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And Baby Makes Four - Chapter 11 - Sarah

"Sarah's recollection of our relationship and the birth of our child."

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I met my girlfriend Ginger at a festival. At the time I had no idea I liked girls, you know, sexually, but she sure changed that in a hurry! The orgasms she gave me that weekend were like nothing I’d ever experienced before! Why is it that orgasms with women are different than those with men? You’d think an orgasm is an orgasm is an orgasm, right? Wrong!

After Ginger and I moved in together, we started exploring the boundaries of our sexuality. I was always about 50/50 when it came to guys and girls but Ginger was definitely more into women than men. That’s not to say he didn’t like men, she just liked women more.

Money was tight at first so we explored ways to make a little extra cash. She suggested we start live streaming our sex life but that wasn’t what I had in mind. I’m no prude but flashing my bits and pieces all over the web was not something I was comfortable with. Then I remembered a girl I knew in college who almost paid for school by being a surrogate for women who couldn’t have babies of their own. We talked about it and agreed that we’d look into it. That’s how we met Lexi and Will.

Our first meeting was about as awkward as one could imagine, we were all unsure what to say or how things worked. I was immediately attracted to Lexi, I don’t know that it was any one thing that drew me to her but I knew I wanted to get to know her better. I had never been with an older woman, she was 37 to my 25 and I wondered what that was like. My libido got the better of me when I suggested that instead of making a baby in a lab I might sleep with her husband and make one the old-fashioned way. She balked at first and they left the clinic so I thought that was that. Then a couple of months later, she called me.

I talked to Ginger about what had happened and she said she had no problem with me fucking some woman’s husband to get impregnated. It was lust at first sight when Will saw Ginger, his pupils dilated, his nostrils flared and his chest puffed up just that little bit. I knew then that I’d have no trouble convincing him but I had to get Lexi on board.

While we were discussing the mechanics of surrogacy, I told her about a woman that I knew who had some reservations about her husband fucking another woman but that they found a way around it. Lexi wasn’t getting the hint so I suggested that she be there when Will and I did the deed and that, if she wanted, she could help.

She said she wasn’t gay and I told her that I’m not either but that I am bisexual. I asked her, “Have you ever been attracted to a woman?”

She said she could recognize when a woman was pretty or hot but she wasn’t attracted to them, “Not in that way.” I told her that I didn’t think I was either until I met Ginger.

I decided then that the best way to convince her to let me have sex with her husband was to seduce her to have sex with me. I took her fingers in one hand and brought them to my lips to kiss them. She inhaled sharply at the touch of my lips and her eyes got wide. I asked her if she’d ever kissed a woman. She admitted to fooling around with some girls at college but she’d never kissed one like that.

“May I kiss you, Alexa?” I asked her. I moved my lips closer to hers and she didn’t pull away. I watched her eyes and as soon as I saw them close I knew she was curious enough to keep going Her lips parted slightly as mine met them and I flicked my tongue between them to tease hers forward.

“Oh my!” she said breathily. “You might be on to something here!” We stood up and kissed again, our first kiss had been exploratory, but this one was more passionate. Her eyes stayed locked onto mine as she asked her husband to go to the store and get some wine.

“We have plenty of wine,” he said. Men are so dense sometimes, he must have been afraid he’d miss something. He wasn’t wrong. Lexi excused herself and went to her husband.

“Sweetie, you misunderstand. Sarah and I are going to our bedroom and we don’t want an audience. I’ll tell you all about it later!” She kissed him hard. “And if everything goes well, you and she can start making babies!”

He left reluctantly and she took my fingers, led me to their bedroom, and locked the door. “He’s not going to the store, is he?” I asked her.  She turned to me, shook her head, and smiled. My goodness, she has such a pretty smile!

“I don’t care, he can listen if he wants to!” she grinned. We kissed again, softly at first but then more deeply as we progressed. “I never imagined,” she whispered as we came up briefly for air. I was just about to make the next move when I felt her hand on my breast.  I reached down to cup her ample ass cheeks and pull her hips toward me. She groaned out loudly as our tongues battled for supremacy. “You’re such a good kisser!” she whispered when our faces parted.

