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40 - Jeanie And Tony Refreshes Our Relationship

"Was it the end for me and Carole? Not if our new friends could help it!"

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Author's Notes

""These stories are my distant memories. Conversations have been embellished, but the substance is still there""

Jeanie and Tony left soon after we had all had our fun, followed by teas and coffees. Carole had run out of bread! After complimentary comments about how sexy the girls had been, we shared a general conversation about our backgrounds and got to know each other properly. We knew that they were both older than us, Jeanie was twenty-seven, Tony was thirty.

Tony took up their story. "We used to be regulars at various sex clubs around London until we met each other. Decided to settle down. We can't have children due to medical issues but, of course, we both love sex! We felt that some sex clubs were trying to stage some more extreme practices. We just wanted to keep things simple so we withdrew from the sex club scene.

"Our usual method was to meet single people or couples in pubs, develop a conversation and see where there could be an opportunity for some sexy fun. It seemed to be more stable to do that rather than the random chances at a sex club."

I told them about my Norwegian girls, developing their lesbian love as teenagers to the random activities at the Caribbean house party. Finally, I'd met Carole, we were on a date and we were hi-jacked by my lesbian friends. That's how Carole had discovered lesbian love. The rest, as they say, was history, I said.

"Did you like the sex clubs, Carole?" asked Jeanie.

"Well, yes, but it is a bit random. At first, our threesomes were with people we knew but a lovely lady from work was let down by her boyfriend on New Year's Eve! She was at the club we were in so we looked after her ... in more ways than one!"

She gave a knowing wink!

Carole continued, "But she got a new boyfriend who took me and her to a sex club and we tried to replicate the vibe at her flat but it ended up a bit weird. Me and Vee are together as a couple but he wants to get serious. I just think we're too young, we should have fun before we settle down. How old were you two?"

"Been together about three years now, so I was twenty-four, Tony nearly twenty-seven. We got married two years ago. Still young enough for fun but we pick and choose now, no random partners at a sex club."

It was interesting to hear their story and I wondered how we could fit their approach to our relationship. Tony left his business card so at least we knew how to contact them for more fun. They were a nice couple and Jeanie's tits were awesome!


Carole and I knew that we had to talk. I felt that I was ready to settle down with her, she thought we were too young. It was as simple as that. But, to me, if you feel something, then you're the right age. Jeanie and Tony were in their mid-twenties when they made their decision. I had just turned twenty but Carole was still only nineteen. At our age, it was a lot to think about.

I think I thought about it more than Carole did. I did end up coming down to Carole's point of view that we were much too young to be even thinking about settling down and stepping back from whatever fun we had been having. Maybe I was too wrapped up in the traditional stereotype of love, meet a girl, fall in love, live happily ever after! I can only blame Eddie Cochran for that!

Once I expressed my feelings to Carole, our relationship seemed to get back to the carefree way of the days gone by, although we had only been together for about five months. But it had been an exciting and a very sexy five months! I didn't want to lose that.


Work was the same old routine as ever. My only excitement was finishing on a Friday night to go home! Occasionally, there was an interesting character or two to give us a little entertainment. A claimant might become angry about a change to his benefits and even moreso when claimants had forgotten to come in and register their unemployment because they were sick. Our only hope would be that the member of staff dealing with them would resist the jargon that was part of our job. This jargon was confusing for the staff, let alone the claimants!

Highlights of my week were the cute, good-looking ladies who were unemployed. They would come in to register and I would interview them. My interviews used to often take a turn for the flirtatious - my brief relationship with Roz had begun in that way - but I had resisted that angle since I had made my commitment to Carole. Ah, well, let's see what develops!


My next dilemma was the impending visit of Inge. How would I explain my involvement with Carole to her? Would we actually be able to get together as Inge was actually travelling with her mother? Carole had said that she would love to meet Inge for some fun, especially, though, Tanya and Lani, the loving twins who blew me away and blew me often! From what Inge had told me about her travel arrangements, the twins would not be coming to London on this occasion. Inge would just be accompanied by her mother. Hmmmm ...


I visited Carole regularly during the weeks and, on Fridays, we would be having our big weekend, meeting up with Hazel or maybe not, just staying by ourselves for some passionate, energetic sex.

On this particular Friday, Carole had obviously arranged for Hazel to visit her and our plan was to go to the pub in Chalk Farm where she had met Jeanie and Tony. I arrived at Carole's place just after Hazel had got there. There was a bit of the usual girly activity of fixing their make-up before we left and then we made the ten minute walk to Camden Town tube station. In fact, as Chalk Farm was only one stop from Camden, we could made it a twenty-minute walk but we wanted to stay fresh.

