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A TRANS Formation - Chapter 12 - Ladies' Night... Part 1

"Think well before you start, because once you have started, you cannot turn back."

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Allie and Jill wake up early Saturday morning with their arms still around each other. Allie wakes up first, and lightly kisses Jill's face, until she gently wakes her up. "Good morning, baby," she says with a smile.

Jill smiles back at her, "Good morning to you, too, big sister," she says, "It's so nice sleeping with you. I woke up earlier, and you looked so sweet, sleeping with your arms around me. It just melted me back to sleep."

"I love sleeping with you too, my sweet Jill. But we can't sleep long this morning, I have a hair appointment at nine."

"Oooo... is my sister getting ready for Ladies' Night tonight?"

"Yes, I am. I'd love to stay in bed, but..."

Jill interrupts..."OK... Let's get up. I'm well-rested."

While they drink some coffee, Allie asks Jill if she can take her out for breakfast.

"Thank you, Allie, I'd love to have breakfast with you. I also want to thank you, for being so honest with me last night. That was sweet of you."

"How do you feel about it this morning?"

"Well... to tell you the truth, I'm not real sure yet. I'm still confused about some things. I guess I'll know more, the closer I get to it."

"Just go with your feelings, babe. That's what girls do. We don't think. We feel. I'm not going to push you in either direction... Whichever direction you choose to go, it must be the direction you, and you alone, have chosen."

"Thanks, Allie. I still have all day to think about it. Let's get dressed. I'm hungry."

While they eat breakfast, Allie and Jill share their feelings about tonight, and the way they feel about each other. Jill tells Allie she's just going to be there, and go with the flow of how she feels. When they finish, Allie walks Jill to her car.

"Well, little sister, next time you see me, I'll be in a dress and in full female mode. I hope you enjoy tonight."

"I can't wait to see my big sister, looking like the beautiful woman I know she is."

Unable to kiss in public, they give each other a wink goodbye, and go their separate ways. On the way home, Jill starts getting nervous again. She doesn't know why, but she stops at the super drugstore and buys herself some scented bath oil, women's deodorant, and a pair of black nylons with a laced pattern.

Once home, she sits down to think about things. Last night, Allie told her a lot more than she was ready to hear. It's sinking in now, to where she can think clearly about it. She lies on the couch to think on it a while. An hour later, she gets up to get some water. Standing in her kitchen, she remembers all things she was wanting to get for it a few days ago, but can't afford right now.

Back in the living room, she sees her shitty TV, still sitting there, still shitty. Then she remembers how much fun she had, earning that $50 from Norm. It wasn't work at all. She decides to take a bath, and think on it some more.

She pours  half of her new bath oil in the tub, as it fills with hot water. Sinking into the tub, the scented oils make her feel very feminine. She starts thinking about things. She gets a little depressed, thinking about how fucked-up it was growing up, a skinny little kid, in a poor family.

"I've always been so fucking poor," she says to herself, out loud, "I'm so god-damned... fuckin' tired... of always being so fuckin' poor!"... Her eyes tear up, and she starts to cry. All the hurt she's felt, all her life, seems to be weighing on her, all at once.

She thinks about what Allie said last night. She's never going to get the things she wants, if all she's ever going to have is her tiny little paycheck. Getting tips? For having fun? That's sounding more appealing to her now. It's not like she has to fuck every guy in the room, right?

But... will she regret it later? Is she getting in way over her head? What if her mom finds out? Or even worse, her dad? Will she feel like a whore? Will she actually be a whore? She knows it's all in her head, this resistance she's feeling.

Still she cries, not knowing which way to turn. Water splashes all over the floor as she clenches her fists, thrashing her forearms over the surface of the water.

"Oh fuuuuck!" She cries out, "What am I going to do?"

The hot water has made her body temperature rise, and her head is spinning. She closes her eyes, looking for the girl inside to show her the way. She never sees the girl, but she does hear her voice.

'You know what to do. Don't listen to your mom. Don't listen to Allie. Don't listen to anyone. Listen to yourself, Jill. What does Jill want? Only YOU know what YOU want.'

She immerses her head under the water several times, contemplating that question, 'What does Jill want?'... After several minutes, she opens her eyes, and starts to smile. She does know what Jill wants, and Allie has shown her how to get it.

She remembers she can always escape to California, if things go sour. She can go back to being Jerry again, like Jill never happened, and stay with his Army buddy. Having an escape plan gives her the mental security she needs.

