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A TRANS Formation - Chapter 41 - Free From Work

"Quitting their day jobs gives the girls a new sense of freedom and power"

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In the wee hours of Monday morning, Jill's annoying bladder wakes her up saying, "I'm full again." It seems like she's always going pee these days. It's a pain in the ass, but there's nothing to do about it except go to the bathroom.

It's just starting to get light when she comes back into the bedroom. She pauses for a moment to admire the beautiful girl she slept with last night. Rosy looks so sweet under the covers as she sleeps, and Jill feels her warmth as she snuggles up to her petite little female body.

With her arm around her, she remembers what they talked about last night after their sex, about having two lovers at the same time. It gives her such a warm feeling to know she has two girlfriends. Allie, who she's in love with, and Rosy, who she loves.

As she caresses Rosy's breasts, again she wonders what it'll be like having breasts of her own; how long it might take and how large they might grow. She also feels the fear of uncertainty, knowing she's about to go through changes so drastic she can't yet contemplate.

As Rosy starts to stir, she moans in soft whispers as Jill gently brushes her thumb across her nipples. "Mmmm... I love waking up like this."

Rolling over, she kisses Jill and adds, "You were so sweet last night."

Jill smiles as Rosy slithers under the covers and goes to work on her nipples. It feels more intense this time as she thinks about growing her own tits. She lets her mind wander as it creates fantastic images of what her body will look like in a year.

With her tits throbbing, Rosy goes lower, covering her cock with soft, sensual kisses before taking it into her mouth. Their lovemaking changed last night when they acknowledged their love for each other. Jill notices it as Rosy's soft female lips adorn every part of her pulsating cock like only a woman can.

There's a distinct difference between the way Rosy sucks and the way Allie sucks. She's in love with the way both of them suck, and she feels grateful she's able to experience both. Filled with gratitude, it takes her by surprise when her cock suddenly erupts in Rosy's mouth. She wasn't concentrating on Rosy's exact moves, but immersed in the lovely place Rosy had taken her.

Crawling back up to kiss, Rosy whispers, "Thank you for last night, baby."

"Thank you for this morning, sweet lady."

"You feel different to me," Rosy says. "I noticed a difference in you when we came over yesterday. Something changed when you were in Chicago. I don't know what it is exactly, but I love it."

"Something did change," Jill says. "I got rid of my scar. I got rid of it once and for all."

"But it's still there."

"Yes, physically it's still there, but mentally, it's completely gone. Maggie showed me how I've been ashamed of it all my life, and I didn't even see it. I don't feel ashamed anymore; I let it go. When I get my tattoo, my arm will be beautiful, just like me."

"You're a brave girl, Jill. I love you, I love everything about you. I wish I could lie here with you forever."

"I wish we could, too," Jill says, "but we gotta get up. It's Monday."

"I thought you weren't going to work today."

"I'm not. But I still need to call and tell 'em I'm quitting."

"Oh, I thought you already gave them a notice."

"No, I didn't wanna quit until I knew I was accepted in the program."

"You're not going to give them a notice?"

"I was going to, but my boss was such an asshole when I asked for last Friday off; the prick doesn't deserve a notice."

Rosy giggles, "Sounds like sweet revenge."

"It is," Jill giggles back. "Let's get up. My new life is starting, my new life with the people I love. You, Allie, and Carla. I love you all."

They don't bother getting dressed. The door to the other bedroom is closed, and they can hear Carla's moans as they walk by.

"Sounds like they're having fun in there." Rosy giggles.

"Yeah, isn't it great? So much sex... so much love."

It's almost seven-thirty when they walk into the living room. Jill puts on the coffee with Rosy standing behind her, pressing her tits against her bare back and fondling her cock. Jill turns to give her a kiss, and they end up kissing until the coffee is done.

As they snuggle on the couch, Carla yells out from the bedroom. "Are you two up?"

"We're up," Jill says.

"Are you dressed?"

"No. Who needs clothes?" Rosy giggles.

Carla walks in the living room stark naked and says, "Good... I was hoping you weren't wearing anything."

"We're just waking up," Jill says. She looks at the clock and sees it's almost eight o'clock. "Well," she says, "I guess I better call my boss."

As she gets up to go to the phone, Carla wraps her arms around her in a tight hug. "Can I have a hug and kiss first?" she grins.

