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According to the clock on the bedside table, it was just a little past two in the morning.

The room was dark, the lights switched off sometime after she had fallen asleep. Honor stared at the clock's softly-lit round face and watched another minute slowly tick by, absently regathering the falling sheets up over her bare breasts. Satin, she'd noted somewhere at the back of her mind as the material settled once again on her skin.

She'd been awake for more than twenty minutes, fifteen of them lying down with her eyes resolutely shut, trying to convince herself that the last four to six hours had been nothing but a strange dream, trying to ignore the tell-tale aches suffusing her body. Failing, she'd finally opened her eyes and sat up in the massive bed, licking her lips and looking around her in what little light there was. She had known that she was alone almost as soon as she had woken up - at some point in time, he had disentangled himself from her and left the bed.

It hadn't been a dream. She had known it all along, but sitting up and examining herself brought it home at its most stark.

Both her breasts felt swollen and tender, her nipples throbbing on her chest - it had been a long time since they'd been so ... stimulated. They were still hard, she realized wonderingly as she felt her nipples with her fingers. And sensitive enough to make her squirm at her own light exploring touch.

For a long while, all that ran through her mind were questions. What had happened to her? Where was the sensible, reliable, disciplined Honor Banet that everyone back home knew? The Honor Banet who was 'not' suddenly a whore? The Honor Banet who certainly would not have stripped herself naked and allowed a virtual stranger to fuck her over a coffee table in a hotel suite living room and then carry her to his bedroom for even more of the same ... for any amount of money?

She could still feel his cum inside her, warm, heavy and thick - three loads of it had been deposited inside her that night. She licked her lips again, remembering his harsh growls of release as he unloaded his seed into her body. He had not been gentle that last time, she remembered, wincing, feeling herself flush. She felt her swollen lips, feeling the heat burn even hotter on her cheeks - he had melted her no kissing rule to nothing, breaking her ...

He had laid her on her back and he had been lavishing some delirium inducing oral attention on her breasts - nips, licks and sucks curling her toes as she writhed and moaned on the sheets - and then, suddenly, he was inside her, making her arch, squealing at the sudden shock and rudeness of his invasion. There had been no warning, but she had been wet from the breast play - very wet - and he'd easily gone all the way into her pussy, making her eyes roll back in her head as he answered her with his own cry of pleasure against her neck. She was still struggling to catch her breath, still unused to his thickness despite having already accommodated him inside her, still unprepared for the sudden presence of the intruder in her body - no matter how welcome - when he started to fuck her, his position spreading and forcing both her legs into the air.

Her initial squeals of shock quickly became a series of breathless open-mouth gasps and then loud helpless sobs of pleasure as he made her come almost immediately, cum and lubrication flooding out of her of her pussy as she writhed and clawed at the sheets with her outspread hands. But he didn't stop, and her boobs jiggled wildly on her chest from her tortured breathing as he continued to ride her, his cock fully penetrating her pussy with each heavy thrust into her shuddering body.

She went into a fugue state after she came again for the second time, throwing her arms around his neck, silently listening to him let out a barely audible growl of effort and pleasure in her ear each time he pushed into her body. Some raw animal feminine instinct took over as they fell into a rhythm together, making her pump her hips up to meet each full stroke of his cock into her spasming pussy, her breath catching each time he slid home into her depths.

And then he'd suddenly, inexplicably, stopped, his body shuddering on top of her.

Honor had opened her eyes, confused, a cry of protest on her lips, to find him looking at her. The hunger in his gaze made her mouth dry, making her aware of every sweat-sheened inch of flesh they had in contact with each other, the heavy weight of him inside her. She could not remember ever being so wet for a man - the steady flow of cum from her pussy was soaking the sheets between her spread thighs.

"Look at me, Honor." He moved a tendril of hair away from her face with visibly shaking fingers, staring into her eyes. He began to move, a slow gentle rocking that barely counted as movement, but sending shards of pleasure blazing through her just the same. "I want you to look at me."

She tried, feeling the heat rising to her face as she looked back into his eyes. She began to move with him again, rocking her hips and following his lead. His eyes bore into her, drinking her in, the way her eyes fluttered when his pubic bone mashed against her clit each time he pressed into her, pleasure making her breaths leave her in soft gasps through soft parted lips.

