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A TRANS Formation - Chapter 15 - Allie's Submission

"Allie's burning desire is fulfilled... with the best possible ending"

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Allie sits naked, in front of her vanity mirror, thinking about how her life has changed since she met Jill. She fondly remembers the night she and Jill got high on the psychedelic drug LSD, and went on a life-changing trip that began their journey together. A trip from which they could never return to the place from where they had started.

Her hair is still wet from the shower she's just taken, and she lets her mind wander as she dries and brushes her long locks. She has never forgotten the way she felt when she first laid eyes on Jerry's cock. She remembers how their first kiss instantly turned into a moment of passion, as the LSD was beginning to take control over both of them. They just couldn't stop kissing each other.

She felt a strong attraction for Jerry from the very start, when Roger first introduced them that night at The Mixx. And when they shared the marijuana pipe in her car that cold Friday afternoon, she almost kissed him right there. But on that acid trip, when she pulled his underwear down, and her LSD-influenced eyes first saw that beautiful cock, she fell for him. She just knew she had to have him.

She sensed the feminine vibes swirling around Jerry the very first moment she met him. She sensed them in a way only she could. Although a few people besides the guys at the Club knew she was into crossdressing, she had always been afraid to tell anyone that she knew, deep inside and without a doubt, she was female. 

She was always afraid to tell anyone, afraid until she had Jerry's cock in her mouth. As she sucked his beautiful shaft, she knew right then and there, she had to find a way to tell him... she was female. She also knew she had to find a way to tell Jerry that she knew... he was also female.

She remembers the feelings she experienced as she allowed her female intuition to guide her words. The words that guided Jerry to discover that he, too, was female, just like her. Watching Jerry rapidly bloom into the beautiful girl she now knows as Jill has been inspiring for her. 

There have been times lately, when she thinks she might be falling in love. She's never been in love before, and she's been afraid to tell Jill. She's not sure how Jill feels about it. She doesn't want to scare her away.

In order to guide Jill to truly discover her sexuality and femininity, Allie had to put herself in the background. Her obsession to have that beautiful cock had to be put on hold. She had to become Allen again, as she taught Jill how to be a girl in bed. Jill now knows how to suck cock like a girl, and she knows how to fuck like a girl, and she's very good at it. 

After watching Jill enjoying herself so much two weeks ago, when they were both being gang banged at the Club, she knew Jill had totally accepted herself as female. Jill has crossed over the line, and now, she can never go back. 

With Allen's job now complete, Allie looks forward to fulfilling her own female needs and desires with Jill. She's waited patiently for this time to arrive. Tonight, she gets to be totally Allie. She's Jerry's girl tonight. 

Putting on her breast forms, she remembers her first taste of Jerry's cock inside her hole last Friday night. That first taste has turned into a burning obsession. She hasn't been able to think about anything all week, except for Jerry's cock. 

She craves it now, as she puts on a pair of charcoal-colored nylons. She craves it as she spreads cologne along the crack of her ass, before slipping into her charcoal-gray panties. She's putting on the same panties and bra she gave Jill to wear that glorious night when Jerry became Jill. 

She checks the clock as she sits down to put on her makeup. Jerry will be here in an hour. 'Just enough time,' she thinks. Allie is no expert at makeup, but she's proud of her face when she finishes. The light silvery-gray eye shadow will match her lingerie later, when Jerry undresses her. Her cheeks show a hint of rosy pink, just like the lipstick she has applied. When she paints her fingernails a light silvery-gray, she is done. 

She chooses a dark, scarlet-red dress to contrast her charcoal legs and nails. As she admires herself in front of her full-length mirror, she says out loud to herself, "Damn, I love being a girl." She stands in front of the mirror, admiring herself and loving herself, until her doorbell rings. 

"Jerry's here!" She says, as she walks to the door as fast as she can.

"Hi, lover," she says, as she opens the door. 

"Damn, Allie! I've never seen you look so good," Jerry says, as he walks through the door. He takes Allie in his arms and kisses her. 

"You look absolutely beautiful, Allie."

