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A TRANS Formation - Chapter 45 - Carla's Submission

"Carla's stubborn streak won't let her admit it... until it's too strong to deny."

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The girls wake up in a better frame of mind than when they went to bed. The humiliation they suffered from their families over Thanksgiving is behind them. It was a hard dose of reality for sure, but as they wake up with a cup of coffee, the reality of the life they've created together overshadows the life they left behind.

"What are we gonna wear to Ladies' Night next week?" Allie wonders.

"We should do something Christmassy," Jill says. "I wonder if we can find sexy Santa dresses?"

"We need to go shopping, for sure. Maybe Betty will have something at Naughty Lady."

"Probably. She always has sexy stuff. I just love shopping there since we told her we're cross-dressers. We don't have to hide who we are with her."

Just as Jill gets up for more coffee, the phone rings.

"That must be Rosy," she says as she answers.


"Hi Jill, it's me."

"Mornin' Rosy. How's things going today?"

"Better than yesterday."

"How's Carla doing?"

"Well... she's not crying, so that's a plus. She's in the shower right now. I'm not sure if she's still pissed or not. She's been quietly sulking all morning."

"Well, just love her. That's all you can do. Did you still want to go to breakfast?"

"Yeah, I think it would be good for Carla to see Allie. I'd kinda like to see you, too."

"Yeah, even though it was only a day, I really missed everyone."

"Can you pick us up? We don't have all that much time."

"Sure. We can come over. What time?"

"Any time."

"We're on our way!"

The girls throw on some makeup and half an hour later, Rosy opens their door to welcome them in. Jill gives her a hug. "It's so good to see you again. I love you!"

"I love you, too," Rosy replies, "when I was with my mom I realized how much I love being with you guys."

"Where's Carla?" Allie asks.

"She's in the bedroom, you can go in if you want."

Allie knocks on the wall before she goes in.

"Hey, Carla..." she says in a soft voice, "are ya in here?"

"Hi Allie," she says, still feeling pouty.

"Whatcha doing?"

"Just getting dressed. Thanks for coming over."

"Rosy said you had a hard time with your mom."

"It wasn't pretty," she says. "I got fuckin' pissed cuz I was honest with her and she blew up in my face."

"What happened?"

"She was getting on my ass because I haven't married yet. She thinks it's my fuckin' duty to get pregnant so she can have grandkids. I got news for her... I don't wanna have kids... I never did."

"Was she trying to force you?"

"She would if she could. She was putting me down cuz I don't even have a boyfriend. So I told her the truth. I told her Rosy is my girlfriend and I'm in love with her."

"Oh shit," Allie says.

"Oh, shit is right. She accused me of living a life of sin and I was gonna end up in hell. She said I needed to talk to the priest at church. Then she called me a tramp. Can you imagine? My own mother called me a fuckin' tramp.

"And now, according to her, I'm supposed to go talk to a Catholic priest who's never had sex in his life so he can 'straighten me out'...? No fucking thanks!"

"What did you do?"

"I did what any self-respecting lesbian would do. I got my stuff and got the hell out of there. Fuck her... if I ever see her again, it'll be too soon."

"My family gave me all kinds of shit like that too," Allie tells her. "I was depressed about it yesterday. But when Jill and I talked about it this morning, we realized... hey! We don't have to live with our families. Just because they don't approve of the way we're living, it doesn't mean it's wrong."

"Thank God!" Carla says.

"And on the way over here, I realized how happy I am when I'm around you and Rosy. I love you, Carla, I really missed you."

"Oooohhh, Allie-girl, that's such a sweet thing to say. I missed you too."

As Allie leans down to kiss, Carla pulls her in tight and kisses her hard. They end up kissing for the next ten minutes, and it snaps Carla out of her depression. They walk out of the bedroom giggling and see Jill and Rosy making out on the couch.

"Hey, you two!" Carla jokes. "Are you gonna eat or are you gonna kiss?"

