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A TRANS Formation - Chapter 27 - The Next Step

"After sleeping together the first time, Rosy gives Jill the nudge she's been needing."

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As she begins to stir from her deep sleep, Jill rolls over to see Rosy's smiling face. "Good morning... my stud," are the first words out of Rosy's mouth.

"Morning, sweet Rosy. Damn, was that real last night?" Jill says. "I feel like I'm waking up from a beautiful dream."

"It was real alright," Rosy sighs, "and yes, it was beautiful. You were so good, baby. You made me melt. I don't want to ever have sex with another man as long as I live, because I don't think any man could ever be as good as you are, Jill."

"Aww, c'mon," Jill says, "I wasn't that good."

Rosy crawls on top of Jill and kisses her. "I'm gonna show you how good you were. This is how I say 'thank you' after a night like that."

Jill starts to say something, but Rosy puts a finger over her lips. "Shhh... Just be quiet... and let me say thank you."

She starts out kissing Jill's face and neck, but her head is soon under the covers, sucking each of Jill's nipples. As she works her way lower, Jill knows where she's going. She lies there smiling, remembering all the mornings she's sucked Allie's cock like this after being fucked so nice by her the night before.

"Mmmm..." Jill softly moans as Rosy takes her soft cock in her mouth. She gently sucks until she's given Jill a nice, morning hard-on. As it throbs, Rosy's soft lady lips glide up and down her hard shaft and sucks Jill's nutsack into her mouth.

She rolls her tongue around the two balls before taking her shaft back in her mouth. Jill squirms as Rosy slowly sucks her with deep, long loving strokes until she tastes the sweet cum filling her mouth.

She licks her clean until she goes soft, then starts kissing her way back up her body. Rosy takes a detour at her belly button and kisses Jill's left hand. Rolling to the left side of her, Rosy kisses her arm with an interest Jill doesn't quite understand. She continues up her left arm, slowly and deliberately kissing and caressing the burn scar that covers most of it.

When she's kissed the length of the scar, she caresses it, kisses Jill's lips, and asks, "Jill... baby... I've often wondered how this happened on your arm. I've never asked because I knew it might hurt you if I asked about it. After last night, is it alright if I feel close enough to ask you now? Do you feel close enough to me to tell me about it?"

Jill has tears as she tells Rosy how it happened and how she's felt about it. She opens up to Rosy about all the times it's hurt her when kids made fun of her when she was growing up. She tells her that even though she tries to not let it bother her, it still hurts every time someone asks about it or even looks at it. She feels like she's had to explain it a million times and knows she'll have to explain it a million more times, because the scar is never going to go away. She hates having it, but knows it's permanent, and she can't do anything about it.

With tears in her own eyes, Rosy says, "Oh Jill, my sweet friend, thank you for telling me that. I really didn't want to ask, but at the same time... I really had to know. We're lovers now and we're much closer today than we were yesterday. I want you to know, it's never bothered me one bit that you have that scar. You're such a beautiful person inside and out, and I don't see your scar when I see you."

"Thanks, Rosy," Jill says. "It warms my heart to hear you say that. Allie told me the same thing when she saw it. I'm so blessed to have friends like you."

Rosy smiles and says, "OK, baby. We don't need to talk about it any more. I needed to know how you felt, and now that I do, I don't see it anymore."

Rosy gives her a kiss and pushes the covers to the bottom of the bed. She straddles Jill's chest and rubs her tits seductively as Jill stares at them.

"Wanna lick my pussy?" she asks.

"Shit, you already know what my answer is." Jill giggles, sticking her tongue out and wiggling it seductively. Rosy straddles her face and starts giggling too as Jill's tongue tickles her private parts.

Jill thinks how erotic it is to have her tongue lapping at the moist crevices between Rosy's legs and seeing a soft bush above her eyes. She sees the firm nipples of her beautiful titties hanging below Rosy's happy face. Her dick starts getting hard again as Rosy smiles and gives her pussy to her. Jill's just started pushing her tongue up Rosy's tasty hole, when there is a knock on the door.

