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And Baby Makes Four - Chapter 14 - Lexi

"Lexi shares the details of her dalliance and our happy foursome comes to an agreement."

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After we got home and settled with Ginger and Rose, Will and I took a shower together before getting into bed for some up close and personal time. I was resisting telling the others about my wild night with Davina and Juan at the resort but Sarah reminded me that it might be fun to tell each of them separately.

Will and I were just getting each other turned on when I had an idea. Between Davina and Juan, I had a fair bit of the evening’s action captured on my phone. I told him to hand me my phone and I set it up to cast to the TV on our bedroom wall so we could watch it together.

I admit, I’d watched bits and pieces of it and I had a hard time believing it was me on that screen at first. But watching myself with them really turned me on and I couldn’t wait to share that with my spouses.

We watched the first bit as Juan held the camera to capture Davina and me on a lounge chair kissing and exploring each other’s bodies. Even though I’d had sex with Sarah and Ginger many times over the past year, having a strange woman’s fingers on my body, her lips on mine, and her tongue tracing circles along my collarbones felt exhilarating.

Will groaned as he shifted his erection from against my hip. “She so fucking hot!” I whispered which only served to excite him further.

He groaned loudly, “I’m not watching her, I’m watching you!”

“Wait for it!” I breathed as I started massaging him.

Davina urged me over onto my back and slid her hands up my sides to cup my breasts. She squeezed them together and said something the camera didn’t capture. “What did she say?” he asked me.

“She said that Juan’s cock would look so hot between my breasts and that it was long enough for me to suck it while he did it,” I replied. That elicited another groan from him, we had tried that when we were younger but it didn’t do much for me. Will did like it though when his cum spurted out all over my chest and face. I couldn’t convince him at the time to clean me up with his mouth and tongue, times have changed since then.

We watched as she pushed up my dress and I lifted my hips to let it slide up from under my butt. Her lips found the top of my garter and she planted soft kisses up my tummy as her hands pushed the dress up to expose my skin. The light was dimming as the evening fell making it harder to see the detail so I expanded my descriptions.

“I got more and more excited as she touched me, her lips left a trail of fire on my skin. Her kisses on my breasts started soft but became more demanding as she got closer to my nipples. The teasing was maddening, driving me closer to the edge!”

“She asked me, ‘Can I mark you?’ and I was powerless to resist. Her lips clamped down and she sucked in hard. I felt the blood rush to the spot and the burn as she used her tongue to increase the sucking pressure. I grabbed her head and pulled her to me, I never wanted that exquisite pressure to end!”

I rolled onto my back and pulled Will on top of me. “Mark me!” I begged him and he gladly obliged, locking his lips onto my breast right beside the spot where Davina had done. My back arched at the feeling and I wondered why I had stopped him from doing that before, it felt so good!

I guided his head to my other breast and begged him to mark me again. He switched sides and again I felt the rush. It was so intense that it made me cum, not a great crashing mind-blowing orgasm but an orgasm just the same. Sarah was right, there are many varieties of orgasms!

The damage done, he moved up and kissed me, “I knew you liked it when I marked you,” he said and I couldn’t deny it.

“Just be careful,” I replied. I didn’t want them where they were visible to others. “Sarah and Ginger are going to have a fit when they see them!” The first time I kissed Ginger’s neck she admonished me to never leave a mark on her body anywhere, a sentiment that Sarah quickly echoed. That’s okay, it’ll be mine and Will’s thing!

I thought to rewind and watch the bits we had missed but I knew that this clip was just about done so I went to the next one.

We had moved to their room, and this time Davina held the camera while Lexi and Juan were the stars. They were standing facing each other and kissing. I felt Will shift beside me but the look on his face was different, he didn’t look pleased.

I asked him what was wrong. “I don’t know,” he replied. “I thought I would enjoy watching you with him but the sight of you and him kissing like that just startled me.” I considered that for a moment, trying to figure out how to respond.

“Does it bother you to see me kissing him?” I asked.

