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Author's Notes

"All true stories. Events are my distant memories but did actually happen. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Conversations have been embellished but the substance is still true"

After the heartbreaking end of my short lusty dalliance with Joy, I was in love recovery mode. I was still going to the pub and enjoying my disco life again, even getting an occasional snog from a girl I'd been dancing with but nothing further than that.

Readers of my first teen story will know about my final romance in West Berlin before my father was posted back to the UK. It was with an art student called Helka. She was the first girl whose breast I'd fondled. For our last evening together at the nightclub, she has doused herself with a beautifully perfumed talc. I had fondled her breast when we were sitting in a booth in a quiet corner of the club. I was so taken with her sweet perfume that I didn't wash my hand for about two days!

I had been receiving occasional letters from both Inge and Helka for the last two years or so and, after my experience with Joy, a letter from Helka was just the pick-up my broken heart needed. Her news was that she was coming to London in the summer to work at the London School of Economics. It was now March so not long to wait till I would see Helka again.

She was a bit of a free spirit. In one letter, she told me how she liked to paint whilst in the nude but she always wore a long pair of socks - she needed somewhere to put her brushes! Hahahaha! With that sense of humour and her free-spirited attitude, I was certainly looking forward to seeing her.

Meanwhile, life was the same old, same old. Work, home, work, home. But things were not going too well at work. I worked in meat and dairy products and my company was trying to get into the market of vegetable oils for cooking. Part of my job was to collect meat products for visiting reps. Trouble was, my company premises were in Clerkenwell and the meat products were in a warehouse on the Isle of Dogs (where the Canary Wharf tower blocks are nowadays). Once, I had to catch a bus from the warehouse to the office whilst carrying a side of bacon on my shoulder! Well, of course, I had to get a better job! As it turned out, the company decided that I wasn't really suited to the job and let me go anyway! Great!

So, I had just turned nineteen, I lived in a grotty bedsit, I was broken-hearted and now, I was unemployed! I had a few weeks' worth of severance pay but that didn't last long. A kindly old Irish couple who ran the corner shop near me lent me some money to tide me over but they suggested that I go to the dole office to claim benefits and try to get a job.

"A dole office?" My father had found my first two jobs for me and, of course, I was living at home! So, I didn't really know how to go about getting another job and claiming money so that I could eat! Fortunately, Jim the Irish shopkeeper showed me where to go to get a job and some benefits.

I had to register for work and, straightaway, the clerk said that, with my school qualifications, I could get a job actually working in the dole office. She put my name forward to the office manager and told me the salary plus there had just been a pay rise backdated and another pay rise in the pipeline. After she totalled up the figures, I just said, "Wow!" I felt that I was just about to become Rockefeller after the poor wages I'd received in my previous jobs!

I started on the desk for new claims and soon got into the swing of the work. I also soon realised that it was a good place to meet girls, although they would be unemployed girls! After a bit of unsuccessful flirting with a few girls, I encountered a claim form with no previous employer stated but instead, just a reference number. I asked my supervisor what this was and he said that the person had been in prison!

And so, Rosalind came into my life. She was sitting on a bench in the unemployment hall when I called her up for her registration interview. She was 21, a pretty woman, slim, about average height with shoulder-length brown hair.

I started out with, "Good morning and how are you today?"

"Better than yesterday," she replied.

"So I understand," I said, "My supervisor told me what the reference number on your form meant." I wasn't really interested in her circumstances so I went straight on with the form to complete the interview. I had been a bit flirty with her during the course of our short chat. After all, she was an attractive lady and I was just doing what came naturally!

"So, your address ..." I started.

"Well, it's not my proper address. I have to appear in court so it's a hostel that I have to stay in until my court date. I have to check in with the local police."

"OK," I said. Where I lived in my luxury bedsit was only around the corner from Rosalind's bail hostel so I took a chance.

"What are you doing this afternoon, do you have to check in with the police or the hostel?" I asked.

"Well, I was only let out yesterday so all the checks were done then," she said. "Got nothing to do but sit in the hostel."

"I live not far away so ..." here goes, "can I take you for a drink?"

"OK, I think that will be all right with the landlady. Yeah, yes please, could do with a drink. There's a pub across the road from the hostel. See you at eight o'clock?" Rosalind said.

