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Author's Notes

"All true stories. Events are my distant memories but did actually happen. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Conversations have been embellished but the substance is still true"

Late on Saturday evening, Kim had got out of bed after our amazing afternoon together.

"Hey, you two, I've got to go," she said, "Need some sleep, working tomorrow lunchtime."

"That's a shame," Roz replied, "but, yeah. We'll see you soon, I hope."

Kim said, "Awww, it was brilliant, you are so, so sexy. I just loved everything we did." She turned to me. "And you are very lucky to have such a gorgeous, sexy lady!"

"Oh, I know, Kim," I said, "but you are very sexy too. It was a blast!"

"Thanks. Look, see you later." And, having gotten dressed, she then got onto the bed to give us both hugs and a passionate kiss.

"No," I said, "don't start me off again!" The girls giggled as Kim got up and walked out the door.

Roz and I lay in bed, I turned on the bedside radio and we just drifted off back to sleep.

Sunday morning stretched on as we lay in bed, listening to the radio.

"Time to get up, I suppose," Roz said. "I've got to speak with the landlady this evening so I can't see you tonight."

"Not even later?"

"Well, she's waiting for more info from probation about my case, she won't know until tonight," Roz explained.

So, we got up and headed for a pub lunch before we walked back to the bail hostel. Because of the landlady's security process, I wasn't allowed to go up to Roz's room so we sat in the reception room and chatted for a while. Until ...

"I'm going to miss you this evening," I said.

"Me too, but I'll see you tomorrow night. And, on Tuesday morning, I have to sign on. I can come to work with you!" Roz said, excitedly.

We hugged and kissed and she led me to the front door. "See you tomorrow, sexy!" she said, as we waved goodbye. A little deflated, I walked back home.

That evening, the bedsit was so quiet that it seemed inconceivable that, only the day before, it had been a sex palace! As I lay on the bed, I could still smell traces of the girls' perfume and even an aroma of our mix of bodily fluids. Aaahh, such heaven! Just thinking about it was making my cock stiffen. Naturally, I had a little fumble but, I was still quite tired and, very soon, I was asleep.

And then, it was Monday, and back to work. I arrived at my usual desk to begin interviews but my manager called me into her office before the business day began. Sitting in her office was a supervisor who I'd seen but hadn't spoken to.

"As we spoke last week, we looking to fast-track you. So today, you'll be under tuition with Glenys here to learn about the process beyond the initial interview," she said.

"That's good news," I replied,  "yes, it'll be nice to get to know how it all works."

Then Glenys said, with a laugh, "Hope you're strong! We've got all these folders to carry back to the study room."

So we got ourselves set up for a morning of tuition. I guessed that Glenys was about forty years old. She was a slim-built lady with a nice but unspectacular figure, short hair and she wore glasses, which made her look quite severe. We opened up the folders to begin my tuition and the pages were a myriad of bullet points and flow diagrams. This wasn't going to be an easy, one-day class.

The day wore on with occasional interruptions, mainly from Glenys' team members, seeking advice on procedures, but we managed to get through a fair bit of knowledge.

In general chat, we spoke about our backgrounds. She had been in the job for about ten years, she had herself been fast-tracked and, here she was, a team supervisor and, now, fast-tracking me! She was divorced but had a boyfriend who had his own place and didn't live with her.

I told her of my situation, been in London for eight months, a few weeks in a bed & breakfast hotel, and been in a grotty bedsit for the last seven months, living hand-to-mouth on low wages but this job will probably pay better. "Oh, yes," she said.


After work, I went home, got changed, and headed out to see Roz. She seemed to be a little distracted so I asked her what was wrong. It was news about her court date.

"I've got a court date, it's a bit short notice," she said, "it's this Friday!"

"Wow! That is short notice" I was amazed that the bureaucracy was so quick.

"Not only that, but they have switched my case to Swindon!"

"Where you come from?"

"Yes," she said, a sad look coming across her face. "I've got to go home."

"How are you feeling?" I asked. Well, a pointless question, really.

"Well, it's home but what about you and me? A week ago, I wasn't expecting to meet someone like you. And now, I have to leave!" Roz was quite tearful when she spoke that last sentence. "I'd love to stay here with you. We could get a nicer place ..." I had to stop her before she got carried away with 'our future'.

"Stop! We've got a couple of days before you have to leave. Let's just enjoy it!" I said, trying to see the bright side of our situation.

I always had a feeling that things would end with a departure. It was always a departure, usually mine, which ended my relationships. But this departure would be Roz's. And, in a romantic sense, this one would hurt the most. Yes, we have had amazing sex but we have had plenty of time when we would just chat, just hang out with each other, doing stuff that a normal dating couple would do. We did meet under unusual circumstances and it looked like those circumstances would be the cause for us to part.


