As each week passed, Sarah’s belly began showing more and more of her advancing pregnancy. By the end of the sixth month, there was no hiding it. Lexi and Sarah communicated pretty much daily and the four of us developed a routine where we would get together every other weekend or so for a couple of days of mind-blowing sex. It got to the point where there weren’t many new ideas we could introduce to our activities.
Lexi and Sarah attended all of the doctor’s appointments together and they asked many questions about sex during pregnancy. The doctor advised them that as long as Sarah was comfortable, sex should be no problem. Eventually, it became uncomfortable for Sarah to be in certain positions so we accommodated her so we could keep giving her the best orgasms we could.
Late in her pregnancy, penetration became less comfortable for her so most of her orgasms came from our fingers, lips, and tongues. She also spent more time watching the three of us and playing with herself than participating as the days advanced.
One good thing that came out of that was that Lexi discovered that she enjoys being penetrated by two cocks at once. She was riding Ginger and her harnessed dildo one night and I was behind them, caressing her breasts from behind with my erection poking her in her backside. She craned her head around and whispered, “Get the lube!”
I scrambled to retrieve it from our bedside table drawer and applied some liberally to her puckered little rosebud. “Easy!” She purred as she felt my head touch up against her with gentle pressure.
I recalled the first time we tried butt sex and suggested we do things the same way. “You just ease back onto me,” I said softly. She nodded and shifted herself before pushing backward with her hips.
My cock bent a little as her back door yielded to the pressure and then I popped right in. “Oh fuck!” she moaned.
“Are you okay?” I asked her. She nodded her head and pushed back some more. As she slid onto me, I could feel the ridges and ripples of the fake cock in her pussy sliding along my shaft.
“How does that feel?” asked Ginger, her eyes locked on Lexi’s.
“I’m pretty full!” mumbled Lexi. “Very full. It’s not painful but I can really feel the stretch!”
“Maybe I can feel the stretch next time!” giggled Ginger. After she had watched me fuck Lexi’s ass, she had expressed interest in me fucking hers but that was one thing that just hadn’t happened so far.
“I think that’s a good idea!” Lexi said as she reached down to kiss the redhead underneath her. We held our positions for a few moments and then Lexi’s hips started moving again. It was clumsy at first, each of us trying to coordinate our movements but we soon found a rhythm with me pushing forward just as Lexi was moving her hips to draw the dildo from her cunt.
After only a couple of minutes, Lexi started panting, “Mmm, fuck me! Fuck me harder! Mmm, YES! Give me all that cock!” I didn’t know if she was talking to me or Ginger and, apparently, neither did she because we both redoubled our efforts to fill Lexi as much as we could. Lexi’s moans and screams became louder and more profane as we fucked her from both ends until she came.
As her first orgasm began to fade, she started urging me on. “Come on, baby, fill my ass with your hot cum!” I started driving harder into her, as I always did when she begged me to fuck her.
“Come on, Will, fuck that ass!” Sarah cheered me on from the chair on the other side of the room. I glanced over to see her fingers were a blur on her clit as she rubbed herself.
A final few pushes and I felt myself letting go. I grunted loudly as I piled into Lexi’s tight ass and unloaded my spunk into her. Ginger tried to move underneath her but I had them both pinned with my weight. After my cock finished surging, I pulled back and flopped out of my wife's bum and Ginger was able to start moving again.
“I’m gonna make you cum one more time!” she growled. Lexi lowered her head so their foreheads were touching and their eyes locked together.
“I love when you fuck me, Ginger!” Lexi purred. “Harder!” Their mouths mashed together and Lexi’s scream was muffled as she came for a third time that evening. The third time was the charm as Lexi’s cum shot from her pussy, soaking the dildo, the harness, Ginger’s hips, and the mattress below them. Lexi whimpered as she wriggled her hips to grind her clit against Ginger for that last sweet moment.
Sated, she rolled off and flopped onto her back. Sarah, tired of looking on from the sidelines, climbed over her and kissed her swollen lips gently. “That was fun to watch!” she whispered to Lexi.
