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A TRANS Formation - Chapter 38 - Jill Has a Plan

"Following her intuition, Jill sets things up to make her greatest desire yet become reality."

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The girls have been sleeping all afternoon, recovering from their stress-filled day in Chicago yesterday. The doorbell rings several times before Allie wakes up. 'Oh, shit,' she thinks. 'That must be Carla and Rosy. I can't believe we slept this long.' 

Leaving Jill asleep, she stumbles down the hall. "Hi-ya, Allie-girl," Carla says as she opens the door.

"Hi, Carla... Hi Rosy... Sorry I didn't come to the door right away, we kinda fell asleep on the couch."

"You look like you're still tired," Rosy says.

"Yeah, we've been asleep all afternoon," Allie says as they walk towards the living room. "We really had a long day yesterday. Jill's still asleep."

Seeing Jill sound asleep, Rosy kneels next to the couch, caressing her hair and kissing her cheek. "Hi, baby," she says as she gently wakes her up.

Jill smiles, "Hey Rosy... when did you get here?"

"Just now. Are you ready to go eat?"

"Yeah, I guess so... I'm hungry as hell. Just gimme a minute to wake up."


As they're eating at the restaurant, the girls tell them about everything they went through during their examination yesterday. They're excited telling them about meeting Josie and Laura, and how the treatments made their bodies so feminine.

"Wow," Rosy says, "I never knew anything like that was even possible."

"I guess it's really new," says Jill. "Its still a research program, but they seem to be getting great results. I couldn't believe how feminine Josie's body was. Her skin was so soft and smooth, just like yours. And she has the cutest little titties."

"How long does it take?" Carla asks.

"Hard to say," Allie tells her. "They say every girl is different. We might see changes in a few months, or maybe as long as six months, who knows? It's a five year program, so I guess it takes five years to go through all the changes. Laura's been doing it three years, and if you didn't see her cock, you wouldn't even guess she was born male."

"We took our first pill today," Jill says.

"Make sure you remember the date," says Rosy.

"Oh, she will," Allie says. "Jill keeps a diary. She writes everything down."

When they get back to the apartment, Carla gets an overnight bag from the car. "We brought our nightgowns," she says. "We figured we might want to just snuggle up and make you girls feel good."

"We're so tired," Allie says, "watching TV and snuggling is about all we're gonna be good for tonight." 

When they're all the bedroom changing into their night gowns, Rosy notices the picture Sarah gave them on their night stand. 

"Wow, where did you get this? It's beautiful!" 

"My artist drew it for us," says Jill. "We just love it. I hope our bodies actually look like that some day."

"I bet they will. You both look so natural in that picture with breasts and female curves, that artist is really good."

"Well, I still have to get accepted, but I'm holding this thought... 'everything is working to my advantage'... in my head."

In the living room, Allie rolls a joint while Jill flips the channels and finds a movie. As they get high, Allie and Jill get sleepy again, especially Jill. She tries not to, but she keeps thinking about her date with Maggie next Friday. She's telling herself it's all going to work out fine, but deep inside her subconscious, a demon is casting doubt on everything she thinks. She tries to ignore it, but it makes her uneasy,

With Carla and Allie on the floor snuggling in a bean bag chair, Jill stretches out on the couch as Rosy soothes her. "Lay your pretty little head in my lap," she comforts. "You're gonna be such a beautiful girl." 


Waking up the next morning, the first thing Jill sees is Rosy's smiling face and hears her whisper, "How are you feeling, my baby?" 

"I don't remember even coming to bed. How long did I sleep?"

"You've been sleeping all night, you were sooooo tired."

"I guess so. I was having really strange dreams all night."

"What did you dream about?"

"I don't remember it too much. It was like I was fighting off dragons and demons. It was freaky as hell."

"Well... it looks like you survived," Rosy says as she kisses her. She kisses down her neck and rolls her naked body on top of Jill. Raising herself up just enough to let the tips of her nipples brush across Jill's chest, she whispers, "I loved holding you last night." 

"I'm sorry I slept through most of it." 

"Don't be sorry, sweetheart. You had a long day in Chicago and you're going through a lot of mental changes right now. I could feel it when I held you last night. I think you're so brave to be doing this. I'll be right by your side all the way through."