It's Carla, saying, "Hey you two... Are you gonna wake up today?"

"We're awake." Rosy giggles.

"Well get your asses out here! I've got breakfast ready."

Remembering they didn bring extra clothes, Rosy asks, "What are you wearing?"

"Same thing I wore all night," Carla jokes. "Nothing! I'm buck naked, and so is Allie. We're all having breakfast in the nude, so drag your naked asses out of bed before breakfast gets cold."

"Are you hungry, baby?" Rosy asks.

"I'd rather lay here with your pussy in my face," Jill answers, "but yeah, I'm starved. We probably should get up."

"I'm hungry too. Don't worry baby, after last night...? I plan on giving you my pussy again and again. You're such a beautiful lover."

They get out of bed and Rosy pokes her head out the to make sure Carla is indeed naked, before she opens the door. They're welcomed with warm hugs from Carla and Allie when they come into the living room.

Allie takes Jill in her arms and kisses her with a passion she usually saves for the bedroom. Carla kisses Rosy the same way and Rosy says, "Oh God, Carla, I love you so much more than I did yesterday."

"I love you more today too, my little Rosy. Hmmm... is that cum I taste in your mouth."

Rosy starts giggling and says, "Maybe."

"Ooooo... Jill got a blow job this morning," Carla says as she laughs. "Well guess what...? Allie got a blow job too."

"Damn," Allie says, "what a fun night that was."

Carla presses her naked body against Jill, gives her a kiss, and tells her, "Those red fingernail scratches all over your back tells me you treated my Rosy well last night. We could hear her moaning through the wall. I'm so happy you two hit it off so well. Did you like her sweet little pussy?"

"Oh my God," Jill says, "it was so much better than I thought it would be."

"Now you know why I love her so much," Carla tells her. "And now I know why you love Allie so much, too."

After a few minutes of everyone kissing and hugging each other, they sit down naked at the table to enjoy breakfast together. Carla's fried up some bacon and made a batch of pancakes, and Jill is happy she didn't have to cook this morning.

"Rosy?" Carla asks, "how would you like to go shopping with the girls today? These girls need help feminizing their apartment."

"I'd love to go shopping," Rosy says, "but under one condition... I want Jill to go dressed like the beautiful girl she is."

Jill starts to blush, "Oh no... I can't do that. What if people see that I'm a boy. It would be so embarrassing."

"Bullshit!" Rosy snaps. "With your wig, and the way I'll make up your face, you'll look fine. I already told you, you can pass for a girl easy."

"She's right," Allie says, "I saw how looked last Saturday night. If didn't know you, I wouldn't have known you're a guy."

"Are you really a girl, Jill?" Rosy asks.

"Yes, of course I am. You all know that."

"Well then, it's about damn time you start dressing the part," Rosy lectures. "You need to get out and look like one. After what we did last night, you should trust me enough when I tell you you'll pass as a woman. What do you say, Jill? Are you brave enough to trust me?"

"Shit, you guys," Jill whimpers, "you're putting me on the spot."

"We're not putting you on the spot, we're helping you take the next step." Carla adds, "Do you trust us, Jill?"

Jill fidgits and squirms in her chair before she gives in and says, "OK, if you all say I'll be OK, then I'll trust you and try it. But if I start getting embarrassed, we're coming right back home, OK?"

"I can live with that," Rosy says. "After we eat, we'll take a shower together and then I'll make you up. You're gonna have a blast, I just know it."

After breakfast, they get in the shower and once again Jill gets the pleasure of worshipping Rosy's female body as she runs her soapy hands along her smooth curves. Gliding her hands over her soft skin and her firm, perky little tits, she sees her in a different light.

She's not seeing Rosy sexually, but rather as a soft, sensitive person with many hidden facets. She wants to be more like Rosy, and she feels Rosy's femininity transferring into her own persona.

