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Author's Notes

"Not a lot of sex in this chapter, but it's necessary to set up the next ones. If you're just coming into the story here, I invite you to go back and start from the beginning. If you like what you've read, tap the like icon and leave a comment. Enjoy!"

I slept the sleep of the dead that night. Between my three wives, they had extracted every bit of energy I had. When I awoke, the sun was streaming in the window and I could hear the shower running. The smell of coffee hit my nose, and I sat up to look around.

“Lexi and Ginger are in the shower,” Sarah said as he looked at the viewing window of the camera. “No doubt playing with each other from the sounds of things. I ordered breakfast.

“What time is it?” I asked.

“Nearly ten o’clock,” she replied. “You, mister, take a very nice picture!”

“Thank you?” I replied as I untangled myself from the bedsheets and staggered my way to the bathroom. The door was locked, so I tapped on it.

“Just a second!” I heard Lexi through the door and a moment later, it opened.

“I don’t know why you lock the door when it’s just us,” I said as I relieved myself.

“Force of habit,” she replied. She had just gotten out of the shower and I could see Ginger through the steamed glass, rinsing her hair. After I finished, she tiptoed up to kiss me. “You need to brush your teeth!” She grabbed a towel and handed it to me to start drying her off. I started kissing her some more, but she stopped me.

“You’ll have to wait!” she said, laughing. “We all have spa appointments later and if we keep going, I’ll have to have another shower!”

“Awww!” I protested.

“What, three times in one night not enough for you?” she teased.

“I guess I can wait,” I said. Then I heard the shower stop and after a moment, Ginger peeked out.

“Good morning!” she said brightly.

“And to you,” I said as she came over to kiss me, still dripping wet.

I ran my hand down over her baby bump and kissed it as well, “And good morning to you too!” I said.

Ginger winced. “I think he heard you! He just kicked me!” She took my hand and placed it on her belly. As we waited, Lexi came over and placed her hand on mine. I looked down and after a moment, I saw as well as felt her belly move as the little human inside her shifted. The whole bump moved a little lower. “Did he just move down?” she asked.

“I think so,” said Lexi, her eyes welling up. “It’s going to be real soon now.” Ginger’s eyes filled as well and they hugged.

Lexi took another towel, and she started drying Ginger off. I could have watched them all day but I tore my eyes away and got in the shower. I was only in there a few minutes and the door opened.

“Need any help?” asked Sarah as she got in with me.

“I don’t need any, but if you’re offering,” I said. She smiled and kissed me.

“You need to brush your teeth!” she said.

“I know!” I answered. I turned, and she soaped my back. “What did you think of the pictures and videos?”

“Some of them are very hot!” she replied. “Some are not so much.”

If you want to delete them, we will,” I said.

She shook her head. “No, not yet. I’ll have another look at them later.”

We managed to finish showering without either of us getting too aroused and as we helped each other dry off; she smiled at me. “Last night was fun, wasn’t it?”

“It was the best ever!” I said. “Did you end up having an orgasm?”

She shook her head. “No, but it’s fine. I know you’ll take care of that later!”

“Or one of our other wives will!” I replied.

“No, I want you to do it!” she said. She craned her neck up for a kiss. “Brush your teeth!”

I finished up and went out to get some breakfast. As I ate, the girls put on their swimsuits, a distraction that made the task of chewing and swallowing difficult. They slathered each other up with sunscreen, which made finishing my meal impossible. God DAMN! These women are beautiful!

They made their way outside, and I put on my swim trunks. My outfit was not nearly as revealing as theirs but it was comfortable. I took the sunscreen and a fresh coffee with me and went out to find my wives.

I spied them across the way on the other side of the largest pool, well away from the few other guests that had ventured outside. I pulled up a lounger and asked Lexi to cover my back with sunscreen. She kissed me when she was finished and I sat back to soak up some vitamin D.

I was still a bit beat out from the previous evening’s activities, so I was drifting in and out of a haze. I was roused by the sound of voices approaching.

“My goodness, you must be due any minute!” the lady’s voice said. I peeked my eyes open and saw it was the striking blonde from the previous day with her hunky hubby in tow.

“End of next week,” said Ginger.

“Cutting it close, aren’t you?” she asked.