Kissing her way to Jill's nipples, she sucks them into her mouth, gently flicking her tongue across the tips. Jill softly moans 'mmm's' and 'aaah's' as Rosy gives her lesbian love, knowing just how to touch her in all the right places. 

In the other bedroom, Carla's taking Allie into her own little world of female love. Sucking her nipples and caressing her cock, she gives her the girl-to-girl love experience Allie likes so much. Allie's feeling love for Carla, a feeling she's not sure how to understand, since she's so deeply in love with Jill. 

Rosy's worked her way between Jill's legs, licking her cock and caressing her balls. Jill's 'mmmm's' get louder and longer when Rosy takes her into her mouth. Making love to her cock, Rosy realizes she's starting to fall in love. And like Allie, she doesn't quite understand it. She's deeply in love with Carla, yet she feels like she's falling in love with Jill.

Pushing those thoughts to the back of her mind, she kisses her way back up to Jill's lips. Rubbing her wet pussy along her cock, she reaches back, guiding it to her love-hole. As Jill holds her tight, she slowly works herself up and down with her tongue reaching into her lover's mouth. Rosy's perfectly in tune with Jill as their bodies move together. She simply loves the way Jill's cock fills her pussy so perfectly. 

Jill gets an erotic urge and rolls over to fuck her girlfriend with a passionate tenderness that makes Rosy moan with pleasure. Her ankles lock around Jill as they roll from side to side, entwined like two people in love. As Rosy starts her orgasm, the contractions of her body make Jill shoot into her at just the right moment. 

As they orgasm together, they feel an emotional connection they haven't felt before. Coming down from their ecstasy, they lie together, silently kissing, each feeling love for the other.

As they lie in silence, they can hear Carla moaning through the wall. "Sounds like they're having fun," Jill giggles. 

"You know they are. I bet it's as good as we just had."

"I think Carla likes it." 

"She does... she loves it. We both love it." 

She wants to tell Jill she loves her, but being in love with Carla, she holds back. This is new territory for her, and she treads lightly, not wanting to mess anything up. Again she pushes it to the back of her mind.

"Are you about ready to get up?" she asks.

"Yeah, I could go for a cup of coffee. Should we get dressed?"

"No, let's not. I like it when we're all naked. I love the way the four of us have become so close."

Sitting on the couch drinking coffee, they hear moans and cries coming from the other bedroom as Carla and Allie keep on fucking. They giggle with each other as they listen to the fun happening on the other side of the wall.

The moans from the other bedroom stop and Carla yells out the door, "Are you girls up yet?"

"We're up," Jill yells back.

"Are you wearing clothes?"

"Hell no!" Rosy laughs. "Why would we want to wear clothes?"

Carla and Allie are giggling as they walk naked into the living room. "We were hoping you weren't wearing clothes," Carla says. "I kinda like the way the four of us are so comfortable in the nude with each other."

"We love looking at your beautiful bodies," Allie tells the girls.

Carla hugs Allie and says, "Well, we kinda like looking at your bodies, too, Allie-girl. It's gonna be so much fun watching you and Jill as your bodies become female. I can't wait for us to be able to rub our tits together. You're gonna be so cute when you get your tits."

They all start laughing, but Allie and Jill can hardly keep from crying, knowing it's really going to happen, once Jill gets accepted into the program. 

Allie gets a cup of coffee for her and Carla and Jill gets up to make breakfast. As they sit at the breakfast table eating, Rosy asks if they want to do anything today. 

"We really can't do anything," Jill says, "We're way behind on our lube orders. We need to make more lube today, and we've got over a hundred orders to get ready to mail out tomorrow. I didn't go to the post office yesterday, so there's probably more orders waiting for us."

"So you've been selling a lot of lube?" Rosy asks.

"Enough to keep us busy," Jill says, "all we do during the week is fill lube orders and go out on dates. But it's starting to pay off. If I get accepted in the program, we'll probably quit our jobs and just do this. We're making so much money selling lube and selling our sex, we just don't have time to go to our jobs anymore."

"Must be nice," Carla says with a touch of envy.

"It's what we've been working towards all summer," Allie says. "Jill's kept me focused on our idea. She got me pregnant with her to make our idea become our baby."

"Wait... what?" Carla laughs. "You got each other pregnant? That's crazy!"

"No it's not," Jill says. "It works. One of the guys I date gave me a book about it. It sounds crazy, I know, but it really works. I'll let you borrow the book if you're interested."

