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A TRANS Formation - Chapter 14 - Jill's First Date

"After her first date, Jill realizes... Whores do it for money, sluts do it for free"

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After visiting her family over the weekend, Jill feels so relieved to get back to her apartment. Her life has gone through monumental changes since she last saw them. Yet, at her parents' house, everything is exactly the same as it was the last time she visited, four weeks before. In fact, it's exactly the same as it has been the whole time she was growing up there.

As she gets out of Jerry's clothes and dresses as Jill again, she sees very clearly, why her life had sucked for so long. After Jerry got out of the Army, he missed California so much, because everything seemed so right in California. But now she realizes, the real reason California seemed so good was because she was away from the depressing environment of her family.

Her alcoholic dad went out drinking Saturday night, as usual, and her mom was more depressed about it than before. She kept bitching about everything from the time Jill got there to the time she left. Her brothers and sisters were constantly bickering and fighting. No one seemed to care if Jerry was there or not. They were all too involved with their own miserable lives to notice he was even in the house.

Being there getting stressed out all weekend, knowing she is not even Jerry anymore, all she could do was count down the minutes until it was time to go. She hated to think about it, but when she left, she felt like she never wanted to return.

As Jill steps into her panties, she remembers she has new bras to wear. She puts one on, and likes the way the larger 'B' cups make her tits show better when she puts on her dress. Walking into the living room as Jill, she rolls a joint and starts to calm down.

She lights her candles, puts on some soothing music, and turns off the lights. Getting high on marijuana helps her put the memories of the weekend behind her. She quickly re-focuses on her new life, and the exciting things she has to look forward to. This is going to be another exciting week for her.

She is looking forward to her first date with Norm Tuesday night, and there is another Club meeting on Saturday. More sex and more money are in her future. And best of all, she and Allie will be going out on a date Friday night. Her memories of the shitty weekend with her family fade away as the marijuana takes over her brain.

She looks around her apartment and sees all the nice things she has now. She remembers the $1500 she has in the bank. She looks at the dress she's wearing and thinks about how much better it feels to wear girls' clothes. What she thinks about most of all, though, is her relationship with Allie.

'I really like the way things are going.' she thinks to herself.

When she finishes her joint, she picks up her book on meditation. She reads about sitting in quiet stillness, shutting off the conscious mind, and tuning in with her inner self. It sounds appealing to her, so she decides to try it. She gets on the floor with her legs crossed, and sits quietly for about fifteen minutes.

She's not sure if she did it right, but she's very relaxed when she opens  her eyes. This is something she wants to learn more about. She's glad she listened to her inner girlfriend when she guided her to buy this book. 'I'm going to spend some time every day, learning how to do this,' she thinks to herself.

When she goes to bed Sunday night, she's in a good place and she's completely tuned out her bad weekend. Her new sheets and blankets feel good as she curls up in them and falls asleep.


Tuesday evening comes quickly for Jill. After talking to Allie several hours last night, she barely had time to decide what to wear for Norm. Not that she has that many choices anyway, with her limited female wardrobe. She rushes home after work to take a quick bath, change clothes, and get her suitcase with Jill's clothes into the car.

She pulls into the hotel parking lot at six-twenty, wondering how she got everything done. The hotel looks very fancy. She's wearing Jerry's best clothes, but wonders, 'Am I dressed well enough for this place?'  Leaving her suitcase in the car, she walks into the lobby. Norm is already there to greet her when she comes in.

"Hi, Jerry! Good to see you made it," Norm says, extending his hand.

"Hi, Norm. Good to see you, too. This is a nice hotel. I was worried I might not be dressed well enough when I came in."

"Relax, Jerry, you look just fine. Are you hungry? I have a table already reserved for us in the dining room."

"That sounds good. I'm starved."

Norm leads Jill to the dining room, where a waiter takes them to their table, near the back. This being a weeknight, there aren't many tables occupied, and there isn't anyone sitting near them. Looking at their choices, Norm suggests they go with the filet mignon, the most expensive item on the menu. Jill takes his suggestion.

