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And Baby Makes Four - Chapter 12 - Doubts and Decisions

"Will starts to have a little performance anxiety and the girls soothe his fears."

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Author's Notes

"This longer chapter was previously two chapters which I condensed, I tried to break it up but wasn't able to find the right spot. If you're just coming into the story, I recommend you go back and start from the beginning. <p> [ADVERT] </p>If you like what you've read say so and leave a comment. Enjoy!"

It didn’t take long at all for the four of us to get into a routine of looking after our baby while still making time for ourselves and each other. Add to that the increased number of visits from four sets of parents and other family and friends who all wanted some quality time with our little miracle. The one thing we missed was having time for the four of us all together.

Ginger’s pregnancy was progressing well, with no major health issues although her morning sickness wasn’t restricted to just the morning and lasted about a month longer than Sarah’s. All in all, life was pretty good.

My favorite times were when I was with one of the girls by myself. When there were more than two of us at a time I always felt extra pressure to make sure they were all properly satisfied. I knew in my mind that was insane and that the girls were perfectly keeping each other satisfied on their own but it always nagged at me. Sometimes, I wondered why they bothered being with me at all, especially when I saw how happy they were when they were together without me involved.

One night, Lexi and I were alone and we had just finished. We were enjoying that togetherness that came with having just made love to each other when I raised the subject of my insecurities with her.

“I wish I could say I understand but I really don’t,” she said. “I don’t feel any pressure to make sure everyone is satisfied but I suppose I am more demanding than you are when it comes to sex.” I agreed that she was more demanding and then thought if the same were true for Sarah and Ginger. It was at that moment that I understood my problem if it were indeed a problem. I was more worried about their happiness than my own.

Now you might think that worrying about my partners’ experiences before my own is a good thing, that it shows an unselfishness that is unusual in men but deep inside I was worried that if I didn’t make sure they were all completely satisfied, one or more of them might leave me out of things and I would permanently stuck on the outside looking in. A weird sort of cuckolding by the three women I loved more than anyone except my son. I resolved to talk to them all about it the next time I had the chance.

The next day after supper, Lexi and I went into our bedroom alone and we restarted the conversation about my not feeling up to the task.

She stood up and took my hand and led me to the nursery. “Hi, girls, is the baby asleep?” she asked quietly. Sarah nodded. “We need to talk. Now.” Sarah and Ginger got worried looks on their faces. Sarah tucked the baby into his crib, grabbed the baby monitor, and they followed us back to our bedroom.

“What’s up?” Sarah asked. “Did we do something wrong?”

“No, it’s not you, it’s me,” I said.

“Isn’t that a breakup line?” asked Ginger playfully.

“Sorry, that’s not what meant,” I said.

“Go on, tell them,” said Lexi.

“I can’t,” I said.

“You have to! They need to hear this from you, no one else. Then maybe we can sort  this out!”

“What’s going on?” asked Sarah.

I took a deep breath. “Lately, when we’re, um, together, I get the feeling I’m not enough for you.” Their reaction was the same as Lexi’s. “No, I don’t mean that!” I was getting frustrated just as I did with Lexi. “Look, it’s like this. When I’m with only one of you, it doesn’t seem to matter which, everything is fine. But when there are three or four of us together, I feel like it’s my job to make sure you are all satisfied.” Ginger started to interrupt. “What is it about you girls that you won’t let me finish?”

“It’s worse when you three are together and I’m not there. I can hear you and the sounds that you bring out of each other are totally different from the sounds you make when you’re with me! Why can’t I do that?”

Sarah was the first to react and what she did was not expected. “Will, I love you but you listen to me and you listen good!” I could feel a scolding coming on and tried to stop her. “No! You wanted us to let you finish speaking, now you need to let us finish! Just shut up and listen!”

“Shhh, you'll wake the baby!” said Ginger.

She toned it down a bit, “Then we wake the baby!” she said. “This gets sorted right fucking now!” She came to me and kissed me before taking my hand. “Will, you seem to be under some misconceptions as to how the female orgasm works. Now I can’t speak for men but women’s orgasms are all very different depending on who they’re with. There are as many different types as there are methods to make them happen.” She paused to let it sink in. “They’re all intense and they are all very satisfying but they are all different.”

She moved to Ginger and kissed her. “With Ginger, my orgasms are long and intense, it takes a long time to build and when it comes it’s like it's one long orgasm.” Then it was Lexi’s turn, “Lexi’s technique gets me there quicker and I can have three or four or five one after the other. The downside is that building up more quickly usually means I come down more quickly too.”

Then she moved back to me and kissed me, “With you, it’s like the best of both. You build me up quickly but when you get me there you can keep me there for what seems like forever. And the feeling stays for much longer than when I’m with either of them.” She kissed me again, “Don’t you see? I am always more satisfied, more exhausted, and more fulfilled when I’m with you than I am after I’m with Lexi or Ginger. When I’m done with them, I can stay up and talk for hours. After you get done with me, all I want to do is sleep!”

“That doesn’t bother you?” I asked Lexi and Ginger.

“Why would it bother us?” said Ginger. “I feel the same way. Not specifically but all my orgasms are different, even the ones I give myself.”

“Me too,” said Lexi. “Women are just built differently.” She kissed me softly, “Believe me, baby, you give all three of us all we can handle!”

“You know we talk about you when you’re not with us, right?” said Sarah. “I think I speak for all of us when I say we could not be happier with how happy you keep us. Not many men could take on three women as hot and horny as we are and live to tell the tale!”