“A little,” he replied. “Did it bother you the first time you saw me kiss Sarah or Ginger?”

“A little,” I said. “It’s just that they are so much younger and prettier than I am.” He stopped me by placing his hand on my chin.

“Younger yes,” he said. Then he kissed me softly, “Not prettier.”

I continued, “As I was saying, it bothered me at first but it doesn’t anymore. I know you love me.”

“Did you love it when he kissed you?” he asked. Again I hesitated, should I say what I felt or should I tell him what he wanted to hear?

“I loved it at the time but I was lost in the moment,” I said. “Think back to the first time you and Sarah were together, you didn’t spend much time thinking about me, did you?”

“That was different,” he said. “We were trying to make a baby for us.”

“Not the first time,” I reminded him. “The first time, Ginger took me off to distract me while you fucked her. Don’t think I don’t know what was going on. You had to know if you could do it without me there. Now the tables have turned, haven’t they?”

“I guess,” was his reply. “Am I that much of a hypocrite?”

“Only a little,” I said. “But you’ll get over it, I promise!” We kissed for a bit and I restarted the video. “This is the good part!”

The screen flickered and settled on the next scene. In it, I was on my knees in front of Juan staring intently at the bulge in his shorts as I ran my fingertip along its outline. I turned to look at the camera and licked my lips. I rubbed Will’s cock the same way I was rubbing Juan’s in the video, “I look pretty fucking hot if I do say so myself!”

“Unh, huh,” was all that Will could manage to utter. We watched as I hooked my fingertips into the waistband of his shorts and slowly drew them down. When we had seen his cock the first time it was flaccid, perhaps semi-erect but now it was long, thick, and hard. It flicked upward as it was released from its confinement and grazed the tip of my nose.

I licked the length of it from his balls to tip, pausing at the end to collect the clear bead there on my tongue. I looked at the camera, “Here goes!” and I winked before opening my mouth and taking him in.

Will’s groan matched Juan’s as my pink-painted lips descended down his shaft. Our years together had allowed me to accommodate Will’s cock easily into my throat, Juan’s broad head at the back of my mouth met an impenetrable barrier. I pulled back up along its length until just the tip was between my lips. The moan we heard from the screen was not Juan’s but Davina’s as she reacted to the sight of her lover’s cock in my mouth.

I went down on him again, determined to see if my mouth could fully accommodate this monster. When I felt the pressure at the entrance to my throat I paused to take a deep breath before forcing my face forward onto him. I felt the stretch as it slowly slid deeper into me and fought the reflex. It wasn’t to be this time but I vowed to continue until I mastered it. After a few more minutes of sucking and stroking and I tried again.

He slipped a little further into my throat and I knew that once we got past that sensitive point it would go all the way in. Again I fought the urge to pull back and just held him there as I tried to swallow him down. Nope, not yet, and I drew back.

“You got this!” we heard Davina say and then the camera shook as she moved closer. I smiled at the lens and opened wide once more. My hands found his ass as I dove onto him and when his head reached the entrance, I pulled his hips to me and he slid right in. My nose brushed his trimmed pubic hair and I felt his balls against my chin.

I moaned loudly before pulling myself off him. I looked up at him and then at the camera, smiled, and licked my lips. The shine of the saliva on my lip stain looked so hot I almost came just from watching it.

I took Will’s fingers and guided them to my pussy and then returned mine to stroking his cock. We watched some more as I sucked that long, thick, dark cock into my throat a few more times. Having proven to myself and anyone else who saw it that I could deep throat such a prodigious appendage, I came off him and stood up in front of him.

I looked at Will, “Betcha didn’t think I could take him all the way!”

“Never doubted you for a minute,” he replied and we kissed some of the hottest kisses we had ever shared.

“You ain’t seen nothing yet!” I said. “You watch!”

I shimmied down his body and took his cock into my mouth as I left him to watch me fulfill that one last fantasy on the screen. I could tell from the sounds from the video what was happening and I knew by my husband’s reaction that he liked what he saw. I recalled the loud moan I had made when Juan’s cock bottomed out against my cervix, “God he stretched me so good!” I teased Will when I heard it.

