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A TRANS Formation - Chapter 37 - Doctor Day

"Jill is faced with a familiar setback and makes it work to her advantage"

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Allie's alarm goes off at two a.m. and Jill has to shake her to wake her up. Today might be the biggest day of their lives, they can't be late. It's Friday, the day they go to Northrop University in Chicago to interview for their female transition program. It's a five-hour drive and their appointment's at nine o'clock.

"Wake up, Allie... it's time to get up, baby." 

"Fuck..." Allie mumbles, "I just got to sleep."

"I know, baby, but we have to get on the road."

Jill puts on a pot of coffee and goes back to the bedroom where Allie still isn't up. "C'mon, sweetheart, it'll be better when we get in the shower."

After a cup of caffeine and a very quick shower, they get in the car with stingy-eyes and wet pony tails. Not knowing what to expect during the road trip, they dressed as boys today to avoid any potential embarrassing situations. 

Driving Allie's Mustang along the dark interstate highway, the radio keeps Jill company as Allie catches a few more hours of sleep. Crossing the Mississippi River into Illinois, the night gives way to morning and Jill looks for an exit to stop for breakfast. 

Pulling into a truck stop diner, they're glad they're not dressed as girls today. They've got enough on their minds already without having to act female with all the burly truck drivers walking around. As they eat breakfast at a table next to a window, the morning sun begins to show itself. 

"Feeling better?" Jill asks.

"Yeah, I'm feeling pretty good now. I really needed that extra sleep. My date wore me out last night, I thought he'd never cum."

Their lives have been busier than ever since their visit with Maggie. They had more lube orders than usual last week, and they were up till almost midnight Monday and Wednesday filling orders. Their weekend flew by, having to fuck at the Club mid-month meeting and making more lube on Sunday. 

They really wanted to cancel their dates last night, but since their dates were married men, they didn't have a way to contact them at home.

"I was lucky," Jill says, "Stan fucked me a long time, but his cock is small and all I had to do was lie there and act excited."

"We've been hitting it hard lately, my body's feeling it," Allie laments.

"So is mine," Jill agrees, "but this is what it's like having this baby we've been thinking about. Our business baby is already born, and we're taking care of it and making it grow. 

"I know we've been working hard, but it feels like we're really close to having that baby we've been pregnant with all summer long. If we get accepted into this program, we might be ready to finally quit our jobs."

Allie drives the rest of the way, and the anticipation builds as they come into the heavy morning Chicago area traffic. With Jill keeping track of where they are on the map, they make their way to Park Ridge, a suburb where Northrop is located. 

When they get to the entrance of the university, Jill gets the campus map Maggie gave them to find their way to the School of Medicine. Northrop isn't a large university, but since they both grew up in small towns, it's bigger than anything the girls have seen.

They get to Maggie's office fifteen minutes early, relieved they made it on time. Jill's impressed seeing her name on door: Dr. Margaret Patterson, PsyD. Under her name are the words, human sexuality and hypnotherapy.

A friendly receptionist greets them when they walk in. "Good morning! I'm Linda," she happily says. "You must be Jill and Allie. We've been looking forward to seeing you! Dr. Patterson will see you shortly. Would you like some coffee while you wait?"

They're both a little nervous as they sip their coffee in this new environment, not really sure what to expect. In a few minutes, they hear Maggie talking in the intercom, telling Linda to bring them in. 

They're still nervous going into Maggie's office, but Maggie calms them down with a hug and has them sit in big, comfortable chairs. After some small talk about their drive and how they're feeling, Maggie gets down to business. 

"Let me give you an idea of what we're going to be doing today," she says. "We're going to examine you both physically and mentally. You'll be doing it separately. Linda will take one of you to the medical lab to be examined by our medical team, while the other will stay here with me and we'll look at your psychology. 

"It's all going to be quite confusing at first. You're going to feel like you're a lab rat, and since this is a research program, that's kind of what you are. We're studying gender dysphoria and developing treatments, so we'll be studying you. We'll be studying how your body reacts to the treatments we'll be giving you, both physically and mentally.

"You'll have to sign some liability release forms, but don't let that scare you. We've been doing this a while and we're pretty good at it. We've had almost a hundred girls in the program so far, and only two have dropped out. Half of our girls have completed the program and they're living successful lives as women.