“What she said,” echoed Ginger.

“Amen to that!” added Lexi.

“Really!” I sat up straighter, “I would never have guessed!”

Each woman kissed me in turn with Lexi going last. “I think I need to make love to my husband now,” she said.

Ginger got up and kissed her, “I think you mean my husband!” She kissed me and left the room.

“No, you actually mean my husband!” said Sarah. She kissed us both and left to join Ginger.

“I’m not all of your husbands,” I said.

“We talked about it the last time we were all together,” Lexi said. “As far as we’re concerned, you are!”

Soon, Lexi and I were naked and superimposed. “Take me!” she whispered. “Do what you will with me!” I saw what she was trying to do but by that point, there was too little blood left in my brain to do any thinking about it. Maybe that was my problem, I was trying to think while I had a deficit of blood in my brain!

After, as we lay in the afterglow, I kissed her softly. “Thank you for being amazing!” I said.

“No, thank you!” she replied.

That scene was repeated on each of the next two nights as first Ginger, then Sarah came to my bed and commanded me to love them with as much passion and fury as I could muster. I have to admit that, on the third night, my performance suffered somewhat but Sarah didn’t complain. “You’re not twenty-five anymore!” she teased.

The next day, Saturday, Ginger had to work so Lexi, Sarah and I took the baby to Ellie and Carl’s for a visit. About mid-afternoon we had the little guy all tuckered out and I had kept Sarah up rather late the night before so when he went for a nap, she did as well. Carl had some outdoor chores to attend to so it was just Lexi, her mother and me left in the kitchen sipping coffee.

“Kate tells me you know all about us,” was her opener. I had told Lexi all about my conversation with my mom during our night alone together earlier in the week.

“Maybe not everything,” said Lexi. “But we know enough.”

“And are you okay with it?” her mother asked.

“It’s none of our business,” Lexi replied. “You said you’re not going to judge us, who are we to judge you?” Ellie didn’t look at all pleased with that response. “We’d be giant hypocrites if we did, wouldn’t we?”

“You would that,” said Ellie. “I guess what I’m asking is, do you accept us living that lifestyle?”

“Mom, look. Do what makes you happy, isn’t that what you always told me? Living with Will, Sarah, and Ginger makes me happy. Us being one family makes me happy. Does your relationship with Alex and Kate make you happy?”

“Very happy,” her mother said.

“Then I’m happy too!” Lexi said. “Here’s the deal, I won’t tell you any details about what we get up to, and you afford me the same courtesy, okay?”

‘Um, Ellie?” I asked. “Did you have any plans with my parents next weekend?”

“That’s none of your business,” said my mother-in-law.

“Well, if they do, you’d better include the baby. Mom offered to take him for the weekend so the four of us can get away and reconnect before Ginger has her baby.”

“Reconnect, is that what you kids are calling it these days?” Her eyes sparkled as she smiled. “Of course, sweetheart, you kids go ahead and reconnect each other’s brains out!” She let the room, muttering under her breath, “Reconnect, that’s a new one!”

We all had the next day off so we put our heads together and made arrangements to go to an adults-only resort from Friday to Monday of that week. I called my mom to make sure she was okay with keeping L’il Will for the extra night, of course, she accepted happily.

“Now Mister,” Lexi said. “We have talked about it and we’ve decided that from the time we leave on Friday until we get home on Monday, everything will be as you say!”

“Yes, everything!” confirmed Sarah. I looked at Ginger and she agreed.

“I’d better rest up then!” I said.

Ginger had a doctor's appointment the next day, and when she came home she was in a good mood. “The doctor said any day now!” she said. “The baby has moved head down and we’re just waiting for him to drop.” She was getting frustrated just as Sarah had been and couldn’t wait for the baby to arrive.

“I hope he doesn’t interrupt our weekend,” Lexi said.

“If he does, he does,” I said.

“Or she does,” said Sarah. She was convinced that Ginger was having a girl so we all teased her by saying it was a boy. Time will tell.

The rest of the week went fairly normally except that the girls seemed a little less interested in sex than usual. Each time they passed by I would get a wink or a sly touch but other than having a different woman in my bed every night, the week was pretty normal by our standards.

By this point in her pregnancy, Ginger was getting uncomfortable but she wouldn’t let that stand in the way. Lots of oral sex culminating in doggy style was the order of things until after the baby was born.

The only odd occurrence was that on the night before we left, the three of them went out shopping leaving me alone with the wee man. When they came home they were all giggles and smiles. “You’re going to love what we bought!” teased Lexi as she skipped past me. I got up to follow her into our bedroom but she stopped me at the door, “Sorry, it’s a surprise!”

Unbeknownst to the girls I had a little surprise of my own.  A trip to a custom jeweler the week after L’il Will was born netted me three anklets, each with a heart intertwined with an infinity symbol.

On Friday morning we packed up the SUV and headed to my mom’s to drop off the baby. The three women were experiencing a case of separation anxiety as this was the first time any of them would be leaving him with someone else for more than a few hours. The half-hour drive conked him out right away so he was bright-eyed when he got to grandma’s.

 A quick pit stop, the first of many that day, and we were on the road for what was normally a four-hour drive to the resort. We expected it would take closer to six due to Ginger’s bladder being punched and kicked every mile on the way.

We stopped about every hour or so, including a lunch break, so it took us closer to seven hours total. We didn’t mind though, the excitement over what lay ahead of us kept our interest high. We arrived at the check-in desk to the astonished stare of the female receptionist.

