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A TRANS Formation - Chapter 35 - Summer of Love

"Now that they've mastered their own lives, the girls are able to inspire others."

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By the time August arrives, Jill and Allie have mastered their unconventional lifestyle. They love everything about it, especially their sex lives. Their unique sexual skills have given them a financial future they couldn't have imagined a year ago. They've saved over $20,000 in cash and they each have over $6,000 in their savings and stock accounts. 

Following Gary's financial advice has given them peace of mind. They'd rather not have that much cash in the apartment, but Gary says in a few more months, they'll be able to use the lube business to hide more of their whore money. 

It's been four months since Jill placed her first lube ads in the magazines. She broke even on her expenses the second month and started turning a profit. She's not getting rich off it, but she's making about $200 a month after expenses. Every Saturday, she and Allie make up and mail out over two hundred bottles. Their sales have increased each month as more and more first-time customers reorder and tell them they like it.

The girls really love fishing together, often going down to the river after work to get in a few daylight savings hours of fun. They don't get to do it as often as they'd like, because they're always booked with dates a couple of nights a week. 

As whores for the rich guys at the Club, they're more popular than ever. Most weeks, they have to turn down dates because they've limited themselves to Tuesday and Thursday nights, and they're usually booked full. More than a few guys have fallen in love with them, at least as much as they can, while still maintaining their marriages.

Carla and Rosy are becoming a bigger part of their lives as each month goes by. Jill and Rosy have become soul mates, as have Carla and Allie. All four girls are so open with each other, no one's relationship is ever threatened as their love continues to grow. Within the four-way relationship, they've remained two separate couples. Jill's only slept with Rosy and Allie's only slept with Carla. 

Jill and Rosy spend almost every Wednesday night together when Carla works late. At first, they had a lot of sex, but lately, they've found deeper satisfaction just being girlfriends doing girl things together with Allie, like going shopping and playing with makeup. 

When they do have sex, it makes it more special after they've waited a while. Whether they have sex or not, Rosy always sucks Jill's tits to make 'em tingle and feel like real girl's tits. It's their secret pleasure that strengthens the bond between them.

Jill has especially blossomed over the summer. She's dyed her hair black and it's grown out so much Jorge has been trimming the sides shoulder-length while she lets the back grow longer. She rarely wears her wig anymore, and rarely does she go out in public dressed as a boy, except for work. 

Jill received a crushing blow in June, right after her twenty-fourth birthday. Her mom called and told her that her father had been killed in a car accident. He was out drinking, and when he was driving home he went off the road and hit a tree. He was killed instantly. Jill spent a week at home helping her mom handle the details a family has to deal with after a death. 

The night before the funeral, she went to the funeral home alone in the middle of the night to view the casket by herself. During that time, she talked with her dad, cussing him out at first for all the hurt and pain his drinking caused her and her family. 

After she got it all out, she looked down on his lifeless corpse and all that was left was the love she always wanted to show him, but never could. She knelt beside the casket for an hour, weeping and sobbing until she felt complete. 

After the funeral, she spent the next week with her mom before coming back home to Allie. She went back to see her mom the next few weekends when she wasn't whoring at the Club. After a month, though, her family went back to bickering and fighting with each other just like when her dad was alive, and Jill stopped going to see them.

It was just as well, because she isn't the Jerry they grew up with anymore. Jill thinks of herself as a woman now. She's become so comfortable in the role when she's wearing her pads to give her a female figure, hardly anyone would guess that she's not female.

One Saturday night in late August, the girls don't have anything to do. They'd like to take Carla and Rosy out, but they're working. They decide to dress up fancy and go down to The Mixx to listen to the band and maybe dance a little. 

These days, they're not afraid to go anywhere as women, so they treat themselves to some fine dining at one of the better restaurants in town. Since Jill has a higher-pitched voice than Allie, she does most of the talking when they're out like this. 