“Not as much fun as it was to do!” replied Lexi. I excused myself to the washroom and when I returned, the girls were gone from the room. I followed the sounds of giggles to our spare bedroom, where Ginger and Sarah often slept when they stayed over. When I rounded the corner into the room, the three of them were just pulling the covers over themselves.
“We need a little girlie cuddle time, and your bed is a mess,” said Sarah.
“Too bad that bed is only a double,” I said.
“Well, you could always go change the sheets on our bed,” teased Lexi. I shrugged and turned to do as she asked. As I left the room, I could hear the unmistakable sounds of them kissing. What are the odds that four people as perpetually horny as we all were would find each other?
When I returned, Lexi and Ginger were asleep and Sarah was stroking Ginger’s hair. “The big bed is all changed,” I whispered, not wanting to wake my wife and girlfriend.
“I’ll be there in a minute,” Sarah said and I went over to kiss each of them lightly before turning to go back to our room. She appeared a few moments later and climbed into the bed with me.
We kissed for a few minutes and although I expect my cock to respond to the stimulation, it just lay limp. “Have we worn you out?” teased Sarah.
“I think so,” I said. “Keeping you three satisfied is a pretty daunting task.”
“Well, I for one have no complaints!” she said. We snuggled for another minute or so. “If you had told me a year ago that we would all be here, doing what we’re doing, I would have said you were crazy.”
“I know, me too,” I said. Then an idea came into my head. “What about after the baby comes, will we still stay together?”
“I can’t speak for Ginger, we really haven’t talked about it, but I think I would like that,” she said. “Have you and Lexi talked about it?”
“A little. She’s on the fence, I think. Part of her wants to keep getting together and being with you guys and I think part of her wants it to just be us and the baby.” I breathed a big sigh. “I know I want us to keep seeing each other.”
Sarah kissed me deeply, “I think we’d better sort that out soon.” Then a strange look came over her face and she smiled. “Here,” she said, taking my hand and placing it on her tummy. I felt a small bump against my hand and I looked at her.
“Wow, does that hurt?” I asked. She shook her head.
“No, but sometimes my bladder gets kicked and I have to pee right the fuck now!”
“I’m sorry?” I said, not knowing what else to say about that.
“No, you’re not!” she giggled.
“How long have you been feeling that?” I asked.
“A couple of weeks now,” she said. “Ginger knows but Lexi doesn’t yet unless Ginger’s told her.”
“I doubt she has, if Lexi knew she’d be in here with her hand on your belly right now!” I said. We both laughed at that.
“I’ll tell her tomorrow,” she said as she turned her back and snuggled into me to spoon her. “I love when you hold me,” she whispered.
“I love holding you!” I replied. My hands found her breasts, “Are these-?”
“Bigger? Yeah, they are!” she said.
“I think they were always perfect,” I said.
“You are sweet,” she said. “I wonder what might have happened if I had met you before Lexi did. I think I could be in love with you.”
“When Lexi and I met you, you were what, still in your teens?” I teased her.
“You know what I mean!” she said, turning over.
“Yes, Sarah, I love you too. And if the situation were different, who knows?” I kissed her softly.
“Who knows indeed,” she said as she turned back over. “I love you, Will.”
The next morning I was awakened by my wife climbing in under the covers with Sarah and me. “Slept well?” she asked as she snuggled up to me.
“Yes, thanks, you?”
“Like a woman who was ridden hard and put away wet!” she giggled. “I like sleeping with Ginger. She doesn’t snore like you do and she’s not a restless sleeper like Sarah.”
Sarah stirred and smiled at Lexi, “Morning, beautiful!” she whispered.
“Morning, beautiful,” Lexi said in return. More and more, the girls and I would greet each other in the morning with ‘beautiful’ or ‘handsome’. We snuggled for a few minutes until Ginger came padding into the room. Neither she nor Lexi had bothered getting dressed. Come to think of it, most weekends we were together, we only dressed when we had to, preferring to stay naked from Friday night when our fucking began until Sunday afternoon or evening, when the girls would get ready to return to their apartment.
