their journey, and Honor resolved right then and there to present him with whatever was left of the Baht notes in her purse when they reached the airport, whether she made check-in or not.

She forced herself to relax; being late for a flight ... for 'anything' really, was an unfamiliar experience.

It was all 'his' fault, she thought peevishly, lips going into an unconscious pout as she leaned back in her seat, crossing her legs yet again. It was a meaningless gesture - it did nothing to quell the heat between them, or stop her nipples from visibly pointing through her top, two engorged points of brown through the white fabric. The still sticky layer of male cum between her thighs and the accompanying knowledge of how it got there, didn't help either.

Her attempt at self-deception was an immediate failure.

No, she was forced to concede, it most definitely was not 'all' his fault ...

He'd let go of her lips at last, and she had gasped for air, shuddering under him, skin goosepimpled and flushed, her eyes locked on his as he possessively fondled her breasts. She gasped again as he began to stroke himself inside her, her legs automatically wrapping around him as he laved his tongue on the sensitive arch of her throat, moving with him. She cried out when his lips got to her breast and her nipple was abruptly swallowed into his mouth, writhing against him and squealing as he grazed the hardened brown tip with his teeth. He drew another squeal out of her as he cruelly did the same to her other nipple, not caring that it was already swollen and erect in sympathy with its twin.

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His mouth left her breasts and he made a growling noise in his throat as he resumed his pistoning into her body, sliding himself completely inside her with each plunge into her pussy. She growled back at him as she roughly brought his head down so she could capture his lips with hers, her movements becoming more frenzied as she felt the familiar clamping between her legs.

He abruptly broke the kiss, and in the next moment, he slid himself out of her body.

She barely had time to register her protest at the cruel suddenness of his exit as he manhandled her into position and moved down her body at the same time. Then his mouth was at her slit, his hands holding her open as he roughly speared his tongue into her pussy.

Honor let out a shriek of delight, her hands grasping his head as cum gushed out of her opening, her entire body stiffening and spasming as she came, her hands yanking on the sheets. He growled as he hungrily lapped at her liquid, his mouth meeting with her swollen netherlips as his tongue cruelly teased a painfully engorged and erect clitoris, setting off another gush of fluid, another loud shriek of ecstasy.

She found herself sitting up against the headboard when her capacity for thought returned, delirious and panting. Marq was still holding her open, his head still between her legs. He took his time, carefully tracing and exploring her folds, his tongue probing and plunging into the gleaming wet depths of her pussy as she cooed and sobbed out her enjoyment, her hips wantonly undulating and writhing under him as he pleasured her.

He made her come with ridiculous ease, and she threw her head back as she let out another scream of delight, liquid again gushing from her pussy. Her scream turned into a squeal of startlement as he suddenly pulled and manhandled her body toward him, moving himself up between her spread legs and hungrily capturing her parted lips. Gasping, still coming, Honor kissed him back automatically, legs spreading wider to contain him, her tongue instinctively licking out as she tasted herself on his lips.

He pushed himself inside her then, while she was still in the throes of her orgasm, his member easily parting her lubricated vaginal walls as she gasped and grasped at him, drawing and welcoming him into her body.

In the car, Honor's lips tightened as she squirmed in her seat, scissoring her legs tighter on each other, remembering how she had come again at his entry, the way she had wantonly moved with him, the sounds she had made as he rode her and roughly played his teeth and tongue on her nipples, her all-too-brief siezing of control as she heaved herself on top and rode him with shameless abandon as he fondled and kneaded her breasts. Somehow they had ended up at the foot of the bed, gasping, grunting and clutching against each other, tiny dots of sweat sheening her body as he manhandled and turned her over. She squirmed as she remembered his grunt and her answering cry as he penetrated her from behind, his hands an iron vise on her hips and breasts as he sliding himself into her body. He was far beyond any thought for her pleasure by then, his control long vanished as he sought his release.

And Honor would not have had it any other way. She smiled as she settled herself into being fucked, focusing completely on pleasuring the man inside her. He came with a loud cry, burying himself deep inside her, grasping her heaving breasts as he unloaded his cum into her pussy.

It was nothing more than a fortuitous coincidence that when she opened her eyes, they happened to fall on the bright green digits of the bedside clock.

She had let out a shriek. "Oh my @#&%!"

Marq had rolled off her with a quizzical expression, until he saw what she was staring at.