Jill's been working on her voice, spending a lot of time singing with her Joni Mitchell albums. She sings along in a high falsetto voice until her vocal cords get sore. She really loves Joni's music and has the words to almost every song memorized. She tries to coax Allie to sing with her, but Allie doesn't have the drive that Jill does.

As they eat and practice their feminine mannerisms, they smile as they admire each other's beauty. Allie's hair has grown far down her back and hangs down to her breast forms in front. She looks and feels very comfortable wearing fashion glasses as a permanent part of her female persona.

Jill's hair, while not yet as long, looks equally as feminine as Allie's. Since she had it dyed black, it's beginning to look a lot like the wig she fell in love with months before. 

Both girls have become experts at makeup. They're able to create almost any look they want now, thanks to all the practice they get making themselves up for dates a couple of times each week. Every time they master a certain technique, Carla and Rosy show them new ways to make themselves look different.

As they leave the restaurant, they love wiggling their asses as they walk, knowing they have men looking at them. Carla and Rosy have spent hours coaching them as they walked behind them in city parks on Sundays, teaching them how to be women.

Getting into the car, Jill kisses Allie and says, "Oh Allie, I just love being out with you like this."

"I love being with you, too, my darling." Allie replies, "Every time we go out like this, I celebrate how far we've come. We're not just girls anymore babe, we're women."

"Mmmm..." Jill hums, "We've done it all together, and we couldn't have done it alone. I've welded to you the rest of my life!"

Pulling into the parking lot at The Mixx, there's not nearly as many cars as usual for a Saturday night. As they walk in the door, all the guys at the bar turn their heads to look at the two hot babes making their entrance. The girls pretend not to notice, but as they walk to find an empty table, they're giggling inside. They're dressed to get attention, and they're getting plenty of it.

As soon as they sit down, a slick, greasy-looking guy comes up to their table. "Good evening, ladies," he says. "What are you girls drinking? Can I buy your first round?"

The girls are not impressed, and Allie says, "Well actually, we're not drinking anything yet. We just got here."

Before Jill can say anything, the guy flags down a waitress and orders her, "Take these ladies' cocktail orders and put it on my tab."

He invites himself to sit at their table and says, "I'm Ricky, by the way, and your names are?"

"We didn't say," Allie says.

"We didn't come here to look for anyone," Jill says.

"Oh, I know, I know. Nobody actually 'looks' for it, right?" he laughs, "But hey... if it comes to you? Are you gonna refuse it?"

"Yeah, we're probably gonna refuse it," Allie says in a snotty tone of voice.

Realizing he's blowing it, Ricky tells them, "OK, OK... I can take a hint." He leans forward with his elbows on the table. He's holding several $20 bills in his fingers and makes sure the girls see the money and softly tells them, "Listen, if you girls change your mind, I'll make it worth your while."

"Don't worry, Ricky," Jill says. "We won't be changing our minds."

"Aww... C'mon," Ricky pesters. "You can make a quick twenty bucks for just a few minutes in the parking lot. Since you girls are so hot, I'll even make it forty."

"Thanks for the drinks, Ricky," Allie tells him, "but we're just not into that sort of thing."

"OK, OK," Ricky says. "You must know other girls here. Can you show me who's into that sort of thing?"

"No, Ricky," Jill says firmly. "We're not whores, if that's what you're looking for." 

When Ricky finally leaves, Allie says to Jill, "What an asshole!" 

"No shit." Jill replies, "No wonder he has to pay for it. I almost told him not to insult me with a twenty-dollar fuck offer."

"He wouldn't know what to do with high-class whores like us," Allie jokes.

As they giggle with each other, the waitress brings the drinks Ricky bought them. "Here's your drinks, girls," the waitress says. "I see you weren't real impressed with that guy."

"What a fuckin' creep," Jill says.

"I know," the waitress says, "I haven't seen him in here before. I wouldn't trust him."

"Don't worry, we wouldn't give him the time of day," Allie remarks.