"Yeah, I know the place, see you later then," I replied. Phew, it was a good job that none of my colleagues at the desk could hear me arranging a date with a new client who had just come out of prison!

The rest of the day passed routinely. I was being tutored in the procedures by my supervisor and the manager took me aside to tell me that, because of my school qualifications, I would be fast-tracked to a more clerical position rather than checking new claim forms. I was pleased with their initial assessment of me but then, I thought that maybe they were trying to keep me away from newly unemployed girls! Hahahaha!


Because there was no proper bathroom at my bedsit, I would go to a nearby leisure centre just to take a shower! The centre was on my way home from work so I popped in. All washed and dressed, now to get home to get out of the work clothes.

A brush of the teeth, a spray of deodorant and I was out of the door to meet up with Rosalind. Just a short walk took me to the pub near her bail hostel so I walked in, got a beer, and took a seat. While I was waiting, I browsed the jukebox, chose a few tunes, and settled back in my chair.

At about nine o'clock, an hour late, Rosalind walked in. She looked around the pub, saw me, and then, looked around again. The pub was fairly empty and, when she saw me for the second time, she made the "Oh, there you are" gesture. Not a good start, really! However, she came over and sat down.

"Hello, Rosalind. What are you drinking?"

"Oh, call me Roz, Rosalind is too formal. Yes, I'd love a pint of bitter." Well, to a young, traditional guy like me, a woman drinking pints of a man's drink was er, a little different but, hey, we're in London and these are modern times (1976).

I returned to the table with drinks and we began to chat properly. After the usual pleasantries, Roz told me, with a giggle, that she wasn't really a hardened criminal! She had been arrested for a minor drug offence but, because the arrest was in London and not in the town where she lived, she had to appear at a London court.

I tried to pin down her personality but she seemed to be a real mix. We would be having a nice and relaxed conversation and she would suddenly jump up to dance to a song that was playing on the jukebox. At one point during her dance, she kicked off her shoes, one of them nearly hitting another customer! She sat down again, gathering her shoes under the table.

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At closing time, Roz said she had to collect her toothbrush from her room if she was coming home with me. Er, right, I hadn't really considered that option. I thought this would only be a first-date scenario, not a first-night physical session! So we went to the bail hostel. Roz's room was quite small but it was a typical B&B for a single person. She was looking around for something and I asked her what was wrong.

"I can't find my shoes," she said.

"Didn't you take them off in the pub?"

"Did I? Oh no, really? Yeah, I think I did. They're in the pub!" Oh no is what I'm thinking! This girl is a bit crazy.

"I think the pub will be locked up by now," I said, "you'll have to wait till tomorrow lunchtime to get them back."

So we walked through the streets of North London to get back to my place with Roz padding along in her bare feet which were getting more dirty with each step!

We got back to mine and I made cups of coffee which meant me going downstairs to the kitchen. When I got back, Roz was already in bed. I gave her the coffee and we drank it, chatting about our evening in the pub and how Roz had forgotten to put her shoes back on! That made us laugh. I turned my back to put some music on the stereo and Roz had got out of bed to check out my record collection. She was undressed apart from her panties. She stood up, took my hand and we started to dance to the mid-tempo music. I put my hands on her waist to pull us closer together and I could feel her bare breasts through my shirt.

She untucked my shirt and started to undo the buttons so she could rub her hands over my chest. As we continued to dance, she turned her attention to my belt buckle and she undid my jeans and took off my shoes. We were now dancing together in our pants. We started to kiss, tongues involved, and our hands were running over each other's bodies, her pulling me in to rub my back and me squeezing my hand between our bodies so that I could feel her generous breasts.

As we danced, we moved towards the bed, Roz feeling the frame against the back of her legs. She sat down on the edge, putting her face in front of my growing cock. She pulled down my pants and out it popped, fully erect. She placed her hands on my groin either side of my cock and opened her mouth to take me in. One hand went to my balls while the other was stroking the shaft back and forth, pulling my foreskin from my head. My cock has a downward bend and Roz was able to push her mouth right onto it so her nose was in my pubic hair. I could feel my cock twitching in her throat, that I felt I was ready to explode! I was in heaven! But I had to make it last, so I pulled out.