"We'll take a lunch break, and I have two girls in the program coming in to meet you. You'll get to talk with them to get a perspective from a patient's point of view."

"After lunch, we'll switch places and do it all over again. At the end of the day, you'll both be back here and we'll talk about what happened. We should be all finished up by four o'clock. 

"So... Are you girls ready to get started?"

"I'm ready," Allie says. 

"Me too," Jill agrees. "That's why we came, right?"

"Jill, I want to talk with you first," Maggie says. She takes Allie out of the room and has Linda take her to the medical lab. 

Alone with Jill, Maggie takes her into a room on one side of her office. It's a small, intimate setting with two big, comfortable chairs and a small table with water glasses and a box of tissues. Maggie turns the lights down low, and after a few minutes of light conversation to get Jill relaxed, she begins probing her mind. 

She asks her about every aspect of her experiences growing up. Jill tells her things about her depressing childhood she thought she'd forgotten years ago. Through her questions, Maggie has Jill remembering all the times she'd been picked on by the other boys. Jill tells her how sad she always was that she was never able to make many friends. 

Even when she was home with her family, she always felt alone, like no one cared whether she was there or not. It's all quite depressing, and more than a few times Jill needs a tissue to dry tears from her eyes.

After a couple hours, Maggie asks her about the scar on her arm. Jill tries to brush it off and avoid the questions. Her illusive answers tell Maggie there's something deep inside her subconscious that torments her to this day. Maggie probes her further, but the more she asks about it, the more resistant Jill becomes. 

It's getting close to lunchtime, and Maggie doesn't want to upset Jill anymore than she already is. She takes her back to her main office and talks about more pleasant subjects. Jill's feeling more comfortable when Linda's voice on the intercom says that Josie and Laura are in the waiting room. 

After a few minutes, the receptionist brings Allie back and Maggie asks her how everything went. "Damn," Allie says. "You weren't kidding about feeling like a lab rat."

"You'll get used to it, dear. This is about changing your body, that's why we look at it so closely. How would you like to see a real-life example of what the treatments can do for you?"

They both say they would, and Maggie tells the receptionist to bring the girls in. "I'd like you to meet Josie and Laura," Maggie says. "Josie's been with us a year and Laura's in her third year of transition." 

Josie has a body very much like Jill's, above average height and very thin. Laura is a shorter girl, and not thin at all. The girls are impressed with how candid Josie and Laura are. They're very open, talking about their bodies and how the hormones have changed them. 

When Allie asks about their breasts, Laura asks, "Would you like to see mine? I've had implants."

"I'll show you mine, too," Jodie offers. "I want to get implants, but I can't afford it yet."

As the girls take off their blouses, Maggie says, "We're not embarrassed showing each other our bodies here. We're all friends who support each other."

She goes on to explain the cost of the doctors' exams and the hormone prescriptions are covered under the program, but the girls have to pay for any cosmetic surgeries themselves.

Laura takes off her bra and shows off her beautiful C-cup tits. "What do you think?" she asks. 

"Wow! They're beautiful," Allie says. 

"Wanna feel 'em? I don't mind."

Allie jumps at the offer and so does Jill. They're amazed at how soft Laura's skin is as they fondle her breasts. "I want some like these," Allie giggles.

"You can certainly do it," Laura tells her. "I couldn't believe how much better I felt after I got my implants. They changed the whole way I feel about myself."

Jill looks at Josie, who's just removed her A-cup bra. She's loves the way her nipples pop out from her swollen areolas, and the mound of breast tissue developing under each one.

"Those are so cute," Jill says. "How long before they started growing?" 

"They started growing after I was on estrogen three months. They're still growing," she says. 

"Is that the first change you had?"

"Oh, no," Josie says. "My skin got softer right away. And my emotions started changing after a month. I started getting my figure when my boobs started growing. I've gained weight in my hips and my butt."

Since they're already topless, the girls pull down their jeans to let Jill and Allie see how their hips and butts have developed. They're envious as they run their hands along the smoothly feminine curves of their bodies. 

Laura has a decent sized cock and Allie asks her if she uses it for sex.

"I can if I want to. It was bigger before I went on hormones. At first it wouldn't get hard, but now it does. My boyfriend likes me as a girl, and I'd rather have sex as a girl, but sometimes we switch roles."

