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And Baby Makes Four - Chapter 9 - Now Arriving!

"The big day finally arrives and brings with it another surprise for our happy little family"

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Author's Notes

"If you are just coming into this story at this point, I urge you to go back and read the previous chapters. <p> [ADVERT] </p>If you like what you've read, say so and leave a comment. Enjoy!"

The two weeks between when Sarah was confined to her bed and her due date were the longest two weeks ever, not only because we were eagerly anticipating the arrival of our child but, after nine months of near constant uninhibited sex because our entire house became a sex-free zone.

I’m not gonna say that Lexi, Ginger, and I didn’t sneak away to pleasure ourselves privately, but as anyone who has ever had mind-blowing sex can attest, it’s just not the same. We all took turns keeping Sarah company, watching TV, reading, and rubbing her body with moisturizer.

Finally, the big day came, and while we knew that the baby might not necessarily come on that particular day, our anticipation was through the roof. The day passed agonizingly slowly, and by bedtime, there was still no sign of Sarah going into labor.

“I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight,” said Lexi after we bid goodnight to Sarah and Ginger.

“Imagine how Sarah feels, she must be pretty eager to have this whole thing over,” I said.

“I can’t even imagine!” she said as she snuggled into me. She started kissing me and then kissed her way down my chest. “Sshhhh,” she cautioned and a moment later, my cock was in her mouth.

I was this close to blasting my cum into Lexi’s throat when we heard Ginger’s footsteps in the hallway. She rapped on the door and then opened it without waiting for us to answer.

“Come quick, you guys! Oh Fuck, sorry! Sarah’s water just broke!” Lexi peeked up with my cock still in her mouth. She spat it out and apologized before scrambling out of bed and searching frantically for her clothes.

The next ten minutes were chaos until Sarah emerged from the bedroom and said, “Relax guys, it’s not an emergency!” I rushed to her side to support her, and we got her out the door and into the car. As she paused to open the car door, she looked around and took a deep breath. “It’s so nice to be outside!”

We arrived at the hospital about ten minutes later, and Ginger got her checked in while Lexi and I brought her in from the car. It wasn’t until after we got her settled in one of the emergency beds that we allowed ourselves to relax. The nurses bustled around, taking her vitals and checking that she was okay. Monitor probes were placed on her body and soon the room was filled with the sounds of beeps and clicks as Sarah relaxed and waited for her next contraction.

Presently, the doctor came in and examined her and pronounced he seven centimeters dilated. “We better get you to delivery!” she said brightly. “Who’s the father?” I stuck my hand up. “And you other ladies are?”

“I’m her girlfriend,” said Ginger.

“And I’m his wife,” said Lexi. “She my surrogate.”

“Oh, okay. Nurse, let’s get her moving and please sort out who’s going to be in the delivery room with Sarah.”

“You got it, doctor,” the nurse said and she set about getting Sarah ready. I have never felt more out of my element than I did in that room so I tried to simply stay out of the way. After a few moments, the nurse said, “All set? Let’s go!” She turned over her shoulder, “Have you guys decided?”

“Ginger, you go!” said Lexi.

“Don’t you want to see your baby being born?” Ginger asked.

“You’re her girlfriend, you should be there,” Lexi said. Ginger looked at me and I nodded.  She leaned over and kissed Lexi and left to follow the nurse.

We followed behind and found the signs directing us to the waiting room. There were only two other people in there, both men and both looking more than a little nervous.

Over the next hour, we heard shouts and screams and pleading to many deities, and one by one the two men were greeted by nurses who led them away to meet the newest additions to their families. Then came our turn.

“I understand, you are waiting for Sarah,” said a matronly nurse. “Come on, they’re right through here.” We held hands and followed behind her to a steel door that led to a brightly lit room. As we entered we saw Sarah, tired-looking and sweaty but with the brightest smile we could imagine. Beside her, Ginger held a little bundle in her arms.

“I believe this is yours,” she said. “I think his name is William!” Lexi went over and took the swaddled child from her.

“My God he is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!” she said with tears dripping off her cheeks. “Look, Will, he is gorgeous!”