“Oh my goodness!” she cried when she saw Ginger. “I have to say, we don’t get many guests here in your condition! Are you going to be okay?”

“I have another week before I’m due,” Ginger replied. “I cleared this trip with my doctor so we’re good to go!”

“All right,” the pretty woman said. “Let’s see we have you…, there must be some mistake, this says you have one room booked with a king-sized bed.”

“No, that’s correct,” said Lexi.

“But there are four of you,” the receptionist said.

“Your website says to leave your judgment at the door. Is there someplace we can put ours, or perhaps yours?” Lexi wasn’t in the mood.

“Oh, I’m sorry, of course,” the lady said. She did up our key cards and handed them over with a welcome package. Everything you need to know should be in there. If you have any questions or need anything at all, please let us know.”

“Thank you,” I said. We turned to walk away but Lexi had one more thing.

“Miss?” The lady looked up from her computer. “We will be requiring our room to be cleaned twice daily during our stay.”

“I’m sorry, Ma’am, we only offer once daily housekeeping service,” she said.

“Did you not just say if we need ‘anything at all’ to let you know?” The woman knew she was caught, “Or does ‘anything at all’ not include having our room cleaned when we want it?”

“Of course, Ma’am, I’ll make the note right here.” There was a short pause, “Is there a particular time you would like our staff to service your room?”

We all looked at each other, and then Ginger piped up, “We were planning on going poolside every day before lunch, will 11 o’clock and again at 5:00 work?”

“Of course Ma’am,” she said as she typed on her keyboard. “Enjoy your stay.”

“Oh, we will!” said Sarah.

We made our way to our suite and Ginger, being rather worn out from a day on the road, crawled up onto the bed and curled up in a ball. Sarah climbed up with her and in moments, the mommy-to-be was sound asleep.

Sarah stayed with her girlfriend while Lexi and I started unpacking. “Not that one,” said Lexi, pointing to a carry-on-sized bag. “That’s the toy box!” She winked at me as she picked it up and set it aside.

That chore done, Lexi and I decided to have a walkabout to get the lay of the land as it were. The resort consisted of a dozen low buildings each with three or four suites. They were arranged around a large central area that had several swimming pools, one of which had a swim-up bar. There were also two larger buildings on opposite sides of the pool area, one was the restaurant area, and the other held a piano bar and a dance club. At the front was a multistory hotel that also held the reception area.

“This looks nice,” Lexi said. She squeezed my hand as we wandered about, pointing out various things.

“I’m surprised there aren’t more people here,” I said. “It’s a beautiful day, why aren’t there more people around the pool?” There were only a half dozen couples there, mostly in the pool with the swim-up bar but there was one couple that was about as far away from the others as they could get. The lady was a tall, platinum blonde with massive breasts, her companion was a rather large and fit black man.

“She’s fucking hot!” Lexi whispered as she gave me a nudge. This was a game we played where Lexi would point out an attractive woman and I would downplay her looks.

“She’s pretty, I guess,” I replied. “But I rather suspect your interest is more in her partner.”

“He’s alright,” she replied as she licked her lips. He got up off the lounge chair he was in and turned toward us. It was then that we got a good look at him and the rather prominent bulge at the front of his swim shorts. “Oh, my!” she breathed.

“Oh, my, indeed!” I said. “Look at you, thinking with your pussy!”

“This is going to be a fun weekend!” she said.

We made our way back to our suite to find Ginger and Sarah on the bed cuddling. “Where did you guys go?” asked Ginger.

“We did a loop around the resort to see where everything is?” I replied.

“And did you?” asked Sarah.

“Almost!” said Lexi.

“Lexi saw the guy she wants to fuck this weekend,” I teased her.

“Do tell!” giggled Ginger. “Come on, details!”

As Lexi described the couple we had seen in rather more detail than I could recall, I saw Sarah and Ginger both slip their hands to their pussies. “They sound hot!” moaned Ginger. “I wonder if they would be up for a little fun?”

“I aim to find out!” said Lexi. “I want a crack at both of them!” Her hand slipped under her dress and she moaned as she found her clit.

I watched as the three of them indulged in their fantasies by masturbating one beside the other. Ginger came first, then Sarah, and Lexi last. I very much wanted to join them but if this weekend was going to be half of what I imagined it might be, I would need all the energy I could get.

After they regained their composure, Lexi looked at me, “I’ll bet you’d like to get your hands on that blonde!” she teased.

“If she’s with that black guy I’m not sure I could make much of an impression,” I said.

Sarah got up off the bed and ran her still slick finger along my bottom lip, “Now you listen to me. This weekend is about you, not us. Think only about yourself, your own needs, and your own pleasure. Don’t worry about us or anyone else!”

“Sarah, that’s not me and you know it. All my life I have believed that sex is all about my partner, not about me. I can’t change that.”

“I know, that’s one of the reasons we love you so much,” she said. “But just for this weekend will you at least try?”

“We’ll see,” I said.

“I’m hungry,” said Ginger.

“You’re always hungry!” said Lexi. “But you are eating for two, so I guess that makes sense.”

“Feels like I am eating for ten!” Ginger giggled. Her near-constant appetite had caused her to put on a fair bit of weight during her pregnancy. She hated it but I thought it made her more beautiful than ever. I loved that Lexi was a bit curvy and now that Ginger was curvier still, I found myself gazing at her more and more.

“Hopefully, your baby weight comes off as quickly as mine did,” said Sarah. Her boobs were still larger than normal because she was breastfeeding but the extra pounds had come off within a month.