The pub was fairly busy. It was Friday night and there was a band playing, no doubt it would get more busy later. Carole had a quick look around to see if there was anyone there that she knew. It was a bit tricky for her as she wasn't very tall! At this point, I wasn't aware that this was the pub where she had met Jeanie and Tony.

I said, "Who are you looking for?"

"Oh, nobody. Just seeing if there's anyone I know," was Carole's reply. Well, I knew that she'd met Jeanie and Tony in Chalk Farm so I started to put pieces together. This must be the pub, after all? Although I wasn't a fan of an extra male sharing my fun, I was a little turned on to think I could be seeing Jeanie's beautiful tits again!

The band had pretty good, very tight musicianship. They played some standard pub rock covers and threw in some of their own songs in the same style. They were well appreciated by the crowd which had been growing throughout the evening.

As I was talking to Hazel about the band, there was a squeal from Carole. I spun around and, sure enough, she was hugging Jeanie enthusiastically. Tony reached over and shook my hand.

"Hi, Vee, how are you?"

"Yeah, I'm OK, mate."

"And this must be..." he led.

Hazel replied, "I'm Hazel. Are you Tony?"

Tony nodded. "Carole told me how much fun you guys had the other week. When she called me, I was keen to find out more." A big grin came across his face. He took her hand and kissed it, like an old-fashioned gentleman. What class! I was impressed and it looked like Hazel was as well.

Introductions were made between Hazel and Jeanie and we all settled down to watch the band's second set. The band played through mostly rock tunes but played a couple of slower songs as they were coming to the end of their show. This gave an opportunity for couples to dance closer together and I was straight up to dance with Carole. Tony declined the invitation from Jeanie but Hazel quickly accepted the offer to dance with her.

They held each other close but not as close as the other couples. They seemed to be talking a lot but, with the band playing at not quite full volume, occasionally they needed to speak directly into each other's ear. It was fascinating to watch and Carole made mention of it as we danced.

"Look at those two! It's like they're whispering sweet nothings to each other!" she said. "It looks quite sexy, don't you think? Mmmm!" Then, she looked me straight in the eye and kissed me passionately, full on, our tongues battling in our mouths. She smiled as she felt my cock twitch against her stomach.

We kissed again but quickly broke away from each other as Carole had glanced over to Jeanie and Hazel to catch them kissing.

"Wow!" she exclaimed, "she doesn't hang around, does she?" I looked over to our table but Tony wasn't there to enjoy the tongue tangling going on between his wife and this new girl. Carole was definitely enjoying what she was seeing and so was I. My cock twitched again against Carole's stomach.

"Stop it," she said, "you just wait till we get home!" Oh yes, I thought to myself.

The music came to an end and, as the spotlights on the band were switched off, the lights came back on in the pub. In the licensing laws of the time, the band had to stop by half past ten and last orders were called at quarter to eleven. Customers stood around talking after the buzz was dying down from the band's set. Tony reappeared at the table with a final round of drinks as we were taking our seats.

"Well, they were good, weren't they?" he said.

"Yeah, but you missed the best bit!" I chimed in. He didn't seem to have heard what I had said. He leaned over to whisper something to Jeanie. A look of concern came over her face but was quickly replaced with a smile, followed by a nod. I was intrigued, I wondered what Tony had said to her.

After everyone had drank their drinks and the pub emptied out into the street, Tony called our party together to get into his car. We drove a short way to a large, impressive Victorian building in Belsize Park and Tony parked up.

"Here we are," he announced.

After the slum-clearance poverty of my room above a shop, Carole's place was relative luxury and Hazel's flat in Shepherds Bush was even better. But this was another level. We walked up the steps to front entrance - it was too grand to be described as a front door! - and Tony opened up. We stepped inside and wow! Tiled flooring and an old-style caged lift. The stairway wound its way around the cage.

Tony said, "Smart, eh? There's six floors so it saves a bit of energy! We're on the third floor." He closed the concertina door and pressed the button. Off we went.

We reached the door to the apartment and Tony unlocked the door. Carole, Hazel and I were blown away. The place was so large, high ceilings and ornate furnishings. Jeanie chipped in. "It's a company apartment and we've been here a year, since Tony got his promotion."

"Bit of a high-flyer, eh, Tony?" I ventured but, before he could answer, the house phone rang. "Sorry, Vee, got to get that." and he disappeared into another room.

We were so taken aback by this amazing place, we just stood there in the middle of this large lounge.

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"Make yourselves comfortable, anyone for coffee?" Jeanie asked. Orders taken and she went to the kitchen.

As we sat on the oh-so comfortable sofa, Tony returned.

