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And Baby Makes Four - Chapter 6 - Revelations

"The four of us tell our parents the good news"

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Author's Notes

"If you are just coming into this story at this point, I invite you to read the preceding chapters. <p> [ADVERT] </p>If you like what you've read, leave a like or a comment. Enjoy!"

The next three months were a combination of awesome and awful as the four of us celebrated our special friendship many, many times as we sat on the secret of Sarah’s pregnancy. Sarah suffered some morning sickness for the first six weeks or so but after that, her only complaint was always being hungry. Then came the first ultrasound where Sarah, Lexi, and I saw our baby’s heartbeat for the first time. We got the requisite photos to share with our families and returned home to give Ginger the good news.

“We need to tell our folks,” I told the girls on the way home. “We can’t keep them in the dark about this. My mom is driving me nuts asking if you’re pregnant yet!”

“I know, I know,” said Lexi. “Mine is messaging me every day asking if there’s news.”

“Then we should get them all together at the same time and tell them,” I said.

“Should I be there with you?” Sarah asked. “You said before that you want your families to meet me.”

“I think so,” said Lexi. “What about you, Will?”

“I definitely think I should be there,” I joked. Lexi didn’t see the humor in it but then she doesn’t always appreciate my attempts at levity. “Of course, you should be there, Sarah. That way you can get all my mom’s advice on pregnancy first-hand instead of through me or Lexi!” Sarah groaned at that prospect.

“Oh, if you think his mom will be bad wait until you meet mine! She is the original helicopter parent!” Lexi added.

“She couldn’t have been too bad, you turned out pretty sweet!” Sarah said.

“I’m not sure she’d agree if she knew the extent of our relationship,” Lexi countered. “Let’s keep that to ourselves.”

“What about Ginger?” I asked. “We don’t want to leave her out.”

“She has been feeling a little left out lately. We’ve just been so excited lately that she said she feels like a bystander.” That was Sarah through and through, always thinking about others.

“How about we invite her to join us and let her decide?” said Lexi.

“Maybe that’s the best approach,” said Sarah. She thought for a moment, “I think Ginger and I need a little alone time. We’ve been so wrapped up with you guys, I feel the need to reconnect with her.”

“That’s fair,” I said and Lexi agreed.

“Okay then, we’ll invite her over to your place, tell her the news, and then she and I can go back to our place for a few days,” Sarah said. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep in touch!”

“Perfect!” said Lexi.

Sarah texted Ginger and asked her to meet us at our place. We arrived about ten minutes later and made a snack while we waited for her to arrive. When she got there, she looked a little upset.

“What’s wrong baby?” Sarah asked, taking her in her arms for a warm hug.

“Nothing, I’m just a little tired,” she said. “How did your appointment go?”

Lexi took out the grainy photos and showed her. “We have a heartbeat!” she gushed.

“Oh, wow, that is so cool! Do you guys know the sex yet?”

“Too early for that,” Sarah said.

“And we don’t want to know,” I said. “Lexi and I have talked about it, we don’t want to know.”

“Okay,” said Ginger. She looked at the photo again before handing it back to Lexi, “I’d want to know.”

“Well, if you ever decide to have children, you can do that,” Lexi said. We saw Ginger’s face darken, “Oh, God Ginger, that came out wrong!” She moved to give her a hug and a soft kiss. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay,” said Ginger but it was obvious it wasn’t. Really, it’s not that, honest. I’m just not feeling well.”

Lexi made supper but Ginger said she wasn’t hungry, “I think I’ll just go home,” she said.

“Please wait, we have something we need to ask you,” Lexi said.

“Okay,” conceded Ginger.

“Sweetie, we’ve decided it’s time to tell our families the good news,” Lexi continued. “And we would like you to be there when we do.”

“Only if you want to,” added Sarah. “You have been so involved in all of this and I know sometimes you’ve felt like a bit of a, well, fourth wheel, I guess. It’s important to us that you be there if you want to be.”

“Thanks, guys, I appreciate that,” she replied. “Truth is I have been feeling a bit left out and I know it’s my own insecurities. I just know how I feel about you and I hope you feel the same way about me.”

“Of course we do,” I said. “We love you.”

Ginger looked a bit shocked by that. “Really, the ‘L’ word?”

“Yes, Ginger, the ‘L’ word,” said Lexi. She took Ginger’s hand. “We’ve talked about this. We love both of you and are thrilled that you are part of our lives and that we’re part of yours.”

