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Messy sex Stories

messy sex

Messing With His Mind

I knew the juicy idea would work on his mind in the same way that the sensation of him leaking out of me was working on mine...

At our friends' home, before going in to the party, I grabbed his hand, pressing it to the crotch of my panties. "Wow, babe, you're soaked! How are you that horny when we just..." "That's mostly you, silly." "But you went in to clean up." "I decided I lik...

Booty Call Before Last Call

A quiet, relaxing evening over a few drinks takes a hard turn...

I’d been horny even before we’d gone out that night, and now, perched at the bar on my tall barstool alongside my husband, with the better part of two Long Island iced teas in me, my inhibitions were about as low as my arousal was high. Accordingly, when...

Hormones & Chemistry

Even taking everything into account, I predict a bright future for young Stevie!

He’d come inside of me three times already, and was going for a fourth! My husband watched, astonished but hard as Stevie licked cum and sweat from my tired, writhing body, what he’d do on each pause as his impressive erection renewed itself. Rock-hard ag...

Fuck... Lick... Repeat...

I think he almost killed me, but what an incredible way to go!

We’d met just over a month ago and seemed to have instant chemistry. We’d been fucking for about three weeks – not non-stop, of course, taking time out for meals and to go to work, etcetera, but at every possible opportunity. He was great in the sack, cre...