"Do you know how beautiful you are?" he breathed, stroking another stray hair away from her face and looking into her eyes. "Has anybody ever told you?"

The heat of his gaze was suddenly too much, and Honor turned her eyes away from his, face burning - unable to continue meeting his gaze - flattered, embarassed and shamefully aroused.

He let out a groan and stopped stroking inside her with an effort of pure will.

"Look at me, Honor." He turned her face back up to face him. "Open your eyes," he commanded, voice rough.

She obeyed, helplessly looking back into his eyes, knowing he wouldn't continue unless she did. Honor felt goosebumps pebbling her skin, staring at the raw hunger and desire in them. All for her. The need to feel him moving inside her was suddenly so intense that she began to shake uncontrollably, "Please ..." she whimpered, pleading, "don't stop ... please ..."

"Look at me," he repeated, shaking as well.

She would have promised him anything. "Yes ... please ... please ... please!"

He started to slide in and out of her again, and she lifted her knees up with a sob of relief, opening herself wider. "You have beautiful eyes," he said. "You shouldn't hide them from me."

Honor came then, crying out quietly, moving with him as he rode her.

It was then that he took her lips with his, swallowing her sobs of pleasure. Again, Honor froze at the touch of his lips on hers, feeling his tongue pushing softly past her lips. But this time, she knew there was nothing she could do. What was left of her defenses simply collapsed, and she gave in, whimpering helplessly as both of them continued to ride her orgasm, opening her mouth for him in submission. Her eyes fluttered closed as she began to kiss him back, moaning against his mouth as he began to push harder and deeper into her, deepening the kiss.

Marq continued to fuck her, taking her lips over and over again as she increasingly willingly and eagerly surrendered them to him, his tongue plunging into her mouth the way his member was plunging into her vagina. He kissed her repeatedly, softly and then hard, alternating until it was only the most natural thing in the world for her to start seeking his lips herself when their lips parted for air. By then, she was breathless as she matched him thrust for thrust, clutching at him hard, moaning desperately against his mouth, hungry and desperate to feel him cum inside her, knowing it would take her to the edge and carry her over it again.

She cried out something and locked her legs around him when he suddenly let out a loud tell-tale growl and buried his face in her neck, his body stiffening and shuddering on top of her as he reached the point of no return. And then he let out a harsh groan as he exploded inside her, and she'd arched and spread her legs wider to take another copious load of his cum into her vagina, breaths coming out in soft keening gasps, mouth opened in a silent sobbing scream until he took her lips again, his tongue pushing smoothly into her mouth as he tasted his fill. She'd kissed him back just as hungrily as she came again, all memory of that previously important boundary forgotten.

She'd shamelessly obeyed another feminine instinct and curled up against him afterwards, exhausted. Her eyes fitfully closed of their own accord, her body still trembling from head to toe as she fell asleep with her head on his shoulder, distantly feeling the warm, sticky mixture of his cum and her own rather plentiful secretions slowly seeping out of her pussy ...

She licked her lips as she returned to the present; whatever it was he did for a living, Mr. Marq Haydn was certainly well acquainted with the concept of getting value for his money. She winced at another twinge, remembering his grip on her breasts ... very well acquainted.

Her stomach rumbled just then, making her aware of two important things. One; she hadn't eaten anything since she'd called up room service that afternoon, and she had burned up a lot of energy - Honor felt her cheeks warm as she blushed in the dark - and her empty stomach was not going to accept being put off for much longer, at least not quietly.

Luckily, as she distinctively remembered reading when she was ordering her food from the menu card, Room Service at the Grand Imperial was a twenty-four hour affair.

Two; she needed to pee.

She rolled out of the bed, draping the one of the sheets around her body before she padded into the bathroom, flicking up the switch by the door and making the bathroom's lights come to bright life. The cold of the tiles was a tiny shock against her feet as she went to the toilet - she frowned; the seat was up - emphatically put the seat down, sat, and relieved herself with a quiet sigh.

