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A TRANS Formation - Chapter 43 - Fulfilling Gary's Fantasy

"Gary has an erotic wish, and Jill helps his wife make it come true..."

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Erotic thoughts run through Jill's mind as she sits in front of the mirror putting on her makeup for tonight's date. She's been on dozens of dates since becoming a whore, but none of them have been quite like this one tonight.

Her dates are always married men twenty or more years older than herself. She's dated Gary several times already, and like the others, he's twenty years older than her. He's in such good physical shape, he performs like a man ten years younger when he's in bed. She's liked him from the start, and he's always had a special fondness for her.

Being a financial guy, he's taken the girls under his wing, teaching them how to manage their money to stay out of trouble with the IRS. Because prostitution is illegal, he's shown them how to hide their whore money and launder it through their mail-order lube business.

So when Gary asked if he could bring his wife Gina with him tonight, of course, she said yes. Gary's been wanting Gina to try anal sex, but she's always resisted, afraid it would tear her ass open. Gary's hoping Jill can teach her how it's done.

She's a little nervous about being with Gary's wife. Up until this past weekend, she'd only really slept with one woman, Rosy. When the girls came over on Sunday, they were all feeling adventurous. Running around the apartment naked and playing little sex games all day, they switched partners when it was time for bed.

Jill ended up sleeping with Carla for the first time, and the two had a very erotic time of it, with Carla showing her some interesting new ways to eat pussy. When the morning came, the four of them were entwined like never before. There's no stopping it now. They've become so attached, they can't imagine life without being together like this.

As they sat around the kitchen table eating breakfast Monday morning, they talked about how much they love being together. Although Carla and Allie aren't ready to say they're 'IN' love, Jill and Rosy openly admit they are.

It wasn't all fun talk, though. With Thanksgiving coming up this Thursday, they're all nervous about going home to be with their families. Because of their sexuality, none of them are close to their families anymore. They realize how unacceptable their sexual lifestyle is with society in general and their families in particular.

Up to this point, they've all been living a lie when they've been with their families. None of them have the courage to come out of the closet just yet, so with their families at Thanksgiving, they'll all continue to live the lie... for now.

When the girls left, Allie and Jill got depressed when they talked about having to tell their parents that their sons are going to become their daughters. They both teared up talking about it. The more they talked about it, the more depressed they got.

Like she's done all her life, Jill pushed it all to the back of her mind. She can't do anything about it right now anyways, so there's no sense in even thinking about it until she has to.

As she gets ready for tonight's date, she wonders what she's going to wear. If she were just going to be with Gary, it would be an easy choice. Gary likes her looking like a slut when he dates her, but she's worried she might offend Gina if she shows up like that.

'Damn,' she thinks, 'sometimes it's hard knowing what to wear.' Dressing was so much simpler as a boy but is so much more exciting as a girl.

She wears sexy lingerie to match a loose, autumn-colored dress that fits the Thanksgiving season. She's glad she has so many clothes to choose from. They've bought so many clothes, they don't fit in their closet anymore. They've been putting clothes in the other bedroom, but that closet is filling up fast. It's good they're in the market for a new house; they're quickly outgrowing their apartment.

When she gets to the hotel, Gary's waiting with his wife, and Jill gets her first glimpse of Gina. She's a good-looking woman, with medium-length auburn hair. She sports a fine figure for a woman in her mid-forties, and she's very friendly when she meets Jill.

She doesn't wait for Gary to introduce them. "Hi, you must be Jill," she says, extending her hand.

"Hi, you must be Gina," Jill giggles. "Gary's told me about you. You're every bit as pretty as he said you were."

"Gary's told me quite a bit about you, too."

"I hope it was all good."

"It was," she assures. "I remember we spoke briefly on the phone. I told you we may meet one day, and here we are."

"Well," Gary interrupts, "I was going to introduce you two, but you've beaten me to it. Shall we go eat?"

Jill feels awkward wondering how she should walk with them. Should she follow them in? Should she walk beside them? Having another woman in the scenario complicates things. She's relieved when Gary puts an arm around each of them as they go into the dining room.

