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A TRANS Formation - Chapter 42 - An Offer They Can't Refuse

"After she skillfully sets it all up, Jill's plan comes to fruition."

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The girls really enjoy sleeping in Tuesday morning. Now that they've quit their jobs, they no longer have to set the alarm. After a relaxing breakfast, Jill gets her diary and starts writing down everything that's happened to her since last Friday.

Allie does a little house cleaning while Jill writes. An hour later, she's still writing. She fills the last page of a notebook and starts a new one. Half an hour later, she finishes.

"You wrote a long time," Allie says.

"I know, but so much has happened since I last wrote, it took a long time writing it all down."

"I haven't really seen you write all that much."

"That's because I've mostly written after you went to work, before it was time for me to leave. This is when I do my meditation, too. I got into a daily routine. It helps me stay focused on what I want."

"You meditate every day?"

"Yeah, usually... except when I spent too much time writing in my diary. Now that we're not working, I still want to keep my daily routine. We should both get into a daily routine, otherwise we might get lazy and not get anything done."

"I think you're right," Allie agrees. "It would be so easy to just roll a joint and stay wasted all day long, now that we're unemployed."

"We're not unemployed, Allie. We're entrepreneurs."

"Entrepre... what?"

"Entrepreneurs... businesses owners. We're not un-employed, Allie... we're self-employed. Entrepreneurs are disciplined enough to get their jobs done without a boss standing over them. That's what it takes to get rich."

"I see what you mean. You think we should meditate every morning?"

"Well, I've been doing it since I moved in with you. I'm not going to change now. I'd love it if we started every day meditating together, focusing on what we want and thinking as one person. You wanna meditate with me?"

"Yeah, I would. I wanna get into it as heavy as you are. What should we meditate on?"

"How about our house?" Jill suggests. "Wasn't it fun looking at houses Sunday? Let's design the house we want in our minds."

They sit together on the floor, holding hands with their knees touching. They sit in silence for twenty minutes, imagining the house they want to live in. When they open their eyes, they smile and kiss.

Talking about what they imagined, they know they definitely want a place in the country. Allie saw them with a few acres of land around them. Jill saw them having their own Jacuzzi, since they love soaking after a hard night of whoring. They probably won't find a house with a Jacuzzi, but they have plenty of cash to put one in when they find the right property.

Everything depends, of course, on their meeting with Norm and Walt tomorrow night. Jill's confident they're gonna get the money. She's pretty sure she planted the right thoughts in their minds. She listened to her female intuition as it put the right words in her mouth at the right time.

Getting dressed for their dates is so much fun this time. They don't have to rush home from work and throw themselves together. No, this time they have plenty of time to get themselves looking just right, creating the look they want.

Jill's date tonight is with Jim Butler, the real estate guy she dated a month ago. She really liked being with him last time, and remembers his sexy body as she sits at the vanity putting on her makeup. Admiring her new pierced earrings, she thinks about Rosy and how much she's added to her life.

All dressed up and looking like hot little whores, Allie says, "It sure was nice not to have to rush to get ready."

"I know," Jill replies, "I feel so calm and relaxed. I feel sexy too. Just think, this is how it's gonna be from now on. No more pressure of having to go to work."

"Yeah, this is our job now. We're working girls, working at night and resting all day. I'm so in love with our life."

As she drives to meet her date, Jill thinks about how nice it was spending the day with Allie. She loved it when Allie meditated with her this morning. It got them both focused on what they needed to do, and when they're both focused and thinking as one person, there are no limits to what they can accomplish.

Allie's excited too. Her date is Steve Carter, the attorney Jill had so much fun with on a threesome date with Gary. She's only seen him once at the Club, and hopes she'll be able to recognize him when they meet. As she walks up to the hotel entrance, she passes several men who say 'Good evening' to her and validate her when they include the word 'ma'am' in their greeting.

She looks around the busy lobby, but doesn't spot Steve. She's a little nervous being by herself, dressed as a woman in public. Her nervousness goes away when she feels her newly pierced ears and remembers how Carla's trained her all summer long. Her earrings help her remember what she's learned, and she's filled with confidence as she walks around strutting her stuff.

When Steve walks through the door, she recognizes him right away. "Hi, Steve," she says, "how are you doing tonight?"


