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Iambic pentameter Stories

iambic pentameter

Only Make-Believe

It's only make-believe...

It may be only make-believe but realenough for us until the season's sighscan drift and melt our dreams' reality.A time for us to touch. Caressing blisswith every cat-like purr of vibrant trust.We move along the patterns of the gridthat maps our place, our home within this worldthat lives expands and grows with every smile. It's only make-believe but still, it makesus free. Enough to see perfection growninto emotions trie...

And Now I Truly Feel

It was our time I now remember well

It is a time I should remember well,the feelings special still when I recall.It may be true the thoughts of you are spreadacross the years and visions do not cometo me as I would wish that they might do. If you should ever pass me by I'd knowthat you were one so pure, so precious inmy life both then and now. A magic truththat will not leave my mind and still goes onremaining in my heart to share my soul. But tiresome is t...

Found in Fairyland

Searching for her in Fairyland

She lives there in your Fairyland of Dreams. She'll be there when you seek her, never fear.Don't worry, you are playing love's sweet games,the ones that keep you living life's pure joy. We realize the trust we give to thosewe love returns to us in manifolddegrees. So keep the partnerships we havesincerely touching in communion now. No doubt we understand the differing hopesout there that all of us have reckoned on. Our se...

Now and Forever My Kitten

Now you are and now you always will be my kitten

The fact that she is here with me is grandand now I call her what she has becomebecause it simply is the way I thinkabout her now as we grow closer still.  It may not be the way I chose to callher once upon a time but now I findthat this is how I'll always see her face,eternal kitten in my thoughts and dreams. Endearing words can bring her joy I knowfrom seeing how her eyes will glow and shinewhenever words of love comple...

Twilight Time

The days grow short yet love grows stronger still

The days grow short, your time runs out but lovewill never die. You simply must acceptthat it has come to you once more. Acceptthe way you have so many times before. You know that it is true; just look at themand realize the honesty they smile. They smile at you with winning eyes and sighsas both of you join arms and dance again.You dance, ignoring twilight falling soon.Your soul embraces love, it trusts once more,and nev...

The Feast Of Saint Valentine

Vows, once made, must not be broken.

Vast distances awash in silvered dust,Across the sandy dunes the horses trot. Late coming now but soon to tarry here, Ere nighttime falls his band of men encamp. None dare to speak to him of memories past.This feast day of Saint Valentine arrivedIn gusting weather, blowing winds most ill. Now as the daylight dies the party rests.Endearing looks, enticing eyes of green. Emotions never lost, still live within. Now rising up...

The chill sets in whenever I approach, It's been that way since she lost faith in me.However much I try there's still reproach.This cannot be the way it's meant to be.Forgiveness now would be a kindly actFor what our love has been to her and me,Because my faith in her remains intactAnd she must see how great our love would be.It all began with something that was doneThat cut her heart and caused her doubt in me.It was a j...