“I love you guys too, not the same as I love Sarah but I do love you. I can’t imagine not being with you.” She was on the verge of tears so Lexi hugged her and kissed the drops from her cheeks. She smiled at both of us and gave us each a kiss. “You have no idea how much it means to hear that, especially today.”

“You sure you’re all right?” I asked.

“I’m better now, thanks,” she said. “I think I will have a bite to eat!” She made herself a plate and joined us. The conversation turned to the new baby and all the things we needed to do to get ready.

“There’s a lot to do,” I said. “We have to buy all the things we’ll need, paint the room next to ours as a nursery, childproof the house, and I imagine a million things we haven’t even thought of yet.”

“From the sounds of things, your moms will help you with all that,” said Sarah. We both laughed at that.

When dinner was finished we offered dessert but our friends declined. “I think I’d like to take my girlfriend home,” Sarah said. “I think we need some ‘we’ time.” Ginger’s face brightened at that thought and she kissed Sarah softly.

We shared hugs and kisses with our friends and Ginger hugged me tightly, “I’m so happy for you!” She kissed me softly, “See you soon.”

After their car cleared the driveway, Lexi said, “Something is up with her. I can’t put my finger on it but she’s different somehow.”

“You’re imagining things,” I said. “Did you see how happy she got when Sarah suggested they have some time just to themselves? She was just feeling a little left out.”

“It’s more than that,” Lexi said, kissing my lips. “Mmm, strawberry, my favorite!” She went to call her parents to arrange a time for them to come to our house to get the good news. At the same time, I called mine and between the two conversations, we arranged to have everybody over on Saturday two weekends from now. That was the earliest date we could arrange. Lexi texted Sarah and after a fairly long delay, she texted back.

“They were fucking,” said Lexi.

“Can you blame them?” I asked.

“Not even a little bit!” she said as she wrapped her arms around me. “Perhaps we should do that too!”

We only saw Sarah and Ginger once in the coming days and our reunion was everything I hoped it would be. The special treat was that I got to watch the three women pleasure themselves and each other with some new toys that Ginger and Sarah had picked up at their favorite naughty store.

“And now, for the pièce de résistance!” said Ginger. She disappeared into the washroom and came back out with a harness strapped around her hips and a dildo that was at least nine inches long attached to it. She pointed at Lexi, “I’m going to show your husband how to fuck you properly!”

“I hate to break it to you, but he already fucks me properly, and he does the same to you!” Lexi said.

“Not as good as he fucks me!” giggled Sarah as she rubbed her tummy. That was the first time I noticed the slight bulge under her belly button.

Lexi didn’t notice, she was too busy rubbing lubricant on the dildo sticking out from Ginger’s harness and applying the extra to herself. She got up on all fours on the bed and presented her backside to Ginger.

Ginger ran her hand along Lexi’s pussy, pausing to slip two fingers inside her before placing the end of the toy at her entrance. Lexi gasped as it slid into her. Ginger pushed slowly until her hips came to rest against Lexi’s bum. “How’s that baby?” Ginger asked.

“Mmm, feels nice!” Lexi said. “It’s nice to take a big one once in a while!”

“Isn’t it just!” said Sarah. “Ginger fucked me with that one the day we bought it, it made me cum so hard!” Her hand was stroking my cock as we watched her girlfriend give my wife a proper shagging. Then she said, “I have an idea!”

She got up onto the bed facing opposite to Lexi with their faces side-by-side. They started kissing for a moment and then she looked at me, “In case you were wondering, I want you to do the same thing to me as my girlfriend is doing to your wife!”

I smiled and moved in behind her to slip my cock into her warm wetness. It was still well lubricated from the girls’ earlier shenanigans so I had no trouble at all burying myself to the hilt. As Ginger and I fucked we found a rhythm and the two on the receiving end began describing how good it felt to have their partners service them.

“Mmm, Sarah, your girlfriend is very, very good at this!” purred Lexi.

“I know she is!” replied Sarah. “Your husband knows his way around a pussy too!”

“Mmm, he does! You would know that as well as anyone!” Lexi kissed Sarah deeply. After a few minutes, they stopped talking and began moaning. “Yes!” and “Harder” seemed to be the prevailing sentiment as the two women urged Ginger and me to do our best. As if with a single mind, Ginger and I grabbed our partner’s hips at the same time to gain some leverage for the final drive to sexual bliss.

“OH! FUCK! GINGER! YES!” Lexi screamed as her hands grabbed fistfuls of the sheets.