His bathroom was a larger version of 'her' room's bathroom, the same colors, and the same elegant, luxurious theme - only that his had a full round jacuzzi while hers had sported the typical rectangular bathtub - which had, in all fairness, suited her quite well. She used the considerately located fixture box of feminine wet wipes - fixed just above the roll of toilet paper - to clean herself afterwards, blushing a little because it took a while to get 'clean' - it wasn't just pee. There was evidence of a man's recent presence in the same vicinity - lots of it.

Afterwards, she stood up and pressed the flush button before going to the sink, a classic marble-topped affair deeply recessed into the wall. She stared at herself in the mirror for a while, surprise somewhere at the back of her mind that she didn't look any different, except for her poutily swollen lips. Gone was the wanton slut she had seen in the mirror with a strange man buried inside her; whoever this Honor Banet - this whore - was, they certainly looked like one and the same woman.

Even more curious was that this Honor Banet didn't look like a woman who'd barely gotten any sleep. In fact, apart from the somewhat tangled mess of her ponytail, she looked ... fine - no bags under her eyes, no droop to her eyelids.

She looked nothing like a woman with a heart broken into a thousand tiny little pieces. David and Jillian Blake still felt ... distant, even the weight in her chest seemed barely there. She could push it away, she realized as she did. It was not as all-consuming as it 'should' be after just ... was it really less than two days since she saw her fiancee with his lover? Since she discovered that a big part of her life was a cruel lie?

She twisted her lip, letting the subject go. What point was there?

Carefully she regathered the sheet around her and tied it firmly over her breasts before undoing the ponytail, letting her hair fall unbound to her back. Then she washed her hands and rinsed her mouth before taking one last look at herself in the mirror, again surprised by how not-different she still looked, and then she quietly went out of the bathroom.

The bedside table's clock said it was now a full quarter past two.

Where was he?

Honor frowned, mostly at herself, at the curious upsurge of disappointment that had flared up inside her on seeing the still-empty bed with its rumpled sheets. For a moment, she tried to ignore the tell-tale warmth in her abdomen and the swollen tingling in her nipples - the tension of a woman's body preparing itself for a lover's touch. How, she wondered, could she still be horny? After David and Jillian? After ... 'him?'

She pursed and licked her lips, looking at herself in the mirror over the headboard. The outline of her still painfully erect nipples were clearly visible through the sheet she had tied around herself. And she was wet, as she'd discovered when cleaning herself on the toilet—embarrassingly wet.

She stood in thought, thinking of cold showers and resolutely going back to sleep ... until her stomach chose that moment in time to very loudly rumble in protest again, bringing her back to reality and making her aware that her head was beginning to throb in sympathy with her empty stomach - she needed to eat.

She went to the room's artfully recessed wardrobe with its varnished walnut doors, remembering that all her clothes had been left behind in the living room - what was not in her little red suitcase was on the floor by the coffee table. As she'd expected, she found a set of bathrobes, the hotel's logo embroidered on the chest, and after a moment she untied the sheet around her and shrugged her naked body into what appeared to be the smallest of them.

She wrapped herself up to her neck, tying the sash tight around her waist. Then she opened the bedroom door and stepped out unto the hallway to the suite's living room. The door noiselessly swung back closed as she made her way past 'her' room's door, standing closed to one side. The lights in the living room were off but there was a bluish white light, flickering and coming from one side - from the TV, she decided. She got to the end of the hallway and even though she felt a little silly, even childish, she clung to the wall and poked her head around to see what 'he' was doing.

He was sitting on the sofa, facing the huge television screen, which apparently also doubled for a monitor because he was on the internet, reading what appeared to be a financial report from the figures on it on one side, while engaged in an online chat session on the other. As she watched, he began to press some buttons on what looked to be a cross between a rather large remote unit and a miniature keyboard on his lap. Letters rapidly appeared in response in a text box on the screen.

'I've looked through it. Thanks. Till Monday.' Marq wrote. Less than ten seconds later, a message appeared in the textbox above. 'Deji: No problem at all. Talk to you Monday. Good night.'

'Good night.' Marq responded and in the next moment, the side of the screen hosting the chat session went gray and faded as both parties broke the chat connection.

Honor watched him stare thoughtfully at the screen for a long moment, and she was just about to step out of hiding when he began to type again, making her pause.