Josie's penis is very small, and she tells them it's always been small. "I've never used it for sex," she tells them. "Even when I was a boy, I never wanted to use it. I've never been with a girl, I never wanted to. I'm more focused on school and getting my education. I want to have sex someday, but I'm in no hurry. I'd rather wait for the right guy to come along."

"What are you studying?" Jill asks. 

"I wanna be a legal assistant. I'd like to be an attorney some day, but that's probably out of my reach. Especially now that I'm a girl."

After the girls put their clothes back on, the four of them go to the campus cafeteria for lunch. They become friends as they talk about being girls with male bodies.

"My boyfriend and I were never attracted to girls," Laura shares. "We just figured we were queers. We've been in love since high school. 

"I always wanted to be the girl when we had sex, and when we moved in together, I started wearing girls' clothes around the house all the time. When I got into the program, I finally realized I've been a girl all my life."

"I thought I was a queer, too," Josie tells them. "In junior high I started liking this boy. I'd go over to his house and suck him in his bedroom. One time his dad came in and caught us. He yelled at me and told me to get out of his house. Then he called my parents, and they kicked my butt when I got home. 

"Well, word got around and everyone called me a queer all through high school. I was so depressed, I tried to kill myself one night taking a bunch of downers, but I screwed it up. I was unconscious when my mom came in my bedroom and she called an ambulance. They pumped my stomach at the hospital and saved me. 

"My parents made me go to a shrink in town, and he sent me to see Maggie. Maggie got me in the program and she saved my life. I've really been a girl my whole life and Maggie helped me see it."

Josie and Jill exchange phone numbers, and Josie tells her she can call any time to talk about her transition.

After lunch, it's back to business. While Allie stays with Maggie, Linda takes Jill to the medical examination area. She's told to take all of her clothes off and put on a gown. The doctor comes in to talk with her. 

"Hi, Jill, I'm Wayne Edmonds. The girls just call me Dr. Wayne. We'll get to know each other very well today. We're going to check and record every inch of your body. We keep these records so we can document how your body changes during your transition. 

"We all trust each other, so there's no need for modesty. We're all here to support you."

After taking urine samples, blood samples, and x-rays, she goes into an exam room and is asked to take off her gown. As she stands completely naked, they put a tape measure around every part of her body. From her arms and legs, to tummy and chest, they take measurements. 

She gets a little embarrassed when they take each of her balls and measure the size with calipers. They close a curtain around her and she's told to think of sex and give herself a hard-on. While she's hard, they come in and measure the length and girth of her cock. 

They close the curtain again and tell her to jack off and put a sperm sample in a cup. Dr. Wayne comes in and tells her, "I'm going to examine your anal area. This part is kinda of embarrassing at first, but after the girls get to know us, they kinda like it." 

He has Jill get on a table on her hands and knees. He puts on a rubber glove and lubes her ass. Putting a finger inside, he asks, "Does this hurt at all?"

"No," Jill answers.

He moves his finger all around the inside of her ass, checking her prostate and the walls of her cavity. "I'm going to insert another finger," he says, "let me know if it hurts."

The doctor notices how easy his second finger slips in and he asks, "Do you have sex like this?"

"Yes," Jill answers.

"How often?"

"All the time," Jill says.

"When was the last time?"

"Last night," Jill says.

"So you have an active sex life?"

"Very active," Jill tells him.

'Hmmm..." he thinks. 'Allie said the same thing.' While he's talking to her, he slips a third finger inside and Jill hardly notices. "Do you and Allie just have sex with just yourselves...? Or do you have other partners?

"We have a lot of partners," Jill says.

"So you like having sex as a woman?"

"I love sex, I love everything about it," Jill confides. "As a boy, sex never worked for me. But when I started doing it as a girl, I started liking men. I just fell in love with it. I couldn't help it. It's just how I am."

She's a little embarrassed telling this to the doctor, but she figures he probably already knows she fucks a lot. He takes his fingers out of her butt and removes the rubber glove.

"OK..." he says. "That's the end of the anal exam. We don't really like to get into your sex life too much, we just need to know how active you are. Most of our girls aren't as active as you, and some have real problems with sex. 

"There's nothing wrong with anal sex," he says. "We actually encourage it. As a transgender girl, your anus is your vagina, it's the only way you can have sex as a woman. 

"Our society has attached so many taboos to anal sex. That's why some of our girls have a lot of problems with it. They have a hard time accepting that they're going to have to learn to do it if they want to have a satisfying sex life. You have a big advantage, because you've already become a woman in the bedroom. 