“My doctor said I was okay to travel, I just can’t fly,” Ginger responded. “I’m Ginger, this is Sarah, Lexi, and our husband, Will.”

“Our husband?” the blonde said. “Now that’s a story I just have to hear!” She pulled up a chair and sat down. “Sweetheart, would you go get us something to drink?” she said to her companion.

“Of course, Madam,” he said, and he turned and walked away.

“Your husband?” asked Lexi.

“Goodness, no!” she said. “I have no idea where my husband is. That is my weekend companion, Juan,” she said. “I’m Davina.”

“Weekend companion!” said Sarah. “Now that’s a story I have to hear!” The women all laughed as I reclined and feigned indifference as they completed the introductions and started chatting. Juan returned and passed out fresh drinks before finding a seat far enough away to not overhear, but close enough that Davina could summon him without raising her voice.

Lexi started explaining our situation to Davina with help from our other wives, as they felt necessary. There were occasional responses such as, “Fuck off!” and, ”Get out of here!” from Davina as the girls told the sordid tale.

“So what’s your story?” asked Lexi.

“My husband owns several companies. I hardly ever see him. He has his life, I have mine. He’s god knows where with one of his perky assistants to keep him company, so I’m here with Juan.”She was very nonchalant about it as though this was something that happened every day. Perhaps in her world, it was.

I felt a bump against my foot. I looked up to see Davina smiling at me. “You don’t have much to say,” she said.

“I have three wives, I replied. “I’m not required to think or to say anything.”

She laughed and took a sip of her drink.  She looked over the top of her glass. “You must have some kind of porn star cock on you!”

Lexi shook her head, “No, pretty average, actually.”

Only average, too bad,” Davina said. “The nice thing about having your pick of men is that you can choose one with an above-average cock!” She turned to Juan, “Come over here, please.”

 He stood up and walked over slowly. I could make out the outline of his member through his loose shorts. “Juan, show these nice ladies your above-average cock,” she ordered.

He smiled and hooked his thumbs in his waistband. Lowering his shorts slowly, he made eye contact with Lexi, who was positively drooling in anticipation. His shorts dropped, and it came into view.

Sarah gasped, Ginger said, “Damn!” and Lexi just stared.

“Like I said, better than average,” said Davina. “And he knows how to use it too!”

“I can only imagine!” drooled Lexi.

“Down girl,” cautioned Ginger. “Remember, this weekend is all about our husband.”

“Of course,” said Lexi. “What was I thinking?”

“You were thinking about getting as much of that thick cock inside you as you could manage!” teased Sarah. “Not an unpleasant thought.”

“No, it isn’t,” said Davina. She sipped her drink again. “I don’t suppose any of you ladies would care to sample Juan’s talents?”

“You are direct, aren’t you?” I said.

“I am, it makes for less confusion, don’t you think?” I had difficulty in disagreeing.

“Thank you for your generous offer,” said Sarah. “As enticing as it is, we all have appointments this afternoon.”

“Maybe tonight then?” asked Davina.

“Let’s get together for dinner and we can talk some more,” said Lexi. She wasn’t giving up on her fantasy just yet.

“I like that idea,” said Davina. “Juan, pull up your pants, please.” She reached out her hand as though to shake each of ours. When Lexi reached out to take it, she bent down and gave my wife a kiss on the cheek. “He is magnificent!” she said. She then kissed Sarah and Ginger the same way before coming over to tower over me. “Until this evening,” she said.

“Come along, Juan,” she said, and she walked away with him in her wake.

“Now that’s magnificent,” I said as my eyes followed her ass.

“That’s one word for her,” said Lexi. She looked at me over her sunglasses. “Just so you know, when we get home from our spa appointment, we are going to talk about tonight!”

We finished our drinks and got up to change for lunch. The girls had just enough time to go back to our room to get ready for their appointments. When they emerged, they were dressed in simple wraps with no discernable makeup. “We will look very different when we’re done,” said Sarah. She lifted the side of her wrap. “Bye-bye down there hair!” My three wives kissed me in turn and left to go to the spa. I decided a nap was in order.

Less than an hour later, my phone jangled me awake. “Ginger’s in labor!” Sarah cried. “We don’t have time to get home to our doctor. She’s going to have to go to the hospital near here!”