At their table, both girls are uncomfortable at first. Gina breaks the ice and says to Jill, "Gary tells me you've gone into business for yourself."

"Yeah, we started a mail order business a few months ago. We're not getting rich yet, but we've been able to quit our day jobs."

"You're selling sex lube?"

"Yeah, it's kinda embarrassing to tell people that, but we're making a living off it."

"Listen," Gina says, "there's nothing to be embarrassed about. You found a way to make money, you should exploit it for all it's worth. Besides, it fits in with your... um... 'other' line of work," she says, referring to her being a prostitute.

"Um... yeah, it kinda does, now that you mention it."

"You shouldn't be embarrassed about that either," Gina says. "The guys are going to have their fun, you're just providing them a safe way to do it.

"I already told you over the phone, I know what you and Gary do when he's with you. We have a great marriage. I let him have his fun and he lets me have mine. We're open with each other about it, and we've made it work for us."

"It's good you two feel that way," Jill says. "Most of the guys I date are doing it behind their wives back. I feel guilty about it sometimes."

"Don't feel guilty," says Gina, "if they weren't doing it with you, they'd be doing it with someone else. At least you're safe to be with. You're not going to wreck anyone's marriage. You might even be saving a few, giving the guys a way to act out their desires without having an affair."

Turning to Gary she says, "That's what we've done, right, honey?"

Gary replies, "It's worked out very well, babe."

The waitress brings their food, and the conversation changes to other subjects.

"So..." Jill asks, "Do you work at a job?"

"Yeah," says Gina, "I was a housewife while our girls were growing up, but once they went off to college, I started working at our accounting office downtown."

"Oh...? I thought Gary was a financial planner and stockbroker."

"I am," Gary says. "When I moved into financials, we kept the accounting firm. Gina's the office manager there. We've got two businesses, actually."

"I couldn't stay at home," says Gina. "As we get older, we have to broaden our horizons."

"That's kinda why we're on this date," Gary says. "We're broadening our sexual horizons. Spicing up our sex lives, you might say."

"You mean your fantasy?" Jill giggles.

"Yes," Gina butts in. "He's always wanted me to try something, but I've been afraid. Since you do it all the time, maybe you could help me along?"

"I'll do what I can. I have a lot of fun doing it, I bet you can too."

"Looks like we're just about finished with dinner," says Gary.

"Umm... yeah..." Gina nervously says, "I guess my moment of truth is coming."

Gary senses her uneasiness. "How about this...?" he asks. "Why don't you and Jill go up to the room and get acquainted. I'll stay down here and have a few cocktails while you girls break the ice with each other."

"Hmmm... that might be fun," Gina says. "What do you think, Jill?"

"Sure, I'm here for your pleasure. I'll do whatever you like."

Leaving Gary at the table, the girls get on the elevator and ride up to their floor. They've been very friendly with each other over dinner, but as they walk down the hall to their room, the mood suddenly shifts from friendly to nervous apprehension.

They smile at each other as Gina unlocks the door and they walk in.

"Nice room," Jill says, not knowing anything else to say.

"Yes, it's very nice," Gina replies.

There's a love seat against a wall and Jill suggests, "Wanna just sit for a while?"

"Yeah... let me get used to the surroundings," Gina says as she sits next to Jill.

"Nervous?" Jill asks.

"A little."

"So am I. I've never been on a date like this."

"Neither have I, obviously."

"Since we're both a little nervous, you wanna loosen up a little bit?" Jill suggests. "I brought a couple of joints with me. I know Gary smokes, I assume you do too?"

"I do once in a while. I wouldn't mind getting a little high first."

Jill lights up a joint and passes it to Gina.

"Gary says you have a girlfriend?"

"Yeah, one... Suzie. We've been lovers since our final year of high school. We were next-door neighbors growing up, so we've been best friends for as long as I can remember. When we got into high school, the girls were always talking about boys and sex, so of course, we did too.

"Except when talked about sex, instead of talking about boys, we talked about how we liked looking at the other girls in the shower after gym class. The more we talked, the more we realized we were more attracted to girls than we were boys."

"So how did you end up being lovers?" Jill asks.