Rosy looks up and sees a different Carla than the one she woke up with.

"Feeling better I see?"

"I am. I think I just needed a good cry. Allie made me smile!"

At the restaurant, they're sitting around the table, telling each other about all the shit they went through when they were with their families. They all agree with Allie when she says it's nice they don't have to live with their families.

They're all adults who've made their own choices. If it doesn't fit their parents' picture of how they should live their lives, it's their parents' problem, not theirs.

Being able to talk about it with each other lets them release the emotional attachments that made them so depressed yesterday. They're all so happy when they're together.

"Too bad you girls have to work tonight," Allie says.

"Well, it's a good thing we are working," says Carla. "December is a rough month for us, money-wise."

"You have to buy a lot of Christmas presents?" Jill asks.

"It's not that," she says, "the diner closes down between Christmas and New Year's. Business always sucks during that week, so they just close for the holidays."

"That's not so bad," says Allie, "you get a week off."

"It's sucks when you have to miss a paycheck," Rosy tells them. "We can barely keep our bills paid as it is. We can't afford to miss a week."

"If you can't make rent," Allie offers, "just let us know. We can help you out."

"Yeah," Jill agrees, "we'd be happy to do that... You know what we should do...? Since you're gonna be off for a week, we should go somewhere. Take a trip. We've never been on a trip together. Let's figure out someplace to go, and just go there."

"I don't know," Carla says, "we barely have enough money to buy groceries after Christmas. We can't afford to take a trip."

"You can afford it if you let us treat you," says Allie. "Would you go on a trip with us if we asked you?"

"Shit, Allie," Carla says. "You make it hard to say no."

"Well, say yes then. Make it easy on yourself."

"I'll say yes," Rosy butts in. "It beats the hell out of sitting at home watching TV and eating bean soup all week cuz that's all we can afford to buy."

"So it's all settled?" Jill asks. "We're going on a trip?"

"I guess so," says Carla, "you girls are too good to us."

"Nothing's too good for you," Allie says. "We all love each other. It'll be fun to spend a week together."

"Where are we going?" Rosy asks.

"Who knows? We just decided to go. Me and Allie will think of someplace fun. It'll be a surprise," Jill says, "we won't tell you until we're on our way."

"Speaking of getting on our way," Carla reminds, "we need to be at work in an hour. We better be getting home."

Taking the girls back to their apartment, Allie tells Jill to drive. She and Carla are glued to each other in the back seat. They never stop kissing the entire way home. Walking to the door, Rosy says, "Do you want to come in for a minute? We don't have much time, but we have enough time for some kisses."

Once they get inside, Carla is all over Allie. She's not sure what got into her, but she can't get enough of Allie. Rosy sees the way she's kissing and she knows what's gotten into her. When the girls leave, they're in their bedroom, getting ready for work.

Rosy says to Carla, "You're in love with Allie."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"No... I'm not!"

"Yes, you are."

"No... I... Am... Not...! You don't know how I feel."

"Yes I do, Carla," Rosy giggles. "I know you. I know how you look when you're in love. You fell in love with me, so I know how you look, and I see it. You're in love with Allie. You're in love with two people at the same time, just like I am. I'm in love with you and I'm in love with Jill. You're in love with me and you're in love with Allie.

"OK... Look... I've already admitted I love Allie. But that doesn't mean I'm 'IN' love with her."

"Ha...! We'll see how long that story lasts. You can only deny it for so long, you know. Look what just happened... you were sad, mad, and crying all night because of what happened with your mom. You were feeling like shit until you saw Allie... then boom! You're suddenly happy again. If that isn't being in love, I don't know what is."

"So...? Allie makes me happy. That doesn't mean I'm in love with her."

Rosy chuckles inside, silently laughing at Carla's denials. She knows it's only a matter of time before she admits it.


After leaving the girls' apartment, Jill and Allie stop by the Naughty Lady store to shop for a Christmas dress. There are six other women in the store shopping, but they're so used to cross-dressing in public, it doesn't phase them at all.