So... she thinks... she's already committed to going to the Club with Rog anyway, no matter what. She already knows she likes getting fucked, so... if she gets fucked tonight?... why not? She's decided. She's going to let it happen... if it happens.

Jill gets out of the tub and dries off. She puts on her sexy black lace panties and lets her mindset slip into horny mode. It's only about noon, so she has six hours before Roger picks her up. It's a long six hours. She tries relax to music the best she can, passing the time. Finally, it's almost five o'clock. She starts getting ready.

She puts her new feminine deodorant under her hairless armpits, smelling them when she's done. She parts her hair down the middle. She smiles at herself in the mirror. She says to the mirror, 'Hello, pretty girl.'

She wonders if she should wear a bra under her shirt. Would it show too much at dinner? She puts on her black bra, stuffing just a little cotton in the cups. She puts on Jerry's shirt, to see if her chest sticks out too much. It doesn't. Her bra is only an 'A' cup, so she puts in a little more cotton until she feels just right. As long as she doesn't pull her shoulders back, the bulge in her chest shouldn't show in the restaurant.

She pushes her panties down, feeling the smooth, shaved skin around her cock, with both hands. She thinks naughty, erotic thoughts as she plays with herself in front of the mirror. Allie did a nice job shaving her. She hopes the guys will like it, too, if the flow goes that way.

She's feeling horny as she gets her new black laced nylons out of the package. She feels so feminine rolling them up her freshly shaved legs. They look so good on her, she hates to cover them up when she puts on Jerry's pants.

She looks at herself in the mirror again; she likes what she sees. She's open for anything tonight. At fifteen-till-six, she's ready to go. All she has to do now is wait for Roger to call. And in five minutes, there is a knock on her door. She knows who it is.

"Hi, Rog! Nice to see you!"

"Good evening, Jill," Roger says, stepping inside. "You look very nice tonight. Are you excited?"

Roger gives Jill a big hug and kiss.

"I'm a little excited, and a little nervous, at the same time," Jill tells him.

Roger puts his hand on Jill's chest, feeling her bra underneath.

"I thought I felt something under there when I hugged you. I like it."

"I wasn't sure if I should wear it or not, then I thought, what the hell. I'm already wearing nylons and panties like you wanted."

"I'm glad you did, Jill. You look happy. Shall we go eat?"

The restaurant Roger takes her to is much fancier than the ones he's taken her to before. She enjoys a delightful dinner with Roger. During dinner, Roger asks her if she knows what tonight is going to be like. She tells him she  spent the night with Allie, who explained it all to her. She tells him she is open to whatever happens, even though she's still  nervous about it. They decide Roger will introduce her as Jerry at first, and see how it goes from there.

Half an hour later, Roger and Jill are riding on the elevator, up to the same suite they were at two weeks ago. Her heart starts to pound, as her remaining fears and inhibitions attempt to overtake the eroticism she was feeling an hour ago. Jill cringes when Roger knocks on the door, and it opens as far as the security chain lets it. She is past the point of no return now, as the door opens wide for them.

"Roger! How's it going? C'mon in, the party's just getting started." Jill recognizes Tony's voice from last time.

"Howdy, Tony," Roger says, as he turns to Jill, "Do you remember my friend, Jerry, from last time?"

"I sure do!" Tony extends his hand to Jill, "Hi there, Jerry! I was hoping we'd get to see you again. We're glad you came back to see us. I hope you have a great time tonight."

Roger takes Jill's hand, and they go over to the bar to get a beer. She sees a  red, wooden box on a table near the bar; there's a slot cut out on top, with a fancy letter 'A' on it. She has no idea what it's for.

Jill looks around the room; there are a lot more guys here than last time. She quickly counts over twenty men in the room. All much older than her. They are standing around in small groups, happily talking and drinking. There are about eight guys sitting at the card table.

The door to the side room is closed, Jill assumes that's where Allie is. She and Roger walk around the room, with Roger introducing her as Jerry, to about ten different guys. She notices several of the guys looking at her chest and smiling, probably noticing the bulge of her bra. She overhears one guy ask what time Allie is going to come out. Another guy says, "Any time now." 

While talking with a group, Jill feels a hand on her waist. She turns around to see Norm standing next to her.

"Hi, Jerry! I was hoping I'd see you here tonight. Do you remember me?"

Jill laughs, "Of course I do, Norm. How could I forget you?"

"We sure had fun last time, didn't we?"

