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Breakfast sex Stories

breakfast sex

Niharika: The Breakfast

My Indian doctor friend-with-benefits and I can’t keep our bodies away from each other as we share coffee and breakfast before she sets off to go house hunting for the weekend.

I had anticipated Saturday’s breakfast the day before, making a trip to the grocery store for some decent all-butter croissants and fruit, so, after Niharika and I finished our shower, I got busy preparing something to eat. I started the oven and slid in...

Opening The Marriage: Breakfast Conversation, Chapter 2

Luke and Erin have an open and erotic discussion about opening their marriage

“How much cheese would you like on your eggs?” Luke asked as he flipped the omelet. The scent of fried onions and peppers filled the kitchen. “Do we have goat cheese? I love lots of creaminess in the morning,” Erin replied, then laughed at her own entendr...

Sugar Daddy

He is rich, she is young, and they both get what they need.

“What is that?” Mark asks looking down at a peculiar long mane of hair in the passenger footwell. “It’s Suzie’s ponytail hair extension,” Rita confirms, taking a quick look from the driver’s side. “You remember, she borrowed the car last week,” Rita conti...