Jill hugs her back and they give each other a big kiss. Carla pushes her tits against Jill's bare chest as she kisses and runs her fingers up and down Jill's half-hard cock. "Damn, Carla," Jill blushes, "are you trying to give me a hard-on?"

"Oh... I dunno," she grins, "looks like I didn't have to try very hard."

Jill just chuckles to herself as she picks up the phone to call her boss. As the phone rings, she sees Carla whispering something to Rosy. She doesn't know what was said, but Rosy starts giggling as they both walk towards her.

Just as she's starting to tell her boss she's quitting, both girls get on their knees and start licking her cock. Jill's having a hard time talking with two sets of female lips running up and down her shaft. Her boss is shocked when Jill tells him she's quitting and tries to talk her out of it.

"Is it the money?" her boss asks. "Listen, I'll give you a fifty-cent raise if you stay."

Jill can't help herself and starts giggling when Rosy wraps her lips around her cock. Her boss thinks she's laughing about the raise offer and says, "OK, I'll make it a dollar, will you stay for a whole dollar raise?"

By this time, Carla's sucking on her balls and Rosy's taking her in as far down as she can. "I'm sorry," Jill tells her boss, "but I've already made up my mind."

Carla runs her fingers along her ass crack as her boss begs, "Jerry... at least give me a notice. We're backed up in the shop. You've missed the last two Fridays and we're way behind. You gotta at least give me a week's notice."

With Carla and Rosy now taking turns swallowing her cock and giggling so loud her boss has to be hearing them through the phone, Jill can't take any more. She tells her boss, "No, Steve, I don't 'gotta' do anything. Goodbye."

When she hangs up the phone, she says, "Damn, girls. That was NOT the way I thought I was gonna quit my job when I woke up."

"You don't sound too depressed about it," Carla laughs.

"No, not really. It was kinda fun, actually, but now I've got this throbbing hard cock."

"Well," Rosy says, "you've got two naked girls right here to take care of that for you."

"Oh shit..." Jill gasps. "What am I gonna do?"

"I'll tell you what you're going to do," Carla giggles. "You're going to do exactly what we tell you to do."

She's standing there naked with her arms around two naked ladies. She kisses them both as they lead her to the couch.

"Get your unemployed ass on the couch," Carla orders.

She strokes her already hard cock and gives it a few licks. She turns to Rosy and asks, "Do you mind if I try out your boy-toy?"

"You can try mine if I can try yours." Rosy giggles.

"You'll might have to wait on that," Carla laughs. "I might have worn my toy out already."

"Geez, Carla," Rosy teases, "you can't get enough."

"You remember what we talked about the other night?" Carla says. "If we like it, we shouldn't try to fight it. Besides, since we share everything anyways, we might as well share our lovers too."

"Mmmm, yeah," Jill says, "I like that idea."

"I do too," Rosy agrees. "It's pretty obvious we all love each other."

Carla grins as she straddles Jill, guiding her cock to the entrance of her wet pussy. "Oh God!" Jill moans, as Carla lowers herself onto her cock.

"Like it?" Carla teases.

"Oh shit..." Jill exclaims. "How could I not like it? I fuckin' love it."

Feeling the inside of Carla's pussy for the first time, Jill's overwhelmed with intense pleasure. She loves the way Carla's larger breasts bounce as she rides her cock. She's loving the eye contact with Carla, but that soon ends when Rosy straddles her and pushes her pussy into her face.

With her tongue in Rosy's pussy and her cock in Carla's pussy, Jill's loving every second of this intense pleasure. The girls love it too, wrapping their arms around each other and french kissing while they use Jill's body to pleasure both of their pussies at the same time. It's turning them on like they haven't been turned on before, and Jill's all too happy to let them use her body any way they please.

Allie comes stumbling out of the bedroom and can't believe what she's seeing. "Damn, girls..." she says, "is anyone horny this morning?"

"Only all of us," Rosy giggles. "Carla started it. This is all her fault."

"Come over here, Allie-girl," Carla invites. "We could use another cock."

Allie comes over and the girls start licking her cock as they kiss each other.

"Damn, Carla," she says, "you can't get enough this morning. First you wore my cock out, now you're working on Jill's?"

"I know. I can't help it. Besides, I've been kinda wanting to feel Jill's cock in me for a spell now."

