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32 - Happy New Year!!

"1977 starts in a spectacular way!"

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Author's Notes

"These stories are my distant memories. Conversations have been embellished, but the substance is still there"

I had to go to work on New Year's Eve but only until two o'clock. Many workers would spend the rest of the day in the pub but that wasn't really my style. Once two o'clock rolled around, I was going straight home to prepare for the big night with Carole.

The paperwork tasks were mostly carried out during the time between Christmas and New Year's Eve by me and my skeleton staff and had been completed. Just a few hundred bundles to go! Once I checked a few bundles, I was happy to let the staff go home early. I had to lock up the office so couldn't officially leave until two o'clock.

I took my time to wash and shave and I even ironed a new shirt! Had to look good on New Year's Eve!


At seven o'clock, I left my place for the twenty minute walk to Carole's and, of course, she wasn't ready! Of course not, she was a woman! She'd had a nice, luxurious bath and was wandering around wrapped in a towel with another one wrapped around her head, turban-style. I sat around while she tried on different outfits.

"Is this OK?"

"What does this look like?"

Being a diplomat, I offered, "Yeah, that's really nice." and "Aah, not so much." but, eventually, she was ready to go.

At eight, we caught a bus to the West End, heading for Crackers in Wardour Street, the club where we had met a couple of months ago. My mate Mike was sure to play the best tunes and keep the dancers dancing.

We stopped off for an early drink in a pub in Soho before going to the club. In those days, there wasn't a ticket admission for events like New Year's Eve as there were plenty of other clubs open if you couldn't get in. We got into Crackers at about half past nine. It didn't look that busy but I knew it would be packed by eleven! Sure enough, it was pretty tight by ten thirty!

We circulated to find a table and Carole suddenly shouted out, "Hazel!!" Then she turned to me and said, "It's a girl from work!"

Hazel turned to see who was shouting her name. "Carole! Wow! What are you doing here?"

"This is where I met my boyfriend. Hazel, this is Vee, Vee, this is Hazel."

Fuck. Ing. Hell! She was absolutely gorgeous! Despite my growing affection for Carole, I wanted this woman badly! She was a little taller than Carole and, with that, came an air of elegance and grace. Her face was angelic but with a hint of mischief in it. Her make-up was perfect and her hair was a tumble of loose auburn curls.

"Really, here? It's not a bad place, this," Hazel said.

"Vee's mate is the main DJ here. What you doing here? I thought you be out with your boyfriend?" Carole asked.

"Aaah, we broke up over Christmas. Some stupid argument about something. But, you know what, I'm not missing him in the slightest! I can get on with my life, doing what I want to do without listening to his whining!"

"Well," Carole said, "hang out with us. That is, if Vee doesn't mind!" If Vee doesn't mind? Absolutely NOT minding at all!

"Yeah, no problem," I said and asked them what they wanted to drink. I went to the bar, got the drinks and got back to a small table, just big enough for three! Oh, yes!


The conversation was flowing quite easily, especially between Hazel and Carole, as they were work colleagues. Occasionally, I would be included but not often. All I could do was marvel at this auburn beauty!

It was clear that Hazel was not wearing a bra. The thin shoulder straps on her party dress were not going to cover up bra straps. Also, her nipples were quite prominent through the material. Her breasts had a nice bounce as she moved. When the girls got up to dance, it was then that I was treated to full extent of Hazel's elegance. She and Carole were a similar height but Hazel's height was all in her legs. They seemed to go all the way to her armpits!

I could see them through the crowd, talking as they danced, in the nightclub style of hand on the shoulder and shouting in the other's ear! Because the dance floor was full, they had to dance pretty close together, it was mesmerising to watch. I couldn't take my eyes from them.

They came back to the table and then, it was my turn to dance. I took Carole's hand and Hazel looked after their handbags. As we danced very closely, Carole pulled my shoulder down to shout in my ear.

"Hazel was telling me about her stupid boyfriend and how they broke up. She didn't seem that upset but I told her that we would look after her." I was thinking, if I had the chance, I would definitely look after her!

Carole was a good disco dancer but she couldn't show off her best moves due to the packed dance floor. We danced to a few tunes and returned to Hazel. Just in time, as she was being chatted up by a guy asking her to dance. The girls got up to go to the ladies' room so I took the opportunity to go chat to Mike.

"Hey, Vee, good to see you, man," he greeted me, "and a Happy New Year to you!"

"And to you, Mike. How are you doing?"

"Not as good as you, mate. I saw you earlier with those two ladies. You randy git!"

I laughed and explained about how I had met Carole in this very club last time I was there. "The other lady is a friend of hers from work."

"What happened with the Jamaican girl?"

"Well, it seemed to be better to her parents that she was friends with her flatmate rather than being with a white boy!"

"OK," Mike replied.

"Of course, she was already in a lesbian relationship with the flatmate so I was getting the best of everything! For a while!" I lamented.

