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He opened the door at her second knock.

"Can I come in?" Honor asked in a quiet voice.

He stepped back from the door, and she walked back into Suite 1615, pulling her red suitcase behind her.

She walked in on rubbery legs and let go of the suitcase by the armchair, standing it up on its small wheels. She felt his gaze on her as she dropped her hand bag on top of the coffee table, and she turned around, standing in the middle of the room and feeling her palms turning moist with sweat even in the air conditioned air. He had already turned the television off since she'd left, and he was leaning on the wall just inside the entranceway, watching her with an inscrutably neutral expression.

She shivered and looked down at her feet. "There's this organization," she began, "First Sanctuary, it's a non-profit ...."

"I know them," Marq said. "They own and run crisis pregnancy centers all over the world."

"... and orphanages," Honor finished. She looked up at him, rethinking her decision, her impulsive, utterly mad decision.

She needed the money - ten thousand dollars would go a long way in helping her get her equipment out of storage and into a new home, much closer to making her dream a living breathing reality. But for how long would she have to live with the feeling that in bringing her dream to life, she had tainted it with what she was about to say ... and do?

Her fear of the answer was why the next thing she said was "Send the money to them." She licked her lips, nervous. "And you can have me for tonight." She quickly added, "I'm not going to get pregnant - I had my Decision shot last month." She was referring to the revolutionary drug that once injected effectively made pregnancy an impossibility for the next six months when it finally wore off, or the drug to neutralize it was added to the mix to cut its effects short.

His eyes flickered, and he tilted his head slightly as he looked at her. "Why?"

"Do you really think I'm ... I'm beautiful?" She hated herself for asking it, being so dependent on another person's opinion of herself, but it was something she needed to hear again. "You'd pay that much to make love to me?"

"That's the reason you're saying yes?" he asked. "Gratitude?"

She folded her arms beneath her breasts, deciding that honesty was the best policy "Maybe. You're right about my crying . Someone ... someone broke my heart." Her eyes flashed. "And I'm angry ... I'm miserable." She met his eyes. "And to be perfectly honest, I'm horny."

He was silent for a moment, "Why First Sanctuary?"

She looked at him. "Does it matter?"

"It does. I want to know."

Honor licked her lips again, thinking. Then, "My best friend ..."

"The woman who called hotel security?"

She nodded. "Yes. Sarah. She was adopted from one of their orphanages, the one in San Domino. Her father was killed in an accident before she was born, and her mother couldn't take care of her so she gave her to them when she was born. They took care of her until she was seven, when her parents adopted her. I went down there with her once to visit it. They do so much amazing work with so little."

Silence descended after she was done, and after a moment, she lowered her gaze again to her shoes.

"Look at me, Honor," he said quietly. She obeyed, and she watched him as he moved off the wall and came up close to her, forcing her to raise her head so she could continue meeting his gaze, becoming all too aware of his width that was so much more than hers.

He began to stroke her hair as she stood in front of him, and he smiled. "You have no idea just how utterly beautiful you are, do you?" A fingertip went to trail itself on the edge of her ear. "A charity or yourself. I couldn't have cared less."

She saw the volcanic heat in his eyes, and she swallowed hard as she felt her body respond to it and the tantalizing touch of his fingers, her lips parting as her vaginal muscles rippled and clenched between her legs. Her breasts began to rise and fall noticeably as her breathing swiftly became deeper and harsher. Her nipples tightened on her chest, rapidly swelling and poking through her top, and she felt the warmth in her abdomen heating up and moving lower and then lower still between her legs, soaking the thin sheer panties she was wearing under her linen pants.

He ran his fingers down her cheek to her chin, making her shiver, a finger going up to trace the outline of her parted lips. "Say yes again, Honor."

"Yes," she said, feeling an all-encompassing hunger rising inside her to match the heat in his eyes, burning away what was left of her apprehension. This was a chance to forget being the woman whose fiancee was right now in bed with another man's wife, a chance to forget to be sensible, disciplined ... foolish Honor Banet.

But most of all, this was a chance for that most senseless of reasons; revenge.

And being a whore for a night, letting a stranger pay for her while her fiancee was inside another woman, no matter where the money would end up, was certainly as far from sensible and disciplined, and as close to vengeful on such short notice as it got. Come to think of it, it certainly would have been more sensible for her to keep the money for herself.

"This is just a business arrangement," she said, making it clear. "Just for tonight."

He nodded and smiled even wider, his eyes glinting like those of a predator as he cupped her cheek and lifted her head up. "Yes?"

"Yes." Honor fixed her eyes on him as she she kicked off her shoes, realizing there was nothing more to think about or say. "Yes," she said again. "Yes."

