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And Baby Makes Four - Chapter 5 - SUCCESS!!

"All my hard work pays off and we all celebrate!"

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Author's Notes

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Over the next three days Sarah and I, with Lexi’s help, had sex at least a dozen times. By Monday afternoon I was exhausted, in truth we all were. We were all in bed having just finished another attempt at making Sarah pregnant when Ginger arrived home just before dinnertime. She laughed loudly when she saw us.

“So that is what rode hard and put away wet looks like!” she roared. She kissed Sarah and then leaned over to give one to Lexi as well.

“I’ve missed you,” whispered Lexi, it was obvious that her attraction to Ginger was more than just sexual.

“I’ve missed you too,” Ginger said. She came over to me for a hug and a brief kiss. “Are you going to make it?”

“I’ll be all right,” I said. “This is turning out to be tougher than I had imagined it would.”

“I supposed three or four days of non-stop sex is a great thing to fantasize about but a bit tougher in reality.” She kissed me again before going back over to Sarah. “How about I run you a nice warm bath?”

“Maybe later,” Sarah said. They kissed softly and Ginger whispered something into Sarah’s ear that made her smile.

“Have you been here all weekend?” she asked Lexi.

Lexi nodded, “Yes, and it’s been the best weekend ever!”

“So I guess you can’t claim to be straight anymore then!”

“Definitely not!” gushed Lexi. “If I had known sex with women was so much fun I would have done it years ago!” We all laughed at that.

One by one we rolled out of bed and went to the washroom to get cleaned up. Ginger went to the kitchen to heat up some leftovers and add a few things to make a meal for us all. A half-hour later we were seated at the table, well fed and happy.

“So do you think it will work this time?” asked Ginger.

“Who knows,” said Sarah. “We’ll just have to wait and see.”

“I hope so,” said Ginger.

“Jealous?” asked Sarah.

“Maybe a little,” she replied. “I mean, I know what you are all trying to do here and I think it’s awesome. Not to mention the money, that will make a big difference in our lives. But it’s a little tough to see your girlfriend get fucked by some guy when you’re used to having her all to yourself.”

“I know sweetie,” Sarah said. “But Will isn’t just some guy, I really like him and Lexi too.” She used to take a deep breath, “In fact, I’m hoping we can stay friends after this is all said and done.”

“Just friends?” asked Lexi, obviously interested in continuing her relationship with Sarah.

“Maybe very, very good friends,” said Sarah. Ginger shifted uncomfortably at that.

“So where does that leave me?” she asked.

Sarah took her hand and pulled her close. “That’s up to you,” she said. “Look, I love you and I know you really like Lexi. Don’t deny it, it’s obvious.” Ginger cast her eyes to the floor and nodded. “So like I said, it’s up to you. In a perfect world, we would all be friends with some added benefits.”

“You think so?” asked Ginger.

“I do,” said Lexi. “What about you Will? Would you like to be friends with benefits with Ginger?” She poked my side and then kissed me. “Could you handle all three of us?”

“All at one time, probably not. But one-on-one, I think I can handle myself!”

“Oh, like that country song, what is it? 'I ain’t as good as I once was but I’m as good once as I ever was!'” giggled Sarah. We all laughed again.

“Something like that,” I said.

Sarah stood up and came around the table to me. She sat in my lap and kissed me deeply. “For the record, you were good more than once!” She shifted her bum against my crotch. “One for the road?” We started kissing.

The bed was still pretty damp from our previous exertions but we didn’t care. As we undressed each other, our partners did the same and settled into the wingback chair that was facing on a diagonal to the bed. “Does this chair get much use?” Lexi asked as she and Ginger were kissing.

“All the time!” said Ginger. “We love to watch each other play with ourselves.”

“I would love to watch that sometime!” Lexi replied.

By this time, I was balls deep into Sarah’s pussy. We fucked slowly because we were getting pretty tender but the noises that Lexi and Ginger were making served to arouse us even more. Sarah’s legs were over my shoulders so the girls had a perfect view of my cock embedded in Sarah’s quim.

“Fuck that’s hot!” Ginger breathed. “Maybe I could get some of that sometime!”

“Seriously?” asked Lexi and Ginger nodded. “We can make that happen!” again, the thought of fucking Ginger was enough, I grunted loudly as I pushed Sarah’s bum into the mattress with my hips and unloaded into her one more time.