"I don't know really, it just sort of happened. One time we were up in Suzie's room trying on each other's clothes. She put her arms around me and asked if she could feel my boobs.

"I told she could and confessed that I'd always wanted to feel hers. After touching me through the bra, she took it off me and put her hands on my bare tits. This was the first sexual experience for both of us, and we were really liking it.

"Pretty soon I had her bra off, and we kissed and played with each other's bare tits for what seemed like hours, but it was more like ten or fifteen minutes."

"Oh God, that sounds like fun," Jill says. "I can't wait to grow boobs."

"Yeah, Gary told me you and Allie are going to a sex-change program?"

"We're just starting it. They say when they put us on estrogen we'll start growing boobs."

"I bet you'll be cute when you do. You're pretty damn cute now."

"Yeah...? I think you're cute too. When I first saw you in the lobby, the first thing I noticed was your cute face. Then I noticed your great figure. Gary says he loves your body, I can see why."

Gina takes a hit and passes it back to Jill. She grins as she holds the smoke in her lungs. She tells Jill more details of how she and Suzie came to be lovers, and it's turning her on.

"Oh God, Gina... that sounds so hot... hearing you talk about it. Sounds like you loved it."

"I did. I still do."

"It turns you on just talking about it. I can tell."

Scootching closer together, their lips are drawn to each other and they share their first kiss. Gina's stoned out of her mind now, and after a few kisses, she puts her hand on Jill's waist, parting her lips to welcome Jill's tongue. Jill has a hand on each side of her waist, creeping up close to her breasts.

Gina pulls back a bit. "Whew! That pot really hit me," she says.

"You like it?"

"I do. I was nervous when we first came in, but now I feel like I've always known you. It's like I'm with another woman. You don't seem like a guy at all."

"I'm not really a guy. I'm a girl who was born in a male body. I think just like you do."

"Gary says you're like no one he's ever been with. I can see why."

"You wanna see more of me?"

"Yeah... Let's get comfortable. We don't need these dresses anymore, do we?"

"I was just going to say the same thing."

Gina's a little wobbly as she stands up, so Jill puts her arms around her to steady her. "You got a little high there, sweet lady."

"I'm high all right," Gina says. "I'm not sure if it's from the pot, or if it's from you. I like the way you feel."

Jill gives her another kiss, "I like the way you feel, too."

As they hug, Gina finds the zipper on Jill's dress and slowly pulls it down. Jill pulls on Gina's zipper, and together they help each other out of their dresses.

"Oooo... what a nice figure," Jill compliments.

"Like what you see?"

"Oh yeah... I haven't been with very many women. It's a real treat for me to be with you like this."

"Well, you're only the second man I've been with like this, even though you're not really a man. So it's a real treat for me too."

"Really...? Gary's the only man you've ever had?"

"That's right, just him."

Sitting together on the edge of the bed, Gina tells her, "All through high school, I only wanted to be with Suzie. I didn't date very many boys, I just wasn't attracted to them. And the few I did date were always trying to get in my panties, so they never got another date."

"You and Suzie loved each other?"

"Yeah, we fell in love in our senior year. We've been in love ever since. Gary's the only guy I ever had any interest in. The only reason I went out with him at all was that it was homecoming and I wanted to go to the prom.

"He was the first guy I dated who didn't try to get in my panties on the first date. We went out a lot before he even kissed me. I liked it that way, cuz me and Suzie were always getting it on whenever we could. Awkward as it was, I only wanted to be with Suzie. Gary was kinda my cover.

"I was so afraid to be labeled a lesbian, especially back then in the early 1950s. It was a lot worse then than it is now, and it's not that great even now to be lesbian. Gary made me look like a normal girl."

"I think I know how that feels," Jill says.

"So anyways..." Gina goes on, "Gary and I started making out on our dates, and I started liking it. Then Suzie got a boyfriend, so we weren't getting together as often for sex. When Gary and I started having sex, I really liked it, but I couldn't give up Suzie.

"When he asked me to marry him, I knew I couldn't unless he knew about Suzie and me. He shocked me when I told him. He told me he'd had sex with boys a few times, and he'd probably do it again if the opportunity presented itself.

