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A TRANS Formation - Chapter 20 - Another Day In Love

"After little morning shower fun, Allie takes Jill to meet Jorge, the hair stylist."

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In the shower and under the hot shower water, they embrace in a loving hug and cover each other with kisses. "Mmmmm... I've been waiting for this ever since we left the river," Jill says.

"Oh yeah... Me too," Allie tells her. "I got so horny for you out there. Just stand there, baby, let me wash you."

They've just gotten back to their apartment a few minutes earlier, cold and muddy from a Saturday morning of fishing. The warmer weather hasn't arrived yet in Iowa, and they've been out since before dawn. They didn't care that they only caught carp, that's mostly what you catch in Iowa rivers besides catfish.

It was their first fishing trip together, the first time they'd done anything actually, that didn't involve having sex. They loved just being boys again this morning, doing one of the few things enjoyed about being boys. Watching each other casting lures into the water made them appreciate their relationship even more. 

After a few hours of reeling in quite a few carp; their fingers and toes are frozen from walking in icy mud puddles and handling wet fish, so they decide to come home early. Their hands and feet are still cold, and the sudden warmth of the apartment makes their naked bodies shiver. So they leave their muddy clothes on the floor in the utility room and hurry into the bathroom. 

Erotic thoughts come into Jill's mind as Allie's soapy hands roam all over her skinny body. Still a bit cold from being frozen earlier, Allie's fingertips give Jill tingling sensations as they tease and caress her hardening cock from behind. She's felt her girl-side strong all morning, and her girl feels submissive. She's hoping Allie's feeling her boy side.

"Damn Allie, you're making me horny," Jill says.

"Oh... I think you've been horny all morning, haven't you?" Allie laughs.

"Maybe," Jill giggles.

Playing with Jill's cock has given Allie a big hard-on, too. She's feeling her male side, and she's been horny for Jill's ass since they woke up at four a.m. She senses Jill's desire as she runs the bar of soap up and down the crack of her ass. As Allie probes around her hole, Jill sticks her ass out and tells Allie not to stop. Spurred on by Jill's excitement, she pushes her finger into Jill's asshole as far as she can. 

Jill starts giggling louder, "Oooo... Now you've done it, Allie. You've gone waaaaay too far. You're gonna have to fuck me now."

"Oh, you know I'm gonna fuck you. Watching you out there on the river made me so horny for you. I've been craving your little pussy all morning."

"I know you have, baby," Jill teases, "and I've been craving your cock all morning. You know you can have me any time you want."

Jill raises her arms high up against the shower wall, sticking her little ass out and offering herself to Allie. Jill lets out a moan as Allie's thickness penetrates her. "Fuck me, Allie," she begs, "fuck me good. Fuck me like a little whore." 

Allie has her pinned under the showerhead, and the hot water sprays in her face and runs down her chest as they become consumed with sudden lust for each other. Jill loves it when Allie takes control over her like this, she always has. She gets an erotic rush when Allie slams her up against the shower wall, pumping her tight hole as fast as she can. 

"Oh my God, Allie, fuck me... fuck me hard," she screams, as Allie jams her cock into her relentlessly.

"I love fucking your skinny little ass, Jill. This is what you were born to do. You were born to be fucked. You're such a hot little slut." 

Jill loves the dirty talk Allie is feeding her. "I love being your slut, Allie," she talks back. "I'll always be a little fucking whore for you, Allie. Fuck me, baby, shove that big cock up my whore ass!"

Allie wants to keep fucking the shit out of her, but she's running out of gas. They've been up since four a.m., and they're both feeling it. She's also running out of desire to treat Jill like a slut. Deep inside them both is an intense love that grows every day. Even though they both enjoy role-playing like this in the moment, neither of them can treat the other like a cheap slut for very long.

With the hot water running over their bodies, Allie pulls Jill back up against her chest, and her rough fucking turns into sweet lovemaking. Now she fucks her with a loving gentleness that comes from her heart. Jill feels Allie's love as her cock slowly slides in and out of her stretched hole. She loves the way Allie gently pinches both of her nipples as she fucks her. 