"Yeah, I'd like to borrow it. It does sound crazy, but you and Allie are making it work, that's easy to see."

"What do you have to do with your lube today?" Rosy asks.

When Jill tells them they have to make up new batches, fill and label bottles, besides filling orders, Rosy says, "Wow, that's a lot to do. You wanna help 'em Carla? I bet we can help."

"Sure, I'd love to. We don't have anything to do today. I'd love to spend all day just being naked with our beautiful girlfriends."

After cleaning the kitchen, Jill shows the girls how to get each order ready to mail out. As she and Allie work on making more lube and filling more bottles, Carla and Rosy work on filling the orders. They all have a great time talking and joking with each other as they work. Sometimes they just bust out laughing, playfully smearing lube all over each other.

Being naked makes it all the more fun. Jill and Allie get to play with the girls' tits all day, while Carla and Rosy love grabbing their cocks and getting a few fun sucks in. 

It's all fun and games as they're doing it, but without realizing it, they're becoming a lot more promiscuous with each other. They're freely sharing their bodies with each other in a way they haven't done as a foursome before.

By three o'clock, they've got all the orders filled and have enough bottles made up to fill next week's orders. They didn't stop for a lunch break, and they're starting to get hungry. As Jill washes the pans they used making the lube, Rosy runs her fingers in the pans before handing them to Jill and rubs the lube all over her cock. Jill giggles as Rosy tries to jack her off while she's doing dishes. "You're getting me hard again," she says as she giggles. 

"Oh yeah?" Rosy laughs. "Watcha gonna do about it?"

"I'm probably gonna have to fuck your sweet little pussy again if you don't stop."

"Well, I'm not gonna stop until you do. We can't waste all this lube, can we?"

Jill finishes the last pan and says, "Let's go to the bedroom."

While they were playing with each other in the kitchen, they didn't notice Carla and Allie making out and having they're own fun. They didn't quite make it to the bedroom with their passion. They're on the floor in a bean bag, fucking in front of Jill and Rosy. 

Seeing no need to go into the bedroom, Rosy sits in the other bean bag and spreads her legs wide for Jill. 

"Wanna fuck me, baby?" she tempts.

"Oh, god-dammit!" Jill says, promptly mounting her and pushing her cock deep into her wet hole. As the two couples fuck beside each other, the only sound in the room is the squishing sounds of cocks and pussies doing what God designed them to do. Rosy and Carla smile at each other as they're being fucked, knowing how right this whole situation is.

Carla's the first to scream as the pleasure of her orgasm takes her over the edge. She forgets all about being a lesbian when she's with Allie. She submits herself to Allie when she's being fucked, just like Allie submits to her when she's wearing her strap-on. Her submission makes her orgasm more powerful, and her emotional attachment to Allie stronger.

As their mutual orgasms subside, they watch Jill and Rosy as they fuck. Rosy's got her ankles locked around Jill's neck as she enjoys the full fury of Jill's hard cock pounding into her hot little hole.

"Oh, God!" she screams as Jill brings her home. Jill shoots another load into her as they lose themselves in each other's pleasure. When they settle down, Carla says, "Damn, you two. You fuck like a couple of bunnies."

Rosy starts giggling and says, "I wouldn't talk, girlfriend. I saw how you were fucking. You looked like you wanted a baby."

"Oooops..." Carla giggles. "I forgot you guys were watching." 

They all start laughing and Allie lights a joint. As they sit close on the floor smoking, Carla takes a hit and hands it to Rosy. She spreads Rosy's legs and licks Jill's cum as it seeps from her pussy. When Rosy passes the joint to Jill, she puts her head between Carla's legs to lick Allie's cum. 

"Damn..." Allie whispers as she watches their lesbian girlfriends getting into each other. Tasting the cum in each other's pussies takes them to a higher level of cunnilingus neither of them thought possible. The girls just stare at their lesbian lovers as they eat each other out, giving them a show few guys ever get to witness. The eroticism and love between the two is something to behold. Jill and Allie can only sit with their mouths open, amazed at how beautiful it is when two girls make love. 

Rosy starts moaning as she gets close orgasm. Carla's moaning too, their tongues flicking at each other's swollen clits. They both shake and quiver, burying their faces between their legs and licking the juices flowing from their orgasming cunts. Their orgasms begin to subside, but their tongues still reach deep into each other's pussy, trying to get just one more taste of cum before they come back to reality.