"We were in the same boat. We both liked having sex with our own sex, so we made a deal. I told him I'd marry him as long as I could still have sex with Suzie, and he could have his sex with men when he wanted to. He's not allowed to have sex with another woman, and I'm not allowed to have sex with another man.

"It's been a good arrangement. As time went on, I fell in love with Gary more and more. We trust each other and our sex life keeps getting better all the time."

"So you've only had sex with two people your whole life?"

"Yup, just two. Until tonight. Now I'm with you, and I like you already."

"I knew I liked you the first moment I saw you," Jill says. "You're such an attractive woman."

"Awe... what a sweet thing to say," Gina says. "I don't know what it is, but I suddenly feel so close to you."

"Wanna get closer?" Jill tempts, "Wanna get erotic with me?"

That's all it took. Gina felt her emotions building as they talked on the side of the bed. Suddenly, their hands are all over each other as Gina gives in to her emotions. Kissing as two girls in their lingerie, Gina starts losing her inhibitions, and Jill lost all hers months ago.

Falling back on the bed, Jill rolls on top of Gina, kissing up and down her neck. Feeling the weight of Jill's body pressing against her tits, Gina instinctively wraps her legs around Jill's waist as if they were fucking. Jill's cock is hard as hell, and it drives Gina crazy when she pushes it up against her panties.

"Damn, I like this!" Gina giggles.

"I like it too."

Rolling on their side, Gina says, "Take off my bra. Kiss my tits."

Just as Jill unsnaps her bra, Gary opens the door and sees them playing on the bed. "Mmmm...! I see you two are getting acquainted."

"We're getting to know each other real good," Gina says. "Do me a favor babe?"

"Anything you want, sweetheart."

"Go have another cocktail? Me and Jill need a little more girl time."

He comes over and gives them both a kiss.

"I'm glad you girls are getting along so well. If you want a little more time, you got it. I'll be back in a few minutes. Have fun."

"Thanks, honey," Gina says, "there'll be plenty of sex waiting for you when you get back."

When he leaves, Gina tells Jill, "I'm hot for you, Jill. I want you to fuck me before he comes back."

"It'll be OK with Gary?"

"Of course. I'm not with another man, I'm with another girl. I've never had a cock besides his. I'm not leaving this bed until I have yours."

Gina's words send both of them into an erotic frenzy. All of a sudden they're overcome with lust. Jill pushes her cock hard against Gina's panties as she kisses back and forth on her exposed nipples.

Gina's twenty years older than Rosy, and Jill immediately notices how soft and squishy her tits feel compared to Rosy's firm, young breasts. Older tits are definitely different than younger tits, but Jill thinks they're every bit as erotic.

As Gina squirms beneath her, her hands make their way into Jill's panties, grabbing and pulling at her hard cock. Holding a different cock in her hand makes Gina's head spin. "I need to taste you, baby," she moans.

"Let me feed you."

"No, roll over for me. I can feed myself."

As Jill rolls over, Gina stops her halfway. With Jill on her side, Gina unsnaps her bra before rolling her over the rest of the way.

"You do realize I don't have real tits under my bra, don't you?" Jill says.

"Nonsense," Gina giggles, "you've got real tits. They're itty-bitty tits, but they're still real tits."

She pulls Jill's bra off and kisses her nipples. "I wanna love on your itty-bitty tits."

Gina's driving her wild as she kisses and sucks on her nipples, making her skin red around her areolas. She's making them feel just like they do when Rosy sucks them.

She remembers what Rosy told her, "Only another girl can make your tits feel like this."

Rosy was right. Gina's another girl, and she's making her tits feel like real girls' tits. Jill's in girl heaven with Gina sucking her teeny titties like this. Feeling Gina's nipples brushing across her tummy makes it all the more erotic.

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When she's made Jill's nipples throb, she kisses lower, heading for her cock. Gina's fully turned on now. Gina's in control. Jill just lies there, letting this older woman have fun with her body.

Electric-like sensations pulse through her body when Gina grabs her cock and puts her lips around the head. She locks her lips just under the spongy head tissue, rolling her tongue round and round as she gives gentle suction; occasionally pushing her tongue into her slit. Jill can hardly take it, Gina's turning her on so much.