"You look pretty damn nice, too... Jerry."


"Yes... Jerry... Tonight, you're all Jerry, and I'm all Allie. Because Allie needs a man tonight, and Jerry's never been out on a hot date before. We're going on a hot date, and I'm excited as hell!" Allie throws herself at Jerry. 

"Wow, this is pretty cool. I think I'm gonna like this," Jerry says.

Allie then tells him, "We're still both girls, but we still both have cocks. And I've been dreaming about yours all week," she says, as her hand reaches down and grabs his crotch.

"Damn, Allie... you're gonna make me walk out the door with a hard-on." 

Jerry takes Allie's hand and leads her out the door to his car. He opens the door for her as she gets in. 

"My Chevelle isn't as nice as your Mustang, but it feels nicer having you in it," Jerry tells her.

"I don't care what car I'm in, Jerry, as long as I'm in it with you."

Allie's hands are all over Jerry as he drives to the Melody Grill for dinner. Jerry feels on top of the world, and so does Allie. They take each other's hand as they walk into the diner together.

There are quite a few people in there, and it's a bit noisy. Through the noise, a voice calls out to them, "Hey!... Look who's here!"

They turn towards the voice to see Rosy, with a couple of menus in her hand, walking up to them with a big smile on her face. "Looks like somebody's on a hot date tonight."

"Hey Rosy," says Jerry, "You didn't tell me you worked here, too."

"Yeah, me and Carla work this shift together. Someone has to feed the Friday night partiers. C'mon, I'll take you to a table."

Rosy looks as good to Jerry tonight as she did the first time he saw her. 

"So are you two going over to The Mixx after you eat?" Rosy asks. 

"Yeah," says Allie, "It's been a while since I've been there on a Friday night."

"They got a good band tonight. Me and Carla saw them last night."

After Rosy takes their orders and walks away, Jerry takes Allie's hand and tells her, "This is awesome, Allie. I can't get over how beautiful you look to me tonight."

Allie smiles as she tells him, "I've wanted to be Allie and show you this side of me for a while now. I've had to wait until Jill's flower completely bloomed first. Now that it has, I want to share this other part of me with you."

"I think I love this other part of you, Allie."

As they sit there, holding hands and gazing into each other's eyes, Rosy brings their food. She puts their plates on the table, and sits down with them for a minute.

"You two look so happy tonight," she says, "I can see you both glowing. Carla caught a glimpse of you from the kitchen when you walked in. She sees it too."

"You're right, Rosy. We're very happy tonight," says Allie.

"How's Jill's flower coming along? Is it still blooming?"

"Nope," says Allie, "Jill's flower has fully bloomed. She's fully accepted herself as female now."

Rosy turns to Jerry, "Congratulations, Jill! Me and Carla both saw it strong in you. We both knew it was just a matter of time."

"Thanks, Rosy," Jerry says, "I really have accepted myself as female now. In fact, I've been wanting to call you. I want to learn about makeup."

"Well, just give us a call. We'd love to show you all about it. It'll be fun."

"I'll call you next week," Jerry tells her.

"You better," Rosy replies, "But hey, girls, I have to get back to work. Enjoy the food and keep enjoying each other."

Jerry and Allie can't take their eyes off each other as they eat. Inside, they're each telling themselves they've never felt this happy and excited in their life. When they get ready to go, Jerry leaves Rosy a $5 tip, and Carla waves to them as they walk out the door.

In Jerry's car, Allie reaches into her purse and pulls out a thin, shiny, black leather collar. "Put this around my neck, Jerry," she says.

"What's this?" Jerry asks.

"It's an 'I'm taken' collar. When we get inside The Mixx, the guys who are there just looking for a fuck, will see this collar. It's an unspoken code; a girl wearing a collar is a girl who is already with someone. It means I'm off-limits to them."

"Well, you certainly are off-limits to everyone but me, and I'm not sharing you. You're my girl tonight, Allie. I'm just crazy about you."

