As the summer moved on, Helka and I met up on a Friday night and spent the weekends together. Sometimes, we would meet up with Lisa and we would have another epic threesome! What a wonderful way to spend a very sexy summer! These girls were so beautiful together and, every time we made love, they made me feel like a king!
Helka would tease me almost to my breaking point, priming me to have deep satisfying sex with Lisa so that she, Helka, wouldn't get pregnant. Instead, though, she would often get involved with Lisa, whether it was sitting on her face whilst I was shagging Lisa or she would handle my cock, pulling it out of Lisa's pussy for a suck, and putting it back in! And, almost every time that I had pumped my spunk into Lisa, Helka would be very quick to get into a sixty-nine with her to eat the cream pie I had put into Lisa's pussy! So, so sexy! I was in sex heaven every time we all met!
Finally, it was soon time for Helka to finish her work/study placement and go back to West Berlin. There was still one weekend left for us to get together and make some more loving memories. Sadly, I wouldn't get the chance to say goodbye to Lisa as her work placement had ended during the previous week and she had already gone home to France. Farewell, Lisa, it was an unbelievable pleasure knowing you!
Our final Friday night together was just that. Helka was travelling home on Saturday afternoon so a beautiful weekend was out of the question. To take advantage of the comfort of my double bed, we were spending the night at my place.
I travelled to the LSE to meet Helka. Her suitcases were already packed and, because we were staying at mine, she had already had a clean-up of her room so she would be ready for the departure time. The room looked bare and it seemed to point to a very sad last evening together.
We spent the early part of the evening at Leicester Square, watching a movie, before we went for a meal at a side street trattoria. We stopped off at a pub before catching the tube to Finsbury Park. Walking through the streets to my bedsit, our conversation was a little stilted, but we were more relaxed by the time we'd got to our destination.
Our usual routine was adhered to, I made the coffees, Helka chose the music for the stereo. We sat on the sofa, side-by-side, chatting about general stuff. Then, we got up and undressed like we were an old married couple. There wasn't the same urgency that we'd experienced before, no tearing off the clothes, hurriedly undoing buttons as we had done in the past. But, we were now naked and climbing into bed. We were just settling into a cuddle when Helka began to sob. To be honest, I was expecting her to get emotional.
"Oh, Vee, this summer has been the best time of my life and I just don't want it to end," she said, between her sobs. All I could do was hold her tighter.
"I know, darling. It has been amazing for me as well," I replied. "I really don't know what I'm going to do without you." She seemed to need more reassuring. "You know, this isn't going to be the end. We'll think of a way to keep us going." Helka lifted her face to mine and we shared a deep kiss. Then, she rested her head on my chest with her hand massaging my balls. My cock was starting to twitch, responding to her touch. I reached over to fondle her soft breast, tweaking her nipple so that she quietly moaned. But that just made her focus more on my cock.
She ran her fingertips along my shaft, not gripping too tightly with her hand. Her soft touch just made my cock twitch even more and it soon became rock-hard. Sensing the moment perfectly, Helka kissed my chest and started to move down over my stomach. Her mouth was now level with my cock. Without hesitation, she took my cock into her mouth, using her lips to form a ring that caressed my shaft as she had done with her fingertips. I was in heaven, experiencing the softest of touches from my beautiful girlfriend's lips and tongue.
I interrupted her to pivot my body around so that we were in a sixty-nine position. I just needed to taste the sweet nectar of Helka's pussy for one last time. Of course, this changed the angle of Helka's mouth on my cock and the feeling wasn't quite as heavenly but it was still wonderful. But, I was at her pussy, able to plunge my tongue deep into her pussy and stroke her pussy lips with my fingers. We stayed in position for ages. My tongue was running up and down her slit, occasionally, I would suck on her clit and hear Helka squealing with pleasure. Then I would take both sides of her pussy with my fingers and chew on her lips as if I was eating a toffee. That made her purr like a cat!
Helka squealed and screamed as I chewed on her lips and licked her slit. She was so wet and was dribbling her juices all over my face. Suddenly, she got off the bed and returned to her original position, sucking my cock. This time, she took my cock deep into her mouth, taking it all the way with the downward curve of my erection making her gag. After a few minutes of this, my cock had got back to the rock-hard condition it was in earlier. WOW!! I was almost ready to blow my load when she again changed her position.
