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End of the world Stories

end of the world

Witch Way to the Apocalypse?

Stan is a horny devil; he can't resist one final act of debauchery before he destroys the world.

“Hello, Dearie?” Granny shouted from her rocking chair. “Oh there you are. Did you have a good day at College?” “Hi Granny, s’OK, I suppose. You know that guy I was telling you about…”Alice twisted her feet together and wrung her hands behind her back in the way she always did when she was nervous. “Well, I’ve brought him back… since Mum’s not here. You said it’d be OK if…” “For Christ’s sake, Alice Smith, stop being so w...

All Change for the Apocalypse

When worlds collide someone always ends up underneath

My apologies to Lush readers but I should have posted this story, just a personal choice and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did when I scribbled it.Wyliecoyote ....or just another Outside Context Problem Apocalypse (a·poc·a·lypse) [əˈpɒkəlɪps] n 1. a prophetic disclosure or revelation2. an event of great importance, violence, or total devastation; doom: the apocalypse of nuclear war. etc., like the events described in t...

The End Isn't The Only Thing Coming

If the world is going to end, I'm going out with a bang!

The question was posed, "if the whole Mayan 2012 end of the world thing were real, how would you live out your final days?" What would people do if they knew they were almost out of time? I never really gave it much thought before; usually put it as a "that's not for man to know. It's God's territory" kind of situation. But... what would I do if I knew the end was coming?The obvious choice is carpe diem. Seize the day and...