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And Baby Makes Four - Chapter 1

"A childless couple finds a way to make a baby."

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Author's Notes

"Part 1 of who knows how many of a couple's adventures in group sex. If you like what you've read, tap the like icon and leave a comment. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Enjoy!"

It was 1979. My wife, then my girlfriend, had been dating for about a year. Our sex life was pretty good, or so I thought at the time, but what does a nineteen-year-old man-child really know about a good sex life? She’s a year older than me but no more experienced. Neither of us had been the others’ first but we were pretty naïve. At that point, we were just happy that all the parts fit together and worked.

My lack of experience meant that I was never sure if she was orgasming when we had sex. Remember, these were the days before online porn and most of what I knew about women and sex came from men’s magazines stolen from behind my dad’s toolbox in the workshed.

Alexa, or Lexi as she was known to her friends, didn’t have a perfect model’s body, she was a couple of inches shorter than my 5’ 8” with a very nice, proportioned figure. Back in the day, the standard for women was 36-24-36 but Lexi had a couple of extra inches at the bust and hips and maybe an inch at the waist. But her face, now that was a work of natural beauty, at least I thought so.

She had, still has for that matter, soft grey eyes, a button nose, and full lips that broke into the most captivating smile. It was like she was smiling just for me. Our first real date was when she invited me to her aunt’s wedding and I fell hard the first time we danced.

All that first summer we were together we flirted and felt each other up, learning what made each other squirm and moan but despite my urgings and pleadings, she would not relent to going all the way. Then, on Labor Day weekend, we found ourselves at an end-of-summer party hosted by her newly married aunt, and at the end of the evening, we ended up alone on the swing on her back porch.

Around us were the sounds of insects and other night creatures mixed with the unmistakable sounds of two people fucking the daylights out of each other. Turns out her aunt was quite the moaner and I think it was the moans we heard that made Lexi finally give in.

The swing rocked slowly as we let our lips and fingers explore each other’s bodies and when I slipped my hand up under her dress and felt the cotton gusset of her panties, she didn’t stop me. I looked at her with my face a giant question and she just nodded ever so slightly. I eased my fingers past the hem of her undies and for the first time felt the warmth and moistness of her pussy. It wasn’t until fifteen years later that I got the opportunity to touch a different one.

In the intervening years, we got married and tried very, very hard to conceive only to discover that Lexi didn’t have any trouble getting pregnant but was unable to carry past the first month or so. After a half dozen heartbreaking attempts we decided that we needed to approach parenthood from a different angle. Then one day, she came home from work with an idea I hadn’t considered.

By this time it was the new century and the internet was becoming increasingly popular and useful in many ways, including some that Tim Berners Lee and DARPA never considered. Through our individual and joint explorations of the information highway, we discovered things like toys, cum swallowing, anal sex, B&D, threesomes, foursome, moresomes, and many other exciting ideas. And we tried some of them, the anal hurt too much to be enjoyable (I still believe she didn’t give it an honest try but it is what it is) and we never did get into sex with other people, but all the other stuff was fun to varying degrees. We did purchase a few toys but the only thing we really adopted as a regular thing was the cum swallowing which evolved into me eating my cum from her pussy. That one she really liked!

We were in bed and were just starting our routine of making out before sex and she stopped me. “What about a surrogate?” she asked.

“Where did that idea come from?”

“I read about it online,” she said. “There are women who, for a price will carry your baby for you.”

“For a price,” I said. “I wonder how much that would be?”

“Apparently, it’s not cheap, it can run into the thousands but if we want a baby badly enough, we should consider it.”

“Maybe,” I said, returning to my task of arousing Lexi to a fever pitch before she mounted and rode me to a most satisfying conclusion. Her orgasm as I licked and sucked my cum from her that night roared out of her with an intensity I’s not seen or heard before.

“Mmm, our cum tastes great!” she purred as we snuggled together afterward.

A couple of weeks later, she broached the topic again. “I’ve been looking into this surrogacy thing,” she said. “I think we should see if we can find one.”

“Really?” I asked her. “I looked into it as well, not all of them turn out the way people hope.”

“I know, but I really want a baby!” she protested. “You know that. I always have. I’d almost given up but now we have a chance!” She snuggled into me and kissed me, “Please, honey, can we please at least look into it?” “She knows I can’t say no when she begs.

Six weeks later, just before our fifteenth anniversary, we arranged to meet a young woman who was recommended to us by a doctor at a reproductive clinic. Sarah was twenty-four at the time and had no interest in having children of her own. She loved other peoples’ kids but for some reason didn’t want to be a mother.

We met at the clinic so we could have a private conversation and get some questions answered by the doctors and nurses there. During our earlier attempts to conceive, we learned that it was Lexi’s fertilized eggs that would not attach to the womb wall so using her eggs was not an option. It crushed her at the time but now she seemed willing to raise another woman’s child.

“So how would this work?” she asked the doctor.