She swung her leg over me and sat her pussy directly over my cock. And then sat down! My cock was deep inside her pussy! WE WERE HAVING FULL SEX!!
At first, I wasn't sure if we should be doing this, given Helka's problem that meant she couldn't take the pill. But we were so lost in the pleasure, the passion, and the emotion of the moment that we just lost control of our urges and went for it! We were making babies!
Helka bounced and bounced on top of me, bucking around like she was on a rodeo bull! I was holding her hips tight to keep her on top and sometimes, grabbing her ass to push her further onto my cock. As she screamed and shouted, I was moaning, groaning, and, finally, I let out a long and loud growl as I pumped my spunk into her soaking pussy! My thrusts from underneath were still strong and I could feel more spurts going into her as she continued to wriggle her hips to reach her own orgasm. And, as she kept moving, my cock and balls were drenched with hot juices as she let her orgasm go! Our moves got weaker as our orgasms came to an end and Helka leaned back, exhausted but with a heavenly smile on her face.
"Oh, Vee, I just wanted to feel your power inside me. I've seen it when you fucked Lisa but I just wanted to have you for myself."
I felt that I should say something but I was breathless, I couldn't even speak! But Helka was so happy at that moment that I felt so proud that I had made her happy. I wasn't even thinking about what we had done, the possibility that I could have made Helka pregnant! It was so beautiful, SHE was so beautiful. I loved her, nothing else mattered!
She climbed off me and, in her usual habit, she performed her clean-up operation on me, sucking the last remnants of cum from my cock and licking my balls clean.
She crawled up the bed to cuddle up. We kissed deeply and I could taste my own cum in the mixture of our juices that she held in her mouth. Absolutely beautiful but also absolutely knackered!
We slept a very peaceful sleep that night.
We woke up quite early, conscious of the fact that Helka had to get back to the LSE to catch her coach to the airport. We didn't really speak about what had happened the previous night when we had full sex for the first time. Had we crossed the line by going too far? Would we regret it if Helka had got pregnant? What was our future together?
We needed to get washed before we left, so I went downstairs to fill up the wash bowl with warm water. When I returned, Helka was sitting naked on the edge of the bed. I placed the bowl on towels on the floor by her feet and, one by one, I washed them. She giggled as I ran my fingers along the soles of her feet and when I wiggled my fingers between her toes.
Then, she laid back on the bed and her giggles became moans as I lifted her legs to wash behind her knees and up the back of her thighs to her ass and pussy. After washing her there and rinsing off, I couldn't resist giving her a short, sexy lick to dry her off. Afterwards, I moved up her body to pay attention to her arms and her lovely breasts then passed the washcloth to her so she could wipe her face.
Then, she sat up again and put her hands into the wash bowl as I stood in front of her. My cock was already on stand-by with a semi-hard-on but her wet hands massaging my balls brought it to full status. After a few minutes of gentle rubbing and stroking, she ran her tongue up and down my shaft, licking around my head every time her tongue ran up!
I wasn't really expecting her to do much more as we were against the clock so her next move took me by surprise. She took my cock all the way into her mouth with her nose in my pubic hair. She started to gag as the downward curve of my cock was twitching at the back of her throat so she paused before taking a deep breath and pulling at my hips to take me in deeper. I was close to coming as she continued to rhythmically pull my hips and soon, I came deep inside her throat.
Helka was gagging and she had to catch her breath to swallow as much of my load as she could. My knees were starting to buckle and eventually, I fell forward onto the bed, my cock still in her mouth. We fell apart, almost in a sixty-nine, so I adjusted my position so that could give her a proper send-off. She lay beneath me, licking at my softened cock and my final drops of cum, as I licked along her outer lips before plunging my tongue and fingers into her soaking slit. I didn't want to let her go and I kept licking and sucking until she squirted all over my face and chest!
We were both truly satisfied but we were also in a mess! We needed to clean up again! We used the cold water in the wash bowl and quickly dried off before we got dressed. We left my bedsit, Helka for the final time, and we hurried to the tube station. Four stops later and a short walk, we reached the LSE. We went to Helka's room to gather her suitcases and she took a last look around. I also took a last look around that room, remembering a lustful summer with Helka and, sometimes, with Lisa. What a wonderful time we'd had!