While they're waiting for their food, Jill notices how different Norm talks now than he does at the Club. At the Club, Norm is in party mode, joking around, and showing off a little in front of the other guys. That's what guys do when they're in a group of other guys.

Chatting over a cocktail, they see a different side of each other. Norm has a warm personality and he's interested in what Jill has to say. She's not just a naked body he's paying to fuck later; he actually likes her. Norm sees a real person in Jill, and he's willing to give her advice, if she wants it.

Jill likes talking with Norm. She sees a very bright and intelligent person in Norm. She doesn't know it, but he's one of the sharpest business minds in the country, and he's the CEO of one the largest fertilizer companies in the world. Jill knows she can learn a lot from Norm, so she asks him questions about how he became so successful.

"The most important thing to being successful in life," Norm starts to tell her, "is to always have a positive attitude. You need to have a positive attitude about everything you do, if you want to succeed. And always, look to find where your advantages are. And almost as important, look for your competitors' weaknesses, and exploit them when you can."

Jill tells him about her job at the print shop, and how it seems insignificant compared to what he does every day. When she starts to tell him about how she grew up being poor, Norm stops her cold, in mid-sentence...

"Don't even think about the difficulties you've had in the past, Jill. Always look for the advantages and opportunities ahead of you. Think big, Jill... Can I call you Jill in here? I don't think anyone can hear us talking."

"Of course you can call me Jill. I prefer to be called Jill now."

"Good, I think Jill fits your personality better than Jerry. But, as I was saying... Jill... don't ever tell anyone you grew up poor. It lets the other person know one of your weaknesses, and they'll exploit you. It puts you at a disadvantage, right off the bat. Always look to exploit their disadvantages.

"Do you know why poor people are poor, Jill? It's because they think they're poor. And why would they think anything else? They've been told all their lives... they're poor. Their parents told them they were poor, because their own parents told them they were poor. All they ever think about is being poor.

"They spend their entire lives bending over, working their asses off, picking up pennies. They never see the dollars, flying right over their heads. It's because they never looked up to see the dollars, they only looked down, they only saw pennies."

"That's very interesting, Norm. I'm really enjoying talking with you," Jill says.

"I'm really enjoying talking with you, too, Jill. You have a lot of potential. I can see it in you... so... Jill, what I'm telling you is... if you don't want to be poor, stop thinking about being poor, forget you were ever poor. Think of yourself as being rich, whatever your idea of rich is. When you do, the opportunities will come to you, because that's what you're always thinking about."

"That's good advice, Norm. I never thought of it like that before. You've given me a new perspective I wasn't even aware of, thank you."

When the waiter brings their food, the conversation turns to lighter subjects as they enjoy their meal. Jill can't believe how good everything tastes. This is the best meal she has ever had. And the best part is, as a girl, she isn't paying for any of it. As they finish eating, Norm tells her about the pressure he's been under at his job.

"We've really been working our asses off getting ready for this Brazil trip," he tells her.

"Do they have you working a lot of late nights?" Jill asks.

"Yeah... And it's exhausting. I'm really glad you said you'd meet me here. What we did at the Club the other night, it really helped me unwind so I could keep going. The pressure gets to me sometimes, Jill, I really need a break like this from time to time."

"Well, I'll do my best to relieve your pressures, Norm. Looks like we're almost ready to go up to our room?"

"Yeah, I'm ready unless you want some dessert."

"No, thank you, that meal was so filling. Everything tasted so good."

"Everything is first class here, Jill, that's why I like it. Are you ready to go up?"

"Anytime you are. I have to go out to my car to get my things so I can get dressed the way you like me."

"Oh, yes... I can't wait to be with your sexy side."

Norm hands Jill an envelope.

"I have to make a couple phone calls. Our room is #357. The key is in this envelope. Why don't you go up and get dressed? I'll be up in about thirty minutes."

Jill takes the envelope and says, "OK, Norm, I'll see you soon." She blows him a kiss as she gets up from the table.