We lay there for a moment and then I rolled off onto my back. No sooner had my hips cleared Sarah’s then Lexi was in there, lapping up the excess cum. Ginger elbowed her way in, “Can I have some?” Lexi moved aside and let her in to clean up her girlfriend. Then they shared sloppy kisses, sharing my cum on their lips and tongues. Sarah sat up and got in on the action as well until not a trace remained.

“We need a girl’s weekend,” whispered Lexi. Sarah and Ginger nodded their agreement.

The next ten days seemed an eternity as we waited to hear from Sarah. Then she texted, “Can you guys come over?” We hoped beyond hope that she wanted to personally deliver good news.

We arrived on Thursday after dinner, Ginger was with her and they invited us in and offered us something to drink. Lexi asked for a glass of cider and I had a beer but Sarah deferred, “Not tonight.” Sarah excused herself to the washroom and then we sat down, Lexi and me on the couch and our lovers in soft chairs opposite us. We waited for Sarah to speak.

“I’m late,” she said simply. “I haven’t taken a test yet but I have to tell you. I’ve never been so much as a day late before and now it’s been two days.”

Oh, my God!” Lexi whispered as she squeezed my hand. “Does this mean?” She didn’t dare say it out loud.

“Maybe,” said Sarah. “I’ll have to wait for the test results.”

“When will that be?” I asked.

“It should be ready right about now,” she said. She reached into her handbag and took out a small cardboard box. She tipped it on end and a long thin plastic device slid out into her palm. She placed it face down on the coffee table and sat back.

Lexi was trembling, her hand shaking as she reached for it. She picked it up and brought it to her lap, afraid to turn it over. I put my hand on hers and together we rotated it to see the result.

Lexi’s hand went over her mouth for a moment and she started crying, “We’re gonna have a baby!” she whispered. She kissed me softly and then repeated as her eyes locked on mine, “We’re gonna have a baby!” She stood up and went to Sarah, pulling her to her feet and hugging her tightly, saying much more excitedly, “We’re gonna have a baby!” 

I got up and went to join them and we shared a group hug and then Sarah invited Ginger over to join us. “You are part of this too!” she said.

 The three women shared soft kisses and then each of them kissed me in turn, Ginger being last. “You did it! You know what that means!” she whispered. I nodded, not getting what she was trying not to say.

The rest of the evening was spent talking about the upcoming months and all the things that needed to be done. Sarah and Lexi got up to make coffee and get some snacks and when they were out of the room, Ginger came and sat beside me.

“You didn’t catch my hint earlier,” she said.

“I’m sorry?” I said, somewhat perplexed.

“Well, now that Sarah is pregnant, there is no need to save all your precious sperm for her,” she said. She kissed me and ran her hand over my crotch, “Maybe I can have some?” She kissed me again.

“AHEM!” we heard from the doorway. Sarah and Lexi were standing there with trays of coffee and snacks and smiles on their faces. “I knew it!” said Sarah.

“She doesn’t waste much time does she?” added Lexi. Sarah shook her head no. She went to Ginger and kissed her, “You want to fuck my husband?”

Ginger kissed her back, “I want to fuck you both!”

Ginger took Lexi’s fingertips in hers and led her to the bedroom. She looked over her shoulder, “You guys coming?”

“We will be soon!” said Sarah as she and I followed them down the hallway. As we entered the bedroom, I noticed it had been somewhat redecorated. What had been a spartan, functional room now contained a four-poster bed, matching chests of drawers, and antique-looking lamps. The curtain reflected the décor and a large oval rug covered most of the floor. The only thing that looked out of place was a large flat-screen TV mounted on the wall opposite the bed. Sarah picked a remote up from the bedside table and the screen came to life. The image looked as though it originated from a point directly above the bed.

Lexi and Ginger were in the process of removing each other’s clothes when Sarah came to me. “You don’t want to have to play catch-up!” she whispered as her fingers found the buttons of my shirt. In fairly short order, all three of us were down to our underthings, the ladies’ being much more attractive and appealing than the boxer briefs I was wearing.

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Lexi beckoned me over to the bed with a crook of her finger and I climbed onto the mattress. Ginger pushed me onto my back and started tugging down my briefs, releasing my now rock-hard boner. “Is that for me?” she asked sweetly as she looked at my wife.

“If you like, or we could share,” Lexi said.