"After a few months on estrogen, you'll probably be enjoying sex a lot more. You'll have female emotions to go along with the physical sensations you're enjoying now."

Next, they take her to a room with gym equipment. They record her strength as she lifts weights and pushes against resistance machines. Finally, the doctor says, "That's all the measurements we need. This last part is the easiest. We're going to take pictures of every inch of your body."

She takes off the gown and stands naked in front of a gray background set up for photography. While the doctor tells her to get into different poses, a nurse takes pictures of every inch of her body. They take close ups of her breasts, her cock, and tell her to bend over and spread her ass for the camera.

When it's all over, Dr. Wayne tells her, "You did great, Jill. Your thin body is perfect for transition. I think you can develop a beautiful female body. I'm approving you for the program. Depending on what Dr. Patterson says, we'll look forward to seeing you in a month, and every three months after that."

Jill's relieved to get her clothes back on and go back to Maggie's office. She's feeling good about Dr. Wayne approving her, and is looking forward to Maggie telling her the same.

With Allie and Jill together, Maggie tells them, "You both did great on everything. Dr. Wayne approved both of you for the program. Allie, I'm approving you for the program today. 

"Jill... unfortunately... I can't approve you today. It's probably not a big deal, but I'm going to have to see you again before I can approve you."

"Why?" Jill asks, as tears form in her eyes. "Dr. Wayne said I have a perfect body for this."

"You do Jill... physically, you and Allie are perfect. But I'm not one-hundred-percent certain you're ready mentally. There's something about your scar we have to take care of before I can approve you. Would you be willing to come back to work on that."

"Yes, of course I would. But I don't understand. It happened when I was a baby. It wasn't my fault. I don't remember anything about it." She starts to cry and finishes by saying, "Why does my scar always fuck me up? It's always fucked me up! It's not fucking fair!"

Allie hugs Jill to comfort her and tells Maggie, "I love Jill no matter what. We do everything together, and if she can't do the program, I'm not doing the program. You'll have to accept both of us, or neither of us."

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"I understand," Maggie tells them. "Everything we do here is in your best interest. We all trust each other, we have to. This is a huge life change we're talking about. A permanent change. You'll have to trust me when I tell you I have to see Jill again before I can approve her."

Jill wipes the tears from her eyes and says, "OK, I trust you. What do I have to do?"

"That's better," Maggie says. "I want to see you next Friday afternoon. I want you to fly in by yourself. Allie will stay home. I want to talk with Jerry, not Jill. Leave Jill at home and come as Jerry. I'll pick you up you at the airport. We'll spend the night together, looking at that scar you've had all your life. Believe me, you'll see the benefit when we're done.

"I'm pretty sure we can take care of this. I'm so sure, I'm going to send you home with some pills. We have two kinds of pills. These blue ones we call T-blockers. They'll stop most of the testosterone affects in your body. You'll take one every morning and one every night. 

"Get used to taking pills, girls. You'll be taking pills every day for the rest of your life. You'll be on blockers for a month at least, maybe two. It depends on your hormone levels when we test you again. 

"These pink pills are estrogen. When we put you on these you'll start developing your female body. We might want to give you an injection of estrogen at first, and from time to time. It all depends on what Dr. Wayne says when he looks your data. Every girl is different." 

"We'll start you on your blockers today. If for some reason, you decide you don't want to go thru with this, these won't make permanent changes to your body right away. But there's a point down the road, especially when we get into the estrogen, there's no turning back. The changes are permanent. Before we give you your first estrogen, we'll have you both come in again to go over more things you'll have to do."

"So were going to be coming to Chicago a lot?" Allie asks.

"At first, yes," Maggie says. "We might be able to set something up with Dr. Jennings. He might be able to give you injections in Des Moines when you need them. As we get into this, and learn how your body reacts, we'll know more."

"OK," Jill says. "It looks like I'll have to buy a plane ticket next week."

"That's right. Get here as close to four o'clock as you can. I prefer to do these kinds of sessions in the evening. So..." Maggie asks, "You've both had a long day. Do you have any questions before you go?"

The girls don't have any questions, and as they leave, Maggie gives them each a hug. When she hugs Jill, she says, "Don't worry about a thing, darling. You'll get through this. If I didn't think you would, I wouldn't be having you come back."