Walking out to her car, Jill wonders why Norm put the key in an envelope. Her eyes light up when she opens it, and finds not only the key, but two $100 bills. Norm has tipped her in advance, and it makes Jill want to give Norm everything he wants, and more.

Jill walks into a luxurious hotel room when she opens the door. She is dazzled by the fancy bed and furnishings. She goes into the bathroom and sees marbled sinks with gold-plated fixtures. Norm is first class all the way.

She puts on her black lace nylons and panties. She's glad she has a larger cupped bra to wear tonight. When she puts on her short pink slip, the cotton-stuffed 'B' cups make it look like she has nice little titties hiding underneath.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she wishes her hair was longer. She wishes she would have thought to ask Allie if she could borrow her wig. She also wishes she knew how to put on makeup. She decides she has to call Carla and Rosy this week for some makeup lessons.

When she gets herself looking as good as she can, she walks into the room to wait for Norm. She goes around the room, sitting in the plush chairs, looking out the window, and finally, lying on the bed. She thinks Norm will like her on the bed when he comes in.

After a few minutes, there is a light tap on the door before it opens.

"Anybody home?" Norm says in a devilish tone of voice.

"Just me... waiting for you," Jill giggles.

"Oh, Jill... don't you look nice laying on that bed."

As Norm walks towards the bed, Jill gets up and goes to the edge of the bed on her knees. They put their arms around each other and Norm gives her a kiss.

"I've been wanting to get you alone ever since we first met at the Club," says Norm.

"Well... you've got me all alone now, Norm... I'm all yours tonight, for whatever you'd like to do."

Norm likes running his hands over Jill's skinny little body. She rubs her hands over his chest and starts to unbutton his shirt.

"I think you've got too many clothes on, Norm. We need to do something about that," Jill teases.

When she gets to the bottom shirt button, she unbuckles his belt and whispers in his ear, "Would like to have your cock sucked? I'd love to suck it for you."

" you know just what I need."

"I want you to give everything you want and need."

As Norm stands next to the bed, Jill gets on her stomach and unzips his trousers. His cock is already pretty hard when she takes it out; she looks up and smiles at him as she kisses it. She teases his head with her tongue as he smiles down on her. When she takes him into her mouth, Norm holds her head and starts fucking her mouth with slow strokes. Jill hums "Mmmmm" as he works it in and out.

Jill manages to unsnap his pants and reach her hands around Norm's ass, pulling him deeper into her mouth.

"Does that feel good?" she asks.

"It's just what an old man like me needs. I love your mouth."

"I love your cock, Norm. I loved it the first time I sucked it."

Jill's encouraging words make Norm fuck her mouth faster as he reaches down to grab her ass. Jill likes lying on her tummy while Norm does all the work. All she has to do is hold her mouth open, and work her tongue around Norm's shaft as it moves in and out.

Jill can see Norm struggling to reach her ass. She looks up at him and asks, "You wanna get up on the bed with me? You're getting me so fucking hot."

Norm quickly takes off his shirt and steps out of his pants. When he gets up on the bed, he rolls Jill over on her back. Jill props her head up on the pillows and spreads her legs, showing Norm her clit sticking up above her panties.

"Damn, what a sweet treat you are, Jill," Norm says as he crawls between Jill's legs.

"I like being your treat, Norm. I'm only here to please you," Jill replies.

Norm runs his fingertips over Jill's panties, outlining the hard shaft that lies underneath. He bends down to lick her clit area, and starts to pull her panties off. Jill lifts her ass so Norm can easily slip them off and toss them aside.

Jill spreads her legs as far apart as she can. She moves her ass up and down slightly, enticing Norm's appetite. Norm takes her shaft in his hand and licks it from bottom to top.

Jill teases him, saying, "I think you like sucking cock as much as I do, don't you, Norm?"

"God damn, Jill," he says, "Big cocks turn me on. They always have. I just love how you shave your cock so smooth and clean, it's a joy to have it all to myself."