"Yes, Jerry. I'm just crazy about you, too. You're really making me feel like I'm your girl tonight. There's no one in the world I'd rather be with than you." 

They wrap their arms around each other, and kiss for several minutes before Jerry starts the car. When they arrive at The Mixx, Jerry gets out first and opens the door for Allie. Their arms are around each other's waist as they walk towards the door. 

They can hear the band playing as they get close to the door, but once inside, the energy totally changes. The Mixx is packed tonight. They have to walk through a crowd of people to find an empty table. There is an excited energy in the place, and everyone seems to be enjoying it. Jerry spots an empty table near the dance floor, and they walk hand-in-hand over to it. 

As they wait for the waitress to bring their drinks, they watch all the other people having a good time. There are a lot of couples on the dance floor. Jerry doesn't feel uncomfortable now, seeing same-sex couples together like he did the first time Roger brought him here. After being with so many men himself since then, it's nothing unusual to see men dancing and kissing each other on the dance floor, as well as several girl couples, too.

When the waitress brings their drinks, Jerry asks Allie, "I've never danced before, Allie, but would you like to dance with me?"

"I haven't danced much before either, Jerry, and I'd be honored to be the first girl to dance with you."

Jerry and Allie are both a little nervous as they get up to dance. They feel like they're stumbling around at first, but after the second song, they're both in the groove. They're moving their bodies in unison, totally tuned in to each other's vibes. When the band plays a slow song, they get totally into it; hugging, kissing, and pushing their cocks up against each other as they slow-dance.

During the faster songs, Allie has a blast shaking her tits in front of Jerry and shaking her ass for him as she backs up and grinds it against his cock. Jerry is all too happy to hold her waist and let her grind away.

A couple of hours later, and after several drinks, Jerry says to Allie, "I think it's about time we get out of here, and do a different kind of dance in Allie's room. What do you think?"

"There's nothing I'd rather do than go home with you. I've never been hornier for anyone than I am for you right now, my sweet Jerry."

As they wade through the crowd towards the door, Jerry has his arm around Allie's waist and Allie walks with her head on Jerry's shoulder. There is no doubt to anyone who sees them, these are two people who are very much in love.

When Jerry closes the door behind them, back in Allie's apartment, he takes Allie in his arms and kisses her deeply. They've been in each other's arms a lot tonight, and they're both anxious for what comes next. "I'm feeling a little drunk from all that alcohol," Jerry tells Allie, "How about we take a little rest and smoke a joint on the couch?"

"I'd love to," says Allie.

While Jerry rolls a joint, Allie can't take her hands off him. Before he can finish rolling, she has his pants unzipped and her hand is inside fondling his cock. Allie lays her back against Jerry's chest as he lights the joint. He holds it in front of her lips so she can effortlessly inhale the sweet smoke. They don't say anything while they smoke. They can feel what each other is thinking; no words are needed.

When Jerry puts the roach in the ashtray, neither one has to ask the other what they want to do. They get up off the couch and walk with their arms around each other into Allie's room. Jerry symbolically shuts the door behind them and Allie feels his arms tighten around her. 

As they kiss and probe their tongues into each other's mouth, Allie's cravings can be held back no longer. Her hands make their way to Jerry's cock, which has been hardened by the lust he feels for Allie in this moment. She already unzipped him in the living room, and she eagerly reaches her hand inside and under his panties, grabbing his bare shaft. 

Jerry reaches around and unzips her dress, and she anxiously steps out of it.

"I love those panties and bra, Allie. Are those the same ones you let me wear the night I became Jill?"

"Yes, they are... Jerry. You became Jill in these, and I'm becoming your lover, in a different way, in these too. I'm surrendering myself to you tonight."

As Allie talks, she unbuttons his shirt and unbuckles his belt. "All I've thought about all week, Jerry, is giving myself to you. When you fucked me a week ago, it only made me want more."

Allie stops talking, and lowers herself to the floor. Pulling down his pants, she holds Jerry's cock against his skin as she kisses it from his balls to the top of his head. She lets it hang loose and runs her tongue all over it as it stands straight out from his groin. Jerry looks down at a very different Allie than the one he's been with before. 