She began to lift the hem of her top, and Marq moved to help her raise it over her head and take it off her. She heard him take in a deep appreciative breath when he saw the barely-there nature of her bra and the heavy and full breasts it held in its confines. Honor felt her nipples tighten and tingle in response, and she was reaching up between her breasts to undo the bra's front clasp when he began to run his fingers down her bared stomach to the rope tie of her pants at her waist.

He undid the knot and let gravity do the rest and make the linen fall off her as he put his hands under her panties' French-cut waistband. Bra already taken off and thrown aside, she undulated her hips to help him when he began to ease the thin and sheer material off and down her legs, going down to one knee in front of her as he drew them slowly down to her feet.

The part that had been over her slit gleamed with wetness, faintly discoloured from her secretions as it came away from her body. She expected him to stand up after she'd obligingly stepped out of the puddle of her pants and panties at her feet, but instead, a hand and its trailing fingers began to run up her leg, making her widen her legs apart to make way for them as they gently went up her thigh and inward until they reached their destination at her center.

She bit her lip, feeling herself flushing with something akin to embarrassment as he explored her, gently tracing the folds of her vagina, curiously feeling her swollen labia, and parting her pouting nether lips with the tips of his fingers and getting them wet with her lubrication. She shuddered, opening her mouth in a tiny gasp as he ran his fingers over the sensitive nub of flesh that was only just peeking out of its fleshy hood over her slit. His other hand stroked the outside of her thigh to rest on her hip, holding her in place as he began to finger her clit, moving his fingers in a strangely perfect counterpoint to her tiny moans and the involuntary rolling motion of her hips to meet the caressing digit.

Within seconds, her clitoris stood erect and swollen out of its hood, and she was crying out and quivering against him as he continued to explore and touch her, dipping his fingers just inside her for lubrication before going back to tease her clit again until her whole body stiffened and she let a loud gasp, more lubrication suddenly coming out of her as she jerked hard, placing her hand again on his shoulder for balance so she wouldn't fall.

Her clitoris was larger than most, a visible button of flesh that she had been somewhat self-conscious about until David. He had liked it, he had said, that her arousal was so easily visible.

And clearly, Marq liked it as well.

He continued; touching and caressing her until her quiet little gasps had given way to a low and continuous moan of pleasure, then he smoothly pushed two fingers into her wet warmth. Honor squealed at the sudden onrush of sensation as her vagina clenched around the intruders, and she felt her knees giving way as she jerked again, falling backwards. She landed on her bare butt on the coffee table behind her, his fingers still engulfed in her pussy between her spread legs, her hands instinctively thrown behind her on the coffee table to brace herself against her fall.

She barely had time to register the coldness of the varnished wood against her skin when the fingers exited her and her legs were suddenly lifted off the carpet. He raised them up in one quick motion, his hands under her thighs by the bend of her knees, making her fall back on her elbows and lower back on the coffee table, eyes going wide in startlement at the suddenness of her change of position.

Her breath caught as she watched his head descend between her spread thighs, and the first contact of his tongue with her skin made her jerk and cry out, involuntarily lifting her pelvis up to him, and she had to bite her lip to keep from screaming when his tongue began to explore her like his fingers had done, travelling all over her labia and the folds of her pussy, lapping up her fluids as they oozed out of her. But she couldn't help it when he sucked in the pouting lips of her cunt into his mouth - she threw her head back and let out a loud quivering wail, her entire body shuddering on the coffee table.

A heartbeat after his lips made contact with her slit, Honor's elbows gave way and she landed flat on her back on the cold coffee table with a tiny shriek. But he didn't seem to notice - he only spread her legs wider and speared his tongue into her. She let out a loud and choked gasp, spreading her legs even wider for him as his tongue flickered in and out of her pussy. By the time his mouth was at her clit, she was holding her legs spread and up in the air with her hands by herself and pumping her pelvis up to meet his lips and his tongue, unintelligible cries coming out of her mouth as he broke through the last barrier and swiftly took her over the brink.

Her orgasm rolled over her like a wave and she let out a loud sob of pleasure as she came. She bucked powerfully on the table but he kept licking and sucking at her spasming pussy. And then he ran his tongue hard over her suddenly incredibly and very uncomfortably sensitive clit. She jerked and let out a cry of protest, but he didn't move - instead, he licked at her clit, still rudely swollen, again. And again. And again. Honor squealed, desperately struggling to push his head away from her. But his mouth remained locked down on her pussy, his powerful arms holding her thighs trapped and open, mercilessly licking at the swollen nub of her clit as she struggled and pushed to get away from his marauding tongue.

She began to gasp repeatedly, her voice breaking as she gave up trying to move him away from her, crying out in a mixture of pleasure and rapidly approaching hysteria at the deliberate overstimulation of her throbbing clitoris. Her hands went to her head and clamped tight around her temples, as if to stop the sensations from overwhelming her mind "Stop! ... stop ... I can't ... I can't ... oh my @#&% ... please! Stop! ... please ... oh! ... please! ..."