"Damn, you girls," Allie says, "that was so fuckin' hot. I've never seen two girls getting it on before. I had no idea how turned on you could get."

"Tasting your cum in our pussies made it hot," Carla tells them. "I've never been so turned on eating Rosy's pussy before."

"Yuuuup!" Rosy giggles. "It was hot alright. I wanna do that again!"

"Sometime in the future," Carla tells Rosy, "I wanna watch Jill and Allie getting it on. I bet it's hot to watch." 

"Mmmmm, yeah!" Rosy agrees. "Will you let us watch you fuck sometime?"

"I think that could be arranged," Allie laughs. 

Jill agrees with Allie and says they'll put it on their 'things to do' list.

Jill feels her stomach grumbling. "I don't know about you, but I'm hungry," she says. "Do you want to get something to eat?"

They're all hungry, but they've got lube all over themselves and their bodies smell like sex. They'll have to get cleaned up before they go. They decide it would be fun to all take a shower together, and they go into the bathroom to see if they'll all fit. 

The shower is plenty big enough for two people. However, it's quite crowded when the four of them cram inside. Their bodies press against each other, but they find a way to stand and be able to wash each other. While they shower, they get into a heavy four-way make-out session, erotically kissing each other as their naked bodies rub and press against each other. Jill and Carla lock lips and so do Allie and Rosy. 

Up until now, they've maintained their love making as two separate couples within their four-way relationship. As they kiss each other's partner now, it's only a matter of time before they start fucking without regard for any couples arrangement.

They giggle as they dry each other off, knowing they've crossed another line. They'll all be soon be fucking each other in the same bed, and they all know it.

As Carla and Allie dry each other's hair in the bedroom, Jill has Rosy on the bed, eating her pussy. When they switch places, Allie gets Carla on the bed and eats her out. They can't believe how horny they still are, and the girls get on their knees to suck more cock.

Their hunger for sex is stronger than their hunger for food. It's a good thing Jill and Allie can't get hard again after so much sex, or they all might have starved to death. As they're getting dressed, Carla says she's looking forward to the time the girls won't have to wear their pads anymore and still have the same sexy figures.

To celebrate the great day they've had, the girls take their lovers to an extra fancy restaurant. Carla remembers the first time they took them to a fancy restaurant and she protested. But now they've spoiled her. She looks forward to enjoying a level of fine dining she never had until they started going out together. She's becoming accustomed to some of the finer things in life; just as she's becoming accustomed to giving up her pure lesbian lifestyle and letting herself enjoy the pleasures of heterosexual love making.

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Back at the apartment after they've eaten, Jill asks if they'd like to come in and smoke another joint. "Oh, God, it's tempting," Rosy says, "but if we do, we'll end up in bed again. We better just call it a night. Thanks for the most fun and erotic day I've ever had. I love you two so much."

Rosy can't believe she let it slip out. She told them she loved them, and it felt natural as can be. Driving home, she tells Carla, "I didn't mean to tell them I loved them. I don't know why I said it."

"I know why you said it," Carla says. "It's because it's true. You do love them, and so do I. I realized it when we were fucking in the living room."

"I realized it this morning in bed with Jill," Rosy confides. "I felt like I was falling in love with her, just like when I fell in love with you. Do you think it's possible to be in love with two people at the same time?"

"Looks like it might be," Carla says. "I see the look of love in your eyes every time you're with Jill now. And at the same time, I feel your love for me getting stronger. The more you see Jill, the more you're in love with me.

"I have to admit, I'm starting to feel that way with Allie. We've shared some very intimate things with each other. The more we fuck, the more I'm liking it. This is new ground for us, but it feels so good, it can't possibly be bad. 

I've never loved eating you out as much as I did this afternoon, tasting Jill's cum inside you, and knowing they were watching us. Damn... that really turned me on... doing it in front of them. As long as it keeps getting better, we'd be stupid to fight it. Maybe this is our destiny."


Tuesday night comes quickly for Jill. They keep so busy, the days just fly by. Yesterday was really busy, as Mondays always are now. Since they were in Chicago Friday, she couldn't go to the post office box. As she figured, it was twice as full of orders Monday. It's a good thing their girlfriends helped them get caught up on Sunday. They had enough bottles to fill all their orders last night. 