I leaned forward and we touched foreheads as our eyes stayed locked on each other. I saw the tiny flecks of yellow in the grey/green hazel of her irises as we barely blinked. My hands found the buttons on her top and I started unfastening them from top to bottom. I looked down and saw her pale pink bra with the front clasp, “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were hoping for this!” I said.

“Not hoping, but I’m glad you’re here,” she said softly. I wanted so badly to take her bra off and see her breasts but I turned and pulled my hair aside to reveal the buttons on my dress. “Undress me,” I whispered and I felt her fingers shaking a little as she clumsily tried to unfasten them.

I turned and kissed her again, “Don’t be nervous, you’re doing just fine!” I said. She took a deep breath to calm herself as I turned again. The buttons went all the way to my waist and I could have stopped her after about three or four but as her hands got lower, she leaned forward and kissed my neck. The dress slipped off my shoulder and I felt her feather-soft kisses on the exposed skin. Then the dress fell, pooling at my feet.

Her hands cupped my breasts, “They’re perfect!” she breathed. “So firm and round, I wish mine were so…”

I turned quickly and reached up to unclip her bra. It fell in front of her, “Now those are perfect!” I said. “so plump and full, I’ll bet your husband loves to…”

“Let’s not talk about my husband just now,” she whispered. She bent to capture one of my nipples between her lips, it’s almost like she knew instinctively that I love having my nipples sucked. “Yes, Lexi, that’s it!” I moaned as she switched sides.

She came back up to kiss me and it was my turn. I placed my hand under her breast and was surprised by its firmness. Her nipples were a soft pink in contrast to my light brown and they were contracted into tight little nubs. I suckled on one and then the other as she sighed and whispered for me to never stop.

I pushed her top the rest of the way off and my hands went to the button on her slacks. If she had been wearing jeans or something tighter this would have required more work but being of a softer material they slid right off. Her panties were boy shorts style and the same shade of pink as her bra. My fingers brushed over her mound and I felt the tuft of hair underneath them.

I looked into her eyes and she nodded ever so slightly, willing me to keep going. I slowly knelt before her, kissing my way down her torso as I went until my nose was even with her mons. I inhaled deeply, she was as ready as she would ever be. I looked up, "Can I taste you?” Again she nodded and I hooked my fingers on either side of her hips and slowly drew her panties down. Her aroma was intoxicating, a mature woman at the peak of sexual arousal and I couldn’t wait to taste her.

My nose touched her pubic hair and I flicked my tongue forward. She parted her legs at my touch and I could see that, while her mound was covered in fine soft hair, her pussy lips were not. I reached up and ran my finger along the cleft between them, pausing to circle her clit which was just peeking out from its hiding place. Her knees buckled as she moaned, “Ohhh, fuck!”

I kissed her clit and she moaned again. Her hand found the back of my head and she pushed me closer, her scent arousing me all the more. As much as I wanted to slip one or two fingers inside her, I resisted. I stood up, pausing to suckle on her breasts momentarily before reaching her lips and kissing her. “You smell amazing!” I said.

I led her to the bed and sat her down with her legs dangling over the edge. I took a pillow and placed it on the hardwood floor beneath me and knelt on it. Her upper body was propped up on her elbows as she looked at me over her breasts and smiled. She used her hands to push them together and thumbed her nipples as she opened her legs to invite me in.

I reached up and took her fleshy thighs in my hands, urging her bum to the edge of the bed. Her calves fell onto the backs of my shoulders and pulled me forward, I could tell she wanted this as much as I did, perhaps more.

I licked her opening from bottom to top, clamping my lips on her clit when I got there. Her thighs contracted around my head and then relaxed as she responded to the sensation. For the next few minutes, she made a lot of sounds but none of them were words, just sighs, moans, and groans as she reacted to my touch. I slid two fingers inside her to find her magic spot and her hips lifted up as I located and massaged it. She was leaking now, just a little and I lapped it all up hungrily.