He let go of her just before she opened her mouth to start screaming and she let out a loud sob of relief as she lay weakly on the table, feet falling to the carpeted floor, breasts heaving and shaking on her chest, eyes falling tightly closed as she struggled to catch her breath and regain her senses.

But he had no intention of allowing too long a moment of respite, or any moment at all, for that matter. Honor heard him moving just before she felt his hands on her and before she could open her eyes, he had turned her over on her stomach, quick, urgent and rough. Her knees met the carpeted floor as her breasts were suddenly pressed against the coffee table's smooth, varnished surface. She was immediately very aware as only a woman could be that her thighs were spread apart and her pussy was open, wet and vulnerable to anyone behind her.

But it still wasn't enough to prepare her; she made a sound halfway between a moan and shriek, rearing and lifting her head up from the table as Marq plunged into her pussy for the first time, stroking the whole length of his erection into her with one swift, hard push and answering her shock-filled cry with a pleasure-filled growl of his own, his hands tight on her hips.

He began to fuck her almost immediately, not bothering to wait for the woman he had just engulfed himself in to get used to his presence inside her body. Recovering from an orgasm while having a cock stroking in and out of her still spasming cunt was something new, and it took time for her to fully return to herself. But she did it, realizing she was the one letting out the sharp squeals she had been hearing as she finally recuperated enough to lift herself up to support her upper body on her elbows on the coffee table, fists clenched tight in front of her.

Being ridden to another orgasm before she'd even begun to recover from the previous one was not something Honor had ever experienced before. Having it done to her in such a rough and and almost impersonal way was also another new experience, not to mention the torturous overload of pleasure he'd subjected her to just before he'd just turned her over and entered her without the decency to wait for to catch her breath.

But he felt good inside her—much better than good. He did not possess the longest penis she'd ever had; David was longer, but he was significantly thicker than she was used to and he was making her vaginal muscles stretch apart repeatedly to contain him as he rode her. She couldn't remember ever having a man take her so ... so rudely. Like he had every right to take her as he wished. Like he had bought her, she thought, a particularly rough thrust drawing another shocked gasp out of her open mouth. And, strangely enough, his first instinct was to take her from behind, hard and in thorough control, just like she had thought it would be.

In between her mind going blank at the sharp tendrils of pleasure shooting through her body from the rather harsh attention she was being subjected to, the thought occurred to her that she may have gotten herself into something way over her head. But by then she was actively moving with him, a mix of gasps, sharp intakes of breath and wordless cries coming out of her open mouth as she reached for her pleasure, helping him fuck her as they fell into a natural rhythm with each other. He began to let out short wheezing noises as he repeatedly fit and filled her cunt, sending a thrill straight to her belly and all the way up to her neck with each thrust into her shuddering and back-thrusting body.

She had fallen into a dazed fugue state, all semblance of coherent thought gone when a sharp and tinny blast of music suddenly added itself to the noises they were both making and jarred her out of it. It was her phone in the handbag that was right by her clenched fist. But Marq was still fucking her as if nothing else was happening and she simply found herself unable make a move towards answering it. Marq gripped her harder, almost painfully, as he started to piston himself harder and faster inside her and the ringing phone faded to insignificance as she again fell into the rhythm of their copulating.

The phone continued to ring and ring, and after a full minute and a half, it stopped. Honor, by then crying out and gasping in pleasure, was heedless of it as her orgasm approached.

Honor heard it start up the second time just as she started to come again, cum flooding out her and around the member still sliding in and out of her body. She collapsed off her elbows, mashing her dangling boobs back unto the table as she shook and jerked on the varnished wood, her pussy clenching hard around her rider's pistoning cock. The phone finally fell silent after another minute of ringing, leaving only her gasping and Marq's hard breathing as he continued to fuck her as the only sounds reverberating in the room.

Honor was beginning to claw at the table when she felt him stiffen seconds later, and in the next moment she heard him make a rough animal noise as semen finally started spurting into her in warm and heavy torrents, making her cry out again at the additional sensation in her already overstimulated core, and then his cum was landing outside of her body, spreading on her labia and in between crack of her butt as he withdrew from inside her, adding his cum to the copious mass between her legs.

The phone started to ring for the third time only a few moments later. Honor's hand shook as she fitfully reached for her bag to bring it out. But Marq seemed to anticipate her shaky state and he got there first - he was breathing hard just as much as she was, but he seemed much more in control of himself despite his arguably much more energy intensive exertions. He opened the bag with a smooth economy of motion and extracted the ringing phone, wordlessly handing it to her.

It was Sarah. Honor's first instinct was to hold off answering the call until she'd caught her breath, but she knew that a third missed call would almost certainly have her friend calling up the hotel's security staff in something close to a panic. Considering what she had just done - or more accurately, what had been done to her - and the heavy smell of her arousal and cum in the room she wasn't sure she could face the security men if they were to knock on the door again.