"Well," the waitress whispers to them, "A couple weeks ago an undercover cop was in here getting girls to go out to the parking lot to do blowjobs for cash. When he got them outside, he busted them and took 'em downtown. 

"That's why there's not as many people here tonight. Half the girls who work tricks here got busted."

"Thanks for the tip," Jill says. "But we didn't come here to do tricks. That's why we're wearing collars."

"I can tell," the waitress says. "You girls look way too high class for that. You ARE girls, aren't you?"

"You can't tell?" Allie asks.

"I couldn't at first, but when you started talking, I started to suspect you might be dressers."

"Yeah, we're dressers," Jill admits. "We've been doing it for a while."

"Damn... you're fuckin' good at it." the waitress says, "I'm lesbian and I woulda let you take me home in a heartbeat. I'm Ginny, by the way."

"Hi Ginny, I'm Allie, and this is my girlfriend Jill."

"Nice to meet you two. Anyways, I gotta get back to work. Just wave if you need another drink."

As she walks off, Allie giggles to Jill, "Shit baby, we're even fooling the lesbians now."

"I know!" Jill giggles back, "This is a blast. Wanna dance with me?"

"I'd love to dance with you. We can pretend we're lesbians."

They have a great time on the dance floor wiggling their asses and shaking their tits. They're both wearing their thick pads, and they love showing off their figures. When the band plays a slow song, they embrace and kiss as they move with the music. 

Jill has her head on Allie's shoulder, and she notices a big girl near a corner sitting at a table by herself. She looks familiar, and Jill wonders if that's Sarah, the artist she's working with. She hasn't seen her since she got all her printing four months ago, so she's not quite sure.

As they dance, Jill whispers to Allie, "I think that girl in the corner might be Sarah, the artist that designed our cool labels."

As they turn with the music, Allie sees her and asks, "That big girl?"

"Yeah, that's her. She's a big girl, but she's really nice and has a cute face."

"Are you sure it's her?"

"I'm not sure. She sure looks like her. She looks lonely."

When the music stops, Allie says, "Why don't you go ask her? If it's her, and she's lonely, let's see if she wants to sit with us."

"Yeah, I'd like to."

Holding hands, they walk over to the table and Jill says, "Excuse me, is your name Sarah?"

The girl looks surprised and says, "Yeah, I'm Sarah. Do I know you?"

"If you're Sarah, the artist," Jill says, "then yeah, you know me."

"I'm an artist, but I don't recognize you."

Jill sits next to her and says, "You've never seen me like this... but when you did see me... my name was Jerry and I was dressed as a boy."

"Jerry?" Sarah asks, "Jerry the sex lube guy?"

Jill giggles and says, "Yup! That's me. I'm Jill when I'm dressed like this. This is my girlfriend, Allie."

"Holy cow!" Sarah exclaims, "I would never have guessed. You don't look like a boy at all."

"I'm only a boy when I have to be," Jill tells her. "Are you here with anyone? Waiting for anyone?"

" no." Sarah struggles to say, "Tell you the truth, I was hoping to meet someone, but I haven't had any luck so far."

"Well, would you like to come sit with me and Allie?"

"Yes, I'd like that very much," she says, struggling to smile.

As they take Sarah to their table, Allie sees the waitress. "Ginny?" she yells.

When Ginny comes to the table, Allie says, "We need another round. This is our friend Sarah."

They order another round of drinks and the three girls begin to talk. After a few minutes, they get comfortable with each other and Jill gets the courage to ask Sarah, "You said you were wanting to meet someone tonight. Were you hoping for a boy or a girl?"

After a bit of a pause, Sarah says, "Either one, actually. Girls like me can't be too picky, you know." 

"What do you mean?" Allie asks.

"Well, look at me. I've always been a fat girl, I have to take whatever I can get."

"Oh, that's not true," Jill says. "You've got a really cute face. And I know from working with you you're a beautiful person inside."