"Here it comes, babe," Allie grunts, as her cock explodes into Jill's ass.

"Oh, Allie... gimme your cum, baby, shoot it into me." 

Allie kisses Jill's neck and shoulders as her orgasm subsides. When her cock falls out of Jill's hole, she turns Jill around and kisses her under the running water.

Out of the shower and catching her breath, Jill says, "I wasn't expecting that, Allie. I don't know what got into you, but damn... that was an exciting fuck. I felt like your whore, and I wanted to be treated like one.... fuck... I loved every second of it."

"I don't know what got into me either. I wasn't even thinking, I was just feeling the flow, I guess. Something inside told me you wanted it like that."

"I did want it like that. The harder you fucked me, the harder I wanted it. And the way you slowed it down at the end...? You melted me, Allie. Let's go into the bedroom. Let me dry and brush your hair for you, my sweet lover."

While Jill brushes Allie's hair, she talks about how she can't wait until her hair grows long. Allie tells her, "We were talking about this last week when you were drying my hair. I think it's time to take you to see Jorge. You know, we have another Ladies' Night next Saturday. We need to get your hair done before then." 

"Oh, that's right, Allie. I almost forgot about Ladies' Night next week. I'm going to have to get something to wear."

"We'll figure that out next week. You can probably wear one of my dresses if we can't go shopping. Getting your hair done is more important right now. I'll call Jorge when we get done in here, and see when he can fit you in."

Back in the living room, Jill rolls a joint while Allie gets on the phone. Jill is mildly excited about getting a hair appointment next week, but it's next week, so it's a ways off yet. While she rolls the pot, she hears Allie talking with Jorge. 

Allie sounds excited as she talks, and when she hangs up the phone, she tells Jill, "Guess what babe? Jorge had someone cancel an appointment this afternoon. You're getting your hair done in two hours!"

"What...? Really? I'm really gonna get my hair done?" an excited Jill says.

"That's right, baby. I knew you'd want to go, so I didn't even have to ask you. And Jorge has some lids for sale, too. Our stash is starting to get low, so we'll kill two birds with one trip."

"This is great, Allie. We still have plenty of time to get stoned and make our shopping list. We have to figure out what we're having tomorrow night when Carla and Rosy come over."

"Yeah, that should be fun tomorrow night. Maybe they'll let you feel their tits again."

They both laugh as Jill lights the joint. While they're getting stoned, they look through Jill's cookbook, checking out recipes and deciding what to serve their lady guests tomorrow night. They decide on beef stroganoff, a fancy broccoli salad, and fried apples for dessert. 

"Are you sure you can make all this stuff, Jill?" Allie asks.

Jill laughs a little as she says, "Well, I've never made any of it before, but the recipes seem pretty straightforward. I think I can figure it out. 

"Let's look at some more recipes for what we want to eat next week. We should plan everything out each week, so we're not always running to the store."

"That's my Jill." Allie compliments, "you're my 'Little Miss Practical', it's one of the things I love about you."

Once their shopping list is complete, they get dressed as boys, and head to Jorge's salon. Jill is so excited as they drive to her first hair appointment as a girl. When they walk into the salon, Jorge greets them at the door.

"Hey, Allie, how are you?" he says, hugging Allie and kissing her neck. He turns to Jill, "This must be the new girl in town." 

Jill smiles at him, not sure what to say. Allie breaks in, "You've met Jill before, she was with me when we scored some smoke that time at The Mixx. She was Jerry then."

"Ahhh... Yes, I remember you now. I thought you looked familiar," Jorge says. "So... Allie tells me Jerry wants to look like Jill. Let's see what we have to work with, Jill."

Jill feels like a little girl as Jorge studies her head. "Your face already has some nice feminine features, Jill. We just need to style your hair to accent those features. 

"I'll style it so you can look feminine when you want to, and I'll show you how to comb it so you can look male when you need to. You'll want to wear a headband until it gets long enough for a ponytail like Allie's hair."