"Go right ahead, baby. I'll share my lover with you. Looks like we're all lovers now."

Jill's loving being used by her lesbian friends, but since Rosy just sucked her off less than an hour ago, her cock isn't holding a hard-on like it usually does. It feels just as good, but she's starting to go soft.

Allie's cock is the same way. She gave Carla a good fucking when they woke up, and as the two girls now kiss it and suck it, her dick barely gets an erection. The girls don't seem to mind. They work themselves into an erotic frenzy, culminating in a mutual orgasm. After a few minutes, their bodies settle down and they're all four sitting on the couch kissing each other.

"Whew!" Jill says, "what a way to wake up. That made me hungry."

"Yeah, no kidding," Rosy says, "I'm starved."

"We got breakfast stuff in the fridge," Jill says.

"I'll help you make it," Carla offers.

While Jill and Carla make breakfast, Rosy snuggles up to Allie and says, "Now that Carla and Jill have fucked, that means you and I are gonna have to fuck."

"Mmmm, yeah," Allie says, "that sounds like fun. I'd love to put my cock in you."

"I'd love to have it inside me. I think we all four love each other, so it's only natural we fuck each other too. Wanna fuck me right now? I'm still horny."

"I'd love to," says Allie, "but I don't know if I can get hard again."

"I bet I can get you hard. Let me try."

Allie stretches out on the couch and Rosy gets between her legs, sucking on her soft cock. From the kitchen, Carla sees what's going on and giggles to Jill, "Look at those two," she says, "isn't that pretty to look at?"

"It sure is," Jill says, "it looks like our sex lives are getting even better. We're probably all gonna be fucking each other from now on."

"Yup, I think we are. It was only a matter of time. After what we did last weekend, I think we all knew it."

"Yeah, we probably did."

Rosy takes her mouth off Allie's hard cock, proud of the job she's done. "See..? I told you I could make it hard," she grins.

"Oh yeah, you sure did," Allie praises, "you got a sweet little mouth."

She lays Rosy on her back and whispers, "Jill says you got a sweet little pussy."

"Why don't you find out?" Rosy tempts.

"Oh yeah," Allie says, as she pushes in, "you feel really sweet inside."

Allie gives it to her nice and slow at first, then pumps faster as Rosy begins to moan. In the kitchen, Jill's standing behind Carla with a breast in each hand, kissing her neck and pushing her groin against her ass.

"Damn that's hot," Carla whispers, "I think I like watching sex."

"I know I do," Jill agrees. "Rosy's really turned on."

"So is Allie. She's such a good fucker." 

"Yeah, we should know," Jill giggles. "She's fucked us both enough times."

Carla turns around and kisses Jill. "Allie says you're pretty damn good yourself, so does Rosy. I only got a little taste of what you can do, I want a bigger taste next time."

"Well, the way things are going, it's only a matter of time before you get that big taste. Right now though, we better finish cooking breakfast."

"Oh.... is that what we were doing?" Carla laughs. "I completely lost track."

In the living room, Rosy's in heaven taking everything Allie can give her. She's got her ankles locked around Allie's neck, loving the position she's in. Allie's pumping her hard, but her cock is going soft.

"Oh God, Allie," Rosy shrieks, "you're making me cum again!"

With Rosy's pussy contracting around her, Allie gives it all she's got, trying to cum. Rosy thoroughly enjoys her orgasm, but Allie doesn't have it in her to cum again. Even though she came an hour ago with Carla, she's always been able to get a second orgasm with Jill.

She's a little disappointed with herself, but Rosy doesn't seem to mind. As her orgasm subsides, she hugs and kisses Allie, thanking her for the wonderful sex.

"Hey you two," Carla yells, "breakfast is ready when you're done fucking."

"Damn, I think we're done," Allie says. "You girls fuckin' wore my ass out."

It's all she can do to get off the couch and make it to the kitchen table. When Rosy comes in, she and Carla embrace in a very deep kiss.

"Was that fun?" Carla asks.

"What do you think?" Rosy giggles.

"I think I loved watching you. You've become a very horny girl since we've been dating these two."

While they eat breakfast, all they can talk about is how much fun they've been having with each other. Rosy's really liking what they're talking about, and she starts feeling her inner emotions tugging at her. She wants to say what everyone's been feeling, but haven't really come out and said yet. Finally, she gets the nerve to say what's in her heart.

