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Womanizer Stories


The Legend Of Fiddler's Rock

Martin Stone led an easy life until he met a sexy Mountain Witch

Summer Blossom, one of the few Cherokee women left in the territory, looked as splendid as the mountains at dawn hunched over the barrel, her sack dress pulled up over her ass. Martin couldn’t understand half of what she’d been screaming as he fucked her...

Dark and Stormy Sex

A former criminal sneaks into a young woman's house during a sudden storm for an affair

Heavy clouds were beginning to shroud and cover the full moon that shone over the dark and quiet suburb. I drove down the dark street with my headlights off between the parked silhouetted cars. I didn’t want any of the neighbors to see me. They’d probably...

Mr. Philander

Being wealthy and handsome has it's advantages and Bjorn takes advantage it.

Bjorn was born in the ghetto of Minneapolis. In this case, the ghetto was the Norwegian community of Bergenville surrounded by Lutheran churches, blue-eyed blond haired girls, and bars serving aquavit, or "akvavit" as Norwegians like to call it.Bjorn was...

151 Reasons

My name is Ryan Noble and I have a gift money can't buy: I understand women.

There's a common misconception that the female of our species is illogical. Taken at the macro, day-to-day level that may appear the case, but over time they are actually the most logical creatures on Earth. With logic comes predictability. And if the out...