She got a little pissed at her boss yesterday when she told him she was going to have to take Friday off again so she can make her appointment with Maggie. Of course, she didn't say it was to meet Maggie. She lied, like she did last week, and said it was personal problems at home with her mom.

He got kinda snotty about it and said she should feel privileged he even let her take last Friday off. She felt like telling him to fuck off and walk out right there. She was just about ready to when he finally said OK, but warned her this is the last day he'd let her take off. As she drives home, she knows her days at the print shop are numbered. She's almost ready to make it on her own.

They have a gang bang scheduled this week at the Club, but Allie called Tony to say they're going have to cancel this one because Jill won't be back from Chicago in time. They really don't want to pass up another $6000 in tips, but at the same time; they've been fucking so many guys lately, they don't mind an extra weekend off. They've been under a lot of emotional strain.

When she gets home, Jill's looking forward to her date with Norm tonight. This is her fourth date with him, but the first one since she's been showing up for dates dressed as a woman. She's always liked Norm, and wants to look extra hot when she surprises him and shows up as a girl.

She wears a dark blue mini-dress, along with sexy fishnet stockings and her 'fuck me' boots. She spends extra time making up her face with a seductive look she knows will turn Norm on. She's looking good when she leaves the apartment.

Walking into the same hotel lobby they always meet, she sees Norm looking around, waiting for her to show up. From a distance, he looks right at her and doesn't recognize her. It isn't until she's almost on him when he finally recognizes her. "Jill...? Is that you, baby?"

"Hi Norm, yeah, it's me. This is how I dress for dates now."

"Holy shit! You're hot as hell," he compliments. "Word's been getting around that you and Allie are dressing as girls all the time now, but I never expected you'd be looking this hot."

Norm offers his arm and says, "Take my arm, sweetheart, I've got our table reserved."

Jill's smiling and proud with her hand in Norm's arm as they go to dinner as a couple. There's no more hiding what she is. She looks like a woman, and Norm's treating her like one... in public.

As they wait for service, Norm tells her, "Walt called me yesterday. He said you and Allie are going to be in a research program?"

"Yeah, we went to Chicago last Friday to interview for it. Allie got accepted, but I didn't. I have to go back Friday to talk with the psychologist."


Jill remembers she has to put on her whiny, scared little girl act, and says, "I'm not sure. I think it has something to do with my scar. I'm kinda scared about it. Every time things start going right for me, my fuckin' scar gets in my way."

Jill manages to shed a few tears as she does her pitiful act, and Norm's feeling sympathy for her.

"That's not fair, not fair at all," he says, "they shouldn't be able to do that."

"Apparently they can," Jill replies. "I can't get in until I get her approval, and she won't approve me until I do another session with her."

"Walt told me a little about the program. I think it's a wonderful thing they're doing there. It's obvious you and Allie are more female than you are male. Walt said you were thinking about moving?"

"Well... um... yeah, we've talked about it."

Before she can say anything else, the waitress comes to take their orders. After Norm makes his selection, Jill feels validated when the waitress turns to her and says, "And for you...? Ma'am?" Being called ma'am by another woman tells her she's mastered the art of cross dressing. In a high pitched voice, she tells the waitress what she wants to eat. 

"You have such a graceful presence about you, Jill," Norm compliments. "I don't think that waitress had a clue you aren't a woman."

"You like it?" 

"I love it. We all love it, baby. Everyone at the Club loves it. I can't see why you want to move away."

Jill gets back into her whiny-little-bitch act when she says, "Well, it's not that we want to. B-but... we might have to. I mean, w-we won't be able to work if our b-bodies change into female bodies. I mean, how c-can we even be around people who know us and we're t-t-turning into girls? At least in Chicago, it's a bigger town and t-there's other girls in the program we c-can get support from.

"The b-biggest thing is... we d-don't feel secure for our future. This treatment is experimental... it's not proven... we could end up looking like f-freaks. It's our bodies, Norm, it's s-scary as hell what might happen if things go wrong."

"What would you need to feel secure?"

"Well, we... we'd n-need to own a house and have a reliable source of income. Like anyone else considers security."

"But you make good money doing what you do at the Club."

