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Author's Notes

""These stories are my distant memories. Conversations have been embellished, but the substance is still there""

After our spectacular start to 1977, Carole and I settled into a familiar boyfriend/girlfriend routine and, although our social life was limited due to lack of money, our sex life was as beautiful as ever. We were still having an amazing time but it was just the two of us. It didn't seem to make any difference, we were still great together.

Carole had told me about her occasional tea breaks with Hazel and the thought of those two getting freaky in the ladies toilets at work was still turning me on.

While Carole was making tea and toast one Saturday morning, I asked her about Hazel, in a general matter-of-fact sort of way.

"Oh, I wondered when her name might come up," she replied in a curt manner.

"Well?" I asked, "you still work with her?"

"Yeah, but she doesn't come for her tea breaks anymore." Carole paused, probably unsure whether to proceed with our conversation. "Anyway, never mind about Hazel. Eat your toast."

I had noticed that she had been a little distracted recently, a little less energy on our dates out at the pubs and restaurants. No drop of energy in bed, though, and I was very glad of that!


As our relationship developed, I had been thinking about our future, to the point that I thought we might move in together. Carole's room was pretty much self-contained, enough room for a sofa, her bed and a small kitchen area where she created her culinary triumph! And she had almost exclusive use of the bathroom on the landing. My grotty bedsit had no such fineties, no bathroom whatsoever and the toilet was outside in an alleyway behind the shop!

But the locations won out in the end. My grotty bedsit was only ten minutes walk from work. My journey to work from Carole's would mean a ten-minute walk to Camden Town tube station, a crowded ride on the train and a change of tube lines! Probably a total time of almost an hour!

I hadn't told Carole about my deliberations for fear of upsetting the apple cart or even frightening her away. So it seemed that we were quite happy to continue as we were, mostly me visiting her. My place was such a mess!


I would call Carole two or three times a week to arrange to meet for a drink or just to go to her place. Sometimes, she would say that she couldn't see me and I took that at face value, a genuine response. But over a period of a weeks, we were seeing each other less rather than more and it did start to raise a few doubts in my mind.

One Friday evening when we did see each other, she seemed to be more upbeat than she had been for a few weeks.

"You seem to be a happy soul this evening," I said in complete innocence.

"Well," she said, "remember I told you a few weeks ago that things had cooled off with Hazel? We have been meeting up at her place."

"Nice!" I said, "But please don't keep it from me, I was getting worried about you and me."

"Don't be silly! She has a lovely flat, a lot better than mine." I still wasn't happy about not being included in their nights of sexy fun! "She has a living room, a bedroom, a small kitchen and her own bathroom! Luxury, eh?"

"Wow! Sounds really good. I used to live near Shepherds Bush when I was a little boy. My Mum used to take me to the market, only a couple of stops on the underground. Except the underground in that area is over ground!" I rambled on, reminiscing about when I was six years old in North Kensington.

"Hazel has invited me to go to her place later this evening."

"Oh," was my blunt response. It was clear that I was disappointed, being left out again.

"Hey, I'm sure she'll want to see you again, don't be worried. You can come as well," Carole said but I wasn't very much reassured. As she was getting dressed, I had noticed that she hadn't put on a bra. This horny 19-year-old was turned on by the fact that his girlfriend was going to be travelling around London with her lovely nipples sticking out through her t-shirt!

"How often have you seen Hazel lately then?" I was determined to find out if Carole was being a bit sneaky, keeping secrets to herself.

"Not much, really, maybe once or twice." That sounded a bit vague to my ears. "Suddenly, we stopped meeting for tea breaks then, suddenly, she wants us to get back together again."

Carole's answers still gave the feeling that I was being pushed out.

"Why didn't you call me? It seems like you and Hazel is a bit of a secret that you don't want me to know about," I complained.

"I don't know. When I first went to Hazel's, she didn't ask where you were or anything. Maybe she just wanted me, maybe she's playing us ..."

After all this, I still wasn't happy with her answers but we left her place and headed down to Shepherds Bush. _________________

We met Hazel at her local pub for a drink so I thought things might be OK. But, after our initial welcoming hug, she seemed a little distant towards me. With Carole, she was as normal as usual. There was some whispering going on between them, further fuelling my doubts about the situation. I gave Carole a puzzled look, trying to get her to update me. Eventually, she took me aside.

"She has an awkward situation. The reason she has called me was to see if we would still be as horny for each other like New Year's Eve."