“I’ll meet you out front!” I said, and I scrambled to find my clothes. Four minutes later, I pulled up to the main entrance to the resort to see my wives out front. Lexi and Sarah looked a bit panicked, and Ginger looked to be in considerable discomfort.

We helped Ginger into the back seat and the other two got aboard. “Stand on it sweetie, we don’t have much time!”

The resort had called ahead to the hospital, so they were waiting for us when we got there. Ginger was rushed into the delivery room while the three of us stood in the receiving area a little stunned.

“What happened?” I asked.

“We don’t know!” said Sarah. “We were just getting ready for our massages and Ginger screamed. Then the masseuse screamed, and we rushed over to see what had happened. It was obvious Ginger’s water had broken, so we called you!”

“Okay,” I said, not knowing what else to say. Then a nurse came out, “Who’s the father?” It was pretty obvious, aside from the orderly moving an empty bed, that I was the only man in sight. “Come with me!” she said, and I left the other two behind me.

An hour later, we watched as Ginger was wheeled to her room, our gorgeous red-haired daughter in her arms.  “I guess this throws a wrench into our plans for tonight!” she smiled.

“I guess,” I said. “I should get in touch with Davina and let her know we won’t be making it.” I left and when I returned, Lexi and Sarah said they wanted to go back to our room and get changed.

While we were driving back to the resort, Lexi took my hand. “Ginger said we can go ahead and keep our date with Davina if we want to.”

“I don’t think I want to,” I said. “I’d like to be with Ginger as much as I can right now. There’ll be another opportunity.”

"Me too,” said Sarah. She thought for a minute, “But you can go if you want to.”

“Seriously?” Lexi asked. “I don’t know if I want to do that without you guys.”

“Go for it!” I said. “Have fun! You know that’s something you always wanted!” I told her.

“If you’re sure,” she said, her face brightened and her eyes glazed over.

“Just give us all the gory details,” Sarah said. “And if you ever get uncomfortable, call us immediately!”

“I’ll think about it,” she said.

We got back to our room, and the girls went for a shower. When they returned to the bedroom, Lexi came to me and kissed me hard. “Are you sure?” she asked.

“I wouldn’t have said it if I weren’t, you know that,” I replied.

She kissed me again, “Do you have her number?” I took out the card and gave it to her and she went into the other room to make her call. She returned a few minutes later, her face all flushed.

“Well?” Sarah asked.

“I have a dinner date!” she said excitedly. “God, why am I so nervous?”

“Because you’re looking forward to having your pussy stuffed with about a foot of cock!” Sarah teased her.

“It’s not that,” said Lexi. “Well, it’s a little of that. It’s just I was looking forward to us doing it together, all of us. What if it goes wrong?”

“Then you’ll get out of there and call us,” I said. “I promise, we’ll come running!”

“I guess,” Lexi said. She came over to me and kissed me gently. “Nothing that happens will change anything.”

“It will change everything,” I said. “But change is not always a bad thing.” She nodded and moved to Sarah.

They kissed and hugged. “Let’s go get you ready!” When they emerged from the bedroom about a half hour later, Lexi was wearing lingerie I had never seen before. I was a deep red, the color of red wine, and showed off every curve and crevice. She came over to me. “I didn’t think I was going to get to wear this tonight!” She kissed me and then did a pirouette in front of me. The spinning of her body cast her scent over me; she smelled like vanilla and some flower I didn’t recognize.

“You smell good enough to eat!” I said.

“I hope so!” she said. Sarah came over with a slinky dress in the same color. It shimmered in the light as it clung to her body like a glove. She spun in front of me. “Zip me?” I took the zipper and pulled it up slowly, turning her to face me and kissing her gently.

“Careful, you’ll mess up her makeup!” said Sarah.

“You’re going to have so much fun!” I said. “I can’t wait to hear about it!”

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Her phone pinged. It was Davina saying they would meet her in the restaurant. “I better go,” she said. “I love you!” She said the same to Sarah, and she went out the sliding door across the resort.

Sarah came to my side. “I didn’t think you’d go for it,” she said as she laid her head on my shoulder.

“She’s wanted this ever since we first met,” I replied. “How could I deny it to her?”

She quoted the old movie, “You’re a better man than I am Gunga-Din!” She kissed me. “We should get to the hospital.”