"Yeah, I'm Allie. We haven't really met in person, I've only caught a glimpse of you at the Club, but I remember what you looked like. We haven't spoken except on the phone when you asked me out."

"Yeah... It was nice talking to you on the phone. I've wanted to date you ever since Jill told me about you. She said you like the same things she does."

"Yeah, we pretty much like the same things, if you know what I mean."

In the dining room, they're instantly comfortable with each other as they talk. Steve asks about the transition program at Northrop, and tells her the guys at the Club support what they're doing.

Allie's first impulse is to say how excited she is, but remembers how Jill's been bullshitting them about how worried they are. She goes into her whiny-little-bitch act and tells him even though they're looking forward to it, they're scared as hell about their financial security. When she tells Steve they're thinking about moving to Chicago, he says that's probably not going to be necessary.

He knows about the money they're going to offer them, since he drew up the legal papers. However, he doesn't want to say too much, and doesn't tell her any specifics. Allie senses what Steve's not telling her, and she's content to let it go, knowing she's just playing along with Jill's plan.

As they eat dinner, their conversation turns sexual as Allie turns him on with her words and mannerisms. She can charm a man just like Jill, and Steve's got a hard-on as Allie softly tells him what she likes to do in bed.

Allie's a professional whore, and getting her date turned on before they even get to their room is as important as the sex they'll be having later.


Jill arrives for her date so calm and relaxed. Not having to spend eight hours at the print shop has let her focus entirely on being a woman. The extra time she was able to spend getting dressed gives her a confidence she hasn't felt before. 

Jim's there to greet her and gives her a hug when they meet. "You look absolutely beautiful tonight, young lady," he whispers.

"I wanted to look good for you," Jill replies. "A classy guy like you deserves to be with a classy girl."

At their table, Jim says, "I was really looking forward to seeing you at the Club last Saturday. Norm and Walt told us why you weren't there. I wanna tell you we all love you and want only the best for you. We'll be there for you every step of your journey.

"I think you girls are so brave to be doing this. You're paving the way for other girls like you for years to come. In our own small way, each of us guys in the Club want to help you."

"Thanks, Jim," she says, "it's really scary doing this. But knowing we have guys like you behind us makes it a lot easier. I was in Chicago last weekend getting treatment for my scar, that's why we weren't there Saturday night."

Jill surprised herself when she brought up the subject of her scar. She always tried to hide it before. But now, after Maggie's helped her let go of her fear and shame, she's able to comfortably tell him how excited she is about getting a tattoo to make her arm beautiful.

She tells Jim they went looking at houses Sunday, and he reminds her to let him help her. With his contacts, he knows about properties before they go on the market. She tells him what they're looking for and he says he'll keep his eye out for them.

He's not sure exactly what the Club's going to offer them. He put a thousand dollars in the fund Saturday night, and knows most of the other guys put in a thousand. He's quite sure Jill and Allie will be buying a house very soon.

With the pleasant conversation out of the way, Jill goes to work doing what she does best, being a professional whore. She works on his mind as she tells him how much she enjoyed his cock last time and how she can't wait to suck it again.

He tells her as much as he loves everything about pussy, it doesn't come close to the way her tight, skinny little ass makes his cock feel when he's fucked her.

When she's teased him enough with her words, she takes his hand and asks, "So, big guy... are you ready to have a little fun?"

"You don't even have to ask."

"Yeah," she giggles, "we both know why we're here."

She's hanging on him as they walk down the hall to their room. When he closes the door, she throws herself into his arms and lets him kiss her as much as he wants. All that sex talk she was feeding him at dinner made her as horny as it made him.

As they kiss, her hands go to his crotch to feel his cock. She got him so turned on during dinner, it's hard as hell and struggling to get free.

"Mmmm..." she says as she touches him, "feels like you're ready to go."

"Shit, baby, the way you were talking at dinner, how could I not be. You've got a dirty little mind. You know just what to say."

"Well, we're all done talking," she says, "it's time to start doing."

She drops to her knees and unzips his pants. As she takes his hard cock into her mouth, she thinks about how much she loves being with a man. She licks his shaft as she lets herself go and becomes a dirty little slut again.

