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And Baby Makes Four - Chapter 2

"Husband and wife begin the arduous task of getting their surrogate pregnant."

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Author's Notes

"If you haven't yet read the previous chapter of this tale, I invite you to do that before continuing. <p> [ADVERT] </p>If you like what you've read, tap the like icon and leave a comment. Enjoy!"

Our first time together with Sarah didn’t produce any results but that wasn’t surprising seeing that she wasn’t in the most fertile part of her cycle. It was just as well because it gave us time to work out the details. A couple of consults with a lawyer later and we had an agreement that spelled out the details of our arrangement. We would pay for all of Sarah’s costs plus a pretty generous stipend for her trouble. The agreement was to start on the first of the next month and be in effect for six months. If by that time I hadn’t gotten Sarah pregnant, we would simply move on with our lives.

Lexi and I also talked about surrogacy with our families, leaving out the fine details about the mechanics of the process. Neither of our parents had any grandchildren at the time so they were all in and even offered to help offset some of the costs. Lexi thought it was hilarious that our parents were willing to pay for a woman to fuck me for six months.

The first of the month eventually came and I was as ready as I ever could be to get started. Unfortunately, we had to wait for Sarah to be ready which meant a delay of eight days. Those were the longest eight days of my life! Lexi didn’t help by denying me any sort of sexual release so I would be primed and ready when the time came. Finally, the big day was here.

We both took the day off work and got our place ready for Sarah to join us. After what seemed an eternity, the doorbell rang, and when we opened it, we were surprised to see a petite, red-haired woman with Sarah.

“Hi guys, this is my girlfriend, Ginger (I know, right!), can we come in?” said Sarah.

“Um, yeah, sure,” I mumbled. The two women came in and we retired to the living room.

After the usual pleasantries and a bit of catch-up talk, Lexi asked the question that was on both of our minds.

“Sarah, so why did you bring Ginger with you today? I thought it was just going to be the three of us.”

“Ginger knows everything,” said Sarah. “She wanted to meet you guys so I invited her over.”

“I don’t have to stay if that makes you uncomfortable,” Ginger offered. “I guess I was just curious about the guy who will be screwing my girlfriend for the next six months!”

“I hope it doesn’t take that long,” said Lexi. She looked at me and I nodded in agreement but in my head, I hoped it took at least that long.

“Well, it takes as long as it takes,” she said. She leaned over and kissed Sarah before standing up. “Lexi, why don’t you and I go grab a coffee and chat?”

“We have coffee here,” I offered. Lexi looked at me like I was the dumbest man on the planet. To be fair, after watching Ginger and Sarah kissing, a considerable amount of blood was not in my big head at this point.

My sweet wife leaned in to give me a soft kiss, “Sweetie, she’s inviting me to leave so you two can do what Sarah came here to do.”

“Oh, yeah, right, make sense,” I mumbled, a little embarrassed at being so dense.

Lexi got up and pulled me to my feet to kiss me again before turning to Sarah and kissing her as well, “You kids have fun!” she teased before she picked up her coat and left with Ginger.

“So,” said Sarah, coming over to sit beside me. “Shall we?” She held out her hand and led me into the bedroom I shared with my wife. She sat on the bed and patted the comforter beside her, “Sit!” I obeyed and she reached over to turn my face to hers. “Relax, it’s okay. Lexi wants this.”

“I know but I just thought she would be here with us, that’s all,” I said.

“Ginger will keep Lexi’s mind off of what we’re doing, I promise!” she said. She stood up and began seductively unbuttoning her top.

“You don’t need to seduce me,” I joked, “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be!”

“I’m not,” she purred. “There’s no reason this can’t be fun!” She slid her top off her shoulders, then unfastened her skirt and let it fall to the floor.

“Oh, God!” I breathed. I have always thought Lexi was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen but Sarah was a close runner-up. A push-up bra and matching thong in soft pink was all she was left wearing as she moved to me and took my fingers to stand me up. Her hands helped my shirt over my shoulders and then reached for my belt buckle. “I’m gonna fuck you so good!” she whispered before placing feather-soft kisses on my neck.

My pants fell and pooled around my ankles as Sarah knelt in front of me. Her fingernail traced the outline of my now raging erection through my briefs, “Someone is excited to see me!” she teased again. Her fingers eased my briefs down over my hips to join my jeans and I felt the warmth of her breath as she opened wide to engulf me.

“Oh, sweet Jesus!” I moaned. “You better be careful there or we’ll have to start over!”

I felt her mouth come off me, “Then we’ll start over!” she said sweetly before taking me back between her lips. She sucked gently for a minute or so (like I was able to tell time at this point!) before letting my cock free with a loud ‘plop’. She stood up beside me and kissed me again. “Now it’s your turn to make sure I’m ready!” She turned and laid back on the bed with her knees together and pulled up in front of her chest.