As Jerry's pants fall to the floor, her hands reach around to grab his ass. She wraps her lips around his beautiful cock and pulls his ass towards her, driving it to the depths of her mouth, and into her throat. Jerry holds her head as he pumps his cock in and out of her. Jerry can't believe how hot Allie is. She's turning him on like never before.

Allie raises the level up a notch when she stands up and seductively whispers in Jerry's ear.

"You wanna really fuck my mouth?... Huh?... Do ya?... You wanna fuck my throat?"

"Oh yeah, baby. I wanna fuck you every way you wanna be fucked."

"Yeah? Well then... I want my lover to fuck my throat."

Allie goes over to the bed and pulls all the sheets and blankets down to the bottom. "We won't be needing these for a while," she says, as she gets on the bed. She lies on her back and lets her head fall backwards over the edge.

"OK," she says to Jerry, "Use my mouth just like a pussy, baby. Fuck my little pussy-mouth."

Jerry puts his cock into Allie's open mouth and pushes it in. He pumps her mouth with slow strokes, being careful not to push it in too far; he doesn't want to choke her. Allie grabs his legs and pulls him towards her, until Jerry's balls are resting tight against her nose. 

Jerry gets erotic shivers when he sees the head of his cock making a bump in her throat. He watches the bump moving as his cock fucks her. He sees the collar he put around her neck earlier, and it heightens his arousal. It signifies her submission to him, giving him permission to use her as he pleases. Allie guides his legs back and forth, showing him how to fuck her throat, letting him know it's OK for him to push it in all the way.

As Jerry gets into this new throat fucking experience, he runs his hands over Allie's body. He loves squeezing her fake tits. In his mind right now, they're as real as can be. He bends down and  kisses Allie's stomach, kissing lower and lower, until he reaches her panties. "Oh my God, Allie, I love fucking your throat," he moans.

Allie can't speak, for obvious reasons. When Jerry lifts her panties up over her legs, pre-cum freely drips from her hard, throbbing cock. Jerry's first instinct is to take her cock into his mouth as far as he can. But he remembers, Allie is in full bore girl mode, and he's not looking at a cock. He's looking at her clit. 

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While he continues to fuck her mouth, Jerry pushes the shaft of her clit up with his thumb. He intentionally doesn't wrap his hand around it. He licks the top of her shaft and rolls his tongue around the erotic, fleshy foreskin that conceals her dripping head.

The sweet aromas from the cologne she put in her ass crack invite him to explore her pussy. Tempting as it is, Jerry leaves that pleasure for later. He is more interested in pleasuring her delicious clit at the moment.

He takes great pleasure working her foreskin down with only his lips. He's always loved taking her head into his mouth, sucking on it while his tongue rolls around it. But on this night, he loves it even more. Allie is going into another realm of ecstasy as Jerry continues to suck and massage her sensitive clit head. 

Between Jerry's cock pounding his cock into her mouth, and his relentless sucking on her clit, Allie can take no more. Her clit spasms out of control, and shoots streams of hot cum into Jerry's willing mouth. Jerry holds all her sweet cum in his mouth and stops pumping his cock into Allie's throat. He keeps his cock in her mouth and keeps her clit in his, until her shaft completely deflates. 

When it does, he lets it out of his mouth and moves down to Allie's face. Holding Allie's head in his hands, he puts his mouth over hers, letting all her cum spill into her mouth. With their eyes glued to each other, they lovingly kiss and pass her cum back and forth for several minutes. 

After they swallow all the fresh cum, Jerry looks into Allie's eyes and tells her, "My God, Allie. I never knew pleasures like this existed. I never imagined how hot you could get."

"You make me this hot. You make me want to do it for you, my sweet lover. And we're not done yet."

"No, we're not, my sweet Allie. Now it's my turn to give you all the pleasure you just gave me."

"You gave me as much as I gave you," Allie says as she giggles, "We're lovers now, you know."

"Yes we are, Allie, and I do know."

