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A TRANS Formation - Chapter 31 - A Subtle Sign

"Finally getting a day to themselves, Jill and Allie make an accidental discovery."

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Jill wakes up with warm lips around her soft cock. Allie woke up a few minutes before, still hungry for the cock she enjoyed so much last night. Saturday mornings have gone like this the past few weeks. When Allie's not sucking Jill's cock, Jill's sucking Allie's cock. The more they have each other, the more they want each other.

With Allie's tongue swirling around the velvety flesh of her head, Jill feels the blood rushing into her growing shaft.

"Oh, yeah, Allie-girl," she softly says, "You know how to wake me up."

Allie stops sucking long enough to say, "Allie needs her Jill juice."

Jill's fully erect cock pulses as Allie goes back down on her. With her lips tightly wrapped round her shaft, Allie knows Jill will be giving up her seed in a short time. Holding it in her mouth, she works the tip of her tongue up and down that most sensitive spot, just below her head. The spot Allie knows so well. The spot that makes her cum.

Jill's head rocks from side to side as her semen spurts into Allie's mouth, enjoying another lovely orgasm her lover has given her. "What a beautiful way to wake up," she tells Allie, who is kissing her way up her body. As their tongues greet each other, Jill tastes the remnants of her cum lingering inside Allie's mouth.

"Let's go out for breakfast," Allie says.

"I was just going to suggest that," Jill replies, "It's been a busy week, we need a relaxing day."

It's been a busy week indeed. After another hot Ladies Night last weekend where they got gang banged again, they each went out on two private dates during the week. They've had a lot of sex, but last night was the only night of the week they actually had sex with each other, and their desire is still strong.

After putting on the coffee, Jill gives Allie a kiss as she joins her on the couch. "What shall we wear to breakfast?" she asks. "Dresses or jeans?"

It's been a month since Allie first went to the mall dressed in female attire, and even though she still feels some apprehension about wearing women's clothes in public, her apprehension weakens each time she does it.

Jill, on the other hand, has become very comfortable wearing women's clothes in public. In fact, she now prefers it. It's no longer a question of whether or not they're going out dressed as girls, it's only a question of what they're going to wear.

"I feel like a dress this morning," Allie says, "It's supposed to be a sunny day, I wanna feel the air around my legs."

After a cup of caffeine wakes up their senses, they go into the bathroom for a shower. Jill hasn't had her morning cum yet, and she's on her knees sucking Allie's cock before she even gets shampoo in her hair.

As she sucks Allie's stiff shaft, she thinks about how much she loves this lifestyle she's adopted. Having sex all the time and having money to buy anything she wants, she's really having the time of her life.

She gets tingling sensations in her nipples now every time she has any kind of sex. Since that first time Rosy made her tits feel like real girls' tits, Rosy sucks her nipples every time they're together. Even the times they don't have sex, Rosy always sucks her tits. It's a feeling that lingers in her mind and comes to the surface whenever she's aroused. Her nipples tingle again as Allie's cum flows down her throat.

They feel so good as they wash each other dry each other off. As Allie dries Jill's hair in the bedroom, she remarks on how much longer it's gotten since Jorge styled it over two months ago. "Pretty soon you won't have to wear your wig," she tells her.

"I know," Jill says, "I get excited every time I brush it. Look, it's almost to my shoulders."

When she dries and brushes Allie's hair, she puts a barrette on each side. It gives Allie more confidence to have cute little ornaments in her hair when she dresses to go out. Since they've become intimate friends with Carla and Rosy, they've learned so much about getting themselves all dolled up.

When it comes to makeup, their lesbian lovers are teaching them well. It only takes a few minutes now to get their faces looking girly enough to step out in public. With their hair done and faces made up, they put on their pads and tits and go to the closet to choose what dress to wear.

Allie picks out a floral-patterned dress she's only worn once, and Jill wears a fluffy skirt, colorful blouse, and knee-high socks. "Don't we look nice?" Allie says after she puts her glasses on and Jill puts on her wig.