“Morning,” mumbled Ginger. “Is there room in there for me?” She slid under the covers beside Sarah and they snuggled and kissed for a moment.
“Check this out!” Sarah said suddenly. She reached over me to take Lexi’s hand and placed it on her tummy.
“Oh, my God!” Lexi breathed. A broad smile came on her face and a tear formed in the corner of her eye. She leaned over me and bent down to kiss Sarah’s tummy, “Hello, baby!” she whispered. She stayed in that position until I had to get up to use the washroom. When I returned she had reassumed her place, rubbing Sarah’s tummy.
Ginger got up and came over to me, “You know how sometimes this is too strange to be real?” She kissed me softly, “Shit just got real, didn’t it?” She kissed me again, “I’m going for a shower, join me?” I hesitated, wanting to share this intimate moment with my wife. “Let’s leave the two mommies alone for a bit,” she said as she took hold of my cock and dragged me to the washroom.
“I can’t imagine how you must feel sometimes,” I said as I started soaping up her chest.
“No, you can’t,” she said. “But that doesn’t matter right now.” She pulled my face to hers and kissed me. “Things are going to change really soon.” I thought she was talking about the pending addition of a crying, perpetually wet, miniature human to our lives. Little did I know.
I surrendered to the moment and, after making her cum with my fingers, she had her back to me with her hands planted on the shower wall as I fucked her from behind. I grabbed her hips and pulled them toward me as I quickened my pace. Moments later, I roared as I dumped myself into her. After I was finished, she turned and we kissed some more before we did what we came into the shower to do. Ten minutes later, we were squeaky clean.
When we returned to the washroom, Lexi and Sarah were still on the bed, talking. “Come, sit,” Lexi said. “We need to talk.” We got up onto the bed and all held hands.
“Sarah told me about what you guys talked about last night,” Lexi said. “About what happens after the baby comes. You know, with the four of us.”
“Oh,” said Ginger. “I guess we need to sort that out.”
“I think so,” said Lexi. She took a deep breath. “The way I see it, we have three choices. One, when the baby arrives and Sarah is back in full health, we go our separate ways and carry on with our lives.” She took another breath, “I don’t want that.”
“Me neither,” I said. The other two just nodded.
Lexi continued, “Two, we can carry on like we have been, seeing each other as often as we can and continuing to share each other.”
“I could live with that,” said Ginger. “Maybe Sarah and I get a little more time to ourselves but yeah, I want to keep seeing you guys.” She squeezed both our hands.
“There is a third option,” said Sarah.
Lexi laid it out for us, “We could all move in together and live as a family. The four of us, or five of us I guess, living as a family raising our child together.” We just sat quietly for a moment as we thought about the possibilities.
“We don’t have to decide right this minute do we?” I asked. Lexi and Sarah shook their heads no but Ginger held up her hand and waggled it.
“Weeellll, maybe we do,” she said. She looked at Sarah, then Lexi and then me. “We have to redo the math.”
“Redo the math?” I said, not quite understanding what she meant. Sarah’s hand went to her mouth as she realized what Ginger was saying but Lexi figured it out in an instant.
“I knew when you weren’t feeling well a few weeks ago that something was up!” she said. I had a feeling!” She moved to Ginger’s side and hugged her.
“You mean…?” I mumbled.
“Yes Will, you are going to be a father,” she whispered. My hands started shaking and I felt like my heart was going to leap out of my chest as the panic gripped me. This wasn’t in the plan at all.
“Will, sweetie, don’t get ahead of yourself,” said Lexi. “Let’s figure this out.”
In my panic, I hadn’t noticed Sarah moving to take Ginger’s face in her hands. They kissed as lovers do and touched foreheads as tears trickled down their cheeks. “Oh my God Ginger!” was all that Sarah could get out of her mouth.
“I know, right?” gushed Ginger. “We’re gonna have a baby!”
“Holy fuck!” I breathed. “I can’t believe this!”