“Hopefully not,” I mumbled.

“What was that?” said Ginger.

I took a breath, knowing that I had angered one of my wives. “I’m sorry Ginger but I like that you’re a bit more curvy now. I’m not going to apologize for being attracted to that.”

“So like me being fat?” she said. She had been very proud of her trim figure before she’d gotten pregnant and couldn’t wait to get that weight back off.

“You’re not fat,” interjected Lexi.

“Stay out of this!” Ginger warned. “This is between him and me!”

“Come on, Ginger!” Sarah said. “That’s not fair!”

Ginger put her face in her hands and stomped off to the washroom. “Fuck, I’ve put my foot in it this time!” I said.

“I’ll talk to her,” said Sarah.

“No, I’m the one who made her upset, I need to apologize,” I said.

“But you just said you wouldn’t apologize,” said Lexi.

“For being attracted to her curves, you’re right I won’t. But I will apologize for being insensitive.” I kissed both of them and went to tap on the washroom door.

“Not now!” I heard from behind the door. I tried the handle and found that the door wasn’t locked. On purpose or not? I pushed the door open and peeked in. “I need to talk to you,” I said. She didn’t object so I slipped in and closed the door behind me.

“Ginger, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said what I said,” I began.

“But that’s what you think, isn’t it? You think I’m fat!”

“That’s not what I think, and that’s not what I said,” I explained. “Let me ask you a question. Do you think you have any control over being more attracted to women than men?”

“No, I just am,” she replied.

“Do you think Sarah has any control about being equally attracted to men and women?”

“No, of course not,” she said, and then the light came on. “Oh.”

“I don’t have any more control than you do,” I said.

“Of course not,” she said. “I’m sorry.” She reached up and we hugged.

“You have nothing to apologize for, I was the insensitive one,” I said.

“You were but I forgive you.” She pulled me close and kissed me.

“I always thought that men were attracted to bigger girls because they somehow thought they would be easier to seduce or because bigger girls can’t afford to be choosy,” she said.

“That might be true for some people,” I said. “But not for me. Take the three of you, for example. I love you all so much and you are all incredibly beautiful to me, but if we’re talking about pure sexual attraction, I can’t help it if I like Lexi’s body more than yours.”

“I get it,” she said. “At least I think so.”

“So we’re good?” I asked. She smiled and nodded. We kissed again and then turned to rejoin the others.

We emerged back into the other room holding hands and smiling. Lexi and Sarah smiled at us and opened their arms for a group hug.

“Our husband is a pretty special man,” Ginger said.

“Yes he is,” echoed Lexi.

“I wish we could all marry him,” added Sarah. The other two women did a double-take and stared at her. “What, it’s true! Yes, I know that legally, Will is Lexi’s husband and we are just your lovers.”

“You’re a little more than that,” I protested.

“Maybe,” said Sarah. “But I think we should somehow make it more official.”

Is that legal?” asked Lexi.

“I don’t think so, “I said.

“Wait just a minute,” said Ginger. “Did you just propose to Will before you proposed to me?”

“No, Sweetie, no!” said Sarah. She took a deep breath. “What I am proposing is that we do something to formally recognize our commitment to each other. That’s what a marriage is, isn’t it, a formal recognition of the commitment between two people? We should have a ceremony of some sort, with our friends and families there, where we take vows and make promises to each other.” She stopped for a moment and took Ginger’s hand in one of hers and Lexi’s in the other. “Hold hands,” she said.

“Ginger, Lexi, and Will, will you marry me?”

She hardly got the words out of her mouth when Ginger answered, “Yes.” Then Sarah looked at Lexi.

“Yes, Sarah, I will marry you!” she said. Her eyes were leaking but not as profusely as Sarah’s. Then Lexi looked at me, “Well?”

“Yes, of course,” I said. I took a deep breath. This was so surreal. “I think I need to call our lawyer!” The girls all giggled and we hugged and kissed.

“I wish we had rings or something,” Lexi said.

“I have or something,” I said. I broke away from the others and went to my suitcase to retrieve the anklets I had bought. “I know they’re not diamonds but I had these made for you.” I handed each of them a wrapped box.

As they opened them they each smiled in turn. “So pretty,” said Lexi. “Put it on me.” She put her left foot up on the footstool and I bent down to put it on until Sarah stopped me.

“Other leg,” she said. I looked up, confused. “It goes on the right leg.”

“Oh,” said Lexi, and she quickly switched legs. I looped it around her leg and did up the clasp before standing up and kissing her. “I love you.”

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Then Sarah did the same and I repeated those words to her. Then Ginger tried to prop her foot up but she almost lost her balance, “Too top-heavy for that right now!” she giggled.

“Will loves top-heavy!” Lexi said. She helped Ginger down into the chair and I bent down one knee to fasten the clasp around her. “I’m getting married!” she squealed excitedly. “I can’t wait to tell my mom!”

We all hugged and then started chattering about the ins and outs of setting the date and who we wanted to attend. It was decided by consensus that we would wait until after Ginger lost her baby weight. “You might like a few extra pounds on me but I hate it!” she stated.

“Whatever you say dear,” I said.

“Lexi has you trained already!” giggles Sarah.

“Damn right I do!” she laughed.

“I’m still hungry!” said Ginger, reopening the conversation that had led us to this point. We gathered ourselves and left our suite to walk hand in hand in hand in hand across the resort to the restaurant.