"I don't know if this is the right thing to say," she says, "but I've been feeling something for a while now, and I have to get it out."

"Well go ahead and say it, my little Rose," Carla tells her.

"Well," Rosy starts, "we've been dating like this over six months, and we've been having a lot of great sex as two couples. I've felt like I love Jill for a few months now, and I told her last night. She told me she loves me, too, but I already knew she did.

"We've been getting more open with each other the past month, and this morning we all had sex with each other. I just wanna say I don't just love Jill, but I love you too, Allie; and Carla, you already know how much I love you.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm feeling more than just love. I'm almost feeling like I'm in love. I'm in love with all of you, at the same time.

"Look at us, sitting here eating completely naked and completely comfortable with each other. I don't know if you feel it too, but I feel like I'm in love and I just had to tell you."

"Wow," Jill says, "I have to say I've felt it too at times, but this morning I feel it strong, just like Rosy said. I might be in love with you, Rosy and Carla, just like I'm in love with Allie. I know I felt it with Rosy, and this morning I'm feeling it for Carla, too."

"I don't think I'm... 'in love'... the same way I'm in love with Rosy, but I definitely do love you two," Carla says to Jill and Allie.

"I'm loving this whole arrangement," Allie says. "I love everything about it."

"OK," Carla says, "I think we agree we all love each other. The question is, what do we do about it?"

"We don't need to do anything about it," Rosy says. "I just wanted to get it out in the open. I just want to be able to say 'I love you' and not worry about saying the wrong thing."

"Thank you, Rosy," Jill says, "I've been wanting to say it too. When I was flying back from Chicago, I was feeling something strong. I wasn't sure what it was exactly, but thanks to you, now I know. I love everyone at this table. Maybe even in love, and it feels so right to be in love with three people at the same time.

"I felt it again when you pierced our ears. I love my earrings because you gave them to me. Everything we've done together, I've loved it all."

By the time they've finished eating, they all pretty much realize they're falling in love with each other. It's not quite as strong with Carla and Allie, but they both know Jill and Rosy are right. This four-way love affair is going to another level, and there's nothing any of them can do about it.

It's almost eleven o'clock by the time everyone gets dressed. They spend a half-hour kissing before the girls go home. There's a new energy between them now, an energy of love that's about to take them to places none of them have even dreamed about.


When Jill and Allie are alone, their heads are spinning from all the physical and emotional changes they're experiencing right now. They take a long shower, kissing and hugging until they run out all the hot water. Getting dressed in the bedroom, Jill asks, "When are you going to call your work to tell them you quit?"

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"I already did," Allie says. "I got up at six-thirty and told them. Then I went back to bed, and me and Carla fucked for the longest time. I couldn't believe how horny she was when we woke up."

"What did your boss say when you told him?"

"Not much, really. People come and go a lot. I don't think he really gave a fuck about it. What did your boss say?"

"He freaked out when I told him. He offered me a dollar an hour raise if I stayed. Can you imagine? He could have been paying me that all along. It just goes to show they're not gonna give you shit unless they have to."

"Yeah, that's for sure. I still have to go to work to get some shit out of my locker. I'm gonna do that today so I'll be done with that place once and for all."

"While you're doing that," Jill says, "I'm gonna go to the post office. I gotta go buy another case of bottles and order more labels from Sarah, but I got lotsa time now."

"Yeah, just think, we don't have to work anymore!"

"Not quite true," Jill reminds. "We still have to work, but we're working for ourselves, not for someone else. It's what we wanted, and now we got it."


The girls feel totally liberated as they get dressed. Allie has to be Allen one more time as she puts on boy clothes to get her things out of her locker at her former job. Jill decides it's girl clothes for her from now on. She feels so good choosing a pretty dress to wear when she goes to the post office.

Allie leaves to do her thing, and Jill gives Sarah a call to see if she can stop by later. While she's talking with Sarah, she gets a wonderful idea. Over the summer, as they've spent time with Carla and Rosy, they've taken a few pictures of each other. Jill finds a picture she took of them when they were swimming at a lake. They looked so hot and sexy in their bikinis, and Jill snapped a photo of them with their arms around each other. She finds that picture and puts it in her purse.