“How could it not happen?” asked Lexi. “I mean, you got Sarah pregnant pretty quickly and God only knows how many times you’ve knocked me up! You’ve been screwing Ginger what, six, seven times every couple of weeks for seven months, how could she not get pregnant?” She rubbed her hand on my face, “It’s okay, we’ll sort this out.” We kissed and then she leaned over and kissed Sarah and Ginger. “I’m so happy for you!”
“I have an idea,” said Sarah after a few minutes. We all looked at her expectantly. “I think we should take option number three, like Lexi said. We should all move in together and raise our children as a family.” She kissed Ginger, “That is if you want to.” Ginger nodded. “As far as the children go, this one is Will and Lexi’s, that’s well established.” She reached over and placed her hand on Ginger’s tummy. “This one could be ours.” She looked Ginger in the eye and in that instant, it was decided.
“I think that is a great idea,” I said.
“Me too,” said Lexi. “A perfect solution.”
“Then it’s settled,” said Ginger. We all shared kisses for a few moments.
“I just thought of a problem,” said Sarah.
“Problem? What problem? I don’t see any problems!” said Ginger. She was so over the moon that she didn’t want anything to burst her bubble.
“How are we going to explain this to our friends and families?” Sarah continued.
“Oh,” said Ginger. “That might be a problem.”
“Well,” I said before taking a deep breath. “I think our parents already know.”
“What?” shouted Lexi. “They know about us?”
“Pretty sure,” I said. “Remember the night we told them Sarah was pregnant and you girls all went to the nursery? I think I let the cat out of the bag.”

“Seriously?” Lexi was putting on her mad face, that’s a face that frightens me a little.
“I’m sorry!” I said. “We were pretty evasive about how it happened and you know I’m a shitty liar! My dad said that he thought we did it the old-fashioned way and my face gave me away!”
“Oh for fuck’s sake, William!” Lexi said.
“Um, should we leave?” asked Ginger.
“No, if we’re going to be a family we need to work through these things together!” Lexi said. “Besides, we really are one happy family now. You’re in this up to your necks!” She didn’t sound like a member of a happy family but Sarah interjected.
“Lexi, calm down,” she said. “He’s said he’s sorry. What’s done is done and we can’t undo it.” Lexi said nothing but I could tell she was still steamed. “Look, they were bound to find out sooner or later.”
“Later would have been better!” Lexi grumbled. “I can’t believe my mom didn’t say anything, she’s so judgmental!”
“Maybe she doesn’t know,” offered Ginger hopefully.
“You don’t know my parents,” Lexi replied. “They don’t keep secrets from each other, ever.”
“Well, it doesn’t matter now, does it? They know,” said Sarah. “If you think about it, this might make telling them the whole truth easier.”
“How do you figure?” I asked. Lexi shot me daggers with her eyes, she was still pissed at me.
“Well, if they know that Will slept with me to make me pregnant, how hard would it be to believe that he slept with Ginger too?”
“I guess,” Lexi allowed. “But that’s all good for Will; he’s a man. How am I going to tell them I’m bisexual? Mom will flip her lid!”
“You sit her down and you tell her the whole thing. You say, ‘Mom, I like girls as much as guys’. She might have a hard time with it but she’ll be fine. I watched her with you; she loves you to the end of the earth.”
“You think so?” she said.
“I think so,” said Sarah.
“I do too,” said Ginger. “You’ve never had to come out to your parents, we have. It’s hard but eventually, they won’t care.”
“Especially when they see their grandchild!” I added.
“Yeah, I suppose,” said Lexi. She leaned over and kissed me, “I’m still mad at you.”
We made arrangements to go over to Alex and Kate’s house to give them an update on how things were going and to give them the news about Ginger. After making small talk and assuring them that Sarah was as healthy as she could be, Lexi cleared her throat.
“Mom, Dad, Alex, Kate, we have some other news,” she said. “I suspect you know by now exactly how it was that Sarah got pregnant. What you may not know is that it was my idea. We had talked about all the various methods to inseminate her and the natural way was the safest and offered the best chances of success. So that’s what we did.”
They all nodded but said nothing. “There’s more,” said Lexi. She got up and went to sit between Sarah and Ginger on the couch and took both their hands. “You might not like this part but it’s our decision to make, not yours.”