More important than the incredible sex they had last night, Jill and Rosy became close personal friends. That's why Rosy asked her about her scar this morning, and it's why Jill felt safe telling Rosy some of her deepest hurts and feelings about it. She told Rosy things she's never told anyone else before, not even Allie.

As they dry each other off, they share a couple girlfriend kisses, not sexual kisses. Jill trusts Rosy when she takes her hand and says, "C'mon girlfriend, let's go make you pretty."

She takes her into the living room first, where Carla and Allie are cleaning up the kitchen. "OK, girls, take a look at Jill," she says. "Next time you see her, she'll be a beautiful woman."

In the bedroom, Rosy has Jill put on her nylons and panties so she'll feel more feminine as she gets her face made up. Rosy slips her panties on but leaves her bra off for now. She rather enjoys letting Jill see her tits and knows it helps Jill to feel more comfortable being with her as she teaches her how to make up her face.

When she sits down in front of the vanity mirror, Rosy tells her, "The first think you have to think about is where you're going... and what impression you want to make. The fun thing about being girls is we can make make ourselves look different every day if we want.

"We're not going to a party, we're going shopping. You want to blend in and not be noticed. So tell me, looking at the eye shadow colors on this pallet, which one can you wear and not be noticed?"

Jill chooses several different colors and Rosy explains why they would be bad choices for going shopping. Since she's wearing her black mini dress, she chooses a very light shade of grey to match her dress but still not stand out. Rosy tells her it's the right choice and why.

Rosy does one eye for her, and has Jill do the other one herself as she guides her. On down the line they go until Jill puts on her lipstick and she's done. "Nice job, Jill," Rosy compliments.

"Let's put on our bras. I've been dying to see how those boobs look on you." After they both have their bras on, Rosy compliments her again. "Those titties you bought are perfect for your body," she tells Jill.

"I was wondering if I shoulda bought c-cups," Jill says, "but I just feel better in b's."

"Big tits aren't all they're cracked up to be," Rosy says. "Most of the girls I know with larger breasts wish they were smaller. You look good in b-cups."

As she puts on her mini dress, Jill says, "I wish I didn't have to wear my whore dress, but this is the only one I have that isn't a plain every day dress."

Rosy tells her, "You're right, it's over dressing just a bit, but it's Sunday and a lot of girls like to dress up on Sunday. It's not like you have a big wardrobe yet. Maybe we can find you a nice dress when we're at the mall. That floral-print dress you wore the other night would be fine if you had a belt and shoes to match it."

"I know," Jill laments, "I've got so much to learn and so much stuff I still need to get. I get so confused."

"Don't worry, you've got me to help you. We're girlfriends now. Close girlfriends... who sometimes will have sex with each other.

"I'll teach you how to be a girl. That's why I wanted you to be dressed today. It's because I know you're ready. You're more ready than Allie, actually, but don't tell her I said that."

Jill laughs and says, "OK, I won't tell. It'll be our secret."

They both giggle about it as Rosy puts her dress on. All Jill has left to do is put on her wig, but before she does, Rosy stands her in front of the mirror and tells her,

"Look at yourself, Jill. That's a pretty girl in that mirror. Even without your wig... look at your face, your skinny figure, and look at your natural hair. Imagine how different that hair's gonna look in a few months when it's down here to your shoulders.

"You're a beautiful girl, Jill. Your flower is still blooming. That's why I want you to take the next step and start being girl in more places than just at home and in hotel rooms when you're out whoring.

"The less time you spend being a boy, the happier you're gonna be. Now, let's get that wig on. It's time to be Jill, the female who's not afraid to go out in public."

Jill's filled with confidence from the pep talk Rosy just gave her. With her wig on, she walks into the living room with an aura of confidence about her.

"Holy... Fuckin'... Shit...!" Carla shouts when she sees her. "Jill! You look absolutely stunning! You're a woman, you really are!"

"Isn't she beautiful?" Allie says.

"OK, enough of this giving me a big head shit," Jill says. "Are we ready to go?"

