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A TRANS Formation - Chapter 44 - The Reality Of It All

"The girls get a hard dose of reality at Thanksgiving"

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It's almost one a.m. when Jill gets home from her date and finds Allie sleeping on the couch with the TV on. Allie's date ended hours ago, and she fell asleep trying to wait up for Jill. She's barely conscious as Jill gently wakes her and takes her to bed. In the morning, Allie wakes up first and sees Jill sleeping with a smile on her face.

After a cup of coffee by herself, she gets back in bed with Jill, gently kissing her cheek and snuggling her close until she begins to stir.

"Mmmm... mornin', babe," Jill says as she awakes.

"Good morning, sweetheart. You slept late."

"I got in late. It was after one when I woke you up and brought you to bed."

"You must have had a nice date."

"It was a wonderful date. The whole night was nothing but pure love. I got a new girlfriend, too."

"Gina was good?"

"Oh my God! That woman is so hot when she gets turned on," Jill says. "They have such a beautiful marriage, she and Gary. By letting each other have their fun on the side, their sex together is that much better."

"Damn, sounds like a great arrangement. Did she want you to fuck her?"

"Oh God... did she ever! It was just me and her in the room at first. We got so turned on from just talking. She was telling me all about her sex life, how she started out being a lesbian with her next-door neighbor. They fell in love at eighteen and they're still in love today.

"It turned us on so much while she was talking about it, by the time we got on the bed, all we wanted to do was fuck."

"Was she as good as Rosy?"

"Yeah, she was just as good as Rosy, but she was so different. After being with her last night, I'm not sure if it's possible to compare one woman to another like that. They're each an individual person with their own individual qualities.

"She's twenty years older than Rosy, and she's had two babies, so it wouldn't be fair to compare her body to Rosy's. Her pussy wasn't as tight as Rosy's, of course, but damn, it felt just as good. I pounded her a long time and never even got close to cumming. I fucking loved that and so did she."

"Did she get fucked in the ass like Gary wanted?"

"Ooohhh yeah," Jill giggles, "once I got her past her fears and showed her how to handle the pain, she started liking it. When I left them alone, Gary was pounding her ass. I think she's gonna love it. They're so in love with each other."

Just talking about her date gives Jill a hard-on. Allie's been lightly running her fingertips up and down her shaft, like they do so often when they're talking in bed.

"It must have been a good date, you got hard just talking about it," she laughs.

"Come to think of it," Jill remembers, "I didn't even cum last night, and I didn't even care. As hot as it was when we were fucking, it wasn't as erotic as just holding that woman in my arms, teaching her how to let her husband get into her ass.

"It made me cum emotionally, kinda like the way I feel with Rosy sometimes. I've been feeling that with her a lot more since we've been in love."

"I think I know what you mean," Allie agrees. "I've been feeling it with Carla, too. Just being with her and holding her is every bit as good as the sex we have."

"Being with Gary and Gina last night," Jill reminisces, "I saw the special love two people have when they're married. It was different than our love. If we could get married we'd probably feel like that. But that's something we'll never get to have."

"Yeah, unfortunately, you're right," Allie says, "society will never accept people like us."

Jill's cock was getting hard, telling Allie about her date. But as they talk about never being able to marry, her cock goes limp. When you're in love with someone of the same sex, it's just a reality you have to live with.

Marriage is for normal people, not social misfits like Jill and Allie. They talk about it a little more, but like every other time they've talked about marriage, the ending is always the same.

Later on, as they're having coffee, Allie asks, "So... when are you gonna leave to go to see your mom?"

"Not till five. That's when I always got off work. I don't want her to know I quit my job."

"Good idea," Allie agrees, "I'm not gonna tell my parents either. If they knew I quit my job, they'd want to know what I'm doing for money. No way can I tell 'em I'm a whore with a sex lube business on the side."

"No shit," says Jill, "the less they know, the better. It's gonna be hard enough lying about my long black hair. I'm not sure how I'm gonna explain these gold earrings, either. If I take 'em out, she'll see the piercings in my ear lobes. If I don't wear my hair in a ponytail to cover up my earrings, she'll see how I have it styled like a girl."

"I wonder if we can buy some earnings that don't look so feminine?" Allie suggests.

"That might work. We can tell 'em all the guys in the 'big city' wear earrings now."

Allie laughs, "You think they'll believe that?"