“We know,” said Ellie.
Lexi was shocked, “You know? What do you think you know?”
“That you four are all lovers,” Kate added. “Well, we didn’t know, we suspected. That’s what you came here to tell us, isn’t it?”
She got up and knelt in front of the girls, “We’ve talked about this. It’s not how we’d choose to live our lives but like you said, it’s your decision, not ours.” She reached and gathered them all in a group hug. “A word of advice, if I may?” The girls all nodded. “Never go to sleep angry. Whatever is happening, talk it out, don’t sleep on it. It’s gotten us through a lot of tough times.”
Lexi nodded and hugged her mother-in-law and then got up to hug her mom and dad.
“There’s something else,” Ginger said. “We’re going to be a family and raise our children together.” She let that hang for a moment until Alex spoke up.
“Wait, what? Children? Are you having twins?” Ginger smiled and shook her head.
“Oh my God, you’re pregnant too!” gasped Ellie. Her hands flew over her mouth. “So I’m going to have two grandbabies?”
“Technically no,” said Sarah. “My child, I mean the one I’m carrying, will be Will and Lexi’s. That all laid out in the agreement we made when this all started.” She put her hand on Ginger’s tummy, “But this one will be ours, mine and Ginger’s.” She picked Ginger’s hand up and kissed it. “But like Ginger said, we’ll all be one family so for all intents and purposes, yes, you will have two grandchildren.”
I watched as all the women shared hugs and tears and smiles, then my dad came over and shook my hand, “I think you’ve just made your mother happier than I ever have.”
Then Carl came over and said in a low voice, “So what’s it like trying to keep three women satisfied?”
“More work than you might think!” I said. He punched my shoulder and went over to the women, “Do I get some hugs here?” he said loudly.
The conversations got a bit chaotic for a while as the older women asked a lot of questions and the younger ones tried their best to answer them. “No, we haven’t picked any names yet,” said Lexi.
“Yes, I’m planning on a natural birth,” Sarah told Kate.
“No, my parents don’t know yet,” answered Ginger. One question after another was asked and answered, oddly no one had any questions for me.
“Better get used to it, son,” Carl said after noticing me on my own. “Living with three women, you might find yourself on the outside looking in sometimes.”
“I’m starting to figure that out,” I said.
“One thing’s for sure, you got your work cut out for you!” he said as he turned away.
As we drove away, Lexi took my hand, “That went better than I imagined it would!”
“Next up, our parents,” said Sarah. “I think they’ll be fine. They’re younger than your parents and rather more progressive. Besides, my mom is bi so she’ll get it.”
“What’s that they say about apples not falling far from trees?” Ginger said.
“Well, Ellie, you called it!” said Kate as their lips parted. “You said that Ginger would get pregnant!”
“It would have been hard for her not to!” giggled Ellie. She moved over to kiss her husband, “Sweetie, do you think that you and Alex could go for a beer, maybe shoot a little pool? We grandmas want a little alone time!” They kissed and he nodded. Then he kissed Kate and Alex went to Ellie and did the same.
“You can tell us all about it when we get back,” he said.
Ellie shook her head, “I won’t be able to. I’ll be too busy sucking your cock!”
The next couple of months passed quickly as we helped Sarah and Ginger get moved into our house and prepared the nursery for the arrival of two babies in quick succession. Add to that Sarah’s belly growing at an astonishing rate, which increased her discomfort as it grew. She and Lexi were spending more and more time alone just cuddling with Lexi rubbing oil on Sarah's body, which often turned into a lovemaking session between them.
Ginger and I did get our chances to be alone with Sarah, but more and more I began to understand how Ginger could feel left out. “It’s hard sometimes, isn’t it?” I asked Ginger one morning as we stood in the doorway of their bedroom watching them sleep.
“It was very, very hard in the beginning,” she said as she pulled my arms tighter around her. “But it’s easier now. I guess I just had a little more trouble with the idea of loving more than one person than I thought I would.”