They've gotten to know Betty, the owner, quite well the past few months.  They decided one time to just tell her they were crossdressers, and to their surprise, Betty told them they weren't the only guys who shop there buying clothes for themselves. She told them she's not in business to judge other people. She's in the business to sell sexy women's clothing.

Since then, Jill and Allie love shopping there and they've become two of her best customers. She greets them by name whenever they come in.

"Hi, Jill...! Hi, Allie...! Let me guess... you're looking for Christmas dresses?"

"You read our minds," says Jill.

"Well, you're in luck! I just got some in on Wednesday. I think you'll like what you see."

Betty shows them a rack of sexy Christmas dresses and they each pick out three to try on. In the dressing room, they decide they want to wear the same dress this time and go as twins. After picking out a sexy little green elf mini-dress with fluffy white trim, they find sexy red lingerie to match, topping it all off with a cute little elf hat.

When they're paying, Jill asks Betty if she has gift certificates. Of course, she does, and Jill gets one for $200. "Who's that for?" Allie asks.

"It's for Sarah," Jill says. "I bet she never gets anything fancy for herself. She's done such a good job with our labels, I wanna surprise her. I think she wants that Jason guy she's been dating to fall in love with her. A few sexy outfits might bring him around."

They stop at the post office on their way home and they've got tons of lube orders to fill. They know what they're going to be doing the rest of the day. Later that evening, while they're working on orders, Allie asks Jill if she has any ideas of where to take their girlfriends for their trip.

"I'm not sure. How much money do we wanna spend?"

"It's not like we're poor," says Allie. "We said we're gonna think of ourselves as rich people from now on. If money wasn't a problem, where would you go?"

"Well, when I was in the Army in California, a couple of us guys went up to Lake Tahoe in the winter. It was fuckin' beautiful. They got beautiful mountains, casinos, and the best live entertainment around. I mean top-notch, big-name shows. Reno is close and it's fun, too.

"We couldn't do any of it when I was there cuz we didn't have any money back then. All we could do was walk around the casinos and play nickel slots. But we've got money now. It would be a blast to take the girls there. We'd surprise the shit out of them."

"I was thinking about maybe New Orleans."

"That would be good too. It's a lot warmer there. Let's go see a travel agent Monday and find out what it costs," Jill says.

"Are we gonna look at houses tomorrow?"

"We could, but we really don't need to. I told Jim Butler we got cash to buy a house now. He said he'd keep an eye out for us. He'll let us know if anything comes up before it even gets on the market."

"It's nice to know people with contacts," says Allie.

"One of the many advantages of sucking rich men's dicks," Jill giggles.

"You little whore," Allie laughs.

"Well, he owns the biggest real estate company in town, and I do suck his cock," Jill can't stop giggling, "maybe I shoulda said there's a free blow job in it for him if he gets us the right place."

"That's my Jill," Allie laughs, "always using her puss to get what she wants."

"Hey... if you got it, why not use it?" Jill chuckles. "Anyways, we can't be in a big hurry. A house is something we'll have to live with for a long time. If we keep thinking about what we want, it'll come to us. We shouldn't have to look that hard for it."


Later in the evening, as they smoke their second joint, they've all but forgotten how depressed they were on Thursday. Their hands are under each other's dress, playing with their cocks. They draw closer, their lips joining to kiss.

"You know, babe," Allie says after a few kisses, "I'm kinda glad I got so depressed on Thanksgiving. It's made me appreciate how much good stuff is happening to us right now."

"That's for sure," Jill agrees. "A year ago, I was so depressed cuz I couldn't find work in Storm Lake. I didn't really want to come to Des Moines, but I'm so glad I did now. I'm actually glad Roger took advantage of me. Turning me into a whore was the best thing that's ever happened to me. Because of it, I found you. I never want to be without you."

They start kissing again, their kisses become more passionate, their cocks rock-hard as they jack each other under their dresses.