I peeked at the little round face and became overcome with emotions. Love, pride, fear, hope, dread, they all ran through me seemingly at once. “Hi little man,” I whispered as I reached out and touched his nose. He made a face and squeaked a little, his mouth working instinctively.

Lexi and I looked at each other and shared an ‘I love you’ and then I turned to Sarah. I held her hand and squeezed it tightly, “Until just now, I haven’t understood how great a gift you have given us!” I kissed her cheek. “Thank you!”

Lexi came over to join us and handed the baby to me. “Yes, Sarah, thank you, thank you, thank you!” She kissed her as well, but not on her cheek. “I love you, you know that, right?”

“I know,” said Sarah. “I love you too, all of you.”

The nurse came and took Will Jr, or Junior as he soon came to be known, away and said, “Let’s get you to your room. Once you’re all settled we can try feeding him.” Twenty minutes later we watched as he suckled hungrily on Sarah’s breast. Lexi could not take her eyes off him as she held my hand, only letting go to occasionally wipe her eyes.

After about an hour, the nurse came back in, “Folks, I think it’s time we let these people rest.”

Lexi looked at Sarah then at me, “If you think I’m going anywhere tonight, you are fucking insane!”

The nurse laughed, “It’s okay, we understand your situation, you can stay, and we’ll fix you a cot. You two need to leave.”

Ginger looked at the clock on the wall, “It’s 5:30 in the morning! I have to work in a few hours!”

“I think you should take the day off, I know I am,” I said.

“Perhaps you’re right,” she said. She went to Sarah and gave her a soft kiss, “I’ll see you in a few hours.”  Then she kissed Lexi as well, “Congratulations, mommy!”

I kissed Sarah, then Lexi, “I’ll be back as soon as I can.” We kissed again and just as I reached the door, Sarah called me.

I went to her bedside and she reached up and pulled me down, “Do me a favor?” I nodded. “Take Ginger home and fuck her. She’s been so pent up lately, she needs a good railing!”

“You got it,” I whispered. “Right after we have a nap.”

Ginger and I got in the car and as we drove her hand reached over to mine. “I gotta say, after seeing all that, I’m a little scared.”

“I wish I could tell you it’s going to be okay but my experience with childbirth is rather limited,” I said. “You do know that we will all be there for you, right?”

“I know,” she smiled. “She thought for a moment, “I never believed in love at first sight before, now I do.”

“I do too,” I said.  We arrived home just as the sky was beginning to brighten. “God I am tired,” I said.

Ginger yawned, “Me too!” She hugged me, “I have to email my boss. Wake me up before you go back to the hospital.”

“Actually, Sarah asked me to do her a favor,” I said as I took her hand and led her to the bedroom.

“Oh, and what favor would that be?” she asked.

“She thinks that you have gone long enough without sex,” I said.

“I can wait a few more hours,” she yawned again. We tripped down to our underwear and climbed into bed. Within minutes we were snoring.

I woke up at about 10:30 to go to the washroom. When I came back, Ginger was snoring softly so I found my phone and went out to call my parents.

“Congratulations, Grandma!” I said when my mom answered the phone. I’m surprised I didn’t hear her scream through the phone. After assuring her that Sarah and Will Jr were doing well, I suggested she call Lexi to arrange a time to meet her new grandson. “See you soon,” I said.

Then I called Carl and Ellie. “Congratulations, Grand-dad!” I said. I heard a thump and then some scrambling around and then Ellie’s voice. She wanted all the details and then admonished me for not calling the minute our son had arrived. She thanked me for calling and the line went dead.

I turned to go back to the bedroom and Ginger was standing there, freshly scrubbed and her hair still damp. I looked her up and down, “My God you are beautiful!” I breathed.

She walked slowly over to me, swinging her hips and licking her lips. “More beautiful than your wife?” she asked.

“No, not more beautiful than my wife,” I said.

She pouted for a moment and then smiled. “I agree. What about Sarah? Am I more beautiful than she is?”

“I would say that you and Sarah are equally beautiful,” I replied.

“Very diplomatic,” she said. She reached up, wrapped her arms around my neck, and pulled me down for a long soft kiss. “I believe Sarah asked you to do her a favor?”