"So what about this one?"

"Well, she seems to be fairly stable so it could be she's the one!"

"Really? What about the Norwegian girl?"

"She won't be here till the summer so that's a problem for the future."

I left Mike to his job and returned to our table. Amazingly, it hadn't been taken. A few moments later, the girls returned.

Hazel went to get some more drinks and Carole pulled me close to whisper in my ear.

"Hazel got all tearful in the ladies about the boyfriend. I gave her a cuddle and said we'd look after her. She dried her eyes and we started to redo our make-up. As she was applying her lipstick, I said, Ooh, that's a nice colour. She said, Do you want to try it? OK, I said, and instead of giving me the lipstick, she took my face in her hands and kissed me! Her lipstick was all over my mouth! Of course I kissed her back! Our mouths were a mess so we had to wipe it all off and redo the lipstick! Wow! I couldn't believe it, I hardly know her!"

Wow! Indeed, I thought to myself. Phew! Now, I was wondering how this night was going to end up.

Hazel returned with drinks and, from that moment, I centred my imagination on what could happen as we see in the New Year. We continued to chat quite naturally, Carole had seemed to recover from her intimate shock and was driving the conversation with her cheeky personality. Hazel got up for another dance but, this time, pulled me up to join her. We squeezed our way into the middle of the dance floor and made some moves, which we both enjoyed, but it was difficult in the crowd so we ended up holding each other at waist level and swayed a little.

Hazel leaned in to shout in my ear. "Someone told me that you and Carole like a bit of fun?"

"Well, er, yeah. We like each other and love to have fun together!" She kissed my cheek and grabbed my hand to return to our table. We sat talking as we were waiting for Mike to make the announcement that it was approaching midnight and everyone should get onto the dance floor for the chimes and Auld Lang Syne. We got some more drinks and the time had come.

Everyone had crowded onto the dance floor and it was the most packed I had ever seen it. The countdown took us to the live chimes from Big Ben, only a couple of miles away! The whole place was cheering and total strangers were shaking hands and hugging. I looked across to Carole and reached out to her. We hugged and kissed but we were interrupted by Hazel.

"Don't forget about me!" she exclaimed as she joined in our celebration hug. She kissed Carole before turning her face to me. I glanced at Carole as if to get permission and she gave a smile and a small nod. I kissed Hazel with all the joy of the party and our tongues touched. It was the trigger for a deeper kiss between us before she turned back to Carole for a deeper kiss than before! Of course, I'd seen girls kiss before but this was so unexpected, even though it was New Year's Eve! And, thinking of the kiss that Carole had told me about earlier, I was suddenly full of anticipation.

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The rest of the night was a blur of party music and people taking part in community dancing. Eventually, all had settled down in the club and it started to empty as people headed for the streets of Soho. I spoke to Mike before we left and shook his hand, wishing him a Happy New Year!


The weather was very mild for a December/January night and we started to make our way down the road to a destination we didn't yet know. As we walked, the three of us arm-in-arm, we were working out whose place was nearest - it was Carole's so we tried to see if we could get a taxi there!

We had walked about a mile or so before a taxi stopped for us and we climbed in, all happily laughing and talking about the evening. We arrived at Carole's place, paid the driver, and entered the house. Stumbling up the stairs, we finally got to her room and fell onto the sofa.

Carole organised drinks, opening the bottle of wine that I had brought the previous night. I put on some late-night radio and we emptied the bottle. Fortunately, Carole had another to open! The girls giggled as they danced to the music on the radio and, at some point, Hazel broke into tears. Carole went to her and hugged Hazel, speaking calming words. Hazel did calm down, saying that she didn't want to be alone. We reassured her that everything was OK and she became more comfortable.

And then, Hazel kissed Carole again, this time, with more intensity. Carole responded with the same passion, all the time, running her fingers through Hazel's beautiful hair.

"You know," said Hazel, "I knew that you would look after me."

"And we will," I said. I joined the girls on the sofa and joined in the hugging. Hazel turned to me, looking very vulnerable as she offered her face to me. I kissed her passionately, our tongues wrapping around each other's as we fumbled with arms and hands. Carole took over the kissing, tonguing Hazel's mouth. She slipped the thin straps from Hazel's shoulders and tugged at her party dress, pulling it down over her breasts. They were absolutely perfect, not too big and not too small, a perfect shape with beautiful nipples.

At this point, I sat back to watch this beautiful angel being unwrapped by my sexy girlfriend. Carole took one of Hazel's nipples into her mouth and licking and sucking it. Hazel responded by unzipping Carole's dress. As it fell from her, Carole was left in her bra and pants. Hazel pulled the bra away to reveal Carole's pert breasts with her half-inch nipples and put her mouth to one to suck it. Hazel turned to me, urging me to join in and kiss her. I did so and Carole started to remove my clothes.