I pushed Roz's head away and pushed her onto the bed. Now that her pelvis was on the edge, it was my turn to remove her panties and taste her pussy. She was already wet from her sucking me and now I was going to make her more wet! I knelt down to lick her deeply and ran my fingers up and down her outer lips. She was moaning with a deep, throaty noise, almost a growl. Then, I pushed my fingers inside her while I was sucking on her clitoris. After a while, Roz's moans began to get louder and that I felt that she might be getting close to her climax so I pulled back and adjusted my position.

Still on my knees by the side of the bed, I licked Roz's pussy one last time before I plunged my cock into her. To get deeper penetration, I lifted up her legs by the ankles. I was so deep inside of Roz that her moans became louder and higher in pitch.

"Harder, harder," she screamed. I tried to slam in hard but withdrew slowly! WOW! That made her quiver and squeal as my head reached the opening of her pussy. Then I slammed in again! More squeals, another quiver as I pulled right out. I bent down again to lick her another few times then brought my cock back to her pussy. I thought that this technique seemed to working so, again, I slammed into her and pulled out slowly!

"Stop it, stop it!" she screamed. "No, don't stop. Faster, faster ... pleeeeease!"

So I slammed into her again "aaarrgghh!" - and stayed!

"Oohhhhhh!" Then I started to build up a rhythm, slow at first, but building, building, and building up the speed. Roz was wriggling all over the bed even though I was holding her ankles again, as if I was riding a Harley-Davidson! And she was moaning and growling like she was a Harley-Davidson! We kept up the rhythm, getting faster and faster, until she shouted out as she hit her climax and I shouted out as I exploded inside her pussy!

I let go of Roz's ankles as I collapsed on top of her. Our lips met and our kisses were so passionate that it was difficult for us to catch our breath. Our love-making was so raw. We hadn't even got into bed! But, as we held each other until three in the morning, it was starting to get a little chilly. So, we got under the covers and drifted off to a blissful sleep.


My alarm was always set for seven in the morning. This gave me enough time to listen to the breakfast radio show, get up, wash and dress, and then walk the twenty minutes to work. This morning, however, my alarm woke up two people. We listened to the radio whilst holding each other close under the covers and, of course, things got interesting.

Roz was already fondling my cock while we were sharing a good morning kiss and, after a while, she went under the covers to start to suck my growing erection. She was approaching me from the side and what she was doing was feeling very, very nice. Then, she moved to kneel upright on the bed, the covers falling off her shoulders to reveal her glorious tits. She then set up her own rhythm as she sucked my full length.

Roz was stroking my shaft in the same way she had last night, pulling my foreskin back to reveal my head. I started to wonder if she remembered just exactly what she had done the night before ... I was soon to find out. I was just in this blowjob heaven, rising up to meet her mouth and pulling back because I didn't want to come yet. She was still stroking my cock and letting go of me with her mouth, just to catch her breath, then she sucked my balls, licking all the way down to my perineum.

While she was down there, I did feel her tongue briefly lick my asshole before she changed her angle again. She then took a deep breath and bent down to suck my cock. This time, her rhythm was more urgent and she was working me deeper into her mouth. I was groaning with pleasure as my cock went further into her mouth. Her nose was in my pubic hair again as she held her position, breathing in through her nose. She pushed down a little bit further, probably only a few millimetres, a couple more pushes and I felt the uncontrollable twitch as I spurted everything I had into her throat. She still held her position as I was bouncing underneath her, pumping out my spunk!

Finally, I heard Roz gagging on the load I had given her. She had swallowed it all and she pulled away, licking her lips. She was still down there, stroking me, encouraging a few more drops from the end of my softening cock. Eventually, she lay down with me at the top of the bed, kissing me passionately. I could taste my own spunk on her lips but I was shattered and I didn't care!

We lay together for a while and, all of a sudden, it was half past eight! I had to go to work, and Roz had to check in with her landlady. We got up in a bit of a hurry, got dressed and into the street, Roz with no shoes on! We said our goodbyes on the corner and parted with a "See you later." I certainly would see her later ...

Written by VeeJay45
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