We were seated almost immediately and I commented to Lexi that there were more people in the restaurant than we had seen on our earlier walk. “Maybe more guests arrive later on Friday evening,” she suggested and we all agreed that was possible.

Just as we were waiting for our desserts, the couple Lexi and I had noticed that afternoon walked in and Lexi pointed them out to Sarah and Ginger.

“Now she’s fucking hot!” Ginger whispered. “You know, if you like tall and blonde with great tits!”

“Will doesn’t!” Lexi teased. “He likes them short and stacked!”

“Actually, I like them medium height and stacked!” I said. We all laughed.

“Right ankle,” Sarah said and we all took a glance. “Don’t stare!” she whispered.

“I’m sure she’s used to the staring,” said Ginger. “I’ll bet she loves it!”

“See, I told you!” Sarah said. We couldn’t make out the charms on her anklet but the tattoo above it was unmistakable. A black spade symbol with a Q in the negative space in the center.

“She likes black dick,” said Sarah. “And it looks like she’s got some!”

“I wonder if she shares as well,” Lexi mused.

“Not this weekend, at least not with us,” whispered Ginger. “This weekend is all about Will!”

“You’re right, of course,” Lexi said, her eyes never leaving the object of her lust. “Maybe another time.”

“Maybe,” I said, squeezing her hand.

We finished our desserts and Ginger asked if we could take a roundabout way back to our suite. We walked slowly, holding hands as before but every so often, the girls would switch spots so they were taking turns holding mine. I felt like the king of the world.

When we got back to our room, we all took turns in the washroom, ‘freshening up’ as the girls put it with me being last. When I came out, I was greeted with the sight of my three wives reclined on the bed wearing nearly identical lingerie.

It was identical in shape and form, the only difference being color. The sets consisted of a bra that was just a little too small for their natural cup size, a thong, and a garter with matching stockings. Lexi’s was a deep blue which set off her fair skin and sandy blonde hair very nicely. Ginger’s was a deep green, a striking contrast to her pale skin and fiery red hair. Sarah’s was a deep red, a shade so erotic it should be a sin just to look at it.

“Wow, don’t you ladies look lovely!” I gasped.

“We think so!” said Lexi. A closer examination showed that they had taken considerable time applying and perfecting their makeup to make themselves as alluring as they could.

You, all look so perfect, it would be a crime to mess that all up!” I said. “Mind if I take a photo?” I reached for my phone but Ginger stopped me.

“In my bag, you’ll find a much better camera,” she said. If we’re going to capture the moment, we might as well do it right!” I fumbled around and found it, a rather expensive-looking SLR with a small LCD viewing window on the rear. I looked it over, made a couple of adjustments, and pointed it at them.

“Smile!” I said and I was rewarded with three stunning smiles that lit up each of their faces. “My God! You girls are so beautiful!” I said for what must have been the thousandth time.

“And we’re all yours,” said Sarah.

“Only yours,” echoed Lexi. “Unless…”

“We can talk about that another time,” said Ginger. I continued taking their pictures from different angles before I got up on the bed and took close-ups of each of their faces. They playfully turned their heads and put on different looks as they hammed it up for the camera.

I backed away a bit and focused on Sarah and Ginger at the same time. “Aaannd, kiss!” I directed. The shutter clicked as fast as I could make it as they looked at each other, smiled, and leaned forward. Their lips parted and their tongues snaked out to greet the other before they made contact. It was as erotic a sight as I had ever seen.

They continued kissing for a moment until Lexi reached over and touched Ginger’s shoulder. “Can I have some of that sugar?” she asked. Ginger smiled and leaned the other way as I focused on the two of them. They traded short soft kisses for a minute or so as the shutter clicked away. Sarah got up and moved around behind me to coke to Lexi’s other side. She and Ginger shifted over as the scene repeated between those two.

“Oh, wow!” whispered Ginger. “I love watching two women kiss, it’s so erotic!”

I nodded agreement as Lexi and Sarah broke away and just stared at each other., “Love you,” they whispered in unison. It couldn’t have been more perfect if they’d rehearsed it.

I set the camera aside, “Were you ladies serious when you said this weekend was all about me?”

“Absolutely,” said Lexi. The others nodded in agreement.

“Anything I say goes,” I said to confirm.

“You just tell us what to do,” said Ginger.

“Quite the dilemma,” I said. I thought for a few minutes.

“Okay then,” I said. “First, I want Sarah to give me a blowjob. When she makes me cum I want to paint her face and have you two lick her clean.”

“I like it!” said Ginger.

“Mmm,” moaned Lexi.

“Then, I would like Ginger to resurrect my cock and prepare me for action. When I am ready, she will mount me for as long as she is comfortable until I cum again.”

“Can’t wait!” she grinned.

“And for the finale, Lexi will suck my cock and get me hard again after which I will I will fill her ass with whatever cum is left in me.”

“You think you can cum three times in one night?” Lexi asked.

“If I don’t it will be a major failure on your part, ladies!” I picked the camera back up. “And whichever of you is not involved will capture everything on video!”

“Challenge accepted!” Lexi said with a broad smile.

“I don’t know if I want to have sex on video,” said Sarah. I would have thought Lexi would be the least keen on that idea.

“You said it was my choice,” I said. “It will be for our eyes only, no exceptions, ever. Would that be okay?”

“Only if I can watch it after and delete it if I want to,” she said.

“Agreed.” I looked around and the other two nodded. “Very well, if you ladies will give me a few moments, we can get started!”