"Yes we do, my sister. It's refreshing to dress up like regular girls instead of like whores. It's like a day off work," Jill tells her.

When they arrive at the breakfast buffet, the place is busy, and that's how they like it. They blend in better in crowded places, and other people hardly notice them. They also prefer buffet-style restaurants, because they don't have to speak much and risk having their male voices give away their secret.

They find a table next to a wall, where they can sit unnoticed. They're both careful to take small bites from the small portions they've put on their plates. As they eat, their eyes scan the room, watching how the other women are acting so they can mimic them. Being out in public now is like a classroom where they learn how to act like ladies, just by watching the other ladies around them.

Jill's had something on her mind the past few days, and this is a good time to tell Allie what it is. "Remember when we read that book that Walt gave me?" she asks, "I remember how excited we were about making ourselves pregnant with the idea of quitting our jobs and supporting ourselves."

"Yeah, I remember. That's when I meditated and saw us living in our own house in the country."

"Well, we've really had a hectic month. We're seeing Carla and Rosy a lot more, and we've been dating more, too. I feel like we've been so busy we haven't been focusing enough on our idea. I mean, I love our life... but I think we need to get more focused on our future."

"I can't argue with that," Allie realizes, "Now that you mentioned it, I haven't thought much about it lately. We've been busy, that's for sure. But we've been making a lot of money."

"I know we have, and it's great. But that's the problem. Remember what Gary told us? About trying to create some kind of business so we can say we're making money? We've got to figure out how to move all that whore money into our legitimate accounts.

"I had an idea at work yesterday. What if we put an ad in the paper? An ad asking for work as a handyman? You know, odd jobs and such.

"We could advertise an hourly rate so high that no one would ever call us. Then we could say we make cash money doing odd jobs and we could take money out of our cash stash and put more in our bank accounts."

"Hmmm," Allie wonders, "Would we have to keep records? I'm not too good at that."

"I could do that. We'd just write down make-believe jobs and say we got paid in cash. I figure we could move five or six hundred a month into the bank like that, and then move that money into our accounts with Gary."

"Sounds easy enough." Allie says, "Let's try it."

"I don't have time after work to go down to the paper, can you place the ad for us?"

"Sure, I'll do it Monday," Allie agrees.

"But we have to do more than that," Jill says, "We have to get back into thinking about it all the time. We have to get really pregnant again. We should meditate on it together. Will you do that with me?"

"Of course I will. We can do it this afternoon, every night if you want."

"Thanks, Allie, I'd like that. Even by moving money with the ad, it won't be enough to move what we need. We have over $7000 in our cash stash right now. Moving five hundred a month with the ad isn't gonna cut it. We have to think of something else, but the ad will at least be a start."

"I'll get pregnant with you," Allie says, "I'm about done eating. You wanna do something when we get done here? We're all dressed up, wanna go someplace?"

"Yeah, that sounds good." Jill says, "Let's go to the mall. I wanna go to the bookstore and look at cookbooks. I feel like cooking something different."

"That would be fun. We might find some more clothes!"

"Shit, Allie," Jill jokes, "We've bought so many clothes we haven't even worn them all yet... but I like it," she giggles.

When they get inside the mall, the stores have just opened up, and there aren't many people there yet. It's not the kind of crowd they're comfortable in, but they're getting better at acting and walking like girls. It's not nearly as intimidating as it would have been a month ago. They get a boost of confidence when a nice-looking man coming their way says, "Good morning, ladies," as he walks by.

There's hardly anyone in the bookstore yet, and they have fun browsing the racks of books in relative privacy. Jill shows Allie the sections that have caught her eye in the past. Allie picks up a book on massage and tells Jill, "We've been wanting to try this, but we never have."

"I know, we should do it just to see how it feels," Jill replies.

