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A TRANS Formation - Chapter 13 - Let The Good Life Begin

"Jill realizes her new financial freedom, and her relationship with Allie takes a new twist"

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Jill can't imagine how she could feel better than she does right now. For the first time in her life, she does not feel poor. The tips she earned getting gang banged at the Club have made it possible for her to have the things she's been wanting. Driving to the mall after work this Tuesday evening, she smiles. The reality of her new financial situation fills her heart with joy.

She opened a savings account today, and deposited $1500 of her tip money into it. With money in the bank, and money in her pocket, she has a new sense of security and confidence. She'll buy a vacuum cleaner and silverware set today, and that'll finish off her list of things she wanted to buy.

Her shopping spree on Sunday was an exhilarating experience. Sure, being able to buy all those things was fun. But when she was thinking about it last night, she realized that what she enjoyed most about her shopping spree, was that she had done it with Allie. It was the first thing she's done with Allie that wasn't connected with sex. She feels so good, and so complete, when she is with Allie.

Inside the mall, her girlfriend inside guides her back to the bookstore, where she bought her cookbook weeks before. She thinks she's going in to find a crock-pot recipe book, and walks towards the cooking section. But actually, her girlfriend inside is guiding her towards the books on meditation and new age thought. When she walks by them, they catch her eye again, just like they did last time. Only this time, she has money to buy them.

Browsing through the racks, she finds an interesting book about meditation, and decides to buy it. She really splurges when she sees a book about massage, deciding on an impulse to just buy it. 'Why not?' she thinks, 'I can afford it.'

She's not sure why she's buying the meditation and massage books; she's just following what her inner girlfriend is guiding her to do. She finds her crock-pot recipe book later, and walks out of the store with three new books in her arms. After buying herself a new silverware set and vacuum cleaner, her shopping list is complete.

A delicious aroma fills the air when Jill walks into her apartment. She made one of the recipes from the cook-booklet that came with her crock-pot this morning before she went to work, and now it's ready to eat. 'How convenient!' she thinks to herself.

She lights her candles, and puts on a Laura Nyro album before going to the closet to change into her girl clothes. The dresses that Allie talked her into buying feel so good on her now. The slips she was wearing last week felt nice, but these new dresses are much more comfortable and casual for just lounging around after work.

While she admires herself in front of the bathroom mirror, she'd like to see bigger titties. She thinks her dress would look better if her stuffed bra pushed her tits out a little more. She decides to move up to a 'B' cup, next time she buys bras.

After she finishes eating, she smokes a little pot and sits down to look at the new books she bought. She's just starting to get interested in the meditation book when her phone rings.


"Hi, Jill, it's Roger."

"Oh hi, Rog. I'm recognizing your voice on the phone now."

"Hey, listen... I have a little over an hour before I need to be home. I know it's early, but I was wondering... do you think I could stop by for a few minutes? I need to talk to you about something."

"Of course you can, Rog. I'm just sitting here relaxing. I'd love for you to come over."

She reads a little more of her book while she waits for Roger to arrive. She's never really heard much about meditation before, and she's finding it very interesting. She's glad she followed her inner voice when she bought it. She finishes the introduction chapter when Roger knocks.

"Hi, Rog... C'mon in! So nice to see you again."

Roger steps inside, puts his arms around Jill, and kisses her.

"You're looking very relaxed tonight, Jill."

"I am... I'm very relaxed, Rog. Shall we sit on the couch?"

"Yeah, that sounds nice... I like your dress... by the way."

"Thank you. It's my first dress. I bought it Sunday at the mall, with Allie. In fact, I bought four of them, Allie did too."

"Sounds like you did pretty good after your first 'Ladies' Night'?"

"I did. I felt wonderful after it. Allie and I had the best time together on Sunday. We had the best time getting gang banged, too. I wasn't sure if I would like it, but I did. I liked it a lot. The guys were all so nice to us. I was overwhelmed by how nice they were.

"What happened to you?" Jill asks, "I don't remember seeing you after things started to get going."

"Oh, I just stayed out action," Roger explains, "I got more enjoyment and pride out of just watching you and Allie having your fun. You two really make a good team, do you know that?