As they leave the campus, Allie asks, "How are ya feeling, babe? I was shocked when she said she couldn't approve you yet."

"I dunno, Allie. I'm kinda pissed and I'm kinda scared. I'm pissed cuz I have to go through this shit with my scar all over again. It's always something about my fuckin' scar, every... fuckin'... time! My whole fuckin' life... my scar keeps holding me back. 

"I'm scared because I might not get in the program. It's been like this my whole life, people reject me because of my scar."

"Well, I didn't reject you," Allie comforts, "and Rosy didn't reject you. If they reject you they'll reject me too, cuz I ain't doing it without you."

Jill's comforted by Allie's words, knowing that no matter what happens, she has people who love her. As they drive in the heavy Chicago traffic, the sleep they missed last night plus the tensions and excitement of day is catching up with both of them. Allie's starting to get tired, and she asks Jill, "I'm getting too tired to drive, babe. Do you think you could drive?"

"I don't know, I'm tired as fuck too. Maybe we should stop and get a motel tonight. No way we're going to be able to drive another four hours."

Allie agrees, and as they approach the town of Joliet, they see a hotel billboard advertising in-room Jacuzzis. "Take this exit," Jill says. "I see the hotel." 

It's a high class, expensive hotel, but the girls don't care. They're high class, expensive whores and they can afford it. Inside their plush hotel room, they flop on the bed, kissing and relaxing from the strenuous day they've just had. "Damn, I love you," Allie says. Jill's eyes are closed as she contemplates the thoughts going through her mind. She hardly says a word. Maggie's words are eating at her, and she's starting to go into depression.

After a few minutes of silence, Allie asks, "You hungry, babe?" 

"I'm fuckin' starved. Maybe that's why I feel like shit. Let's go eat so we can get naked and relax in the Jacuzzi."

Eating dinner makes Jill feel better, but she's still quiet as they walk back to their room. Allie knows she needs love right now.

After turning on the water to fill the Jacuzzi, they get undressed and lie on the bed. Allie tries to arouse her with sweet kisses, but Jill's quiet and unresponsive, lost in her depressive thoughts. 

Jill's been leading the way these past few months, getting their lube business started and keeping Allie focused on their goals. But now, she's suffering a mental setback, and she needs Allie's love more than ever. 

Allie tries arousing her again, kissing all over her body. She tries giving her a blow job, but after ten minutes of being sucked, she's only half-way hard. She's feeling loved, but not erotic. Allie moves up to kiss her lips and Jill wraps her arms around her, wanting to feel her lover in her arms. 

"Thanks for loving me, Allie," she says. "If I didn't have you, I don't know where I'd be."

"You're so precious to me, sweetheart," says Allie. "I know how you're feeling, but I think it's all going to work out just fine. Hold that idea in your head, just like you've told me to do so many times. It's gonna be fine, babe. It's gonna be fine. Just keep thinking it."

"I know Allie... It's just that... this has happened all my life, just when I'm feeling good, my fuckin' scar keeps coming up. It's like I'm marked for life. I fucking hate it."

"Well, we can't do anything about it right now," Allie comforts. "I think the Jacuzzi's full. Come sit in the warm water with me."

The tension begins to dissipate as they hold each other in the bubbly water. Jill giggles a little bit when Allie gives her a few tickles, and the giggling leads to laughter as they tickle each other. After a good round of laughing, they're able to relax and let the water sooth their bodies. 

Allie holds on to the edge, closes her eyes, and lets her body float on top of the water. Jill gives her kisses as she floats, and tells her how much in love she is with her. She plays with her cock while she kisses, and gets the urge to suck.

Licking up and down her soft shaft brings moans from Allie. Jill gets on her knees between her legs, her hands holding Allie's ass as it floats. With the water just below her shoulders, she playfully sucks on Allie's balls, and comes out of her depression. She follows Allie's advice and holds the thought in her head that it's all going to work out.

Before taking it in her mouth, she flicks her tongue along the length of Allie's cock, kissing it as she goes. She gets her girl feeling back as she gets into sucking. Taking it into her throat, she forgets about her concerns as she gets into loving Allie. She's feeling grateful for having Allie to lean on. 