I could see her plump pussy lips peeking between her thighs, already shiny and wet from her arousal. She peeked around her knees and winked at me before slipping her hands between her knees and spreading them slowly apart. As her legs parted, so did her pussy lips revealing the neat little button at the top of her cleft.

“That looks good enough to eat!” I whispered. Yeah, I know, but I wanted to say something to compliment her beauty and it was all I could think of to say in the moment.

She just smiled at me and slipped one finger into her wetness, “Then you better get to it!” I laughed a little at how totally odd that conversation went and then moved between her legs.

The previous time we had been together, it was Lexi who got to taste Sarah’s sweet pussy and she told me afterward how much she enjoyed it. Now it was my turn and I definitely was not disappointed! Her entire pussy was freshly waxed smooth, something I had always asked Lexi to do but she would only go as far as trimming herself into a neat little triangle bush. I flicked my tongue forward to lap up the little bead of fluid that had collected at the bottom of her opening before opening my lips and latching onto her clit.

“Mmmmmmm, sooooo good!” she moaned as I suckled on her little nub. “You’re almost as good at that as your wife!”

“Can we not talk about my wife just now?” I protested before getting back to munching on her. Her hands found my hair and pulled my face into her.

After a couple of minutes, I felt her pull my face up toward hers. “As much as I’m enjoying that, we’re not going to get me pregnant by you licking my clit,” she purred. I got the hint and moved between her thighs as she reached down between us to guide me to her now fully prepared opening.

“Mmmm, nice,” she whispered as I slid in. I adjusted a little, then started pushing slowly. Her kisses were sot at first but quickly grew in passionate firmness as I quickened my pace. I tried to concentrate on what I was doing but I kept thinking about my wife and what she and Ginger might be up to. My mind, being deeply entrenched in the gutter, conjured an image of the two of them, naked and superimposed in a hot sixty-nine, both of them moaning as they brought each other to the peak of ecstasy.

“Dude! Focus!” I had become lost in my reverie and had stopped moving but Sarah’s stern reminder got me back on task. I watched her face as my orgasm neared and soon I felt myself tipping over the edge.

“Oh FUCK!” I exclaimed loudly as I felt my cock twitch and my semen filled her, bathing us both in its warmth. After a few seconds, I tried to start moving again but Sarah wrapped her heels around my ass and held me inside her.

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“Get that good stuff nice and deep,” she whispered as she looked into my eyes. She reached up and pulled my face to hers and we shared gentle kisses as I came down from that most delicious high.

After a moment, I felt her legs relax and I moved to start pushing again. “Mmmm, still nice,” she said again as her hand moved to tease her clit. “Keep going, almost there!” she panted as I quickened my pace again. I hoped she got there quickly because I never did have much luck maintaining my hardness after ejaculating. I shifted up to just hold myself inside her as her fingers rubbed and flicked her bean.

“Oh, WOW! Here comes!” she screamed as I felt her pussy tighten around me and her fingernails claw at my back. Lexi never used her nails on me so the sensation surprised me a bit and I immediately thought that my wife wouldn’t much like it.

Sarah pulled me down for some more kisses and rolled us onto our sides. I slipped out of her and she gave a soft sigh, “That was nice,” she said softly. “Lexi is a lucky woman.”

“I’m the lucky one,” I replied, “I still can’t believe she agreed to all of this.”

“She’s having the time of her life, I promise!” Sarah smiled. We kissed some more and then I had to go to the bathroom. When I returned, Sarah had some business of her own to attend to. I was just gathering my clothes when she came back into the room but she stopped me, “No, let’s get back into bed.” She kissed me again and I began to wonder if she was trying to get me going for another round.

We heard the front door open and a moment later Lexi and Ginger appeared at the bedroom door. “That’s one!” Lexi said brightly as she came over to the bed and kissed me, then Sarah. “So, how was he?” she asked with a wink.

“He performed adequately,” Sarah said, playing along.

“Only adequately?” teased Ginger.

“Well, more than adequately if you must know,” Sarah said. “He has plenty of opportunity to improve.”

We all laughed and then I asked the question I was dying to know the answer to. “So, what did you two get up to while we were, well, you know?”

“Fucking?” laughed Lexi. “Let’s just say that Ginger kept my mind off what you two were doing!” She pulled Ginger in for a hot kiss.

“Don’t you love it when a plan comes together?” smiled Ginger.

“Plan? What plan?” I asked.

Sarah shifted a little, “Well, you see, when I told Ginger about your proposal and our arrangement she asked to see a picture of you guys. The instant she saw it she got all horny.”

“Your wife is so fucking hot!” Ginger growled. “I just had to get my hands on her!”