"Well, when you wanna get laid," Sarah laments, "your body is all that counts." 

"So..." Jill asks, "If it's not too personal to ask, do you like boys or girls better?"

"I haven't had a lot of lovers in my life," Sarah says, "but I'd have to say I honestly don't have a preference. I can be with either sex, I like both."

"That's how we are too," Allie says. "We're definitely partial to men, but we have a couple girlfriends we like to be with too."

As they enjoy their drinks, they talk more and start to loosen up with each other. They're really enjoying each other's company. They start giggling as the alcohol goes to their heads and the conversation starts leaning towards sexual subjects in one form or another. 

Sarah breaks the conversation and says, "Excuse me for a moment, I need to go to the ladies' room. I'll be right back."

While she's gone, Jill asks Allie, "Do you think she's a nice girl?"

"Yeah, she's fun to talk to. I'm glad we asked her to sit with us."

"I like her too," Jill says. "What would you think about asking her to come home with us?"

"Well, I wasn't physically attracted to her at first," Allie admits. "But after talking with her and being with her, I like her. If you want to, sure, ask her."

"I'll be right back," Jill says.

Jill gets up and goes to the ladies' room. Sarah's just coming out of the stall when Jill walks in. There isn't anyone else in there, so Jill comes up to Sarah and asks, "Listen, you said you came here to meet someone. Well, you met me and Allie. We were kinda wondering... would you like to come home with us?"

Sarah wasn't expecting to hear that. In a surprised voice, she asks, "For sex? I mean, you two are so beautiful and I'm not so much. Are you sure?"

"Yeah, for sex. Isn't that why you came here? And of course, I'm sure. I wouldn't ask you if I wasn't sure. You said you like both boys and girls. Well... me and Allie are boy and girl in the same body. You wanna have some fun?"

"Ummm... yeah, sure," Sarah accepts. "It's been a while since I've been with anyone. I've never been with two at the same time."

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Jill hugs her and tells her, "Believe me, I know what it's like to go without. We'll just have some no-strings-attached fun."

Sarah can't believe her luck. She's going home with two beautiful girls who also happen to be boys. She has the biggest smile walking back to the table. 

"We have a guest tonight, Allie," Jill tells Allie.

Allie gets up with her purse over her shoulder and says, "Sounds like fun. Are you ready for some fun, Sarah?"

"Yeah, I think so. I sure wasn't expecting this."  

As the three girls walk out into the parking lot, there's a police car close to where they're parked. As they get close, sure enough, there's Ricky, the guy who approached them earlier. Turns out he's an undercover cop, and he's just busted someone.

As they walk by the police car to get to their cars, Jill looks in the back seat and sees two cross-dresser hookers. One of them is Trixi, the dresser who bragged to Jill about how many tricks she turned every night. 

As they walk by, Ricky grins at them and Jill sneers back at him. 

"Have a nice evening... 'ladies'," Ricky says sarcastically.

"Yeah, right... Ricky," Jill sneers. "Thanks for the drinks... prick!"

As Sarah follows them home in her car, Jill says to Allie, "I knew there was something about that prick I didn't like."

"No shit," Allie agrees. "Ginny was right. He wasn't to be trusted. Too bad those girls got busted. You'd think they would have been more careful after they busted people in there a few weeks ago."

"I'm sure they knew," Jill says. "They probably just needed the money really bad."

"Well, that's too bad for them," Allie says. "We're so lucky to have the guys at the Club."

"Ain't that the truth," Jill agrees. "I wouldn't be caught dead sucking cock in a parking lot like that. How embarrassing."

In a few minutes, they pull into their parking spaces with Sarah right behind. She gets out of her car and says, "It's nice you have your own private parking spaces."

"Yeah, it is," says Allie, "especially since we walk out here dressed as either boys or girls."

They walk into the living room and Sarah compliments them on how nice their apartment looks. Jill asks her, "Do you like to smoke pot?"

"Sometimes," Sarah says. "I don't do it very often. Only when someone offers it."