In the browser address bar, he typed in a web address she knew well; ''.

Sarah, who happened to be a first class web-developer working for one of the largest software development firms back home, had designed and built the website from scratch, a three week labor of love that she'd travelled to San Domino to showcase to the nuns and monks heading that outpost of the worldwide organization. Honor had gone with Sarah to see her reject any offer of payment for her work, and instead offer her services to administer it for them, free of charge.

Honor watched silently, heart beating faster, as Marq swiftly navigated through the site, arriving at the page for the San Domino center. He began to read, taking his time, clicking and going from page to page, scrolling down each one. There was a 'donate' link under the ubiquitous collage of pictures on each page - of relieved looking young mothers tenderly holding their newborns to happy looking children in the orphanage's school uniforms; many children of poor parents from the surrounding town also attended the school for whatever their parents can give.

Honor watched as he finally clicked on the 'donate' link on a page. The page that came up had input boxes for his name and credit card details. He checked the box indicating that he wanted to be an anonymous donor, and then he filled in the details of a credit card, one of many, she was certain, inputing the name as on the card; 'Marquin Eduardo Haydn.' She now knew another thing about him, his middle name. And that his 'Marq' wasn't short for Marques.

Somehow, she wasn't surprised that he knew the credit card number off the top of his head when she and everyone she knew needed to bring the card out to look and make sure. He entered the password in the password box, and again it didn't surprise her that it was almost twenty characters long although all she could see was a long line of identical dots. A pulsing wet heat came to vivid roaring life between her legs as something deep inside her stirred and came to the surface.

She expected it, but her breath still caught in her throat as she saw him enter the amount; '$10,000.00' - ten thousand dollars, and as she watched, he clicked the 'Submit' button, making it final.

Her body shook, her mouth going dry.

She had just witnessed herself being 'paid' for - and she was suddenly, gloriously, on fire.

She stepped out of the hallway, a decision made before she was even aware she was making it, untying the sash of the robe around her waist. She was opening the robe when the 'Transaction Successful' window from the credit card company popped up on the screen. She barely noticed; her eyes were focused on the man who was her target. The 'Thank You' page, complete with a smiling child's image was on the screen when he heard her coming down the small staircase and turned his head. By then, the bathrobe was fully open around her naked body and on its way off her shoulders as she closed the distance between them, her nipples proudly erect and pointing on her breasts.

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The robe fell off behind her as she stood in front of him. She locked her eyes on his, displaying herself, meeting his searching gaze, a small smile turning up the corners of her full lips as the remote-slash-keyboard fell to the carpet, obviously from hands gone nerveless. He wasn't quite as in control as he made out to be, she noted with satisfaction, watching him react to her body.

She held out her hand. "I believe you paid for a whole night, Mr. Haydn."

He said nothing, just looking up at her. Then, almost languidly, he placed his hand in hers.

"Get up," she said.

Obediently, hand in hers, he stood up.

He was wearing a T-shirt and pyjama bottoms that did nothing to hide his manhood's rapid swelling as she looked at it. Honor first removed his glasses and dropped them out of the way on the sofa, then she licked her lips and moved closer, releasing his hand so she could remove everything else. He helped her take off his T-shirt, raising his arms above his head, expression maddeningly neutral as her swollen pointing nipples made contact and pressed into his chest. She didn't back away, though, she wanted the closeness, wanted to be even closer. She licked her lips again as she unbuttoned the fly of his pyjama bottoms, starting with the one securing them to his waist. She let gravity take the soft cotton down to his feet when she was done, moving even closer and tighter against him, her full breasts joining her nipples as she wrapped a hand around his cock, feeling it jerk in her hand at her touch. Her other arm went around his neck as she melded her body into his harder broader one.

She stared into his eyes for a long moment, in silence, caressing him, before she pulled his head down to her and pressed her lips against his, gently teasing at them with her tongue. She moaned softly in her throat as she kissed him, running her hand and exploring fingers all over his swelling member, stroking, cupping, caressing, listening to his breathing deepen and accelerate. She lifted herself up on her tip-toes as she finally pushed her tongue into his mouth, moaning in delight as he gave in and began to kiss her back, his arms snaking around her body as he brought her up even tighter against him, crushing the air out of her lungs and making her break the kiss, the abrading of her nipples against his chest sending tingles of pleasure from her breasts to the soles of her feet.