“She did,” I said. Her skin was still damp as I scooped her up and carried her back to the big bed. The contact between our lips never parted once until after I set her down.

“I need this so badly,” she breathed as I kissed my way down to her pert breasts. Of the three women I was sleeping with, Ginger had the best breasts, the other two girls agreed with me. They were just the perfect size, a little bigger than a handful and firm as only those of a twenty-two-year-old could be. Her nipples were small and firmed up to about the size of a quarter when they were aroused as they were at this moment.

“Mmm, that feels so nice,” she purred. Her hands guided my mouth back and forth between them. “Mmm, a little harder!” she urged and I obliged her willingly. Then I felt her hands push my head down, urging me to go further south. I teased the jewel at her belly button and made a note to get one of those for Lexi for her birthday in a couple of months.

My lips played over her mons, two weeks of no sex meant that she had neglected her grooming. It’s not like there was a large bush of hair but there was a fine fuzz, she hadn’t waxed in a while.

“Someone needs a trim,” I said playfully.

“Mmm, I know,” she replied. “We’re waiting for Sarah and the three of us are going to the spa.”

“You finally convinced Lexi?”

“Yes. Shut up and lick my pussy!” Two weeks had made her impatient. I latched onto her clit and lashed quickly with my tongue. Her response was to grab my hair and pull my face into her. “Fuck that is so good!” she moaned more loudly.

I continued licking and suckling on her, determined not to stop until she told me to. I felt her shift underneath me and then something tapped me on the temple. “Here, use this!” she commanded. I disengaged and looked up to see a long thick dildo with a prominent glans and veins all around its girth. It was the biggest one I’d ever seen.

I slid it around her opening to gather up some lubricant before I pressed the broad head against her slit. I watched, fascinated at it yielded, and opened to admit the fake phallus. “Slowly,” she cautioned as she inhaled sharply. “Oh yes! There we go!” when it bottomed out with at least two inches still protruding.

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“I’ll bet you’d like to have a real one that big wouldn’t you?” I teased as I slid it slowly out and back in again.

“Oh, fuck you know it!” she grunted as it bottomed out. “That’s exactly what Lexi said when I fucked her with it a few weeks ago!”

That surprised me a little, we had never discussed her taking a cock that large but if that’s what she wanted, I was happy to help her get it, and I said so. “Well I’ll just have to find one for her won’t I?”

“She’s perfectly capable of finding one on her own,” Ginger gasped as I quickened the pace of it. “In fact, she and I are going to start looking in a few weeks.” She started breathing heavily. “Mmm yes, that’s it fuck me with that big cock!” I obliged her  and she continued, “If you’re lucky you’ll get to fuck her ass while she’s taking it and lick her clean when she’s done!”

“I think that’s a plan!” I said, not really meaning it.

“I’ll tell her you said that!” she promised. “Mmm, you know what I need?”

“Ten inches of cock not enough?” I teased her.

“Another six in my ass would be perfect!” she groaned. I got off her and she clumsily used one hand to hold the big toy inside her while she rolled over and drew her knees up. Her ass was sticking up in the air as an invitation so I moved behind her. Using my hand, I redistributed some of the slick fluid from around her pussy and spread more on my cock.

As soon as she felt the contact she pushed backward. I held my hips in place so she could control the entry of my head into her rear end. “Mmm, that’s what I’m talking about!” she moaned as it slipped in. I grabbed her hips and pushed myself in until her ass cheeks flattened against my hips. “Hold still!” she commanded and I felt the fake cock sliding against my shaft as she started moving it out and in.

Turns out I didn’t have to move at all, just holding myself fully inserted into her bum and letting the feeling of the fake cock along my shaft was stimulation enough for me. Apparently, it wasn’t enough for Ginger, “Fuck me GOD DAMMIT!” she growled, and, seeing how obliging her demands was working very well for me so far, I pulled back and then shifted forward again. “Faster!” she breathed loudly. Soon, loud slaps came from between us as skin met skin with increasing force.