"I'm sorry, everyone. I'm afraid that I have to leave you and go into work."

"On a Friday night?" Carole exclaimed.

"Yes. Part of my promotion deal was to be on call all the time. We have a big business deal that has to be completed this weekend, I was hoping it would be done today but, New York being five hours behind, it wasn't finished until this evening. So I have to go," he said. "Another bonus of my promotion was this gorgeous flat so enjoy! Jeanie will look after you."

Jeanie brought the coffees in and she and Tony kissed as he left with a small suitcase in his hand.

"Did you know about this?" asked Hazel.

"I had an idea but Tony didn't get the call until we were dancing to the band in the pub. He told me later. He won't be too long, just a few days."

Wow! What an amazing evening it had turned out to be! A drink, a live band, an international business deal and ... who knew what else?

Jeanie put some music on the stereo, something a bit less frenetic than the band were playing, and we all sat and talked about the evening. The pub, the band and, most importantly, Tony's disappearance to go into work on a Friday night!

"So, Jeanie," Carole said, "what's happening with Tony?"

"I truly don't know. I'm not even clear about his job. All I know is that his company is a supplier of nothing exciting, office equipment, I think. He goes away like this quite regularly to seal sales contracts. Normally, he's in England but this is a big one to a company in America. Like I said, he'll be gone for a few days."

"Well, Jeanie, what's happening?" Hazel asked.

"What, like now, you mean?" and, with that, Jeanie stood up, walked across to Hazel, took her by the hand and pulled her to her feet. Then she turned to me and Carole and pulled us both to our feet. "Let's dance!" and we held each other as we swayed to the music.

"We'll just carry on where we left off, shall we?" Jeanie was holding Hazel closer than she had in the pub and gripped on to her ass as she was grinding her crotch on Hazel's thigh. Carole saw this and started to grind against my thigh. Hazel nuzzled into Jeanie's neck, moving her mouth around to kiss Jeanie. The contrast of Hazel's tumbling auburn curls and Jeanie's short blond bob cut as the two ladies kissed fascinated me, I could have watched them kissing all night.

"Bloody hell," Carole exclaimed, "I want some of that!" She moved away from me to join the others in a three-way kiss but Hazel gave up her place and came to me. I kissed her for the first time in weeks and felt her darting tongue linking with mine.

Clothes were starting to be unbuttoned and soon Carole and Jeanie were down to their underwear. Then, Jeanie pulled away from Carole's clutches and came to me.

She said, "I didn't get to sink my teeth into you last time we met," and she pushed me down onto the sofa and started to undo my trousers. Hazel helped and Carole joined us. Jeanie pulled off my trousers and pants, my cock popping up into the air like a jack-in-the-box. Carole concentrated on taking off her own clothes as Hazel was kissing her and Jeanie was sucking my cock.

I remembered watching her suck Tony and I wondered how he had managed to control himself. She used exactly the same technique. She was deep throating me, wanking me off and stopping. Then I discovered her secret. When she thought I was ready to blow, she pressed hard on my urethra at the base of my cock. My urge to come just vanished in an instant but my erection was as strong as ever. She repeated the process several times, each time, my urges stopped. WOW! This was going to be amazing. But my erection was getting stronger every time, when I was really ready, she wasn't going to be able to stop me!

In the corner of my eye, I could see Hazel and Carole engaged in their beautiful sixty-nine pretty close by but I knew what Carole was waiting for. As Jeanie continued with her deep throating technique, I was definitely getting ready, and Carole knew it. Jeanie wanked me for the last time and didn't press on the base of my cock. She just kept going and going, I was grunting and shouting! "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" That was Carole's signal.I exploded all over Jeanie's face and she kept wanking me and wanking me until the last drops of my spunk were hanging off the end of my cock.

Hazel, disappointed that their sixty-nine was cut short, was first to my cock to lick off my excess cum. Carole was straight on to Jeanie's face, licking my cum from her cheeks, her eyes, her chin and sharing it with Jeanie in a deep passionate kiss. Hazel joined them in a three-way kiss, this time, though, NOT giving up her place. Jeanie had had a faceful and Hazel and Carole had had their fair share of the industrial amount of spunk I had given them.

I just lay on the sofa, a spent force after Jeanie's amazing blowjob. The girls were hugging each other, finding droplets of spunk on Jeanie's chest. They were, in fact, still wearing their bras but only Jeanie still had on her panties. They stood up to move to the bedroom, they looked so sexy and graceful as they moved around the lounge. I got up and followed them, although I was going to be absolutely useless in the next stage of our fun!