I continued edging my husband because I wanted him to be fucking me from behind when we got to the last part. A few minutes later I heard the rustling of the sheets and then Davina’s voice, “Let me get that for you!” I quickly moved back up and kissed Will before turning and getting on all fours to present myself to him.

“Oh fuck Lexi!” he groaned as he watched Davina slowly pull the plug from my bum and then apply a generous amount of lube to my gaping back door.

“Go ahead, Baby, put it in my ass,” I whispered to Will as the camera captured the tip of Juan’s massive member touch against my bum hole. I felt Will pull the plug out and the cool drizzle of the lube, “Go slow like he does,” I urged him and immediately felt Will’s cock pushing into me.

I watched as Davina captured the disappearance of Juan’s cock and listened as I moaned and groaned my feeble protests. I knew there was no stopping him and I never wanted to. I felt Will’s hips against my ass cheeks at the same moment as Juan’s balls bumped off my pussy. Then Davina’s delicate fingers came into view as she fingered my pussy as Juan started slowly stroking into me.

The picture shook again, this would be when I took the phone from Davina and brought it up in front of my face. “He’s in my ass, baby!” I narrated. “Oh fuck, he’s fucking huge!”

“Didn’t that hurt?” asked Will as he paused for a moment.

“A little but it felt so good, just like the first time we did it.” I pushed back into him, “Fuck my ass, baby, fuck it hard!”

The slaps from Will’s hips slamming into my butt were in syncopation with the squeals that Juan drove from me in the video. Grunts and groans from two very different male voices filled the room. I reached down and pushed two fingers into my pussy to fuck myself as I rubbed my clit with the callous on the top of my palm.

“Hold off, Baby!” I urged Will as I remembered Juan’s stamina. He tried his best but to no avail. Three loud grunts and moans and he held himself into me, filling my ass with his cum. My orgasm wasn’t far behind his so I pistoned my fingers into myself in an effort to catch up. Just about the time Juan’s cock surged his white-hot load into me I came all over my fingers.

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Will’s initial rush having passed, he found a renewed life and began stroking into me again. I felt his cum push out of me as he slid easily in and out, running down over my pussy and fingers, down my thighs, and onto the sheets below. You’d think we’d have learned to put a towel down to avoid the giant wet spots every night.

Will came out of me and rolled me onto my back. He moved over top of me and we traded soft kisses as our orgasms faded. This was often my favorite part of loving my husband, the physical and emotional closeness after the deed was done.

“Did you like that?” I asked him. “Did you like watching me with another man?”

“It was so hot,” he said. “But that doesn’t matter. The question is did you like it?”

“I think that’s pretty obvious,” I said. We kissed again.

“Do you want to do it again?” he asked.

“Not without you,” I said. “What the video doesn’t show is how I felt after I fucked Juan. They wanted me to stay and do it some more and believe me, I wanted to taste Davina, but I just became overwhelmed with something I’ve never felt before.”

Will kissed me again, “Was it shame?” I shook my head. “Guilt?” Again I shook my head.

“Loneliness,” I said. “I just felt so alone in that moment, like something was missing. That something was you.” I kissed him deeply.

“Just me?” he asked and it was at that point I realized that I wished Ginger and Sarah had been there as well.

“No, not just you,” I said. “I wish Ginger and Sarah had been with us.”

“Me too,” he said. “Promise me something?” I nodded my head and said I would. “Promise me you will never ask to be with anyone other than we four unless we can all be there and we all agree.”

“I promise,” I said. “You know, if even one of you had asked me not to go, I wouldn’t have but you all encouraged me to go have fun. I’m not going to apologize for that.”

“I’m not asking you to,” Will said. We kissed some more.

“I love you so much, Will,” I whispered. “I love you and Sarah and Ginger and our babies so much I feel like I could just explode!”

“I know,” he said. “I feel the same way.”

