The others left to greet Gloria and Eric at the reception area but I declined; I felt a little gross after playing with myself for much of the four-hour drive to the resort and wanted to take a shower. I also wanted to try out the new toy that Lexi had bought.
I disconnected the charging cable and took a quick look through the instructions for any “Do Not Do This” instructions. I saw that it was safe to use in water so I was good to go. I downloaded the app and went through the instructions on how to connect the toy and when I hit the play icon, it came to life, shivering in my hand.
I turned it off and slipped it into my pussy after rubbing the bulbous head of it around to lubricate it. It went in smoothly, felt no bigger around than the average cock, and I felt it nestle naturally against my G-spot. Now for the moment of truth.
I started the shower running and made sure there were towels handy. I picked up my phone and selected the ‘earthquake’ setting that Ginger had recommended. Then I tapped the “Play” icon.
After a short delay, it started. My knees buckled and I found myself in a heap on the tile floor of the shower. “Fuck!” I exclaimed as I tried to struggle to my feet but the vibrations took over my soul. I scrambled to get my phone from the ledge just outside the shower glass and tapped it to stop.
“Holy fuck, that’s strong!” I mumbled to no one as I regained my feet. I looked at the screen and noticed that the intensity was set to max by default. “There’s my problem!” I said and I slid the slider down to about 25%. I tapped the icon again and was rewarded with a firm thrum in my pussy. I admit my knees did get weak but I was able to keep my feet. I placed one hand against the shower wall to steady myself and allow myself to get used to the delicious feeling I was getting.
I had used several G-spot vibes before but none of them had anything on this one! With the others, I had to maneuver them to find the right spot but this one situated itself perfectly. After a moment I picked up my phone again, selected the music option, and put on my dance playlist. The pulse of the beat against my pussy felt incredible so I stepped back into the shower and began cleaning myself.
As I washed my smooth pussy, I brushed my clit a couple of times which gave me a jolt. Now, I like to masturbate as much as the next girl, but never had a simple brush along my little bean elicited that reaction. I adjusted the shower spray to direct at the corner of the stall and sat down.
My fingertip played circles around my clit as the song changed. This one had less beat but a faster rhythm so I adjusted my circling finger to the cadence. I completely forgot all about the rest of the world as I sat there, the water cascading down onto me, and played with my clit while the toy shivered against my magic spot.
We arrived at the reception area and greeted our friends with hugs and kisses. Ginger and Gloria’s exchange was particularly sensual as their lips lingered a little longer than I expected. I found myself looking forward to watching them love each other later in the weekend.
We got them all checked in and walked them to their room while the valet parked their car. Their room was next to ours, a convenience that Will noticed immediately. I hoped that he didn’t notice that I’d slipped my hand into Eric’s as we walked along. Then I saw that Gloria’s hands were both occupied with Will’s hand in one and Ginger’s in the other. This was going to be a great weekend!
No sooner was the door closed than Ginger and Gloria were in each other’s arms, their lips mashed together and their tongues dancing an erotic tango. I watched, fascinated, as their infatuation took over and when they came up for air, Gloria said, “I’ve been wanting to do that ever since the day I first met you!”
“Me too!” breathed Ginger. They kissed again, a little more softly but it was no less erotic. I could see that Ginger was head over heels in lust and there was no stopping her. I took a cue from them and went over to Eric. I looked at my husband who raised an eyebrow to approve and tiptoed up to kiss him
“I’ve wanted to do that ever since I met you!” I breathed, echoing Gloria’s sentiment toward my wife. I felt Will alongside me and he guided my hand to the bulge in Eric’s trousers before sliding his own hand along my pussy. My knees buckled at his touch; I could believe he was not only approving of me being with Eric, but he was encouraging me to do it.
“Oh my God, Sarah!” said Ginger after a minute or so. “We have to get Sarah!”
“I’m not sure I can stop, Ginger!” I groaned.
“Lexi we can’t! You know the rule!”
“Yes, I know the rule!” I said frustrated. “Why don’t we all go over to our room and continue this?”
The girls all picked up their handbags and slung them over their shoulders. We took the outside doors that took us into the inner courtyard where the pools and the other amenities were located. “I have a new bathing suit you might like!” Gloria said. We walked the thirty or so feet to our room door and used the keycard to unlock it.
“Where’s Sarah?” Will asked then we heard a moan coming from the bathroom.
Ginger and I shared a look. “She couldn’t wait!” she said and we crossed the room. I peeked in the door and there she was, sitting on the shower floor with the water cascading onto her, one hand clutching her breast, the other fiddling with her clit. The pink extension of the toy could easily be seen peeking out from her pussy lips. I turned and placed one finger over my lips to tell the others to be quiet and waved Ginger and Gloria over.