Allie becomes very interested as she flips through the pages and looks at the pictures. Jill goes off to look at cooking books, but Allie's interest is aroused by looking at massage books. Thirty minutes later Jill joins her and asks, "Do you like Chinese food?"

"I haven't had that much to know if I do or not," Allie says.

"Well, I think I'd like to try it. These recipes look yummy. I'm gonna buy this book. Looks like I'm gonna have to buy a wok to cook most of these recipes."

"Well, we got the money. Good little whores like us can buy anything we want," Allie says. "I'm gonna get this massage book. It looks like fun. I wanna try to give you a massage today, does that sound like fun?"

"Ooooo... it does. I bet it'll lead to something else just as fun."

"Oh yeah!" Allie laughs.

When they go to pay, they're once again filled with joy when the woman at the cash register says, "Did you girls find everything OK?"

They're passing as girls in public, and they realize they've just spent almost an hour in the bookstore without even thinking about being boys dressed as girls. They've come a long way since that first fear-filled shopping trip and they smile at each other as they stroll on down to the kitchen store.

Jill finds a nice wok kit with wooden spoons and spatulas. It's the most expensive one they have, but Jill doesn't care. She's a 'rich bitch' now, and she can afford anything she wants.

Allie wants to stop at the import store. She's excited about giving Jill a massage and she buys several different massage oils, plus a couple of packs of incense.

When they get home, they take off their girl clothes and go into the living room wearing only panties. Allie rolls a joint, and as they smoke, Jill looks through her new cookbook to decide what recipe she wants to try first. When Allie puts the roach in the ashtray, they put their arms around each other and start kissing.

"I'm so glad to have a day to spend with nobody but you," Jill tells Allie.

"I've been missing you," Allie agrees, "We're living together, but we've been so busy being whores and fucking everyone else, I've been wanting to spend a day like this too."

"Shopping was fun," Jill says, "Did you notice how everyone just assumed we were girls? And when that dreamy-looking guy said 'good morning, ladies', I started getting a hard-on. I could have fucked him right there."

"Yeah, we're doing it, baby, we're really doing it."

Jill shows Allie a recipe, "What do you think about this one? I've never had stir fry before. It looks good. Fried pork with all those vegetables, it even has pineapple."

"Go ahead, I'll eat anything you cook. It's all good, but I'm gonna eat your ass for dessert."

"Oh Allie...! you're such a silly slut sometimes," Jill laughs, "but eating my ass does sound good. I'd love to have you fuck me nice and slow tonight. I feel like being your wife. I wanna cook dinner for you, and then give you my body... mmmm."

Before they get too far into anything, they realize they need to make a trip to the grocery store. Jill makes a list of everything she needs for her stir fry. She's never cooked Chinese before, so she basically has to buy every ingredient on the recipe list. She doesn't even have soy sauce.

Since it's been decided Jill's going to be the wife, when they get dressed to get groceries, Jill puts her tits back on and wears a dress; while Allie takes off her makeup and puts her hair in a ponytail, dressing as a man.

At the store, they kiss and hug in the parking lot before they go in because they know people might be watching. They have a blast inside the store and Jill loves having Allie's arm around her as they walk down the aisles. They haven't had any beer for a while, so they splurge and pick up a twelve-pack.

"Oh God, that was so much fun!" Jill tells Allie when they get home.

"It was...'" Allie agrees, "we're so perfect for each other. Everything we do is fun. We've got nothing to do the rest of the day except be with each other."

"Let's just wear panties the rest of the day and get fucked up!" Jill says.

It's still early afternoon, they've got plenty of time. Allie rolls another joint and Jill gets them both a beer from the fridge. She tunes the stereo FM to a rock station and lights some incense. Allie lights the joint when she joins her and they don't say much as they smoke.

After a bit, Allie tells Jill, "Too bad Carla and Rosy are working tonight. It would be nice to have them over."

"It would, but not tonight," says Jill. She's feeling kinda loaded and adds, "I'm in full girl mode and I wanna be your bitch tonight."