"It's your cock right now, Norm, it's all yours. Suck it all you want," she giggles, "You already know how much I love it. You can play with it you want."

Watching Norm eagerly sucking and kissing her cock, she remembers what Norm told her earlier. The thing he said about exploiting a person's weaknesses, and finding your own advantages. She sees Norm clearly has a weakness when it comes to large pricks like hers. She has no intention to exploit his weakness; she just takes note of it.

Norm seems to be in a trance as he sucks and plays with Jill's cock. At times, it's almost as if he is worshipping her. Norm's sucking doesn't come close to turning her on like Allie does, but Jill moans with fake sounds of pleasure, to enhance Norm's enjoyment.

She puts her hands under each knee, and pulls her legs back to raise her ass up in Norm's face. Norm responds by licking her balls on his way down to her asshole. Jill lets out fake moans as Norm licks her hole for the longest time. When she feels it's time, she says to him, "You wanna fuck me, Norm? I can tell, you wanna fuck me, don't you?"

"There's nothing I'd rather do right now than fuck you, Jill. Your skinny little ass was made just for fucking."

Jill giggles, and tells him how much she loved his cock when he fucked her at the Club. Jill sees the lust in Norm's eyes as he spreads the lube into her hole. Jill starts breathing heavily for him to make him think he's really turning her on.

"Oh, Norm... I can't wait much longer... I need your cock, Norm."

Jill has Norm feeling like he's the world's best stud when he mounts her. As he pushes himself into her, Jill feels only a slight pain around her hole.

"Oh God, Norm. You're splitting my ass apart. I love your cock, Norm. Fuck me like a girl," she tells him.

Jill squirms and moans for Norm as he gets into fucking her ass. She enjoys making Norm feel good. That's what she's here for. She's his whore tonight, and she wants to earn her money so he'll want to pay her again. She wraps her arms and legs around him and keeps telling him how good he is. They fuck like this until Norm starts to slow down. He's not a young man anymore, and his stamina soon reaches its limit.

"I need to take a little breather here," he says to Jill.

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"No wonder you're a little tired, Norm, the way you were pounding my ass."

"Did you like it, Jill?"

"Oh, you know I did, you know how I love to get fucked like this," says Jill, "Why don't you turn over, and let me show you how much I liked it."

Jill gets down between Norm's legs and starts sucking his cock again. Norm loves feeling Jill's young mouth around his cock. Norm's wife used to suck him like this years ago, when they were both much younger. But as they aged, she became more interested in raising her family and living in high society. She pretty much forgot all about their sex life.

She doesn't care about satisfying him in bed anymore, and she hasn't sucked her husband off in years. Norm hasn't said much to her about it, because, unknown to her, he's always had a little cock on the side. Being a member of the Club, he's been able to satisfy his hunger for cock, and still keep his sexless marriage stable.

As Jill sucks Norm's cock, she glances at a clock on the night stand. It's getting close to nine o'clock, and she has to work tomorrow. She moves up Norm's body, kissing him all over his stomach, chest, and neck, working her way up to his lips. She gives Norm a few sweet kisses and gets up on her knees.

Straddling Norm's cock, she takes it in her hand and guides it once more to her hole. She smiles at Norm as she wiggles her skinny ass over his cock. Working her ass up and down Norm's cock, she uses her muscles to milk him, like Allie taught her to do.

Norm gets so turned on watching Jill ride him like a young cowgirl. With her short pink nightie still on, her little fake tits seem so real to Norm as the smooth fabric bounces around them. Jill is the perfect lover for a married man like Norm.

She's female enough to satisfy his need to fuck a hot woman, a woman his wife no longer is. And she more than satisfies his secret lust for big, beautiful cocks. It's a weakness that he must, from time to time, give in to. He's getting closer to cumming. He loves watching Jill's cock flop around as she bounces. After a few more minutes of Jill squeezing her muscles around him, Norm shoots his load into her ass.

"Oh God, Jill..." He cries out as his cock spasms inside her.

