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Sensational fucking Stories

sensational fucking

Joining A Very Exclusive Club - Final Chapter?

Farewell Tribute For My Wife At Club Euphoria

When I arrived home on Friday, Joan was sipping wine at the kitchen table and dressed in a very sexy outfit. "What's up, babe? I thought we were done going to Club Euphoria, You told me you had experienced and shown the best of yourself at this club and i...

Louise Carver's Awakening - Part 2

Forty-nine-year-old Louise and twenty-year-old Tyrone fuck, and do they fuck!

Forty-nine-year-old Louise Carver had changed her mind at least a dozen times this Saturday morning, and twice she had had her mobile in her hand to call Tyrone McMorris to tell him that she could not go through with it. So far, she had not made that call...

Young Kevin

Sixty-eight-year-old Isobel has known twenty-one-year-old Kevin since he was five days old...

Isobel Conway had literally known him almost all of his life. She had teased her best friend Stephanie Morton about Stephanie becoming a grandmother at age forty-seven, and Isabel had first seen young Kevin when he was five days old. Now Isobel had eye co...