"You and Allie are so beautiful when you're together. I think the seed you two planted has started to grow. Once I saw you doing so well on your own, I knew Allie would bring you home. I didn't have to worry about you after that, so I left early."

Roger's hand begins to journey under Jill's dress as he tells her, "I see you have a nice, new TV sitting over there. Looks like you did well with tips, too?"

"Oh my God, Rog." Jill answers, "I couldn't believe how many tips they gave me. It was so unreal. Allie and I were having so much fun, and then, when it was over, Tony brings us each a box of money... Rog... I've never had this much money in my life!"

"That's just our way of showing you how much we appreciate you, Jill. You girls earned every single penny of it, too. I'm telling you, Jill, you and Allie really are that good together. And you know... I've gotten calls from several of the guys asking if you're available for dating. That's how much some of them liked you."

Jill is getting hard as Roger's hand creeps further under her dress. Jill starts to giggle.

"Really? They want to date me? Allie told me she goes on dates sometimes."

"Well, I told them I wouldn't give them your number without your permission."

"Thank you for that... Who called?"

"Most of them, you probably don't know yet. You weren't looking at many faces Saturday night. But I can tell you, the first guy who called me was Norm."

"Oooo... I like Norm. You can give him my number. I don't know about dating, but for sure I would date Norm."

"Norm really likes you, Jill. He's anxious to be with you alone."

Jill giggles again. As Roger's hand wanders further up her dress, Jill takes it and puts inside her panties, so he can play with her hard cock.

"Isn't this amazing, Rog?" she says, "Remember the first time we were sitting here, and I swatted your hand away just for rubbing my thigh? And now, just look at me. A couple months later, I'm sitting here in a dress, and I'm putting your hand inside my panties."

"You've really come a long way, Jill. I wish you could see the difference in how your face looks since you let yourself do what your body has always wanted to do. I've been so inspired, watching the changes in you."

Roger checks his watch... "Look at the time, I have to start thinking about getting home. I only stopped by, because I wanted to tell you about the guys wanting to date you."

"Do you have time for a blow job? I'd love to give you one."

"I can always make time for that," Roger says, as he smiles.

Jill smiles as she gets on the floor and takes Roger's pants down to his ankles. She runs her fingertips lightly along his thighs on their way to his cock. She teases and fondles him a while before taking him into her mouth. Roger smiles and moans while Jill pleasures the cock she was trained on.

While she sucks his cock and licks balls, Roger tells her, "You suck so much better as a girl, than you ever did as a boy, Jill."

"I like doing it a lot more as a girl, I know that much. I love sucking cock now," Jill replies.

After Jill sucks his cock for twenty minutes, she asks Roger, "Do you still have a little more time before you have to go?"

"I think I have ten or fifteen minutes," Roger answers.

"Good," Jill says. "Don't move."

Jill gets up and gets the bottle of lube. She lifts her dress and wiggles her ass for Roger as she lets him pull her panties off.  She puts some lube in her hand rubs it all over his cock and around her asshole. She gets up on the couch with him and straddles his legs on her knees. She reaches back and guides his cock to the entrance of her pussy. Putting her arms around his neck, she lowers herself down over Roger's cock. She is surprised how little pain there is now, as she wiggles her butt hole over his head and down upon his shaft.

She kisses Roger as she works herself up and down his cock. Each time she raises up, she tightens her muscles around his shaft. Roger is amazed at how much of a little slut Jill has become since she's been hanging around Allie. She's enjoying herself as she pumps a little faster, getting into a nice rhythm. With Jill sitting on his lap, Roger can only sit there and enjoy her magic. Jill isn't fully aware yet of how much control she has over Roger's cock, but she's learning.

Jill rides his cock until she decides it is time for him to cum. She relaxes her muscles as she sits down on his lap one more time, driving his cock into her deepest depths. She kisses Roger as she squeezes her muscles as hard as she can around his cock. Slowly raising herself up, her pussy tightens its grip on his helpless shaft. She gets about halfway up his cock before he erupts inside of her.

"Damn..." Roger gasps, "How did you do that? That was great."

Jill starts to giggle. "I was just letting it flow... like you taught me."

"I didn't teach you that, you pretty girl. You learned that on your own. I wish I had time to do that again."