"You wanna go to bed?" Allie suggests.

"Yeah, I do. Want me to be your whore?"

"I dunno, babe. The way I'm feeling right now, I might wanna be your whore."

They stroke each other's cock as they walk down the hall. In the bedroom, they rip off their dresses and panties, eager to suck. Wearing only their bras, they lie in a sixty-nine position, making love to their cocks.

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Not having sex the last two days, they're both horny. The hard-ons they got kissing their girlfriends makes them even hornier. Jill already knows she's fallen in love with Rosy, but Allie doesn't have a clue she's headed in the same direction.

As she sucks Jill's cock, all she knows is she's hornier than she normally would be. She takes it all the way down, and Jill can only squirm as she licks up and down her lover's shaft. In Allie's state of arousal, spurred on by Carla's kissing earlier, she's a slave to her own emotions.

Sensing her need, Jill licks her finger and rolls it around Allie's hole. The way she moans as Jill pushes in tells her Allie wants to be the girl tonight.  Jill pulls her ass lower, working her hole with her tongue. The sensations running through Allie make her suck with reckless abandon as Jill gets her hole hot.

Reaching for the lube, Jill says, "Allie wants to be fucked, doesn't she?"

"Oh yes, baby, you always know what I want."

"Are you ready to get it, you little bitch?" Jill teases.

"Oh baby," she pants, "I was ready when we got in bed."

As Jill gets in position, Allie gets on her hands and knees, wanting it from behind. She clutches the covers as Jill slides in, the tingles around her asshole sending shivers throughout her body. "That's it," she utters, "that's what I want."

Jill picks up the pace as Allie moves her ass in rhythm. She whines and moans as Jill pummels her, she loves being filled so full. She rolls over on her back, pulling her knees back, begging for more. Jill puts it back in and pounds her more. They kiss as they fuck, telling each other 'I love you,' a dozen times. Jill feels herself cumming and fucks harder and faster until..."Fuuuuuck! Here it comes, baby!"

"Give it to me!" Allie responds.

They squeeze their arms around each other as Jill shoots a heavy load. She hasn't had an orgasm since Wednesday morning, and Allie feels the force as it coats her walls. "Oh fuck," she pants, "damn...! I needed that."

"I could tell," says Jill.

"You always know what I need."

"You always know what I need too, my lover," Jill says. "We're always thinking like one person now. I love that about us. That's why our future looks so good."


They get together with their girlfriends on Sunday, and after they go out to dinner, Carla takes Allie over to their apartment so they can be alone. As soon as they close the door, they're in each other's arms, kissing like there's no tomorrow.

"I've been dying to be alone with you since you came over yesterday," Carla says.

"I'm glad you're feeling better."

"I do. You made me feel good when I was feeling so down."

They sit on the couch and Allie lights a joint. "You always bring a joint with you," says Carla. "I like smoking with you when we're alone."

"I do too, it gets me feeling so close to you."

"Would you feel that close if we weren't smoking?"

"For sure I would. I've been feeling a lot closer to you lately, much closer than before."

"Yeah, so have I. The shit with my family on Thanksgiving Day, of all days, made me realize how different we are compared to everybody else. It's like we're misfits, all four of us."

"Maybe that's what's drawing us together?"

"I don't know. It's something though. When you and Jill left yesterday, Rosy told me I was in love with you, but I don't think I am."

"I know I love you, Carla, but I'm not sure I'm in love with you like I am with Jill."

"I know I love you," Carla reflects, "but it's not like an 'I wanna marry you' kind of love."

"Same here. I do know we have a blast in bed together. Our sex just keeps getting deeper and deeper. I don't know where it's all going, but I'm not afraid to go there with you."

"Oh damn, Allie, you took the words right out of my mouth." She gives Allie a kiss and asks, "Have you ever been afraid of where you're going?"

"Oh boy," Allie sighs, "before I met Jill, I was scared shitless about where I was going."