The room was getting loud now as her orgasm neared. Actually, it was orgasms plural, one after another after another as I relentlessly suckled and fingered her. I was just about to slack off when she screamed and a long jet of clear fluid shot from her pussy, drenching my face, hair, and shoulders. I lapped up as much as I could but it was more than I could manage. I’d squirted before myself, as a few of my female partners have but this was something altogether different. Had we been in the forest the animals would have been lining up two-bu-two. I loved it all!

I shimmied my way up her body and as I reached her face her lips hungrily found mine. She teased my hair in her fingers, “You’re all wet!” she whispered.

“That’s your fault,” I replied with a smile.

“Couldn’t have done it without you!” she said. Then she flipped me onto my back with a strength that belied her appearance, “My turn!”

She had obviously been paying attention to the things I did to her because she soon had me writhing beneath her. Her face was soon buried in my crotch and she used her arms to hold my hips into place as she hungrily licked and sucked on my pussy. I groaned loudly and she looked up and smiled, pleased that she had been able to elicit such as response. “Fingers, use your fingers,” I moaned.

“I have something better!” she whispered as she broke contact long enough to wriggle up and retrieve something from her nightstand drawer. She wiggled her way back into place and I immediately felt the shiver of a vibrator against my clit. “Put it in me!” I begged her and she obliged, sliding the curved toy inside me and pressing the tip up against my G-spot. Her lips locked back onto my clit and I was on a very rapid ascent to the heavens.

While it had taken Lexi some minutes to climb Orgasm Mountain, between my heightened state of arousal, her lips, and that magical toy, I was on an express elevator to the top floor. Like my new lover, the noises I made were unintelligible as words but the message they conveyed was unmistakeable – I was on a fast track to orgasmic bliss.

Unlike Lexi, whose orgasms got stronger with each one, I knew my first one would be nuclear. I grabbed her hair and pulled her face into my pussy as I exploded with all the fury of a tornado. My hips bucked, my torso writhed, my head tossed back and forth, and my legs clamped around her shoulders as the lust burst out of me. Where Lexi’s cum had jetted out of her as from a firehose, mine was more of a gush, flooding my pussy and leaking profusely onto her face.

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Just as I had done, she too kept up the pressure, holding the toy against my G-Spot and licking my cunt as I came again, with less intensity but no less pleasure. I almost always enjoyed my second, third, and sometimes fourth orgasms more than my first. My first was always an explosive release of pent-up pressure and lust, my subsequent ones were more like an enveloping warmth that started deep within my soul and radiated outward.

After my third orgasm, Lexi started to move upward but I stopped her. “Please, just one more!” I begged. She smiled at me and resumed licking and suckling on me while sliding the toy in short strokes that teased my magic spot, never quite leaving it. It only took a minute and I felt it rush through me, “Mmm, sooo good!” I breathed as it washed over me and faded like a wave crashing on a beach.

I gripped her dirty blonde hair and pulled her up to my face. “Mmm, I taste good!” I said softly.

“We both do!” she said. “I don’t know what you did to me but I’ve never cum that hard before!”

“I find the first time with a new partner is always the best,” I said. “It’s like you’re exploring, finding out what excites them and wanting so badly to make it as good as you can. After that, it’s more comfortable but less exciting.”

“I wouldn’t know,” she said. “I have a rather limited sample size.” We looked at each other and my face must have asked the question. “Three,” she held up her fingers. “My high school crush, who turned out to be a right asshole, once in college and then Will.” We kissed softly, “What about you?”

“My experience is rather more varied!” I said.

“It doesn’t matter,” she said. She kissed me deeply, “I’m just happy to be another notch on your bedpost!”

“Isn’t that a guy thing?” I asked.

“Doesn’t have to be!” she replied.

We snuggled and kissed for a bit, enjoying that sweet afterglow that comes from the best sex we ever had. “It’s very different with girls, isn’t it?” Lexi asked.

“Oh yeah!” I replied. “I mean, sex with guys is pretty great but with girls, it’s a whole new level.”

“I think Will is going to like you very much,” she said.

“Speaking of your husband, do you think he went to the store?” I asked.

“Not a chance!” she laughed. “He’s probably got his pecker about yanked right off listening to us!”

“Should we go see?” I asked.