I returned a few moments later to see Sarah reclined on the bed with Lexi and Ginger having taken seats on either side. Ginger had the camera in her hand and a broad smile on her face. She pointed it at me and said, “Action!”

I moved to the bed and took Sarah’s fingers in mine, guiding her to her feet. We kissed softly at first then our tongues got busy fighting with each other for possession. After a minute or so we had to break to catch our breath. I reached around her back to unclip her bra and she giggled. “It’s in the front, silly!”

“But of course it is!” I replied. I undid the little clasp and the cups fell away and her luscious breast came into view. “I like the front,” I said softly as I bent to take her left nipple into my mouth.

“Oh!” I heard behind me and I turned to see Lexi with her fingers underneath her thong. I turned back to Sarah and switched sides, taking her other nipple between my teeth. I felt her press her chest forward into me as her hands pulled me in tighter.

After a moment, I stood up and we kissed again. My right hand slid down her tummy and my fingertips ran along her cleft outside her thing. She moaned and her knees buckled a little at the contact. I was sure she was exaggerating a little for my benefit but I decided that, at this point, I didn’t care.

I sank to my knees and kissed the satin fabric over her pussy before using my fingertips to lower her thong. I noticed that she wasn’t completely bare as usual. “Somebody’s been neglecting her grooming!” I said.

“We all have,” whispered Ginger from behind the camera. “Tomorrow afternoon we all have an appointment at the spa, you will notice a marked difference after we’re done.”

I shrugged my shoulders and returned my attention to Sarah’s pussy. Her clit was engorged and peeking out from beneath its hiding place, a tiny bead of translucent fluid clung to the lowest point of her distended inner labia. I flicked my tongue forward to collect it and she gasped. That was no fake, she was fully aroused and ready.

I stood up again and kissed her before bending over and scooping her up in my arms. Our kiss didn’t break as I set her on the bed and moved over top of her. My lips traveled down her flesh, searching out and finding all those spots that made her writhe and moan. By the time I got to her thighs, her legs were parted and her pussy was gaped open, ready for penetration. I could have easily climbed on top of her and sunk myself into her wetness but that would be deviating from the plan.

I spread her legs with my shoulders and lowered my face to her. Her scent was intoxicating as I sucked on her inner lips before taking her clit in my mouth. I gave her a tongue-lashing until she pushed my face away and begged me to stop. “Not yet!” she whispered. “I want to cum with you!”

I rolled onto my back and she twisted around. I felt the warmth of her mouth on me as she lowered her hips to land her sex on my face. A little adjustment and we were in the perfect position.

I felt my cock slip into her throat and almost lost it right there. I latched onto her and started flicking her little bean with my tongue in what quickly became a race to see who could make the other cum first. We had spent so much time since dinner arousing each other that neither of us lasted very long. I surged my hips upward and she took her mouth off me, wrapping her hand around me and jacking me to the finish line. My spunk squirted out of me and the first couple of jets landed on her face before dripping off and falling on my crotch. She rolled off and used her fingers to collect as much of it as she could and smeared it onto her cheeks, chin, and nose.

She lay on her back and wiggled her fingers at our wives to come to finish the task I had set them. Lexi and Ginger licked hungrily as they cleaned my cum from Sarah before trading it back and forth between them in hot, snowball kisses. Ginger collected a dollop from Sarah’s ear and licked her finger clean and then Lexi noticed that some of it had escaped them. She pointed at the drops of cum on my body and Sarah said, “I got this!” She bent down and collected every drop with her tongue before moving up and kissing me.

“How was that?” she whispered.

“That was amazing!” I said.

“Poor Sarah didn’t get to cum,” said Lexi.

Sarah giggled, “Poor Sarah is just fine with that. I’ll get mine.”

“I think I’m up next!” said Ginger as she moved toward me. She kissed me softly, her tongue flicking forward as if she were tasting fresh fruit. “Mmmm delicious!” she whispered.

“I’m gonna need a few minutes,” I said. She let me up and I went to the washroom. I washed my hands and face and took a splash of mouthwash to get the taste of my cum from my mouth. I didn’t mind the taste that much at first but it had a rather unpleasant aftertaste. Then I took a small vial from my shaving kit and pumped a few dollops of desensitizing gel onto my fingertips before washing my hands. I then collected a cock ring I had picked up at the naughty store and slipped it onto myself. It was going to be a busy weekend and I didn’t want a failure to perform to get in the way of things.

When I returned, Lexi had resumed her place in the chair and was holding the camera while Sarah had taken Ginger’s spot in the other chair. Ginger had taken a pillow from the bed and placed it on the floor about a foot from Lexi’s feet. She was kneeling on it and smiling her sweetest smile at me.

I went over to her and reached down to take her hand. She reached up and took mine but instead of starting to get up, she pulled my hand down toward her. “It took me forever to get down here,” she laughed. “How about you come down here and join me?”

I grabbed a second pillow and placed it beside hers. Kneeling down I looked into her eyes which were a little damp at the corners. “I love you so much it hurts sometimes, you know that?” she whispered. We heard Lexi’s breath catch in her throat and Ginger turned to her, “Does that bother you to hear me say that?”

Lexi shook her head and swallowed, “No, that's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen or heard. I’m almost crying here!” She wiped away a tear and pointed the camera back at us.

“Where were we?” Ginger asked. She leaned forward and we kissed for a few moments. She took my fingers in hers and gently placed them one at a time against her lips kissing each one in turn. Then she flicked her tongue out and licked my forefinger before guiding it to her swollen breasts and using it to circle her areolae. She repeated the movement several times and then whispered, “In case you were wondering, I want you to put your lips on my breasts!”