“That’s it, baby! Fuck her good!” urged Sarah. Shortly after, “Mmm, Will fuck me harder. Pound that pregnant pussy!”

Then Lexi collapsed onto her belly with a scream as she came once more. Ginger’s grip on her hips meant she fell forward with her so the long toy didn’t slip from Lexi. “YES GINGER! FUCK THAT CUNT!” she screamed and Ginger complied. I had never heard her use that word before nor have I ever heard her say it since.

I tried to hold off but the scene before me was far too erotic for that. I drove into Sarah as hard as I could and pulled back on her hips as I unloaded my cum into her. My orgasm triggered hers as she moaned and screamed unintelligibly. After a moment I recovered enough to start fucking again and was rewarded with a second gush from her pussy.

“Stop! GINGER! PLEASE! I CAN'T EVEN” hollered Lexi. As she wriggled to get out from under her lover’s hips. She lay on her stomach, panting and moaning softly as she crashed down from that exquisite high. Then Sarah turned and winked at me as she disengaged from my cock and flopped beside Lexi.

“Told you she was good!” Sarah whispered as they shared kisses.

“You did,” sighed Lexi. “So good.”

Lexi looked at me, “Maybe Ginger would like to clean Sarah from your cock.” Ginger shook her head.

“No, I want to clean my girlfriend’s pussy of all your husband's sweet cum!” She flipped Sarah over and dutifully lapped up my cum, using her fingers to extract as much as she could. “Want some?” she asked Lexi and she moved to kiss my wife and share the bounty.

We relaxed until we recovered somewhat and then I suggested, “Have you girls seen our new shower? Not long after Ginger's comments about our shower being too small, we hired a contractor to renovate our master bath by moving the tub and installing a large shower stall where it had been. We wanted a double soaker tub as well but he said we’d have to reinforce the floor to take the weight.

Ginger got up and went into the washroom. “It looks big enough for four!” she squealed as she ran back and grabbed Sarah’s hand. “Come on you guys!”

It was indeed big enough for four and everyone made sure the others were all clean with each of us gravitating to our own partners for some final kisses before we finished.

The following weekend, both sets of our parents came to visit. About an hour before they were due to arrive, Sarah and Ginger both got there. We were a little surprised that Ginger tagged along but she was a very large player in our relationship and we were glad that she joined us.

“I have to tell you, my parents are not as progressive as you might hope,” said Lexi. “I think we just have to explain things matter of factly and they will accept things as they are or they won’t.”

Does that mean you’re going to tell them everything?” asked Ginger.

“We talked about that,” I said. “We decide we won’t tell them if they don’t ask but if they ask we won’t lie to them. It is what it is and I am not the least bit ashamed about our relationship and how we feel about each other. If I can spare them the worry about it I will, but I won’t lie.”

“Neither will I,” said Lexi. “If that means you don’t want to be here, Ginger, we understand and support you. We don’t want you to feel uncomfortable but we’re all going to be family and you are a big part of that.”

Ginger’s eyes welled up at that and she gave Lexi a huge hug. “Thanks, you guys, you don’t know what that means to me.” She left to go to the washroom and after she returned we all set about setting out snacks and drinks for everyone. We held off on getting out the booze, our parents might not feel like celebrating if we got into too much detail about how their grandchild was conceived.

The doorbell rang and Lexi went to answer it. She ushered her parents into the living room and they looked somewhat surprised to see two younger and very attractive women sitting there. I went to greet them as well and after hugs and handshakes were exchanged we offered them seats and refreshments.

“Is it okay if we save the introductions until after Will’s parents arrive? They’ll be here soon,” Lexi said. They agreed and we all made small talk for a few minutes. The doorbell rang again and Lexi and I got up to greet my parents and welcome them in. Refreshments were offered and accepted and we all sat down in our now rather crowded living room. Then Lexi stood up.

“Mom, Dad, this is Sarah and Ginger, two good friends of ours. Sarah and Ginger, these are my parents, Carl and Ellie, and Will’s parents Kate and Alex. We all have some news.” She paused to take a deep breath, “We told you that we were going to use a surrogate to have our baby and we are thrilled that Sarah is a little more than three months pregnant. You are finally going to be grandparents!”

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“Oh, how wonderful!” Lexi’s mom cried as she stood up and hugged her daughter then me. “I suppose you get a hug too!” she said to Sarah. As they embraced, my mom got up and did the same. Ginger sat quietly as her girlfriend got all the attention. Then the men did the same, hugging both of us and then Sarah.