At the post office, her mailbox is full, since she hasn't emptied it since last Thursday. She's got a lot of lube orders, and they'll be busy filling orders tonight. She's excited as she drives to Sarah's house. She hasn't seen her since that night they had sex, and she wants to personally thank her for the drawing she sent them.

When Sarah opens the door, Jill can't believe who she's looking at.

"Sarah! You look so different! You're not the same girl I saw before."

"Nope," Sarah smiles, "I'm not. I've been changing before my very eyes!"

They hug each other, and Jill says, "Wow, you've lost a lot of weight! The last time my arms were around you, I could barely reach around. Now, look at you! My arms are around you and I can grab my wrist. You're getting a very sexy figure."

"I've lost forty pounds! Ever since that night we spent together, I've remembered what you told me about letting my beautiful self come out. I joined a gym and I met Jason. We're working out together and losing a LOT of weight!"

"Yeah, you told me in your note. I'm so happy for you! Are you in love yet?"

"I think I am. I don't think Jason is yet, but I know he loves me. He takes me out every weekend and we're having a lot of sex!"

"You're a very erotic girl," Jill tells her. "That picture you drew of us is so damn sexy. We just love it. I wanna talk to you about that."

"What about?"

"Well, Christmas is next month, and I was wondering... is it possible to do a bigger picture of us, and in color?"

"I could do an oil painting for you. Is that what you mean?"

"Yeah, something bigger and in color that we could hang over our bed."

"I'll show you one I just did of Jason and me."

She takes her back to her studio and pulls out a painting. "This one's kind of erotic," she says. "I told you I like to draw eroticism sometimes."

Jill's mouth drops open when Sarah shows her an erotic oil painting of her giving Jason oral sex. She's on her knees with Jason's cock in her mouth as she lovingly looks up into his eyes. Jill can't believe how loving the whole scene is. It's very classy. So sexy, but not at all vulgar.

"Damn, that looks so good," she says. "How much would you charge for a painting that size?"

"Well, it takes a lot of time. For you, I'd do it for five hundred, but anyone else I'd charge eight hundred."

"I want you to do one for me. The same picture you did for us, but bigger. Can you do one of people you haven't seen just from a photograph?"

She gets the photo of Carla and Rosy from her purse. "These are our girlfriends, could you do a painting of them in the nude and kissing like you did for me and Allie?"

"Wow, these are your girlfriends? They're really cute. It would be fun to paint them. I can go from this picture, and I can paint their private parts however you want. Just tell me how you want their nipples to look, how much pubic hair they have, stuff like that."

"Can you do it by Christmas?"

"Oh sure. My commercial business is kinda slow right now. I could really use the work. Since I've been losing weight so fast, I've had to spend a lot on new clothes to fit me. Money's a little tight."

"Speaking of commercial business," Jill says, "I need to order fifteen thousand more labels and order forms today."

"Wow! That's a lot of labels. You must be selling a lot. You might want to think about registering your trademark."

"Trademark...? What's that?"

"Well, have you ever seen the little circle '®' symbol on a label? That means the name is protected from anyone else using it. Your 'Miss Jillian's Exotics' logo is your trademark. It's your property, but if it isn't registered, anyone can steal it from you. If a company notices you're selling a lot of product and your trademark isn't registered, they can register it in their name and even sue you for using your own labels."

"Shit... I never knew that."

"It happens more than you realize. It's pretty simple and cheap to do. You just have to fill out some forms with the U.S. Patent Office. Lots of my customers do it. I've got a brochure I'll give you. It'll tell you everything you need to do. If you want, I'll put the '®' on these new labels."

"Wow, thanks. I'll do that today. Now that I've quit my job, I wanna look for ways to sell more."

She writes Sarah a $1300 check for the two paintings and labels. Sarah's thrilled to get the money. Her commercial business is doing much worse than she admitted to Jill, and it's been difficult to make ends meet. They share loving hugs and kisses before she leaves. Jill's so excited when she gets in her car. She can't wait to see the paintings Sarah's going to do for her.

What she's most excited about is how beautiful Sarah has become since they had sex that night a few months ago. She inspired Sarah that night, like people had inspired her before. She's so happy to have been a positive influence on someone else's life.

When she gets home, Allie's lying on the couch taking a nap. She's changed into girl clothes and Jill kneels to kiss her. "Hi, babe," she says as she wakes up. "It's so nice not being at work."

