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Kim and I went on a couple of dates over the next few weeks. We would finish up at my place for beautiful, unhurried love-making, just as sexy as it had alwaÿs been. Despite our relationship going well, I was still preoccupied by the way things were left unfinished with Roz. Would she ever write to let me know what happened in her court case? Would she ever come back to London or was she settled in Swindon at her parents' home?

Meanwhile, Kim seemed a little preoccupied herself at times but, as a horny nineteen-year-old, perhaps I was not mature enough to spot the subtle changes in her mood. Then, one evening while having a drink in a pub, Kim started to speak but hesitated and stuttered.

"Go on," I said, "spit it out!"

"OK, here goes. Do you remember when we first met? Christina and I were meeting up with you and Mike for a sort of double date. And then, my boyfriend turned up? Right. Well, we had an almighty fight over Mike and we broke up. So, when you asked me about your bedsit, I thought you were a good-looking guy, maybe there was a chance ..."

"OK?" I was wondering where this was going.

"Well, you never called in to the burger bar ..."

"I thought you had a boyfriend?"

"Well, er ... anyway, after you, me and Roz, I thought we'd be more than friends, but you seem to be hanging on for Roz to write, come back or whatever she was going to do."

I was still wondering what Kim was going to say.

"Well, my ex turned up a few days ago and he wants us to get back together, move in together and everything."

"Oh," I said. I was a bit taken aback.

"Trouble is, he has a house in West London and I'll have to give up my life up here."

And then, we got into the whole break-up conversation, was it love, was it his job, house, was it anything I'd done wrong? But, after all was said and done, Kim was getting back with her ex and moving away. Me? Well, it was another lesson in love and life.

We got up, kissed and hugged and then, Kim walked out of my life! The gorgeous, sexy Kim. How sad! How very, very sad!


It took a few weeks to pull myself together after losing two of the sexiest ladies I would ever know. Work was the same mundane routine, home life was dull. It had been a while since I'd been to the pub in King's Cross so I thought a Saturday night trip would be in order.

Well, it had been a while but I wasn't expecting this! The pub had had a total refurbishment. Gone was the stereotypical dark decor of a 'nightclub', in its place was a well-lit dance floor with a proper stage for hosting bands. Mike was still the resident DJ and his booth and decks had also had an upgrade.

I greeted Mike. "Hello, mate. What a brilliant change! Looks great. Has it made any difference to the atmosphere?"

"Yes, definitely," he said, "just brighter so it attracts a nicer crowd. Haven't seen you around fir a while, how have you been?"

"A few things have gone on over the last couple of months. Change of jobs, new girlfriend which didn't last so, no change there then," I said with a laugh! "What about you?"

"Same job, same gig here, same lady nagging at home!"

"Hahahaha! You know that girl you were sort of seeing? She worked at a burger bar near me and I did try to get her to come out down here to see you but she thought you weren't interested. She's gone now, her ex got her back. He's got a decent job now and a flat in West London so he persuaded her to go back to him. Left a couple of weeks ago." I wasn't going to give Mike the intimate details of my passionate nights with Kim and, especially, the awesome evening with Kim AND Roz!!

"That's a shame, I really fancied her," he said.

"Yeah, she was a bit of all right," I said. And I thought to myself, that's enough said!

"Hey," Mike said, "I've got a new gig coming up soon. Apparently, this place is moving more into live music, hence the refurb, so they're phasing out the disco. Anyway, my new gig is in a bar near the Tower. I'll let you know when I start there when I find out."

"OK, Mike, I look forward to that. Change of scenery and all that."

The rest of the evening was another great time, Mike playing all the latest tunes and, for a change, my wages keeping the drinks flowing! And a bag of chips on the way home!


Another weekend over and memories of the recent times with Roz and Kim keeping me going. Would I ever meet a woman who will stay around longer than a few weeks? It wasn't a major worry but it did mean that I had become a regular at the local porn mag shop!

Then, I got a letter. But it wasn't from Roz. This letter had foreign stamps on the envelope. It was from Helka! "At last," she wrote, "I have the details of my work placement. I arrive next week, have the weekend off to settle in to my room then start my studies on the Monday."

Brilliant news! I had been writing to Helka for almost two years but we never wrote about 'us', just about things that were happening in our lives. So I wasn't sure how we would fit into each other's world. Reading through the letter, she gave a few details of where we could meet during that first weekend.

"I can't wait to see you again," she wrote. I couldn't wait either. She was the first girl whose breasts I'd fondled and I didn't wash my right hand for a few days afterwards because I didn't want to lose the scent of her beautifully scented talc. I wondered if she would remember our little fondle session in the nightclub two years before?

Helka had given me a phone number at her student room so I could call to arrange to meet. As I had been fast-tracked at work, I now had my own desk with a phone on it so that made arrangements a lot easier.

So, according to her letter, Helka had arrived yesterday. I gave her the day to get organised and then I called her just before I left work. She said she was available that evening and we could meet in a pub near the LSE. Full of the joys of spring (although it was now early summer), I jogged home to get changed, ready to meet Helka.