So, that's what we did for our last three nights together, we dated like a regular couple would do. Going to pubs for drinks, going to restaurants for meals, going to the cinema for movies. We spent loads of time just talking, even about the possibility of a future together in Swindon or London. Of course, we were both trying to escape from the countryside but Roz's efforts had got her into trouble and my life in London was working out well, especially with my new job giving me some stability.

And, of course, at the end of every evening, we would come back to my grotty bedsit and make beautiful love to the sound of the recent soul albums.

On the Thursday morning, I threw a little sickie from work so we could spend our last moments together before her parents would be collecting her to go back home. (That got me into a little bit of trouble.)

So, farewell, Roz! Write to me soon!


Being fast-tracked at work was harder than I thought it would be. I was just taking notes all the time and cross-referencing them to the large folders and, all the time, I had to try to remember which note was where in my notebook and which folder it was cross-referenced to! What a nightmare!

Eventually, the tuition with Glenys was finished and I was able to take my place in a team with a view to becoming the team leader. So, work went on as usual.

A couple of weeks had gone by since I'd said goodbye to Roz but I hadn't heard anything from her. Scenarios were going around my head about why she hadn't written but I hadn't heard anything and I wasn't really in any position to find out. So, thoughts of Roz sadly started to fade away. But one evening, while I was sitting at home, my doorbell rang. I padded down the hall to answer the door and discovered that Kim had come by.

"Hello," she said, "just checking on you because you haven't been in for a burger for a while!"

"Hahaha, thanks," I replied, "Are you OK? Come in for a coffee." Kim followed me along the hall and up the stairs to my room.

"It's been a while," she said as she sat down. I made coffees and handed one to her. "Have you heard anything from Roz?"

"No, I haven't," I said, "it's a bit worrying. You remember how we met, yeah? So, she had to go back to her hometown to appear in court. I don't know how it went or anything and I don't know how to find out."

"That's strange. And it's a shame. She was gorgeous," Kim said.

"Yeah, it's sad because the lovely memories are starting to disappear," I said.

"Surely not. What? Even that wonderful afternoon we shared." My mind went straight back to that day.

"You know, Kim, that afternoon will stay with for as long as I live."

Kim giggled a little at that and said, "Yes, it was brilliant!" And, with that, she leaned across me to put her coffee cup on the table. And she stayed leaning across. I could feel her breasts on my lap and I'm sure her breasts could feel a reaction from my lap! She used her hands to push against the arm of the sofa and then my thigh.

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"Sorry about that," she said.

I replied, "It's OK, no need to be sorry, especially after how we were the other weekend." And then she turned her face to me and kissed me, a gentle peck on the lips at first, but then a full-on kiss complete with tongues.

She pulled away and said, "Did you feel that Roz was in control that time?" I told her that I hadn't really noticed, I was just enjoying what was happening. Then, Kim said, "Well, it's just you and me tonight ..."

She kissed me again with more urgency, then got up from the sofa, moving to the bed and beckoning me to join her. I was hesitant. After all, I was still wondering if I would be hearing from Roz.

"What's wrong, Vee? Is it Roz? Roz has gone, probably not coming back." Kim paused. Then, she said, "Look, you've only been in London for a few months. Here, young people come and go, some stay but some find it too overwhelming. The life, the struggle to find somewhere, find their feet. Sometimes, they go astray, they eventually give in and go home. Maybe it wasn't working out for Roz in the way she was hoping. She has gone back where she feels safe. She said she'll write but she probably won't. She'll get comfortable and stay home until she tries to break away again. And she'll try somewhere else, maybe meet someone else. It was that way with me. I tried somewhere else and, so far, it's working out OK"

I sat on the edge of the bed listening, realising that what Kim was saying was probably true. And, while I was getting my head straight and gathering my thoughts, she leaned over and held me. I turned my head and we kissed again. It was a great sensation to feel her soft lips and probing tongue again. As we kissed, we rolled back onto the bed.

Our embrace was quite tentative at first but we soon got into a comfortable position, physically and emotionally. After a few minutes kissing and cuddling, Kim jumped up off the bed. She sat astride my hips and started to unbutton my shirt, reaching down to my belt buckle. She undid the belt, the button and then, the zipper and moved down to the bottom of the bed. She took off my jeans, leaving my pants on, with my cock straining to be let out. But Kim brought her fingers to my pants and started to stroke me through the material. I swear that there is nothing more sensual for a guy than a woman stroking his cock through material, even better when she is wearing evening gloves!