"I doubt it," Jill says, "but it's the only thing we can do. Let's go to the mall after breakfast."

Taking a mid-morning trip to the mall, they're able to find some small, black stainless steel earrings in the shape of a ball. They look more masculine than the cute gold ones the girls bought them. They hope they'll be masculine-looking enough to fool their parents.

They're feeling good when they get home, and decide to take another shower to wash off their makeup and have a soak in the tub. After getting all the nail polish off their fingernails and toenails, they're rolling around in the tub, getting horny for each other. They get into some cock sucking, and decide to go into the bedroom to make love.

As Allie kisses her, Jill says, "I wanted to do this when we woke up, but when we talked about marriage, I didn't feel like it."

"Neither did I," says Allie, "but I feel like it now. We can't do anything about marriage, but we can do something about our horny bodies."

With Allie on top of her, Jill thinks about how erotic Gina was last night. She returns Allie's kisses as if she were Gina, feeling the same female emotions she was feeling last night. Her cock is hard as Allie kisses down her neck, rubbing her hardening cock against hers. "I love you, Allie," she whispers, wishing she could marry her.

"I love you too, sweetheart. I'll always love you," Allie whispers back.

She kisses lower on her body, stopping to kiss and suck her nipples. It all feels so good to Jill, but Allie can't make her tits feel like real girls' tits, not the way Gina and Rosy can. Imagining her girlfriends sucking her tits makes what Allie's doing feel better.

A surge of female emotions rolls through her as Allie leaves her breasts and kisses her tummy. She laughs when Allie tickles her as she licks her belly button. It seems Allie always knows how to make her laugh.

Her laughter turns to 'mmm's as she feels Allie's tongue rolling around the head of her cock. Holding her shaft in her hand, Allie gently kisses up and down her length, giving it sensuous licks as she goes.

With Allie making love to her cock, she thinks about the way Gina and Rosy suck. She loves it when a girl sucks her, but they can't suck like Allie sucks. And when Allie licks her hole, it's something a girl's never done to her, nor would she want them to. She knows what Allie's gonna do after she gets her hole ready.

A girl doesn't have a cock, so they'll never be able to do what Allie's about to do. When Allie pushes her legs back, she knows Allie's gonna give her what no girl ever can. Ready for her favorite part of sex, she feels Allie knocking at her back door, and she's always ready to welcome her in.

She loves it when Allie slides into her, making her hole tingle as she fills her with love. The gentle friction of her shaft delights her as they fuck. She opens her lips to Allie's tongue as they roll around the bed, fucking like they've done so many times before.

She's so in love with Allie, and as much as she loves Rosy, she'll never leave Allie. She'll share her, but she'll never leave her.

Their fucking gets faster, their kissing more passionate as they bring each other towards climax. They let themselves go as Allie's orgasm fills Jill's cavity with warmth. As they kiss in the aftermath, they relish these last few moments before they have to face the unpleasant reality ahead.

It's getting late in the afternoon; they'll soon part ways to spend Thanksgiving with their families. Jill's been keeping it all in the back of her mind, not wanting to confront the reality before her.

After dressing in their depressing boy clothes, they sit in front of the mirror, trying to figure out how to wear their hair in a ponytail and still cover up their ears. They do a halfway decent job covering up their earrings, but it won't take much to expose them.

They eat together at a restaurant before they go, and wish each other luck as they kiss each other goodbye when no one's looking. Jill feels so alone driving along the highway as the day turns into night. Twenty-four hours ago she was heading to the hotel for a date. She has a different date tonight, a date with her past.

She hardly remembers what she was like a year ago, she's changed so much. She remembers when a familiar road sign marks the city limit of her hometown. That town seems so depressing, now that she's found a new life. There might be happy people living there, but she doesn't know any of them.

Pulling into her mom's driveway, she has to forget all about being Jill. She's Jerry now, and all she cares about is getting through the next twenty-four hours without any major incidents. Everyone comes to welcome her when she walks in the door. She hugs her brothers and kisses her little sister before giving her mom a kiss and a hug.

"What did you do to your hair?" are the first words out of her mom's mouth.

"What...?" Jill says, "I had it dyed to see what it looks like. I like it black."

"Well, you should have got it cut when you got it dyed!"

"Awe, mom," Jill says, "everyone has long hair these days."

"Not up here they don't! I hope you don't get embarrassed tomorrow at Uncle Jim's. You'll be the only one with that long hair."