"Oh yeah, babe. You can be my bitch anytime. I love fucking Carla, but I'll fuck you first every time."

"I know, right? I love being with Rosy. She can never replace you, but she makes my life more complete, the things we share and the things she teaches me. Pussy is great, but I'm always gonna have to have cock. I love cock... especially yours."

After she says that, she puts her hand inside Allie's panties, grabbing the meat inside. Having Allie's cock in her hand ignites her desire, and she lowers her head to suck it. She teases the head hiding under the foreskin, rolling her tongue around the edges as the pre-cum begins to ooze.

She's getting turned on as she puts her mouth over the sheath before pulling it down. Her fingers pull at the skin and her tongue rolls around the tip. She gasps as her tongue tastes the head being exposed inside her mouth.

Allie lets her pull her panties off when she gets on the floor between her legs. She runs her fingernails up and down Jill's back as her lips wrap around her shaft. Jill goes for a deep dive and stops only when she gets close to the choke point.

Jill's been working on deep throating for a few weeks, pushing a toothbrush down her throat, and decides this is the moment of truth. She takes a deep breath and goes for it. She immediately starts to choke but forces herself to keep it in. Tears form in her eyes and her body really wants to reject this thick foreign object entering her throat.

Allie can see what she's trying to do, so she puts her hands on her head and holds her down. Her stomach is convulsing, trying to throw up. She knows she's not going to die, even if her body's telling her different. She's determined to get past it.

Like breaking in a horse, her body continues to buck and resist, until it slowly gives up the fight. Jill has her lips at the very base of Allie's cock, with three inches of it in her throat, and she stops choking.

Allie takes her hand off her head so she can come up for a breath of air. She grins at Allie and takes it in again. This time, when she reaches the choking point her body once again resists but gives up fairly quickly as she takes it into her throat. She holds for a few seconds before coming up for air. Long strings of saliva dangle from her mouth as she looks at the length she just swallowed.

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Her face is red and wet from her tears, and her mouth is a sloppy mess, but she can't quit now. She goes down for another round and this time there is no more fight left in her body. Allie's cock slides effortlessly into her throat and she does not choke.

For the next ten minutes, she sucks Allie's cock, taking it into her throat every time she goes down on it. Allie holds her head on each side, giving her support but not forcing her down. She goes down on her own until Allie is almost to the point of cumming. She lifts Jill's head up and tells her, "You better back off if you want me at full strength for later."

"Good thinking," Jill says. She goes into the bathroom to clean herself up. Her face is red, but she doesn't care. She just performed her first deep throat and she's proud of herself. She takes a damp washcloth in to clean Allie up.

"How do you feel?" Allie asks.

Jill giggles when she says, "I feel like a whore who can deep throat a cock."

"Damn, you did good."

"I just decided, 'god-dammit, it's about time for me to be able to do this.'"

Allie pats her on the head and jokes, "Good little whore."

Jill starts laughing and Allie does too. After they settle down, Jill says, "Are ya getting hungry, sweetie?"

"Starting to," Allie says, "Be hungry in an hour."

"Time for your wifey to make your dinner," Jill says.

"You want me to help?"

"No, baby. You just relax and let your wife take care of everything."

After a couple of beers and several joints, they're both pretty much wasted at this point. Jill's a little wobbly as she goes into the kitchen and Allie turns on the TV as she stretches out on the couch. Jill knows she's fucked up, but goes ahead with her cooking anyways.

She has trouble reading the recipe but manages to figure out what she's doing. She gets the rice going and starts cutting up the veggies. Half an hour later, everything is ready to cook. She has to mix corn starch in water, but she needs to use her measuring cup for other things. She mixes the corn starch in a tall water glass and sets it aside.

When the wok gets heated up, she starts cooking. Since the different vegetables all need different cooking times, she's got bowls of different vegetables all over the counter. It's kind of a mess since Jill's pretty wasted and not in complete control of her body.