So many times in the past, when she felt discriminated against because of her scar, she always felt so alone. She didn't have anyone close to her, so she always held it inside. She'd let it eat at her until it drove her into another deep depression. Being able to open up and tell Allie how she feels about it lets her get over it without going into another days-or-weeks-long depression. 

Kissing Allie's cock and fluttering her tongue around the foreskin makes her feel better. Jill giggles as she takes her in deep again. She holds it there, running her tongue along the spot that makes Allie cum. Tasting Allie's cum, holding cock in her mouth and seeing her long, black hair moving in the water; she's feeling like a beautiful girl again.

As Allie's body sinks back into the water, Jill moves up to kiss her. "Thanks, baby," she says. "Thanks for being my lover."

"I'll always be with you, sweetheart," Allie comforts. "We're lovers, and we always will be. I think we're both burned out. We've been up a long time. Let's get some sleep."


A good night's sleep was just what the girls needed. Waking up happy and refreshed, they're ready to take on the world. Out of the shower, dried off and still naked, they get the T-blocker pills Maggie gave them and take their first one together.

"Here we go," Allie says, "the beginning of the end of our male bodies."

"I hope so," says Jill. "I feel like we're starting on a new journey. A journey very few people have ever taken."

Once they're on the road, Jill says, "I feel so much better today. It's good we didn't try to drive all the way home last night."

"That's for sure," says Allie. "We were both fuckin' tired. Yesterday really burned us out."

"How often are we going to have to make these trips?" Jill wonders.

"I don't know, but it's gonna be hard to do this and still keep going to work, especially if we're going out on dates two nights a week."

"Yeah, I know," Jill says. "Maybe it's about time to think about quitting our jobs. We're making as much off the lube now as we do at our jobs, sometimes even more."

"That's what we've been working towards, isn't it?"

"Yup, it is," Jill says. "And we're almost there. Besides, as our bodies get more feminine and if we start growing tits, we won't be able to hide it anymore."

"Oh God," Allie says, "those tits on Laura yesterday were so hot. I'd love to have tits like that."

"They were nice," Jill agrees, "but she didn't grow those, she had to have surgery. I don't know if I want tits bad enough to have surgery."

"I would," says Allie. "If I'm gonna turn into a real girl, I want nice tits like that."

"Well, that's a long ways off still," Jill says. "We don't even know if I'm gonna be accepted yet. And if I am, it'll still take a long time to see any changes."

"You'll get accepted, babe. I'm holding the idea in my head."


Getting home just past noon, the girls can't wait to get out of their boy clothes and put on dresses. They're glad it's Saturday and they have a couple days to recover. As they smoke a joint and relax, Allie asks, "Do you really think we're ready to quit our jobs?"

"Well," Jill says, "we've got over $40,000 in our cash stash, and as long as we keep whoring, we're making more money than we spend. I'd like to be able to look for a house, but we haven't moved enough whore money into our legitimate accounts to do that. And since we can't ever get married, no bank is going to give us a loan together."

"Yeah, that really sucks," Allie laments. "No matter how much we love each other, we'll never be able to get married."

"We can't do anything about it," Jill says. "We'll have to figure out how to do it without using a bank. If I get accepted in the program, I can't see how we'll be able to keep our jobs. It's already wearing us out, doing two dates a week and taking care of lube orders. And besides, we're not making shit at our jobs anyways."

While they're talking, the phone rings and Jill gets up to answer.


"Hi Jill, it's Carla. I had to call and find out how it went yesterday."

"It went good, I guess. Allie's got accepted but not me. I have to go back again and talk to the shrink before they'll let me in."


"She said it was something to do with my scar. It pisses me off, but I can't do shit about it."

"That fucking sucks. It's not your fault you have a scar."

"I know. I've had to deal with this shit my whole life. I guess I'll have to deal with it again... What are you and Rosy doing?"

"We're not doing anything. We were hoping you might want to get together, since we're off tonight."

"Why don't we go out to dinner and see what happens?" Jill suggests. "We're really burned out from our trip, we need to rest this afternoon."

"That sounds good. Since you're both tired, we'll come over to your place around six."

"That sounds good. See you then... bye."

"The girls are coming over at six," Jill tells Allie.

"Cool... Do you feel like doing anything when they get here?"

"Not really. I'd just like to go out to eat and spend the rest of the night with Rosy. After yesterday, I've got a lot on my mind."

"That's how I feel too. I'm too tired for anything else. I feel like you, I could just snuggle up with Carla and I'd be good."