We headed out, and about fifteen minutes later, went into Ginger’s room. “Where’s Lexi?” she asked.

“She has a date!” said Sarah. “How are you doing?”

“Okay,” she said. “A little uncomfortable, but less than before.”

“The wonder that is the human female body,” Sarah said. She went over to the bassinet and peeked at the sleeping Rose. “You should call your parents and tell them,” she said to me. In all the ruckus it had completely slipped my mind.

I got out my phone and texted my mom. “Time for a video call?

She responded a few minutes later, “Sure.” I started the call, and she answered immediately.

“Hi sweetie, how’s your weekend going?” I could see my dad hovering in the background.

“Good, really good,” I said. I panned the phone so they could see Sarah and Ginger. “We’ve had a bit of a change of plans though.” I took the phone and showed them their new granddaughter. “Meet Katherine Rose,” I said.

We heard a squeal, a thump, another squeal, and then saw my dad’s face. “That’s awesome, you guys! Congratulations!” He looked around. “Your mom is a little excited!”

She took the phone away from him and wanted all the details and we gave her most of them. “Wait, where’s Lexi?” she asked. I was hoping she wouldn’t notice that she wasn’t there.

“She’s back at the resort,” Sarah said. Not a lie, but not the whole truth.

“Is she okay?”

“She’s fine,” I said.

We chatted for a while and I told them we weren’t sure when we’d be home, but I’d let them know.

It was about an hour later that my phone pinged. It was a photo of Lexi with Davina and Juan in the resort restaurant. “Wish you were here!” was the caption. I showed the photo to the others, and they smiled. Then my phone pinged again several times in rapid succession.

“Oh, okay!” I said. Four images came up, the first of Lexi reclined in a poolside lounge with her dress up around her waist and Davina between her legs. Next came a similar one of her between Davina’s thighs with the latter’s head thrown back in ecstacy. In the third, we saw Lexi without her dress, kneeling in front of Juan, his rather large appendage on her lower lip.

She saved the best for last, however. The photo was taken from in front of her, on all fours with her looking at the camera, and behind her was Juan on his knees, perfectly positioned to drill her. The first three had no captions, but the last was a single word: “Finally!”

I showed the photos to the other two women, who smiled and fidgeted in their seats. Sarah spoke first. “It doesn’t bother you to see Lexi with another man?”

“No, not really,” I replied. “I know this is something she’s wanted for a long time, and I’m happy to make that happen for her. But I would have loved it if we could have all been there with her.”

“I hear you,” she said. She kissed me softly. “Maybe another time.”

Rose awoke a few minutes later, which distracted me from thinking about Lexi and how much fun she was having. After we got the wee lass changed and fed, Sarah and I left them to get a good night’s rest.

When we got back to our room, the bed seemed huge, with only the two of us in it. Sarah and I cuddled up and soon fell asleep after what had been a long and eventful day.

We were awakened by a tapping on the door to the room. I looked at my watch. It was 8:45 AM. I groggily padded over to open the door and found Lexi standing there looking completely worn out with an ear-to-ear grin on her face. She pounced on me, knocking me over as she covered my face with kisses.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” she blurted out.

“So you had fun, then?” I teased her.

“So much fun!” she gushed. “I just wish you had been there with me!”

“Me too, Sweetie, me too.” I pushed her off me and stood up before taking her hand and helping her up beside me. I looked at her face and noticed a trace of cum on her earlobe and more in her hair. “You missed a few spots!” I said, collecting a blob on my finger and feeding it to her. She sucked my finger into her mouth and it came out clean.

“Those aren’t the only spots I missed!” she said. She took my hand and led me into the bedroom. “Good morning, my love!” she said to Sarah. She hiked up her dress to reveal that she hadn’t bothered putting her undies back on, lay back on the bed, and raised her legs. Rivulets of cum clung to her inner thighs as well as her pussy lips and back door hole. “I need someone to clean me up!”

“Not this morning, Sweetie. I like my cum fresh!” said Sarah. “God knows how long that’s been there!”

“Me neither,” I said. “How about we take a shower and I’ll wash you head to toe? Then we can eat and you can come to the hospital with us to see our new daughter.”

“I need sleep!” she complained. “Please, just a couple of hours!”