Busily throwing different vegetables and spices in the wok, she reaches for a bowl of peppers, but she misjudges the distance. Her hand bumps the water glass with the corn starch, tipping it over and spilling it all over the floor.

"Fuuuuuck!" she yells. "God-fucking-dammit!"

"What happened?" Allie says.

"Shit!" she yells again, "I spilled shit all over the floor! Shit is cooking! I don't fucking have time for this!"

In a panic, she tries to mix another batch, but she's barefoot, and she's slipping on the slippery liquid all over the floor. She's forced to set the wok aside to clean up the mess she's made. Allie comes in to help, and Jill starts calming down as they work together wiping up the slimy goo of dissolved corn starch.

"This is slippery shit," Allie says. She tells Jill in a joking tone of voice, "This would work good in your ass."

Jill starts to laugh with Allie as they get it all cleaned up. Jill mixes up another batch of corn starch, puts the wok back on the burner, and finishes the dish. Even though the vegetables aren't as crisp as they would have been, her stir fry is delicious. Allie compliments her as they eat dinner and watch TV.

She thanks Allie for the compliment, but inside her brain, gears are beginning to turn. Her subconscious is putting two and two together, light bulbs are turning on in her head. She remembers what she heard in her meditations,

'look for subtle signs'... she remembers... 'listen to yourself'... she was told.

She remembers what Allie said as they cleaned up the mess, 'this would work good in your ass'. 

Those words kept rolling in her mind,...

'look for subtle signs'... 'this would work good in your ass' ... look for subtle signs'... 'this would work good in your ass' ... look for subtle signs'... 'this would work good in your ass'

She doesn't say anything at first, but the more she thinks about it, she has to speak. "Allie," she says, "You know when you said that stuff would work good in my ass?"

"Yeah, but I was just joking."

"I know you were joking, but the more I think about it, I bet it would work good in my ass."

Allie laughs, "What do you mean?"

"Lube... that's what I mean. I bet it would work good as lube."

"That slimy shit? You want that shit inside your ass?"

"It's slimy, but it ain't shit." Jill says, "It's just corn starch and water. You felt how slippery it was. You wanna try it on your wife tonight?"

"Well, if it's just corn starch and water. I'll try if you wanna."

"I wanna. I'll make up a fresh batch when I clean up the kitchen."

"I'll clean up the kitchen, you cooked."

"Not tonight, baby. I'm your wife tonight. I'll clean up. You said you were gonna give me a massage. I want one. While I'm cleaning up, I want you to read your new book and figure out what you're gonna do to my body."

Before she starts cleaning up, Jill mixes up another batch of corn starch. When she added it to her stir fry earlier, he noticed it got thicker, so she heats it up in a pan and sure enough, it gets thicker and more slippery.

Allie opens her book and starts looking at the pictures of hands massaging different parts of the body. She can see this could really be erotic if done properly, so reads as much as she can.

She turns the heat up so it'll be nice and warm. She gets a sheet and puts it on the floor for Jill to lie on. She lights several sticks of incense and all five of their scented candles. By the time Jill's finished cleaning, the living room is really warm and has a heavy scent of incense. It's dark outside, so when they turn out the lights, it feels very sensuous and erotic.

Jill brings a bowl of her ' homemade' lube with her, and Allie gives her a hug and takes off her panties. "Are you ready to feel good, my sweetheart?" Allie says.

"Mmmm... Your wife is ready, baby. It's nice and warm in here. I'm already feeling good, you can only make me feel better."

"I've never done a massage, so I don't know how good it'll be."

"I've never had a massage before, so it'll be the best massage I've ever had. All I want is your hands all over my body."

Allie kisses her and says, "Lie down on the sheet and let me love you with my hands."