Jerry gently kisses Allie as he lifts her up and carefully lays her head on a pillow. 

"Just lie there, my love, let me show you how much I appreciate you," Jerry whispers in her ear.

He then proceeds to kiss every inch of Allie's sweet body until he is between her legs, kissing her soft cock and sucking her balls into his mouth. He reaches into the drawer of the night stand and gets the bottle of lube so it will be handy when he needs it. 

He lifts Allie's legs up and spreads them apart so he can get down to where the cologne aromas are calling him. Slowly kissing and licking below her balls, his tongue journeys into the cavern of her crack. The cologne welcomes him as his tongue finds the honey hole it was searching for. 

Allie lets out a series of moans when she feels Jerry's tongue licking and probing into her pussy hole. Her moans entice him to lick her faster, harder, and deeper. Jerry was hesitant to lick her asshole a week ago. Now, he craves her asshole as much as Allie craves the cock she knows will soon be fucking her. 

Jerry keeps licking her passionately as her sensitive hole pulses in and out in response to his hot tongue. The inhibitions he had last week, about licking an asshole, have completely evaporated. Now, he can't seem to push his tongue into her hole deep enough. He wants to keep tasting her, but senses she is hungry for the main course.

Allie anticipates what is coming when she feels lube running down her ass crack. She loves it when Jerry sticks his finger inside and massages her insides. Her pleasure intensifies when he inserts a second finger, and then a third. 

"Oh, baby," she moans, "I'm ready for you."

Jerry coats his hard cock with slippery lubricant before he presses his cock against the entrance of her desire. Jerry sees the pleasure on her face when he pushes an inch of himself inside of her. Jerry holds his cock there, allowing Allie's tight hole to relax around him. But Allie has a different desire that needs to be fulfilled.

"Keep going... push it in, baby,... make me hurt, Jerry, make it hurt," Allie cries out.

Obeying Allie's command, Jerry pushes his full eight inches deep into Allie's hungry puss. 

"Oh... God!!!... This is what I've wanted!... This is what I've been craving!" she cries.

Allie shakes and quivers as the intense pain from her stretched-out asshole permeates throughout her entire body.

Jerry sees the pleasure in her face as he begins to stroke himself in and out of her. His first male instinct is to tenderly kiss her as he fucks her. But his female intuition tells him Allie does not want to be kissed right now. His senses are aligning with Allie's senses. He sees the pain his cock inflicts on her asshole is also giving her intense pleasure.

Jerry also feels intense pleasure, as Allie's tight hole contracts around around his cock as he fucks her. He sees Allie writhing in pain under him. Being in tune with her desire, he raises himself up until only an inch of his cock remains inside her. He then thrusts himself deep inside her with as much force as he can.

"Ughhh... Ughhh... Ughhh," are the sounds coming from Allie each time she feels Jerry's balls slap against her ass. 

Jerry looks at her cock, and sees it has not even gotten hard again. Allie is experiencing no part of her male identity right now. She only experiences herself as a woman. A woman in heat. A woman with a hungry pussy. She feels like a total bitch right now, and she wants to be fucked like one.

With his hands on either side of Allie's body, Jerry holds himself upright and  fucks her hard and fast. Allie's eyes are closed and her mouth is open as her head rolls from side to side. She is lost in her femininity, thoroughly enjoying the fucking her lover is giving her.

Their lust for each other goes to the next level when Allie grabs her knees and raises her hot ass in the air for Jerry to fuck. He responds by fucking her ever harder and faster, pummeling her pussy the way he knows she wants it. A couple more minutes of this, and Jerry's energy has reached its limit. 

He sinks his cock deep inside her, holding it there as he tells her, "I gotta take a break, babe. I'm out of breath."

Allie smiles at him with appreciative eyes, "Come lay in my arms, you sexy lover. You deserve a break... but only a break."

As Jerry collapses on top of Allie, she puts her arms around him and kisses all over his face, neck, and shoulders. Her kisses soon turn into little bites, as her teeth replace her lips. She rolls herself over on top of Jerry.