Swearing, Honor had leapt up off the bed and run straight into the bathroom, shooting an accusing glare at him before slamming the door shut.

In the car, Honor swore again, blaming herself as she watched an airplane with bright green livery making its ascent. She had only been thirty minutes behind schedule then, and if she had just taken a shower, dressed and headed for the lobby like a sensible woman, she would have been already checked in and waiting at the gate to board her flight instead of sitting and fretting in a car many minutes away when it was only minutes before the check-in counter closed.

But she had not been sensible, or decent.

She had come out of the bathroom, water dotted with a towel around her breasts and another around her hair, to find Marq Haydn naked and sporting another erection. A sensible woman would not have have just retreated and let him trap her in a corner, a sensible woman would have put up some resistance when he pulled her towel off her, a sensible woman would have ignored the inferno of heat that had flared up in her abdomen as his fingers found her pussy. A sensible woman would not have kissed him back or let him swallow her nipples into his mouth.

He had lifted her off her feet, her legs spread over his arms, her back braced on the wall, and then he had matter-of-factly lowered her unto his cock, kissing her silent as she let out a sharp hiss of pleasure. She moaned as he began to stroke himself in and out of her body, her hips immediately moving in time with him. She cried out again as he used one hand to grasp her breast, pulling on a pointing nipple and feeling her body shudder in his arms.

It was a thoroughly new experience, being manhandled and fucked against a wall. That she still had her towel around her hair, her skin still damp from the shower, only heightened the intensity of it, made it more erotic, more wicked. Then all thought receded.

She threw her head back as he repeatedly buried himself inside her, her body quivering as she clutched at him, squealing when he lowered his head to suck a distended nipple into his mouth, grazing her with his teeth. The towel unravelled from her hair and fell off as he silenced her with another kiss, pressing her tight against the wall, her arms tightening around his neck as his pistoning into her body rapidly intensified.

She screamed, spasming wildly, overstimulation at his onslaught and arousal quickly overwhelming her and carrying her over the edge. He continued to fuck her as she came, ignoring the gush of liquid that accompanied her orgasm as she desperately clawed and grasped at him, burying her face in his neck. Then he stiffened, grunting as his cum spurted inside her. She made a mewling noise as she felt herself tighten around him, her body milking his semen until he was spent.

It was another long moment before he let her down, his breathing loud and harsh in her ear. She quivered at his exit, leaning against his chest to catch her breath and for her legs to stop shaking. Then reality came flooding back, and she backed away from him.

"Get out," she said. "Now."

He grinned.

She glared at him and pointed at the door, painfully aware that her nudity and the trail of cum currently making its way down her inner thigh were robbing her demand of a lot of its authority. "I said, get out!"

Instead, he kissed her, his hands traveling her body, grasping and fondling as he explored her yet again, until she was kissing him back, moaning at the back of her throat, aroused despite herself by her helplessness, his domination of her. She gasped when he broke the kiss, feeling weak. She met his eyes, breasts heaving on her chest, feeling utterly vulnerable as she realized that all he needed to do to make her stay was to just say the word, to touch her - she had no more resistance left.

But then he kissed her parted lips once more, quickly, and obligingly went to the door, opened it, and went out, closing it behind him.

She breathed a sigh of relief, harshly suppressing a twinge of what felt suspiciously like disappointment. She hurried to lock the door in case he changed his mind and ran back into the bathroom.

Then, of course, he had fucked her on her way out, sending her out of the suite with no bra and panties and another fresh load of semen leaking out of her pussy, rendering her quick rush to clean herself up utterly pointless.

Aircraft now dotted the sky, many low enough that she could recognize the airline livery painted on the fuselages and tails as they descended to the airport, or ascended away. Suvarnabhumi's massive control tower - the tallest free standing airport control tower in the world - and the wave emulating arches of the massive terminal building were already visible in the distance and a glance at the navigation screen showed that Mongkhut was easily going to prove Chailai's claim about him true.

She heaved a sigh of relief, she would need to rush, but she was going to make her flight.

Her phone rang right then, as if on cue, and for a moment she debated with herself, hesitating; unable to decide if she wanted it to be 'him' - telling her to come back - or not, if she would be strong enough to refuse - or not.

But the name on the screen made her let out another sigh of relief, and she was smiling as she brought the phone out of her bag and put it to her ear. "Yes, Miss Fernandez? How may I help you?"

"Honor," Sarah said, "what did you do?"

Honor froze, hesitating for just a moment too long. "What are you talking about?"