Jill lays on her tummy and Allie squirts massage oil in her hands. The sensuous aromas of the oils surround the space around them and Jill melts when Allie starts working the oil into her shoulders. She runs her hands up her neck, around her ears, and back downs to her shoulders.

Jill moans a soft, 'mmmm,' when Allie's oily hands move down her back. She straddles her ass and lets her cock rest in her crack as she massages every inch of her back.

She spends extra time kneading her skinny ass cheeks, putting her finger inside her hole a couple of times, sending shivers up Jill's spine. Allie feels her love flowing through her hands as she works on Jill's legs and feet. When she finishes each of her toes, she moves up and whispers in her ear, "How am I doing, baby?"

"You're melting me. It feels soooo good."

"Turn over on your back, and I'll do your front."

As she turns over, she says, "I don't care where you do me, just do me."

Allie goes to work on Jill's front as she closes her eyes and enjoys what Allie's hands are doing to her. Allie pays special attention to her nipples, rubbing extra oil into them and squeezing them between her fingers.

Jill doesn't feel Allie's fingers, she feels Rosy's lips, as she remembers how Rosy sucks them and makes them feel so real. Her nipples are tingling when Allie leaves them and goes to her tummy.

Her nipples still tingle when Allie runs her hands over her bony ribcage and sunken stomach. Her cock begins to quiver when Allie's hands work her hip bones and around her pelvic mound. She takes care not to touch her cock as it becomes aroused.

When she works the tops of her legs and finishes up between her toes again,  Allie spreads her legs apart and crawls up for the finishing touch. Putting more oil on her hands, she runs along Jill's inner thighs and back to her tummy. She bends down and licks the very tip of her cock before returning to her inner thighs.

Each time she returns to her tummy she licks her cock a little more and a little longer. Jill gets harder each time she returns and when she's almost all the way hard, Allie takes it in her mouth and sucks the length of it while her hands still glide over her body.

"Ooooo... Mmmm... Ahhhh," Jill moans.

Allie keeps sucking but never touches her hand to it. Jill's stomach is moving up and down as her breaths get heavy. Her hips buck as Allie brings her to the edge of ecstasy. She lets out a loud moan as she erupts into Allie's mouth. Allie keeps sucking until she gets soft but never stops moving her slippery hands over her body.

When she lets her fall out of her mouth, Allie walks on her knees to straddle herself above Jill's mouth. She lowers her balls above her mouth and Jill wiggles her tongue to reach them. "Feed 'em to me, honey," Jill begs.

Jill gets her wish as Allie lowers herself more so Jill can suck them into her mouth. Allie's limp cock rests on her nose as she dangles her balls in Jill's hungry mouth. It doesn't rest there long though, because her cock starts getting very hard, very fast as Jill rolls her balls around her mouth.

She pulls her balls out of Jill's mouth and lets her shaft rest on her face. Jill's tongue licks the underside as Allie moves her shaft up and down, letting Jill lick it from the base to the tip.

She runs the tip around her lips, and Jill tilts her head up to take it into her mouth. Jill raises herself up on her elbows, so Allie can hold her head and slowly fuck her mouth.

Jill holds herself up as long as she can, but when her neck gets stiff, she has to lay her head back on the floor. Allie turns around and puts her cock back in her mouth from the opposite angle, allowing her to push it to the back of her mouth. Jill leans her head back, inviting Allie to push it further.

As Allie pushes deeper, Jill signals her to push into her throat. She starts to gag a little, but Allie knows she can take it now. She pushes in until her balls are sitting on Jill's nose and there's a noticeable lump in her throat. She holds it there for a few seconds before pulling out so Jill can take a breath.

"Are you doing OK, baby?" she asks.

"Oh yeah, Allie. I'm in heaven. I want you to fuck my throat before you fuck my pussy... Give it to me, darling."

Having the green light, Allie puts her cock back in Jill's mouth and pushes deep into her throat. She has a slight gag reflex, but the longer Allie's cock is in her, the more relaxed she becomes. Jill's gag completely disappears and Allie fucks her at will. She starts pumping her throat as Jill's body moves all over the sheet.