When Norm's orgasm subsides, Jill lays her head on his shoulders, lightly kissing his neck until his cock softens and falls out of her.

"You don't know how good that made me feel, Jill," Norm tells her.

"That's all I wanted to do, Norm," she tells him, as her hand lightly caresses across his cheeks and forehead, "you've been working so hard. I just want to make you feel good."

"You sure did that. This is just what I needed before I leave on that trip tomorrow."

"Do you travel a lot in your job?"

"All the time. They send me all over the world. It's exciting and rewarding, but I don't have a lot of time to enjoy times like this. Do you think we can get together like this again?"

"Any time you want, Norm. You have my phone number."

Norm gives Jill hug and they talk about little things, while Jill rests her head on his chest like she's his daughter. Norm pauses for a bit, before he asks Jill, in a very quiet, serious tone of voice, "Can I ask you a personal question, Jill?"

"Sure, what do you want to know?"

"Well, I hope I don't offend you asking this," Norm says. He runs his fingers lightly over the scar on Jill's arm.

"Can I ask you how this happened to your arm?"

Jill is taken back a bit before she tells Norm how she was burned when she was a baby.

"I was just wondering. A couple of the guys at the Club were asking about it too, but not in a bad way. More of a concerned way, really."

Jill talks a little more about it, but Norm can see she's getting uncomfortable. He tells her she shouldn't think it diminishes her in any way. Her eyes start to get watery when she says to him, "Why don't you lie here, and let me clean you up."

Jill goes into the bathroom and comes out with a warm wash cloth. She gently washes his cock and balls as he watches her. Norm looks at the clock. It's getting close to ten o'clock.

"Well, pretty girl, it's probably about time to wrap this up. I can't thank you enough for the pleasure you gave me tonight."

"The pleasure was all mine," Jill says, as she watches him put his clothes back on.

When Norm is dressed, he goes in to use the bathroom. He comes out and goes over to Jill, still lying on the bed. He gently places his hands around her head and gives her a kiss.

"Thank you, Jill. Thank you for a wonderful evening. I see you as a very beautiful girl. You can stay in the room as long as you like."

With that, Norm is gone, leaving Jill by herself. She takes a few minutes to gather her thoughts before getting up. She decides to take a shower before she leaves, just in case she doesn't wake up in time tomorrow.

Washing herself under the warm water, thoughts about her scar come into her mind when the wash cloth runs over her arm. She knows Norm only asked about it out of concern, but she's had to answer questions like that all her life. She tells herself it doesn't affect her anymore, but the truth is, it hurts her inside; it always has. It hurts, knowing the scar is there; it will always be there. She tears up and cries a little as she thinks about it.

When she regains her composure, she dries off and gets dressed as Jerry again. She thinks about the pleasant time she spent with Norm, and what she learned from him. Her first date has gone very well, she thinks, and she leaves the room satisfied that she has done a good job.

At her car, she reaches into her pocket to get her keys. Along with the keys, she pulls out another $100 bill. Norm had put it in her pocket when he went in to use the bathroom.

She tears up again, thinking about what a sensitive and kind man Norm is. She feels grateful she got to spend time with him, that she was able to see another facet of his personality. She knows she'll be seeing him again, and she looks forward to it.

Back at her apartment, she takes the suitcase containing Jill's clothes into the closet. She takes off Jerry's clothes, and walks into the living room wearing only panties. After lighting a candle, she sits in her chair and smokes a joint. As she gets stoned, she enters into a very melancholic state of mind.

She feels so peaceful, sitting alone in the dim light. She thinks about how fortunate she has been, getting to know the people she has met. She likes the direction her life is going now. And most of all, she likes being with Allie. She wants to think she's in love with Allie, but knows it's too soon to know that yet.

While she thinks about all the good things that have happened, demons from her sub-conscious mind come up and try to haunt her again, like they have all her life. Just a few months ago, jacking off by herself was the only sex she knew. After she allowed herself to not only have sex with Roger, but admitted to herself that she likes having sex with men, she crossed over a line.