"Where are you?" Sarah demanded.

"I'm in a car heading to the airport. Is something wrong?"

"What have you been doing, Honor?"

'How could she possibly know?' Honor wondered. "What are you talking about, Sarah?"

"Someone," Sarah said, "some wonderful person, just donated one hundred thousand dollars to San Domino!" She ended the sentence in a joyous, excited squeal.

"That's amazing!" Honor's mind raced, along with her heart. "Do you know who?"

"It was an anonymous donation," Sarah replied, then her voice sharpened, "but it was made from Bangkok."

"Oh ..."

"And this is the second donation from Bangkok," Sarah continued, "the first was for ten thousand dollars, three days ago."

Honor realized that she was shaking, her hand too-tightly gripping the phone. "That's ... that's great."

Sarah's voice turned suspicious. "And it's just too much of a coincidence. You happen to be in Bangkok, and someone in Bangkok donates one hundred and ten thousand dollars to an orphanage on the other side of the world?" Sarah paused, tone expectant, waiting for her to say something.

Honor said nothing.

"What have you been doing, Honor?" Sarah repeated.

Honor licked her lips and took a deep breath as she made a decision, feeling a weight lift from her body. "I'll tell you when I get back."

There was another pregnant pause, "So, I'm getting some answers tomorrow?"

"No," Honor said, "I'm spending another ten days in Bangkok." She smiled at the thought of the baffled expression that was sure to be on Sarah's face.

"But," Sarah did indeed sound thoroughly bewildered. "I thought you were going to the airport right now?"

"I just changed my mind," Honor said, smiling wider. "And I might be longer than ten days." She added, remembering Marq's 'renegotiation' of their original agreement.


"I'll explain later," Honor said soothingly. "I promise."

"But ..!"

"And I'll call every day to let you know I'm okay."

There was a moment of silence as Sarah digested this. "You will tell me everything?"

Honor felt herself flush as she imagined telling Sarah about getting soundly fucked on a hotel balcony ... or allowing herself to be paraded near nude in a hotel lobby. "Yes," she lied, "everything."

"Fine," Sarah bit out, clearly angry, and, to get the message across, abruptly hung up.

But Honor was smiling, lighthearted, as she slipped her phone back into her bag. Then she was sensible disciplined Honor Banet again, and she brought out the phone to tap a quick text message to her executive chef; she was adding an extra ten days to her holiday. Maybe more. Given that she had not taken one since she began working for him, she did not bother to give an explanation.

Then she leaned forward, the huge space of the rear cabin forcing her to leave her seat, and tapped Mongkhut on the shoulder. He glanced back through the mirror, and she made a circular motion with her hand.

"I want to go back," she said.

"Go back?" Mongkhut's eyebrows raised. "To hotel?"

"Yes. To the hotel."

"No more airport?"

Honor nodded. "No more airport."

"Forget sometin?"


"But," Mongkhut protested, "you miss flight!"

"I know."

She simply smiled at Mongkhut's look of confusion as she sat back down.

But then Mongkhut shrugged, and began to look for an exit off the highway. Weird antics by people he drove, foreigners most especially, were not new; before he started working for his cousin Jao and Blue Dragon Guides, he had driven a taxi for more than fifteen years.

He shook his head; crazy tourists.

"Okay. We go back."

"Thank you," Honor said.

She thought and made another call when Monghkhut turned them around, heading back to the Grand Imperial - one she realized she couldn't avoid.

"Hey Mom."

"Hon!" Jaya Banet exclaimed, "I was starting to get worried! Where have you been?"

Honor decided to just let her know. "I'm in Bangkok."

A pause. "Bangkok, as in Thailand?"

"I wanted to surprise David. I got here three days ago."

"Wow!" her mother enthused, "That's so romantic, Honor!"

Honor knew Jaya Banet would not be happy that her daughter had flown halfway across the world without telling her, but she was also a hopeless romantic and she would love the uncharacteristic spontaneity of it all.

Especially from her sensible, disciplined middle daughter.

Honor bit her lip. "I thought so too," she said carefully.

"Well, how did it go? He must have been so happy to see you."

'He was too busy kissing Jillian Blake to see me,' Honor thought.

Honor took a deep breath, not wanting to lie to her mother, but certainly not prepared to tell the truth. "He was very happy, Mom."

Jaya sniffed, goodnaturedly. "I see you want to keep the details to yourself."