She put her hand over her mouth as she pressed the 'Answer' button, trying to muffle the sounds of her still harsh and gasping breaths. "H ... he ... hello? Sarah?"

"Where the fuck were you?" Sarah managed to sound both relieved and enraged at the same time. "I was about to wake the whole damn hotel up!"

"I'm sorry," Honor breathed, intensely aware of the cum splattered all over her butt and pubic region, some of it dripping out of her still spasming center. "I was ... I was in the bathroom." She turned to see Marq standing up, realizing that he had just screwed her while still wearing his T-shirt and glasses. He gave her an amused grin, his breathing already approaching normal as he raised a rather smug eyebrow.

She frowned at him and turned her head away with her hand still over her mouth - her breathing was still some distance away from normal - but not before she had seen that he was still hard despite his coming inside and outside her body within just the last minute, and as he'd looked at her she got the impression that he was all too ready to start again.

'What have I gotten myself into?' she thought, hand still over her mouth, feeling more than a little shaken, and intensely vulnerable.

"What's happening over there?" Sarah asked, "You sound a little weird."

Hand still over her mouth, Honor breathed out a less revealing response. "Oh?" Simple.

"Yeah," Sarah said, "like you've been running ... or something."

Like within the past two minutes, a man had been pumping away inside her like a machine, Honor thought, shakily running her fingers through her hair. Her breathing was finally approaching normal and with a little concentration she managed to get a sentence out without sounding as if she'd just finished running a marathon. "No. I was in the bathtub." Not exactly a lie, she thought, since she had been in the tub, just a few hours earlier than Sarah would be led to believe.

"Oh, I see ..." Sarah said, sounding pleased. "I'm interrupting some 'me time', right?"

Honor felt the heat rising from her neck but she played along and said, "Uh huh."

"Well, I'm not apologizing for making sure you're alright, Honor Banet," Sarah snapped. "You scared me shitless, again! ... so it fucking serves you right."

Honor couldn't help smiling. "I love you too, Sarah."

Sarah snorted. "Oh please. It'll just take too long to train a good replacement."

Though Honor felt akward because she was naked, and open as if for display in front of a man who had just finished making hard use of her, she joined Sarah in her laughter, crossing one arm over her breasts.

"I'm fine, Sarah. Really,@" Honor finally said. "I'll be getting on a plane tomorrow and," she paused as the weight of David's betrayal reminded her that it was still there in her chest. "I'll tell you all about my ..." Honor fumbled to complete the sentence and finally settled on "... my big mistake when I get home."

"What's the rush? Can't you wait for David to get over there?" Sarah asked. "I mean, he's shuttling back and forth, right? Why don't you take a few extra days off work and enjoy the sights and sounds of Thailand until he can meet up with you?"

Honor swallowed, desperately seeking any way she could answer her friend without lying to her. "David just told me one of his guys made a mistake in one of their briefs and things are kinda crazy right now. He won't be free to be with me for a while." It was all true. Technically.

"Hon ... you can still have a holiday without David, y'know," Sarah said. "Why don't you do that? Goodness knows after you two get married, you won't be getting opportunities for an exotic solo trip like this again. Have some fun. Enjoy having your own space to yourself for a while."

Honor felt many things struggling to come out of her mouth at the same time; such as the fact that David actually was in Bangkok, that he had checked into a hotel room with his fictional 'wife' - who just happened to be the 'actual wife' of one Mr. Thomas Blake from the apartment one floor up from hers. She wanted to tell her friend how much she desperately wanted to put as much distance between herself and the scene of her discovery of the truth about the man she had loved and placed all her hopes of happiness in for the past three years. She wanted to tell Sarah that she had been at the airport on her way back home, sick in both mind and body after seeing her fiancee sharing a passionate kiss with his lover on a hotel restaurant's dancefloor when she'd passed out and found herself in a stranger's hotel suite.

That the very same stranger's cum was at the moment dripping out of her pussy and coating her entire pubic area was not one of the things she wanted to tell her best friend, however, and so she kept her mouth shut. "I'm coming back tomorrow," she just said.

Honor heard and felt movement behind her and she deliberately turned and shifted her body, swivelling her head to look in another direction to avoid looking at the man she'd just allowed to use her like a whore. To make her a whore. Especially since she'd enjoyed every moment of it. She felt strange enough talking to Sarah with cum lying in orgasm induced streaks on her body - looking at the man who'd put them there while doing it would burn her face off from the heat.

But she was very, intensely, aware of him - she could feel his eyes on every part of her body, could still hear the cries that had come out of her ringing in her ears, and she could feel herself responding to being looked at as the mere sex object she surely was to him, getting wet again. She heard the soft outrush of trapped air escaping the cushions and the seat frame's quiet creak as he sat down on one of the leather armchairs ringed around the coffee table, and the hairs at the back of her neck stood up, the skin on her back tingling along her spine.