Just as she's about to scream from the sensations on her cock head, Gina runs her lips down the length until she fills her mouth with cock. Then slowly, she sucks up and down her aroused shaft, sending Jill to new heights.

Without taking the cock out of her mouth, she takes off her panties and moves her body around until she has her pussy in front of Jill's face. Jill grabs Gina's ass, pulling her pussy close. Licking her dripping cunt, she sticks her tongue into her hole as far as she can.

She wiggles her tongue as she licks up and down the excited pussy flesh until she detects that tangy, almost electric sensation of her clit. Rosy's done a marvelous job teaching Jill how to eat pussy, and she learned a few more techniques when she slept with Carla Sunday night.

Gina howls like a mama cat in heat when Jill uses everything she's learned to stimulate her swollen clitoris. Gina's clit is longer than either Rosy or Carla, and Jill loves holding it between her lips as she flicks her tongue around it as she would do to a man's cock head. Jill flinches when Gina orgasms and bites down on her cock. After a few orgasms, Gina rolls over, needing to catch her breath.

"Holy shit, Jill, where did you learn how to eat pussy like that?"

"I have lesbian girlfriends." she giggles.

"Fuck...! Tell 'em to come to see me... shit! Only a girl can eat pussy like a girl. There's no doubt, Jill, you're one fuckin' hot-ass girl."

Jill giggles as she rolls on top of Gina. As she strokes her cock between Gina's pussy lips, she teases, "Wanna feel what my man side can do?"

"Oh yeah, put it in me, baby. I wanna feel your man side."

Feeling Jill's cock sliding up her vagina makes Gina's head swirl with erotic delight. The experience of another man's cock sends her emotions into overdrive. It's not so much the thrill of another man's cock, it's that this cock is attached to a girl. Despite Jill's male body, to Gina, she's proven herself to be every bit a woman.

Gina's moans fill the room when Gary quietly opens the door and steps inside. Neither girl is aware of his presence; they're lost in female erotic heaven as Gary looks on.

He's amazed watching his wife writhe and squirm under Jill, her arms and legs coiled around Jill's body as she gets fucked silly. Gary's cock is straining against his underwear, and as quietly as he can, he gets undressed.

He can tell by the sounds his wife is making she's having an orgasm and he knows it was one of many. She's as sexually aroused as Gary's ever seen her. Jill's getting her in the right frame of mind for tonight's main event as the intense fucking goes on and on.

Giving birth to two babies has taken its toll on Gina's pussy. Her forty-five-year-old cunt muscles aren't nearly as tight as Rosy's or Carla's, but Jill finds her every bit as erotic as her younger girlfriends. Since her pussy's not nearly as tight, Jill's able to fuck her harder, faster, and longer without cumming.

After so many orgasms Gina can't count anymore, she moans, "Oh God, Oh God, Oh God... I gotta rest. Oh, Jesus, fuck! I gotta catch my breath."

"Me too, baby," Jill pants, "I could use a break."

She pulls her cock out but stays on top of Gina as they kiss and coo. "Damn, Jill, who taught you how to fuck?"

"You made me do it like that. I could feel what you wanted."

"No shit... you sure as hell did. Damn, I love my husband, and he's great in bed. I love him even more now that he's given me this special treat."

"You deserved this special treat," Gary says from near the door.

Gina's shocked to hear his voice. "Gary...! Oh shit...! How much of that did you see?"

"Enough to see you were loving every second of it," he chuckles.

"Fuck!" she says, "words can't describe how much I loved it!"

"I knew you and Jill would hit it off."

"Did you like watching us?"

Gary, standing there naked, points at his massive hard-on and says, "What do you think?"

"Ohhhh... poor baby," Gina giggles. "Come here sweetheart, let us take care of that for you."

Gina goes to the edge of the bed to meet Gary, standing on her knees. She wraps her arms around him kisses all over his face. "Thank you, darling. I love you, love you, love you!"