She pulls his pants down while she pleasures his cock. He takes off his shirt and throws it aside. She only stops sucking long enough to untie his shoes and helps him step out of his pants.

She goes back to sucking as he leans back against the door. With his cock in her mouth, she's controlling his mind, gently pulling on his nut sack as he moans for her.

She gets up on her feet, kissing her way up his naked body. "Like that?" she asks.

"Holy fuck, girl, you really know how to suck cock. I've never had a woman who can suck as good as you do."

"Women are absolutely wonderful," she tells him, "but they can't suck the same way a girl like me can, because they don't have a dick. I can suck better than any woman 'cuz I've got a dick just like you, and I know what it feels like when I'm sucking. You wanna get on the bed? We're just getting started."

When Jim gets his naked body on the bed, Jill tells him, "Just lie there for a few minutes, thinking about all the fun things you want to do with me. I have to slip into the bathroom and take care of a few things."


In another hotel in another part of town...

Allie's totally turned on to Steve as they walk into their room. The sex talk she used to turn him on at dinner has an equally intoxicating effect on her. Jill told her Steve was a dreamboat, but she had no idea how sexy he really was.

Behind the closed door, she completely submits to him as he kisses her. His masculinity overwhelms her as she unbuttons his shirt and runs her fingers through his light chest hairs. She knows she's in for a treat and she's gonna have as much fun as he is.

Steve hasn't had male sex since that night with Jill and Gary. He wastes no time pulling down the zipper on Allie's dress, and she's all too willing to let it fall to the floor. She pushes her fake tits into his bare chest as they kiss with a passion that usually doesn't happen until they get into heavy fucking.

"God damn, you're hot!" Steve says.

"I'm hot 'cuz you're hot," she tells him.

She can't resist feeling his cock, and she's delighted as it grows in her hands while they kiss. Like the professional whore she is, she has his trousers unzipped before he even knows what's happening and her hands are inside his shorts, stroking him lightly with one hand and cupping his balls with the other.

"Oh fuck," he says, "you really know what you're doing."

"I know I wanna suck your cock. I wanna take you to heaven with me."

"Take me to heaven, you gorgeous thing, I'm ready to go."

Allie drops to her knees and swallows Steve's cock all the way to his balls in one deep stroke. Once she saw that beautiful thing sticking out his pants, she had to have it. There's no teasing him to get him turned on. They've got heavy hots for each other. The rest of the night, it's anything goes.

Steve holds her head as she bobs up and down. She swallows it whole and looks up at him, letting him know she'll do anything he wants, no questions asked.

Steve can't believe how she gets his entire length down her throat; no one's ever deep-throated him before. This is the best blow job he's ever had, and he quickly steps out of his pants to give her better access.

After she's sucked him enough to get his cock throbbing, he pulls her head up to his and kisses her, darting his tongue into her mouth as he squeezes her ass.

"Damn, you got me turned on," he says.

"Jill told me you have a beautiful cock... she wasn't kidding. I've seen a lot of cocks, and yours rates right up there at the top."

"Did Jill tell you I like to suck a little cock myself?"

"I don't remember," she says, "but I love being sucked as much as I love to suck."

"Let's get you on the bed and see what you've got," he says.

Allie plops on the bed and Steve pulls her tight pads down her legs. He loves what he sees.

"Damn, Allie, you've got a beautiful cock too."

"I've been told that," she giggles.

Steve gazes at Allie's body as she lies in front of him wearing only her bra and nylons. This is his vision of the perfect partner, half male/half female. His desire for cock excites him as he lowers his head to taste her luscious meat.

He has Allie squirming and moaning as he sucks her delicious cock. The more he sucks, the more she's wanting to be fucked. She'd tell him to fuck her right now, but she's his whore and he gets to have his way. She knows she'll get fucked plenty good when Steve's ready.


Back at Jill's date, she's taken off her dress and pads in the bathroom as Jim waits for her return. She checks her makeup and perfumes her ass before prancing back out with a bottle of lube in her hand.

"Miss me?" she giggles.

"Naw, I knew where you were. I like you better with your dress off."

"Most everyone does," she giggles. "Oh, baby, your sweet cock went down a little. Let me blow you back up."

"Oh yeah, blow me, baby. I love the way you suck."