"That sounds good to me. I guess I'll have to shop for a headband when we're done."

"Oh no, Jill. I sell them right here. When you leave here, you'll be ready to go. I'll take care of you."

For the next hour, Jill's really feeling like a girl. She's been well fucked this morning, and she's loving being pampered by Jorge as he shampoos and styles her hair. Sitting in the chair in front of the mirror, she feels Allie's cum in her butt as she watches Jorge transform her hair from a boy to a girl. Jorge finishes her off with some feminine-smelling hair spray to hold everything in place. 

"There you go Miss Jill, you're a very pretty girl now," Jorge says.

She's grinning from ear to ear when Jorge finishes his masterpiece. Jill giggles when she turns around to show Allie. "Look, Allie! I really look like a girl now! I love this!" 

Allie compliments Jorge's work, "Damn Jorge, you've really outdone yourself this time. She looks beautiful!" 

"She was already beautiful when she walked in. I just accented her beauty." Jorge says, "Were you girls needing to score some smoke while you're here?"

"Yeah, our stash is starting to get low." Allie answers.

Jorge locks the front door. "You're my last appointment of the day. Let's go in the back and look at the smoke," he says. Jorge takes them back to his office and dumps a paper bag of pot-filled baggies on the desk. "Take your pick, these are $15 lids. It's good shit, too. You wanna do a pipe before you leave?"

"Maybe a toke or two," Allie says, "we smoked some before we came over." 

"OK, you don't want too much of this then, it's pretty strong," Jorge says as he loads his pipe.

"I can't get over how good you made Jill look," Allie says.

"Isn't she a cutie now?" says Jorge, "I could do her right now, she looks so hot."

Jill blushes when Jorge says that. "Aww, c'mon, you're just trying to make me feel good," she says as she laughs.

"Oh, no Jill, I'm not kidding. I was getting a hard-on when I was styling you."

Allie butts in, "I've been told Jorge has the biggest dick in town."

Jill laughs. "Oh yeah... That's what they all say," she jokes. 

"I don't want to brag," Jorge says, "It's not that big, is it?" 

As Jorge says that, he presses his pants against his leg, showing an outline of a very large cock underneath. 

"Whoa..." Jill says, "That looks pretty big."

"Feel it, Jill." Allie coaxes her. 

Jill doesn't say anything, but she can't resist reaching out to feel the outline of his cock pressing against his pant leg and tracing her fingers around it. Her eyes get big as she feels it. "Damn... You could hurt a girl with this thing."

"Do you want to see it?" asks Jorge.

"Yes and no," Jill tells him. "Yes, I'd like to see it, but no, not right now. We have things to do. I'm afraid if I saw it, I might want to do more than just look at it."

Allie adds, "Yeah, we really need to get going. We have a lot of things we have to do."

Before they go, Jill picks out two headbands, Allie picks out two bags of weed, and they go on to finish their errands. "I'm so excited about my hair!" Jill tells Allie when they get in the car.

"You look so different now," Allie says, "Jorge really made you look like a girl. I told you he was a good stylist." 

On the way to the restaurant, Jill thinks about Jorge's cock. She's wondering how Allie knew about it, so she asks, "How did you know Jorge had such a huge dick? Have you ever seen it, Allie? I mean, outside of his pants?"

"No, I've never actually seen it. I've only felt it, just like you did."

"Is that how you knew it was so big?"

"Well, no. I first heard about his size from talking with some guys I was drinking with down at The Mixx. One guy I was talking to told me when Jorge fucked him, his hole got so stretched out it started to bleed. It didn't stop bleeding until the next day and he was worried he'd have to make an embarrassing trip to the doctor. That's how I found out Jorge likes to fuck guys, from the guys he's fucked."

"Have you ever wanted him to fuck you?"

"Well, to be honest, I've thought about it. I know he wants to fuck me. He already knows how much of a girl I am, since he does my hair. He's even told me he wants to fuck me. But it's not safe, considering how many guys he picks up at The Mixx."