"Well, yes, we have been having great sex together." In addition to her protruding nipples, this was making me horny just to hear that. "Not as great as when we are all together, though." That was good to hear. "But, she has a new boyfriend ..." and Carole just left that hanging in the air.

"So, should we go?" I asked.

"Don't be silly, we've only just got here. Besides, I think she wants us to meet him." Great, so we'll be at Hazel's place, playing gooseberry! Still, the pub was still open for another hour or so, might as well gets some more drinks.

Apparently, Hazel's new boyfriend was working late and wouldn't get to the pub before closing time. We were going to go back to Hazel's flat and wait for him to turn up. I was a bit wary about what was going to happen but Carole took the lead and insisted that everything would be OK.

A few drinks later and it was closing time. Hazel had loosened up towards me and I was starting to relax about the situation. We had bought some bottles of beer to take back to Hazel's flat and ambled through a couple of streets and got there within about ten minutes.

She led us inside the building to the rooms she had on the first floor and we made ourselves comfortable. She opened some bottles for the three of us and we sat around, making small talk. And then Hazel spoke.

"Vee, has Carole told you about my new boyfriend?"

"Well, er, yes, that you've got one but nothing else."

"The reason I was a bit funny earlier is that I didn't know that you were coming tonight and it's put me in an awkward situation." I was intrigued as to why this awkward situation existed but I was starting to piece together the circumstances.

"What's that, then?" I asked.

"I told him about me and Carole," uh-oh, I thought, "and he wants a threesome."

I was taken aback. I wasn't expecting that. I thought we were here just to meet Hazel's new boyfriend. Now, my mind was working overtime. Had Carole and Hazel already had this threesome? What was going to happen when he arrives in a sexually-charged state and he finds there are four of us? Will everything fall flat?

Carole chipped in. "What about a foursome?" Typical of her; she seemed to be looking forward to taking charge of a new situation, as she had with Celly and Ginny and with Hazel herself!

I stared blankly into space, waiting for the offer of more beer to puncture the atmosphere.

"You OK, Vee?" Carole asked.

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"Er, I'm not entirely sure," was my limp reply.

"Let's just see, eh," and she kissed me. And then, she kissed me again. This time, Carole was more passionate and she clambered across my lap, undoing the buttons of my shirt. Hazel came back in from the kitchen and saw what was going on. She came to us and pushed Carole aside to kiss me. Carole switched her attention to the buttons of Hazel's blouse, revealing her pretty bra which was a little undersized and was struggling to contain her perfect tits.

Carole helped to free them and leaned in to Hazel to suck her nipples. That took her breath away and she kissed me harder. I started to pull at Carole's t-shirt, untucking it from her jeans and pulling it over her head. At the sight of Carole's nipples, Hazel switched to Carole. They kissed deeply as they started to undress each other. In keeping with being left out, I had to undress myself!

We all moved into the bedroom and the girls were kissing with a wild abandon, I was just a spectator but only for a moment. Hazel pulled me onto the bed and I was on my back. They took turns to lick and suck me, massaging my balls as they alternated in their work on my cock. They then laid across the bed and were in their favourite position. Carole's face was underneath Hazel's pussy, her tongue lapping at the luscious lips. Carole reached up to me and took my cock into her mouth before she guided me into Hazel. I was fucking Hazel's pussy as Carole was licking at my balls.

I had totally forgotten about Hazel's new boyfriend when I heard the door to the flat open. I paused but I was committed to fucking Hazel. Then, the boyfriend entered the room.

"I see you've started without me!

"Well, you better hurry up and get your clothes off!" said Hazel, in between her gasps for breath. Fucking hell, I thought, just straight in! No introductions?

The guy stripped off. He was about the same build as me but seemed a bit older than the rest of us. Hazel sucked his cock to get him up to speed and guided him into Carole's pussy. Carole took an intake of breath, mainly in surprise, as he entered her. She was underneath Hazel - she couldn't even see what was going on! I slowed down a little. I didn't want to come too early otherwise this whole thing would definitely turn flat!

So there we were, fucking each other's girlfriends, and building up a good rhythm. I'd had a head start and I started to speed up and Hazel was starting to get breathless. I kept slamming into her and, suddenly, I was pumping my spunk into her pussy as she was reaching her orgasm. Prompted by our climax, Carole's breathing started to get quicker and she came with the pounding from Hazel's boyfriend. He came quickly afterwards and he pulled out of Carole's pussy. Hazel and Carole collapsed on each other, lapping the spunk from their pussies in their beautiful sixty-nine.