"Well, come sit on the couch with us," Allie says, "cuz we're offering."

Sarah's nervous when she sits between them. She's only smoked pot one other time, but was afraid to tell them. She coughs on the first hit but does better after that. After a few hits, she's getting twice as stoned as Jill and Allie. And since she hasn't had sex for quite a while, she's three times as horny as they are.

Jill and Allie run their fingers through her hair and she in turn runs her fingers through theirs. When she turns her head to pass the joint, she gets a little kiss from Jill. Next time she passes it to Jill, she gives Jill a kiss. She doesn't wait for Allie, kissing her on her own the next time. 

When Allie puts the roach in the ashtray, Jill has her locked in a deep kiss. Allie runs her fingers up Sarah's back, around her neck, and down the front of her arms, brushing the sides of her very large breasts. Sarah takes in a deep breath when Allie's fingers meet between her tits and takes them in her hand. 

"Am I going too fast?" Allie politely asks.

"Oh no," Sarah says with a pant, "It's been so long since anyone's played with my breasts. Please don't stop."

"You wanna go into the bedroom and let those girls out?" Jill asks.

Sarah's head is spinning as the weed goes to her head. 

"I'd love to," she says. "I hope I can walk. That pot really got to me."

"Don't worry, sweetie," Allie says. "We'll help you."

They both put their arms around Sarah and take her to their bedroom. Sarah's so horny she unbuttons her blouse as they walk down the hall and takes it off the moment they get to the bedroom. Her massive tits are bulging over the top of her bra cups and Allie says, "They look like they're struggling to get out." 

Sarah reaches back to release her bra strap, but Jill is there saying, "Let me help you with that."

Once the strap is released, her big tits fall out of their cups, leaving her loose bra resting on top of her breasts. Allie's never seen tits like these, and she leans over to take a nipple in her mouth. Jill comes around and sucks on the other one as Sarah moans to the pleasure of having both her nipples sucked at the same time.

They suck on her nipples until they're sticking out hard and stiff. Jill moves to kiss her and asks, "You wanna help us take our dresses off?" 

Sarah is so high she can't talk. She pulls Jill's zipper down and helps her out of her dress. Next she turns to Allie and helps her out of hers. As she does, she runs her hands up and down their sleek bodies. She notices the padded boxer/briefs they're wearing and says, "I wondered how you had such nice figures for men. Where did you buy those?"

"We didn't," Allie tells her. "Jill made them. It was her idea." 

"Well, they work really well." 

"They look good, but they're not as comfortable as a pair of panties," Allie says.

"No, they're not," Jill adds, "We need to get out of these. You wanna pull 'em off us Sarah? You wanna see what's inside?"

Sarah's feeling free and easy after being topless for a while and having her nipples sucked. "Oh yes," she giggles, "I know I'll like what's inside." 

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Allie teases. "Wanna set me free?"

Sarah kneels in front of Allie as she pulls down her padded briefs to expose a hard cock. "Oh, my..." Sarah delights, "That's really big!"

Sarah hasn't seen a cock in many months and she devours it immediately. As she slurps her tongue all over it, her fingers explore the balls hanging below. "Like it?" Allie asks. 

"Mmm... Love it!" Sarah answers.

Watching from behind, Jill takes off her pads and pulls her nylons back up her thighs. Allie's pads are still around her knees because Sarah stopped pulling them the instant she saw Allie's cock. Jill finishes taking them off and pulls Allie's nylons back up tight.

As she sucks Allie's cock, Sarah lets Jill unzip her skirt and pull it, along her panties, to the floor. She lets out another series of moans when Jill reaches around and puts a finger between the folds of her pussy. Sarah's getting really wet from all this foreplay. 

With her skirt still around her knees, she spreads her legs as far as she can. Jill puts her hand between her legs from behind, attempting to finger her wet hole. Sarah's such a big girl, her thick thighs are too large for Jill's hand to reach its goal.