"You mean like... catching a disease?"

"Exactly. Dr. Walt told me to be careful who I fucked outside of the Club. If I ever caught the clap and didn't know it, I could spread it to everyone I fucked at the Club, especially when they gang bang me. I know I can get fucked as much as I want at the Club, and get paid for it, too. So why take the risk? It's not worth it. If I brought in a disease, that would be the end of my gravy train."

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"That's good common sense," Jill says. "I wasn't thinking about catching bad germs from him. It sure did feel nice when I touched it, and he wasn't even hard. I was wanting to see it, but I knew if I did, I know I'd probably want to suck it. You know me... once I start sucking... I usually want more. I sure wouldn't want to catch a disease."

"Most of those guys at The Mixx, they fuck anyone and everyone all the time." Allie tells her, "Dr. Walt told me, by the time someone finds out they have the clap, it's too late, cuz by then everyone probably has it. That's why I told you before, I wouldn't fuck most of those guys at the Club. I'm pretty sure Jorge fucks as many of them as he can. So I can't afford to let him inside my ass."

"It sure is nice being in a relationship like this, Allie, knowing we can have all the sex we want, and not have to worry about diseases."

"Yeah, it sure is. We really have it good right now... being in love is so much more than I thought it would be... look... here's the restaurant, are you going to put on a headband?"

 Jill decides not to wear a headband when they eat. She doesn't want to mess up her hair.  She's not that worried about anyone looking at her, since no one knows her anyway. Right now, she feels like a girl, and she doesn't care what anyone thinks. 

It's still early when they arrive home from shopping. They've been up since before dawn, and they burned a lot of energy today. When they get their groceries put away, they decide to go into the bathroom and roll around in a tub of hot water to wind down from their busy Saturday.

While the tub fills, they take turns shaving each other like they have every week since they first started fucking. It's become a part of the week they look forward to. Shaving each other makes them feel close to each other as they reaffirm their femininity. 

They do a little cock sucking in the tub, but mostly they just relax and hold each other close. Allie has already shot a load into Jill's ass when they fucked in the shower earlier. She doesn't want to get Jill off just yet, hoping Jill will want to fuck her when they go to bed.

When they get out of the tub, all they feel like doing is putting on their nightgowns and watching TV on the couch. They find a good movie to watch and take turns laying their head on each other's shoulder as they relax. While watching the movie, they smoke two or three joints, and they're both stoned out of their mind by the time the movie ends. It's all they can do to stumble into their bedroom and get under the covers. 

"This was really a good day," Allie says as they snuggle up.

"Yeah," says Jill, "Another wonderful day in love. I think we're off to a good start. Fishing was so much fun, and I just love my hair. I'm so glad you called Jorge for me. I feel so much more like a girl now."

"You're very pretty, Jill. You already had a girl's face, and now you have a girl's hairstyle to go along with it. Rosy is going to be impressed when she sees you tomorrow."

"Aww, c'mon Allie, you're just saying that." Jill giggles.

"Maybe so. But think you're gonna be feeling her tits again. I don't know why I think that, it's something I just feel."

"Well, we'll have to see what happens. She does have nice tits, that's for sure. They both do. But they're lesbians, so they're probably not attracted to us sexually, I'm sure. I'm just glad they're our friends."

"Yeah, you're right Jill. They're good friends to have. I'm looking forward to having them over tomorrow."

Allie puts her hand on Jill's cock, which has started to get hard. "Look at your cock, Jill. Just talking about Rosy gave you a hard-on," she says, as she runs her fingertips along the length of her shaft.

"I know," says Jill, "I can't lie about it. I'd love to feel her tits again. I'd like to feel her pussy, too. But that's probably wishing for too much. I've got you, Allie, you're all I need."

"Well, why don't you just close your eyes, and imagine I'm Rosy like we did the other night. Would you like Rosy to suck your cock, baby."

"Mmmm... Yesssss... Suck me, Rosy. Make me hard. Make me want to fuck you," Jill tells Allie.