“In a minute,” she said as she sighed and snuggled into me.


Fast forward ten months and Lexi, Will, Ginger, and I are lovers, all living together in their house. Our sex is loud, frequent, and productive as I am about to give birth to Will and Lexi’s child any day and Ginger is almost halfway into her accidental but much-welcome pregnancy. My child might belong to Lexi and Will but Ginger’s will be ours.

The two weeks before my delivery were agonizingly long as my doctor put me on full bed rest because of the swings in my blood pressure. Apparently, such things are not uncommon but because this was my first pregnancy, my doctor was being extra cautious. I wouldn’t have minded two weeks in bed being waited on hand and foot by my lovers except my doctor had also prohibited sex of any kind.  No sex. Period. After fucking and being fucked at least twice daily for the past ten months, I was cut off. Talk about frustrating!

In a show of support, my lovers stupidly decided that they too would go without sex for as long as I had to. I told them it wasn’t necessary but love makes you do stupid things sometimes. I knew, however, that if the tables were turned I would do exactly the same thing.

I don’t think that the other stuck strictly to the prohibition of fucking, I could hear soft moans in the night when I got up for my frequent trips to relieve the pressure on my battered bladder. This kid was a kicker and it seemed that he would decide to play football at the most inopportune moments. I didn’t mind either the kicking or the moaning, it was all part of the process.

 My due date arrived with no sign of the baby wanting to make an appearance. I had been having small contractions for a day or so but nothing painful and they were occurring well apart from each other. We were all a bit nervous as none of us had a clue what to expect. We whiled the day away double-checking that we were as prepared as we could be. About 10 PM we went to bed.

After about an hour, I was awakened with the feeling that I had wet the bed. I flipped on the light and threw the sheets back, the sheets were covered in what looked very much like my cum but it had a little blood in it. I shook the snoring Ginger beside me, “WAKE UP! I THINK MY WATER JUST BROKE!”

She bolted upright, “Oh fuck! Alright! We got this!”

“Go wake up Lexi and Will, we need to go to the hospital!”

“On it!” she said with more confidence than she could have felt.

I rolled out of bed and waddled to the washroom when my first real contraction hit. It doubled me over in pain and I was sure that the kid would shoot out of me at any moment. I gritted my teeth and it passed after a few moments. Remembering what I had read in the book, I checked my watch to time the next one.

Ginger rushed in and saw me bent over with my hand on the vanity. “Are you okay?” she asked.

“Just had my first big contraction!” I mumbled. “It was a doozy too!” She took my arm and helped me back upright. “Help me get cleaned up!” I said. “I need clean undies and sweatpants. I had been unable to wear anything other than sweatpants for a month now. She retrieved them and helped me get my soiled clothes off and my fresh ones on. We heard much commotion as the other two were in a panic, trying to figure out what to do.

Lexi came into the bedroom and called for me. “Grab my bag,” I said. I had prepared a bag for the hospital which we had stashed under the bed. Then Will came in and got his arm under mine on one side and helped me, or tried to. “I can walk,” I said.

I waddled through the bedroom and slipped on my shoes as Ginger got me a sweater. I looked at the worried faces of the three people I loved most in the world, “Relax you guys, women have been doing this forever!” I reached out to Lexi for a hug, “We’re gonna have a baby!” She kissed me softly and then I reached for Will, “I’m sorry I woke you guys up.”

“Oh, they weren’t sleeping,” Ginger said. “Lexi was too busy sucking his cock!”

I laughed hard but it was cut short with my next contraction, “Oh fuck, another one!” I groaned. I felt my womb contract and the baby shifted downward. It passed after another minute or so, I looked at my watch, seven minutes. “We’d better hurry!”

Ten or so minutes and another contraction later we pulled up to the emergency entrance. Lexi had called ahead to tell them we were on our way and a portly nurse met us at the door. With her pushing the wheelchair and Ginger holding my hand, the nurse led us to the examination room while Will parked the car.

They got me shifted onto a bed where the nurse took my vitals and did a quick examination. A few minutes later my next contraction hit and this one was the hardest yet. I about broke Lexi and Ginger’s hands I squeezed them so hard. “Jesus Christ Sarah!” Lexi said when I released it.