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"Postpone the return trip and have a holiday, Honor. Let go and go wild," Sarah insisted. "At least ... well, promise me you'll think about it."

Honor waited a moment, and then she simply lied. "Okay, I promise I'll think about it." She was doing no such thing.

"Good," Sarah said, sounding pleased. "I'll let you get back to your bath." Then her voice took on a warning tone. "But I'll still be checking up on you, Honor Banet. So you better keep that phone close."

Honor smiled. "I love you too."

"I'm not joking, Hon ..."

Honor's smile widened. "I know."

Sarah snorted again. "Good." Her voice softened. "I love you, Hon. Remember what I said, okay? Just have a holiday while you're there. You don't need a man for that. I mean they're useful to have around, but they're not really necessary, if you know what I mean. Just get a vibrator - they sell those over there, don't they?"

"Sarah!" Honor made herself sound suitably shocked.

"Don't knock it until you've tried it, my dear," Sarah said high-mindedly. "Bye, you."

"Bye, you," Honor responded, feeling both relief and apprehension as the interlude Sarah had unwittingly provided ended.

It took a second of gathering herself before she finally allowed herself to turn and look at him. She put the phone down on the coffee table, mouth dry. He had taken off his glasses and his shirt, unveiling a deep and broad chest and a passably flat stomach, comfortably naked. She, on the other hand, was still bent over the coffee table, her upper body weight supported on her elbows, her recently used vagina up and on display. It made her blush, but it also made a low excited heat burn between her legs at her vulnerability.

He looked at her for a long moment, then he stood up and came up to her, giving her his hand to pull her up to her feet.

Honor looked at the offered hand, hesitating for a moment. Placing her hand in his seemed a rather too intimate gesture - but then, her pussy had just finished playing host to his mouth, his tongue and then his penis, which was right in front of her at half mast, so it seemed rather pointless to start pondering the intimacy of letting him help her stand up. She took his hand, and he lifted her up to stand on what turned out to be rather unstable feet. His hands settled around her waist, holding her until her knees regained their strength.

But even afterward, he didn't let her go. He just continued to hold her, eyes locked on hers as he gently pulled her closer until her naked body was in full on contact with his, her heart pounding in her chest, the pebble hard and sensitive brown tips of her breasts pressed against him. She looked up at him, hands at her sides and lips parted as he began to gently stroke the stray hairs away from her face.

"That was Sarah?" he asked, tracing the arched lines of her eyebrows.

"Yes," Honor breathed out, getting wetter by the second at the almost ... worshipful attention of his fingers and his eyes, her vagina pulsing between her legs as she felt his thickening rod of flesh rapidly swelling into hard and solid mass against her bare belly.

"She sounds like a good friend." His breathing had become elevated. His hands left her waist and went to spread themselves across her butt, pulling her tighter against him.

Honor's breathing was just as elevated, perhaps even more. "She is," she answered, wondering what her best friend would think if she could see the Honor she was always telling to stop being so disciplined and sensible all the time, naked and in a stranger's arms, a stranger who had already bent her over a coffee table in his hotel suite, whose cum was still leaking out of her. A stranger about whom all she knew was his rather strange name, and that he was willing to part with a large sum of money to fuck her. A stranger she'd willingly agreed to sell herself to.

The fact that just twenty-four hours earlier, she had discovered that the man she was supposed to be marrying in just a little over two months had flown his married lover halfway across the globe and that they had checked into a hotel room as man and wife did not make it any less crazy.

Crazier still was that she wanted him inside her again.

"I'm going to kiss you, Honor Banet," Marq said quietly, interrupting her thoughts.

Honor's eyes widened. The intimacy of placing her hand in his so he could lift her up to her feet had been arguable, but a kiss was certainly not. It marked a clear line that a whore and her ... 'customer', certainly should not cross. Her eyes were drawn to his lips though, and even as she opened her mouth to object, she realized she felt more curious than hesitant about it. Was he as good a kisser as he was a ...? "I ... I don't think that's a good ..." she began.

She had been looking up at him as she opened her mouth, and it was the easiest thing for him to lower his head and completely capture her lips with his. Honor froze, eyes opened even wider at first, feeling his tongue teasing her lower lip as he sucked it into his mouth. Her lips softened, parting further as his tongue flickered in between them, opening her up so he could taste even more of her. Honor felt her defenses melting away, the kiss absorbing all of her protests and caution ...

Honor broke the kiss, turning her head and her lips away from him. She took a moment to steady herself before she looked up at him again, mouth set in a determined line. "No," she said. "No kissing." She knew it didn't make any sense - considering that he had her naked in his arms and his cock was even then pressing hard and hot against her abdomen, the moist heat at her core intensifying at the realization that he was going to be inside her again ... and soon.