Allie was hoping she could get Jill in the mood. Fantasizing is easy to do when they're both stoned like this. Jill closes her eyes and imagines making love to Rosy as Allie flicks her tongue all over her cock like a vibrator. 

Jill thinks about how wonderful it is now, to be able to just fuck whenever the mood hits. She remembers all those lonely nights, jacking off alone in bed every night when she was Jerry, thinking about all the sex she never had. Now, she can't even remember the last time she jacked off.

Allie has her eyes closed too, not that she has to, she's under the covers. She knows Jill's cock well, and she adores it every time gets to suck it. She adores it even more when she's getting it ready to fuck her. 

Jill squirms with erotic pleasure when Allie takes her balls into her mouth and hums, sending vibrations throughout her body. "Oh God, Allie," she moans, "I always love the way you suck me," she moans.

"I love your cock, baby, and I love sucking it. I love to worship it when I know you're going to fuck me."

Allie has Jill's cock pulsing, and she hasn't even taken it into her mouth yet. They've made love so many times now that Allie knows just what turns Jill on the most. She knows where her most sensitive nerves are, and she flicks her tongue over each one as she works her way up Jill's very hard shaft. She feels Jill's hips moving to the pleasure her tongue is giving her.

"Oh God, Allie," Jill moans, "You always know what my cock wants."

"Yes I do, Jill. That's cuz I'm in love with you and I like pleasing you every way I can," Allie says.

Jill moans louder when Allie puts her mouth around her head and swallows her cock. She uses her tongue in erotic ways as she bobs her head up and down her smooth, hard shaft. When she feels Jill getting close to climax, she skillfully slows things down and licks her balls again until Jill can take more. 

Jill doesn't realize it, but Allie is training her cock to be able to fuck for long periods at a time without cumming. Jill is Allie's own personal fucker, and she's training her to be her super stud when she wants to be fucked like a little slut. 

The more she sucks Jill's cock tonight, the sluttier she feels. She fucked Jill like a little slut in the shower this morning, and now it's her turn to be Jill's whore. Her ass is getting hungry as she devours Jill's meat.

While she holds Jill's balls in her mouth, she moves her ass in front of Jill's face. "Lick my pussy, baby. Make it wet for me. Get me ready to be fucked."

Jill doesn't need any encouragement. Allie's got her so hot she spreads her cheeks apart and pushes her tongue deep into her hole as hard as she can. Allie is pleased with the way Jill's learned to lick her ass. She remembers the first time she reluctantly put her tongue on it. She loves how Jill now craves her hot little ass when she wants her to; especially at times like this, when they're both stoned out of their minds. 

Jill pulls Allie's ass tight against her face as Allie's hole pulses and puckers to the probes of her tongue. When Allie feels Jill engulfing her balls and putting her finger into her wet ass, she knows Jill is just about ready to fuck. She slowly runs her tongue up and down her cock, letting Jill play with her ass a little more, until she's ready to take charge. 

It's music to Allie's ears when Jill says, "It's time to fuck you, Allie. I'm gonna fuck you right now."

"You know my ass is yours, anytime you want it, baby. How do you want me? I'm your little slut, just like you were my little slut in the shower this morning."

Jill's male hormones kick in as she rolls Allie on her back and pushes the covers to the foot of the bed. She remembers how good she felt being Allie's whore in the shower, and she wants to give Allie the same pleasures now. 

With Allie grabbing her knees and lifting her ass for her lover, Jill spreads slippery lube in and around her pink-colored hole. Allie's desire turns feverish when Jill sucks her cock and finger-fucks her boy-cunt. She can't wait much longer as Jill teases her hole with the head of her cock. 

"Fuck me baby, please fuck me," Allie begs her, "I can't wait any longer."

Jill presses the length of her cock against Allie's crack and teases her more. She pours more lube below Allie's balls and slides her hard cock between her slippery cheeks. Allie thinks she's about to get it when she feels Jill's cock pressing against her hot little hole again. But Jill teases her more, just rubbing her cock around it, getting her hotter by the second. 