I dutifully bent down and suckled one nipple into my lips. I knew they were tender so I didn’t want to go too hard and cause her pain. “Harder!” she breathed and I obliged her, drawing it into my mouth and using my tongue to increase the pressure. “Harder!” she said more insistently and I brought my hand up to massage her breast while increasing my suction. Suddenly my mouth filled with a warm wetness.

I pulled back in surprise and saw a little bit of milk dripping from it. She looked at me and smiled before leaning down to kiss me. “Isn’t it delicious?” she asked.

“I think so,” said Sarah.

“So do I,” added Lexi. “So does our son!”

“You’ve been breastfeeding our baby?” I asked, astonished.

“For about a week now,” Ginger said. “I was watching Sarah feed him one night and I just started leaking all over the place! So we talked about it and decided to try it. Are you mad?”

“No, I’m not mad but a little forewarning might have been nice!” I said.

“That would have taken all the fun out of it, now wouldn’t it!” Ginger giggled. Then Sarah pointed at us.

“Look, he’s awake again!” she said.

I looked down and was surprised to see my cock standing at full attention. “That’s a little kinky!” laughed Lexi. “Feeding on the same breasts as his own son!”

Ginger placed her hands on my face and guided me down to suckle on her some more, “Don’t you listen to her!” she scolded. I suckled for another few moments to get a nice mouthful and then got back up to kiss my youngest wife.

As we kissed I shared her bounty until it dribbled down off our chins. We looked at each other and laughed out loud. “I’ll bet you never had that on your sexual BINGO card!” I said.

“No, not hardly,” she replied.

“Well you can count me out!” said Lexi as she made a face like she was tasting cough medicine for the first time.

“Suit yourself!” I said and I kissed Ginger again.

“Ready?” she asked.

“As I’ll ever be!” was my answer.

I rolled onto my back and with some difficulty she swung her leg over me. “This is probably going to be my last time until after the baby comes, I better make this good!” she said as she positioned herself over me and slid down to take me in. “Mmm, that feels good!” she purred.

She rode me slowly as I had my hands on her hips and guided her along my length. “Open your eyes, I want to watch you as you cum!” I said softly. I peeked over and Sarah was sliding a vibrator in and out of herself in time to Ginger’s movements. Her eyes were locked on us so she could keep time.

Ginger started making more noise as her orgasm rose inside her. She leaned forward just enough so that her clit could rub against me but not so far so her swollen belly got in the way. “There’s the sweet spot!” I said and she smiled her agreement.

I noticed Lexi moving behind Ginger as she brought the camera lower to capture Ginger’s slick pussy riding up and down on my cock. The delay gel was working wonders as I held out longer than usual but that was soon to come to an end.

I announced my orgasm with a long, loud groan as my hips drove up into Ginger. Her hand came to her clit and she strummed it quickly in an effort to catch up to me. The pitch and volume of her wails increased as she rode me, her release coming just as my cock was spasming for the last time. She held herself down onto me as I felt her pussy clench and release in time with the warmth of her cum flooding our union. She continued to grind for another minute or so until her journey was complete.

She bent forward, her swollen belly pressing against my relatively flat one until our noses almost touched. “I love how you love me,” she whispered so only I could hear. We kissed, firmly at first but they softened as our orgasms faded and were replaced by that warm flush of closeness that followed.

“I so love watching you guys,” said Lexi softly. “You are so, I don’t know, perfect together.”

“I think we’re all perfect together,” said Sarah. Ginger rolled off me and flopped onto her back, “I think I need a clean-up!”

Lexi and Sarah almost knocked each other over as they dove to clean up the mess Ginger and I had made. They pushed each other for a moment, then Sarah had an idea. “I’ll clean our husband, you clean our wife!” she said. The girls were really getting into the husband/wives dynamic. Lexi grinned and nodded, gave Sarah a kiss, and set to her task.

I watched over Sarah’s shoulder as she slipped my deflating cock into her mouth and used her tongue to lap up whatever she could from me. Ginger was still moaning from Lexi’s attention and in fairly short order had another orgasm. Lexi backed off for a moment and I could see a little rivulet of my cum leaking from Ginger’s pussy. Lexi scooped it up on her fingers and fed it to our very pregnant wife before going back down on her to finish the job. “Having one bisexual wife was amazing! I thought to myself. “Having three was unbelievable!

Our lust was temporarily sated, so we all took a break to rest and recharge. On my return from the washroom, I fixed us all drinks, Moscow Mules for myself, Lexi, and Sarah and a ginger ale for Ginger. Then Lexi came to me and took my fingers, “Stand up.”

Like a good husband, I obeyed my wife and she sank to her knees onto the pillow that was still on the floor from earlier. “I need to prepare you for your final performance of the evening!” she grinned as her face came close to my regrowing erection. She rolled me around on her tongue as I grew longer and thicker. I looked upward and closed my eyes to enjoy the feeling of my head slipping into her throat.

I was disturbed from my reverie by the sound of Sarah and Ginger moving beside me, their hands roaming over my chest, stomach, and ass cheeks as they did their part to arouse me. Then Lexi stopped, got up, and got onto the bed on all fours, her perfect derriere pointing at me. I noticed something I’d never seen before.

Sparkling in the dim light was a sapphire blue jewel between her cheeks. “How long have you been wearing that?” I asked.