But, ridiculous though it seemed, the feeling that kissing went beyond a boundary that should not be crossed loomed high in her consciousness - her sensible, disciplined side may have taken something of an impromptu holiday, but it was not entirely gone and it had drawn a line. But why were her eyes still drawn to his lips ... and why was a part of her disappointed that he had let her break the kiss?

"You can do anything you want ..." she stammered, feeling the heat rising to her cheeks again. His cum was still coming out of her pussy and trailing down her thighs "... but no kissing."

He looked at her, searchingly tilting his head, and then, without another word, he swung an arm under her and easily lifted her up, and she instinctively put her arm around his shoulders as he began the walk to his bedroom. She felt the all-too-familiar surge of intensifying arousal and anticipation welling up inside her and the moist heat in between her legs flaring into the all-too-familiar hollow emptiness as he carried her up the two steps out of the living room.

In a few hours, she would be on her flight back home to pick up the pieces of her life.

There would be time enough for self-recriminations, embarrassment, and maybe even shame then.


Under normal circumstances, she would have taken the time to glance about the room, but she paid her environment no more attention than she would a stray hair. The warmth between her legs was heavy, burning and wet all at once, her nipples standing at attention on her full breasts. They looked at each other for a long moment, his heated gaze tinged with amusement meeting her equally heated and questioning one. And then he moved, making breath catch in her throat as he put his hands on her generous hips.

Honor swallowed as she allowed him to turn her around. He pushed at her back, between her shoulder blades, making her spread her legs and put her hands flat on the high mattress to keep herself upright as she obediently bent over for him. Her face filled with heat as her pussy was once again opened for him to see in all its glory. Her vaginal lips were still swollen, parted and wet from their encounter from just a little earlier in the sitting room.

But she only had a second to feel her embarrassment before she grunted as he entered her again without any further ceremony, letting out a sharp gasp as he pushed past her nether lips with his swollen member. Her eyes closed as she felt her pussy stretching to accommodate him, her breath leaving her in a quiet moan as he tightened his hands on her waist to steady them both as he slowly penetrated her. She jerked against him as her vaginal walls' token resistance gave way to his deliberately glacial invasion, smoothly parting and tightening around his shaft until he was at last fully inside her pussy, a harsh breath of pleasure escaping him to match her own harsh breathing. She kept her hands braced on the mattress, her feet spread apart on the carpet, welcoming him inside her with a barely audible moan.

He leaned forward and cupped her breasts with his hands, and for a long moment after that they both stood stock still, breathing slowly as they got used to each other. Honor's eyes fluttered closed, shuddering at the heat of his breath on her shoulder, the hairs at her nape lifting as his hands gently roamed her body, fondling her breasts and the suddenly sensitive skin of her abdomen and belly, the thick rod of flesh being hosted inside her only adding to the intensity of the caresses. Then he lifted up and put his hands on her hips to brace himself, and without any further ceremony, he started to fuck her.

It took less than a few seconds for her first orgasm to come. It started somewhere around her stomach, expanding itself all through her body as she bucked against him. She gasped, taken by surprise, shuddering and arching her back as she went stiff, her mouth open wide in a soundless shriek, pure, unadulterated pleasure flooding her senses.

Marq made a harsh noise as her vaginal walls clenched around him in her ecstasy, a small, sudden flow of cum joining the lubrication flowing out of her vagina as she came, and he halted to seize firmer control of himself. It took only a heartbeat, and then he continued to ride her, holding her in place with his hands tight on her waist, not varying his speed or the depth of his thrusts into her body.

Honor's second experience of being ridden from one orgasm to another found her moving in tandem with him as she sang out her pleasure. It didn't take long. A small shriek came out of her mouth when she came again, accompanying another tiny gush of cum out of her pussy. Her knees started to buckle, but his hands and his arms tightened immediately around her, holding up her up and effortlessly keeping her on her feet as she spasmed and writhed in front of him, weakly crying out in his arms as he held her.

He gave her a moment to collect herself, for the strength to return to her knees, leaning forward again to caress and knead her breasts as they hung down from her chest. Honor moaned as she felt her knees going weak again, her eyes fluttering closed at the added sensations of his teasing fingers on her nipples, her vagina spasmically clenching around the heavy rod of flesh still pulsing and iron hard inside her body.

She nearly screamed when he started to fuck her again, bucking wildly against him, her knees falling on the mattress as they finally buckled all the way beneath her. She fell forward, elbows collapsing, and somehow when she came again, she was completely on the bed, body folded on her elbows and knees on the bed as she clawed at the sheets, burying her cries into the mattress as Marq stroked into her pussy. Both of his feet were still planted on the carpet at the foot of the bed, his harsh guttural breathing joining her choked cries.