Allie's getting close to cumming, so she takes her cock out and kisses Jill as she moves into fucking position. They spend the next few minutes in erotic kissing while Allie's cock recovers from the sensations of Jill's throat.

"About ready to try your homemade lube?" Allie whispers.

"More than ready. You got me so fuckin' hot!"

Allie dips her fingers in the bowl of lube and rubs it around Jill's hot asshole. 'This is some slippery shit,' Allie thinks as she puts some on her cock. When she puts her head to her hole, she's amazed at how easily it slips right in. Jill's amazed too. She feels no friction, only erotic tingles around her sphincter as it stretches to accommodate Allie's thickness.

"Ooooo... that felt good goin' in," Jill squeals.

"It sure did, baby. Your lube let me slide right in, now we're gonna find out how it feels when I fuck you nice and slow, just like you wanted."

"Oh yeah, give it to me nice and slow, Allie. Make it last, cuz you got me in heaven and I don't wanna leave."

With Jill writhing underneath her, Allie slides herself deep into her cavity of pleasure. She feels Jill's arms around her back as they kiss each other, saying, 'I love you,' over and over again. When Allie feels herself close to cumming, she pulls out, leaving just the head in and letting Jill's hole contract around it. Each time she pushes it back in, Jill's contractions become tighter.

Allie is already close to cumming from fucking Jill's throat, and she can't take much more of Jill's sphincter squeezing her. Jill's trying to relax her ass, but she's so turned on her ass has a mind of its own. Her contractions are beyond her control and Allie can't hold on much longer.

"I'm gonna cum pretty soon," she tells her lover.

"Shoot it deep inside me, Allie. Keep fucking me as long as you can. I love this!"

Allie fucks for another minute or two until she pushes in as far she can and has to let her cum escape. Jill rakes her fingernails across Allie's back as she feels her insides warming up. Allie falls on top of her from exhaustion, and Jill holds her head and kisses her face.

"Oh Allie, you can be such a stud."

"Only with you, my love." Allie says, "You've been beautiful all day. I'm so lucky to have you."

Since it's not even nine o'clock yet, Allie fills the tub with hot water and loads it heavy with fragrant bath oils. After shaving each other's bodies, they jump in to soak and enjoy the next hour kissing, hugging, and more cock sucking.

"This was such a good day, Allie." Jill says, "It feels really good to just be with you and not have to be a whore for a change."

"Yes it does, but if we weren't whores, we couldn't have bought all our girl clothes, and we couldn't have done all the things we've done."

"Oh, I know that, Allie," Jill says, "I love being a whore, it's just nice to take a break. Do you realize after getting gang banged last weekend, and the two dates we did this week, we've been fucked by over thirty different guys? And who knows how many different cocks we've sucked?"

"I know, but our asses are getting more used to it," Allie says.

"That's for sure..." Jill laughs, "the muscles around my hole are so loose now, I hardly even feel a small cock go in anymore. And your big cock slipped right in me tonight. I like it though, it doesn't hurt anymore like it used to when I first started fucking. My ass really feels like it's my pussy now.

"All I'm saying is it's nice to take a little break and just be regular girls."

"I loved being a regular girl with you today," Allie says, "And we still have tomorrow to be regular girls. What should we do?"

"How about we get even more stoned tonight and watch the late movie. Then we can sleep in tomorrow. We can get dressed again, go out for brunch, and go somewhere to just watch other women. Someplace different, like maybe the museums. I'm getting tired of always going to the mall."

After they get out of the tub, they stay naked and go in to watch TV. Allie rolls two joints and gets them each another beer. As they sit on the floor in their bean bag chairs, they get even more wasted and fall asleep during most of the movie. Jill manages to wake up and lead Allie to bed where they snuggle up like lovers do, and drift off to dreamland.


Written by Jilluvscox
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