Then she sat astride my hips again and said, "Your turn to undress me!" I pulled her down to kiss her and replicated what she had done, undoing the buttons on her blouse. This time, she was wearing a bra and I nuzzled into her cleavage, she smelt so good. I reached around to undo the clip and took off her bra, one part at a time, straps first and then, cups. As I removed the cups, I substituted them with my hands, getting beautiful handfuls off her perfectly-shaped breasts. My hands moved down to her jeans to undo them and, as I did, she rolled backwards onto my legs so that I could take them off up her legs.

So we were done undressing, Kim still sitting astride my hips. She leaned forward for more kisses and we rolled over so that I was on top. More passionate kissing and warm cuddles, it seemed like we weren't in a hurry, we were taking our time.

I moved down her body, kissing her around the shoulders before running my tongue over Kim's breasts, squeezing them together so that I could take both of her nipples in my mouth. Moving further down to her tummy and running my tongue along the line of her panties. No, they're staying on for a few more minutes ... I run my hand over the lacy material. I was intrigued as to whether Kim would get the same thrill as I did when she felt me through the material of my pants. I got my answer pretty quickly. Kim was moaning and quivering as my fingers ran across her panties and, especially, when I got to the edge and ran my fingers along her groin.

Another run by my fingers across her panties but, the run along her groin was with my tongue. Kim shook as I moved to the centre and started to lick over the material but the texture made my mouth dry. So, to make sure she would become wet, I started to chew on her panties. In doing so, I was chewing on her clitoris and pulling the material tight across her pussy lips. Kim's moans became louder and she started to shake. All of a sudden, her panties filled with her juices as she came with a squeal!

Kim's orgasm made her breathless and also caught my breath by surprise quite heavily. I crawled up to the top of the bed and held her tight. It was too soon after her orgasm for me to even touch Kim, let alone introduce my cock to her soaked pussy. We lay together in content silence for a while and then, Kim made her move. Her hand went inside my pants to rub my cock which was already quite hard. She cupped my balls and stroked my cock alternately so that she could control the pace. After rummaging around in my pants, she moved down to remove them. Kim's face was very close to my groin and, when my cock sprung out of its restraint, it hit her on the nose!

We both laughed at this but Kim then took my cock into her mouth. She sucked all the way down then pulled back to lick down my shaft to my balls. She took each of them in to give them a short suck then back up my shaft to my head. She gently rolled my foreskin back to expose my head and fitted her lips to the rim of my head. She then bobbed her head up and down on the rim. Oh, the divine pleasure of Kim's mouth stimulating the rim of the head on my cock! But I didn't want to come too soon so I had to plead with Kim to stop!

"What?" Kim said, "Too much for you, darling?"

"Almost, baby. But you are so sexy, I'm close to the edge. Let's save it for later."

As Kim moved back up the bed, I grabbed at her hips, pulled off her panties and sat her soaking pussy on my face. With the fact that she had already come in her panties and she had been sucking my cock whilst still wearing her soaked panties, Kim's juices tasted so creamy that I just wanted to lap at her pussy forever! As I did, I reached up to fondle her breasts. Kim wriggled all over my face and my face was so wet, her juices dribbling down my chin into the hollow at the bottom of my neck. I lifted Kim's pussy off my face and brought her down to face level. We kissed deeply and Kim licked all over my face.

She was now in a position to sit on my cock which she did enthusiastically. She leaned forward so we could still kiss and, on occasions, I was able to sit up and suck her tits. They were so firm and perfect, her nipples looking like kitten's noses, topping her areolas. In this position, we could ground our pubic bones together, me rubbing right up against Kim's clitoris, causing her more squeals of delight. After a while, I just lay back and let her bounce up and down on my cock. But she had a more specific idea of what she wanted.

"Stand up," she said. So I got off the bed. Kim was on her knees, facing me. Then, she took my cock into her mouth and started sucking as hard as she could, taking my full-length deep inside. Letting go of my cock, her hands grabbed my hips and she pulled me into her mouth with deep strokes. I was on the verge of losing all control and her hands returned to my cock. She wanked me so hard that I exploded all over her face and tits, my cum dripping down her chin onto her chest and running down to her nipples!

I almost collapsed as I was standing up but Kim dived onto my cock to suck the last drops of cum! And then, I collapsed! Prone on the bed, Kim joined me, rubbing my spunk into her skin and returning her hands to my cock, gently caressing it and feeling my balls. Aaahh, heaven!

We lay together, hardly speaking, until the small hours then Kim said that she had to get back to her flat for some uninterrupted sleep before work. Well, she wouldn't be getting that staying in bed with me, would she ...?

Another beautiful night of love-making with a beautiful, sexy lady. I just couldn't believe my luck.

And soon, Helka would be coming to London on her work placement ...

Written by VeeJay45
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