I arrived at the pub and waited for Helka. When she walked in, I knew it was her, even from my faint memories. Blonde hair, pretty face, slight figure and student-style wire-rimmed glasses. It seemed like she hadn't changed a bit. I was probably harder to spot for her - I'd got longer hair and grown a Mexican-style moustache! As soon as she did see me, though, she ran over to the table and gave me the biggest hug! Gosh, it was good to see her again!

We sat in the pub till closing time, just talking about what had happened in our lives since we last saw each other. We spoke of home, work, boyfriends and girlfriends. She spoke of her plans during her summer on the work placement and what might happen when it finished. We arranged to meet on the next day and then, we said goodnight!

We met at the same pub the next day and caught the tube across Central London to Hyde Park. We wandered down towards Knightsbridge, not really having anywhere to go. Helka herself was from a city but she seemed to be overwhelmed by the amount of traffic in London. West Berlin's roads are laid out in nice tidy lines so the higgledy-piggledy layout of the roads in London really blew her mind. We reached the Albert Memorial and walked back into Hyde Park, stopping at the café by the Serpentine. Afterwards, we made our way back in to the centre of the park and, in the warm weather, we lay down on the grass.

It was one of those days when you felt that there was no timetable to which to keep. We had spent all afternoon talking about all sorts of things and, sometimes, talking about nothing! And we lay on the grass in the sun, not looking at our watches, and just taking in the peace and quiet, bar the distant hum of traffic on Park Lane. Sometimes, we lay facing each other, sometimes, we lay side by side with our arms around each other, stealing an occasional kiss. After what seemed like hours, we were feeling a little hungry after the snack at The Serpentine hours before. So we got up to walk towards Mayfair and Soho to stop at a bar for some food.

Then, all of a sudden, it was time to go home! Helka and I walked back to her student quarters. Her room was pretty basic, a single bed, a bedside table, a wardrobe and a desk and chair. She sat on her bed, I sat on the chair. We just continued to talk, just as we had all day. It was unbelievable that we still had stuff to talk about! I think we even spoke about the failed meeting from last year on the weekend that she visited an English seaside town for artistic inspiration.

Suddenly, Helka asked me to join her on the bed. She shuffled across, I perched on the edge and we faced each other. We cuddled up to each other and started to kiss. Our hands were running up and down each other's bodies and the whole vibe was really comfortable. But, I didn't really want to take things any further. I didn't want to put Helka under any sort of pressure so soon after she had arrived in London. She asked me if things were OK.

"Yes, of course they are. It has been great to see you again. Today has been beautiful," I said. She looked a little crestfallen.

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"Oh, I know, it has been lovely," she said. And then, "OK, I know, I have been so excited to see you, I just hope that we can get to know each other better than before. We only knew each other for a couple of weeks in Berlin, I really want to know you better during this summer."

"That's sweet of you! Of course, I want to know you better, too. But we should take our time." It seemed strange of me to say that after the full-on lust I'd experienced over the last couple of months with Roz and Kim. But I didn't want to scare off Helka. We'd been writing to each other for a long time and built up a lovely friendship. If things didn't work out, then I would lose a friend. I was in a dilemma ... I was being cautious but I was also a horny 19-year-old who hadn't had sex for, oh, at least, three weeks!

Helka said, "Do you remember that party we went to on that last weekend? I wanted you then." We'd gone to a party at the flat of one of her art student friends. I was the only Englishman there so, to prove my status as an English man, the host invited me to drink half a litre of cherry brandy! I was seventeen years old, hadn't yet learned my alcohol limit, but I did and ended up being sick as a dog and pissed beyond my nightmares! I was no use to anyone that night. I came out of the bathroom and fell asleep on the sofa!

"Oh, Helka, yes, I remember but I wish I didn't! I was terrible that night."

"Yes, you were. I was hoping you'd wake up so we could go to the spare room," she said. I winced at the memory but also at the thought that I could have lost my virginity to Helka two years ago! And then, she reminded me of our last night in the nightclub, when I fondled her breasts.

"You know, when you left to go back to the UK, I cried all night," she said.

I said, "You know, after feeling your breasts, I had the scent of your talc on my hands. I didn't wash my hands for two days!" And, at that, she took my hand and pushed it under her t-shirt. For the first time in nearly two years, I felt the softness of Helka's breasts and it was divine! It also changed the dynamics of my emotions.

Suddenly, we became more passionate in our kissing and Helka undid my shirt as my hands were lifting off her t-shirt. Our next moves were to undo our jeans and take them off. We were lying together dressed only in our pants. Our kissing became more frantic as our hands were running over each other's bodies. Helka made the next move, she moved down to my waist, leaned on her elbows and started to stroke my cock through my pants. I became harder and harder as she stroked me and, all the time, I seemed to be getting harder as I anticipated what she might do next. But, still, she continued to stroke me until drops of pre-cum made a stain on my pants. At that, Helka took off my pants and started to speed up her strokes and tighten her grip on my cock until I exploded with a loud grunt, my spunk spurting all over my stomach!