“Sharing is caring,” Ginger smiled as she moved her face over my hips. Lexi came up to start kissing me as I felt the warmth of Ginger’s mouth engulf me.

After a moment she stopped, “I don’t have much experience with this,” she said. “Most of my experience is with girls.”

“You’re doing great so far!” I croaked. Lexi laughed and kissed me again as Ginger swallowed me in once more. After only a few minutes I had to stop her.

“You better slow down or you’ll get a surprise!” I cautioned.

“I like surprises!” said Ginger. “I especially liked the surprise I got when I found out Lexi liked girls!” She moved to kiss her and the two girls shared a long hot kiss. Both of them were stroking my cock slowly as they kissed, or they were trying to, they kept distracting each other until one or the other would lose their grip.

Sarah had settled into a large wingback chair beside the bed and was sliding a curved vibrator in and out of her pussy. “I have been looking forward to watching you guys do this!” she whispered. I looked over at her and was surprised to see the image on the TV of the three of us on the bed.

“Are you recording us?” I asked.

“We are,” said Sarah. I asked Lexi, she said it would be okay.

“She promised it would be for their eyes only,” Lexi said. I shrugged and nodded, if it was okay with her it was okay with me. Then she kissed Ginger again, “So, are you going to fuck my husband or am I?”

“I would like to if it’s okay with you,” purred Ginger. “Maybe you could ride his face and we could watch each other?”

“Sounds like a plan!” said Lexi. She let Ginger swing her hips over me and then she grabbed my cock to guide it towards the younger woman’s pussy. Ginger sank onto me slowly and I marveled at how tight she was, almost as tight as Lexi’s butt. Ginger started grinding slowly as Lexi swung her hips over and settled her pussy over my mouth. I reached up and guided her down and was rewarded with her smooth pussy against my lips and chin.

“Oh, this feels so good!” Ginger moaned as she rode my cock. “I could get used to this!” I could hear her and Lexi kissing as they found a rhythm. For my part, I was torn between enjoying the snug feeling of Ginger’s warm wetness around my dick and the slick smoothness of my wife’s pussy. Sarah began moaning as she fucked herself up that mountain with her toy.

“Fuck, I’m gonna cum!” I groaned as I felt my stomach muscles contract. I pushed my hips up and almost lifted Ginger completely off the bed as I pushed my cock in as far as it would go. Spasm after spasm rocked me in an orgasm more intense than I had ever felt before.

“Yeah, baby, fill that pussy up so I can lick it clean!” shouted Lexi.

“Yeah, fill her up!” cried Ginger. “Oh, fuck I’m close!” She shifted her hips so her clit rubbed on my pubic bone and ground herself into me. “FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!” she screamed as her orgasm ripped through her. Lexi moved off my face and leaned over to watch my cum leaking out of Ginger’s cunt.

Then Sarah let out a primal scream as she pounded herself with the toy. There was nothing intelligible but there was no questioning why she made those sounds. She was in orgasmic heaven.

Ginger still hadn’t cum but Lexi was about to remedy that situation. “Lie down,” she said, “I want to lick my husband’s cum from your sweet pussy!”

“I like that idea!” giggled Ginger and she rolled off me and onto her back. Lexi climbed in between her thighs and looked at me.

“Watch me!” she commanded and she dipped two fingers into Ginger’s pussy, scooping up a large dollop of cum. Then she went down on Ginger and began lapping up as much of my cum as she could manage.

“Save me some!” called Sarah as she dropped the toy on the floor and got up from the chair. Now there were two heads, one dirty blonde, and one brunette, between Ginger’s thighs. I sat back and watched as they took turns licking and suckling on Ginger’s pussy. Soon Ginger’s sighs turned to moans and then to screams as her lovers brought her to the apex of pleasure. The girls were ruthless, first one would make her scream and then they would switch places which gave Ginger a brief respite before the other would bring her back up.

Eventually, they relented and moved away from Ginger’s hips. Ginger lay on the bed, her chest heaving. A large wet spot was on the sheet beneath her backside, Lexi and Sarah had obviously made her cum many, many times. Sarah came over to me and kissed me, “I’m not done with you yet!” she growled.

“Me neither!” Lexi whispered.

“Oh fuck, that was fucking intense!” groaned Ginger. “I have never cum like that before!”

Sarah moved to kiss her, “Maybe someday you guys can do that for me!”