Jill starts giggling again as she takes Roger's hand. "C'mon, let's get you cleaned up."

Jill leads Rog into her bathroom, where she takes a warm washcloth to clean his cock and balls. She kisses his cock one more time before pulling his pants up. Roger can hardly believe how Jill has just serviced him like a professional, high-class call girl.

As Jill walks him to the door, Roger asks her if he should give Norm her number. Jill tells him, "You can give my number to Norm, but I want to see how I like dating first, before you give it to anyone else."

"Don't worry about that, Jill. I'll never give anyone your number until I've asked you first... Thank you so much for what you just did for me."

"It was all my pleasure, Roger dear," she says with a smile.

Closing the door as Roger leaves, she leans her back against it, giggling out loud. She laughs when she realizes what has she has just done.

The last time, when Roger fucked her in her apartment as Jerry, she had crawled on the floor for him. She submitted to him by sucking his cock, at his command, and she had to beg for it before he would fuck her. Roger told Jerry what position to get in, and Jerry obeyed him, doing whatever he was told to do.

But just now, there was none of that. SHE was the one who offered to suck his cock, because SHE wanted to. It was SHE, who decided when it was time to fuck, and it was SHE, who decided how they would fuck. And finally, it was SHE, who decided when it was time for him to cum.

Jill doesn't fully recognize it yet, but she is beginning to understand how to control a man through his cock. She learned a basic skill from Allie, when she learned how to use her pussy to milk the cum out of a man. Jill has just used that skill to milk Roger's cock dry. And Roger didn't even know she was doing it, until it was over.

She thinks about how much fun it had been being Jerry, submitting to Roger and getting fucked by him. Jerry had enjoyed it all, once he realized he liked being fucked by a man. But now, she thinks about how much MORE fun it was to fuck Roger as Jill, with Jill in control of  the action.

"I've got to call Allie!" She says to herself.

As Allie's phone rings, Jill looks at the clock. It is only seven-thirty; Jill still has most of the night ahead of her. Allie answers her phone after a few rings.


"Hi, big sister."

"Hi, my little sister. Thanks for calling."

"I was going to call you earlier, but Roger was here. He just left a few minutes ago."

"Oh yeah?... Did you do anything fun?"

"Ooooo... Yes! Let me tell you."

Jill proceeds to tell Allie how she had just fucked Roger on her terms, and how she made Roger just sit there, as he enjoyed what she was doing. Allie is thoroughly enjoying what Jill is telling her. She especially enjoys Jill telling about how she made Roger cum when she decided it was time.

"See, little sister. That's what I was talking about the other night. Now that we're the girls, the tables are turned. They're the ones wanting us, not the other way around. You're learning fast."

"Yeah... I'm seeing what you mean... I still like Roger as much as I ever did, it was just more fun when I realized I was controlling the action, not him."

Allie tells Jill, "Most of the time, I really like submitting to them when I'm getting fucked, cuz I want to, and I like it so much. But it's also fun to control them, when I feel like it's time for him to cum."

"Before we fucked, Roger told me some of the guys called him to see if I was available for dating."

"See, babe? I told you, the guys really liked you. What did you tell Roger?"

"He said Norm wanted my phone number, and I told him it was OK to give it to him. But I told him not to give my number to anyone else. Not right now, at least. I want to see how I like dating first."

"Norm really likes you, Jill. I think you're gonna be fucking him in a hotel room pretty soon."

"Well... We'll have to see what happens," Jill says.

"I don't have to wait to see what happens, I already know it's going to happen."

Jill starts to giggle when Allie says that. Allie ribs her a little more. "You know it's going to happen, too, don't you?"

"Maybe," Jill says.

"Maybe?" Allie laughs. Jill laughs too, before she gives in.

"OK... Probably," Jill says, making both girls laugh hard.

Allie changes the subject. "Have you thought about what we're going to do this weekend?"

"I have to go see my folks this weekend," Jill says, "I can't put it off any longer."

"That's too bad. I'm going to miss sleeping with you."

"I know. I really don't want to go, but I have to."

"Can you come spend the night Friday?" Allie asks.

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"I didn't think about Friday. That would probably work."