It goes like that as they sit around talking. Her siblings are soon off doing their own thing, leaving her alone with her mom. Her mom asks why she doesn't come to visit anymore. Jill lies... telling her she's been working every Saturday.

When she tells her she has to work Friday and will have to leave tomorrow night, her mom has a fit. Nothing Jill says pleases her, and she'll be happy to just get through the night without her earrings being noticed.

Since her brother moved into her old bedroom, she's sleeping on the couch the next morning when her little sister Vickie comes in to wake her. Her hair is pulled back as she sleeps; an earring is in plain sight. As soon as her sister sees it, she runs to tell the world.

"MOM...! Jerry's wearing earrings," she giggles as she runs through the house telling everyone.

'Fuck!' Jill thinks to herself. She's glad she's wearing a black ball instead of her feminine gold pair, but it doesn't matter much.

"I don't know what's gotten into your head since you moved down there," her mom says, "but you are NOT going to wear those earrings at Uncle Jim's. You're not going to embarrass me in front of my family!"

Jill doesn't say much, only telling her that lots of guys wear earrings these days, but her mom will have none of it. Jill takes them out to please her mom, wishing she hadn't worn them in the first place.

When they get to her mom's brother Jim's farm for Thanksgiving dinner, all of her aunts, uncles, and cousins are there. It's crowded inside, and Jill tries to get lost in the crowd, but she can't. Since she's been away so long, everyone comes to say hi and ask her how she's been doing. They pretty much all make jokes about her hair, and she can't wait for the day to be over so she can get away from this whole scene.

Overhearing the different conversations as she walks around, it becomes clear to her that she no longer has anything in common with any of them. She's not interested in farming, the customers at the feed store, or gossiping about people at church.

She takes a walk outside by herself. Walking around the barnyard on this cold November day, her thoughts go back to her childhood. She reminisces about the happier days of her youth when she'd spend a week on the farm with Uncle Jim. Those happy thoughts bring tears to her eyes. It all seems like a thousand years ago.

It's almost dark by the time they get back to her mom's house. She tries to have a pleasant conversation with her mom while they're alone in the living room. Unfortunately, all her mom can talk about is the negative comments the relatives were making about her hair.

She talks about how embarrassed she was when a sister of hers noticed the piercing holes in her ear lobe and mentioned it to her mom. While she's criticizing about her hair and earrings, her mom says, "What would your father say if he saw the way you look?"

Bringing up her dead dad is the last straw. Jill gets pissed and tells her mom, "Dad wouldn't say shit about it. He'd use it as an excuse to go out and get drunk on his ass, like he always did!"

"DON'T you talk about your father like that!" her mom snaps.

An argument ensues and Jill diffuses it by apologizing, but she's not sorry for saying the truth about her dad. When things calm down, Jill tells her mom it's getting late and she needs to get on the road. It's not the note she wants to leave on, but at least she's gone.

She's quite upset driving away from her hometown. All the bad memories of a sad childhood have been brought back to the surface. More than once she screams, "FUUUUUCK!" at the top of her lungs.

Halfway home, she starts to cry and tears are running down her cheeks as she walks in the door to the apartment. Allie isn't coming home until tomorrow and she suddenly feels a strange kind of loneliness. She wonders if Rosy or Carla are back yet, but when she dials their number, there's no answer.

She gets into her nightgown and makes a pot of tea. She rolls herself a joint,  but never lights it. She just sits in silence, wishing she could talk to someone. She's gotten so used to being around energetic people who love her, sitting alone at home reminds her how shitty her life used to be.

She remembers she forgot to take her blocker pill this morning, and it makes her think about when they met Josie and Laura in Maggie's office. She remembers she and Josie exchanged phone numbers.

Josie told her she could call anytime to talk. At first, she thinks Thanksgiving might not be the right time to call, but the more she thinks about it, she decides what the fuck. She needs someone to talk to. The worst that could happen is she'll say she can't talk right now, if she's even home at all.

It takes her ten minutes to work up the courage to go to the phone. The phone rings six times with no answer. Just when she figures no one's home and starts to hang up, she hears a faint "Hello?" coming from the receiver.

She quickly puts the phone back to her ear and says, "Hello?"

"Hello? Who is this?" the voice says.

"Oh... um... hi... My name is Jill, and I'm trying to call... um... Josie?"

"This is Josie. Do I know you?"