“ARRGGH! FUCK!!!” she screamed as she came. I’m surprised that Lexi and Sarah didn’t hear us from the hospital as she let her orgasm escape from her with a full-throated roar. Each of my forward presses was punctuated with “FUCK!” or YES!” or AGAIN!” until she collapsed forward onto her belly and I slipped out.

I didn’t care that I hadn’t cum, just watching her lay there, her skin a sheen of sweat and her breath ragged from the exertion was enough for me. She recovered a little and then her bum came up to greet me once more.

“I need your cum!” she said and for the last time that day, I obliged her. Her hole was gaped open and still well lubricated so I slid right in again. I felt the fake cock slide along my shaft once move as she re-inserted it into her cunny. Knowing it wouldn’t be long before I filled her anus with my seed, I set a quick pace and was rewarded in short order by the building of a massive climax.

It had been a few days and, considering that my blowjob from Lexi the previous evening was rudely interrupted by our girlfriend and her breaking water, I was primed and ready A few final strokes and it was blast-off!

The shot of heat from my sunk and the throb of its surge triggered another gut-wrenching, soul-destroying orgasm in my younger partner. Her screams were unintelligible as her pussy spasmed and her back door clenched my dick. I felt and heard the squirt with each spasm.

She fell forward again and I pulled myself out of her drenched snatch. I pushed on her hip to roll her over and then kissed my way up from her knee along her thigh towards her clit. “No, I can’t!” she whispered.  So I took hold of the toy and slowly slid it out of her,  slipping it back in fully for one more push. I drew it back for the last time and when it plopped out of her, she let out an involuntary “Ooooooh.”

I moved up to kiss her and we snuggled comfortably for a few minutes. “Mmm, that was fun!” she said softly as we shared little soft kisses.

“You need another shower,” I said. This made her start giggling which made me laugh. She has the most musical laugh I think I’ve ever heard.

“I love it when it’s just we two sometimes,” she said. “I mean I love it with Sarah and Lexi and all of us together but sometimes I just want it to be us.” She kissed me again. “Promise me we’ll always have those times.”

“For as long as I’m able,” I said. We kissed again and cuddled for a while. “I think we should get to the hospital,” I said. She nodded agreement and uncoupled. Her hand found mine as we went to the shower and we washed each other head to toe, removing all trace of our carnal encounter. This was not sexually arousing or stimulating, this was two people very much in love sharing an intimate experience. I enjoyed these times with the three women almost as much as the raw sensuality and eroticism of the things we did in bed and elsewhere.


We arrived at the hospital mid-afternoon and were pleased to see the two grandmothers there, fussing over Sarah and the baby. I’d hoped to hold him some more but I knew there’d be plenty of time for that, Ellie and my mom had waited so long for this day that I could not possibly deny it to them. I hugged Lexi and kissed her tenderly, “How’s mommy?” I asked.

“Tired,” she said. “But so happy.” Then I went to Sarah and bent over to kiss her.

“Hi!” I whispered. “How are you feeling?”

“Exhausted, but the hard part is over now,” she said. We kissed again, each of us trying to convey our emotions at the great gift she had given us.

“Doesn’t that bother you, Lexi?” asked her mother.

“Doesn’t what bother me?” she asked in reply.

“Seeing your husband kiss a beautiful young woman like that?”

“No, it doesn’t Mother,” Lexi said. “I thought you understood how things are.”

“Good,” she said, somewhat to our surprise. “I just thought that the baby’s arrival might change things between you all. I’m happy to see that it hasn’t.”

“Wow, Mom, that is not what I thought you were going to say at all,” Lexi said. She got up and hugged her mother. “Thank you for understanding.”

“It took a while but Kate and I talked about it, I see things clearly now,” she said.

Ginger went over to Kate who was holding Junior, “Can I hold him?”

Kate reluctantly handed him over and came over to me. We hugged warmly, “Thanks, mom. It means a lot that you accept our relationship.”

“Just be careful, I’d hate to see any of you get hurt.” I wanted to object and stand up to her for that little bit of doubt but I caught Lexi’s eye and the subtle shake of her head. I let the comment lie for now.

We chatted for a bit and then Junior started to fuss. A quick sniff of his backside told us why.