“Lexi was the same way,” I said. “Sometimes when I would be with you or Sarah, she’d give me the cold shoulder for a while. We talked it through though.”
“One nice thing about them spending more time together is that I get to spend more time with you!” she whispered as she turned and kissed me. I reached down and pulled her hips toward me and pressed my growing erection into her tummy. She tiptoed up to kiss me then took my hand and led me back to our bed.
We were in the middle of post-coital bliss when I turned and saw Lexi and Sarah in the doorway watching us. “Somebody is having a good morning!” Sarah said.
“Sure are,” grinned Ginger. “You guys slept well?” Sarah was having increasing trouble sleeping through the night with the pressure the baby was putting on her bladder.
“Not bad,” Sarah replied. “Had to get up a few times.”
“But I helped her get back to sleep!” Lexi grinned as she leaned her head down and kissed Sarah’s cheek.
“I know, I heard you!” I said.
“You should have joined us,” said Lexi. I just shook my head.
“I need a shower,” said Ginger as she climbed out of bed.
Sarah moved to join her, “You do. You have cum running down your legs!” A moment later we heard the shower start and a moment after that, Ginger’s loud sigh, “Mmmm, yes, baby, like that!” came through the closed door.
“Fuck, she is one horny little minx!” Lexi said as she climbed onto the bed with me.
I kissed my wife and pulled her close, “I always thought you were a horny one but she is insatiable!”
“For which we should both be very thankful!” she said as she slipped beneath the covers. “My half-soft cock slipped in between her lips, “She is delicious too!” I could not disagree.
About two weeks before her due date, Sarah had an appointment with her doctor and after the examination, the doctor told her to get dressed. “Is your husband here?” she asked Lexi. We had told her about Sarah being a surrogate for us and that she was living with us until after the baby was born. She drew her own conclusions and she was spot on.
“He can be in a few minutes,” Lexi said.
“Call him. He needs to hear this too,” the doctor said. She left to update the chart, leaving the two women alone to ponder what was so important that he had to be here. Ten minutes later, he tapped on the door.
“Hi, girls, what’s the deal?” I asked. Just then, the doctor came back into the room.
“I’m putting you on bed rest,” she said. “Your cervix is starting to dilate and I don’t like the trend in your blood pressure. It’s nothing to worry about. I’m just being cautious.”
“Bed rest. What exactly does that mean?” Sarah asked.
“That means you stay in bed for most of the day. You can get up and go to the washroom and eat your meals but I don’t want you to exert yourself at all,” she said. She raised her eyebrow at the last phrase.
“So that means... no sex,” Lexi said.
The doctor nodded her head, “That’s exactly what that means. No sex of any kind, not even masturbation.”
“That’s gonna be tough,” said Sarah quietly. She was not pleased about the prospect of going from three or four orgasms a day to none.
“That’s the deal,” the doctor said. “You said you have a soaker tub at home? Use that instead of showering. I don’t want that blood pressure spiking.”
“I guess it’ll just be the three of you until after the baby comes,” Sarah said.
“Excuse me, the three of you?” said the doctor.
“Oops,” Sarah giggled.
“Yes, the three of us,” Lexi confirmed. “Sarah’s girlfriend lives with us as well and she’s also pregnant.”
The doctor smiled and shook her head, “Good on you, Will! Most men have trouble keeping one woman happy. You have a big task ahead of you!”
“He does get a little worn out sometimes,” said Lexi candidly. “But we women have each other while he rests and recovers.”
“Hey, I don’t judge,” said the doctor as she threw up her hands. “Remember, young lady, bed rest means total rest until this little munchkin arrives!” We thanked her and made our way back out to the car.
When we arrived home, Sarah went to take a bath before getting into her nightclothes. Lexi made a light snack while I tucked her in. We spent the rest of the afternoon talking while we waited for Ginger to get home from work.
“I like Elizabeth for a girl,” said Lexi.
“Very traditional,” said Sarah. “You sure you don’t want to go with something a little less ordinary? I mean, this little one was created out of a very non-traditional relationship. Perhaps her name should reflect that. Or his name.”