Jill gives him soft 'mmmm's as she goes back down on him. It doesn't take but a minute to get him fully hard again. He stares at her when she takes it all the way down her throat and holds it. He holds her head down on it until she struggles to come up for air. She grins at him as she licks his length and rolls her tongue around his velvety head. She knows he loves it and she loves being his whore.

"I bet you're about ready for the main event," she says.

"I'm ready to fuck, but I love the way you suck."

She hands him the lube bottle and says, "Tell you what, lover boy, you can get me ready back there and I'll suck on you a little more, since you like it so much. I like to give my guys what they like."

She backs her ass up to his face and goes back down on his cock. She deep throats him again as he rubs the lube around her asshole. He loves the way her little pink hole pulsates as he runs his finger around it.

Most of the pulsating is part of Jill's whore act. She and Allie have spent time in bed learning how to make their assholes pucker in and out for their dates. They know it turns guys on when they pucker their assholes for them. It makes them feel like studs, and it makes them feel like giving them bigger tips and asking them out on more dates.

As he plays with her hanging balls and strokes her cock, he can't resist the urge to stick his finger in her hole and feel around the inside of her ass. She stops sucking long enough to tell him she likes what he's doing back there.

"Your ass feels good inside, baby. I've never had my finger up someone's ass before, this is a nice experience."

"You've been missing out," she tells him. "Let me know when you want to fuck. You can play with my ass all you want, but your cock is about ready to blow up in my mouth."

"I'm ready right now, sweetheart. We better get some fucking in before I blow my load."


Back at Allie's date, Steve's holding her legs high apart as he sinks his cock deep in her ass. Allie's going out of her mind, telling him to fuck her harder and faster. This is one of the best fucks she's ever had, and she just can't seem to get enough of it.

She's completely submissive to him as his superior masculinity takes control over her. With her arms and legs wrapped around him, they bounce on the bed another half hour until he shoots a massive load deep inside her.

"Oh my God, Steve... Jill said you were a good fucker, but I never imagined it would be this good."

"You made me wanna fuck you like that. You're a hot date."

When he pulls out, he sees cum all over Allie's tummy. She got so turned on by his fucking, she had an orgasm on her own. Steve takes her cock in his hand and kisses it all over, licking her head as the cum oozes out.

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Allie can hardly move after being ravaged by this immaculate specimen of a man. He licks up her cum and kisses her, their tongues twirling around each other as they savor the final moments of their date.

"Damn, this was fun," he tells her.

"No kidding, baby, you fucked me like there was no tomorrow."

"Was I too rough?"

"Oh no, you were perfect. Sometimes I like it rough. I loved every second."

"I know you and Jill are in love," he says, "but I'd like to see you again real soon. You're my idea of the perfect lover."

"Yes, Jill and I are deeply in love, and we're committed to each other. But if you don't mind paying, I could see you again next Wednesday."

"I'd like that. I'm not trying to take you away from Jill. I'd love to find a girl like you to fall in love with, but girls like you are so rare. I know I can't be happy with just a woman. Women are great, but I need to have a cock on my girl."

"You'll find her, baby, just be patient. Until she comes along, I'd love to be your whore any time you want. You're really great in bed, you have a lot to offer a girl."

Before they get dressed, Allie takes him in the shower and washes his body. He thinks it's the perfect way to end their date, and Allie loves running her hands over his immaculate body one more time. They have their arms around each other as they leave the hotel and Steve walks her to her car.

He gives her one last kiss and says, "Thanks for a wonderful date. I'll be looking forward to next Wednesday."

Allie's looking forward to it too, and as she drives home, she feels sad for him. He's a wonderful guy who can't find the love of his life. If Allie hadn't already found Jill, she could see herself as that girl, but now that she's in love, she'll never leave Jill. She's found the love of her life and can only support Steve until he finds his.


At the other hotel, Jill's finishing up her date with Jim. She would have liked to be fucked a lot more than she was, but she got him way too turned on when she was sucking him. He enjoyed her oral skills so much he kept telling her to keep sucking as he played with her asshole.