We took Helka's cases to the reception hall and, shortly afterwards, the coach arrived. Students were boarding but she was one of the last to board as we shared a last-minute hug and kisses. We were both in tears - not ashamed to admit it - but, finally, Helka got on. She managed to get a window seat so we could blow kisses and then, the coach pulled away. So much sadness in our separation, so much sadness in my heart. I wondered what the future would hold for us and, possibly, a little baby ...
Back to work and I was coming up to my six-month appraisal. Quite important, really, as it determined whether or not I'd be retained or unemployed! Recent events may have affected my work performance but, obviously, I had to put my best foot forward to make sure I stayed in the job.
Working in London in 1976 was full of fundamental problems. There was a timetable of power cuts in areas of London - one day, the power went down at work so we were allowed to go home early! By the time I got home, the power had gone down in MY area so I had to spend the evening in the dark, listening to my battery-powered radio!
Then, there was a nationwide heatwave, causing droughts, water supply shortages and plagues of, first, aphids (because of the warm weather) and, secondly, ladybirds (because aphids are ladybirds' favourite food!). You couldn't walk along the streets without crunching insects beneath your feet!
And, of course, from my perspective, I was missing the beautiful Helka!
So, my work assessment was very largely affected by these outside issues. In the end, my assessment was a success but I was to be monitored by my mentor to ensure my next appraisal would be a complete success. This meant more training sessions on procedures with Glenys.
My first training session with Glenys passed by uneventfully. Obviously, she was aware of issues that was affecting all of us in London but not of any personal problems. But she did ask so I told her about my summer of romance and that it had come to an end. Of course, I didn't reveal all of the sexy details but Glenys now knew that I was in a sad situation after my girlfriend had gone back home.
So, work just jogged on, day by day, week by week, with Glenys keeping an eye on my work performance. One month on, it was time for my reappraisal. Glenys called me into the training room and asked me to sit down to carry out a series of written tests. She sat opposite me, preparing her marking process. As I was poring over the paperwork, I raised a problem with a test that I couldn't quite get my head around. Glenys came to my desk and stood behind me to read out the issue. I was still trying to get a grip on the problem when she leaned forward over my shoulder to point out some notes I had made.

It was then that I caught a whiff of her perfume and, with her long red nails tapping on my paperwork, I started to feel a stirring in my trousers! I turned my head to face her as if to say, yes, I understand now. But she leaned into me and kissed me! Then, she withdrew.
"Vee," she said, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that! Please forgive me!"
"It's OK," I replied, "don't worry about it." I had noticed the top two buttons of her blouse were undone, but this time, I noticed that, maybe, a third button was undone and I could see the top edge of her lacy bra and a little bit of cleavage! I turned my head away and got back to my work, Glenys returned to her desk, ready to mark my work for the appraisal.
A week or so later, Glenys called me into the training room to go through a new procedure. The training script was displayed on 8mm film, to be shown by a film projector. For the best effect, lights have to be turned off and curtains drawn to stop reflections from the windows. And so the training session began.
The content of the training film was boring but detailed so, we had pause the film to check our booklet. We should have each had a booklet but we only had the one. This meant that we had to sit close together at a table. As we were going over the book, there was plenty of contact of elbows and knees and plenty of apologies until we descended into fits of laughter. We put the training things away and sat down for a chat.
"How's things?" began Glenys.
"Oh, just pretty fed up, really," I replied. "Since my girlfriend went back to Germany, I haven't had any interest in going out."
"That's a shame! I'm pretty much the same," she said. "My boyfriend who didn't want to move in with me? Well, the reason was he bought a house ... with his ex-girlfriend!"
"Wow! I'm so sorry, Glen. How long were you together?"
"Oh, about a year. But he kept his rented flat and was seeing his ex every other weekend! Now they're buying a house together! Bastard!" she said, with a touch of venom. Then, she started to cry. Now, I was nineteen and she was in her late thirties and I had no experience in comforting an older lady crying.
"Are you OK, Glenys?" was my first offering.