As the husband and wife engage in passionate kissing, Jill, the escort, does her job and starts sucking Gary's hard cock. She loves being a part of this romantic moment, sucking Gary's cock with Gina's bush brushing across her cheek.

After a few minutes, Gina joins her to give her husband a treat she thinks he's never had, two girls sucking him at the same time. Jill's not about to tell her about the time she and Allie sucked his cock together.

As much as Gary's enjoying it, Gina might be enjoying it more. She loves looking into Jill's eyes as they run their tongues up and down her husband's shaft. The girls spend as much time kissing as they do sucking. While they kiss, Jill whispers to Gina, "Having fun?"

"Oh God... I've never been this horny. You made my pussy feel soooooo good!"

"Are you horny enough to learn how to use your other pussy?"

"Oh fuck... I'm horny enough, but I don't how it can work. Gary's so big, and my little butt hole is so small."

"I'll show ya how, if you wanna learn. It won't work if you do it just cuz Gary wants it. It'll only work if you wanna do it too. After what he gave you tonight, do you love your husband enough to wanna give him your ass?"

Gary's looking down on them, smiling as he hears Jill getting into Gina's head. Gina always resisted it when he bought it up, but with Jill talking about it girl-to-girl, Gina's inhibitions are going away.

"Does it hurt?" Gina asks.

"Yeah... it'll hurt at first, but then it'll go away. The more you do it, the less it'll hurt. If you do it a lot, like I do, it doesn't hurt at all. When you really get into it, it's a glorious experience."

"OK, I'll try it. But can you show me first?"

"I'd love to show you. You got me as horny as I got you. I really need to be fucked."

Gary's not saying anything as he smiles, but inside his mind he's yelling, "YESSSS!"

Jill looks up at Gary and says, "Wanna fuck me...? lover boy?"

"You know you don't have to ask," says Gary.

"OK," Jill jokes, "I won't ask. Just fuck me... dammit!"

They all laugh as Jill gets the lube from her purse. "This is the trick," she shows Gina, "the slicker your ass is, the easier it is to let him in."

Back on the bed, she tells Gina, "Lie on your back for me, you horny girl."

She hands Gary the lube, "You know what to do with this," she tells him.

She gets on her knees and spreads Gina's legs. As she goes down to eat her out she says, "I'm gonna get you ready down here while you watch how much Gary loves to do it this way. Giving your ass to your man is one of the most intimate things you can ever do."

Gina lies back and enjoys having her pussy licked again. Jill immediately works on her clit, knowing Gina's gonna have to be aroused like never before to get her ass ready to be fucked the first time. Gina starts moaning almost as soon as Jill touches her tongue to her clit.

Jill's feeling pretty good herself as Gary licks her asshole before he rubs in the lube. Gina's watching as he seems to be loving Jill's asshole. Once he gets her lubed up, he runs his cock up and down her crack before entering her hole. Jill jerks her head back as his cock slides into her ass.

"Oh yeah, baby," she pants, "fuck me. Oh God, that feels good."

Gina's seeing the joy on her face, she sees how much Jill likes it. As Gary pumps her, she moans and squeals more than she usually does, partly putting on an act for Gina. The more she watches, the more Gina wants to feel what Jill's feeling.

Once they get into a nice rhythm, Jill goes back to eating her pussy as Gary pumps her ass. Gina was already hot, but as Jill eats her out again while she's watching her husband fuck, she starts focusing on having her ass fucked.

Jill has her moaning as she sucks her swollen clit. She moans louder when Jill takes her knees and pushes them way back, putting her ass in easy reach of her tongue. While she licks her pussy, Jill dips her tongue lower and tickles her pink little asshole. Gina flinches at first, but the more Jill licks her, the more she accepts Jill's tongue on her hole.

Within a minute or two, Jill's attention is solely on her asshole. She licks all around it until she knows Gina's comfortably enjoying it. She's spreading her cheeks further and further apart, getting Gina used to the position. When the moment's just right, Jill runs her finger around her wet hole and pushes against it.

She reaches back for the lube and squirts some on her hole.

"How's that feeling?" she asks.

"Mmmm... it's starting to feel good," Gina moans.

"Good baby. Just stay relaxed. I'm gonna make it warm inside."