"Well, you don't actually 'know' me, but we met a couple weeks ago in Dr. Maggie's office."

Oh, Jill...! Now I remember. You were trying to get into the program. I remember we had lunch with your friend... I forget her name..."

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"That's right, Allie. I remember now... we exchanged phone numbers."

"Yeah. I'm sorry to call on Thanksgiving night, but I... um."

"It's OK," Josie breaks in. "I wasn't doing anything."

"Good. I was worried you might have family over or something."

"Nope... no family here today. I'm just here by myself. What are you doing?"

"Well, I just got back from visiting my family, and my girlfriend Allie won't be back till tomorrow. I was sitting by myself, kinda lonely, actually. Everyone I know, which isn't many, isn't home. Then I remembered we exchanged numbers, so I thought I'd take a chance... and... I called you."

"I'm glad you did. I was just sitting here by myself, kinda wanting someone to talk to myself."

"Did you visit family?" Jill asks.

"Nope... I don't really have family anymore."

"But... but... when we talked at Northrop, didn't you say you had parents?"

"Yeah... HAD parents," Josie says. "That was before I got into the program."

"You don't see them anymore?"

"I haven't seen them in a year. You see, when I told them I was transitioning to female, they um... they um... um... well... they disowned me."

"Really...? Just like that?"

"Yup. Just like that. After I tried to kill myself, they sent me to a shrink so I'd get better. And I did get better. But I didn't get better the way they thought I should get better. When I told them I'm really a girl and wasn't a boy anymore, they told me they're not my parents anymore."

"Oh, how sad," Jill says.

"Eh... it's sad, but it happens to most of us girls when we tell our families. At least they know I'm not dead. It's not like I just disappeared."

"Me and Allie were talking about that last weekend. How are we gonna tell the people we know?"

"So I take it you got accepted into the program?"

"Yeah... I was kinda worried because I had to go back for another session with Maggie. But she approved me."

"Well, listen, Jill... if Maggie made you come back, it's because you needed it. Maggie sees everything. She's helped so many of us. Most of us girls don't have family anymore. We're our own family and Maggie's our mom."

"Well, at my mom's today, it felt like I didn't have a family. I have nothing in common with them."

"Has it always been that way?"

"Pretty much. I was a loner growing up. I could never make many friends."

"That's how most of us are. At least the girls I've talked to. We're all loners."

"So you have friends now?"

"Not really. I've always had a hard time making friends. I'm just trying to get through school, living on student loans. At least I have a lot of time to study. I'm not that smart. I have to work hard for my grades."

"Do you live in Chicago?"

"No, I'm in Kenosha."

"That's in Wisconsin?"

"That's right. It's close to Chicago, but definitely not Chicago."

"Is it nice?"

"Not really. I could take it or leave it. School is here, that's the only reason I'm here."

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No. I don't care about that right now. I'm really not pretty enough to get asked out, and even if I did get asked out, how am I gonna tell a boy I have a dick?"

"You're pretty enough, Josie. I remember what you look like. You just haven't met the right guy yet."

"Well, even if I did, I don't know how I'd do with sex. I've never really done it. I wouldn't know the first thing to do."

"You've never had sex?"

"Just a little bit when I was in high school. I kinda had a boyfriend. We weren't really going together, since we were both boys, we just liked to be with each other. I've always liked boys. I told you about when I would suck him at home in his room, until his dad caught us. That was the end of my sex life."

"What did your boyfriend say?"

"He wasn't really my boyfriend, like I said. He didn't say anything. After his dad caught us, he never spoke to me again. I'd see him at school and try to say hi, but he just walked right by, like I wasn't even there.

"It really hurt me. I really thought we liked each other. I liked him enough to suck his prick, but after his dad caught us, it was like I never even existed. I was so depressed, that's when I tried to kill myself.

"But anyways, that's my whole depressing sex life. How about you? Do you have a sex life?"

"Well," Jill says, "sex is my favorite thing to do. Me and Allie do it all the time."

Since this is the first time she's talked with Josie, she doesn't mention anything else about her sex life other than Allie. It's so easy for them to talk to each other, and they end up talking for almost four hours. They grew up under different circumstances, but they've confronted the same kinds of obstacles. They really have a lot in common.

At one point, Josie asks Jill when they'll be starting the program.

"I guess we've already started," Jill tells her. "Maggie gave us some pills to take."


"Yeah. We're supposed to go back on the fourteenth of next month to check our levels. We'll probably get estrogen then."