It was a couple of weeks before I showed the video to Sarah and Ginger. We had, by mutual agreement waited for Ginger to be ready for sex before the three of us got together. Will minded the children while we settled into the big bed in our room.

The sex we had while watching it was as good as it ever got but when we finished, Ginger’s reaction surprised me a little.

“I don’t know if I could be there when you are with someone else,” she said to me. “I mean, the video is amazing and I’m so happy for you that you got to experience it but I don’t think I could watch that in person.”

“Oh,” was my response.

“I definitely could,” said Sarah.

“I think we need to talk to Will about this,” I said. The girls nodded their agreement so I got up, slipped on my negligee, and padded out to see if Will was still up. The view I saw when I peeked in the nursery melted my heart so I rushed back to the bedroom as quietly as I could. “Girls, you have to see this!” I whispered.

They got up and put on robes and we tiptoed back to the nursery door. Will was in the rocking chair holding Rose against his chest, the book that he had been reading her on his lap. “Isn’t that the sweetest thing you ever saw?” I whispered.

“How did we get so lucky?” asked Sarah.

“Beats me,” added Ginger. “One thing’s for sure, now that we have him, we ain’t never letting him go.

“I hear that,” I whispered. The three of us shared quiet kisses, “We can talk to him tomorrow.” HE crept back into our bedroom and cuddled until we fell asleep.

The next morning, as Will and I got ready for work, Sarah and Ginger brought our children into the kitchen to see us before we left. They were both on maternity benefits so they shared the child-care responsibilities while we were at work. Will and I picked up the slack in the evening and on weekends so they could have some time for themselves and each other.

Since Rose’s birth, we had unconsciously migrated back to the original couples, perhaps because the girls spent all day together with the babies. It wasn’t until I began to plan a good time for the four of us to be alone together and talk that I noticed it.

That night, after dinner, as we were in the living room playing with the kids, I broached the subject. “You know, I think we need to have a talk about the future,” I said.

“How do you mean, the future?” asked Will.

“I think we do too,” said Ginger. “But I think we need to be alone when we do it. Do you think we could get our parents to take the kids for a night or a weekend?”

“Only one way to find out,” I said and I got up to call my parents. They of course agreed to take them, suggesting they might elicit some help from Will’s parents as well.

“How come we never ask my parents or Sarah’s to take the kids?” asked Ginger. “They’re their grandparents too.”

“I don’t know but you’re right,” I said. “Why don’t you call them?”

“Why don’t we call them?” asked Ginger. She fished out her phone and started the video chat. Twenty minutes later, they said they’d be thrilled to take both of them for the weekend. They lived a little further away but that wasn’t a problem, Sarah and Ginger could take them over for the day while Will and I were at work. I called my mom back to cancel, telling her that we’d reconsidered and asked Ginger’s parents because they don’t get to see the babies so much. She said she understood and that they and Will’s parents would have to find something else to occupy their weekend.

Will and I work at the same firm so we always travel together. That evening on the way home, he was curious about what it was I wanted us to talk about. “Patience, my love, all will become clear soon enough.” We arrived home but Sarah and Ginger weren’t home yet. I texted Sarah to ask when they’d be there, she said they were just leaving Ginger’s parent’s house and would be home in about an hour.

Will and I put fresh sheets on all the beds and then took a bath together. It was difficult not having sex, especially after we helped each other with our grooming but I was determined that everything the four of us did that weekend would be together. I dressed for the evening and left Will to get supper going.

The girls arrived on schedule just before supper was ready so we ate and then they retired to the big bathtub to get ready. They must have been of similar minds because when they came into the living room, they were dressed as I was, just a simple sheer teddy and a matching robe. Will’s eyes got much bigger when he saw us all.

“So what is it you wanted to talk about?” he asked. I’m sure he would have put off the talking in favor of some fucking and sucking but I had already advised him that wasn’t going to happen. We had all weekend for all that.

“You know the video,” I started, that how we referred to the evidence of my debauchery a short month before. “Well, when we watched it, Ginger had some concerns.” I pointed at her to continue.