Sarah shook her head,” Sorry, babes! You made your choice to go out and get your body abused by ten inches of thick black cock. Now you have to do your duty to our family as wife and mother!”

“Fuck me!” she complained again.

“Tonight for sure!” Sarah said. “And you can tell us all about Juan’s prowess!”

“Tell you! How about I show you?” She waggled her phone at us.

Lexi complained about being sore as I washed her naughty bits. She started to tell me her story, but I stopped her. “Tonight,” I said. We finished up, got dried and dressed, and headed over to the hospital.

I walked behind her and Sarah as they went up the hallway, and couldn’t help but notice a little hitch to Lexi’s gait. “So it’s true then,” I whispered as I closed up behind them.

“What’s true?” asked Sarah.

“You really can get fucked so good you walk funny the next day!” Lexi turned and stuck her tongue out at me. “Shame you’ve never made me walk funny!”

“Challenge accepted!” I said.

When we got to Ginger’s room, she seemed in great spirits. “The doctor was just here, says I can go home after lunch!”

“Awesome!” said Sarah. We all exchanged hugs and kisses, and then Ginger pulled Lexi close.

“So how did last night go?” she asked quietly.

“Better than I could have imagined!” Lexi said. “Gonna be out of action for a day or two while my body recovers!”

“You and me both, sister!” Ginger said.

“But for very different reasons!” giggled Lexi.

“So, are you going to tell me about it?” Ginger asked.

“I think I should wait until we are all alone together,” said Lexi. “I don’t want to have to tell the story three times.”

“Not sure I can wait that long,” I said.

“Yeah, you don’t get a choice in the matter!” Lexi replied. “I will say this, though—if I’d known it was going to be that good, I would have done it years ago!” The girls laughed loudly enough to wake Rose.

The three of them fussed over her for the next hour or so, leaving me on the outside looking in. I sat quietly for a while, then decided to call the resort to update them on our plans and that we would be leaving in the morning.

Then, as I thought about the long drive, I realized that we didn’t have a car seat with us. We only had the one and it was with Will Jr. at my mom’s. I touched Sarah on the shoulder. “We need to buy another car seat.”

“Shit, you’re right!” she said. She turned to Ginger and Lexi. “Will and I are going to buy a car seat. We’ll be back in an hour or so.”

We kissed our partners and left, holding hands as we walked down the hallway. As we passed the nurse’s station, we heard a few giggles and quiet remarks but didn’t bother to comment.

We took our lunch in shifts with Lexi and me going last. As we walked out of the elevator, Lexi reached and took my hand for the short walk to Ginger’s room. Just before we got there, a pretty young nurse stopped us. “I don’t mean to pry, but I have to ask, is this what I think it is?”

“What do you think it is?” asked Lexi.

She pointed at me. “When you left earlier, you were holding hands with that other woman, Sarah. I think her name is. Now you’re holding hands with this woman. It looks like there’s some sort of relationship between you all.”

“Our relationship is none of your business,” Lexi said defensively. She opened her mouth to continue, but I stopped her.

“You don’t have to explain yourself or us to anyone,” I said. I pointed at Lexi’s anklet, “Do you know what that is?”

“I’ve heard it said that women who wear an anklet like that like to sleep with men who aren’t their husbands,” she replied.

“That’s true, but that’s not what we’re doing. That’s the polyamory symbol. Look it up,” I told her.

“That’s what I figured,” she said. “Look, I’m not judging you. In fact, I’d like to talk to you guys about it sometime. I’m in a bit of a complicated relationship myself, and I’m curious how you guys make it work.”

“Oh,” said Lexi. “I’m sorry, I just thought you were going to give us a hard time about it.”

“Not at all,” she said. “But I have to say, three women? You, sir, have got your work cut out for you!”

Lexi asked her for her phone and added her number to the young lady’s contacts. “Give us a call, and we’ll answer any questions we can,” she said.

We got back to the room just as Ginger was finished getting dressed. “Get me out of this place!” she said. We bundled our bundle of joy into her seat and Ginger into the provided wheelchair and headed to the elevator. As we passed the nurse’s station, Giner stopped us. “Thank you, everyone, for everything!” she said to the gathered women. The young nurse that Lexi and I had been talking to looked at me and winked as we turned to go.