"Pretty much," Allie says, "Carla gave me some ideas for the apartment."

"What kind of ideas?"

Carla breaks in, "I told her the first thing you need to buy is a new set of drapes for your big window behind the couch. Those curtains have been hanging there for years. They're dirty and they suck. New drapes will brighten the whole room.

"Then we'll find some pictures for the walls. No taping cheap fuckin' paper posters on the walls. Real girls want real pictures... with frames.

"Maybe a couple bean bag chairs for the floor and that's all you want right now. You can add other stuff as you discover where you want to go with it."

"Good advice," Jill says. "We have plenty of cash, so money's not a problem."

"Do you have a purse?" Carla asks. When Jill says she doesn't have one, Carla says, "The first thing you're going to do is buy yourself a purse. Girls don't leave home without their purse."

After measuring the window for drapes, they leave for the mall in separate cars in case they'll need room to carry stuff home. When Jill gets in the car, Rosy stops her.

"Jill, when you're out in public, keep your legs closed. You just opened your legs wide open when you got in the car and gave every man in view a beaver shot. We don't like guys looking up our dress. Especially the mini you're wearing."

"Good tip Rosy. I never would have thought."

"I'll teach you, Jill. We're girlfriends now."

As they're driving to mall, Jill tells Rosy, "As much fun as it was being in bed with you last night, I think I'm having more fun with you right now, the way you showed me about makeup and stuff. I don't really have any friends besides Allie, and I'm glad we're best friends now."

"I don't have any friends besides Carla either," Rosy confesses. "I've been longing to have another friend, and I'm glad to have you."

"I thought girls always had lots of friends."

"Yeah, usually they do. But me and Carla are lesbians. We're outcasts, just like you and Allie are outcasts. Once other girls find out we're lesbians, they don't want anything to do with us."

"It sucks being who we are sometimes," Jill says, "but I'm a lot happier accepting who I am than when I was living a lie."

Rosy agrees as Jill follows Allie into the parking lot of the mall. Jill makes sure she keeps her legs together when she gets out of the car. She goes up to Allie and asks, "Wanna hug your girlfriend in public, baby?"

Allie not only hugs her, but kisses her too. Taking Jill's hand, they walk towards the mall as a proud couple. Jill's a little nervous approaching the entrance, but once they're inside, it's crowded with shoppers and no one seems to notice she's even there.

"Where should we start?" Allie asks.

"Jill needs a purse, that's the first thing," Carla says.

"No shit," Jill says, "this dress doesn't have pockets, and Allie has my wallet."

"Give me Jill's wallet," Rosy says. "I'll put it in my purse. Me and Jill will look at purses and you and Carla look for draperies."

"Good plan," Carla says, "that'll save us time. C'mon Allie-girl, let's find some curtains."

With Carla and Allie off on their own, Rosy takes Jill to the ladies section in JC Penney. Jill finds a black purse to go with the dress she's wearing, and a lighter colored leather purse that'll go with other colors.

Rosy also has her buy a women's wallet put her cash in. Once Rosy pays with Jill's cash, she says to Jill, "Let's go put your money in your new wallet so you can pay by yourself like a lady."

"Where should we go?"

"The ladies' room, where else?"

"Fuck no... I'm not ready to go into the ladies restroom."

"Bullshit. You look like a lady, and you can go in there. We'll go in, you'll go into a private stall, close the door, put your cash in your wallet, and we can continue shopping. I mean, where are you going to go if you have to pee? Are you going in the men's bathroom dressed like that?"

"I see what you mean. I'm sorry I'm being such a little sissy, I'll try not to be so nervous."

"You're just not used to it yet, Jill. It'll feel more natural the more we go out like this."

After a trip to the ladies room, Jill comes out with her lady's wallet filled with cash and her new purse around her shoulder.

"I wonder where Carla and Allie are?"

"Who cares?" Rosy says. "They're shopping for curtains. Let's go look at clothes."