As they talk, the phone rings again, and Jill answers it again.


"Hi, Jill. This is Walt. How'd it go yesterday?"

"Hi, Walt. Thanks for calling. Allie got accepted, but I didn't. I have to go back and see Maggie."

"Oh...? Did she say why?"

"She said it was about my scar. I don't know why. I'm kinda pissed about it and kinda scared too."

"Well, Maggie's good at what she does. You can trust her. I probably shouldn't tell you this, but she told me they really have to be careful about who they admit. Before she joined the program, two of their girls attempted suicide, because they couldn't handle the emotional changes they were going through. She probably just wants to be sure you can handle the changes you're going to be facing."

As Jill listens to Walt talking, her inner girlfriend is talking to her. She's not sure why, but her intuition is telling her to put on a shitty-little-whiny act and be a scared little girl. She doesn't question her intuition any more, she just trusts it and acts on it.

"It's really scary, Walt," she says, "and not just because of my scar. I mean, even if I'm accepted, what are we gonna do? Allie's scared too. We won't be able to work while our bodies are turning into girls. How are we gonna live? What if something goes wrong? We could end up being freaks in society. We're thinking we might have to move away where no one knows us."

"You have friends here who love you. You don't need to move away."

"Well," Jill continues her scared little girl act, "We'll have to go to Chicago a lot. It might be easier to just live there."

"I know how you feel," he says, "but we love you, Jill. Everyone at the Club loves you two girls."

"Oh, c'mon," Jill whines, "they don't really love us, they just love to fuck us. We're just their whores, Walt. We all like it, for sure, but let's not pretend they actually love us. If we moved away, they'd just find new whores to fuck. Isn't that what the Club always did before me and Allie came along?"

Walt's taken back by what Jill's saying, and he hears her start to cry over the phone. He has no way of knowing Jill's just putting on an act and she's crying fake tears. 

"Oh, that's not true," he tells her. "Of course, we can't love you like we love our families and our wives. But we still love you. And sure, we've always brought in a couple younger guys to do what you and Allie do. But you two are different. 

"What you and Allie have is special, it can't be replaced, and everyone at the Club knows it. Please don't think about moving away."

Jill's really sounding like a cry baby now, knowing she's got Walt believing every word she's saying. "I don't know what to think," she whimpers, "everything's happening so fast for us. If we do this, it'll be permanent, we can't ever turn back!" She pretends to break down, crying into the phone.

"I know, I know..." Walt says, "promise me something, sweetheart. Promise me you won't think about moving away until you've had some time to think about it. Will you do that for me?"

Acting like she can barely speak, she says, "O... OK, if you say so. It's j-just that... we're s-so scared. We d-d-don't have any security like you guys at the Club do."

"Well, just hold tight on that," Walt says. "Just concentrate on getting into the program. I think that's what you and Allie really want. Concentrate on that and let your other concerns work themselves out."

Jill gets off the phone and Allie, feeling a little upset with her after what she just overheard asks, "What the fuck was that all about? What the hell were you talking about? Are you serious? You really think we should move to Chicago?"

"Oh, HELL no!" Jill laughs. "That was all an act. I'm just fucking with his head. An idea flashed in my mind when I was talking. It was like my inner girlfriend was talking through me. We're the best whores these guys have ever had, and they know it. They say they love us... let's make 'em prove it!"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, if they really love us, and I think they do, let's see if we can get THEM to buy a house for us. My date this Tuesday is with Norm, and I bet Walt talks to him between now and then. I'll play my 'scared little girl' act with him and you do the same with all your dates. 

"Let's make these guys think they're going to lose us and see what they're willing to do to keep us. When it comes to being fuck dolls, no one comes close to what we have. We have to use that to our advantage and play it for everything we can."

Allie busts out laughing, "You little... fucking... slut! That inner girlfriend of yours is such an evil little bitch. She knows what she wants and she knows how to get it. I'll play that game with you. I know how to be a whiny little bitch when I want something."

They both start laughing their asses off. They wrap their arms around each other and cover each other with kisses. "I'm so glad I'm in love with you, babe," Allie says. "I don't know where I'd be without you."

"I don't know where I'd be either, but it doesn't matter. We're together and we're a great team. We took our first pill today, and we're gonna get girl bodies. That's fucking exciting!"

Written by Jilluvscox
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