Jill tried to help him when she had to pee. She stayed in the bathroom as long as she could to let his cock rest. He loved having his fingers in her ass as she sucked, and by the time he wanted to fuck, his poor cock was pulsating out of control, ready to cum any second. He wanted her on top when they fucked, but she only got to ride him a few minutes before he shot his load. Older guys just don't have the stamina for long fuck sessions.

"Mmmm, damn, hon," he says, "that was a great release."

"You didn't last as long as last time, baby. You want me to blow you back up for another round?"

"I'd love to, sweetheart, but I need to get back to the wife. Don't worry about me getting off so fast. I really got into your cock sucking tonight. It's the best I've ever had."

"OK, sweetie... as long as you're happy. I want my dates going home happy."

"I'm more than happy. I'd have been just as happy cumming in your mouth. You were that good."

After she cleans him up, they get dressed and walk back to the lobby together. She holds him as he walks her to her car, and he gives her another $100 bill on top of the two he gave her while they were having dinner.

As they kiss goodbye, he tells her, "I'll keep an eye out for new property listings in the country. With the holidays coming up," he warns, "the real estate market gets real slow, but I'll give you a call if I hear of anything."

"Thanks, Jim, I know the right place will come along."

As she drives home, she's happy as can be. Not having to work eight hours today, she felt so relaxed when she got there, and she feels relaxed now. She would like to have been fucked a lot more, but she lets that thought go. She's a professional whore, and as long as her customer is happy, she's done a great job. She gets her real sexual desires satisfied in her love relationships with Allie, Rosy, and now Carla.

She gets home before Allie, and enjoys spending a little time by herself as she takes off her whore clothes and slips into her comfortable nightgown. She rolls a joint to smoke with Allie when she gets home and puts a pot of herbal tea on the stove.

She's feeling melancholy as she recalls her first date with Norm, the night she realized she'd become a whore. She loved it then and she loves it now. This lifestyle has given her a life she could only dream about a year ago. She smiles and knows she wouldn't have done anything different.

The back door opens and Allie yells, "Hi, babe, I'm home."

"How was your date?"

"Holy... fuckin'... shit...! Steve is a god-damned stud!"

"I told you he was good."

"Damn! You weren't shittin'. He fucked the shit out of me. He liked me so much, we made another date for next Wednesday."

"You're turning into quite the working girl," Jill jokes, "three dates next week!"

"Well, how could I turn down a date like that? I mean, he fucks so good."

"I told him he'd like you, the way you love to get fucked."

"Hey... for $300, I'll fuck him every night if he wants. How was your date?"

"It was good, but not as good as yours. He kept wanting me to suck him, and by the time we started fucking, he only lasted a few minutes. But hey, I made $300 too. So what if I didn't get fucked as much as I wanted, it's just a job. I get my sexual satisfaction from the people I'm in love with.

"Let's go to the living room. I got some nice hot tea made and I rolled us a joint."


Being able to sleep in after a date night feels wonderful to the girls as they wake up the next day. Allie wakes up to Jill's gentle kisses, and they spend a few minutes rolling around in bed kissing before getting up to start their day.

Snuggling on the couch and drinking coffee, Allie says, "Damn, I always hated having to get up to go to work after a date. It's going to be easy getting used to sleeping in."

"I feel good too. Now that we're self-employed, we'll be able to get our rest and take care of our bodies. This is why we worked our asses off all summer, now we're almost where we wanna be."

"Yeah," says Allie, "all we need now is a house. I guess we'll find out about that tonight."

"My intuition tells me it's gonna happen. But we have to make sure we act like we're still scared about doing the program. And whatever they offer us, we have to act surprised. We can't just say thanks and leave, we'll have to pretend like we're still not sure about staying in Des Moines, even if they buy us a house. We can't afford letting them suspect we've been bullshitting them all along."

"Hey, babe, you take the lead and I'll follow. This is your scam, you know what you're doing."

"I'm just following my intuition. My inner girlfriend is showing me the next step. All I'm doing is listening to myself."

After spending a half hour meditating together, they're able to have a relaxing day as they leisurely take care of yesterday's lube orders and make up another batch, getting it all done by noon. After lunch they spend a couple of hours pampering their bodies, shaving themselves smooth, soaking in scented bath oils, and painting their nails.