“This is my girlfriend, Ginger,” said Sarah. “She is supporting me through all of this and I could not do this without her.” My mom went over and hugged Ginger but Lexi’s mom was a little more hesitant.

“You mean, you two are,…” she let the words hang there.

“Yes, we are,” said Sarah. “Look, we understand that not everyone will accept or understand our relationship but it is as real as yours is. We love each other and are planning on spending our lives together.” She hugged Ginger and kissed her softly.

“Oh, I didn’t mean any offense!” said Ellie. “This just caught me by surprise!”

“It’s okay,” said Sarah. “The important thing is that in a little under six months, Will and Lexi will have the baby they’ve wanted for so long and you will have your first grandchild!” Sarah knew that was all they really cared about.

“How long have you known?” asked my mom.

“We first found out a couple of months ago but we wanted to wait until after the first trimester,” said Lexi.

“I wish you’d told us!” Kate said. “There is so much to do, so much to plan!”

“Relax, Mom, it’s all well in hand,” I said. “We’ve started buying the things we’ll need and the nursery is already painted. We just have to make sure everything goes smoothly for another six months!”

“Do you know what you’re having?” asked Alex.

“No and we don’t want to know,” said Lexi.

“I wish we had been able to find out when I was pregnant,” said Ellie. “It would have made things easier.”

“Well, we’re going with a surprise,” said Lexi. Her mother started to object but her dad cut her off.

“Ellie, it’s their decision. We talked about this, you have to leave them to it,” he said.

“Yes, I know but…,” she objected. “Of course dear, you’re right. I’m sorry Alexa.”

“It’s okay, Mom, I would be surprised if you didn’t try to get your ten cents worth in!” Mother and daughter hugged and sat back down.

“So how does this deal work, asked Carl. “The whole surrogacy thing? What’s the deal?”

Anticipating this question at some point, we had talked about this as a group and decided that Sarah would handle it.

“Well, sir, it’s like this,” she began. “A friend of mine in college earned a lot of money as a surrogate, it almost paid her way through school so I decided I would try it. I got connected with Lexi and Will and we came to an arrangement.” She looked at Lexi and winked. “There is money involved plus they pay all my expenses.”

“And after the baby is born?” he asked.

“That’s in our agreement as well,” Sarah said. “I can stay involved in the baby’s life for as long as we choose but the financial obligation ends on delivery. Beyond that, we have all decided that Ginger will be involved as well. Just as Lexi and Will are a package deal, so are we.”

“So you’re married then,” asked Kate. Ginger shook her head.

“No, not yet,” she said. Then she looked at Sarah, “Maybe someday.” The unasked question lay just underneath the suggestion.

“Yes, maybe someday,” Sarah replied as she squeezed Ginger’s hand.

Then Carl asked the question we’d hoped wouldn’t be asked. “So how did you end up doing it then? The whole getting pregnant thing? Did you use test tubes in a lab or like a turkey baster? I mean what are the mechanics?”

Sarah took another deep breath, “There are many ways to inseminate a woman’s eggs.” She held Lexi's hand, “We will tell you if you insist but that’s something we’d rather keep private if you don’t mind.”

The parents all seemed taken aback but Alex was the first to figure it out. We winked at me but said nothing.

“I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want to tell us,” said Ellie.

“Because mother, it’s not any of your business. I’ve never asked you how I was conceived, have I? Never wanted to know the details?” Lexi took a deep breath. “Besides it’s not important, all that matters is that Sarah is carrying our baby and we’re so thankful to her for it.”

Ellie started to object but Carl squeezed her hand again, “Just leave it, Ellie, not today. Let’s just be happy.”

“Of course,” she said. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.”

The rest of the afternoon was spent talking about baby names, who the parents thought we should name the baby after, which car seats were the best, and many other things. Lexi showed the two moms the new nursery and Sarah and Ginger went with them leaving we men alone in the living room.

“You did it the old-fashioned way, didn’t you?" asked my dad.

“Do not tell Mom!” I said. “Or Ellie! It was Sarah’s idea. Lexi was opposed to it at first but she had a change of heart. It was the way that offered the best chance for success so that’s what we chose. You cannot tell them!”

“Are you ashamed of it?” asked Carl.

“No, I’m not,” I said. “We did what we had to do to have a baby and I won’t apologize for it.”

“Was Lexi there, you know, when it happened?” her father asked.

“That is really none of your business!” I said firmly. “You can think what you like but I’m not saying any more about it.” Then the women returned to the room.

“What are you guys talking about?” asked Ellie.