“We could try artificial insemination,” the doctor replied. “You collect a sample of your husband’s sperm and we implant that into Sarah’s womb. Or we could collect one or more of her eggs, combine them in a lab, and implant the fertilized egg.”

“That sounds expensive,” Lexi said. We were doing okay financially, pretty well even, but we weren’t swimming in money.

“There is a third option,” said Sarah quietly.

The doctor excused herself, “I don’t need to be part of this discussion.” She closed the door behind her and we waited for Sarah to continue.

“We could do it the old-fashioned way,” she said. I caught on immediately but Lexi’s brain didn’t get there quite as quickly. I knew she’d caught up when a look of surprise came over her face and her mouth opened in a wide “O”.

“Y-You mean…” she stammered.

“Yes,” Sarah confirmed. “Your husband could fuck me and get me pregnant.” Her matter-of-factness surprised me but it seemed to absolutely stun my wife.

“Oh, I don’t think so!” she said firmly. She looked at me and it was at that point I wished that I hadn’t been smiling at Sarah. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!” I snapped out of my reverie of fucking this attractive younger woman and looked at Lexi. “You want to fuck her, don’t you?” she growled.

“To make our baby,” I protested but she wasn’t buying it.

“I’m sorry, Sarah, but I don't think this is going to work,” Lexi said as she stood up to leave.

“I’m sorry too,” Sarah replied. “Maybe you guys should talk some more. If you change your mind, you know how to get in touch.” I got up to follow Lexi out of the clinic, mumbling my apologies to Sarah as I left. I followed in my wife’s wake as she hustled out of there. It was a long, quiet ride home as she stewed and an equally long afternoon as I tried to keep busy and stay out of her way. I knew she’d calm down.

We talked again that night and she apologized for getting so upset. I apologized as well, “I didn’t mean to imply that I wanted to have sex with Sarah,” I said. “It’s just that she made the suggestion and both of our minds went to the same place.”

“I guess you’re right,” she admitted. “I should call her and apologize to her.”

I thought that was the end of the surrogacy talk until three months later, one of Lexi’s co-workers brought her new baby into work to show him around. Lexi of course fell madly in love with the idea of having one of her own and that night, after we made love, she brought the subject up again.

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“Baby, I’ve been thinking, maybe we were too hasty about the surrogacy thing,” she said. I sat up and looked at her. “I mean, I hate the idea of you fucking another woman but if that’s the only way we can have a baby of our own, I think I could put that aside.”

“We could always adopt,” I suggested but she shook her head.

“No, I want your baby. I know it wouldn’t be mine, not genetically but I’m fine with that.” She leaned in and kissed me. “Should I call Sarah?”

“It’s up to you,” I said. “But only if you’re sure.”

“Okay,” she kissed me again and took a deep breath before turning over and settling down to sleep.

The next day when I got home from work, Lexi told me that she had called Sarah and set up a time to meet her on the upcoming weekend. “Now don’t you spend the rest of the week fantasizing about getting that young pussy!” she teased me.

“You’ll just have to keep my mind occupied until the weekend then!” I countered. Ten minutes later, my cum was dribbling from her lips and I was licking and kissing it from her.

Finally, the time for our meeting arrived and Sarah knocked on our front door. Lexi went to greet her and show her in and I set out some refreshments and snacks. “So, you’ve had a change of heart,” said Sarah.

“We have, or I should say, I have,” said Lexi. “I’m not crazy about the idea of my husband having sex with another woman but I think I can put it aside for one time if it means we can have a baby.”

“Oh, it’s not just one time,” said Sarah. Lexi’s eyes opened wide and her nostrils flared. “We would have to do it twice a day for five or six days while I’m ovulating to have the best chance.” Lexi was speechless. Sarah got up and moved to sit beside her so she was between her and me. “Then we wait a few weeks to see if I’m pregnant and if not, we do it again the next month.”

“Wait, what?” Lexi said, trying to keep her cool. “You’d have to fuck him like ten times in a week?”

“I’m sorry Lexi, but that’s how it’s done.” Sarah took Lexi’s hand, “Think back to when you two were trying to get pregnant, you did it every chance you could right?” Lexi nodded. “Well, that’s what we’d have to do.”

“I don’t know if I could stand that,” Lexi said. “I mean one time, maybe but every day for a week?” I suppressed the urge to hold up two fingers to remind her that it would be multiple times a day. There was no need to make things worse at this point.

“I understand,” Sarah said. “The thing is, it’s just sex for the purpose of procreation. There is no love or emotion attached, just the physical act.” She squeezed Lexi's hand again to get her attention. “Let me tell you a story.”

“I first heard about being a surrogate from a girl I knew in college. She did it as a way to help pay for school and it worked too! She had two babies for the same couple and graduated debt-free. She took an extra two years to get her degree but she got it and has no regrets.” She picked my wife's hand up and kissed the back of it.

“The first time she did it, the man’s wife had the same reservations but they found a way around it.” She stared into Lexi’s eyes to see if she would make the connection.

“How did they…?” Lexi asked.

Sarah took a deep breath before continuing, “You see, this girl was bisexual so she suggested that the wife join them while they, you know.”