"We sure did, Norm. I liked it a lot."

Norm laughs and gives Jill a big hug. Feeling the bra strap under her shirt, Norm smiles a devilish grin and says, "Hmmm... something under there feels like you have a surprise for us tonight?... maybe?"

Jill smiles back and says, "Maybe... Who knows what might happen?"

Norm tells a couple of other guys that Jerry is a guy they should get to know. The atmosphere of the room is making Jill feel very comfortable and relaxed. She thinks these really are nice people. As Jill talks with a couple of guys, she notices Roger has drifted off in the crowd. She is surprised how comfortable she feels, in this group of men, all by herself.

Just as she sees Roger walking back towards her, everyone starts clapping and cheering. She looks over to the side room, where Allie is walking out. Jill is stunned at the way Allie looks.

Her hair looks beautiful. All shiny and bright with full-length curls all around. Her face has just the right amount of makeup to accent her eyes, lips, and cheeks. She is wearing a sexy, dark blue dress that comes down to just above her knees. She's wearing lavender nylons and an elegant necklace around her neck. Jill can't believe this her Allie she is looking at. She looks beautiful to her.

Jill watches Allie, as she makes her way through different groups of guys. She's hugging, chatting, and kissing them as she goes. Roger, now at Jill's side, whispers in her ear, "Doesn't she look beautiful, Jill?"

"Oh, my God," Jill replies, "She's in total woman mode."

Roger stands behind Jill with his arms around her waist, as Allie makes her way through the room. Jill's heart starts to pound as Allie gets closer to them. Allie is ten feet away, hugging some guys with her back towards her. Then she turns around and sees Jill.

Both girls instantly lock eyes. Allie comes over and gives Jill a big hug. Everyone cheers when Allie takes Jill in her arms and gives her a long, deep, kiss. Allie is letting everyone in the room know... these two have done this before.

Jill whispers in Allie's ear, "You look simply stunning tonight, my big sister, I'm so proud of you."

"I'm so glad you're here, Jill," Allie whispers back, "Do you feel like letting go?"

"Yes, I think so," Jill says.

"Well then... enjoy the show."

Allie smiles, kisses her again, and goes over to a group of guys and starts hugging and kissing them. A few more guys gather around Allie, completely surrounding her. Several of them are running their hands up and down her body. She's hugging and kissing with more passion now. Her hands start to roam over the men's bodies. Jill knows, Allie is starting to get turned on. Jill's breathing becomes deeper and faster, watching Allie's hands traveling down to the men's crotches.

Still holding Jill from behind, Roger nibbles at her neck and runs his hands over her body. Allie has hands groping her all over now, and she's not just rubbing their cocks anymore. She grabbing them through their pants. Jill feels her cock getting hard, watching Allie work the group around her. It isn't long before Allie unzips a pair of pants and pulls out a cock.

Roger's hands have made it down to Jill's cock, rubbing it gently on the outside of her pants. She looks to her left, and sees Norm watching her with a big smile. She smiles back, and Norm steps a little closer.

Allie has several cocks out of their pants now, as she moves around the group, stroking each one before moving to another. Some of the guys are watching Roger rub Jill's cock. Norm gets close to her, and whispers in her ear,  "Jerry, would you mind if I got a little feel down there, too?"

"No... Go ahead, Norm, you know I like it. But Norm... Jerry's not my name tonight. Please call me Jill."

"Jill, huh? Oh... I like the sound of that. You're a beauty, Jill," Norm tells her.

Norm wastes no time joining Roger in rubbing Jill's cock. She's getting pretty hard, and there is no mistaking what that bulge in her pants is. Jill just enjoys it, as she focuses on what Allie is doing. Every guy around her has his cock out now, and she bends over to lick one now and then. She asks one of the guys to unzip her dress in back, which he does, and everyone cheers.

Allie turns around, and looks right at Jill. With their eyes locked on each other, Allie raises her arms straight up in the air, smiling at Jill. Two guys on either side of her lift her dress up, and over her head. Jill shudders as she sees Allie's body being revealed in front of her eyes. Even though she knows Allie's body well, seeing it like this takes her to another level.

Allie is wearing lavender lace panties that reveal a perfect outline of her hard cock underneath. Her matching bra is filled with breast form tits that look so real to Jill's eyes.

Allie shakes her tits at Jill, then walks over to her. She kisses Jill deeply in front of all the men, making them cheer for both of them.