"Let's plan on it. We could go out to dinner and then have some girl time."

"Yeah. I like our girl time. I liked our girl time at the mall Sunday. That was fun."

"Yeah? Maybe we can go shopping for a while after dinner."

"That would be fun, Allie. Almost like going out on a date together."

"Hmmmm... Going out on a date together. I like the way that sounds, Jill."

"Me too, Allie. Since we're in a relationship now, shouldn't be dating?"

"We should, Jill. Let's make it a point to go out on a date every week."

"Yeah... Let's get serious about this," Jill agrees.

"We'll do that, Jill. Right now, though, I need to get some sleep. It's starting to get late."

"OK, Allie. I'll let you go to bed. Talk to you tomorrow?"

"For sure, baby. Bye for now."

"Night, Allie."

Jill hangs up the phone and looks at the time. It's almost ten o'clock; she wonders where the evening went. Then she remembers, she went to the mall, she fucked Roger, and she talked to Allie. Pretty nice evening, she thinks.


'It's been quite a week,' Jill thinks to herself Thursday night. She goes into the kitchen and puts all the kitchen stuff her mom gave her into a box. Jill feels proud that now she has all her own kitchen utensils, thanks to the tips she earned at the Club last weekend.

Even though she's not excited about going home for the weekend, she does feel a certain sense of satisfaction. She is going to return everything her parents lent her to get started, which for her, is a personal statement that she is now totally on her own. The only things she has left to buy are sheets and blankets. She's thinking maybe she can buy new bedding when she goes to the mall with Allie tomorrow night.

She is almost finished packing her mom's dishes, when her phone rings.


"Hello... Is this Jill? or Jerry maybe?"

"This is Jill... who is this?"

"Hi, Jill. This is Norm... from the Club... do you still remember me?"

"Norm!.. Why, of course I still remember you."

"I wasn't sure if I should address you as Jerry or Jill. Roger just gave me your number a few minutes ago, I hope it was OK for me to call."

"It's fine that you called me, Norm. Roger checked with me before he gave you my number. And please, call me Jill now. All my friends call me Jill. And you're a friend of mine."

"It's good Roger checked with you first. Roger is good about those kind of things. But anyway, Jill, I don't have a lot of time... I was just wondering... what are the chances... of an old fart like me... maybe... ummm... taking you out to dinner?"

Jill starts to giggle. "For someone like you, Norm?.. I'd say the chances of that happening are right around... 100%."

Norm laughs as Jill giggles. "Would I be pushing my luck if asked what my chances are of... say... taking you up to a room after dinner?"

Jill laughs and giggles as she tells him, "Hmmm... Let me think... after you've been so nice and taken me out to dinner? Your chances of getting me into a room with you are about... 200%."

Norm laughs again. "You're a beauty, Jill. I knew when I first met you, you were someone I wanted to be friends with. I'll make it worth your while. And if you wear what you wore last Saturday night, I'll make it even more worth your while."

Jill knows Norm is talking about tipping her. She makes it sound like she's not interested in the money, even though she is.

"Oh, Norm... It'll be worth my while just being with you. So... when did you have in mind? I'm busy this weekend."

"Oh, I could never do it on a weekend. I have to be with the family on weekends. The company is sending me on a trip to Brazil on Wednesday. I was hoping you might be available this coming Tuesday night maybe?"

"Well, that's a work night for me. I could do it if we don't stay all night."

"That's not a problem, Jill. I couldn't stay too late even if I wanted to. Can we meet at six-thirty and play it by ear from there?"

"Sounds like you've got a date, Norm."

Jill smiles as she hangs up the phone. She detected a bit of timidity in Norm's voice when he asked her out. She remembers all the times in high school, when Jerry would anguish and torment himself, just to work up enough courage to ask a girl out on a date. And how every single time, he had been turned down.

And just now... a man... a rich man... called HER up, to ask HER for a date. Jill smiles to herself; what Allie told her is true. The tables ARE turned in her favor, now she's playing the game as a girl. Jill looks at the dress she is wearing. She feels her bra and panties under it. She thinks to herself, 'It's good to be the girl, I like this a lot.'


She tells Allie all about it the next night when they are enjoying dinner together.