"Not really, Vee, but I'll get over it," Then, she looked over at me and beckoned me to give her a hug. "Ahh, Vee, that's nice." As we drew apart, she kissed me. Much like last time, it was a straightforward kiss on the lips but, this time, she lingered. She kissed me again, with more urgency, and, suddenly, we were in a passionate embrace. Finally, we broke apart and tried to continue our training session but the work atmosphere had dissipated. So, we packed our books and papers away and went back to the work section.
Later that week, Glenys called me over to her desk.
"Vee, I've been thinking that we're both in a slump. So why don't you come to my place for a meal and a few drinks to cheer ourselves up?"
I replied, "I'm not sure that'll be a good idea, we're work colleagues and it might be awkward?"
"Nonsense," she said, "it'll be OK, just a couple of workmates having a drink."
Well, I was feeling a bit low since Helka's departure so I said, "Yeah, OK, why not?" and we set a time and date to meet.
The day came around for my dinner date with Glenys. I was a little nervous as our meeting point was in an area of North London that I didn't know. As a consequence, my nervousness arose from NOT knowing an escape route if things weren't going so well!
When I got to the pub, Glenys was already there, sitting at a table by a window, away from the crowded bar. I mimed 'getting a drink' to her and, finally, I made it to the table.
"You OK?" I said. She replied with a smile and then we got to talking.
"No work talk, OK?" she said. I laughed at the thought. So, we chatted about random things, the latest news, how hot it had been, and how many insects we had crushed beneath our feet in the hot weather! All light-hearted stuff. We drained our glasses and left the pub.
"I'm parked around the corner," she said. This was an odd concept for me, a date with someone who had a car! It cut into my plans for escape if it was going badly, I wouldn't know where the hell I was! On the journey to Glenys' house, I made a mental note of a few reference markers, just in case.
We arrived at a large three-storey Victorian terraced house on a steep road, an impressive house. Glenys said she rents the ground floor and there are two flats upstairs, one on each floor.
Entering the lounge, Glenys said, "Make yourself comfortable," and she disappeared into the kitchen. She brought in a cup of coffee and our conversation was basically calling out to each other, her "You OK?" and me "Yes, thanks!" for the next half hour, as she prepared our meal. She called me into the kitchen to collect cutlery and asked me to lay the table and, eventually, dinner was served. I hadn't had a proper homemade meal for almost a year when I'd left home and this was a good old traditional meat and two veg dinner, pie and mash and peas! Lovely!
So, this is how the other half lived, eh? I was so used to beers and takeaway food and I had put on a little bit of weight in the time I'd been in this job, in spite of the regular 5-a-side football sessions at the sports centre.
We chatted through dinner, finished and cleared up, then settled down in front of the TV. We sat side by side on the sofa and Glenys was half-turned, facing me, with her shoes off and her knees tucked up.
"Mmmmm, this is nice," she said, "it's lovely to just relax indoors on a Saturday night without all the hurly-burly of the pub scene."
"I left home to get into the hurly-burly pub scene. There's nothing where my family lived, just a village pub full of old men and their dogs. Lots of young people get out of the village to go the lively pubs and discos. I've gone one step further - instead of the next town, I've come to London!"
"Glad you did."
"Oh, yeah, I've been having a great time ..."
"No, I meant, I'm glad you did," and, with that, she grabbed my arm and snuggled in close to me. I was taken a bit by surprise and then, she turned her head towards mine and we kissed, tentatively, but we held the kiss for a while before it became deeper and more passionate.
Oh my God, what was happening? Maybe I was being naive accepting Glenys' dinner invitation but I was now in a clinch with a very attractive older woman on her sofa. I suppose that I should just do what came naturally and join in!
Glenys made the first move as she pushed me to the end of the sofa and rolled herself on top of me. We continued to kiss as she unbuttoned my shirt and ran her hand over my chest. My cock was already twitching in anticipation but Glenys paused her roaming as we lay on the sofa, television on in the background. Then, she began to run her hand around underneath my open shirt down to my stomach where she began to untuck it from my waistband, her lips brushing against my skin as she worked her way around.