“Whether or not the kids should get a minivan,” Carl lied.

“Oh, that seems like a good idea,” said Kate. “You know, in case you decide to have more than one?”

“Let’s get this little one into the world first,” said Sarah as she rubbed her tummy.

“Oh my God, are you showing?” asked Kate she went over and placed her hand on Sarah’s. “May I?”

“I suppose I’d better get used to it,” Sarah sighed as she removed her hand. Ellie joined them and together the two prospective grandmas laid their hands on Sarah’s growing belly.

“Have you felt any movement yet?” asked Ellie.

“It’s a bit early for that,” said Sarah. “Once we do, you’ll be the first to know!”

“Actually, I’ll probably be first to know,” said Ginger.

“Yes, Sweetie, you probably will!” Sarah agreed as she leaned over to kiss her girlfriend. After their lips parted Ginger looked at both sets of parents.

“Does that make you uncomfortable?” she asked.

Afraid of offending her they all said it didn’t. “It’s just that we’ve never met any gay women,” said Ellie.

“I’ll bet you know someone who is gay and you just don’t know it,” said Ginger. “Probably more than one.”

“So you aren’t attracted to men at all?” asked Kate.

“That’s a bit personal,” said Ginger. “Let’s just say I am much more attracted to women, or should I say one woman in particular, than I am to men.” She kissed Sarah again. It was almost like she was reclaiming her after being largely ignored for most of the afternoon.

“Don’t discount that we love each other, or that we are committed to our relationship,” said Sarah. “We are no less in love or committed than you are to your partners. We might not have formalized it the way you have but make no mistake, we are as in love as much as you or as Lexi and Will.”

“I didn’t mean…,” Kate said. “Look, I’m sorry, and I don’t want to offend anyone, this is all new to me and I’m genuinely curious. If you don’t want to answer my questions you don’t have to.” She went to Sarah and hugged her. “You certainly don’t have to justify yourself or your life choices to me.”

“What she said,” echoed Ellie. “We’re just so happy that you’ve agreed to give us all this opportunity. Thank you for that.”

“Thank you, I appreciate you saying so. I wouldn’t have said so at the beginning when I was wrapped around the toilet every morning, but now I can honestly say it has been my pleasure!” Sarah hugged both women.

Then Alex chimed in, “We’d love to stay and get to know you and Ginger better but we have to run, we have dinner plans.”

“We should go too,” said Carl. “We’ll leave you kids to your evening.” He got up and shook my hand and hugged his daughter tightly. “We are so thrilled for you!” Then he embraced Sarah warmly, "Thank you for this young lady, you will never know how much it means to us!” Then he took Ginger’s hand, stood her up, and hugged her, “And you are a very kind and special young lady to allow the woman you love to do this for other people who you don’t even know. Thank you!” He hugged her again.

“Wow, you’re the first person to have said that,” Ginger said. “Thank you. I’d like to say it’s been easy being the, well, the fourth wheel in this but sometimes it’s tough just watching from the sidelines.” She hugged him again, “But Lexi and Will have been very good at including me in everything along the way.”

Everyone made the rounds for hugs and kisses, the two would-be grandmothers hugging last. They looked into each other’s faces, “I’m going to be a grandma!” Kate said excitedly.

“Me too!” Ellie echoed. “I can’t wait!” They hugged again and bade the youngsters good night.

When the door closed, Lexi and I turned to Sarah and Ginger, “That went well,” I said.

“It could have been worse, for sure,” said Sarah.

“A lot worse,” said Ginger. “Your parents are pretty old school for sure.”

“Like stuck in the 1950s and they weren’t even born until the mid-sixties!” laughed Lexi. “I guess they inherited their parents’ values.”

“And prejudices,” I said. “They sure would be very happy if they knew the whole story.”

Lexi laughed again, “My mom would disown me!”

“Then she better never find out!” giggled Ginger as she went to hug Lexi. “About how I love to lick your pussy and suck your husband’s cock!”

“And how I love to clean his cum from your face and have you fuck me with that dildo!” Lexi added.

“And how we make Will watch as we play with each other,” added Sarah. “What about you Will? What do you like best about our relationship?”

“I love it all!” he said. “What man wouldn’t?” We all laughed and then Lexi smiled at me.

“Dinner first?” she asked.

“Dinner after!” I replied as I took her hand and led her toward the bedroom. “You girls coming?”

“Very soon!” said Ginger.