"Really...? You always seemed so confident whenever I saw you."

She hugs Carla close and confides, "I put on a pretty good act to hide what was going on inside my head. But when I was by myself, I was lonely and afraid of the person I'd become. My female self was wanting to come out, and I didn't have anyone to talk to about it.

"When I was at the Club, I felt good because I could be my girl-self, and I was the center of attention, having sex with all those guys. But when they went home to their wives, I was all alone again. I'd become a little slut-whore and it scared the shit out of me."

Carla's drawn closer as Allie confesses her inner feelings, she caresses her face as she listens to Allie.

"Come to think of it," she says, "you were different then compared to now."

"That's cuz I met Jill," says Allie. "Having Jill in my life gives me something to live for. Something to go for. It blows my mind when I think of what we've done together.

"We've both become little slut-whores, but with Jill, it doesn't scare me. It excites me. Jill's become a little con artist, too. That little bitch has figured out how to use everything to our advantage," she chuckles. "That's how we got the money to buy a house. She's conned those guys, Carla, and they don't have a fucking clue they were even conned at all!"

"Jill's a smart little cookie alright," says Carla, "I could tell that as soon as I met her. I knew there was something special about her. The night we switched partners and I slept with her, I could feel her confidence.

"The way she made love to me, I can see how you fell in love with her. I can see how Rosy fell in love with her. I could even fall in love with her myself."

She gives Allie a kiss and says, "I think I could fall in love with you, too, Allie-girl. Talking like this, I'm thinking maybe I love you more than I thought."

Carla surprised herself by what she just said. The words just slipped out of her mouth. She's starting to realize she's been falling in love with Allie all along. She remembers what Rosy told her... "You can only deny it for so long, you know."

She's still not ready to admit it, but it's getting harder to deny. Overwhelmed with what she's feeling, she kisses Allie and lets herself fall into her arms.  She lays her head against Allie's chest so she can look up at her. Her female self wants Allie to see her submitting herself.

She's always had a stubborn male streak in her that makes her want to feel like she's always in control. She's been the dominant partner in her relationship with Rosy, and it's why she loves wearing a strap-on cock.

She loves expressing her male side in bed, and she loves it when Allie submits to her and lets her dominate. There's something about dominating a man that turns her on to no end. Even though Allie's a girl with a cock, there's enough male in her to satisfy Carla's need to feel temporary superiority.

Her male side is what's been keeping her from falling in love with Allie. Her male side has been telling her it's a sign of weakness if she falls for a male. In her head, her female side has been in a battle with her male side.

In this moment though, her male side is weak. Her female side wants no part of her stubborn streak tonight. With Allie kissing her from above, she's overwhelmed with submissive thoughts as her love for Allie demands to be expressed.

"Oh God, Allie," she whimpers, "take me to bed, baby. Make love to me? Please?"

Overcome with emotions herself, Allie kisses her with a passion she's not felt before. "I love you, Carla," she says, "I love you so much."

They hold their kiss for what seems like hours. Allie's male side responds to Carla's female side as she lifts Carla to her feet and takes her into the bedroom. Standing next to the bed, she covers Carla with kisses as she slowly undresses her.

Carla closes her eyes, feeling more submissive to Allie each time another article of clothing is removed. She gasps as she feels the weight of her falling tits when Allie takes off her bra. Her already tingling nipples delight to the joy of Allie's lips as she kisses them.

When they're both naked, Carla drops to her knees to take Allie's manhood into her mouth. With her eyes still closed, she's in a world she's never been to before. Sucking on Allie's cock, she feels herself at the edge of a cliff.

She's been standing near the cliff of love for a while now, looking over the edge but afraid to take the leap. Feeling Allie's hard bone nestled between her soft lips makes her want to jump. Running her tongue along the underside of her cock, feeling every little vein pulsating to her touch, she's almost ready to leap.

Her male side is pulling her back, her female side is telling her to jump. She's torn as the two sides of her personality tug at her soul. In her moment of indecision, Allie gently holds her head, caressing her hair as she sucks.