“And your mouth too, you naughty slut!” teased Sarah.

“Especially my mouth!” Ginger said lasciviously.

“And I’m glad she did!” said Lexi, squeezing my cock, “She has the most amazing tongue!”

They started kissing again and my cock responded at the sight of my wife and a smoking hot redhead in a passionate embrace.

“Oh, look! He’s ready for another go!” said Ginger as she pointed at me.

“Indeed!” replied Lexi. “Shall we watch as my husband fucks your girlfriend?”

“I think that is an excellent idea!” said Ginger.

I moved over top of Sarah once more and she welcomed me in. As my reinvigorated cock slipped into her, Lexi and Ginger provided a ‘blow-by-blow’ commentary for us all. Their descriptions bordered on the ridiculous as they tried to put our actions into words.

“Never mind them,” Sarah said, turning my face to hers. “Just put a baby in me!” Our eyes locked as I concentrated on the task at hand. I have to admit, I was beginning to tire and it showed, I hadn’t had this sort of demand put on my sexual performance since Lexi and I were first married. Sarah noticed my tiring as well so she rolled us over so I was on my back.

As she positioned herself over me, she looked at my wife, “I love the way your husband’s cock fills me so nicely!” she purred.

“I can tell,” said Lexi. She and Ginger moved so that the more petite redhead was seated cross-legged in Lexi’s lap and my wife's hands were on her pussy. “Come on, baby, make a baby for us!” she cooed as Sarah sank herself onto me. Soon, our breathing was ragged and I felt myself nearing the peak once more. My hips instinctively surged upward to impale my shaft into this pretty young woman as far as they could and my seed was well and truly implanted into her.

Sarah did not slow down her writhing and, despite having had orgasms in rather quick succession, I was able to retain my firmness long enough for her to reach her peak shortly after mine. Sated, she flopped down on top of me, our arms wrapped around each other as our bodies heaved from the exertion.

I felt the bed shift as Lexi and Ginger joined us. I opened my eyes just in time to see my wife’s face above me, lowering towards me until our lips touched. “Baby, that was so fucking hot!” she whispered.

Then Ginger whispered to Sarah, “That looked like fun!”

“Maybe you should try it sometime,” Sarah responded. That got Lexi’s attention.

“Maybe you should,” she said, “but not until after Will does the job he’s here to do! I don’t want him wasting any of his little swimmers until we’re pregnant!”

“Don’t make promises you aren’t willing to keep!” said Ginger. We all laughed again and my mind went immediately to an unbidden image of Ginger on her knees in front of me and my cum running down her chin. It was almost enough to get me hard again.

We all lay together in a jumble of bodies, arms, and legs until I had to relieve myself. One by one we rolled out of bed, did our business, and returned to the bedroom to try to put ourselves together. Ginger was last to go and as she came back into the room, she said, “I just had a neat idea!”

“Do tell,” said Sarah.

“Seeing as how you guys will need to be doing it a few times a day for the next few days, why don’t we just stay here for the weekend?”

Lexi must have been thinking the same thing, “I think that’s an excellent idea! That way, Will and Sarah can get busy whenever they need to and I get to watch!”

“I didn’t know you were into voyeurism!” I interjected.

“I had never really thought about it,” she replied. “But now that I’ve watched you guys, I like it! A lot!” She leaned over and kissed me. “What do you say?”

“I’m in!” I said and the three women’s eyes brightened.

“And maybe after you’re done putting a baby into Sarah’s belly, I can watch you with Ginger!” said Lexi.

“That’s the best Idea so far,” growled Ginger.

And so it went from Friday to Sunday. Sarah moved into our bed and we fucked every chance we got. By the end of the weekend, I was certain that if I hadn’t gotten Sarah pregnant by now I probably never would. Lexi and Ginger took the spare room and pretty much every time Sarah and I started, they started right afterward.

On Sunday evening, after one last coupling, we gathered up their things and sent them on their way to await the outcome of the upcoming pregnancy tests.

“Quite a weekend,” I said to Lexi as we stripped the sheets from our bed.

“Oh my God, I would never have believed all that if you had told me.” She came to me for a nice long soft kiss. “I had no idea about girls but now that I've done it, I want to keep doing it!”

“Ginger seemed to like being with you,” I said.

“She is awesome! But I really want to get back together with Sarah. She was my first and I want to go back to that well again.” She kissed me again. “How about you, do you want to get together with Ginger?” She knew the answer, I had never made any secrets about my penchant for redheads. She had even dyed her hair once for our anniversary.

I can’t even think about that right now,” I said. “Sarah fucked the life right out of me!” Lexi looked a little disappointed.

“You mean you don’t have anything left for me?” she pouted.

“I always have something left for you!” I said as I pulled her close.

Written by CaressofSteel
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