I had pulled out from Hazel's pussy and sat on the bedside chair, waiting for Carole to clean me up. I leaned back in the chair and was loving the sensation of my cock being sucked clean. But the touch was unfamiliar! I looked down and it was Hazel's boyfriend! Sucking my cock! I recoiled and jumped up from the chair.

"What the fuck, man?" I exclaimed.

"Sorry, mate!" he said, "I thought you were up for it." The girls jumped up from the bed.

"Fucking hell, Barry! What on earth were you thinking?' Hazel shouted.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't know what was going on!" Barry paused. "You said you had a girlfriend for a threesome. I didn't know there would be another bloke!"

"If you'd got here earlier, ... "

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! I'm sorry, OK?"

"Well, not OK!" Hazel was shocked and seemed to be slightly bothered. She was happy that she had a new boyfriend but didn't realise he was bisexual. Or maybe not. He might have just been lost in the moment?


So, Hazel's new boyfriend was called Barry. Well, that killed the mood! Now, things WERE awkward! Hazel ushered Barry into the living room. Carole and I looked at each other with puzzled looks. What do we do do now? The sensible thing to do would be to get dressed and go home.

Carole got dressed and went in to see Hazel.

"It's probably best if we went home, Haze, OK?" I'd got dressed and followed her into the living room.

"Yeah, I'm so sorry, Caz." Hazel was naked and in tears. Carole instinctively hugged Hazel and they kissed, a polite peck on the lips. Then, there were tongues involved. "Oh, Caz! Please stay!" And their deep kissing continued.

"Oh, fucking hell, Haze," and the girls disappeared into the bedroom.

I was left in the living room with this total stranger who had just sucked my cock! Bloody hell! The nearest I'd been to another guy's cock in a sexual environment was at the house party when Tanya was being fucked by a muscular black guy while Celly's friend was sitting on her face! And that was near enough!

"Well, er, Barry, what was all that about?"

"Vee, is it? Hazel told me she had a girlfriend that she has a bit of fun with so, yeah, it's the bloke fantasy, a threesome, isn't it? But, when I saw you there, I thought that Hazel must be a bit of a swinger so I just went with the flow! I'm really sorry, mate, I'm not gay or anything, I just thought it was all part of the game," Barry explained.

I could here noises in the bedroom and went to investigate. Although ten minutes ago, we were leaving, Carole was now naked, on her back and having her pussy licked by Hazel! I was in no physical state to join in so I sat on the bedside chair and watched these two beauties in action.

Hazel was tongue deep in Carole's pussy, her hands on her backside, lifting her up so she get her tongue in as deep as she could. Although I couldn't join in, my cock was starting to stir. Carole beckoned me over and unbuckled my belt to pull down my jeans. She took my semi hard-on into her mouth to coax a bit of energy into me.

Soon, the three of us were naked. I was astride Carole's head and I was holding her ankles while Hazel was still at her pussy. Barry appeared at the door, still naked from his telling off by Hazel.

"Fucking hell, Hazel, you are fucking wild!" He wanked himself to get his cock hard and then, plunged his cock deep into Hazel doggy-style! So, once again, we were all fucking, this time with the right girl.

The girls were breathing hard and starting to squeal as they were getting to their orgasms. Barry and I had some catching up to do so the girls both came before us. Carole took me out of her mouth and started to wank me into her face. Hazel moved up the bed and was kissing Carole, sucking my cock in between. Barry took this as a cue to wank himself into the girls' faces and we both wanked ourselves until we spunked into their faces at about the same time.

Covered in two loads of spunk, the girls were quick to lick each other's faces and join in a deep tonguing kiss before they turned to both of us, our withering cocks waving around in front of them. We were being sucked off by both girls, Hazel and Carole interchanging as they wanked and sucked us. There was lots of giggling from them as they went about their job.

Wow! What an unexpected evening! It started awkwardly, it developed freely, a little too free for my liking, and almost came to a premature end. But the girls saved the night, led by Carole after Hazel's persuasion, and it all ended in total satisfaction for every one of us!

Once again, Carole had taken the lead in this evening's adventure and I was wondering how many different ways that she might lead me astray. In those days of free love where everyone seemed to be experimenting with their sexuality, who knew?

Written by VeeJay45
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