"Oh, wow," Josie says, "that's kinda early for e-pills. They had me on blockers two months before they gave me estrogen. But even if they say you're ready, I'd wait till after the holidays."


"Because estrogen can make you sick at first. I was sick for the first three weeks. They'll tell you about it."

"Why were you sick?"

"Because most of the time your body tries to reject it. It makes you dizzy and you throw up a lot. At least I did."

"Shit... that doesn't sound like fun."

"It's terrible," Josie says, "but once your body gets used to it, then you don't get sick anymore. It's just that first month you have to get through."

"Damn... that's good to know."

"There's a lot of stuff we have to go through that isn't easy, and it's not just with our bodies. Going to court to get my name legally changed from Joseph to Josie was really embarrassing, but when I look at myself in the mirror and see my girl body developing, it makes it all worth it."

"I guess we'll find out. But hey... it's after midnight, you probably want to go to bed. I know I do. It's been great talking to you."

"I'm glad you called, Jill. I really liked talking to you."

"I liked it too. Do you wanna talk again?" Jill asks. "Do you wanna be friends with me?"

"I'd like that a lot. Let's be friends."

"OK, Josie. We're officially friends now."

When she hangs up, Jill takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. It hasn't been a great day, but it ended very well when she called Josie. She's made two new friends in two days, Gina and Josie. It gives her something to be thankful about on an otherwise shitty Thanksgiving Day.

She goes to the vanity mirror and puts her gold earrings back in and puts her gold chain necklace back around her neck. She stares at herself and thinks about what Josie told her about estrogen making her sick at first. She thinks about the tattoo she's going to get and the pain she'll have to endure. It all feels so overwhelming.

The reality is starting to hit her. Transitioning is not going to be easy.


She wakes up Friday morning lonely and by herself. She missed Allie last night and she misses her this morning. It makes her realize how much she loves her, and makes her realize just how far she's come.

A year ago, she slept by herself every night. When she moved to Des Moines ten months ago, she was alone every day. It puts a smile on her face looking around the bedroom and seeing all of Allie's things mixed in with her things.

Looking at the picture Sarah drew of them inspires her, reminding her she's no longer alone. Her life is intertwined with Allie's. Their lives are increasingly becoming intertwined with Carla and Rosy's lives. Where that will all lead, she does not know. For now, she's content to treasure what she has.

She gets out her diary, sits down with a cup of coffee, and writes. She writes and writes, filling page after page with her thoughts. She finishes one notebook and starts another. When she finishes writing, she takes the filled notebook to the box in the closet where she puts all her filled notebooks.

She's built up quite a stack. She's never kept track of how many she has, so she counts them and is amazed to count nineteen notebooks she's filled since she moved in with Allie. She thinks about pulling an old one out and reading it, but before she can, she hears Allie coming in the back door.

"Allie! Allie! I'm so glad you're home!" she yells.

"Jill baby!" Allie yells back. They hug each other so tight. Allie says, "I missed you so much! I love you so much!"

They stand in the hall kissing for the longest time. "How was your Thanksgiving?" Allie asks.

"It fuckin' sucked," Jill says, "how 'bout yours?"

"Don't feel bad, mine sucked too. The worst part was being away from you."

"Oh God, I missed you so much," says Jill. "Fuck yesterday... We're together again!"

"We sure are! Life sucks when I'm not with you. Life's great when we're together!"

"Are ya hungry?" Jill asks. "I haven't eaten yet."

"I could eat. But first I gotta get out of these depressing boy clothes."

"I'll get some breakfast going while you change."

"It feels good being a girl again," Allie says as she comes back wearing a comfortable pull-over dress.

"It sure does. How do you want your eggs cooked?"

"Make 'em scrambled... like my brain was yesterday... my fuckin' family... I couldn't do anything right. My old man was on my ass about my hair, and when my sis noticed my earrings, all hell broke loose."

"Doesn't sound fun," says Jill.

"It wasn't. Did I ever tell you about when my sis caught me in her room?"

"No. Tell me now."

"Well, I was about sixteen or so, I don't remember exactly. I'd been jacking off a few months, I think. I was horny all the time, always thinking about fucking a girl someday. My sis is two years older. She's a natural-born bitch. Anyways, one Friday night mom and dad were at a party and sis was sleeping over at a friend's house down the street.