“Oh, my!” Gloria breathed. “She’s so gorgeous!” We watched for a moment and then felt the guys pressing us from behind. I shifted out of the way so they could see and the movement caught Sarah’s eye.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake you guys! Don’t bother announcing yourselves!” She scrambled to her feet and turned her back.
“I don’t know why you’re being so shy,” Ginger laughed. “It’s not like we’re not all going to see you from every possible angle this weekend!”
“I know but, FUCK! You scared me half to death!” Her knees buckled again. “Sweet Jesus, I think I’m in love!”
“Told you it was good!” Ginger laughed.
“What is it?” asked Gloria. I went and fished hers out of the bag from the toy store.
“It’s called a Lush, it’s a G-spot wearable vibrator egg that’s controlled from an app on your phone. We all have one!” I said.
‘How do you…?” She took the package from me and examined it.
“I have an idea!” said Ginger. She picked up Sarah’s phone and tapped it.
“Calm yourself, my love!” Ginger cooed. “You’ll be back in the race soon enough!”
“What’s your idea?” asked Eric.
“I think we girls should all try out our new toys, but with a twist,” she said. “We switch phones so no one knows who is controlling it!”
“Or you could give your phones to us,” Will suggested.
“I don’t think so!” I said. “You men cannot be trusted! I think the men should leave the ladies alone for a while. Maybe Will can show Eric the report and go have a beer or two?”
Eric and I exchanged a look — neither of us wanted to miss out on this show!
I went over to my husband and whispered in his ear, “Please Baby! Gloria has been wanting to try being with a woman, this way she won’t have the distraction of you guys leering at her! You know we’ll make it up to you!” I kissed him and ran my finger along his hard-on.
“You are not helping here,” he replied. “You know what, Eric, Lexi is right. We’ll have plenty of opportunity to play with the girls over the weekend.”
“Come on, man, let’s stay! I won’t get in the way!” Then Gloria went to her husband and kissed him before whispering something to him. I don’t know what she said but he had an instant change of heart. He waggled his finger at us and the two men left.
“Now, where were we?” Gloria said excitedly.
Come on!” Ginger said to Lexi and Gloria. “I’ll help you get yours set up! The boys can help Sarah.”
We went out into the room and got my and Gloria’s toys set up on the app. “Yours should have enough charge right out of the box!” Ginger said. We had just gotten everything connected when Sarah came out of the washroom wrapped in a fluffy white robe and carrying her phone.
“Careful it isn’t set to full intensity when you first turn it on! I about broke my neck when I turned mine on!” she said.
“Oh, yeah, should have told you about that!” Ginger replied She went over and kissed our wife. “Sorry! I thought we would all try them out together!”
“It’s okay but holy fuck, that little thing packs a wallop!” Sarah laughed. “So how are we doing this?”
Ginger started stripping down and we followed suit. In short order we were down to our underwear, and fine underwear it was too! I felt a little grungy after having spent most of the drive sweating and cumming so I suggested we take a shower before we got down to business.
“That’s a fine idea!” said Ginger, her eyes locked onto Gloria’s body.
“Wouldn’t that be a bit of a waste?” asked Gloria. “I mean we’re only going to get all messy again, why bother?”
“Fair enough,” said Ginger. She hadn’t bothered to put her thong back on. Come to think of it, I couldn’t remember seeing her retrieve it from behind the back seat where she’d flung it after removing it in the car; perhaps it was still there. She scampered backward onto the bed and picked up her toy and her phone. “Ready ladies?”
Sarah slipped off her robe and I bent down to slide my thong off. It clung to my pussy lips from all the juices that had gathered there over the past hours. Gloria slipped hers off as well and for the first time, I noticed a small tattoo on her left side, just above where her panties would sit.
“Oh, my! A tattoo? Can I see it?” I asked. I’d often mused about getting one in a discrete place. I peered at hers, it was two words and a set of initials below them in flowing script, “My First! E.R.”
“Your first what, husband?” I asked.
“My first lover,” she said. We looked at her in amazement.
“You mean you’ve only ever been with Eric?” Ginger asked.
“Yes, my first and only,” she confirmed.
“And you’re going to jump headlong into sex with other people?” asked Sarah.

“I am,” she said. “I have wanted this for a long time, I just hope I don’t chicken out!”
“You’ll be fine!” said Ginger. “I’ll make sure of it!” She beckoned Gloria up beside her and kissed her softly. “I’m going to rock your world!”
“I hope so!” breathed Gloria.
“Come on, girls, let’s get at it!” Ginger was impatient. We joined her on the bed side-by-side leaning up against the padded headboard. She opened her legs and slipped her toy into her pussy. “Just slip it in like this. The tail stays outside so you can remove it easily.”