She immediately sought his lips again, not letting up, recapturing his lips as soon as she recaptured her breath after each softly gasping break. His penis, still engulfed possessively in her hand, lengthened and swole rapidly as she licked and kissed him, moaning in hunger. She made a tiny mewling sound in her throat when he suddenly reached his hand under her butt, fingers questing, caressing her open. Honor moaned against his lips, shuddering as she automatically lifted her leg up to give him access to her heat. He made his own sound, his cock jerking again in her hand as he felt her, her cum coating his fingers as he ran them over her parted slit. She let out a groan as he slipped his fingers into her pussy, breaking the kiss to take a deep gasping breath before hungrily seeking his lips again, already moving her hips in time with the digits pushing in and out of her.

She had to break the kiss again when he touched her clit, gasping, and her eyes opened to see his lips turn up in smug small smile. She realized she was losing control of the situation as she stood there, wrapped around him, his fingers plunging in and out of her pussy as she trembled and moved with them. Her lifted leg had somehow become wrapped around his like a twisting vine, like a salsa dancer's leg around her partner, keeping her open for his fingers. Honor gasped again as he touched her clitoris, jerking in his arms, still moving her hips. Cum was flooding out of her now, her pussy reacting to his exploring of her swells and folds, his fingers' gentle stroking in and out of her parted lips.

She shuddered, sensation making her rise up on her toes again, letting go of his cock and putting both her arms around his neck. His thick rod of flesh was pressed in full against her belly as their eyes locked on each other and she began to make a small purring sound, unable to stop herself, submitting herself to his fingers' assault on her cunt. She grunted suddenly, a flush of heat and goosepimples spreading all over her boobs and she was suddenly clutching at him and crying out as she came, mind going blank as she buried her face against his neck.

His hand was still moving rhythmically under her when she came to, and Honor was still moving with it , moaning, shamelessly soaking his fingers with her cum. His penis was now a thick, warm and pulsing mass against her stomach, ready for her. She was more than ready, wet beyond comprehension, need for something more than his fingers a raging living thing inside her. Her nipples practically burned with the friction as they pressed and rubbed against him, abraded by the rough dusting of hair on his chest.

She swiftly calculated, noting how close the back of his legs were to the sofa. Panting, she pushed at him, hard, making him fall back on the seat with a rough sound of surprise, forcing his fingers out of her vagina. She followed him down, the cushions letting out another rush of air from their foam and leather confines as she landed on top of him.

She quickly straddled him, spreading her knees over him as she set herself over his erection, using her hand to caress and guide him to her opening. She stroked the head of his cock along her slit before gently penetrating herself with it, biting her trembling lower lip in concentration, bracing herself. She grunted and let out a soft sigh of pleasure and relief as she sank down on his shaft, lips parting as she took him inside her. He guided her down, his hands tightening on her waist as her vaginal walls parted and closed around his cock, until he was fully inside her body.

She sat quietly for long moment, eyes closed, rediscovering the simple pleasure of having a man - especially one of his girth inside her - quivering as she savored his touch, his hands on the sides of her stomach caressing up to her sensitive breasts. She opened her eyes and looked at him, her gaze moving from his lips to his eyes, questioning, wanting to know if he enjoyed being inside her as much as she did, a shy smile blossoming on her lips at the answer she saw in them. Then she leaned forward and licked at his lips, teasing them open for her tongue. She felt him wrapping his arms around her back, stroking her body as she began rock her hips back and forth, sliding him in and out of her pussy. She felt one of his hands return to her boobs and she purred against his mouth, thrusting her tongue out to play with his as he began to pump back into her pussy.

They moved together, falling into a gentle rhythm, hands exploring, lips and tongues kissing, tasting, teasing. He was a tight fit, every movement sending a spark of pleasure that coursed up and down her spine to the base of her skull. His hands roamed her body, caressing her belly and breasts, cupping her flexing bottom, stroking the smoothness of her back, tendrils of pleasure following the trails his fingers made on her skin. Her hands explored his chest and shoulders, feeling the strength in them and realizing that she felt safe in his arms ... that his cock moving inside her, stretching her, was the most natural thing in the world.

