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Whipped female arse Stories

whipped female arse

The House Guest - Part 5

Ongoing sex between mature married woman Louise and the nineteen-year-old house guest.

It was now Sunday, and fifty-two-year-old Louise Smithson had not had nineteen-year-old house guest Calvin Nelson's impressive penis inside her since Friday. She needed another fucking. Louise, Calvin, and the other two occupants of the house, Louise's husband Tony and son Chris, had had their breakfast. "I am going for a walk in the woods, anyone coming with me?" said Louise. "Yes, I will," said Calvin, hoping that he di...

Just A Reminder

Marc reminds Tara who is the Master

It's almost 9:30 when Tara wakes up this Saturday morning. Marc has already been gone for some time, but she notices that he has left an envelope for her on the dining room table. For the young woman, this kind of missive is always a source of anxiety and excitement. By habit, she knows it's not a romantic note, but rather a to-do list for an upcoming assignment. Holding her breath, she opens the envelope and dutifully re...

Freedom In The Woods

Released from Society's eyes, Darla finds true freedom

First, I’m not a big fan of camping, at least not when we first arrive at the campsite. It takes me a day or so to get into the spirit of it. Until then, I'm whiny, crabby, and bratty. I appreciate that our campsite is on some we own, decorated by nature with a plethora of trees, a spring-fed creek, soft grass, wild berry bushes, and wildlife; we are the only people there. Nonetheless, I complain about absolutely everythi...

An Afternoon Of Delight

Tara has a gift for Marc

When Tara wakes up on Saturday morning, she's a little sore. Her back and buttocks bear the scars of the previous day's beating. Marc had certainly been heavy-handed. But in the back of his mind, he's also sure she deserved it. And she's particularly grateful to him for punishing her in this way. For her, it's a sign of love, proof that her husband cares for her and knows her needs perfectly well. As she goes down to the...

Exactly What She Needed - Part 6

With her daughter having discovered that Charlotte was having an affair, was future sex for Charlotte and Cole possible?

Sophia Tibbott continued to discuss the discovery that she had apparently made, with her husband Cole. The discovery was that Sophia's mother, Charlotte Simpkins, aged fifty-nine, was seemingly having an affair. Sophia was right, but what she did not know was that the person that was fucking her mother was thirty-five-year-old Cole. Charlotte and Cole had disliked each other throughout the eleven years of Sophia and Cole'...

Exactly What She Needed

A man and his mother-in-law have a long standing dislike for each other, until a conversation gets out of hand.

During the eleven years of his marriage, so far, thirty-five-year-old Cole Tibbott had never really gotten on with his mother-in-law, fifty-nine-year-old Charlotte Simpkins. Cole had a good relationship with his father-in-law, Russell, but Charlotte had never seen Cole as being fit to be married to her daughter Sophia. Cole's relationship with Russell was probably now helped by the fact that Cole had recently caught his f...