"Oh please, baby... fuck me... I need you to fuck me... my cunt is on fire."

Jill teases her more, "You hot little whore... I'll fuck you when I'm ready to fuck you... you're just gonna have to wait!" she says, still sliding her cock up and down her slippery crack. 

"God-dammit!" Allie cries, "Fuck me like a bitch! Fuck me like a... Ughhh!!" 

As Allie begs to be fucked, Jill shoves her cock into her with one fast plunge, ripping her ass with the pain Jill knows she wants. She grins when she sees the pain and pleasure on Allie's face as she pulls it halfway out. She shoves it in again, harder than the first time. 

"Oh, God, Jill," Allie cries out. 

"Mmmm... Your pussy's hot tonight, you little slut."

"It's hot for you, my stud. Fuck me, baby, fuck me like the slut I am."

They kiss so hard their teeth grind against each other as their fucking turns into a frenzy. Jill pumps her as fast as she can and Allie almost screams, she's so turned on. Oh, how she loves to be fucked like this.

Jill sinks her cock deep into Allie's ass again and again. Seeing Allie squirming beneath her turns Jill on even more. She lifts Allie's legs and puts them on her shoulders. "You're such a dirty little whore. Open up that ass for me!" she tells her, knowing this is what Allie wants to hear.

She wants to keep fucking her fast and hard like a little slut, but she's so tired and stoned her body starts running out of stamina. Allie's getting tired, too. She wraps her legs around Jill's ass to let her know she's ready to slow it down. 

Jill puts both of her hands under Allie's head, kissing her as she fucks with a slow rhythm that sends Allie into another erotic frenzy. A different kind of frenzy than a few minutes earlier. One that makes her feel total submission to Jill like a wife feels committed to her husband.

With her arms and legs tightly wrapped around Jill, Allie raises her ass each time Jill's cock sinks into her. She loves how Jill gently takes command over her, making her feel like a wife instead of a slut. Allie has been training Jill's cock well, and she loves how Jill can slow-fuck her after she's just pounded her ass so mercilessly.

As she's being slowly fucked, Allie reminisces about the fun day they've enjoyed together. She thinks about how this is the perfect relationship for them. This morning Jill was her best friend and her whore, and now she gets to be Jill's slut, Jill's wife, whatever Jill wants.

Allie's whatever Jill wants her to be when she makes love to her. Her cock has become hard as a rock, and she feels it pulsing out of control as Jill's cock glides so smooth against her prostate. 

She feels herself climaxing and she's erotically shocked when cum shoots all over her stomach. Jill is surprised too, as Allie's ass tightens around her cock, violently contracting as her orgasm consumes her. 

Jill was getting close to cumming as it was, but Allie's contractions make Jill cum along with her.  Allie pulls her close, "Oh, baby..." she purrs, squeezing her arms around Jill as cum fills her ass. 

Allie works her ass muscles around her stud, milking every drop cum she can. Jill lets out sighs of ecstasy as her cock pumps liquid love into Allie's body. Allie holds her tight and moans as she deposits her load. After a few minutes of silently kissing and hugging, Allie rolls over on top of Jill.

 "Oh baby," she sighs, "You are becoming the best stud. Do you know that? You just made me cum while I was being fucked."

"God damn, Allie... You made me cum too. I never knew you could cum like that, without even having your cock touched."

"That's never happened before, but I hope it happens again. I don't know when I've been so turned on. Even the night we fell in love, I wasn't this turned on. You fucked me with so much love, Jill. I just fell in love with you all over again."

"I fell in love with you again too, Allie. This was such a good day, and this was the perfect way to end it."

"It sure was, my lover. I've been so happy since you moved in with me."

"That's how I feel right now too, Allie. I love living with you."

Allie turns over and snuggles her well-fucked ass up against Jill's drained cock. Jill puts her arm around Allie and holds her cock and balls in her hand. She knows Allie likes to be held like this after she's been fucked. They've exhausted themselves again and soon drift off to sleep, a couple of contented, happy girls.


Written by Jilluvscox
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