The king-size bed creaked as we all climbed onto it and little by little our clothes got thrown to the floor. I dove for Ginger's hips as I pushed her onto her back and urged her legs open. Her outer lips glistened with her wetness as I lowered my face to them and licked them clean. Then her firm little nub went between my teeth and she let out a soft sigh as I teased it with my tongue.

I felt the bed shift and then a feminine hand wrapped itself around my cock followed shortly after by the warmth of a mouth. I resisted looking back and tried to figure out which of the women was fellating me by just the feel and technique alone.

The bed shifted again and the person sucking my dick moaned and took her mouth off me. "Oh, Lexi that feels so good!" I heard Sarah say before she took me back into her mouth again. I returned to my task of arousing Ginger while enjoying Sarah's talented lips and tongue.

Then Lexi said, "Let's give him a three-way blowjob!" The other women giggled and the bed shifted again as I felt Lexi's hands pushing me off the bed. "Stand up," she directed me, and then the three women each took a pillow and laid it at my feet.

"Who goes first?" asked Ginger.

"You have the honor," suggested Sarah.

"I'll share, I promise!" smiled Ginger before she looked up at me and opened her mouth.

She kept eye contact with me as she sucked except for the brief moments when she took me as deep as she could. I felt the tip of her nose touch me as I slipped into her throat. "That's it, baby, take him in deep!" urged Sarah as Ginger rose up and went down again. Then Sarah pushed her away. "My turn!"

Her mouth felt no less warm but the pressure she applied with her lips was quite different. Where Ginger would keep a fairly even pressure throughout, Sarah would ease the pressure as she took me in and then apply more as she drew back up along my shaft. The feeling was exquisite! Her nose touched my belly as well and I felt the beginnings of that tightness in my pelvic floor that signaled the oncoming orgasm.

"Tag! I'm it!" said Lexi as he pulled Sarah away and took me into her throat in a single stroke.

"She makes that look so easy!" complained Ginger. Of the three of them, she had the hardest time with deepthroating but with practice and a bit of coaching from the other two, she figured it out.

"His cock is the perfect size for sucking, don't you think?" giggled Sarah. "Not too long and not too thick, it's just right!" I felt a hand caress and squeeze my balls to hold my hips forward. I looked down at my cock protruding from my wife's mouth and the other two faces right beside hers, they all looked so hot and sexy it drove me closer to the peak of my lust. "Look at me," I whispered and they all looked up as Ginger licked her lips. "You girls are so beautiful!" I breathed. "I am the luckiest man alive!"

"And don't you forget it either!" grinned Ginger. She tapped Lexi's shoulder, "My turn!" Lexi shook her head with my cock still in her mouth and went back down again. The rasp of her tongue on the underside of my shaft sent me higher still as she opened her eyes.

She came off me and whispered, "Paint my face!"

"Paint all of our faces," said Sarah. Lexi went back down on me and Ginger's hand wrapped around my shaft.

"Beg for it!" I commanded as I felt rather more powerful than the position I was in, I knew I was at their mercy.

"Please, baby!" Lexi said.

"Please what?" I asked.

"Please give us your cum!" said Sarah playing along.

"Yes, please give it to us!" echoed Ginger as she stroked my shaft. All three women then put their hands around me and together they pumped me and opened their mouths to receive the sweet, gooey goodness I was about to produce.

I grunted and groaned as it shot out of me getting onto the faces and into their hair. The three of them laughed as they each tried to get their face in the right spot to catch my cum. Ginger, being in the middle, got most of it but there was plenty for Lexi and Sarah too. They continued to stroke me gently to ease the last drops from me which Ginger caught on her tongue.

"We made a mess," giggled Lexi as she used two fingers to scoop some of the milky fluid from Ginger's face.

"He made a mess!" laughed Sarah as she licked a dribbling blob from her girlfriend's earlobe.

"Then maybe he should clean it up!" suggested Lexi. She and I had been sharing our cum ever since the first time on our wedding night.

"It would be my pleasure!" I said as I helped each of them to their feet. I kissed and licked the mess from Ginger's face first. "I love you!" I whispered before turning to Sarah and doing the same to her. "I love you too!" I said before turning to my wife of fifteen years and cleaning her face. "But I am in love with you!"

"I love you too!" she replied.

"If your moms could only see you now!" Ginger teased.

"I think they might have a heart attack if they did!" said Lexi.

We kissed and snuggled for another half hour or so until we heard Sarah's belly rumbling. "Someone's hungry, again!" said Ginger. We got up. cleaned up and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. After that, it was back to the bedroom for dessert!

Written by CaressofSteel
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