“Most of the day,” she said, looking back over her shoulder.

“And how long have you had it?” I asked. The other two women giggled and Ginger answered.

“We have had these for a few days now,” she said. “But so far, Lexi’s the only one who has worn hers.”

“I see,” I said. Then a delicious idea popped into my head. “Do you girls have yours with you?”

They both nodded and, knowing what I would ask next, got up and retrieved theirs from the toybox that Lexi didn’t want me to see when we’d arrived. “Let me,” Lexi grinned as she reached onto the nightstand to get some lube. Ginger held hers out and Lexi took it, she slicked it up and spread the remainder from her fingers onto Ginger’s tight back door.

“Easy,” Ginger breathed. She and I had only done anal a couple of times and it usually took her a little longer to get accustomed to the intrusion than either Lexi or Sarah did. I watched her slide her fingers over the narrow stem between the jeweled end and the round bullet that would be sliding inside her. It was almost like she didn’t want Lexi to put it into her bum but then, after some massage=ing and a few soft words of encouragement, she let her fingers slide out of the way and the bullet slipped into her. Lexi pulled her ass cheeks apart to show me the glittering pink end of it.

“My turn,” Sarah said and she handed hers to Lexi. The process was repeated except that, instead of sliding her fingers between the bullet and the end of the toy, she placed her finger on the end and pushed it into herself.

“Don’t move, “ I commanded as I got up to get the camera. I moved the selector to ‘photo’ and pointed it at their backsides. “Look at me over your shoulders,” I said and they dutifully turned and smiled at me. I almost shot my load on the spot as a lock of Ginger’s air fell over her eye. I snapped a few photos of the three of them and then handed the camera to Ginger.

She moved away but Sarah stayed on the bed with us. I leaned down to kiss them both as I ran my hand down Lexi’s back and pushed on the end of the toy. I traced my finger along the edge of it and discovered it was heart-shaped, not round as I'd first thought. No matter, it’s coming out very soon.

I griped it a pulled on it gently but Lexi’s ass refused to yield. She giggled, “It’s almost as hard to get out as it is to get in!” I pulled on it again but it still remained lodged inside her. “Pull harder!” she insisted so I did and her rosebud finally yielded it to me. I reached for the lube but Sarah said, “Let me help!” as she poured some onto her fingertips before spreading it between Lexi’s cheeks. Then she put my cock in a wrap-around grip and slid her hand up and down a few times to cover it with the slick fluid.

Keeping her grip, she tugged on me to guide my head to Lexi’s hole. I adjusted my hips a little to correct for the difference in elevation and as soon as I felt the contact between us, I allowed my hips to move forward. Sarah watched intently as first, my helmeted head and then my shaft disappeared into my oldest wife’s ass. Lexi sighed and moaned as I slipped into her steadily, not stopping until I felt her ass cheeks against my hips.

“How’s that, baby?” Sarah asked Lexi as she leaned down to kiss her.

“Mmmm, so nice!” Lexi replied. “So full!”

“I’ll bet it feels amazing!” Sarah purred as they began kissing. I looked over at Ginger who had sat in the chair. She pulled the footstool closer and propped on leg up onto it, putting her pussy on full display. Her lips were still gaped open a little as she slid two fingers in lazy circles around her clit.

“Fuck my wife’s ass!” she purred.

“Yes, fuck my wife’s ass!” echoed Sarah.

“Yes, listen to your wives, fuck your wife’s ass!” Lexi said more forcefully. The three of them started giggling which sent quite the sensation along my shaft but Lexi soon stopped as I reared back and drove myself into her. Her ass cheeks against my hips made an audible slap.

“Again,” she said and I repeated the move. “Harder!” she said, her voice raising in volume and pitch. I took in a deep breath and started fucking her, sliding out slowly and driving forward hard. I watched as her whole body shook when my hips brought up against her bum.

Then Sarah got an idea of her own. She shimmied up and nudged Lexi who raised herself up onto her arms so Sarah could slide her hips underneath. Lexi lowered herself back down and started munching on Sarah as I pistoned my cock into her.

I found myself wishing I’d reapplied some of that delay gel as I felt my third orgasm rise inside me. I grabbed Lexi’s hips and pulled her back into me as I drove forward, fully intending to drive my cock as far inside her as I could. From the noises she was making, she was loving every inch of it.

Lexi disengaged from Sarah’s pussy, “Slow-Down-I-Can’t-Keep-My-Lips-On-Her Clit-Like-This!” she said, one word for each stroke I took into her.

“Don’t listen to her!” Sarah commanded. “She’s been looking forward to getting her ass fucked all week! Give it to her!” She grabbed Lexi’s curls and held her face against her as I pounded forward with everything I had.

My ass and stomach were getting tired as I fucked my eldest wife as hard as I could manage. Then Ginger got in the act as she came over and reached underneath me and cupped my balls in her hand. “Give it to her!” she urged. “She wants your hot cum in her ass, fill it up! Her hand then left my balls and went down between Lexi’s thighs and I felt two fingers slide into her pussy beside me.

That did it for me and I drove forward, pulled backward, and released my cum into Lexi’s backside. Ginger’s fingers were pistoning in and out and, as my cock stopped surging I held myself in place and felt Lexi cum. Her ass tightened around me as her loins twitched and clenched, I’m not sure either of their hands could have gripped me any tighter. “AGAIN!” Lexi demanded and I did my best to comply, pulling back and driving forward a few more times before I collapsed, exhausted over her.

Written by CaressofSteel
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