She was sobbing unintelligibly when he stopped pumping into her to caress her again, making her whimper at his touch as he feverishly fondled her body with shaking hands - his self-control visibly starting to fray.

Finally, he cupped her breasts and lifted her up on her knees on the bed, carefully keeping his cock inside her as one arm wrapped around her belly, his other hand grabbing a firmer hold of her breast, squeezing a jutting nipple between its fingers. She moaned at the change in position and arched, shuddering from head to toe in his arms, when he began to trail his tongue along the newly accessible arch of her throat, hungrily sucking the sensitive caramel skin in between his teeth.

It was then that she noticed the mirror over the headboard, and for just a moment, she froze; eyes fixed on the petite heavy breasted woman in the mirror, looking tiny in the arms of the thickset man grasping her from behind, his face buried in her neck as he kneaded a firm boob with its fully swollen nipple in his moving hand. Her mouth opened as she watched, shaking as Marq's tongue ran over the sensitive swath of skin at her nape, her eyes remaining fixed on the scene of a virtual stranger pleasuring her, feeling his hardness moving inside her pussy, his hands caressing and kneading her body. She unconsciously reached behind her to hold the back of his head, keeping his mouth and his ravenously licking tongue on the sensitive arch of her throat.

She shouldn't be doing what she was doing, she shouldn't be letting this stranger do what he was doing to her ...

She suddenly let out a low gasping whimper from some nether region of her mind, the hairs at the back of her neck rising straight up as more cum and lubrication flooded out of her pussy around his cock, shuddering in his arms. She moaned, pleading, desperate.

She shouldn't be ...


In their room in the Bangkok Excelsoir, David Brenner's mouth opened in a loud grunt as he went past the point of no return, feeling the onrush of his come beginning.

Mrs. Thomas Blake bucked under her lover, squealing as his pistoning became frenzied, rough, wrapping her long model-thin legs around him. Her poor cuckold of a husband, she thought wickedly, wondering what he would say if he could see her now, taking another man inside her with a passion she had not brought to their bed since before her affair with their neighbor's fiancee had begun.

She had been bored, coming out of another affair, and she found David Brenner attractive - it was really as simple as that.

Her eyes had met his as they were sharing an elevator from the ground floor in her apartment building - she was on her way up to the apartment she shared with her husband, and he was on his way up to Honor's, just two floors beneath hers. The next time, they had smiled at each other and spoken a few words, none of which she could remember because their eyes were doing all the communicating that mattered. The third time he had asked her out for a drink, making an open show of looking at her wedding ring - and dismissing it and everything it signified - as he handed her a card with his number on it.

Jillian Blake had called the cellphone number on the card an hour later, and they had gone for that drink - and shared their first kiss. Which led to another date, for dinner this time, three days later at a five star restaurant on the opposite side of the city. David's hand had made its way into her panties at some point between the main course and dessert and his fingers had come away wet, knowing that he was going to strike it lucky that night.

Her husband had conveniently gotten on a plane just a few hours earlier after kissing his wife and child goodbye.

Her husband's aircraft was touching down on the other side of the country when she was slipping out of the black mini-dress she had worn to dinner in front of her new lover, in the living room of her apartment while her son was sleeping in his bedroom upstairs, his fiancee oblivious in the flat two floors below them. It had been Jillian's suggestion - largely because it had been closer to the restaurant.

The second time had also been in the Blake home, in the upstairs bathroom, during a dinner party Mrs. Thomas Blake was supposed to be co-hosting with her husband - she had made sure to place the card inviting Honor and her fiancee in Honor's hand herself. She'd ridden her new lover hard, mindful of both their significant others mingling with the other guests downstairs and excited by it, by their mutual struggling to control their gasps and moans of ecstasy. She'd walked back to the dinner table feeling David's semen trickling down one of her thighs, smiling at her husband with a smug twist to her lips as she sat beside him and continued eating her rissotto, her panties, like in some trashy novel, stuffed in David's pants' pocket.

The memory always excited her; along with the multitudes they'd made since then. And now, here she was, creating another one, flown halfway across the world to an exotic location, her lover's cock reaming her pussy just minutes after talking to his fiancee. She would place a call to her oblivious husband afterwards, she decided, with her lover's cum still fresh and sloshing in her pussy ... the sheer wickedness of it exciting her like it always did.

His mouth covered hers and she opened her mouth for his tongue. The lovers kissed long and hard, their bodies moving together until he broke the kiss, gasping and out of breath.

She felt him stiffen on top of her as she wrapped her arms and legs around him and let out a shriek of delight as her lover's frenzied thrusts took her to her peak. David came with a shout, and she cried out again as she felt his semen pouring into her cunt in a familiar torrent of heavy warm liquid ...