"See, Jill... What did I tell you the other night? Norm likes you. Didn't I say you'd be fucking him in a hotel room soon?"

"You were right again, Allie... And you know what? I'm glad you were right. I'm looking forward to my first date. I'm glad it's with Norm."

"I think you'll have a great time," Allie tells her.

After the girls finish dinner, they go to the mall for their shopping 'date'. Jill buys the new bedding she needed. Now she can return the sheets and blanket she borrowed from her mom.

Jill told Allie she wanted to get some 'B' cup bras. They find some in a department store, but Jill is too embarrassed to buy them herself. Allie does her a favor, and buys them for her. Allie has been doing this longer than Jill has.

Back at Allie's apartment, the girls can't wait to get each other's clothes off. They run into the bathroom, and Allie turns on the tub water. They've both been looking forward to some 'girl time', and they're both really horny for each other.

While the tub fills with hot water, they take turns shaving each other. Jill has more fun doing it this time. Last time, she was afraid of cutting Allie, but she's getting the hang of it now. Tonight she loves feeling every inch of Allie's body as she shaves her.

In the tub, they wrap their arms around each other, covering their bodies with intimate kisses. As the fragrance of the bath oils stimulates their senses, they get into some heavy cocksucking. Jill has all but fallen in love with Allie's cock, and Allie feels the same way about Jill's. With their cocks hard and throbbing, they roll around in the warm water, rubbing their hard cocks against each other as they kiss.

When things settle down a bit, Jill puts her head on Allie's shoulder and tells her, "I missed not seeing you all week, Allie."

"So did I, Jill. I thought about you all week. I loved talking on the phone every night. We were so much like sisters last week at the Club."

"Yeah... I've thought a lot about, too, what we did at the Club. I really liked getting fucked like that, by all those guys. And just think... last week, I was so scared and afraid I was going too fast. And now, I want to do it again. I even have my first date lined up next week."

"It sure didn't take long for you to get into doing this, Jill. I think you've always been ready to do this. All it took was for you to accept that you always wanted to do it. And the tips we get sure make it easier to want to do it again and again."

"I think you're right, Allie. Once I decided I wanted it, it was so much fun. I thought my ass would be sore from getting fucked so much, but it really wasn't as sore as I thought it would be."

"Do you know why?"


"Because most of those guys have average, or below average cocks. You and I, by far, had the biggest cocks in the room."

"That's true. Most of the ones I sucked... I didn't have any problem getting them all the way in my mouth."

"They like touching and sucking our cocks, almost as much as they like fucking us. We have something they'll never have. A cock as big as ours. They'll never have one," says Allie.

"Yeah..." Jill remembers, "Some of them really seemed obsessed with my cock."

"That's because you have such a beautiful cock, Jill. I still don't think you realize how beautiful your cock really is. I think about your cock all the time. I'm in love with sucking it, I really am. I'm in love with your cock so much, I want to feel it inside me, Jill."

"Wow," says Jill, "I've been enjoying being Jill and getting fucked by you so much, I've never even thought about me fucking you. Actually, I've never fucked anyone before, but already you know that."

"Well, start thinking about it, Jill... Think about it right now... Think about this girl in front of you... wouldn't it be fun to fuck her?... Wanna get out of the tub and try it?"

"Yeah... I've never thought about actually fucking you, but I'm open to trying it. I've loved everything I've done with you so far."

"Let me get you turned on to it, Jill. Let me show you how I crave your cock."

"Mmmmm... Show me, Allie," is all that Jill says.

After they dry each other off, Allie tells Jill, "Since I'm going to be the girl tonight, Jill, I want to please you by offering my body to you. You can use my body however you want. So don't wait for me to guide you, like you do when you're the one getting fucked.

"Let your desires run free. It's your desires that matter here, not mine. I'm surrendering myself to you. My only desire is to fulfill all of yours."

Jill takes Allie into her arms and starts kissing her. As they kiss, Jill pushes her cock up against Allie's, moving her hips move up and down as their bare, hard cocks rub against each other. Jill starts to get into the mindset of the dominant partner.

Moving her hands down Allie's back, she grabs Allie's ass cheeks. Squeezing them lightly at first, then with more force, she digs her fingers into Allie's ass. Allie tells Jill how much she loves feeling her fingernails scraping her skin.