“Umm, ladies, before you get started there, perhaps we should put some towels down,” Sarah suggested. She disappeared for a moment and came back with some towels. We flipped back the bedcovers and spread them out before getting up onto the bed.
Ginger bent down to get a close look at Gloria’s tattoo and kissed it before sitting up. “We should get one!”
“Oh, I have the perfect idea!” said Sarah. She lifted her leg to show off her anklet. “We should have that symbol tattoed right beside our pussies!” she pointed to a spot just above and to the right of where our pubic hair would be if we had any.
Gloria reached over and ran her finger along Sarah’s mound. “How do you get it so smooth?” she asked. “Mine is always stubbly even half a day after I shave.”
“Waxing, not shaving, said Sarah. “Go ahead, feel it.” Gloria’s fingers explored gently along her outer labia and around her opening. “Mmmm, yes, like that!” Sarah sighed. She took Gloria’s fingers in hers and guided them to her clit. “I think that’s what you’re looking for!” Her eyes rolled back as our newcomer friend teased it gently. “Mmm, you have about a month to stop that!”
“I can’t wait to taste it,” Gloria breathed. “I’ll bet it tastes divine!”
“It does, I can assure you!” I said. “They all do.”
“Do they taste different?” she asked me.
“Everyone tastes different,” I replied.
“Guys too,” said Sarah. “Every guy tastes different.”
“You mean their cum tastes different?” she asked.
“You’ve never tasted Eric’s cum?” Ginger asked. Gloria shook her head. “Oh, sweetie you have so much to learn!” She leaned over and they kissed.
Ginger continued in a horrible English accent, “Now, are we sitting comfortably? Then we’ll begin!”
“Your accent needs work,” laughed Sarah.
She spread her thighs and placed the toy against her lips. “Rub it around a little to get it wet and it will slip right in! If you’re not wet enough, you can use a little lube. You guys bought more lube, right?”
“We have plenty of lube, Sweetie, don’t worry!” I said. I took the bulbous end of it and rubbed it around my opening and with a slow push it slipped right in. I tugged on the tail and found that it nestled into exactly the right place. “This must have been invented by a woman, no way a man finds a G-spot this quickly on the first try!”
“Oh my God, it sits exactly where it’s supposed to!” Gloria cried. “It took us ages to find mine!”
Ginger guided us through the process of connecting our toys and selecting a simple pattern; when she told us to press “Play”, four very unique gasps filled the room.
“Oh, fuck!” I blurted. “God damn that feels good!”
“Sweet Jesus!” cried Sarah. “Mmm, yes!”
“WOW!” shouted Gloria. “I think I’m in love!”
Then Ginger showed us how to adjust the intensity and switch patterns and left us to our own devices. Soon we were all sighing and moaning.
The four of us fiddled with our phones and played with our clits as the shivering pink toys quickly brought us higher. Gloria came first, loudly and wetly as her cum squirted out in a long stream. I was next to spray the towels and when I finished, Gloria reached over and took my hand. “We owe Ginger so much for this!” I nodded in agreement and leaned over to kiss her. We both turned the vibrations down to the minimum and watched as the other two got closer. While we watched our hands drifted to the other’s wetness and played with the slick pink folds.
Sarah suddenly flipped onto her stomach as she came. Her hips bounced up and down as she played her clit like a banjo string, the wet cum splashing all over. She kept going until she squirted again a few more times and then pulled the toy from herself and kissed it. “I am in love!” she panted.
Ginger, being the most experienced, knew how to control her toy better than we did so she was able to hold off and watch as we came. She played with the sliders on the screen and I watched as her hips bucked against her hand. I saw two fingers disappear inside her and press it up against her G-spot then she let out a string of expletives that would make a Sergeant-Major blush. Her hand flew away as her cum sprayed out, shooting clear of the foot of the bed.
She tapped the screen when she was done and looked at us all. “Are these things the best thing since silicone lube was invented or what?” she said, her chest heaving.
Gloria pulled hers out and pressed the button to stop it. “Where have you been all my life?” she asked it before kissing it.
“If you want to kiss something, I have what you need right here!” said Ginger.
“Yes please!” cried Gloria. She flipped over and shimmied up to kiss Ginger. “Tell me if I’m doing it right!” she pleaded and she made her way down to kiss the top of her slit.
We watched as Gloria’s head moved between Ginger’s thighs. It appeared that, despite her inexperience, Gloria was rather accomplished at cunnilingus as was evidenced by the thrashing of Ginger’s head back and forth and the twisting of her torso. For her part, Gloria’s arms were wrapped around Ginger’s ass, holding on for dear life. We watched as Gloria got her first faceful of lady cum when Ginger squirted again.