"I'll drive for a while, until you catch your breath," she tells him.

Allie continues to give Jerry little love bites all over his neck and shoulders. She never kisses him. She is not in a loving frame of mind. She is in a fucking frame of mind as she bites her way to Jerry's nipples. 

She bites his nipples much harder than she has bitten other parts of his skin, knowing she is pleasing Jill's tits as she bites them. Jerry moans and shakes to the stimulation Allie's teeth are giving Jill's titties. When Allie holds his nipple between her teeth, she vibrates her tongue on the very tip as her bite becomes harder. Jerry screams with a pleasure his tits have never endured before. When Jill's tits are standing up hard and proud, she moves lower to Jerry's cock.

Allie is pleased to see Jerry's cock still rock hard and erect when she arrives. She takes his shaft in her hand. Looking up at Jerry, she pulls her lips back and shows her teeth to him. She puts her mouth around it and takes it down to his balls, but her lips never touch his cock. Jerry only experiences the exhilarating feeling of her teeth raking his shaft with just the right pressure. 

Jerry's hips and legs shake uncontrollably as her teeth drive him wild. Instead of coaxing him to cum, she is coaxing him to fuck her again. Allie loves feeling and acting like the slut she has become for her Jerry this night. When she is finished biting his hard cock, she gets up on her hands and knees and straddles Jerry's body with her ass to his face. 

She turns her head to Jerry and asks, "Are you ready to fuck me again?"

Jerry's male instincts kick in again when he sees Allie's asshole quivering in front of him. Her hole is so stretched from being fucked so hard that Jerry sees a gaping hole, where earlier, there was a pretty little rosebud. Jerry gets up behind her and grabs her hips. Placing cock at her stretched-out hole, he shoves it in deep with one forceful thrust. 

Allie throws her head back when she feels the force of his cock. Jerry pulls it almost out again before she gives her another powerful stroke. Animal urges sweep over both of them as Jerry grabs Allie's long hair and pulls her head back. He pulls on her hair harder as he fucks her ass ruthlessly.

"Fuck me, Jerry! Fuck me!" Allie cries out.

Jerry lets his animal urges run free and slaps his hand against Allie's ass.

"Oh yes, Jerry! Spank me, Jerry, spank me! Make me hurt, Jerry... Make me hurt!"

Allie's cries send a new burst of sexual energy into Jerry. While he pulls Allie's head back by her hair, his free hand hits her ass with ever more powerful slaps. When he switches hands, he drags his fingernails down her back before he slaps the other side of her ass. 

Tears are running down Allie's cheeks as she cries from the powerful, erotic potion of pleasure and pain Jerry is inflicting on her. Allie loves Jerry's hard cock pounding deep inside her with her head being pulled back like it is. In her sex-crazed brain right now, Jerry is her stallion, and she is his mare.

Jerry is getting close to cumming as he watches his cock pumping between her cherry-red cheeks. His arms are tired from spanking Allie's ass so hard and he's running out of breath. He takes his hands off her hair and puts his arms around her from behind. 

He looks at the thin, black submission collar still around Allie's neck. While he slows the pace of his fucking, Jerry puts two fingers under the collar and twists it ever so slightly. Allie's submission to Jerry becomes complete when she feels the collar tighten around her neck. Her skilled pussy muscles smother her hero's cock with love, as he pulls her up by the collar.

With her back up against his chest, Jerry wraps his arms around her. He holds her tight, with one arm just below her tits, and the other around her belly. As he kisses and lightly bites her neck and shoulders, Allie stops being the raging, sex-crazed slut she was a few minutes ago. In Jerry's loving arms now, she quickly turns into a satisfied little kitten, purring softly to the strokes of his cock, as it smoothly glides in and out of her.

His strokes become much slower and more loving now, as he continues to gently kiss her neck and shoulders. Allie turns her head back towards him, and he leans forward to kiss her smiling, tear-drenched face. He feels her hands reaching back to hold his ass, while he gently fucks her from behind. 