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Allie puts her arms around Jill... Jill puts her arms around Allie... they embrace in front of all the guys... Allie whispers in Jill's ear, "Are you still doing OK?"

Jill answers back, "Yes, big sister, I'm feeling fine."

"Feel like letting it 'all' go?"

"Yes, big sister, I do," Jill answers as she smiles.

With Roger still holding Jill's arms from behind, Allie unbuttons Jill's shirt. Then she unbuckles her belt, and unzips her pants. Allie kisses Jill again while her hand reaches into her panties, positioning her hard cock so it is straight up, with her clit area extending above the waistband. Allie turns around to talk to the men in the room.

"Gentlemen... I'd like you to meet my little sister, Jill. Jill is my special treat, and I'm sharing her with you tonight. Please treat her gently, she's  still a virgin... 'almost'."

Allie stands to Jill's side. All the men break out in applause as Allie takes Jill's unzipped pants and lowers them to her knees. Jill suddenly feels a rush of eroticism take control over her. Standing in front of over twenty men in her sexy black lace panties and nylons, with three inches of bare cock exposed to them, she feels no shame, no embarrassment.

Allie touches her finger on Jill's exposed clit. She turns to the group of guys and asks, "Could I get a couple volunteers to help my little sister take off her shoes, so we can get out of her pants?"

They scramble over each other, wanting to be the ones to take off Jill's shoes and pants. Roger slips Jill's shirt off from behind, as Allie puts her arm around Jill's waist, letting the men gaze at them for a while. With Jill's black, cotton-stuffed 'A' cup bra contrasting with the full, lavender 'C' cup bra Allie is wearing, Jill indeed appears to be Allie's 'little sister' to the men.

Allie again pulls Jill close to her, whispering into her ear, "OK, little sister, you're on your own. Let the girl inside play to her heart's content. Be the woman you were born to be, and have always been."

Allie turns, and says one more thing to the guys, "OK, guys, let's get this party going. Please show Jill how much you appreciate her, and she might come back to see us again."

Jill watches Allie walk away from her, toward the circle of men she was with before. She watches Allie drop to her knees, taking one of the cocks into her mouth.

Jill rubs her knees together like a school girl when she feels the two guys at her feet run their hands up and around each of her legs, heading for her cock. She looks over at Allie, who now has pant-less men all around her. She's sucking their cocks, while her hands stroke cocks on each side.

Jill closes her eyes as she, too, gets surrounded by men who gently caress and feel her body. As she gives herself permission to completely let go of any remaining inhibitions, the image of the girl inside suddenly appears again, more vivid and clear than she has ever seen her before.

The girl smiles with approval and tells Jill, loud and clear, "We've made it, girl. You've set me free. We're joined as one now... Let's play!"

Jill feels her hands moving on their own, reaching out to feel the men around her. Her hands make their way below their belts, feeling their hard cocks. She hears the guys saying things like, 'isn't she a cute little thing', 'look at that beautiful cock', 'damn, she's hot', 'what a treat'.

Hearing them say comments about her like that makes Jill's self-esteem shoot into the stratosphere. She's the center of attention, like she's never imagined. She responds by pulling a zipper down, and grabbing the cock inside. Her other hand searches until it finds another bare cock to hold. She looks down as she strokes a cock in each hand. Guys are kneeling in front of her, taking turns licking her exposed clit area.

Without thinking, Jill lowers herself to her knees and chooses a cock to suck. It's a smaller-sized cock, and Jill easily takes the entire shaft into her mouth. While she sucks, the guy quickly drops his pants to the floor. Jill runs her tongue up and down the short shaft, and takes his balls into her mouth.

She takes him into her mouth again, deep throating his short cock with strong, fast strokes until his cum shoots into her mouth. She instinctively doesn't swallow it. Instead, she holds the cum in her mouth, until the cock in her mouth goes soft.

When she lets the soft cock fall out of her mouth, she looks up into the faces of the guys standing around her. She gives them a devilish grin, opening her mouth just enough for them to see the cum inside. She gives them a hot little show, pushing some cum out with her tongue, and letting it drip down her chin, before swallowing the rest.

All the guys have now dropped their pants and are stroking themselves, hoping to be Jill's next choice. Comments like, 'God damn, that girl can suck'... or, 'holy shit, did you see that'... are heard by everyone. Jill is spurred on by the words they are saying about her.