Her fiancee and his lover were suddenly the least of her concerns as this ... this stranger fucked her. This, she thought, was where she was meant to be, at that time and that moment with him moving inside her. She leaned forward and kissed him, sucking his lower lip into her warm mouth, gasping a little as his cock again pushed up into her pussy, all the way in.

She arched and let out a soft cry when he smoothly disengaged his lips from hers and took one hard and extra-sensitive nipple into his mouth, leaning back as he began to pump deeper into her cunt, his sharp intakes of breath accompanying each full thrust of his penis into her body. Honor's arms went tight around his neck as she held on, writhing fitfully as he went to her other breast and ran his tongue over the hard brown nub of flesh at its tip, deliberately teasing her. She moaned with delight and leaned forward, wordlessly feeding it to him, crying out breathlessly when he sucked it into his mouth, mouth open, her movements increasingly short and frantic.

And then he bit her - a quick tightening of his teeth on her swollen nipple, and his thrusts into her opening were suddenly sharp and hard, his arm tightening into an iron band around her waist. Honor spasmed, arching against him with a sharp squeal of shock, and then she threw her head back and screamed as he continued to roughly fuck her pussy, holding her tight and in place for his plundering manhood, biting and sucking on her suddenly unbearably sensitive nipple. She screamed again when seconds later, goosepimples rose on her skin and then her orgasm hit, her pussy clenching tighter around his cock as she went stiff in his arms, the overload of sensations driving every thought out of her head. He continued to fuck her, hard, driving the whole thick length of his cock into her pussy with every punishing thrust until the strength abruptly left her arms and she collapsed on top of him, burying her face in his neck, at the join of his throat and shoulder, keening unintelligibly, her toes curling at their position by his knees.

The first thing Honor became aware of when she regained her ability to string a thought together was that he was stroking her hair as he held her trembling body on top of him, his other arm around her waist. A close second was that he was still hard. Still inside her. But he was no longer brutally thrusting himself in and out of her body, he was still - as if patiently waiting for her to come to. Her pussy was still spasming around him in the slowly receding aftershocks of her orgasm as she shuddered in his arms. It had a pleasure all it's own, simply having him inside her as she came, she thought, wondering at his self control as she listened to his heavy breathing and felt the rapid beating of his heart against her breasts. She kept her eyes closed, her head resting on his shoulder as she caught her own breath - she was breathing just as heavily as he was - relaxing herself fully on his cock, cooing quietly through parted lips.

They remained like that for a while, unmoving but for their breathing, for all the world lovers overtaken by exhaustion still enwrapped in each other. But, despite her closed eyes, Honor was very much awake, aware of every inch of her body that was in contact with his. Her skin was pebbled with goosebumps, her breathing and heartbeat still elevated, her body trembling as her vagina clenched and unclenched around the intruder inside her of its own accord. She could feel that he was just as awake and aware of her as she was of him - even though his breathing was less turbulent, his heartbeat was another thing entirely. Rapid and excited. Like her own.

A full minute passed before he moved, breaking the tension. She let out a soft sigh and began to rock back and forth with her hips when his hand began to trace the side of her breast, gentle and slow, teasing her smooth skin. She lifted her head off his shoulder and sat up, opening her eyes to smile indulgently at him when he finally cupped the soft mass of flesh, thumb tracing over the nipple that had lost some of its turgidity in her orgasm. She shivered, closing her eyes in unashamed delight as it leapt to attention immediately, hardening and swelling. His gaze was so full of hunger and desire when she opened her eyes again that it froze her, heat rising in waves to her cheeks. Her other nipple rapidly swole into a hardened pointing brown knot of aroused flesh as even more lubrication flooded out of her pussy to surround his cock.

She licked her lips, staring at him, lust burning in her eyes. Then she leaned forward and licked his, running her tongue over them.

Her tummy rumbled.

They both froze.

Her stomach rumbled again, going on for a long, interminable, mortifying moment, loud and angry at being neglected.

Honor felt the surge of heat crawling up her cheeks as a smile lifted the corners of his mouth, a quizzical eyebrow going up, and embarassingly, her stomach let out another high-volume rumble.