"I know, and w-we appreciate what we get there, and we love doing it for you guys. We really do. But t-there's no guarantee it'll be there for us in a year or two. We j-just can't count on it."

"I can understand your concern, but do me a favor? Just wait on making a decision about moving for a while. Let me talk with some of the members. Maybe we can work something out."

The waitress brings their food and as they eat, Jill tells him if they do decide to move, it won't be for a while. She hasn't even been approved for the program yet. 

She knows she's got Norm eating out of her hand. He's completely bought into her sob story, and she's confident he'll get the other Club members to buy into it too. She's bullshitted both Walt and Norm; all she has to do now is sit back and let them work for her. 

She focuses now on giving Norm a great fuck. Not only because she wants him to convince the guys in the Club they need to buy her a house, but she genuinely likes Norm. He's given her excellent advice on so many things. 

Following his advice has served her very well, and she's following his advice tonight. She intends to use her advantage of being a hot little whore to exploit his disadvantage of being addicted to young cock. She's got the young cock he craves, and she's learned all the charms of a woman to seduce him with it.

When they get in their room, she throws herself at him and lets him kiss her deep. She moans and squirms in his arms, telling him, "Oh, damn, Norm. I've been so looking forward to letting you have me again. I love our dates together."

"Oh, baby, you know how to turn a guy on. You're so fuckin' hot dressed like that." 

"I bet you'd like me better undressed, wouldn't you?"

She reaches down and grabs his cock, which is already getting hard. 

"Ooooo..." she giggles, "already getting hard for me!"

"Excuse me for a moment," she says, "I need to take care of something."

She goes into the bathroom to take off her pads and slips on a skimpy pair of panties. She puts perfume in her ass crack, and comes out to see Norm already on the bed in just his underwear. 

"You horny old man...!" she teases, "couldn't even wait for me to undress you." 

She jumps on the bed, still fully clothed. She reaches into his drawers and says, "Let's see how horny you are." 

She pulls out his hard cock and starts licking his head. "Mmmmm, yeah, baby," she purrs, "you're horny alright." 

As she gets into her sucking, Norm looks down at her, amazed at how much more beautiful she gets every time he's with her. Her long, flowing hair covers his cock as she bobs her head up and down. He holds her head as she works her magic. 

She's got his cock throbbing, and she knows she can make him blow any time she wants. But she doesn't want to... not yet. Norm's one of her favorite dates and she always makes sure he gets his money's worth. She stops sucking and crawls up to give him a kiss. 

"If you unzip my dress, I'll take it off for you," she whispers. 

"Oh shit," Norm laughs, "you're so fuckin' hot... I forgot you're still dressed!"

He unzips her and she gets off the bed to do a little dance for him; slowly pulling her dress down her skinny little body, seducing him a little at a time. Seeing the pink nipples of her fake tits under the laced bra makes him beg for more. Pushing her tight mini-dress below her naval makes his mouth water, knowing he's about to see her beautiful cock again. 

With her dress off, she leaves her boots on and gets back on the bed. Straddling his chest, she teases him, running her fingers up and down her hard cock. She inches closer to his face... he wiggles his tongue. She straddles his face, rubbing her skimpy panties against his skin. 

"Oh, god-dammit Jill," he says, grabbing her ass from behind and pulling her closer.

She pulls her panties aside to let her ball sack hang just out of reach. He grabs her ass tighter, making it sting just a bit as he pulls her lower. She knows he's hungry, and lowers her sack into his hungry mouth. 

"A little dessert for you, baby," she says. "I know you like it."

"Mmmmm," he moans.

She lets him suck on her balls until he tugs on her panties, letting her know he wants her cock. She puts the waist band under her balls and rubs her hard shaft all over his face as he licks it. When the time is right, she straddles him in the opposite direction and puts her cock in his mouth. 

He's always loved sucking her cock, and he sucks it hard as she goes down to suck his. She feels him squirm when she rolls her tongue around his head again. Going down his shaft, she deep throats him, holding him in her throat as long as she can while she fucks his mouth on the other end.

Norm's in heaven, squeezing her skinny ass and sucking her cock. She brings him close to orgasm several times, then licks his balls to let him back down. She knows he's ready to fuck when he pulls her ass cheeks apart and pushes his tongue into her hole.