"Let's go into Allie's room, girlfriend," Jill tells Allie.

In Allie's bedroom, Jill takes the bedspread down and lies on the pink sheets. Propping her head up on the pillows, she spreads her legs and tells Allie, "Come suck my cock, girl. I want to watch you take it in your mouth."

Without saying anything, Allie gets up on her hands and knees between Jill's legs. Looking up at Jill, she runs her tongue up her long shaft until it reaches the slit on her head. Without touching it with her hands, she gives Jill an erotic tongue bath all up and down her cock and all over her balls.

Still looking into Jill's eyes, she works on her balls, sucking each one into her mouth, and massaging them with her tongue. She sends shivers into Jill when she takes her entire scrotum into her mouth. Their eyes remain locked on each other as Allie sucks and rolls her tongue around each of her balls.

Allie again runs her tongue up Jill's cock, wrapping her lips around the head before sucking her in, all the way to her balls. Jill puts her hands on Allie's head and guides her, as she sucks with full strokes up and down her pulsating cock.

When Jill feels she is about to cum, she takes Allie's mouth off and pulls her up so she can kiss her. As they kiss, Jill rolls over on top of Allie, kissing her neck and shoulders. Working her way down, she takes special pleasure in sucking Allie's nipples, until they are standing up hard.

When she gets to her clit, she pulls her foreskin down to expose her shiny, purple head. Jill has always enjoyed playing with Allie's foreskin and rolling her tongue around Allie's wet head. It's her favorite part of Allie's cock. It's even more fun this time, with Allie in full girl mode. She only sucks the clit area of her cock, making Allie's pleasure all the more intense.

Allie raises her hips as Jill spreads her legs, offering her pussy to Jill. Jill has never licked anyone's asshole before, and she hesitates before she touches it with her tongue. She is pleasantly surprised to discover she likes the way it feels. Just out of the tub, Allie's asshole smells fresh and clean. Jill has no inhibitions standing in the way of letting her lick her inside and out. She makes Allie squirm and moan with pleasure as she gets into stimulating Allie this way.

When she feels the time is right, Jill gets the lube, and works it into Allie's throbbing puss-hole. As Jill mounts her, Allie guides her cock to the entrance of her desire. "Push it in, baby, this is what I've been wanting, this is what I've been craving," Allie whispers.

Allie feels the sting of being stretched as Jill pushes the head of her cock inside. Jill pauses as she enters, savoring this new sensation of Allie's tight hole gripping her cock. She likes the way it contracts around her cock as they kiss. Allie wraps her legs around Jill, pushing her pussy up. Her body language tells Jill she wants it deeper.

Spurred on by Allie's signals, Jill pushes herself further inside Allie until she reaches full penetration. She fucks Allie with slow, loving strokes as their tongues probe each other's mouth.

Just as they begin to get into a nice rhythm, Jill feels her balls begin to contract. She pulls back, not wanting to cum yet. But it happened too fast; she cannot control herself as she shoots her load of hot cum into Allie.

Allie tightens her arms and legs around Jill as she feels the cum shooting into her. Their kissing becomes ever more passionate as Jill's orgasm takes control over her. When Jill's orgasm subsides, she takes her spent cock out of Allie's ass and rolls over next to her.

"Oh my God, Allie, that felt so good. I wish I could have lasted longer, but the cum came so fast, I couldn't control it. I don't know how it happened."

"That's OK, my sweet Jill. That was the first time you've ever used your cock like that. The more we fuck like this, the better you'll be able to control it. I'm just so thrilled I finally got to feel what your beautiful cock feels like inside me. You're going to be fucking me again. We're going to be fucking each other a lot. It'll be better every time we do it."

"My cock felt so good inside of you, Allie. Sex just keeps getting better with us. You've taught me so much. I'm so glad we're together."

"So am I, Jill... So am I. Let's snuggle up now, and get some sleep. You need to be rested up for your trip tomorrow. I do hope you have a nice visit with your family."

With those words, Allie and Jill embrace in the afterglow of the sex they just enjoyed, and drift off to sleep.



Written by Jilluvscox
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