One by one, she eagerly sucks off six or seven more cocks, showing the guys the cum in her mouth every time she finishes one off. With cum dripping off her chin, she's feeling like a little slut, and she's loving the way it feels. Her cum-filled smiles let the guys know...she's thoroughly enjoying the party they are having in her mouth.

The next cock she sucks feels familiar to her. She looks up, and sees Norm's smiling face looking down on her. She smiles back at him as she takes him in. She feels a special enjoyment to be once again, sucking the cock of the man who bought her pots and pans.

After licking and sucking Norm's cock a while, she stands up and puts her arms around his neck. She says to him in a voice everyone can hear, "Norm, would you take me over to the bed? I'd like you to be the first one to fuck me tonight."

All guys around her clap and cheer as Norm takes her hand and leads her to the bed. As they approach, Jill sees that quite an erotic show is already underway.

Allie is on the bed with her panties down to her knees. She's being fucked from behind while she sucks a cock in front of her. There are probably eight guys standing around the bed, each waiting for his turn at Allie's ass and mouth.

Seeing Allie getting fucked like that makes Jill want to be fucked even more. Norm sits her down at the foot of the bed, guiding her to lie on her back. Norm runs his fingers over her panties, up and down the outline of her hard, throbbing cock. As Norm pulls Jill's panties off, he turns to the other guys and says, "Guys, wait till you see the cock under these panties."

Norm pulls the panties up over Jill's legs, casting them aside. Norm says to the guys, "Isn't this one of the most beautiful, clean-shaven cocks you've ever seen?" To which, they all cheer in agreement.

Allie looks over to Jill, and Jill looks over to Allie. Allie smiles at her with approval. Jill closes her eyes as she lies there, enjoying all the hands and fingers roaming over her hard, exposed cock.

She's never had so much attention and adoration placed on her before. She feels like she's in heaven. These guys are worshipping her, and she's soaking it all up. She looks down at the guys, who are taking turns putting their mouths around her cock and sucking her.

"Oh my God, you guys," she says, "You make me feel so special."

"That's because you are," someone in the crowd says, to everyone's agreement.

She hears Norm say, "Anyone know where the lube is? I think 'Little Miss Jill' is about ready to be fucked."

"Oh, yes. Fuck me. I need to be fucked," Jill cries out.

Jill feels the guys take hold of her legs, spreading them apart and raising them in the air. Norm gets down and licks her asshole. Jill turns her head to one of the guys standing near her head. "May I suck your cock, please?" she asks him. He eagerly gets on the bed and puts his cock in Jill's mouth.

She hears one of the guys say, "Jill Loves Cocks."

Norm gets up from licking her asshole and asks the guys, "Anyone else want to taste this gourmet hole before I lube her up?"

A couple guys answer the call, taking turns licking inside, outside, and all around Jill's quivering asshole. When the last guy has finished, Norm pours a generous amount of lube at the base of Jill's balls, letting it run down her crack and into her hole. Norm works his fingers inside, loosening her up.

"Oh God, Norm, fuck me now, please," Jill begs.

Jill's intense desire is fulfilled, when she feels Norm's cock at her entrance. Surprisingly, Jill feels little pain when Norm pushes his cock into her. Having Allie's thickness inside her last week must have stretched her out a bit, she thinks. But actually, the fact is, Norm is not nearly as thick as Allie, or even Roger.

Jill licks on the cock above her face as Norm sinks himself into Jill's depths. The pleasure can be seen on her face, as Norm pumps his full length with an increasing pace. With the guys holding her legs apart, she raises her hips to meet Norm's balls when he's at his deepest penetration. Norm pumps harder and faster and Jill knows he's about to blow. She squeezes her ass around his shaft, milking him just like Allie taught her.

Jill feels the cock in her face release its load on her lower lip, dripping down her cheek. Norm lets out a grunt as he shoves it in all way, filling her with warm cum.

"Holy shit! That was sweet, Jill," Norm says, with the look of satisfaction on his face.

"Damn, Norm, you sure know how to fuck a girl," Jill tells him. Even though Norm wasn't near the size of Allie, Jill tells him that, just to make him feel good, and it does.

Norm steps aside, telling the other guys, "You guys gotta get some of this."

Another guy takes Norm's place between Jill's legs and works his cock inside of Jill as he pleases. Jill tells every guy who fucks her how big they feel, and how much he's filling her up. Jill turns her head to the side to see Allie on her back, still taking cocks into her ass. The line starts to whittle down as one by one, Jill and Allie milk each one of them dry.