Rosy takes her hand, and they're soon back in JC Penney, looking at clothes. Jill's much more relaxed once she realizes the other people are into their own thing, and no one's even looking at her. She feels like she's in Candyland, looking at so many clothing choices and not worrying about being a boy looking at women's clothes.

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"Let's find a nice dress you can wear without looking like a whore," Rosy jokes.

Jill laughs with her as they look through the racks of dresses. They find a couple that are loose enough to hide her cock bulge and she tries them on in the dressing room. She even walks around in them to see how they feel. After paying for two dresses, Rosy takes her to the shoe section. She buys a pair of flats and two pairs of pumps to match her new clothes.

After taking her new clothes out to the car, Jill sees designer jeans on sale with fancy girl stitching on the back pockets. Rosy likes them too, and they take a couple pairs in the dressing room to try them on. Rosy's jeans fit her tight little ass like a glove but Jill's are always baggy in the hips and butt.

"It's gonna be hard to fit you into these," Rosy says. "I'm afraid girls just have bigger asses and hips than guys do. I don't know if these will work. You're butt is just too skinny for these."

Jill thinks for a moment. "I have an idea!" she says. "These fit my waist and and length is just right. I'm buying two pairs, cuz I love the design. And you're gonna get these two pair, they have the same design as mine."

"I can't afford two pair, Jill. I can barely afford one pair."

"You're not paying for them, I am," Jill says.

"Oh no, Jill," Rosy protests, "I can't let you do that."

"Don't give me no shit, girlfriend. You're my closest and only friend besides Allie. I'm buying these jeans for you, and that's the end of it."

Rosy is so excited to be getting two pairs of fancy new jeans. She gives Jill a big kiss and tells her, "OK, I guess a better not argue if I want to go to bed with you again... thank you... girlfriend!"

Jill's so happy she can afford to buy Rosy's new jeans. As she pays the cashier, she thinks about how this would never be possible without the generous tips she makes while she's having fun being a whore. The sore ass she had last week has gone away, and now she has loads of cash to buy literally anything she wants. 'Life is good,' she thinks.

Next, she takes Rosy to the men's clothing section, where Jill buys a package of six tight fitting men's boxer briefs. When Rosy asks why she's buying men's underwear, Jill just says, "It's part of my idea. I'll show you if it works out."

As they leave JC Penney, Jill remarks, "That was fun! After looking at all the women's clothes, the men's section serms so boring."

Having bought enough clothes, they walk around the mall looking for Carla and Allie. Jill's having a ball, walking through the mall dressed like a girl and feeling like a girl. She's glad she has Rosy by her side giving her tips about how to act like a girl in public.

They happen to walk by a fabric store and Jill says, "Oooo... I have to go in here."

"Why?" Rosy asks.

"I can't tell you yet. It's part of my idea."

They go in the store and Rosy's puzzled when she buys a couple yards of quilt batting, a set of needles, thread, and a pair of scissors.

"I know you think I'm crazy," Jill tells Rosy, "and maybe I am. But I have an idea and I need these things. You'll have to trust me."

They walk around another half hour enjoying being girlfriends before they finally run into Carla and Allie. They've been busy buying things too. Allie's carrying a long, bulky box and Carla has two big sacks she can hardly carry.

"What did you girls buy?" Jill asks.

"Well," Allie says, "I've got window blinds in this long box and Carla has our new drapes in two sacks, plus... we got two pictures for the walls that we already took out to the car. I don't know how we're gonna get this long box in my car. It should be fun. Are you ready to go? We can't carry this shit much longer."

"Yeah, we're done shopping. I bought a whole bunch of new clothes with Rosy's help," Jill tells her.

Jill takes one of Carla's sacks and they head out to the car. It's a good thing the weather is warmer today because when they put the blinds in Allie's Mustang, two feet are sticking out and they'll have to drive home with the window open.