"I know. I just got back from Sarah's. You wouldn't believe how good she looks. She's got a steady boyfriend now, and she's getting lots of sex."

"That's great to hear," Allie says. "Nothing makes you feel good like having lots of sex. I feel so good today after all the sex we had this morning."

"Me too," says Jill, "but what makes me feel the best is now we all know we love each other."

"Yeah, that feels really good. I knew you loved Rosy, I've seen it in you stronger the past few weeks. Do you think you've fallen in love with her?"

"I've been a little confused about it the last month, but after we talked in bed this morning, I think maybe I have fallen in love with her. That's what's so confusing. I've fallen in love with her, but at the same time I've fallen even more in love with you."

"It shouldn't be that confusing," Allie says, "I mean, we know what we feel. I'm not sure if I'm in love with Carla, but I know for sure I love her. I know it's getting stronger, and like you, I've fallen even deeper in love with you."

"How do you feel about me being in love with Rosy?"

"I think it's a good thing. I don't feel any jealousy, if you're worried about that. The more those two girls have come into our lives, the better our lives have become. I want to keep letting our love grow and see where it goes."

"Thanks, Allie... I needed to hear that. I've never been happier in my life. I love you so much more!"

Jill goes back to change into a more comfortable dress, and when she comes out, Allie's got a joint rolled for them. As they get high, Jill tells her about all the new orders she got today, and as soon as they finish the joint, they go to work on processing those orders.

Since it's still early afternoon, they're able to finish all their orders by five o'clock. Jill's filled with joy as she cooks dinner. She's already feeling the freedom of no longer having to spend eight hours each day at a low-paying job.

She's finally gonna be able to spend a relaxing evening with Allie. They smile at each other as they take their blocker pill, knowing they're on the path they were always meant to travel.

After dinner, they're snuggling on the couch watching TV when the phone rings. Jill gets up to answer and she recognizes Dr. Walt's voice right away.

"Hi Walt!" she says.

"How are you doing?" he asks. "I wanted to know how it went with Maggie over the weekend."

"It went great...! She admitted me into the program! It's still scary as hell, but so exciting at the same time."

"I was pretty sure she would. She told me she just needed to get your scar issue out of the way first."

"Well, she certainly did that alright. I didn't even know it was such an issue, but it's been running my life more than I realized. It's finally behind me now. I'm going to cover it up with a tattoo! My arm's going to be a beautiful part of me that I can be proud of."

"That's so good to hear. We really missed you at the Club this weekend. We told the guys what you girls are about to go through. They're all supporting you. We all love you, and that's another reason I called."

"What reason is that?"

"Well, Norm and I told them you were thinking about moving to Chicago, and none of us wants to see that. We came up with something to maybe convince you girls to stay in Des Moines. I can't say too much right now, but we were wondering if we could meet you for dinner this week and tell you what we have in mind."

"Sure, we could do that. We both have dates tomorrow night and Thursday. Wednesday would work for us."

"That's kinda what I thought. How about you meet us at six-thirty and let us buy you dinner?"

"We'd love that. See you Wednesday. Bye, baby."

Jill hangs up the phone and yells for joy. "Ooooo... Shit...! It's working Allie, it's working!"

"What's working?"

"Everything! That was Walt. He said they've worked something out for us. They're taking us out to dinner Wednesday night to tell us about it."

"About what?"

"He wouldn't say, but I'm pretty sure they're gonna buy us a house! He still thinks we're moving to Chicago. He said they worked out something to convince us to stay."

"Damn, Jill. You're such little bullshitter. I can't believe how you conned those guys."

"I'm just doing what Norm said. Using our advantage to exploit their weakness. We've got what they crave... young cocks and tight assholes. They've got what we want... money."

"Don't you feel a little guilty about bullshitting them like this?"

"Fuck no... I don't feel guilty about it, not even for one second. They took advantage of us, Allie, so I don't see anything wrong with us taking advantage of them. They can certainly afford it. It's not like we're robbing them at gunpoint."

"I don't see how they're taking advantage of us. We love what we're doing and they pay us well."

"Yeah, that's all true," Jill agrees, "but Roger took advantage of us at first. I don't regret having all that sex with him, but from the very start, he was out to turn me into a whore. I was scared and lonely when I first moved here. I didn't know a soul in Des Moines, and he took advantage of me.