"I was there by myself, so I went in her room and looked through her dresser. I found her panties and took a pair in my bedroom to try on. They felt really good. That was the first time I felt like a girl. So I went back to her room wearing only her panties to try on a bra.

"Well, for some reason, she forgot something and when she came back home to get it, I didn't hear her come in. She caught me in her room wearing her panties and bra. She was pissed and she fuckin' told her friends and everyone. When she told my old man he took a belt to my ass and made it bleed."

"Everyone at school knew what I did and I never lived it down. That's one of the reasons I joined the Navy, to get out of that fuckin' town. So you can imagine what my sis said when she saw my earrings."

"Shit... don't tell me," Jill says, "I don't wanna know. Sounds like your day was as bad as mine. When I go back home for Christmas, something tells me it's gonna be the last time I'll ever see them. I don't think they'll be able to handle it when I become a girl."

"I know my family won't take it well."

"Remember Josie?" Jill asks.

"Yeah, from the program?"

"Yeah, that's her. Well, I was lonely last night being here by myself, and I needed someone to talk to. I had her number, so just for the hell of it, I called her last night and she was home. We talked almost four hours about all kinds of shit. I really like her.

"Anyways... she said when she told her parents she was transitioning to female, they disowned her. They want nothing to do with her."

"Wow, that sucks."

"Yeah, it does. And she said it's happened to most of the girls when they told their families. It'll probably happen to us, too. I've been thinking about it all day. At first, I started getting depressed, but then I thought... fuck... it already sucks going home. Can it be any worse if they don't wanna see me anymore? I mean... fuck, I already don't wanna see them."

"That's how I feel about my family, too," says Allie, "I love my mom, but my old man is an asshole and my sis is a bitch."

When they sit down to eat, Jill tells Allie the stuff she talked about with Josie last night. Allie isn't thrilled to hear about a lot of the girls getting sick their first month. "Just because it made them sick," she says, "it doesn't mean we'll get sick."

"I hope not," says Jill, "but we need to be aware it's possible."

"If it happens," Allie says, "it happens. We can't worry about it now."

When they finish eating, Allie's doing the dishes and Jill calls their girlfriends to see if they've gotten back yet. Rosy answers the phone and Jill asks her, "How was your Thanksgiving?"

"Not great," she says, "my mom nagged me the entire time I was there."

"What about?"

"Shit... she kept asking me why I don't have a boyfriend. She kept telling me I better hurry up and get married, or I'll be too old and no one will want me."

"But you do have a boyfriend... me!"

"I know, Jill... you're my boyfriend, but you're my girlfriend, too. I can't tell my mom I'm in love with a guy who knows he's a girl."

"Yeah, no shit."

"Well, at least my Thanksgiving was better than Carla's. She's been in the bedroom crying since she got back."


"Her mom was giving her shit about not being married yet, cuz she'll be thirty in a couple years. Her mom thinks she should be giving her grandchildren. Anyways, she told her mom she was in love with me and her mom and dad had a fucking shit-fit."

"Holy fuck!" says Jill.

"Yeah... holy fuck is exactly right. I've been trying to make her feel better. We have to go to work in a few hours."

"I was hoping we could get together later," Jill says, "I didn't know you had to work today."

"We're working tomorrow night, too. Maybe we could do a late breakfast tomorrow? Depends how Carla feels."

"If Carla's still feeling bad tomorrow, maybe being with Allie will cheer her up."

"I hope so. I've never seen her like this. Anyways, I better get back to her. I'll call ya in the morning when we get up."

When she gets off the phone, she tells Allie about it, and they both get depressed. It feels like the whole world is against them, ready to crush them like worthless bugs whenever they venture out of the happy little world they've made for themselves.

Jill sees the joint she rolled last night and lights it up. When they finish smoking it, Allie rolls another, then another. They have their arms around each other as they get stoned. The TV is on, but they're not watching it.

Things have been going so well for them lately. They've all been happier than they've been their entire lives. When the four of them are together, it's like magic. But when they go out into the world by themselves, it's pure hell. The girls sit on the couch the rest of the night, smoking joints and wondering if it's really worth it, this lifestyle they've been living.

This morning, they were looking forward to being back together and having sex all night. But here they are, stoned out of their fucking minds and wondering where the hell they're really at. When they get in bed, they don't feel like sex at all. They just hold each other, until the marijuana in their brains finally puts them to sleep.

Written by Jilluvscox
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