They manage to make it home in one piece, and by the time they get everything in, they're all tired and need a rest. Allie rolls a joint and as they're passing it around, Jill shows them the new clothes she bought. They all congratulate her for being brave enough to go out in public wearing girl clothes.

"Thanks," Jill tells them, "when we started walking towards the mall, I was ready to shit my pants, I can't lie about it. I was fuckin' scared. But once we got in there, it wasn't as bad as I thought. I actually had fun."

"It's like I told you," Rosy says, "you just aren't used to it yet. The more you go out dressed, the better you'll feel doing it."

"It's almost five o'clock," Allie says. "Is anyone getting hungry?"

They all say they could eat, and decide to go out for dinner.

"Jill, why don't you wear one of your new dresses to the restaurant?" Carla suggests.

"Sure, why not?" Jill answers. "I've been a girl all day anyway, and it feels good."

She goes to the bedroom with Rosy to change, leaving Carla and Allie by themselves in the living room.

"I'm so happy for Jill," Carla tells Allie.

"Yeah, she really did well at the mall, didn't she?"

"She sure did. You know what the next step is, don't you?" Carla asks.

"I'm not sure what you mean."

"You know what I mean, pretty girl. The next step is Allie-girl going out in public dressed like that."

"Me? But...but, my face isn't as feminine as Jill's, I can't pass as easy as she can."

"Oh no? Listen, you looked like you were 'hot to trot' that night you and Jill came in the diner. Remember?"

"Yeah, but that was different."

"It's scary for you, isn't it. I understand. But if you wanna live as a girl, then sooner or later you're gonna have to actually live as a girl. That means dressing like a girl in public, not hiding out at home when you wear your pretty girl clothes. If Jill can do it, you can do it too... Allie-girl."

"Yeah, I know, but it scares the shit out of me. My face just isn't as girly as Jill's."

"It's the only face you're ever gonna have, sweetie. You'll have to learn how to make it up. I'll help you, you know."

"You will?"

"Of course I will. Baby... after what we did last night, I see another side of you. Were closer now, you and I. We've been friends for a while, but after last night, we've become intimate friends, and I like it. I know Rosy does too."

"Yeah, Jill and Rosy really hit it off, didn't they?"

"Yes they did. I'm kinda thinking we hit it off pretty good, too. Do you agree?"

"Yeah, we did. I really like you, Carla."

"Do you like me enough to trust me?"

"Of course, I trust you."

"OK, then I'm asking you, as your intimate friend, to trust me when I tell you you're ready to start dressing as a girl in public. Will you dress up for me and go out in public with me?"

"OK, if you think I'm ready. But I'm still scared shitless."

"That's OK, as long as you'll go, we'll work on the scared part."

Allie puts her arms around Carla. "Thanks baby, I'll dress up and let you teach me."

She gives Carla a kiss and pretty soon they're engaged in a session of deep, passionate kissing. When Carla puts her hand inside Allie's legs, she can feeling her cock getting hard. She can't resist talking it out and tasting Allie's delicious cock again.

In the other bedroom, Rosy has Jill on the bed, sucking her off. Rosy's still fully dressed, but when Jill took her mini dress off to change, Rosy just had to pull her panties down to get another taste of her cock.

"Mmmm... You're being so good to me, Rosy," Jill says, between moaning and panting.

Rosy stops sucking long enough to say, "You're good to me, too. This is your reward for dressing up for me today, not to mention the cool jeans you bought for me. That was such a nice thing to do."

"You're beautiful, Rosy, it was the least I could do. You helped me take another step today. I'm less of a man and more of a woman, because of you."

Rosy smiles and says, "You did take a big step today, and I'm so proud of you. But when we're together like this, I want to be with your man side. You're a great lover, and you've given me an experience Carla can never give me.

"I'll always be in love with Carla and you'll always be in love with Allie. But Carla doesn't have a real cock and Allie doesn't have a real pussy. We get to have that now and still be in love with our soul mates."