"It really freaked me out when he first started coming on to me. I never had sex in my life, and here was my landlord, twenty-five years older than me, always knocking on my door late at night. There was no way I wanted to ever have sex with a man. I was scared as fuck.

"When I finally gave in and let him take me to bed, I started liking it. He kept fucking with my head, leading me to do more and more things I never thought I would ever do. He manipulated my mind to get me to do all those things.

"I can see now, the only reason he wanted me was so he could teach me how to suck cock and fuck men. He was just hunting for a young cock he could train to be a whore for the Club. And it all worked out for him too, cuz here I am, a little fuckin' slut whore. I can't ever go back to the way I was, even if I wanted to."

"Yeah," Allie realizes, "he did the same thing with me. The second night I rented from him, he was knocking on my door. He knew I was new in town and didn't know anyone. Since I'd already had sex with a guy before that, it didn't take much to get me in bed. It felt so good to be getting fucked again.

"But then, after he'd been fucking me a few weeks, he took me to the Club. Before I knew it, I was sucking and fucking guys I didn't even know. Like you, it started freaking me out when I realized what I had become. But I kept doing it because I liked all the sex, and I liked all the money.

"So, yeah, I guess you're right," Allie agrees, "they really did take advantage of us. The only reason Roger wanted us was so he could train us to be whores for their rich men's club."

"See...? That's what I mean," says Jill. "Did you notice how Roger quit coming around to fuck us once we were trained to be their whores?"

"Now... I'm not complaining about it at all. I loved every bit of it. He couldn't have trained us if we wouldn't have let him. I love how it's all turning out. I love our life and I love being their whore. I really like the guys we date and they've always treated us with respect. They've given us a lifestyle we could only dream about if we weren't their whores."

"The best part is, we found each other. If we didn't have each other, who knows how fucked up our heads would be by now after letting those guys fuck us hundreds of times?"

"So, hell yes, we're taking advantage of them, and there's no fuckin' reason for us to feel guilty about any of it."

"Especially since they don't have a fuckin' clue we're even taking advantage of them at all," she giggles. "We just figured out how to play their game and win at it, that's all. It's all fair and square. They get what they want and we get what we want. They're rich and they're gonna make us rich."

"We just gotta keep doing what the book says. Keeping ourselves pregnant with rich ideas and holding those ideas until they become real. The book says to think about it like you've already received what you want. That's how you win the game.

"That's what we did when we looked at houses yesterday. We acted like we already have the money. And from now on, we need to think of ourselves as rich people. Keep holding the thought that we're rich. Staying pregnant all the time with the idea that we're rich, and we're getting richer all the time.

"We don't care how we get rich, we're just going to get rich. Let the money flow into our lives like a raging river.

"If my intuition is right, Wednesday night we're gonna have the money to buy our house. We'll be able to buy our house using their money, not ours."

"Damn, I hope so, baby," Allie says. "Just when I think it can't get any better, it gets better."

"It keeps getting better cuz we're in love. We don't have to hope, Allie. Hope sucks. When we're thinking together...?  Like we're one person...? Fuck... we can just fuckin' take what we want... within reason, of course.

"I can't help but think what's possible if Carla and Rosy start thinking like this. What ideas can they get themselves pregnant with?"

"Well, I made sure Carla took the book home with her this morning. We can't make them read it, but I hope they do."

They spend the rest of the night snuggling on the couch. The TV is on, but they're not watching it. They're mostly looking into each other's eyes and kissing. A very different feeling overwhelms them tonight. Talking about how Roger took advantage of them, and how they're turning it around to their advantage, gives them a new sense of the power they can have.

It's a good thing they're not horny tonight. They've both got dates tomorrow night and their cocks need a rest. They'll be back to being whores tomorrow and fucking for money again. Getting rich from rich men's money. It's the life they've chosen, it's the life they've grown to love.

After such a life-changing weekend, Jill lies in bed next to Allie, dreaming about where she's headed. Long after Allie's drifted off to sleep, Jill lies awake thinking about things. What she finds herself thinking most about is Rosy. Now she knows she's in love with Rosy and Rosy's in love with her. How that's all going to work out is still a mystery to her, but it's a wonderful mystery she's not afraid to let happen.

Written by Jilluvscox
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