Feeling the conflict going on inside Carla's head, Allie's female intuition tells her what to do. At just the right moment, she pulls her cock out of Carla's mouth. She kneels in front of her, pressing her forehead against Carla's forehead.

Looking directly into Carla's mesmerized eyes, she says, "I love you, Carla. I love everything about you. You've shown me as much about myself as Jill has. I can't imagine life without you. I never wanna be without you."

Carla was already teetering on the edge. Her female side was already starting to win over her male side. When Allie said those words, it was the little push she needed. She jumps... headfirst and with no remorse.

"Oh damn, Allie," she cries, "I think I've just fallen in love with you."

"I know I'm in love with you," says Allie. "I knew it when we were talking on the couch. I was just waiting to hear it from you."

"You just heard it, Allie-love. I've been resisting it," she cries, "I can't resist it anymore, it's just too damn strong. I'm in love with you. I know I am. There's no doubt now."

With tears streaming down their cheeks, they cover each other in kisses. As if they were one and the same person, they get up on the bed, Carla spreading her legs as Allie sinks her cock into her steaming hot pussy.

"Fuck me, Allie... Fuck me till the sun comes up!"

They completely melt into each other as they spend the next hours fucking like the two people in love they've just become. Allie fucks with a love Carla's never felt in her. It's so much different than the night she and Rosy fell in love.

When she fell in love with Rosy, it was with another female. It reaffirmed her love of women and her distrust of men. She felt safe loving in her own sex. By loving another woman, she avoided the issues that made her distrust men in the first place.

Although Allie's a girl in a man's body, Carla only sees her as a man tonight. A man who loves her, a man she feels safe with. A man she's just given herself to. She coils herself around Allie's beautiful male body, completely overwhelmed as she submits herself to the man she loves.

Their passion builds to incredible heights, Carla experiencing orgasm after glorious orgasm, moaning like never before as Allie's cock slides in and out of her. To Carla's complete delight, Allie's been able to fuck longer than she ever has without cumming.

As they fuck, they say 'I'm in love with you' back and forth. They say it dozens of times, they can't seem to say it enough. With Carla writhing under her... crying, screaming, and moaning to the pleasures of this next level of their love affair; Allie shoots a glorious load of love deep into Carla's womb, sending them both to love heaven.

"Oh God, Allie. I never knew love could feel so good. I don't know why I resisted it so long."

"It doesn't matter babe," Allie says, "We've been in love for a while now. We just admitted it tonight, that's all."

"Rosy saw it in me. I knew she was right. I just couldn't admit it."

"I saw it in you too," Allie says, "But wasn't gonna force anything on you. I had to let you see it on your own terms and in your own time."

"Oh Allie, you know me like no one ever has. Not even Rosy knows me like you do."

"We all know each other in our own way. That's what I love about us. All four of us know different parts of each other. The other night when I was sleeping Rosy and I knew Jill was in the other bedroom sleeping with you, I just knew we're all meant to be with each other."

"I felt it over Thanksgiving," Carla shares, "We all got our asses kicked when we were apart and with our families. When we got back together, it was like coming home to family. Our own families have rejected us because of what we are, so the four of us have made our own family."

"Damn, I never looked at it like that, but you're right. The four of us are like our own family. I love that."

Until the wee hours of the morning, they've fucked so many times Allie's cock goes limp. They lie under the covers kissing and cooing, their souls melt into each other, becoming as one.

Across town in the other bedroom, Jill and Rosy are under the covers basking in the embers of their passion. After spending the last couple of hours making love, their souls are also blending as they kiss and whisper sweet nothings back and forth.

No longer accepted by their blood relatives, the bonds between the four of them grow stronger by the day. Like a runaway freight train, they're barreling towards an inevitable destination. At this point, only Rosy has a clue where that destination is, but it won't be long before she leads the rest of them to the promised land.

Written by Jilluvscox
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