Once she'd experienced a cock in her mouth and ass, she knew she could never not want to do it again and again. She was afraid she'd feel like a whore before she allowed herself to be gang banged at the Club. But she didn't feel like a whore the next morning. She felt good about it, and the money sure didn't hurt either.

But now, tonight, she's just fucked a man in a hotel room for money. Although they use a feel-good word for it, 'dating', there's no doubt what it really is. It's what prostitutes call turning a trick. Jill is confronted with the fact that she just did what whores do.

'Have I really become a whore?' she asks herself. It doesn't take her long to admit to herself that yes, she has become a whore. Allie is a whore, too. She remembers what Norm said, just before he fucked her. The part about how her 'skinny little ass' was made just for fucking. She felt good when Norm said that, and she felt good when he fucked her 'skinny little ass'. And she just used her 'skinny little ass' to put $300 in her pocket.

When she thinks about how depressed she always was before she started having sex with men, this new life she's entered seems so much better. And thinking about the shitty weekend she just had visiting her parents, her new life seems all the more better.

Her inner girlfriend is in charge now, and her subconscious demons are no match for a woman who knows and accepts who she is. What she's doing now makes her happy, not sad.

She accepts the fact that she's crossed another line; she's become a whore. And she's perfectly fine with it. She remembers what Norm told her about finding your advantages, and exploiting the weaknesses in others. The skinny little sissy body she was born with was a major weakness in the normal world, where boys have to attract a girl to them. Most girls have no desire for boys with a sissy body like hers. It is a fatal flaw she can do nothing about.

But in this new world, playing the game as a girl, her skinny little sissy body is a major advantage. Men crave to fuck a body like hers, and they're willing to pay money just to be with her. 'Yes,' she thinks to herself, 'I have become a whore. I like being a whore. Men pay money to fuck me, and my body was made for men to fuck. I'm going to take advantage of it. I freely choose this path.'

Although society would condemn her for the things she has done, inside she feels in touch with herself. She no longer cares what anyone else thinks. She is finally happy and knows who she is. She's happy with who she is, and no one can take that away from her now.


The next evening, Jill is relaxing after work. She's going to call Allie after she eats. But just as she finishes eating, Allie calls her. Jill is thrilled to hear her voice again.

"Hi, Allie! I was gonna call you in a little bit. I just finished eating."

"I've been dying to talk to you all day, babe. I want to hear how your date went last night."

"I had a great time. Norm was the perfect gentlemen. He's so much different alone than he is at the Club with the other guys."

"Yeah... All the guys I've been on dates with are different when I get them alone."

"I really enjoyed talking with Norm over dinner. He's a very interesting person. He shared a lot of wisdom with me."

"I never really get into heavy conversations on my dates," Allie tells her, "When I go out on a date, I'm pretty much there just to fuck. I let them fuck me as long as they want, and then I come home, with my money. It never gets personal."

"Yeah, well... I really enjoyed talking with him. But when we started fucking, it was like you said, I was just there for him to fuck me. I enjoyed it, of course, but it wasn't personal at all. And when we were done, I didn't feel satisfied, not like when we fuck. I didn't even cum. And I didn't even care."

"I don't usually cum either, unless he wants me to cum. But that hardly ever happens. I'm just there to do a job, and get paid," Allie tells her.

"Yeah, I thought about that when I got home. I thought about it a lot. I just fucked a guy in a hotel room for money. That's what whores do, Allie, and I just did it. It makes me a whore. I was Norm's whore last night. I was his paid bitch.

"And you know what, Allie? I liked how it felt. I like how men are attracted to me now. I realized even more why I have such a sissy body. It's because I'm a girl, and I was born to fuck men."

"That's how I feel about it, too," Allie admits, "Once I knew I was a girl, I knew I was supposed to be with men. The more I did it, the more natural it was. I went from being a wimp to being a slut, almost overnight. And when Roger took me to the Club, I guess that's when I became a whore, but I've never regretted it. I've never looked back. I've never felt ashamed of it.