"Wanna get on the bed where we all can stretch out?" Jill whispers.

No one says a word as Sarah stands up and steps out of her skirt. She's now completely naked, standing between her two lovers in bras and nylons. Many times in the past when she's exposed her body like this to a new sex partner, she's felt embarrassment, feeling she was fat and unworthy. 

Somehow tonight, she doesn't feel that way at all. Sarah feels like she's with two girls, even though she just sucked one of their cocks. Jill and Allie show her a compassionate form of kindness that only girls can give each other. It overwhelms her and gives her an erotic passion to please them sexually in every way she can.

"I love your body, Sarah," Jill says as she caresses from behind. 

"So do I," says Allie as she leans forward to kiss her.

Sarah feels tears forming in her eyes from the kindness she's being shown. Jill gets on the bed, lying on her back, and holding her hard cock in her hand.

"Wanna suck my cock, Sarah?" she tempts.

"Yesss... yes, I do," Sarah says as she joins Jill on the bed. 

She gets on her hands and knees and takes Jill's delicious cock into her mouth. As she sucks, Allie comes up from behind and plays with her wet pussy. Jill can tell how turned on she's getting by the way she's sucking her cock. Sarah's consumed with an erotic passion she's never experienced before.

Jill can tell she's ready, and tells Allie, "Fuck her, Allie. Fuck her good."

Sarah takes her mouth off Jill's cock long enough to says, "Oh yes! Fuck me, Allie. I want you to fuck me!"

Allie rubs her cock along her wet slit until she finds her hole. Sarah sucks Jill's cock harder and faster as she feels Allie's thick cock sliding back and forth, making her cunt feel better than it has in a very long time. Allie pushes in as far as she can, but Sarah's oversized ass cheeks make it impossible to get full penetration.

"Turn over on your back for me, baby," Allie says. "I wanna give you all of my cock."

Sarah knows what to do. She rolls over and spreads her legs wide, offering her cunt to Allie's desires. In her aroused state, Sarah will do whatever she is asked. She's never had a cock this nice before, and tonight she has two, not just one.

As Allie mounts her in this new position, Jill puts her mouth over her lips and kisses her while Allie pumps the full length of her shaft into her. Sarah moans and cries as Allie's balls hit her ass when she thrusts deep.

Slap... Slap... Slap... are the only sounds in the room as Allie fucks her without mercy. She'd be moaning loudly, but Jill has her mouth over hers, fucking her mouth with her tongue. After ten minutes of solid fucking, Allie pulls out before she gets ready to cum. 

"You wanna fuck her for a while?" she asks Jill.

"What do you think, Sarah? You wanna get fucked some more?" Jill asks.

"Oh, God yes!" Sarah moans, "I've never been fucked like this. Please... keep fucking me. Fuck me all night if you want." 

"Do you have protection?" Jill asks, "We don't wanna get you pregnant."

"Don't worry," Sarah says, "You're not going to get me pregnant. I put my IUD in before I went to The Mixx."

"Mmmm... Good..." Jill says, "Cuz I really wanna fuck you, Sarah. You're really turning me on. You're really an erotic woman, do you know that?"

Sarah doesn't say anything. Instead, she feels a tear run down her cheek as she contemplates the words Jill just told her. No one's ever told her she's an erotic woman before. She's always felt like the bottom of the barrel, the last one to be taken to bed for sex, only after everyone else has been taken. 

Here she is now, in bed with two beautiful people who are showing her what it feels like to be treated with the respect and dignity she's always longed for. As Jill mounts her, Allie straddles herself over her tits, feeding her cock to Sarah as Jill pumps her dripping wet pussy.

Erotic sensations overwhelm Sarah as she bucks her hips up and down and struggles to get more of Allie's cock into her mouth. As they fuck, Sarah would like to try all the different positions she's seen in the porn magazines. But because of her size, she knows those positions are not possible for her to do. She has to be content lying on her back as she's continually being fucked in her cunt and her mouth.