Meanwhile, I had lifted up the back of her T-shirt to undo the clasp of Glenys' bra. Then, we both sat up - she removed my shirt from my shoulder, and I lifted her T-shirt over her head. We were both topless!
Glenys' next move was to push me back to my previous position and start to undo my belt buckle. She leaned forward to give me a kiss or a lick to my tummy as she undid the button of my jeans. She pulled down my zip and pulled my jeans off, revealing my bulging y-fronts. She quickly removed these to let my cock spring up in front of her face!
Straightaway, she engulfed my cock in her mouth, bringing her head back as if she was wanking me. As she was sensing that I was close to coming, she stopped and stood up to remove her trousers and panties. Although Glenys was in her late 30s (she never told me how old she was!), she had a good figure. A small bulge in her tummy, her breasts were still quite firm and her legs were still shapely. And she was just about to give me the experience of her loveliness on the sofa.
She straddled me for a moment but climbed off to suck my cock again, restoring it to a harder condition. She climbed on again and moved into her rhythm as she sat on top of me. I could feel her pussy clenching against my cock and her pussy lips rubbing along my pubic hair. She leaned forward and we kissed in a frenzy as she built up a faster pace to her rhythm. I had no control over the rhythm, Glenys was just riding me like a horse! She was in total control!
She arched her back and I was able to stretch my neck to reach her nipples and lick them at first, then suck them hard as my arms reached around her back to pull her body towards my mouth. She seemed to be lost in herself as her rhythm built and built until she started to breathe heavily, then squeal and shout as her pussy assaulted my cock, causing her to release her warm juices, prompting me to shoot my spunk upwards into her pussy!
Oh, what a perfect heaven! She was dripping, I was still pulsing to push the last of my spunk into her soaking pussy and we were locked together on her sofa. Glenys collapsed on top of me and we shared a breathless kiss as we were trying to take in some air after our wonderful sexy time!
"Bloody hell, Glen. You are brilliant! That was ..." She stopped me by kissing me again. We were still locked together and, despite what we had just done, I could feel my cock starting to harden.
"Feels like you're ready for more ..." she said and she started to set up a rhythm.
I could feel my cock getting harder and harder as she moved backwards and forwards. Our crotches were grinding together in a sloppy, slippery mess, making plenty of slurping noises and, pretty quickly, we were going for our second orgasm.
Thrusting and sliding until we could hardly move, Glenys allowed my cock to slip out of her pussy just as I spurted my cum into her pubic hair and over my stomach. WOW!! As we were now uncoupled, she slid up my body, releasing the contents of her pussy all over my torso. She wiggled and wiggled as she smeared her pussy juices and my spunk all over, eventually straddling my chest. I could smell the musky smell of our sex right in front of me.
As she stretched her arms upwards, her breasts lifted and they looked perfect from my angle. She brought her hands down to massage her breasts, tweaking her nipples as she did so. As I looked in wonder, she bent down to kiss me deeply. Then she sat up to place her hands on the end of the sofa and lifted herself up to plant her pussy on my face!
My face was absolutely soaked with sweat along with Glenys' pussy juices and the taste of my own cum. She rode my face for a few minutes, her slit running over my nose, tongue and chin, hitting her clit with every move and releasing more pussy juices. Glenys then switched positions so we were in a sixty-nine. I still had a faceful of pussy but she was bent over, licking the juices that she had wiped all over my stomach. Finally, she took my cock into her mouth to clean up but she only succeeded in making me hard again!
As she was riding my face, she was sucking my cock so gently that it was growing harder with every lick and suck. Eventually, she had built up a beautiful rhythm as she had done all evening and her pussy was dripping out into my mouth as she sucked and sucked. The rhythm became faster and faster, her pussy was dripping more and more and my cock was, unbelievably, getting harder and harder. It was only a matter of time before Glenys started to squeal and shout and I gave a loud grunt as I exploded into her mouth!
We lay in this sixty-nine for ages, moaning in pleasure with each other until Glenys said, "I'm getting a bit cold. Let's go to bed." So, we got up and went to bed.
We were totally shattered that sleep didn't hang about. We held each other close, had a beautiful kiss and cuddle, the taste of our mixed juices still there, talked a little, and just fell into a beautiful sleep
See you in the morning ... zzzzzzz