In this moment of sexual bliss, their souls become entwined with one another. They experience themselves being joined together, as if they were one person. As they rock back and forth on their knees, their bodies move effortlessly on their own, in perfect unison. 

They are both feeling an intense love for each other when Jerry shoots his hot load into Allie. Pressed against him, Jerry feels the heat from her freshly spanked ass warming the skin around his spent cock. Allie feels a few drops of cum drip from her clit, as she climaxes again from the warmth of his cum coating the walls of her pussy. 

With her ass still stinging, she lets herself fall back against Jerry. Jerry lets them both fall back, until they are lying on the bed. Jerry gets up and pulls the sheets and blankets over them. Allie turns over to look into her lover's eyes. They lie there together, holding each other, kissing each other. Both of their minds are thinking the same thing, and both of them are afraid to say it.

They silently lie with their arms around each other and kissing for half an hour or more. Allie is the first one with the courage to speak. "Jerry was wonderful tonight, Jill," she says.

"Yeah, Jerry sure did have his fun, didn't he? You were insatiable tonight, Allie. I never imagined you could be such a hot slut in bed. And I mean that in a good way."

"I know you do, Jill.  Sometimes I need to be a slut. There's nothing wrong with being a slut for an evening, depending on who you're being a slut with."

"I know, right? You made me feel like such a stud, I actually enjoyed being Jerry again. But I don't want to stay Jerry. I'm Jill now, and I always will be."

"I know you are, Jill. But you're not my little sister anymore."


Allie's eyes begin to tear up. "Because, in this short time we've been together, you've grown up before my eyes. I don't see you as my little sister anymore. I just see you as my equal sister now.

"I see you as someone I can learn from, as well as someone I can teach. We both know things, Jill, that the other one doesn't know. We're both still so young, Jill, we both still have so much to learn."

"That's so true, Allie. Being girls with male bodies, like we are, it's scary to think how it would be, if we didn't have each other to talk to."

"Oh, Jill... it was so scary for me sometimes, before I met you."

"It was scary for me too, Allie. I mean... I didn't know I was a girl yet, but it was so fucking scary my whole life... all the time... thinking nobody likes me... and, like... what the fuck's wrong with me?... What am I going to do? I was so depressed all the time.  But now, I'm happy, cuz I'm with you."

"I am too, Jill, I'm so happy when I'm with you."

Jill's eyes start to tear up along with Allie. They hug each other tightly as they both start to cry. After a few minutes, Allie starts to talk again. She's having trouble getting her words out, but she decides she must tell Jill what's on her mind.

"Jill, I've been feeling this for a while now, and when we were having sex tonight, and even before that... like when we were dancing... I felt it even stronger. I just have... I... I just have to come out and say it. Jill... I think I've fallen in love with you."

Jill starts to cry. "Oh, Allie... I think I've fallen in love with you, too. I've felt it for a while, too. I was afraid to say it. I was too scared to say it."

Allie starts crying now. "I was afraid to say it, too, Jill. I was afraid that you might not be in love with me if I told you. I was afraid I'd lose you if I told you."

"I'm glad you told me, Allie. 'Cuz I probably wouldn't ever be brave enough to say it to you first. I don't know what to do from here, but I know I'm in love with you."

"I don't know what we do from here either, Jill. But now that we know we're in love, whatever we do, we'll do it together. And we'll decide what we'll do, together. I think that's all we need right now."

"Yeah, we're both girls, we can let our intuition show us our way. I'm so tired. This has been such an exciting night. I really loved going on our date tonight, and I love the way it's ended, with us being in love."

"My energy is drained too, Jill. You really fucked the shit out of me tonight. I even forgot to put a rubber on you, and it turns out, you didn't even need one. You have no idea how much I needed that. You have no idea how good you are. No man can ever satisfy me like you just did, Jill, and I love how my ass stings from being spanked. And yes, I'm tired too, I'm ready to go to sleep with my soulmate now."

As they purr themselves off to sleep, the last words they say are:

"Good Night, Jill. I Love You."

"Good Night, Allie. I Love You."


Written by Jilluvscox
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