His cock needs a rest so she gets up and sits on his face, letting him feast on her pretty little pink asshole. "Let me know when you'd ready to fuck, baby," she tells him. "No hurry, though, I know how much you like eating my pussy."

Pushing her ass into his face, he can't say anything, his tongue is busy pushing into her hole. When she senses he's ready, she gets off and takes off her panties. "How-ya doing baby?" she asks. "Ready to fuck?"

"Holy shit, doll," he pants. "I'm always ready to fuck your cute little ass."

Straddling his cock, she teases him by holding his cock head against her hole, but not pushing down. When he starts to say something, she stuffs her panties in his mouth and tells him to be quiet and just enjoy. He squeals when her tight ass envelopes his hard shaft, and when she pumps him, he can hardly take it. 

She smiles seductively as she works her ass around him like the professional she's become. She's got him under her spell and she knows it. It gives her a special erotic pleasure to turn a rich, powerfully man on so much he'll do almost anything she wants. 

Norm was the first man to give her a tip for a sexual favor. With his money, she bought her first set of new pots and pans so many months ago. She thought she hit the jack pot, getting that first $50 bill. But now she's become a spoiled little whore; she wants a bigger prize this time. She wants Norm to use his influence and money to convince the Club members to buy her a house. 

She's had fun working her ass around his cock. She could have made him cum long before, but she wants him to remember this fuck. She wants him to dread the idea of losing her ass if she moves away. The thought of losing her will give him the incentive to make sure she stays.

"Oh God, I love your cock, Norm, I always have," she praises.

She rolls over beside him, and they talk for a few minutes. "You're my favorite date," she tells him. "Did you know that?"

"Oh, fuck, sweetheart," he pants, "you're a better date every time."

"Oh, c'mon, baby," she prods, "I'm sure you got dates at the Club before I came along."

"Yeah, but they were just guys. Young guys with young cocks. Roger's always been able to bring us young cocks. But you and Allie are so much better than anything we've had before."

"You like the girl part of us, don't you?"

"We love the girl part of you. It drives us crazy. We can't get enough of you two."

Now that she's got his head right where she wants it, it's time to hammer home the final nail. She puts a thought in his head he won't forget. She gives him a kiss and tells him, 

"We love being girls for you guys. We wanna be even more like girls for you. If you think we're fun to fuck now, imagine how much fun we'll be with real girls' figures and real tits? Would you like me to have real tits for you to play with?" 

"Oh, shit, Jill," he says, "just the thought of you with real tits makes me wanna cum!"

"Oh God, Norm!" she cries. "Fuck me again, baby! Get on top and fuck me, fuck me right now!"

Norm's mind is in such an erotic frenzy from Jill's words, he rolls over and shoves his cock back up her ass. She wraps her arms and legs around him, bucking under him, whimpering and moaning, making him feel like a real stud. 

He pounds her ass as hard as he can, for as long as he can. But with his advanced age and overweight body, he only has enough stamina to last a minute or two. Jill knows this. That's why she built him up with her seductive words, setting him up for a fast, final climax. 

"Ooooo...! Shit Norm... fuck me... fuck me hard, baby... harder Norm, harder! Ohhh... I need it so bad...! Give it to me Norm...! Give it to me!"

He grunts and snorts, shoving it in as far as he can, holding his balls against her ass as he shoots a heavy load into her. After collapsing on the bed beside her, she whispers sweet words in his ear. She reinforces the thought of their fuck dolls at the Club having with real tits to play with. Real girl fuck dolls in every aspect, except these real girls come with nice cocks.

After she cleans his cock and they get dressed, he puts four $100 bills in her purse and tells her he wants to walk her out to her car. She feels like such a lady, no longer having to put boy clothes on after her date leaves her alone in the hotel room.

As she drives home, she keeps the thought in her head that it's all gonna work out fine when she sees Maggie again this weekend. It's all been working up to this point. Everything she's done has turned out so well when she gets herself pregnant with an idea, just like the book said it would. 

Now though, she's made herself pregnant with the biggest idea she's had yet. She's asking for more than she's ever asked for before. The car radio plays the Crosby, Still & Nash song 'Our House', and Jill knows the universe is talking to her. She thinks about Allie as she sings along. She knows the words by heart...

Our house... Is a very, very, very fine house... with two cats in the yard...

Life used to be so hard... Now everything is easy... Cuz of you...


Written by Jilluvscox
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