When it's time to get ready, they're totally relaxed and in the right frame of mind. Dressing as regular girls tonight, they choose loose-fitting dresses so they won't have to wear pads. And since they're not whores tonight, they only have to put on light makeup. They show up for their dinner-date focused on the act they're going to put on to make the guys think they're still seriously thinking about moving away.

Walt's waiting for them when they get to the restaurant, greeting them with a warm hug. "Hi, girls!" he says. "Thanks for coming. Everyone's here... we're in a separate dining room so we can discuss things in private."

Walt takes them to a small dining room where Tony, Norm, Roger, and Gary greet them with hugs and kisses. The mood is light and friendly as they enjoy an excellent dinner and engage in pleasant small talk. After the waiters come in and clear the table, they get down to business.

Tony starts things off by telling them how much they're loved by all the members. In the twenty years he's been a member, they've never had as much fun as they've had with these two.

Norm is next to speak, "We think you girls are brave to be going into this program. You're taking risks a lot of us wouldn't take ourselves. We know you're both girls inside and we want to help you every step of the way. That's why we asked you here tonight.

"You've told us you're thinking about moving to Chicago, and we can understand why. Last Saturday at our meeting, we missed you being our girls on Ladies' Night. We missed you so much we took up a collection to convince you to stay.

"You say you need a house. Well, we collected enough donations to let you get a house. But it can't be just a gift. We're offering you the security you need, and we need a commitment from you that you'll continue to be our girls for a long time.

"Walt says this program is a five-year deal. So we structured this proposal on a five-year time frame. That way you've got security for five years and we'll know you'll be our girls the next five years.

"Gary can explain the details better than I can, so I'll turn it over to him."

"OK, ladies," Gary begins, "here's what we came up with. You already know you have to be able to justify where all your money comes from, for tax and legal purposes. We're talking about a good sum of money, so in order to justify it, we propose to give you a personal loan for $47,000.

"That's how much we collected from the members. That's how much we love you. It's a loan that you don't have to make payments on. The loan is payable in one lump sum five years from now with flat interest of 15%, which is around $54,000. That's 3% interest per year.

"If, after five years, you've completed the transition program and you're still entertaining us at our Club meetings like you are now, we'll forgive the loan, and you owe us nothing. You'll own your house, free and clear.

"If for some reason you decide you don't want to finish the program and don't want to be our girls anymore, then we sell the house and keep all the money. This way you'll be able to own the house in your names, and we'll be able to protect our 'investment'. If you decide you want to leave us and still keep the house, you pay us $54,000 and everyone's happy.

"I had Steve draw up legal papers and everything will be legally recorded so you won't have to worry about explaining where you got all the money."

"Oh wow," Jill says, "this is such a surprise. We never even considered you'd want to loan us money to buy a house. I'm not sure what to think. I mean, we appreciate the offer and all that, but it's still so scary. We love being your whores right now, but I'm not sure we'll be able to do it like this for five years. 

"Guys... we've been doing at least forty guys every Ladies' Night. It wears our asses out. It takes a few days to recover from getting fucked that much in one night.

"We don't know how the estrogen is gonna affect our bodies, what if we lose our stamina? Will we lose our house if we can't fuck forty guys every month? And that doesn't even account for the twenty or so guys we do at the mid-month meeting. Can me and Allie go out to our car for a few minutes and talk this over?"

"Of course you can," Norm says. "We don't want to put any pressure on you."

The girls get up and leave the room. When they get in the car, Allie says, "Babe! They're gonna buy us a house. How can we NOT say yes...? Are you crazy? You're saying we might not want to do it?"

"Fuck no...! Of course we're gonna say yes. I just laid that shit on them to let them know they don't own us. We're in control, not them. We've got 'em right where we want 'em. We're high-priced whores, and we want to squeeze everything out of them we can get. This is what my inner girlfriend is telling me."

"What a conniving little bitch your inner girlfriend is," Allie laughs. "Shall we go in and tell them yes?"

"No... not yet. Let's wait a few minutes. Make 'em sweat." Jill chuckles.

They turn on the radio and listen to a few songs, making the guys wait another fifteen minutes to hear their decision. When they come to the room, the guys are busily talking amongst themselves.

Tony sees them and says, "Welcome back, girls. While you were gone we've been talking about what you said about the wear and tear on your bodies if you keep going like this another five years. We don't want to see you hurt in any way, so we came up with something that might work for all of us."