“Four minutes!” I groaned. “Oh God, please make this over!”

Just then the doctor came in and the nurse updated her, “BP is 105 over 130, pulse is 98 and steady, O2 sat 98, last contraction ended just now with a four-minute interval.”

"Good," the doctor said as she lifted my gown and peeked underneath. I felt her fingers explore me but there was nothing sexual about this. “Seven centimeters,” she said. She looked at me,” You are doing great! Won’t be long now. Nurse, we’d better get her to delivery. Who’s the father?”

“He's parking the car, I’m her girlfriend,” said Ginger.

“And I’m his wife,” said Lexi. “She my surrogate.”

“Oh, okay. Nurse, let’s get her moving and please sort out who’s going to be in the delivery room with Sarah.”

“You got it, doctor,” the nurse said and she set about getting me ready. After a few moments, the nurse said, “All set? Let’s go!” She turned over her shoulder, “Have you guys decided who will be with her?”

“Ginger, you go!” said Lexi.

“Don’t you want to see your baby being born?” Ginger asked.

“You’re her girlfriend, you should be there,” Lexi said. Ginger looked at Will and he nodded.  She leaned over and kissed Lexi and left to follow the nurse.

Fifty-five agonizing minutes later, I was holding the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. The pain was a memory as Ginger and I looked at him. I had never been a believer in love at first sight but when I first held that little man I knew there would never be anyone I loved as much as him.

“He is gorgeous!” Ginger breathed. “Do you think my baby will be as beautiful?”

“Look at you, how could it not be?” I said. She kissed me softly, “I love you so much!”

“I love you too!” she said as she wiped away a tear. She took the baby from me for a moment so I could wipe my eyes.

Then Will and Lexi appeared at the door.

“I believe this is yours,” Ginger said. “I think his name is William!” Lexi went over and took the swaddled child from her.

“My God, he is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!” she said with tears dripping off her cheeks. “Look, Will, he is gorgeous!”

“Hi little man,” Will whispered as he reached out and touched his nose. He made a face and squeaked a little, his mouth working instinctively.

The nurse came and took Will Jr, or Junior as he soon came to be known, away and said, “Let’s get you to your room. Once you’re all settled we can try feeding him.” Twenty minutes later they all watched as he suckled hungrily on my breast. Lexi could not take her eyes off him as she held Will’s hand, only letting go to occasionally wipe her eyes.

After about an hour, the nurse came back in, “Folks, I think it’s time we let these people rest.”

Lexi looked at me then at Will, “If you think I’m going anywhere tonight, you are fucking insane!”

The nurse laughed, “It’s okay, we understand your situation, you can stay, and we’ll fix you a cot. You two need to leave.”

Ginger looked at the clock on the wall, “It’s 530 in the morning! I have to work in a few hours!”

“I think you should take the day off, I know I am,” Will said.

“Perhaps you’re right,” she said. She came over to me and gave me a soft kiss, “I’ll see you in a few hours.”  Then she gave Lexi a kiss as well, “Congratulations, Mommy!”

Will kissed me, then Lexi, “I’ll be back as soon as I can.” They kissed again and just as he reached the door, I called him over.

He came to my bedside and I reached up and pulled me down, “Do me a favor?” He nodded. “Take Ginger home and fuck her. She’s been so pent up lately, she needs a good railing!”

“You got it,” he whispered. “Right after we have a nap.”

Sarah and I laughed at that. She pulled the chair over to my bed and we held hands and talked to the baby while we waited for someone to arrive with the cot. “I would be quite happy to climb up there with you and just hold you all night!” Lexi whispered.

“Me too, but I think the nurse would be rather cross with us!” I replied.

An orderly arrived with the cot and Lexi set it up. The new day was brightening the windows as she took off her t-shirt and sweatpants to get ready to sleep. She came over for one last kiss before taking William to his hospital bassinet and kissing him goodnight.

As I drifted off I was surprised at what Lexi said next. I had never known her to be especially religious but I swore I could hear her say, “Thank you God for the many gifts in my life!”

Written by CaressofSteel
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