“I mean, it was hot and erotic and all that and I enjoyed watching Lexi have such a good time but afterward, I started thinking that wasn’t something I wanted to do.”

“What wasn’t?” Will asked.

“I don’t want to watch you with other people,” she said. “Any of you.” The silence hung for a moment or two.

“Were you jealous?” Sarah asked.

“Maybe a little,” Ginger replied. “That’s what makes this so hard. I love you guys and want to see you all happy and I wouldn’t want to get in the way of you doing the things you want to do, even if that includes other people.” She took a deep breath and wiped a tear from the corner of her eye. “I just don’t want to be with other people and I don’t think I could watch you guys with other people either.”

“Okay,” I said. “So where does that leave us?”

“We get married, like we talked about,” Will said, as though it were that simple.

“Yes,” Sarah echoed. She waited for one of us to say something but we held silent. “We talked about this. It wouldn’t be a legal marriage but we could have a ceremony, invite our families and a few friends who understand what we have, and we make a commitment to each other. That’s all a wedding is, a public declaration of our commitment to each other.”

“I like that idea,” said Ginger as she held Sarah’s hand. “But with one difference.” She took a deep breath, “I’ve noticed that since we had Rose, we’ve been sort of drifting back to our original couples. I mean, we still sleep together with different partners most nights but we spend most of our time as two couples instead of as a group of four.”

“That’s just the practicality of our relationship,” Will said. “We’re working, you’re not at the moment, so that’s how it falls.”

“Exactly,” said Ginger. “I’m going to tell you something none of you know.” She took Sarah’s hand, “I was going to propose to Sarah before we met you guys and we got pregnant.”

“Why didn’t you?” asked Sarah.

“I was afraid you’d say no,” Ginger said softly.

“I would have said yes,” said Sarah, and she leaned over to kiss her partner.

“You would?” Ginger’s face brightened.

“I would,” answered Sarah. “I will if you still want to.” They kissed as Will and I watched and held hands.

“That’s kind of where I’m going,” said Ginger after they regained their composure. “I love you guys and I want us all to be together, however, that works but I want to be married too. You two are married and it doesn’t get in the way, I want Sarah and I to be married too. Legally.”

“Of course,” said Lexi. “I wouldn’t have it any other way!” She went over to the other two women and they shared lover’s kisses.

“I’m not sure it’s up to you,” Will said.

“That’s where you are wrong, Will, it is absolutely up to her, and it is to you as well,” Sarah said. “Look, if we could, I would have us all get legally married and we would share everything, without jealousy or petty bullshit, so long as it was what everyone wanted. But we can’t so that’s that.” She kissed Ginger again, “You say you love us and that you want us to be happy. This will make us happy.”

“I never said I objected to it, I just thought that if you two want to get married, we can’t stop you,” He said. “Was I wrong?”

“No, Will you aren’t wrong,” said Ginger. “So it’s decided?”

“It’s decided,” I said. “When?”

“Wait,” said Ginger. “I have something for you.” She excused herself from Sarah’s lap and went into their bedroom. When she returned she had four small boxes. “We open these together,” she said as she passed them out. We each took one and she knelt on the floor on one knee. She nodded and we each opened our boxes. “Will, Lexi, and Sarah, you make me the happiest woman alive. Will you marry me and make my life complete.”

Sarah took her ring out of her box and handed it to Ginger, “I will.” Ginger slipped it on her and they kissed. Then Ginger took my ring and held it out.

“I will,” I said and Ginger slipped it onto my finger.

Then she turned to Will and took his ring out. “I will,” he said and she slipped his on and they kissed. Then she took her own ring out and slipped it on.

We all professed our love to each other with whispers and kisses and very soon, hands started roaming and pinching and rubbing and caressing. “Let's take this to the big bed,” I said. I stood up and took Ginger’s hand in one of mine and Will’s in the other. Then I let go of his and took Sarah’s, “Let’s go make love to our husband!”

“And our wives!” giggled Ginger.

Written by CaressofSteel
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