“Do you mind if I do it?” I asked. “I’d better get used to it anyway.” I took him and set him on the foot of the bed while Lexi gathered the things I’d need. As I started unwrapping him, Lexi started giving me instructions as to what to do and not do. “I got this!” I said. I had read the book.

I’m sure the book mentioned something about baby boys and their propensity to urinate at the most inopportune time but I must have skipped over that part. Just as the diaper cleared his tummy he sprayed me which sent Lexi and Sarah into peals of laughter. “Ew, gross!” said Ginger as Lexi took a towel and wiped my face and arms.

I cleaned him carefully, applied the cream, and wrapped his butt up in a new diaper before swaddling him back up in a fresh blanket. “You’re a natural!” beamed Lexi as I handed him to her. He was quiet for a few moments and then started fussing again.

“I think I’m up!” said Sarah as she reached for him. I watched as she unwrapped her top and guided him to her breast. Instinct took over and he started taking his next meal.

“I think we’ll leave them alone for a bit, “said Ellie. She took my mom’s hand, “Let’s go for a walk.”

“I could use one as well,” Lexi said and she took Ginger’s hand. Leaving Sarah and me alone.

“So did you do as I asked?” she asked me with a cute smile.

“I tried my best,” I replied.

“She must have been so horny!” she giggled.

“She’s not anymore!” I said.

“I’ll bet it was hot as fuck!” she said. “She’s not the only horny one!”

“I can’t do anything about that here,” I said.

“We’re coming home tomorrow,” she said. “You’ll certainly be able to do something about it there!”

“And I will, I promise!” I said. I leaned in, careful not to crush my son, and kissed her gently. We held hands while Junior fed and then I took him while Sarah went to the washroom. When she came out she sat in the other chair and watched as my little man slept.

Just then the two grandmothers came back into the room and relieved me of my burden. Lexi and Ginger were not far behind and I could swear I saw Lexi swipe something from her top lip as she walked in. I rather suspected it was Ginger’s lip gloss. She came over to me and kissed me, “Can I talk to you?” she asked as she gestured towards the door.

“Of course!” I said and we left the room, turning a few corners until we found ourselves in a quiet little nook.

She took my face in her hands and kissed me hard. “Ginger told me what you did this morning!” she whispered. “She said it was the best fuck she’d ever had!”

“I was only doing what Sarah asked me to,” I protested.

“I know but you’d better rest up because you’re doing that to me next chance we get!” She reached down and grasped my cock firmly. We kissed again. “That’s not what I wanted to talk about. When Ginger and I were looking for a spot to fool around a little, we spied my mom and yours. I don’t think they saw us.”

“And?” I said.

“Will, they were kissing! Like not a peck on the cheek kissing!” She took my face in her hands and kissed me deeply. “Like that kissing!”

“Fuck right off!” I said. “That can’t be what you saw!”

“Ask Ginger! She saw it too!”

“Holy fuck!” I said.

“No shit! Understatement of the year!” She kissed me again. “Now I know why they didn’t make a fuss about the four of us. They’re bisexual too!”

“Do you think our dad’s know?” I asked.

“No idea. Do you think we should tell them?”

I shook my head, “No, I am not having that conversation with my father, Lexi!”

“Yeah, you’re right,” she said. “You think you know people!”

“We should get back,” I said. We kissed a couple of more times then made our way back to Sarah’s room.

Our arrival coincided with the doctor’s, she asked us to excuse her while she examined Sarah and the baby. We all went outside and Ellie, said, “I think we should leave. Tell us when Sarah and the baby get released, we’ll make supper and bring it to your house.”

“Wow, thanks, Mom!” Lexi said. “You don’t have to do that!”

“We want to do it,” my mom said. “You guys have more important things to do.” We shared hugs and kisses and they left. Just then the door opened and the doctor invited us back in.

Mother and baby are doing just fine,” she pronounced. “I’ll be back in the morning and if everything is still good, you can go home.” We thanked her and she left.

I went over to the window and saw our mothers just arriving at their car. They hugged and kissed before getting in. “Fuck me!” I breathed.

“What?” asked Sarah.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you!” I said.

Written by CaressofSteel
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