“Do you know?” Lexi asked.
“I don’t know for sure,” Sarah said. “I just have this feeling.”
We’ll just have to wait and see,” I said. “I like Elizabeth as well for a girl.”
“My grandmother’s name,” said Lexi. “I’d like to carry that name on.”
“That’s decided then,” said Sarah. “What about a boy?”
“If it’s a boy, I’d like to name him after his father,” Lexi said. “I’ve always wanted that.”
“You never said.” I got a little choked up at the surprise but wasn’t about to argue.
“Well, that’s first names decided,” said Sarah. “what about middle names, are you going with those?”
“I thought maybe you and Ginger could pick some for us,” said Lexi. “And then when Ginger has her baby, you could pick the first names and we could suggest middle names.”
Sarah opened her arms to invite Lexi in for a hug. A hug turned to a kiss, which turned to more passionate kisses before Lexi pulled back. “We can’t,” she said.
“This is going to be harder than I thought,” groaned Sarah. “You guys might have to buy me some headphones or something to drown out the noise when you are fucking!”
Then we heard Ginger arrive, “I’m home!” she called.
“In the bedroom!” called Sarah and we heard Ginger laugh.
“Why am I not surprised?” She got to the doorway and looked at us, still fully clothed and Sarah in bed in her nightdress. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” said Sarah. “That’s the problem.”
“Oh? I take it the visit to the doctor didn’t go well then,” she said.
“Everything is fine. The doctor’s just a little worried about Sarah’s blood pressure so she put her on bed rest,” Lexi said.
“Oh, that’s not so bad,” said Ginger.
“There’s more,” said Sarah. “Bed rest means no sex until after the baby is born.”
Ginger thought for a moment, “Oh. Like no regular sex?”
Sarah shook her head, “No sex of any kind. I can’t even play with myself.”
“Oh, fuck, that’s gonna suck for you!” Ginger said. “But if that’s how it has to be, then so be it.”
Lexi got off the bed so Ginger could give Sarah a kiss, “Then I won’t have any either,” she stated.
“What, no!” said Sarah. “I can’t ask you to do that for me!”
“You didn’t ask,” said Ginger. “If you can’t do it, then I won’t do it.” Sarah started to object but Ginger stopped her. “Sarah, I’ve made my decision. I cannot imagine not being able to have any orgasms while listening to you three fuck each other silly all around me. I won’t do that to you. It’s that simple.”
“She’s right,” said Lexi. “I won’t promise that me and Will won’t have sex but we will try to keep it down to a dull roar!”
“I agree,” I said. What choice did I have? If my partners were swearing off sex for a few weeks, it’s not like I could change their minds.
“You guys!” said Sarah. “Now I feel bad!”
“Don’t,” said Lexi. “We love you. You are sacrificing your body to give us this amazing gift and we’ll do anything we can to make that easier for you.”
“What she said,” I echoed.
“Come here!” Sarah said as she opened her arms for a group hug. “Fuck, this is going to be so hard!”
“We’ll just have to make up for lost time when the baby arrives!” said Ginger.
“After I’ve had time to recover from that ordeal!” Sarah laughed. I got up and left the girls to themselves while I prepared dinner. During dinner, we continued the talk about baby names and Ginger had some rather different ideas than Lexi and I did. We finally settled on two names that we were satisfied with.
After dinner, Sarah got up to go to the room that she and Ginger shared but Lexi stopped her. “I want you guys to have our room until the baby gets here. Will and I will take the other room.”
“Seriously?” said Sarah. “I can’t ask you to do that!”
“Again, you didn’t ask,” said Lexi. “It has the master bath with the big tub and since you can’t take showers, you need to be using that.”
“I agree,” I said. “Lexi and I can rough it for a few weeks.”
“But it’s only a double,” objected Sarah. “I can’t kick you out of your king bed!”
“It won’t be a double for long,” said Ginger. “I just got my annual bonus. We’re getting a queen size this weekend!” She turned to us, “If that’s okay.”
“It’s your house too,” said Lexi. “If you want a new bed, go ahead and get one.”