"Yeah, it's a real fear we have, using our asses like that," Jill says. "It feels good on a date with one guy, but at a gang bang, we end up pretty sore down there if there's too many guys."

"Well," Tony says, "what about if we change the way we do Ladies' Night? We thought about limiting the number of guys we let in. Let's say we limit it to thirty guys, if that's not too many. We'll charge each guy $200 and do away with the tip boxes. That way, you'll be guaranteed $6,000 for each Ladies' Night if we sell out.

"As time goes on, we can cut that down if you feel it's too many for you to handle. We'll let you decide how many you want to do. How does that sound? Oh... and there's one more thing... you're not our whores anymore. From now on, you'll be respectfully referred to as our escorts. Does this all sound good to you?"

"It sounds pretty good," Jill says. "Me and Allie were talking and decided we'll accept your offer. We're grateful for having you guys supporting us. We'll do everything we can to make it as much fun for you guys as we can.

"We don't know what our future holds, but we think staying here and having you guys to help us will be better than moving to Chicago. So... Do we have to sign anything?"

"Yes, of course we'll have to sign papers," Gary says. "These loan forms are pretty straightforward, we just have to have everyone sign off to make it legal. We'll give you a check for $47,000 tonight and you girls can go house hunting tomorrow. You'll be able to get a real nice place with that much money. Make sure you have enough left over to buy furniture and other stuff you'll need to move in."

"Thank you, guys," Allie says."We can feel how much you love us, and we promise we'll love you all back."

With the formalities out of the way, Jill has a $47,000 check in her purse as she and Allie give each of the guys hugs and many kisses. Jill already has a date scheduled with Gary next week, the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. When she gives him a hug, he whispers in her ear, "You know we have a date next week, right?"

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it."

"Well, I was wondering if I could bring someone with me."


"No, Gina. Remember I asked if you'd be willing to do a threesome with us?"

"Yeah, I remember. I said I probably would. But after what you did for us tonight, I definitely will. I'm a little nervous about being with your wife, though."

"Gina's nervous about it too, but she's gonna try it for me. I hope she likes it and will want to do it more. You're just the girl I need to help her."

"Help her how?"

"Help her make a fantasy of mine come true."

"What's your fantasy...? You dirty old man!"

He gets real close and whispers in her ear, "I want her to try anal sex. She's afraid I'll rip her butt hole open. I think if she sees you doing it, she'll know it can be done without tearing up her hole."

"Ooooo...! You ARE a dirty old man! I'll do what I can to help her see the light. Well then... I guess we're having a threesome next week. I'll be looking forward to it."

When all the hugs and kisses are done, and the girls get in the car, their emotions let loose. "AAAAAAGH!" they scream. "We did it, Allie! We really fuckin' did it!" Jill screams with joy.

"Fuck, babe, I couldn't believe how you acted in there. You're a god-damned con artist!" Allie laughs. "They were like, 'Oh please, girls... please take our money... please buy a house with our money'."

They both bust out laughing.

"I told you, Allie, we're in control, not them. It's just a matter of how we think. Signing those loan papers means they own us for the next five years, but we're not gonna let 'em think they own us.

"They don't own us forever, they're just leasing our pussies. And baby, our pussies ain't cheap. They're gonna pay a fee every time they use our pussies. We just used our pussies to get what we want!"

When they get home, they're still laughing and giggling so much they can hardly stop. Once they settle down with a couple of joints, Jill feels immensely proud of herself. She got the idea of having them buy her a house, and just by thinking about it and saying the right things to the right people at the right time, she made it happen.

She's learned a new skill in the process. A skill that will serve her well in the years ahead. She conned those guys. She was never thinking about moving to Chicago, but by making the guys THINK she was, they gave her everything she wanted, and more.

When they get in bed, they're still giggling about it. They're not the least bit horny. They kiss and hug like they always do, but their cocks are limp as wet noodles. Allie drifts off to sleep first, but Jill lies awake, dreaming about this new power she's discovered in herself.

'If I'm powerful enough to create a house without using my own money,' she thinks, 'then there's no limits on what I can do in the future!'

Written by Jilluvscox
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