Honor began to squirm and grind herself against him, moaning as he responded, licking and kissing her neck, feverish, roughly manhandling her heavy breasts in his hand, hungry low growling noises rising up from his throat. She squirmed harder against him, taking him deeper inside her with each roll and sway of her hips, gasping as he started to answer her with deeper pushes of his own into her body.

She grunted, instinctively bracing herself when he abruptly took his lips off her neck and gripped her tighter against him, still keeping his cock where it belonged inside her. He let out a harsh shaking breath as he lifted and rested one knee on the edge of the mattress, giving himself more leverage, the hand cupping her breast tightening to just shy of causing pain.

Honor threw her head back, squealing as she bounced back on his cock. "... oh ... my @#&%!"

Their harsh desperate noises rapidly filled the room, their movements increasingly sharp and frantic as they took each other to the edge. Honor's squeals took on a higher pitch as her owner for the night split her open and entered her over and over again, clutching at him and sobbing as he rode her to her release, answering her cries with his own rough growls of pleasure.

She started to come first, her nipples tingling on her chest, the heavy wet heat between her legs coiling up to her stomach and chest. Grunting, he slid in and out of her wet sheath harder and faster, the last vestiges of his control gone, crying out as her vagina spasmed and rippled around him, closing tighter as her body prepared itself, goosepimples rising all over her skin. And then his grip suddenly tightened around her, a quickly dissipated flash of pain coming from the boob he'd unconsciously squeezed a little too hard as he cried out again and stiffened after one last hard piston into her pussy. And then cum started shooting into her body as he roared in release.

She came undone then, arching as her mouth opened in a silent scream of ecstasy, spasming and jerking in his tight hold as her vaginal muscles flexed around the hotly erupting rod of flesh inside her.

The iron band of his arm around her stomach and the hand cupping a breast that had become just a bit tender in his grip was the only thing holding her up as he shot wad after wad of semen into her, growling as each pulse carried more of it out of him and into the shuddering and squirming woman in his arms. She sobbed as she shook and came with him, her breathing in ragged choked gasps, her own cum flooding out of her depths in a gentle slow gush and bathing her inner thighs with her own liquids.

He quietened down well before her, the last of his cum emptied into her still pulsing vagina, listening to the curious cooing noises coming out of her as she shook and spasmed in his arms, gasping and shuddering at the pleasure of the continued intermittent squeezes of her pussy around his softening shaft. Breathing hard, his eyes went to the mirror over the bed, and like her, he froze, transfixed.

She was smiling; her eyes closed and her lips turned up and parted in an unconscious expression of pure delight as she calmed, her body fitfully jerking and shuddering in his arms in her orgasm's aftershocks, breasts rising and falling on her chest with her harsh breathing. Her lips were still turned up when she opened her eyes and her deep browns met his dark greys in the mirror over the bed.

For a long moment, they just looked at each other. Honor felt the heat of a mixture of embarrassment and aroused fascination rising to her face, goosebumps again rising all over her body as her eyes went to the dark patch of fuzz between her thighs where she could see just a hint of his slowly subsiding erection disappearing into her body and then to her chest where her somewhat tender boob was still subject to his hand's possessive grip. His thumb grazed her nipple unexpectedly and she shivered. They were still standing at full attention, swollen and hard, jutting forward to their fully engorged inch long points on her breasts, so sensitive after her come they bordered on the painful.

He noticed. Which naturally meant that he would deliberately run his fingertips over the dark brown nubs of taut flesh, making her gasp and jerk against him. He grunted as her spasming made his cock pop out of her pussy as she arched away from him, moaning in tortured pleasure and protest. She quickly put her hand on top of his, as if to pull it and its stroking fingers away from the overstimulated tips of her breasts. But she didn't. She just went slack in his arms, resting her back against his chest and moaning breathlessly as she gave up and let him do what he wanted.

"You're so beautiful ..." Marq breathed in her ear, continuing to fondle her, watching her in the mirror.

She stared back at him, her elevated breathing making her chest heave. She licked her lips as he cupped her breasts again, her mind churning in confusion at what was happening to her. And then he smiled at her and suddenly the heat in her abdomen was back, the empty hollowness returning with it.

One of Marq's hands left its station at her breasts to cup her cheek and turn her head to look at him over her shoulder. His grin grew wider, more heated, and she felt goosebumps again pebbling her skin. She squirmed as she felt his member - miraculously still not entirely devoid of its vigor - pressing against the split of her butt, making her all too aware of the heavy and curiously persistent warmth between her legs.

At that moment, David and his betrayal all of a sudden felt ... distant - unimportant.

"What are you doing to me?" she whispered.

He didn't answer. Instead, his hand dropped down, stroking past her belly button, over her abdomen, fingers gently running through the dusting of heavy black hair as it went lower still. And then a fingertip touched her, and she let out a quivering sigh, her eyelids fluttering closed as her thighs fell open.

Written by thehotknight
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