Jill sucks on her clit again as she slips a lubed finger inside her ass. Gina's sphincter instantly contracts from the sudden invasion. Jill just holds it inside her and keeps sucking her clit. Gina whimpers a bit, but her whimpers turn to moans as Jill starts working her finger in and out.

"Still OK?" she asks.

"Yeah, I'm starting to like it."

Gina's getting really turned on to it now as she watches Gary fucking Jill hard and feeling Jill's finger working in her ass. Once her hole gets relaxed enough, Jill inserts another finger and Gina flinches again. Once again her muscles contract and go into spasms. With two fingers in to the second knuckle, Jill wiggles her fingers inside, sending Gina into another world.

She's liking what Jill's doing, it's starting to feel good to her.

"How-ya doing Gina-babe?"

"Doin' good. I like this."

"Ready to let your husband inside?"

"Ready as I'll ever be, I guess."

"You already know how good his cock feels in your pussy. When you let him inside your ass, it's gonna feel twice as good."

"Oh God," Gina cries. "I want it now. I want Gary to fuck my ass. I'm ready for you, baby."

"You look so beautiful, baby," Gary tells her as he pulls his cock out of Jill's ass.

Jill gives her a kiss as she rolls Gina over on top of her.

"OK, baby, here we go," Jill coaches. "Raise your ass up for him, darling... He's got lube on his dick, and he's gonna put some in your hole. The more the better."

Gary's not saying much. Jill's doing such a good job, he's letting her do all the talking. She's got Gina under her spell.

"He's gonna rub his cock up and down your crack a few times," Jill tells her, "It's to let you know he's about to put it in."

As Gary does what Jill says he's gonna do, Gina moves her ass up and down as Gary's cradles his cock between her cheeks.

"That's it, baby. Move your ass for him. Use it to seduce him. Let him know you want it."

"Oh God," Gina cries, her emotions overwhelming her.

Gary rubs the tip of his cock into her hole, pushing just a little bit. Gina's emotions keep building, the anticipation is reaching the breaking point. Gary pushes a little harder. He's starting to open her up. Gina winches as sharp pains sear her hole like a red-hot rod.

"That's it, baby," Jill encourages, "You're doing great. Push out, baby. Push out like you're going poo. The more you push out, the easier it is for him to get in."

Gina shakes and trembles as Gary pushes harder. "Oh fuck!" Gina cries. "It hurts."

"I know it hurts, I told you it would. Be brave, baby. This is for him. You want this as much as he does."

With his head penetrating her hole, Gary's having a hard time holding back. He wants to shove it all the way in like he does with Jill. He can hardly take it with his wife's ass violently contracting around his cock. Gina grimaces and cries from the pain of her stretched-out hole.

"Hold it right there for a second," Jill tells him. "She's a virgin. Take your time."

"Hold on, baby," she tells Gina, "We're almost there. Push out. Push out until your hole starts to relax."

Gina's got her face buried in Jill's shoulder with Jill's arms wrapped around her as she cries and shakes, trying to get past the pain. Just as she thinks she can't take any more, and she's almost ready to give up, her anal sphincter starts to relax. The pain, while still intense, begins to subside. Gary patiently holds his cock in place, trying not to cum.

"How-ya doing Gina-babe?"

"OK, I guess. The pain isn't quite as bad."

"I told you it would go away. You have to train your ass to accept your lover. He's almost in. Are you ready for him? Are you ready for him to fuck your other pussy?"

"I'm ready."

"Well... tell him. You're in control. He doesn't want to hurt you. You tell him what you want."

"I'm ready," she tells her husband.

"He knows your ready," Jill says, "Tell him what to do. Tell him to push in. This'll be the hardest part. Once you get past this, you're home free."

"Push it in, Gary, give it to me."

"Oh God... I love you, Gina," Gary tells his wife as he slowly drives his hard-on into her.

Overcome with pain, passion, and emotions, Gina clinches her hands with Jill's. "I love you too, Gary," she says. "Fuck me a little more, baby. Gimme some more of your cock."

Gary squirts more lube around her hole and pushes in another inch.