Gloria shimmied up and kissed Ginger. “I can’t believe I’ve waited this long to be with a woman!” They kissed some more. “I’m so happy you were my first!”
“Maybe my initials should go below Eric’s?” she teased.
“Perhaps,” Gloria said. They kissed some more and Ginger’s hand slid down to cup her lover’s mound.
“May I taste you?” she asked.
“Yes, please!” Gloria whispered.
Sarah and I sat on the loveseat opposite the bed and played with each other as we watched. Ginger kissed her way down Gloria’s chest until she reached her bra. She looked up and flicked the front clasp open to expose the mocha-skinned breasts of the object of her lust. “I love your piercings,” she whispered before teasing them with her tongue. Gloria had a small ring through each of her nipples which were standing up proudly from her excitement.
The exploration of Gloria’s body continued as Ginger’s lips pecked their way lower. She paused to toy with the belly button piercing before going lower and placing feather-soft kisses on her mons. “We’re taking you to the spa tomorrow!” she said.
Gloria had been largely silent except for a few sighs and moans as Ginger worked her way down. That ended when a pink tongue contacted a turgid clitoris; Gloria’s hips jumped and she let out a little squeal. Ginger looked up and smiled before rearranging herself onto her tummy with her head between Gloria’s thighs. Her arms wrapped around her hips and she lowered her head.
“Let’s join them!” Sarah whispered to me. She took my hand and led me to the bed and then she got on one side of our new lover as I got on the other. We took turns distracting her from Ginger’s licking and suckling with our kisses and touches.
Ginger shifted onto one elbow so she could slide her two middle fingers, palm up, into Gloria’s wetness. We knew immediately that our wife had found what she was looking for when Gloria’s sighs turned to moans. “Oh my goodness!” she panted between kisses. “Yes, please! Right there!”
Ginger continued finger-fucking her pussy and suckling on her clit until her hips began writhing so much that it was getting hard to maintain contact. She looked up. “Watch me!” she whispered and their eyes remained locked on each other until Gloria’s orgasm took over.
Ginger backed off a little and opened her mouth to try to catch as much of her cum as she could. It looked almost the same as when she used her hand to finish off Will before catching his cum shot on her tongue. Gloria’s ejaculate wasn’t as strong as her previous one but with no less quantity. When she finished gushing, Ginger went back down to coax one more moan from her before coming up to join Sarah and me.
We took turns kissing her as she came down from her sexual high. Gloria sighed between kisses and a tear leaked from the corner of one eye.
“That was more than I could have imagined!” she sighed as her chest heaved. “You girls are amazing! As soon as I catch my breath I’m going to return the favor!”
“Count me out,” I said. She looked at me like I’d just stolen her favorite doll. “I’ve had at least five orgasms today, I’m done! But I will take you up on that offer tomorrow if you’re still willing!”
“You got it!” she said. She kissed Sarah. “You too?” Sarah nodded and returned her kiss.
“I think we all could use a little recovery time,” said Ginger. “Thanks for letting me be your first!” They shared a long soft kiss, a string of kisses actually, and then touched their foreheads together as they gazed into each other’s eyes.
We climbed off the bed and went to the washroom — good thing it was big enough to play baseball in! Sarah started the shower — she hated going to bed all sticky — but Gloria said, “I’m going to let my husband wash me while I tell him everything!”
“You and I will take a shower together this weekend!” I said, and I got in the shower with Sarah. Ten minutes later, we were all cleaned up and returned to the bedroom to find Ginger in her nightdress and Gloria still naked and sitting on the bed.
“Aren’t you going to get dressed?” I asked. Gloria shook her head.
“I texted Eric to meet me back in our room and I’m keeping an eye out for him. When I see him coming I’m going out to meet him in my birthday suit!”
“What a wonderfully naughty idea!” said Sarah. “He’s in for a treat!” They hugged and kissed before wishing each other goodnight.
I spied the boys across the courtyard walking toward us. “There they are!” I hugged Gloria and gave her a soft kiss. “See you tomorrow!” That left Ginger and the object of her lust to wish each other good night.
I have kissed three different women in my life and have watched many, many more on video but the kisses they shared were the most loving and most erotic kisses I’ve ever seen. It was like they were trying to convey their lust and passion through their lips and tongues. I sidled up to Sarah and sighed, “Oh, God, that’s hot! I wish I could find someone to kiss me like that!”
“I try, baby, I try,” she replied. “But you’re right, that is fucking hot!” They parted lips and smiled before Gloria picked up her things and slipped out the sliding door into the night air. We watched as she greeted our husband with a soft kiss and then wrapped her arms around her husband. Through the open door, we heard, “Hi, Baby! Have I got a story to tell you!”