Helka stayed by my waist, rubbing her hands over my stomach, massaging my sticky spunk into my skin. She moved back up the bed as I started to recover and we started to kiss. Occasionally, she would put her fingers into my mouth as were kissing so that we could share the taste of cum on our tongues. So, so sexy! After a few minutes, I moved my hand over her breasts and down to her panties. I put my hand inside to feel Helka's pussy and found her wet slit. I massaged her pussy lips and entered her pussy, pushing my fingers in a little way, moving them in and out. Helka was panting, her breathing became heavy as she started to reach her climax. We tried to continue kissing through her moans and groans but it was very difficult.

Just as I thought that Helka was going to cum, she pushed my hand away and pulled up her panties. Oh no, what was happening? Maybe she didn't want to let her body go, first night nerves? What she told left me hanging in mid-air!

"We can't do this!"

"Why not, darling?" I asked. She seemed to be struggling to get her head around the information she felt she needed to tell me.

Finally, she said, "I'm not on the pill. I can't take it because I have a problem with my hormone balance and it wouldn't work."

"Oh, OK," I replied, not being sure what to say to such a deep issue for Helka.

"That's why I did what I did. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, it was very beautiful," I said, still unsure how to progress this conversation. Helka rescued me.

"Look, we don't have to do this if you don't want to." She looked so unhappy ... then, she started to cry. I was right next to her, holding her, and could feel her body shaking with her sobs.

"Hey, Helka, don't be so upset. I know this is important. We've waited for two years, a little longer will not matter."

"But it could be longer than that," she said, continuing to cry. I hugged her tighter. Eventually, she calmed down. We both settled down into her single bed, continuing the conversation about her problem, something that could become OUR problem. As the minutes ticked by, we both fell asleep, both of us probably feeling frustrated that we didn't consummate our relationship.

After a few hours of uncomfortable sleep in Helka's single bed, we woke up to a beautiful summer day. Helka got out of bed first to go to the communal kitchen. She came back with two cups of coffee.

"Good morning, Vee. Coffee?." We hugged and kissed after I'd put the coffee on the bedside table.

"Thank you," I said. "Are you OK? You were very upset last night."

"Yes, but I'm alright. Have you got to go home?"

"No, I'm not in a hurry any day really!" Helka sat on the edge of the bed as we drank our coffee and talked about what we could do on a summer's day in London. Obviously, there are loads of things to do in the big city but what was the most important to me was to spend time with a lovely lady who I hadn't seen for two years.

I patted the bed next to me and Helka climbed back in. We snuggled up together - couldn't be any other way in a single bed! We kissed and cuddled but, mindful of last night, we were hesitant to take things further.

"You know we can't have sex, don't you? So, is there anything else you like to do?," Helka said.

"Is there anything that YOU would like me to do for you?" I replied. Well, I had a few ideas of my own but I finally said, "Let's just make it up as we go along?"

"Mmmmm ... sounds good ..." and a smile came over her face.

"Hey, I meant to go out later in the day! Hahahaha!" but Helka was straight on me, kissing and stroking my body. I hugged her hard and returned her kisses and cuddles. Once again, we were trying to squeeze into Helka's single bed and this provided us with a bit of amusement! But, eventually, we got comfortable and our cuddles and kissing became more intense. I nuzzled into her neck, nibbling on her ear lobe, then down to her shoulder and breasts. My hands were running along her tummy towards her panties and it went inside to feel Helka's pussy which was already wet.

Meanwhile, she is running her hands over my back. I had got off the bed, kneeling on the floor, to get better access to Helka's pussy. As I did, she called out, "Yes, yes, do that!" as I kissed her tummy. She reached off the edge of the bed to pull my leg back onto the bed and, suddenly, we seemed to be getting into a 69 position.

"Oh, yes," she mumbled as we started to get a rhythm going. As we got into the full 69 position, I removed Helka's panties to reveal her neat patch of pubic hair. My hips were hovering above her head but she was still handling my cock, stroking it to a full and hard erection. I dipped my fingers into her pussy and bent my head to take in the aroma of her pubic hair. My fingers parted her pussy lips and my tongue licked at Helka's clitoris as it plunged into her pussy. She gasped as she felt my tongue on her and it prompted her to take my cock firmly with her hand and put it in her mouth.

We were really in a beautiful rhythm, my tongue running up and down her pussy and her mouth taking the full length of my cock inside. I was hugging her hips so tight so that I could keep up my intensity licking her pussy. She was pulling my hips down so that she could take my cock in as deep as she could. It was so beautiful. Our grip on each other was driving our lust and it wasn't very long before we both came, almost together, Helka gagging as I spurted deep inside her mouth and me groaning and grunting into her pussy as she squirted her nectar all over my face!

We collapsed together in our position, laying there for a few minutes in our afterglow, before I switched around to join Helka at the top of the bed.

"Oh, Helka! That was unbelievable. You are so gorgeous and sexy!" She smiled and sighed, laying back on her pillow and throwing her arms around my neck.

"I've wanted you since we first met but we were too young, it might have not been as good as this. It has taken us two years so far ... who knows what's going to happen?"

Eventually, we got out of bed to go for lunch and spent a wonderful afternoon wandering Central London until it was time for me to go home.

Yes, who knows what's going to happen ...

Written by VeeJay45
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