“Fucked,” said Lexi. “Jesus, that’s wild!” She thought for a moment, “But I’m not gay.”

“Neither am I,” said Sarah. “But I am bisexual.”

Lexi’s face twisted for a moment and then the light came on, “You mean you want me to help you?”

“Think of it as helping your husband,” Sarah said. “Have you ever been attracted to women? Ever looked at a woman and thought she was cute or beautiful or hot?”

“Of course, I can recognize when a woman is pretty or hot,” Lexi said. “But I’m not attracted to them, not in that way!”

“Maybe not,” said Sarah. “Would it surprise you to know that I wasn’t either until I met my girlfriend? She was different and I thought I liked her in a special way. Then she kissed me and I was sure.”

She pulled Lexi’s hand up and kissed her fingers, her eyes never breaking contact. When her lips touched my wife’s fingers, I saw her eyes close and heard her breathe in sharply. “Have you ever kissed a woman, Lexi?”

“Some girlfriends and I fooled around a bit at college but never like that,” Lexi admitted. I hadn’t heard that story before but I set myself a mental reminder to drag the details out of my wife someday.

“Were you drunk at the time?” asked Sarah.

Lexi nodded her head, “We were plastered!” she giggled.

“Are you drunk now?” asked Sarah. Lexi shook her head no. Sarah leaned in closer and whispered, “May I kiss you, Alexa?”

She moved closer and Lexi didn’t pull away. Just as their lips were about to touch, my wife’s eyes closed and her lips opened ever so slightly. Sarah’s tongue flicked out and brushed my wife’s lips before sneaking inside to tease her tongue. It only lasted a few seconds but the effect it had on Lexi was unmistakable. She wanted more.

Their lips parted and they looked at each other, their foreheads barely touching. “That was nice,” whispered Lexi. She leaned forward and they kissed again, a little more firmly and passionately this time, their mouths opening and closing hungrily. “Oh my!” breathed Lexi. “You might be onto something here! I am so turned on right now!”

Sarah stood up and held Lexi’s hand to urge her up beside her for another kiss. This one left no doubt that Lexi was enjoying this attention immensely. Their kiss broke and she looked at me. “Honey, could you go to the store and get some more wine? I think we’re running low and we might need some.” Her eyes never left Sarah’s.

“We have plenty of wine,” I objected. There was no way I was going to miss this.

Lexi moved away from Sarah and toward me. “Sweetie, you misunderstand. Sarah and I are going to our bedroom and we don’t want an audience. I’ll tell you all about it later!” She kissed me hard. “And if everything goes well, you and she can start making babies!”

I had no intention of going anywhere but when I heard the door to our bedroom lock with me on the wrong side of it, I decided that if I couldn’t watch my wife fuck a woman, I could at least listen to it. Forty-five minutes later the door unlocked and Lexi peeked her head outside, “Told you he’d be out here!” she laughed to Sarah. She stepped back and let the door swing open before sashaying her naked ass back to our bed.

Sarah was resting on her elbows with a broad smile on her face and a sheen on her cheeks. Lexi climbed up beside her and kissed her gently. “Come on up here!” Sarah invited. “Let’s make a baby!”

I started stripping off my clothes but Lexi stopped me. “Let me baby,” she soothed. She moved in front of me and pulled my shirt up over my head, tossing it to one corner of the room. Then she knelt in front of me and started unbuckling my belt. I had always hoped that someday she might do something like this but to have it happen now was just surreal.

My jeans came off next, pooling at my feet so I could step out of them. Then she slowly pulled down my undershorts, teasing the wet spot in the front with her finger before sliding them down my legs. She caressed my shaft and licked it from root to tip, “I hope you like this,” she said to Sarah as she looked back over her shoulder.

“I’m sure I will,” Sarah answered, her hand slipping between her thighs. Lexi’s mouth came over my cock and Sarah moaned ever so softly, “Fuck that is so hot! I love watching a pretty woman suck cock!”

“Just making sure he’s ready!” said Lexi.

“Oh, I’m ready!” I said.

“You don’t need to speak,” Lexi commanded. She stood up and took my hand and led me to the side of the bed. “You just need to do what you’re here to do.”

Sarah laid back and opened her arms and legs to welcome me in. She reached down and grasped my cock to position it over her opening and smiled up at me. As I slid in, her eyes closed and her heels wrapped around my ass, pulling me into her. Damn, her pussy was warm and wet and tight, as tight as Lexi’s had been that night on her aunt’s back porch.

“Mmm,” Sarah purred. “Lexi, you are one lucky lady to be getting this cock every night!”

“I know,” my wife breathed. I felt the bed shift as she moved to get a better view. “Holy fuck that is hot!” I wanted so badly to turn and see my wife's face as I fucked this pretty young stranger but I reminded myself that I was there to do a job. I watched Sarah for some sign that she was enjoying this as much as I was. Our eyes caught and she smiled, “We’re going to make such a beautiful baby!”

Written by CaressofSteel
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