'Very much so,' Honor thought. What she had decided to do, with another man, was not something she was planning to share much of the details of, not even with Sarah. She flushed; especially if what she had already experienced was just a preview.

"When are you coming back?"

Honor took a deep breath. "In about ten days. Maybe more."

"You're sounding very weird, Honor."

Given the circumstances, Honor supposed that was only to be expected. "I'm okay, Mom."

Her mother's voice softened. "Did you two have a fight?"

Honor felt tears welling up in her eyes. "No," she answered, truthfully. "We're fine," she lied.

"But ..."

"I'll tell you everything when I get back, Mom, okay?" She winced; she hated lying to her mother, she knew she would do nothing of the sort. "Just help me tell Dad, Grace, Faith and Val where I am. And that I love them. And I'll be in touch."

A pause. "Okay. Enjoy yourself, and be careful! We love you."

"I love you all too, Mom."

The one thing she was certainly not being, was 'careful.'



She was watching Phillippe Dufour - fresh off receiving his sixth Michelin star, and a fellow alumnus of the L'Ecole Des Arts Culinaires - explaining the technique involved in making his infamous cream and hazelnut filled croissant, nursing a cup of mint tea in her hands, when the door beeped and clicked open, and as she looked up she could hear Marq Haydn's voice, talking.

For one brief moment, she wondered if he was walking in with someone ... and then his voice stopped in mid-sentence; he had noticed that the lights that he'd left off were now all brightly lit, the hum of the air conditioning, and Dufour's heavy French accent coming from the television.

"Yes ..." she heard him say as the door thudded shut. "Either way, we'll be through with it by tomorrow. The hard part is done." A moment of listening, and then, "Maybe I will. Thanks. See you tomorrow."

Then he walked into the living room, briefcase in hand.

"Hello," he said.

She had planned this very moment, and played it repeatedly in her mind, his entrance into the suite, his surprise at seeing her, the confident, sensual and completely nude woman that would rise up to greet him ...

"Hello," she said.

He raised an eyebrow. "I thought you'd left."

She shook her head. "I changed my mind."

Another moment of silence, and then Honor put the cup of tea down, Phillippe Dufour, David Brenner, sensible, disciplined Honor Banet forgotten as she stood up, letting him see her.

She had removed every item of clothing as soon as she had entered the suite hours before, Mongkhut having brought her back to the Grand Imperial with the same competent efficiency with which he had 'almost' taken her to Suvarnabhumi.

Now she stood, fidgeting, waiting to hear him voice his approval, abruptly nervous that she had misread things, that he did not really want her. That she could soon be on her way back to the airport, sampled and rejected, embarrassed and humiliated by yet another man. Then she saw the familiar predatory glint come into his eyes, felt herself heating up at the hunger in his gaze, and realized she didn't need to hear him say a word.

He looked at her in silence for a long moment. Then he lowered his briefcase to the carpet. "Come here."

She obediently went to stand in front of him, her hips swaying exaggeratedly as he watched her. He didn't tell her that she should stand so close that barely an inch separated them, so that her swollen nipples were pressed against the soft thin wool of his jacket and she had to look up to meet his eyes, but she decided that he could not have possibly meant for her to do anything else.

"Yes, sir?" she said.

The ends of his mouth quirked up in amusement, but his tone didn't change. "Why?"

She licked her lips, then she went on her toes, bracing herself with her hands on his shoulders, and laved her tongue over his. "I believe I owe you ten nights."

He understood. "Your friend Sarah told you."

Honor nodded. "Yes."

He caught her wrists, holding them tight, making her to look up at him. "You don't owe me anything. You can leave now."

Honor shook her head again. "I'm not leaving."

"I'm not giving you another chance, Honor," Marq growled.

A surge of heat erupted between her legs, accompanied by a frisson of something deliciously close to fear as she saw the raw desire in his eyes, more than matching her own. "Our deal was ten thousand dollars a night, Mr. Haydn." She shook her hands free and laid them on his chest, slipping them into his jacket. "It's simple math. A hundred thousand means you paid for ten nights."

His eyes bore deep into her own as his hands settled on her hips, slowly stroking up to her breasts to tease their erect brown tips. "What if I want more than just ten nights, Miss Banet?"

She thought of her executive chef's grudging response to her text - and imagined adding even more days - and smiled as she began to undo his tie and shirt buttons. "I think the record shows that I'm open to ... renegotiating."



Written by thehotknight
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