"Ohhhhh... GAAAAAWD!" Gina screams. "Fuck me, Gary, fuck me more!"

Another inch of cock, and Gina knows this is as stretched as she's gonna be. Like Jill said, the pain is starting to go away.

"Gimme more, baby, gimme more," she begs.

Holding her hips, Gary pushes in, deeper and deeper, until his balls are resting against her wet pussy.

"Oh, baby!" she mumbles. "Hold it right there. Let me feel you, darling."

"How's the pain, baby?" Jill asks, "It's going away, isn't it?"

Gina's feeling her hole spasm around Gary's cock, her ass filled with male flesh. "It's almost gone," she answers. "It's kinda tingly now."

"Yes, baby, it tingles," says Jill. "Pain turns to pleasure. Get into your pain and your pain will be your pleasure."

"I think I'm seeing it."

"Don't see it, baby... feel it," Jill whispers, "You're a beautiful, sensuous woman. Let yourself feel the love you're giving your husband, feel it with him. Give yourself permission to enjoy this most intimate and erotic sex act. Doesn't it feel good having him inside you like this?"

"Oh damn," Gina realizes, "he does feel good."

She and Jill share deep, passionate kisses as Gary fucks his wife's ass with very slow, very short strokes. With Jill holding her arms around her, Gina's accepting this new sexual experience. What she thought would be a feeling of degradation, is turning out to be a feeling of exhilaration.

The pains around her opening have turned into tingles of eroticism. The more Gary moves inside her, the more she discovers a new world of pleasure waiting for her.

"Do it a little faster," she tells her husband.

When Gary picks up the pace ever so slightly, Gina starts moving her ass for him. Slowly but surely, they're getting into a rhythm. Jill's thoroughly enjoying holding Gina in her arms, kissing her and whispering sweet words of encouragement in her ear. "Feels good, doesn't it, baby?" she tells her.

"Yes it does. It feels real good," Gina responds.

"Think you're about ready to take it on your own?"

"Yes, I'm ready. I wanna look in his eyes."

"Well, tell him. You're in control, baby. Tell him what you want. When you give your ass to your man, he'll do whatever you want."

Gina tells Gary she'd like to be on her back, and Gary's more than eager to grant her wish. Jill moves out of the way as they shift positions. She kisses Gary and whispers,

"I'm gonna leave you two by yourselves. I think Gina knows what she's doing. She wants to be alone with her husband now."

"Thanks, Jill," Gary says, "there's an envelope on the table for you."

She bends down to kiss Gina and tells her, "OK, baby. I'm gonna leave you alone with your man now. You know what to do from here."

Gina gets up on her knees, hugging Jill tight, "Thanks so much for being with me. I found a close girlfriend tonight. I love everything about you. We'll be in touch."

Jill gets her bra and panties off the bed and picks her dress up off the floor. She goes into the bathroom to get dressed, and when she comes out, Gary and Gina are going at it. Gina's got her legs on Gary's shoulders, accepting his cock in her ass and loving it.

She gets the last joint from her purse and shows it to Gary as she puts it on the nightstand by the bed. "For you... for later," she signals. Gary gives her a wink to say thank you and goes back to pounding his wife's ass. As she leaves the room, Gina's moans tell her she's done her job.

When she gets in her car, she's surprised to see it's after midnight. It was a long date, but she hardly noticed. She opens her envelope, and the five $100 bills put a smile on her face. Driving home, her heart is warm. She really liked this date. She's made a new girlfriend, and she's helped Gina open up a whole new world of sexual pleasures to explore.

With Thanksgiving a day away, she reflects on how much she loves this life. As much as she loves her life in Des Moines, she's dreading having to go home to Storm Lake tomorrow.

She's changed so much in the four months since she last saw her family. Her hair has grown much longer. She's dyed it black. She's wearing pierced earrings. She's been acting like a girl so much lately, she's all but forgotten how she acted when she was Jerry.

She wonders if they'll notice. How could they not? Like she's always done, she shoves it all to the back of her mind. As she continues home, she fills her mind with pleasant thoughts. She'll handle her family when the time comes.

Written by Jilluvscox
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