“That would be my pleasure!” sighed Ginger.

“Mine too!” said Lexi. The three women shared soft kisses and pulled the covers over themselves. Then Sarah looked at me.

“Sorry, Will, this is only a double bed, there’s no room left for you!” she teased.

“It appears not,” I said.

“I have an idea,” said Lexi. “We have a king-size bed at our house, we could go over there!”

“That is a very good idea,” said Ginger. “A very good idea indeed. How big is your shower?”

“Normal size, why?” said Lexi.

“Oh, I was hoping we could all shower together,” she said. “I love sharing showers!”

“Sharing showers is fun!” Lexi said. She and I took showers together a few times a month and it almost always led to sex either inside the shower or in our bedroom.

“I need a shower now,” I said. “Would anyone care to join me?”

“Me!” said Sarah.

Fifteen minutes later we were clean and sated and when we re-entered the bedroom, Lexi and Ginger were snuggled up under the covers with their clothes strewn about the room.

“This place looks like a teenager’s bedroom,” Sarah scolded.

“We were, ummm, distracted,” said Ginger.

“Yes, very distracted!” added Lexi.

“And very sticky,” I added. “Go on you two, your turn!” They kissed, giggled, and scrambled naked out of bed. They shared a quick kiss with each of us as they passed on their way to the washroom. Sarah and I just smiled at them as the door closed.

“I have never seen Lexi this happy,” I said. “Not even on our wedding day or during our honeymoon.”

“I glad,” Sarah said. “So, I’ll be making an appointment to see my doctor next week to confirm the pregnancy, do you think Lexi would want to go with me?”

“I expect so,” I said. “Maybe I could tag along as well?”

“I don’t know,” she said. “Perhaps it should just be us girls for now.” I conceded and we started stripping the bed. As I smoothed out the fresh sheets, Sarah carried the soiled ones to the washer and got it going. When she returned she took my hand and asked me to sit on the bed. “When Lexi and Ginger come out, I want to talk to you all about something.”

“Sure, anything,” I said. An awkward silence followed but we were saved quickly as the other two women came back into the room. Lexi started putting her clothes on while Ginger got fresh things from the armoire. As they finished getting dressed, Sarah asked them to sit down.

“Do you guys mind keeping a lid on this for a bit? It wouldn’t be long, just a couple of months until after the first trimester. You guys all know that’s the dangerous part and once that’s over we can share the news.”

“I don’t know if I can, that’s pretty big news,” said Lexi. I agreed, both our parents were very excited about the prospect of finally having grandchildren.

“Please,” said Sarah. “I have known a few women who got ahead of themselves and they lost their babies. I don’t want to get  everyone’s hopes up too soon.”

“I understand,” I said as I squeezed Lexi’s hand. She nodded and agreed to keep things quiet for now.

“Another thing,” Sarah said. “Now that I’m pregnant, I’m wondering where this relationship is going to go.”

“What do you mean?” asked Lexi.

“Well, this started out as a business relationship, a fees-for-service thing if you like. It’s been unorthodox to be sure but I think there’s much more to it now.” She paused for a moment, “I think Ginger feels that way too.”

“I do,” she said.

“I agree,” said Lexi without hesitation. “I mean, I would never have dreamed I would have done the things we’ve done but now that we have, I don’t want to stop. Do you agree honey?

I feel the same way,” I said. “This has been exciting and incredible fun and I want to keep going. That said, I’m thinking we might want to ease off a bit.”

“Ease off, why?” asked Ginger.

“Because Sarah is 24 and you’re 22 and I’m almost old enough to be your father. I just can’t keep up. It’s all good for you but I’m driving myself into the ground trying to keep three women satisfied! Getting old sucks!” I said.

“Speak for yourself, you old fart!” Lexi said. “I could do this every day!”

“You know, Will might be right,” said Sarah. “I think maybe we should scale it back a bit. We do have lives outside our bedrooms you know, perhaps it’s time we got back to those a little more.”

“Perhaps we should talk again after your appointment,” suggested Ginger.

“That’s a good idea,” I said.

“So are we going to your place then?” asked Ginger. I got the feeling she wasn’t quite finished yet.

“Oh, I think I have one or two more in me yet!” I leered.

“Right!” shouted Lexi. “To the king-sized bed, there’s not a moment to lose!”

Written by CaressofSteel
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