Grinning, he pulled her head down so he could kiss her parted, unresisting, mortified lips. "I think I better call Room Service."

Honor knew she should have a witty reply to that, but she was finding it difficult - her embarrassment, his kissing, and not to mention the immense pleasure of his presence inside her was a little bit much to handle all at once as well as coming up with sharp ripostes. So she simply closed her eyes and moaned when his lips pressed on hers again.

And then 'his' stomach made a noise, loud, insistent, angry.

Honor's eyes snapped open. And she lifted her head to fix him with her own quizzical, and very amused, gaze.

His stomach rumbled again, loud and clear.

She smiled. "I think you should call Room Service."

"You think?" he deadpanned.

His stomach let out another roar.

She nodded vigorously. "Yes. You should call Room Service."

As if on cue, her tummy chose that moment to let out another growl of protest, only for his stomach to respond with one of its own. She tried to stifle her giggle, but when he started to laugh, she had to join in.

She sought his lips with hers afterwards, moaning softly against his mouth and tightening her arms around his neck, genuinely enjoying herself. She had never laughed with a man inside her before. It felt good ... better than good, actually.

She began to roll her hips, making him move inside her as they kissed again, bodies intermittently shaking with amusement as their stomachs started making noises again, for all the world loudly complaining to each other about their inconsiderate owners' priorities.

Why shouldn't laughter be a part of sex, she wondered? Why did it have to be so 'fucking' serious?

She kissed and licked around his jaw, cupping his face in her hands, feeling daring, giggling as he tried to follow her tongue. For some reason, it made her feel even more exquisitely, gloriously, horny - her hunger for food fading to insignificance as more lubrication pulsed out of her deliciously occupied pussy.

She left the line of his jaw and hungrily licked at his lips again, growling her need even as her stomach made one last loud noise and fell silent, defeated. She began to lift and lower herself on his shaft as she sucked his lower lip into her mouth, coating it even more with her liquid, listening to his harsh breathing and letting it excite her. She began to move harder and faster against him, impaling herself on his member as he groaned in pleasure, his hands on her sweat-sheened back.

Honor threw her head back when she felt him stiffening under her, grasping her tight, telling her he was close. Gasping, she rode him harder, remembering all three times he had emptied himself inside her, his cum filling her pussy to overflowing as he roared out his pleasure. She shuddered, her body spasming as she grinded down hard on his cock.

The smell of aroused woman, of wanton lust and desire unleashed filled the air around them, assaulting his senses just as much as the soft lushness of her full petite form feverishly moving on top of him. She wanted his cum inside her, wanted to feel him unload his semen into her body and hear him scream his release along with her.

His hands settled tight on her waist as she suddenly clutched him to her breasts, cooing her delight as she felt his hungry mouth on her hard pointing nipple. She felt him start to shudder around her, his control inexorably leaving him as she melded herself against him and took him deeper into herself, rolling her hips up and pressing herself down hard on him. Her breathing had become rough and high with effort, eyes dilated and lips parted as she determinedly slid him in and out her pussy over and over again, quiet gasps of exertion escaping her open mouth.

'Come!' she thought, engulfing him again and again, feeling him start to spasm, knowing he was close. 'Come! Come!'

Marq suddenly cried out, a sound between a moan and a guttural roar, and he thrust up hard into her pussy, making her squeal as she felt his orgasm begin at his feet, all his control frayed to nothing, the rush of pleasure making him arch and stiffen off the backrest as he gave in and exploded inside her, coming hard.

Honor cried out with him, tightly holding him to her breasts as she hungrily took spurt after spurt of his cum into her pussy.

He collapsed weakly back on the sofa when he was done, eyes closed, breathing rough and ragged.

She was still sitting on top of him when he opened his eyes, a contented smile on her lips.

She leaned forward to press her lips on his, his rapidly softening penis, along with a fresh load of his semen still inside her. "That was nice," she said, pumping her hips meaningfully, lewdly, feeling exquisitely naughty as she saw his rather dazed, comprehending smile.

Her stomach rumbled again. Followed immediately by his.

She giggled. "Room service?"

"Room service," he agreed, smiling back.

Written by thehotknight
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