Very soon, we were all naked on Carole's bed. And there she was! The perfect woman, the fabulous auburn curls, the angelic face with the mischievous glint in her eye, the firmest breasts I had even seen and the longest legs. Absolutely gorgeous!

"OK, what shall we do now?" said Hazel, with a mischievous smile. As a veteran of two lesbian love sessions, Carole assumed control of the proceedings.

"Well, we've all had some kissing," she began, "so, let's see!" Hazel was laughing at the decision-making process and then said, "Get on with it!"

"Vee, sit on the sofa! I'm having her to myself first!" And Carole kissed Hazel full on the lips while she was fondling her perfect tits. Hazel wrapped her arms around Carole's back, pulling her in tighter to the cuddle. She moved down to lick and suck Hazel's nipples, cupping her breasts in her hands before moving down her stomach to her pussy. It wasn't shaven but it was neatly trimmed, showing Hazel's fleshy outer lips.

"Hazel, look what Vee got me for Christmas," she said as she pulled out her dildo from the bedside table.

"Looks very nice. can I have it?"

"Just wait a minute." Carole took one of Hazel's long legs and started to kiss it from the ankle. As she reached her knee, Carole rubbed the dildo up and down Hazel's slit. As she started to kiss behind Hazel's thigh, she inserted the dildo into her pussy, softly and gently, just making sure she was wet enough. Her kisses reached Hazel's pussy and Carole's tongue went straight into her slit.

"Oh, yes," said Carole, "wet enough for me. How about you, Vee?"

I moved to the bed and got down to suck and lick on Hazel's pussy and, sure enough, she was soaking!

"Ooh, this is so beautiful but I'm being spoilt." Hazel was certainly loving the attention we were giving her.

"You are so fucking beautiful, you deserve to be spoilt!" Carole told her. "Last night, we had such brilliant sex but I'm still a bit sore so tonight, Hazel, Vee is all yours!"

I was astounded to hear those words. I was being offered to another woman by my girlfriend! But, what the fuck! I was up for it! In fact, I was very up for it.

Carole moved to the sofa and I moved to the bed. Hazel pushed me down onto my back and climbed across me. She guided my cock into her pussy and rode me very slowly, making sure that there was plenty of her juices on my cock. She climbed off to suck my cock, licking back all of that pussy juice. Her next move was to clamber up the bed and sit her pussy on my face. Carole got up and kissed Hazel as she was riding my face. Then she moved to my cock and sucked it, occasionally licking my balls.

It really was threesome heaven! At least, for a few minutes! Then it was all change. Carole went back to the sofa and issued her next command.

"Give her a good fucking, Vee, real good and slow." Well, I wasn't going to refuse that. Hazel was lying on her back as I lifted up her legs. I just needed to kiss and nibble each one, as Carole had. When I finally reached her pussy, I licked her gently to get her initial reaction, then licked her hard to get her really turned on! Then gently again ... then hard again! I alternated in this way for a good few minutes until Hazel shouted out, "Fuck me, Vee, fucking fuck me, man!!"

"Yeah, Vee, fuck her real good!" Carole shouted. I got into position and plunged my cock deep into Hazel's pussy. I stayed there for a few moments, then I withdrew very slowly. "Fucking hell, Vee," Hazel breathlessly uttered, "oh my God!" And so I did it again! And again! And again! Hazel was becoming a gibbering wreck, Carole was gently rubbing her sore pussy. Hazel looked across to Carole. "Come to me!"

As I was slamming into Hazel, Carole climbed on the bed and sat her pussy straight on to Hazel's mouth. She started licking at Carole, who was trying her best to suppress the pain. I was still ramming my cock into Hazel when Carole was overwhelmed with the pleasure as well as the pain and squirted over Hazel, covering her face and her gorgeous tits. My mind was blown by Carole's pure sexiness and Hazel starting to come and I made a few twitches before I splattered Hazel's pussy with a massive serving of spunk!

I slammed Hazel again a few times, accompanied by the squelching sound of a full pussy, before my cock was too soft to stay inside and it slipped out. I lay on top of Hazel, kissing her face, which was sticky with Carole's squirt. Carole had moved down to Hazel's pussy and began to lick up the creampie that was left behind. Hazel started to squeal and scream as she was being licked and had another orgasm.

"Fucking hell, you two!" Hazel said as she was recovering her breath. "Talk about being looked after!" Her chest was heaving as she tried to regain control of her body. It looked like her tits had a life of their own. Her auburn curls were a tangled mess, still framing her beautiful face. An absolutely gorgeous goddess!

Carole said, "Well, we said we would ..." and she kissed Hazel again. We hugged tightly until we all relaxed and the girls dozed off. I managed to extricate myself and went to sleep on the sofa.


If 1977 was going to be like this, it was going to be a very Happy New Year!

Written by VeeJay45
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Stories of my Sexual Journey 18 - 22

33 - January 1st

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31 - Oh, Carole!

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