"I really never considered myself a whore, but listening to what you just said, yeah, by definition, I guess I'm a whore. We're both whores... girl whores... and that must be why we were born with our sissy bodies."

"Yeah, once I told myself the truth and didn't try to lie to myself, I wasn't ashamed at all," Jill shares, "Men love my sissy body, and I should take advantage of it. And it sure is an easy way to make money. Norm gave me $300 last night. That's almost three paychecks I made in four hours, not including being treated to the best meal I ever ate."

"I told you, Norm likes you, Jill. Keep him liking you, and he'll keep throwing money at you."

"I'll definitely go out with him again. For $300, I'll be his bitch any time he wants... But... speaking of going out... what should we do this weekend? Have you thought about it?"

"Oh, I've thought about it a lot. I'll tell you what I'd like to do, and you tell me if it sounds good to you."

"OK, tell me."

"Ok, you know there's a club meeting Saturday, I kinda figured we were going, so that's a given. All weekend, when you were visiting your folks, all I could think about was how good your cock felt when you fucked me Friday. Even though you orgasmed early, it was still wonderful.

"What I'd like to do, is be your girlfriend Friday night. I'll dress up for you, and you can take me out to dinner, wearing Jerry's clothes. We can go to The Mixx after, and listen to the band, and who knows?... maybe even dance?... Does that sound like fun?"

"Yeah, it does. I'm open for that. You want to go out to dinner dressed as a girl, too?"

"Yeah. We'll go to the Melody, where Carla works. It's where everyone from The Mixx goes to eat. It's not fancy, but the food is good, and no one cares about crossdressers."

"OK, Allie, it's a date. I did like fucking you. I hope I can go longer this time. I know I still have a lot to learn."

"You will, baby. I'll put a rubber on you, so it'll take you longer to cum. I want you to learn how to use that beautiful cock between your legs. You're going to be such a good fucker when I get done with you."

"Oooo... so now you want me to be a good fucker for you, too?" Jill jokes, but Allie isn't joking.

"Yes, I do, Jill. I know it's selfish of me, but I want you to start using your cock on me. I want you to get to where you can pound me without mercy. You know how I love getting fucked. And since we're together now, I want to give all of myself to you. I want you to experience the male side of your sexuality."

"You know what I was thinking about that last night, when Norm was fucking me?" Jill says, "None of those guys at the Club could ever fuck me as good as you do."

"Nope. Not even close. We fuck them, because we're their whores, and they pay us. But we fuck each other, because we're crazy about each other. Being together gives us the romance we've always wanted and needed, but never had. I want you to learn to fuck me, like I've fucked you."

When they finally get off the phone, Jill checks the time; it's almost ten already. They've been talking over three hours. She wasn't planning to spend all night on the phone, but she's glad she did. She's glad she and Allie feel close enough to talk about their deepest feelings.

She felt safe talking to Allie about becoming a whore. She feels liberated, knowing that she and Allie feel the same way about their sexuality. They've freely chosen to be whores for the guys at the Club, and they don't have to pretend it's anything other than what it is. Now that they've acknowledged what are, they can take advantage of it. From now on, they'll be going to the Club to make as much money as they can, by fucking as many guys as they can.

She rolls herself a thick joint, and as she gets stoned, she thinks about how much fun she'll have with Allie Friday night. Before she goes to sleep, she stops thinking about her and Allie being whores. All she can think about is Allie, her girlfriend, and her best friend. She feels so happy about their relationship, and where it's going. From time to time, she keeps thinking she might be falling in love.

But she doesn't know anything about being in love, right? How could she possibly know how it feels to be in love? She always tells herself, 'It takes a long time for people to fall in love,' at least that's what she's always heard. And besides, only men and women can fall in love, not two boys who think they're girls. At least that's what society says about it.  So no, she tells herself, she can't be in love... Not yet, anyway.



Written by Jilluvscox
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