Rosy again wraps her lips tightly around Jill's cock, sucking it with long, loving strokes. She massages her balls as she sucks until she gets what she wants, another load of Jill's sweet cum. After sucking every drop out of her she can, she crawls up to Jill's face and says, "I love the taste of your cum."

"Mmmm, yes. I love the taste of cum too," Jill tells her. As they kiss, Rosy's mouth is still coated with cum taste and Jill eagerly probes her tongue inside to taste herself.

"Next time we do this," Jill whispers, "try not to swallow it all before we kiss. It's more erotic that way."

"Mmmm... I bet it is," Rosy whispers back. "I'll remember that, cuz for sure... there's gonna be a next time. We better get you dressed, they're probably wondering what we're doing back here."

Jill's amazed how different she feels wearing the new light-blue casual dress Rosy picked out. She feels light and airy walking in her new pumps towards the living room.

When they get in the living room, they see Allie on the couch with eyes closed, mouth open, and head rocking back and forth. Carla's giving her another blow job, and she's close to making her cum. Rosy and Jill don't make a sound as they watch the erotic scene in front of them.

Allie lets out a loud moan as she bucks up and down with Carla's mouth firmly locked around her cum-shooting cock. There's silence in the room as the orgasm runs its course and Carla laps up the milky substance she worked so hard for.

"Well done," Rosy giggles.

Surprised, Carla quickly turns around and says, "How long have you two been watching us?"

"Long enough to want to join you," Rosy giggles. "And I would have if I hadn't just done the same thing for Jill before we came in here."

Everyone starts laughing and they decide to smoke one more joint before going to eat. As the joint passes from hand to hand, they talk about what a wonderful time they've all had and everyone agrees this definitely is not the last time they'll be doing this.

At the restaurant, Jill forgets she's even wearing a dress, she's so comfortable in her new public persona. Allie sees how much Jill's enjoying her elevated femininity and it makes her more receptive to Carla's suggestion that it's time she starts stepping out as woman too.

Jill absolutely loves being able to hold Allie's hand as they leave the restaurant. "I wanna do this more often," she tells her. "I wanna tell the whole world I'm in love with you!"

Back at the apartment, Allie invites the girls back in for another joint, but Carla says, "I think we best be heading home. We've been wearing these clothes too long and they're starting to get stinky."

"No kidding," Rosy says. "My panties are starting to stick to me. We've got to get ready for work tomorrow and so do you."

"Thanks for a great weekend," Jill says.

"It won't be the last," Carla says, before she gets in their car with Rosy. As Jill and Allie watch them drive off, they're not afraid to put their arms around each other before going back inside.

"It was hard watching them drive off," Jill says.

"Yeah, it really was. What a weekend we've just had. Can it get any better than this? How did you like your first taste of pussy?"

"Oh man, Allie... pussy is great! I couldn't believe how good it was. But what was even better was how connected I felt with Rosy. It wasn't like falling in love, like we have. It was more like my woman being with her woman. When I was eating her out, I felt like I was drinking from the fountain of womanhood. Does that make sense?"

"Yeah, it does. I felt that way with Carla. I never ate pussy before either. The two times I got laid years ago were so quick and basic, this was like my first time with a woman too. They can teach us a lot, Jill."

"I know," Jill agrees. "I can't wait to get our curtains up and get our new pictures on the wall. Those are girl things, Allie! We never would have thought about getting them with our boy-brains.

"I'm glad we don't have any dates this week. I have to call Gary about our finances tomorrow night, but that's all we have. I kinda need a break from whoring."

"We've been burning the candle at both ends," Allie agrees. "It'll be nice to spend this week at home together."

"It was really cool being dressed in the mall today," Jill shares. "I want to do it more. Every time we go out from now on, one of us should be dressed as a girl. At least we can hold hands in public then. We could feel like a normal couple."

"Carla told me it's time I start dressing in public, too," Allie says, "It's scary, but I know she's right. I've been hiding out at home too long."

"It was scary for me today, but it was like being scared before a gang bang. Once I got into it, the fear went away and it felt good doing it. Shopping for clothes was so much fun."