We returned to the resort and got everyone settled. We thought that Ginger would want a nap, but she grabbed her bikini and went into the washroom to change. “I came here to get some sun!” she said. We all agreed, so we got changed, took the baby with us, and found a spot to catch a few rays.

As the afternoon passed, many people came over to see Rose, all of them commenting on how beautiful she was. I shook so many hands that afternoon that I thought my hand might come off. Just as we were about to go, we saw a familiar face.

“Hi!” said Davina as she approached us. “And who do we have here?” She bent down and peeked under the blanket. “She looks like you!”

“So I’ve been told,” said Ginger.

“Oh, I meant Will,” she said. “She has his eyes.” She took a seat with us. “How are you doing, Ginger?”

“Recovering,” she replied. Davina smiled and then turned her attention to Lexi.

“What about you?” she asked.

“Recovering!” Lexi answered. “Where’s Juan?”

“He’s busy,” she replied with a broad smile. “He’ll be sorry he missed you.”

“Tell him hi and that I had a great time last night,” Lexi said. “Maybe sometime we can…” Davina cut her off.

“I’m sorry, but I thought you understood. We don’t do repeat engagements,” she said.

“That is unfortunate,” I said. “I was hoping to get to see him and Lexi in person.”

“I’m sorry,” she repeated. “That’s just how it is.”

“I understand,” I said. I didn’t, but I said I did.

“She stood up and beckoned Lexi to her feet. She kissed my eldest wife gently, “Safe trip home. I enjoyed being with you.”

“Thanks, me too!” whispered Lexi. We watched as she left. “It was good while it lasted.”

The drive home was long but uneventful. We ended up spending more time than we had planned at my parents’ house while they fussed over their new granddaughter. They begged us to stay for supper, but we just wanted to get home to get everyone settled. “Ellie and Carl are coming over this weekend. You guys should come for supper on Saturday!” Kate said.

I’ll let you know,” I said.

We got home, got the babies fed and ready for bed, and settled in the living room for a few minutes before turning in ourselves.

“So how long are you going to be out of action?” Lexi asked Ginger.

“A few weeks, for sure, maybe a month,” she replied. “All depends on how long it takes for this to heal.” She rubbed her pussy over her sweatpants. “Why?”

“Because I know that you guys want to hear about my night at the resort,” Lexi said. “I just don’t want to have to tell the story over and over.”

Sarah was of a different opinion. “But think about it, if you tell it to us one at a time, you’ll probably get to enjoy the fallout over and over.”

“There is that,” I said. I was more than eager to hear the story and wanted Lexi and I to be alone when she told it.

“You make a good point,” said Lexi. “I’ll think about it.”

“I’m pretty beat,” said Ginger. She got up and kissed Lexi and me, and then took Sarah’s hand. “Come on.”

Sarah kissed us as well and her lips lingered on Lexi’s for a brief moment. “Another night,” she suggested. Lexi smiled and nodded.

We cleaned up and headed to our room. “I’m going to have a shower,” she said.

“Do you want company?” I asked. “Always!” she smiled over her shoulder. As we got undressed, I noticed several marks on her body that hadn’t been there before. “These are new,” I said, passing my fingertips over a deep bruise under her right breast.

“Davina’s handiwork,” she said.

“But you never let me mark you,” I said. I actually had done the first couple of times we had sex before we got married, but she said she didn’t like how they looked, so she never let me do it again.

“I know,” she said. “I just got carried away, I guess.”

“Tell me about it,” I said.

“Can you wait until we’re in bed?” she asked. At that point, we were doing a lot more arousing than washing and it wasn’t long before her knees buckled as I rubbed her clit furiously.  We held each other, and she rubbed her hand languidly along my shaft as we regained our breath.

We rinsed off and dried each other before she asked me to leave her alone for a few minutes. I obliged her and climbed into bed to wait. She came out a moment later wearing nothing but a smile, or so I thought. She turned and bent over before climbing onto the bed, revealing the sparkly end of her favorite toy in her bum.

She came up beside me and we started making out. “Hand me my phone,” she said. She took it and asked me to turn on the TV. She played with her phone for a moment and then the TV flickered and settled on an image of her and Davina on one of the lounge chairs at the resort.

“Let’s watch this together,” she said. I liked that idea very much.

Written by CaressofSteel
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