As Allie and Jill take turns fucking her over and over, Sarah experiences orgasms she never knew were possible. She's only read about them when she sat at home alone, reading pornographic paper-back romance novels. And now here she is, experiencing them for herself. She's had so many orgasms she's lost count. 

As Allie pounds her cock into her, she's getting orgasms one after another. She screams with pleasure as her orgasms drive Allie to shoot a load of hot cum deep into her womb. Jill has her cock in her mouth and she grimaces as Sarah bites down on her shaft as she orgasms. It's a little painful, but it's erotic too, being able to see a nice girl like Sarah orgasm like the hot slut she is in this moment.

Jill holds Sarah's head up while she orgasms, and when she settles down, Jill lovingly pumps her cock in and out of Sarah's mouth until she unloads her cum. She can see the joy on Sarah's face as she swallows her load. Only when her cock is completely soft does Jill pull it out. 

Sarah closes her eyes to relish the closing moments of this experience as Jill and Allie worship her tits and suckle her nipples. When she's able to speak, Sarah says, "Oh, damn, I've never had it like this before."

"That's because we're girls, Sarah." Jill says, "We may have male bodies, but we think like girls. And we knew you needed it like that."

"Yes, we did," Allie agrees, "You're really an erotic girl when you let yourself go like that." 

Sarah checks the time and is shocked to see it's two-thirty in the morning. Jill and Allie fucked her for almost three straight hours. In her ecstasy, she lost track of all time and reality.

"Oh dear," she says, "I didn't know it was getting this late. I need to go home."

"You're welcome to stay here with us until morning," Jill offers.

"Oh no, I really need to go home. You two made me feel so good. You've treated me better than anyone ever has, and I'm so grateful to you. I wish I could pay you back."

As she gets off the bed to get dressed, Jill gets up with her. Jill remembers the pep talks both Allie and Rosy have given her in this room. Before Sarah can put on her panties, Jill puts her arms around her from behind and stands her in front of their full-length mirror. As Sarah looks at her naked body reflecting back at her, Jill speaks softly in her ear.

"You know how you can pay us back, Sarah? Look at yourself in that mirror. Look at that beautiful girl looking back at you. You're a big girl, but you're not a fat girl. Look at your skin and your curves, there's not much flab at all. Look at your face. You're such a cutie-pie in your face. 

"I used to feel like you do. Only I felt nobody wanted me because I was skinny instead of fat. Now I have so much love and I get sex all the time. But my body didn't change, the way I saw myself changed. 

"You're a beautiful person, Sarah. I saw how beautiful you are when I saw the beauty in those paintings at your house. Only a beautiful person could paint beautiful pictures like that.

"Look at your face, baby. See how beautiful it looks when you're happy? People want to be around you when you're happy. You can pay us back by being happy and letting your beauty shine. It's in you, Sarah, you just have to let it out. It doesn't matter what body you were born with."

Sarah struggles to keep from crying as she gets dressed and kisses the girls goodbye. On her way home, she does cry, but not tears of sadness. She cries tears of joy as Jill's words stick in her mind. When she gets home, she strips naked and stares at herself in the mirror. 

She realizes how much she's neglected her body all her life and makes a commitment to herself to become the beautiful woman Jill told her she was. She savored tonight's experience so much she's willing to do whatever it takes to make experiences like that a regular part of her life.

Before she gets in bed, she opens the bottom drawer of her nightstand where she keeps her sex toys. She gets out the biggest rubber cock she has and another smaller one. As she thinks about and savors the fresh memories of the sex she enjoyed tonight, she puts the smaller cock in her mouth, closes her eyes, and fucks herself with the big one. 

The last time she looks at the clock, it's four a.m. and she takes the rubber cock out of her mouth. She loves having her pussy filled so much she leaves the big one buried inside her as she drifts off to the land of sweet dreams.

Written by Jilluvscox
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