Fucking hell! The bedroom was massive! In the middle was the biggest bed I had ever seen. Straightaway, I was beginning to imagine how many bodies Jeanie and Tony had had on this bed at one of their parties!

As Jeanie was taking off her bra and panties, Carole and Hazel began to kiss each other and undid each other's bras. So now, all the girls were naked. They rolled around together on this massive bed and took turns to kiss each other, suck nipples, finger each other and, finally they settled in a triangle of pussy-licking lust. Well, I thought I was done for the night but watching these ladies was really getting to me!

After some time, the girls each managed to reach mini orgasms and then Jeanie took charge.

"Girls, lay on your backs, pussy to pussy." They shuffled around on the bed and got into position. Jeanie clambered across and planted her pussy on Hazel's face. Hazel's arms went straight around Jeanie's hips to pull her in closer as Jeanie's arms reached forward to pull on Carole's hips. Hazel was licking Jeanie as Jeanie stretched forward to lick at Carole's pussy. Wow! And, of course, Carole's pussy was rubbing against Hazel's pussy! All three of them were getting their pussies stimulated.

In this positioning, they managed to lick and rub each other. It was beautiful to watch and the heavy breathing and squeals were just adding to the sensuality. I hadn't seen this before so I imagined it was another trick that Jeanie and Tony had picked up at the sex parties they used to frequent. Next ...

"Girls, get on your hands and knees, ass to ass!" So they did. From a dressing table drawer, Jeanie pulled out a long double-ended dildo. She herself then crawled underneath the girls and pulled their hips down so she could lick each pussy. When she felt they were nice and wet enough, she started to feed each end of the dildo into their pussies. Each push drew a gasp or a squeal from Hazel and Carole and, eventually, each girl had at least seven inches of dildo inside of them.

As the girls' asses were wiggling about and banging each other, Jeanie had crawled beneath them to get a closer view. She was lying on her back across the bed, their pussies right in her face. She looped her arms around one of their thighs, pulling them closer together and making sure they didn't become disconnected. She was craning her neck to reach out to their pussies with her tongue, the girls responded with appropriate oohs and aahs and the occasional squeal. Jeanie's legs were spread wide, waiting for me!

The sight of these three ladies all getting their pleasure had completed my recovery and my cock was raring to go! And, as if she knew, Jeanie said, "Come on, Vee, what you waiting for?"

I got down on my knees and pushed her thighs wider apart and plunged my face into her wet pussy. I licked her like there was no tomorrow, sucking on her clit and chewing her pussy lips. She moaned and groaned from my work, at the same time as holding the girls together and giving their pussies a good tonguing. After a few minutes, I lined up my cock and rammed it deep into her. I built up my rhythm; I could feel her warm juices all over my cock. She must have realised the state of play as she mumbled to me, "Remember to squeeze the base of your shaft, you'll last longer!" Wow, being taught how to fuck a pussy whilst fucking a pussy! But it was working!

Carole and Hazel were banging their backsides together, Jeanie was helping with the occasional lick. I was ramming deep into her, using the trick that this experienced woman had taught me. I seemed to be lasting longer and longer but I was ready at last. But Hazel beat me to it. She screamed out as she came, squirting over Jeanie's face as her end of the dildo fell out. That was it! I lost total control and gave Jeanie my last few thrusts as I spunked way deep into her soaking pussy and she felt it! She grabbed hold of the dildo and kept ramming it into Carole as her breathing was getting short. She gave a breathy scream as she reached her climax.

I withdrew my sticky cock from Jeanie and the girls rolled over on the bed. Jeanie was still pushing the dildo into Carole but then took it out. Carole let out a torrent of juices into the faces of both Jeanie and Hazel. I climbed onto the bed and offered my cock to Carole who eagerly licked up the remains of my cum. As Hazel kissed Jeanie in the stickiness of Carole's squirt, Carole moved down to Jeanie's pussy to lick her clean. Hazel pushed Jeanie onto her back and sat on her face. Jeanie was coming from Carole's treatment and licking Hazel became more urgent. Jeanie finally came and Hazel fell forward to kiss Carole's mouthful of spunk.

I stood up on the bed and wanked my semi hard-on furiously over their bodies. Nothing came out but I still got that sense of release. OH MY GOD!! What a fucking scene!

After a while, we had recovered, and Jeanie got up on unsteady legs to make some tea. I was trying to put into perspective the fact that Jeanie had taken charge and that she knew a few tricks. Then I realised that she was a bit older than we were and she had a willing companion in Tony to experience the sex clubs and experiment with different positions.

After a night like this in Tony's absence, I was certainly looking forward to the rest of the weekend.

Written by VeeJay45
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