When Allie finishes off the last guy in line to fuck her, she turns and crawls over to Jill. She puts her head over Jill's face and kisses her. Jill kisses her back, and they kiss passionately in front of the guys. Jill has lost track of how many guys have fucked her so far. Eight?... Nine?... At this point, who's counting?

Allie looks up at the guys around the bed watching them. All of them have limp dicks and satisfied looks on their smiling faces.

"Did everyone get a good fuck?" she asks.

The guys respond with cheers and applause.

As the last guy shoots his load into Jill's ass, Allie asks the guys again, "Did you like my little sister?" More cheers and applause.

"Would like to see her again next time?" Even louder cheers.

"Oh, my... It looks like my little sister hasn't cum yet. Shall I take care of that for her?"

The guys can't stop cheering. Allie goes down and puts Jill's cock in her mouth.  She gives them one last thrill, sucking Jill off in front of the fifteen or so guys watching. When Jill cums into Allie's mouth, Allie gets up on her knees, letting all the guys see Jill's cum inside her mouth.

She positions her head over Jill's, and opens her mouth close to Jill's. Holding her head at an angle, so the guys can watch, she lets cum spill out of her mouth and into Jill's. Allie locks her lips with Jill's while the guys cheer and applaud for the longest time.

When the applause finally dies down, Allie gets up and lifts Jill off the bed. Both girls stand at the side of the bed with their arms around each other. Jill smiles as Allie says, "Thanks, guys. Jill and I had a great time tonight. You were all wonderful, and we love you. We'll see you all again, I'm sure. Thanks."

The girls blow kisses to the guys as they walk arm-in-arm back to the side room. They can still hear the guys clapping when they close the door.

Jill starts giggling as Allie takes her in her arms and kisses her.

"You were quite the hot little slut out there, my baby sister."

Jill can't stop giggling and laughing as she says, "I know... Wasn't I was a fucking slut? I've never had so much fun in my entire life!"

"You were absolutely fabulous out there! All the guys just loved you."

"So were you, big sister. They loved you too."

After ten or fifteen minutes go by, there is a knock on the door.

"That must be Tony," says Allie.

Jill hears Tony talking to Allie at the door.

"You girls were terrific tonight. That was by far, the best Ladies' Night we've ever had. Here's your tip boxes... And since we weren't expecting Jill... I had to do a quick make-shift tip box for her. It looks like I almost made it too small. Here's your dress, and Jill's clothes, I hope I got them all."

"Oh... that's so sweet of you, Tony. What would the Club do without you?"

"Someone else would do it if I didn't. The show must go on," he jokes, "Thanks again, girls, for making everyone's night."

Allie closes the door and turns to Jill with two boxes in one hand, and their clothes in the other.

"Come over here, Jill. Let's go sit on the bed together."

Jill sits beside Allie on the bed, and Allie hands her a make-shift box, with the letter 'J' on it. Allie tells her, "Inside this box, my little sister, is how much the guys loved you, and appreciated you, for what you did for them tonight."

Jill's eyes tear up when she opens the box, and sees it stuffed with $50 and $100 bills.

"Oh my God... Oh my God. Allie! Is this real? Oh my God!"

"It's real, Miss Jillian. It's all real. Every bit of it."

Tears start to run down Jill's face. For the moment, she's completely overwhelmed and covers her face with both hands. She starts to shake, as the reality of the moment starts to sink in.

"Well, aren't you going to count it?" asks Allie.

Jill starts to cry uncontrollably. "I can't right now. It's just too much for me."

"Well, if you can't count it, just try to relax. I'll count it for you."

Allie dumps the bills out on the bedspread. "Holy shit, Jill, there's a lot of bills here."

Allie starts unfolding the bills and counts them as Jill watches. "50, 150, 250, 300, 350, 450..." Allie calls out the numbers, as Jill continues to cry and shake. When Allie unfolds the final bill, she tells Jill, "My darling Jill, you just made yourself $2,450 tonight! I can't believe it myself."

Jill again puts her hands over her face and falls face down on the bedspread, shaking and crying. She can't control herself. Allie starts crying herself, as she takes into Jill her arms, holding her as tight as she can.

Jill looks at her, unable to focus through her watery eyes.

"Oh, Allie... no one has EVER been so kind to me... EVER!"

Allie and Jill lie on the bed, holding each other, crying for each other...


*To be continued... soon*



Written by Jilluvscox
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