Carla and Rosy have been giggling with each other since they got in the car. Carla asks, "How did you like getting fucked by a real cock?"

"Oh shit... It was like nothing I've ever felt before. I'm totally, 100% in love with you, Carla, and I'm even more in love with you now. But when I was in bed with Jill last night, it was like I've been missing out on something, and having Jill's cock was the missing piece of the puzzle."

"I knew you'd love it, my little Rosy. That's why I wanted you to have it. I felt the same way when I was in bed with Allie. My mind hates men in general, but my body was craving cock. I felt like I found my missing piece too."

"Something else I was missing," Rosy says, "is having a close friend besides just you. I hate it that we don't have friends, Carla. I know I had to accept that when I became a lesbian, but I still hate it, just the same.

"Me and Jill became close girlfriends last night, and I really need her to balance my life."

"I understand, Rosy. Me and Allie become close, intimate friends too. I've been wanting to have more friends, just like you, but people like us are destined to be social outcasts. I need Allie's friendship too. I think all four of us need each other."

When they get home, they spend an hour getting things ready to start the work week before sitting down to smoke a joint. As they smoke, they can't stop kissing each other as they they reaffirm their deep love for each other.

Stoned out of her mind, Rosy says, "Let's go to bed, Carla. As good as the sex was with Jill, I really missed eating your pussy. I love your pussy, and I always will. I never want to give it up."

"Mmmm... yessss... my little lover. As fun as it was, we're still lesbians and we'll always be lesbians. Come to bed with me, my darling. I want to lick your pussy as bad as you want to lick mine, but I'm not going to fuck you tonight. I want you to enjoy the memory of Jill's cock when I'm eating you out. I think our lives just changed for the better. Let's go celebrate!"


Jill and Allie have changed into their night gowns and they've just finished a joint. As they kiss and hug, they're playing with each other's cock, but they're not getting hard.

"Look at our cocks, Allie. We're barely getting each other hard. It actually feels great, knowing my cock is all used up, and a real girl did it to me."

"I know.... Ain't it great...? Carla's really a hot lover. I think she wants to fuck me. She was telling me she wants to show me her toy collection."

"Damn! There's no telling where this could all go. And wherever it goes, we're gonna have a blast going there."

"That's a fact, babe. But I know where want to go right now."


"Our bedroom. Where else? I wanna to suck your cock, cuz I missed it.  I don't even care if it doesn't get hard. I just want to suck it and love you."

"Mmmm... No matter what happens with our new girlfriends, I'll always be in love with you, Allie. You can always count on that. As good as Rosy's pussy was, it wasn't a cock. I realize even more now how much I crave cock. I know I can't be truly happy unless I have it."

In the bedroom, the bed is unmade and the sheets are still pulled down from when Rosy sucked Jill off. "Damn," Jill says, "we sure made a mess of our bed."

Allie gives her a kiss and says, "Let's make another mess."

They fall on the bed together with their lips locked in a deep kiss. They start giggling with each other as they realize how much their lives have just changed.

Allie moves down to suck Jill into her mouth as Jill takes her cock into hers. They play a little game of follow-the-leader, sucking cock and licking ass with more passion than ever. After being with their new girlfriends, their love is stronger than they ever could have imagined.

They tell each other 'I love you' over and over, and their cocks have become hard again as they suck each other off. Allie's the first to cum in Jill's mouth, and the intense pleasure makes her suck Jill's cock with more passion.

Keeping Allie's cock in her mouth, Jill pumps herself down Allie's throat for another five minutes until she empties herself. They're both tired, but neither of them wants to take the cock out of their cum-filled mouths. They just lie there together with eyes closed, sucking their soft cocks like a baby sucks a pacifier.

They both fall asleep and don't wake up until Allie gets cold in the middle of the night. She feels a warm, satisfying glow of security as she pulls the covers over Jill and herself and goes back to sleep.

Written by Jilluvscox
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